Dragon Age
Dragon Age
Dragon Age
Dragon Age: The Veilguard - Launches Oct. 31, 2024 | ESRB Rating: MATURE with Blood, Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, and Violence
Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance Trailer
14 дней назад
@starvedformana 9 часов назад
Can we agree that despite a terrible first trailer for this game it looks better with every trailer/deep dive since. Im not expecting the greatest game but at least the best Bioware game since Inquisition
@drdsasterify 9 часов назад
Ooohhh the Items screen looks so much like Origins! The nostalgia is hitting hard!
@kendalrosee 9 часов назад
this looks INCREDIBLE
@wladimiraga192 10 часов назад
California Fantasy
@josephrobles521 10 часов назад
when are the vids for the specializations coming? id really like to see that spellblade, everyone loves a lightsaber :)
@cloud380 10 часов назад
i guess every game studio is scared right now after concord lol looks way different than first trailer
@Liquid_Paper 11 часов назад
Yeah.. Im gonna need a demo to decide. Its still too iffy. UI looks too messy too.
@helioscv1481 11 часов назад
Why you use a Dragon Age name if this is not a Dragon Age? I think this is a fusion of Spiderman and Howard legacy. Bioware thats do this game is not the real Bioware is EA triying to make us feel nostalgic, but sorry EA , no way.
@sss-si5tl 11 часов назад
Every character looks like they are trying to be different part of a fashion show
@sss-si5tl 11 часов назад
Imagine all of this with Dragon Age Origin's art style and dark atmosphere.. I wish they never change Dragon Age to this high fantasy style where everything is trying to be magnificient but do not have identity.
@tidecaller8232 12 часов назад
Looks very Rook centric. Your companions doesn't feel like separate characters you bring along as much as they seem like different equipment and ability options for your Rook. On one hand I kinda like it. I always focus the most on my MC, giving them the best gear and being the most focused on the MC's progression, and always caring for the companions second. So making the MC and in this case Rook feel like even more of a powerhouse and the companions more like amplifiers might be a positive change. On the other hand it's way less customization and even less reason to be invested in your companions progression... I think I like it overall, but I will have to play it to know for sure. Still super hyped about the game
@Blade3W 12 часов назад
I can't wait for the premiere. I'll definitely play it on the first day.
@DarkRosse19 12 часов назад
its all good and everything but bro, the skeleton boss at the end is taken out of free chinese unity game ngl this is ridiculous how little effort they had put into mobs in this game and its a AAA product Dragon Age is not the same
@Error404-gz9vq 12 часов назад
Ahh I miss playing DA. Gonna replay all three games before tv comes out
@TheIrishGamerGuy 13 часов назад
MCU-tier smoothbrain quips/Bad Writing, Wannabe Overwatch Hero intro screens, and what looks akin to COD zombies if it was in a fantasy setting. If you put a gun to my head and told me take it or a bullet, I'll take the bullet now please 💀 Beyond cringe.
@kuregga 13 часов назад
Why your game is not available to buy in Türkiye?
@BrutalAce 13 часов назад
Looks nothing like Dragon Age. It's very bright, colorful, and cartoony with smooth skins and whatnot. The grim look of the dark fantasy RPG I used to love is gone, not to mention the darkspawn looked comical in yesterday's showcase. Expensive skill trees won't change this massive art direction downgrade. With God of War Ragnarok coming on PC and the rest of my backlog, I'll pick this up on massive sale or something. I'm not impressed by the silly art direction.
@stephan7379 14 часов назад
Looks fun! better then any trailer I've seen so far, good management options. still not a fan of the new art style. it's not terrible but so mainstream. needs a rough realistic edge
@hiro789k 14 часов назад
ポリコレ臭がする 残念だ
@PandaMaxRaido 14 часов назад
Nah, this series has fallen. Da: origins, Da: Inquisition and even DA: II are now just memories.
@ChiaroscuroPL 14 часов назад
the sound design and voice acting are absolutely on point
@coartneycarroll6666 14 часов назад
Walker Anna Thomas Lisa Harris Kevin
@viniciusbelem8928 15 часов назад
Why so purple?
@jerome6383 15 часов назад
Can we change the menu background or its colour or intensity? To me it feels strange as it is and the non-purple character clothes/skins seem kind of suffering in appearance.
@mpezu2144 16 часов назад
Will it be possible to change weapons and armor of companions to non-default ones?
@Silenthitman44 9 часов назад
You can change their armor and weapon
@TheHollyBeer 16 часов назад
Man, this is looking great. Good progression system is so important in RPGs.
@MyBlackSheep 16 часов назад
Who is the narrator? I love that deep deep voice!! EDIT: Brandon Gill !!
@221argento 16 часов назад
The game looks like some kind of online wanking for two pennies... This purple inventory just burns your eyes more than in The Outer Worlds-)) May the Morrigan forgive me for watching the demo of this fierce game-)) A bunch of clothes on the same character with all sorts of frills and corners
@lorenzo_cgi 18 часов назад
How many abilities each companions can have in entire game? i counted that Lucanis and Neve have five abilities on their skill tree. So for the ENTIRE game they will continue use the same abilities? the only thing you can do is add more passives to them? I hope that i am wrong, because if is like this , is more like what happen in a multiplayer game then a rpg . Another thing why i need a skill tree so big when i can have only 3 slot avaible and another for the ultimate? Why have to sacrifice so much of my progression? i mean the progression is one the foundamental of a rpg game and you are reducing the possibility to showcase in a combat
@Roland1405 10 часов назад
2:32 They literally said you can change your ability's anytime out of combat.
@lorenzo_cgi 9 часов назад
​@@Roland1405 i know , but it's not the same to have a switch button during the combat for other three abilities or more like in the previous dragon age games .... in veliguard you have to sacrifice an ability for another because you have only three slot. In dragon age inquisition you had to press LT and you had already three abilities avaible, so other three slot. So my point is why i have a skill tree so big for my character and i have only three slot? It means that the abilities will be few and the rest there will be traits and passives? that's sad and bad and is more like a multiplayer game . It's not dragon age game anymore
@lorenzo_cgi 9 часов назад
@@Roland1405 Imaging to have a mage , with only three spell and an ulti... and you have to wait everytime to finish the combat to change your abilities ... where is the fun to it?
@Roland1405 9 часов назад
@@lorenzo_cgi You have the ability's of your companions, ultimate ability's, combos, passives and enchantments. Sounds like a lot of fun without being overloaded to me. All you have to do is think about the type of enemy you will face in your next mission and choose accordingly. In the higher levels of the DAI most people used the same ability, the strongest they had, regardless of the others that were available to them. So this is actually more dynamical then that.
@Gabor-92 18 часов назад
You have convinced me now I will definitely not buy it
@SlayerSeraph 19 часов назад
Don't mean to be negative, but I still *really* can't stand Nadia. Don't like her overly expository character, her poor writing, her annoying voice acting and her edgy overly self-important personality. I wish they haven't selected her as the main character. Also I feel like the Podcast Series could really benefit from a Narrator/Writer type writing and less sharp character POV swaps. The voices got all jumbled and samey/similar at one point - I could hardly tell who's speaking when...
@erinu881 19 часов назад
They literally copied the whole interface from AC Odyssey and the skill tree from AC Valhalla.
@Middle6Age6Warr6 19 часов назад
Whoever chose the art style should be fired.
@Anna.K.. 19 часов назад
27:41 Coles English Voice? 😂
@Riri_734 19 часов назад
Only 3 skill slots is a questionable move. Everyone is just gonna equip the 3 meta skills for the entire game. Having to frequently swap in and out skills is tedious in the long run and counterintuitive to gaming. Why not assign a second skill bar to the secondary weapon so players effectively have 6 skill slots by weapon swapping.
@edgundaker5982 19 часов назад
Never played the game but notice a lot of hype about it. Ok it looks pretty but nothing special. I assume all the gaga must be for an excellent storyline? But only suckers pre-order ANY game.
@thomasb2031 17 часов назад
there is clearly zero hype
@marcogiordanella7795 9 часов назад
@@thomasb2031it’s just bots and shills trying to artificially create hype
@IgalZeifman_me 19 часов назад
I was put off by the curated gameplay videos, but this got me interested again.
@umcamperdesniper5746 19 часов назад
the beginning is giving me vietnam flashbacks from those undead in redcliffe on DAO lmfao
@user-mn5vn1mc7f 20 часов назад
Shut up and take my money hehe
@saben4336 20 часов назад
Well It looks like DAI was my last DA ...
@ASTIGINGTUBE 21 час назад
Did you seriously remove the ability to wear separate boots and glove, pants for your main character as well as the ability to wear headgear for your companions too!?
@n3utr0n3 21 час назад
BioWare, shame on you for taken a decade to make another long awaited epilogue in this series!! You’ve set the bar so how ppl been playing knock offs just to get by!! The two games that came out in 2009 that change gaming for me, demon souls and dragon age!! However this looks epic in the approach and refreshing! Im leaving candy in the bucket and won’t answer the door! I digress
@Andeijogando 21 час назад
this looks exactly like that kind of game that you play only because it's on ps plus/game pass and you're bored waiting for the next good game