Matatodos Gaming
Matatodos Gaming
Matatodos Gaming
I will show you the best way to build things for maximum efficiency and to leverage game mechanics to the extreme.

I combine decades of gaming experience with 20 years of corporate experience building the most efficient systems and processes in the world.

I play management and strategy-type games including
Oxygen Not Included
Cities Skylines

and more

@Wenkebach 4 дня назад
is your brightness jacked up?
@MatatodosGaming 4 дня назад
Got a new monitor and was messing with settings so it's a little high
@fitz12ify 5 дней назад
I would put territory claim as a ship mechanic to make having navies usefull. Like late renaissanse ships, frigate and privatier. And it could be a civ power to have caravels have that property (like for example to Spain civ ability), I would limit it to 1 charge per ship. Also have a causus belli tied to it like if someone settles land you claimed you can take that city 0 grievances. Also add blockades and embargoes. Blockades as a mean to again make navies useful (and also a causus belli that the recipient of the blockade can use to start a just only naval war). And embargoes as a diplomatic mechanism. Also the ability to sell units to city states and weak civs in order to help them withstand a stonger foe. And a coastal fortress that can give harbors the ability to shoot and defend.
@MatatodosGaming 5 дней назад
Great adds!
@Chris-cc6jq 5 дней назад
Great vid. Direct to the point. Thank you.
@MatatodosGaming 5 дней назад
Thanks, Chris!
@gandelgerlant565 5 дней назад
I dont want to be too negative, but i feel like this video just repeats the mantra of "You need to better understand mechanics", which is a tad vague, and definitely not a secret.
@MatatodosGaming 5 дней назад
Appreciate the feedback. I see alot of people new and old to civ talking about the game that don't understand it, which is in part why I made the video. A video deep diving into every mechanic would be many hours long, so I didn't see that as a viable or correct approach. The intent was to introduce the idea of mechanics to people not thinking about it that way and then point everyone to the board for a holistic list of Civ 6 specific mechanics that people could use to analyze their own understanding of the game and where they need to improve. I'll think about what I can do better next video. In the meantime, if you have specific questions about mechanics or a game scenario you're trying to improve, I'm happy to reply with more specific advice. I've also got videos on specific mechanics like attacking cities, using trade routes, moving armies, and others that deep dive on specific mechanics and will make future videos in a similar style deep diving on a particular mechanic
@gandelgerlant565 5 дней назад
@@MatatodosGaming I understand you, I just felt that the video was too long for what it was conveying, as you ended up repeating yourself a lot. I would even mind the clickbait if it was YT short.
@rafaellouro2144 6 дней назад
Im 34y I played Civ2,3,4,5 and 6 Civ 6 is garbage, you spend all game managing workers. Then you need to manage writers, musicians, archeologist, missionaries, military enginers bla bla bla bla bla bla Combat needs complete overhaul. Civilization now is more like manage tiles simulator than an actual strategy game. Chop banana! Chop forest to build satellite to the moon! Absolute GARBAGE Manage "governors" manage "policies" It needs the fast expand, automated workers, and the corruption/government system of Civ3 It needs the combat, culture system, policy system, of civ4 It needs the hex system of CIV 5 and 6
@MatatodosGaming 6 дней назад
I agree alot of what you called out is tedious and I'd love to see it more fun. There's not much in the game that is less fun to me than trying to manage culture and great works. That said, I've enjoyed 6 enough to keep playing. I do like your callouts from previous versions too. I'd love to see that game 🙂
@darknessdarkrai4549 8 дней назад
0:00 The intro is just disingenuous. I've gotten many deity victories without any war. 4:07 Taking multiple cities at the same time is better, if you have a large enough army for it. 1:22 While having more units is more helpful, of course, having higher combat strength units is more effective, in my experience at least. 4:44 Mounted units are good for pillaging, and also what you said there is suppose. Pillaging is a VERY important part of war in civ 6 btw. 5:52 siege weapons just don't work the way you've said here. They don't allow extra damage to walls. Battering rams allow melee units to bypass ancient walls, and siege towers allow melee units to bypass medieval walls. You can see which type of wall a city has by looking at it's blue wall strength, 100 is ancient and 200 is medieval. Once a city has renaissance walls or urban defences, siege weaponry or planes must be used. 7:00 They will attack the unit with the lowest combat strength who would take the most damage from a city strike, and damage lowers the effective combat strength of a unit. 8:06 It should be said that this defensive bonus doesn't work for ranged attacks. 8:53 The AI (generally, it's happened once in my dozens of games) doesn't attempt to take back cities that you've captured. There will be no attack on the city. Taking with a weak unit so they get the extra city center healing a turn earlier is still good advice. One thing you missed as well, hills allow ranged units (and city strikes) to get +1 range, but they still can't shoot beyond their stated range. For example, an archer on a hill can shoot a unit two squares away with a hill in between them. If the archer was on flat land they could not. This is helpful for where to place siege units around a city as well.
@MatatodosGaming 8 дней назад
The great thing about civ is you can play it many different ways and be successful. I didn't say you have to attack cities to win. I've won games with no war as well. Having some basic city attack tactics in your toolbelt is good no matter what type of victory you're going for. Good callout on using mounted to pillage. I don't do that very often unless I'm going to raze the city. Siege weapons have a bombard strength which is higher than their melee strength against cities. Battering rams do not allow units to bypass walls. They allow units to do full damage to walls but the walls will stand in the way of doing full damage to the city garrison. The meat shield works and is a valid tactic for keeping full strength siege in the fight against the AI. Hills do not give any units extra range. What they do is elevate units to give line of sight over obstacles on flat land, so if there's a forest on flat land in between your ranged unit and the city, getting on a hill allows that unit to attack over the forest.
@D0TSAE 10 дней назад
Esse video me ajudou demais, obrigado :D
@MatatodosGaming 8 дней назад
Fico feliz em ouvir isso
@ofiravigad1129 11 дней назад
Nice video game, you have a really good voice! Do you wanna come play with us on our server, we are always looking for great players!
@MatatodosGaming 10 дней назад
Thanks for the feedback. I don't do much multi-player, but I know enough to know it's way different. I'm down if the timing works, but y'all will crush me 🤣.
@almastidyatlov9641 11 дней назад
Great advice! I mostly play Civ 5, but once or twice a year I go on a Civ 6 binge. Playing relatively seldom, and oftentimes at least semi-peacefully, means I never mastered combat. This proved useful for that.
@MatatodosGaming 11 дней назад
Glad it was useful!
@paungchandal2788 11 дней назад
Thank you for this insightful guide, it does help me.
@MatatodosGaming 11 дней назад
Glad it was helpful.
@aaad2341 12 дней назад
Thank you for a very good vid good info and whats really good you spoke clearly cheers
@MatatodosGaming 12 дней назад
Thanks for the feedback! I'll do smaller, topical Bellwright content in the near future.
@WokeSoulja31 13 дней назад
I like Civ
@MatatodosGaming 13 дней назад
It's a great game!
@MatatodosGaming 13 дней назад
For mounted units, they are treated like melee in terms of zone of control. I also didn't talk about bombers as my games rarely make it to bombers unless I'm going for a science victory (In which case I'm not doing much attacking in the modern era). Bombers are a great way to siege cities in the late game. They are protected from ground units except AA and can attack over large ranges without having to move.
@benw8005 14 дней назад
Ey dude, love what your doing. Been struggling on deity wars lately and was looking for a guide on RU-vid until I came accross your last video. Followed instantly after I watched it. Keep up the good work.
@MatatodosGaming 14 дней назад
Thanks for the endorsement!
@mehmetunal9731 16 дней назад
The last bit was too helpful🎉
@MatatodosGaming 16 дней назад
Glad it was helpful
@tech-tok2973 21 день назад
Subdivision of hex tiles: More detailed map design; More customisation and strategy involved in placing districts and wonders; For example districts are still 1 hex tiles or 7 sub hex tiles, but if there is a line mountains or sea you need to shift it by one or two subdivisions over to a clear area. Resources would also be the same meaning you have the option to either develop an area with all 7 tiles with resources for optimal benefit or maybe only get 71% or 57% to accommodate a full district tile next to it
@MatatodosGaming 21 день назад
Sounds interesting!
@dirtymaghrebin3280 21 день назад
My top of Feature Wishlist : - Having your voice in the game as narrator
@MatatodosGaming 21 день назад
I'll call Firaxis and let em know. 😁
@szymenxd1 21 день назад
Maybe it's just me, but I don't really like the scale of wonders and districts in relation to the general map size. Space between cities gets incredibly crowded in late game. Maybe they could tweak the game in a way that the most optimal spacing between cities would be increased by like 50-100%?
@ghaizann8960 21 день назад
Yeah, one of the things I find fun in civ is the tile management, and the late game becomes tedious because of the clutter
@MatatodosGaming 21 день назад
I love this. Late game looks like one giant urban sprawl city 🤣
@DonutTracks 21 день назад
I agree with everything you said. I hope this hypothetical "big bridge" wonder has a big canal to go with it. Maybe instead turn bridges and canals into a less restricted district, for example to connect the canal to a city 5 tiles inland, or to just make the panama canal equivalent bigger in the first place. It's a pretty long canal, and maybe bridges can get the same treatment. I would also like to see better modding ability. For example, easier custom unit appearances. I rarely ever see custom-modelled units in the workshop, and any that I do see usually look horrible. I doubt this is a lack of modelling skill on the community's part, because I'm seeing all of these wonder mods everywhere. Any custom units I typically see, reuse the existing in-game models. Another issue modders ran into is district placement restrictions. As far as I understand, the only restrictions available for custom districts are the ones already in the game. So if someone wanted to have some kind of urban city district, but restricted to fresh water tiles only, they can't. The best they can do is to have the same restrictions as aqueducts, so you wouldn't be able to have it near the coast without mountain or maybe next to a canal, which may clearly have access to a lake just out of reach. It's specific, but small changes like making districts have the same placement customization as wonders can make a huge difference for modders, albeit probably not for vanilla players. Thanks for reading.
@MatatodosGaming 21 день назад
Those are some great additions!
@alexdavila1356 24 дня назад
Damn, i didnt consider i can send a remote city resources this way to grow it faster so it becomes useful.
@MatatodosGaming 23 дня назад
It's great for new or remote cities, especially when you can connect to one of your well established cities.
@KrazyKlips 25 дней назад
Great explanation 👌. No BS. LOVE IT
@MatatodosGaming 24 дня назад
Thanks for the feedback!
@JB-324 Месяц назад
Nice vid! Very help
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Glad it helped!
@JB-324 Месяц назад
Great vid! More would be awesome!
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
More to come!
@humaneatingrobot Месяц назад
That city placement at 8 minutes... you took a lot of tundra into your city to settle on that marble when you could have settled a little more north and gotten plenty of resources in your first ring of tiles. Including that marble.
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
I chose that spot because it allows me to get the culture from the marble right away while working one of the 3 food marsh tiles. It gives me a second 3 food tile in the inner circle and 2x cows 1 tile out that are each 3 food with no improvements. It also looks like there is coast above, meaning there aren't many land tiles up there before the ocean, and I wanted to leave enough land tiles for a solid city to the north. The tundra will be filled with districts and wonders so the lower yields there won't impact me. With a governor's plaza in the center, I'll have a nice wheel with a +4 harbor, +4 commercial district, +2 campus, and a +4 theater (up to +10 if I situate 3 wonders around it). In the short term, the tundra tiles won't affect the city at all because there are good tiles to the north that will be worked until I start popping out districts.
@ogrebloodchief Месяц назад
These videos are helpful.
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Glad to hear that!
@Lilpiktdude Месяц назад
Bro i had no idea sieging was even a thing 🥲
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Makes taking a city much easier!
@Jun-jd2xz Месяц назад
Great expl! Thx
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Glad it helped!
@Benzema117 2 месяца назад
Great video I usually go for Slinger first and then base on what i see i go for either the settler or a warrior
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
I'm similar. First is almost always slinger and second depends on what I see up to that point.
@Benzema117 2 месяца назад
Great video, easy to understand and straight to the point I had my doubts about this mechanic until watching this video, thanks
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Glad it helped!
@kilo2492 2 месяца назад
Amazing vid. I feel so powerful now with this knowledge
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Get after it!
@ChromeKnight26 2 месяца назад
How do I destroy walls efficiently. Spent 30 turns attacking with crossbows
@MatatodosGaming 2 месяца назад
Siege will do more damage than ranged. Look at the attack value of your siege units and if it's not higher than the value of the walls, you are losing the tech race.
@LucasDarkGiygas 2 месяца назад
thanks for the video
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Glad it helped!
@budson54 3 месяца назад
Great explanation. I really dislike some of the CIV 6 contributors who talk incessantly about a subject all the while you are watching them play the game and there is no context between what they are saying and what they are showing while in play. Bravo Matados, please continue this trend.
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Thanks for the feedback! Trying to cut out the noise and BS is important to me.
@Mattilainen45 3 месяца назад
Great video. I learned a lot
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Glad it helped!
@andyanderson222 4 месяца назад
Great explanation! Thank you!
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Glad it helped!
@user-jm7rr2lt8e 5 месяцев назад
Awesome explanation!
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
@Fasterfingers 5 месяцев назад
What about horses??
@MatatodosGaming 5 месяцев назад
Works just the same.
@zaczaclee 5 месяцев назад
Your videos are gooood, underrated! Please make more and continue to grow, love the contents!
@MatatodosGaming 5 месяцев назад
Thanks! Trying to free up some time to be able to make more!
@jeremykraenzlein5975 5 месяцев назад
One of the toughest cities I ever attacked was built on the coast of an inland lake. Two of it's adjacent tiles were lake tiles, and I had no way to get a naval unit there because it was inland, so to keep that city under siege I had to keep two land units on those two lake tiles. This city also had built an encampment district on the other side of the lake, so both it and the city could bombard my helpless land units in the water, so they didn't last long. I eventually did take that city, but it took way too long, setting me back on other priorities and ultimately proving to be more trouble than it was worth.
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Every now and then the ai does a great job with city and encampment placement.
@Brickwinds 5 месяцев назад
Fantastic and concise. Only other things I would add are to create strategic roads and to establish trading posts in specific cities to extend the range of your future trade routes.
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Great add! I cycle through cities with early traders to build roads everywhere.
@user-it7dg4jq7c 6 месяцев назад
finally! someone explained siege mechanics! thnx
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Glad it was useful
@NikitaDugin 7 месяцев назад
You just got a subscriber there. Short, to the point, not waisting my time. Love you, thank.
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Thanks for the feedback.
@nobodynothing282 7 месяцев назад
Zone of control works against enemy religious units also, even if not at war. Limiting them to 1 tile at a time. Germany hindered my theological invasion massively.
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Great point!
@Ray-cw3wu 7 месяцев назад
10/10 straight to the point
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Thanks for the feedback!
@Sheepmanthegoat1 7 месяцев назад
Simple, easy, straightforward. Ty very much
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
@Cloneee 8 месяцев назад
Straight to the point, no intro, no bullshit, just pure infomation ❤
@symetz 5 месяцев назад
No stupid "without further ado" I won't listen to anyone that says that
@MatatodosGaming Месяц назад
Thanks for the feedback!
@ninjatubes9219 21 день назад
Don’t forget our sponsor! Manscaped you need to cut ur balls now or some randomshit
@CrisTitanium 10 месяцев назад
10/10 explaining. Explained in 5 minutes what would take me 15 minutes to dissect and understand from the wiki
@MatatodosGaming 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for the feedback!
@Evokans 10 месяцев назад
Really helpful, thx
@MatatodosGaming 10 месяцев назад
Glad it helped!
@charleshood 10 месяцев назад
Very helpful, thanks for posting!
@MatatodosGaming 10 месяцев назад
Slinger first for me most of the time!