Blow Fan
Blow Fan
Blow Fan

Jonathan Blow gives relationship advice
5 месяцев назад
Jonathan Blow shops for keyboards
6 месяцев назад
Jonathan Blow on AI art and tech
6 месяцев назад
Will Jonathan Blow's next game be a success?
6 месяцев назад
Jonathan Blow criticizes Valve
Год назад
Jonathan Blow plays Kredolis Demo
2 года назад
Jonathan Blow plays Tunic
2 года назад
@diegofloor 2 часа назад
The difference between CPUs and GPUs is also stage of development. CPUs did eventually converge and found common ground, but GPUs are still constantly evolving. Not too long ago they were still only for graphics, and they are slowly becoming parallel computing units. My point is, I think GPUs will eventually converge into a more static architecture. Then we might start seeing some quality of life improvements to shader programming.
@aenpien 4 часа назад
Live service has absolutely nothing to do with piracy. Companies do live service games because 1. If a game is successful, it is less of a risk to keep adding content to it over time and monetizing it, rather than creating a new game every time which may or may not be successful. Live service is less risk and more stable and predictable as a long term revenue stream. Big companies LOVE stable revenue streams. 2. Live service lends itself well to monetization methods that have been shown to be highly profitable (microtransactions), more profitable per effort than selling a whole new game
@sirhenrystalwart8303 13 часов назад
Formatters are just petty tyrants for the inflexible mind. Nobody insists all their co-workers speak in exact same non-regional american accent (indeed that would racist!). But for some reason that love for diversity flies out the window when they spot a missing space.
@ParkRegenerated 2 дня назад
his whining is almost impressive
@bruhirl1023 2 дня назад
How is he so funny
@Waffle4569 2 дня назад
Visual Studio with C# is amazing. Visual Studio with C++ makes me want to use Notepad.
@raychrash5139 2 дня назад
I don't know if it falls under the same category, but it's insane how many people give up on some problems just because it's not their "job/speciality" or because they dont know the solution from their experience, it's not about knowing the solution, but to learn how to find it.
@joelpeterson4997 2 дня назад
I think he is right. I also think he does a poor job of explaining why he is right. But it's useful information.
@groggod666 2 дня назад
For the reactionary everything is a matter of consciousness and will.
@desktorp 3 дня назад
The short answer should just be "Bloat". A custom made engine has the potential to be orders of magnitude more efficient than a general purpose software suite like Unreal, Unity, Godot, etc.. but that depends on the talent of the programmer(s). That's why Doom can run on practically anything, but if you remake Doom using Unity, it will be enormous and slow by comparison.
@FloKorp86 3 дня назад
Is this guy on Windows!?!?
@salce_with_onion 4 дня назад
This is such an example of "I sit in my chair and program for 100 hours" looks like. Why haven't we built new and exciting buildings? Because when building finishes construction, no one is pogging about it on twitter. Why dont we built like Hoover dam 2? And who needs it? Regardless if we even have place or not, what good its gonna do? Same lunar landings- unless we find a stable source of water and materials up there it is all just yapping. When american warmachine won any wars? Maybe say thanks that we are not a radioactive dust? Brainrot is everywhere! Gen Z is failing! Gen A is DOOOOOOOMED! Good Lord, can stand people like this.
@ArksideGames 4 дня назад
The problem with AI isn't the jobs, the problem is copyright theft, blatant infringement on rights.
@emperorpingusmathchannel5365 4 дня назад
I agree 100% with what he's saying. But I'm unsure if he's coming from a place of resentment and insecurity or from genuine harsh compassion. Which I dont really vibe with.
@emperorpingusmathchannel5365 4 дня назад
Jon has the satisfyingly harsh demeanor that Andrew tate. But the difference is he is an actually smart and wise guy that speaks actual helpful advice.
@PHONKY777-cg7qq 4 дня назад
Agreed 100%. Recently I have discovered that I can shoot 8:7 with GoPro, and how amazing these videos look. It feels like I am in the moment, I don’t understand why movies are all wide instead of 4:3 or 8:7
@Saghaley 5 дней назад
that's a cool ass lamp what the hell
@rubyciide5542 5 дней назад
Why do people lie about skills being dependent on the amount of time put in , my dude let me tell you some real shit me and my friend literally was puttng in almost the samw amount of time learning to code , i got my eyes fucked up i cant even read properly now, my whole health is messed up i dont even move out of my chair unless its time for food or something , he acquired skills and i acquired a fked up body, life doesn't treat you equally my guy there can be a dude who learn more skills with 5hours put in than a dude who put in a whole damn week, life is all luck
@dan-cj1rr 6 дней назад
yea well i dont want to be the best programmer, give me my money im off after 7 hours bye, theres more to life than typing on a computer
@colinclean 6 дней назад
This is probably the result of valve having a certain incentive structure that rewards employees for working on new things more than refining existing products. I think this is why their older games aren't very well supported. On the other hand a company like riot has a very narrow focus on League of Legends, Valorant, so on and trying to maximize the potential of just a few projects while slowly expanding.
@insidiousmaximus 7 дней назад
Thank goodness he didn't actually go the Dr disrespect route 3:13
@ArksideGames 7 дней назад
You sire, are speaking my language!
@abuDA-bt6ei 7 дней назад
Not gonna watch the video but the answer is that people are trying to put a bandaid fix on the symptoms while ignoring the root cause. Think, could climate change have existed 200 years, ago? 500 years ago? It’s literally just the result of extreme industrialization, an unnatural plague on the world. Let’s just go from riding horses to using 1 billion gas guzzling cars to get us to our jobs. Then let’s pretend that we can “fix the problem” by protesting and Greta thunberg. We can all save the planet using our individual choice to not use cars, it’ll work! No it won’t idiot. Are you all so blind? The current industrialized world literally runs on the fuel the creates the problem in the first place. If the world stays this way, it never changes. Your little protests and activism’s do nothing. “We need to save the animals from going extinct when we killed 99% of their population for our own gain to begin with”. 😂😂. Industrialization is the epitome of human greed, taken to %1000000. It’ll result in the melting of the ice caps that sink into the ocean and flood the world. Our greed and sin will cause all of our deaths, just like the great flood which occurs in the Bible. It was already written.
@barterjke 8 дней назад
it scares me a little. I will buy game for sure, but i finished all puzzles in braid by myself except one, in witness I skipped probably one of a third, because some puzzles are hidden, some puzzles can't be solved at certain step, and some are too rigged or difficult (I'm sorry, musical section, it's just too much). And I definitely liked Braid more. Braid was an experience, witness was a puzzle game.
@insidiousmaximus 8 дней назад
The more I watch of Jblow the less I understand how such stupid people find themselves on his chat. What are they even doing there? The questions he gets are beyond idiotic 95% of the time. Are they kids??
@insidiousmaximus 8 дней назад
Where would the test grounds be for a nuclear reactor... 😂😂😂 Man how dumb are people????
@adammontgomery7980 8 дней назад
Capital gains taxes stifle investment. Taxes on the unrealized gains will stop investment in its tracks. Owning a home would be a liability at that point.
@rp627 9 дней назад
dang, emacs is struggling on..... text size??
@Sasha-rl6lv 9 дней назад
Would be faster if he used LSP
@drew-et1mm 9 дней назад
3:11 yeah.
@rp627 10 дней назад
this looks sooo boring. my god. how is this popular..? reminds me of fallout, without the aesthetic nor humor, and far more randomness (random abyss?? LOL. explosion?)
@rp627 10 дней назад
this is all i need in life. J just critiquing the crap out of pop games. He's so keen on bad design! lmao, how bad is it if you skip the intro video by accident! i can't believe these issues still exist.
@rp627 10 дней назад
you work for years to make your masterpiece, just to see it blatantly copied, all the way down to the stacks of boards, without the good gameplay. ugh. originators should be able to sue
@rp627 10 дней назад
"portal 2 is not a good puzzle game". hahahahah. thank goodness. that had to be said.
@rp627 10 дней назад
J keeps it 100, 100% of the time.
@rp627 10 дней назад
i dunno about climate change, but i can ensure jon is right about the homeless problem of SF. the shelters are prisons, isolated in some random terrible spot in downtown, next to liquor stores, staffed by people who are completely alienated from what's going on, most often hired far away from the city, similar to how the police are hired. prisons are businesses.
@rp627 10 дней назад
LOL at the end clip. that summed it up perfectly.
@rp627 10 дней назад
46.2% women for fall 2023... the gender ratio for going to coffee shops would be more useful ;) www.colorado.edu/oda/sites/default/files/attached-files/overallprofilefa23.pdf
@rp627 10 дней назад
jon's rants are satisfying
@llRoBoBinHoll 10 дней назад
Is the guy who has put out 2 medium sized projects in over 15 years really the expert on productivity?🤔
@gatotsu2501 11 дней назад
He’s not wrong about the design being lazy but “THIS THROWAWAY DETAIL IN A VIDEO GAME IS UNREALISTIC, DEVS ARE HACKS” is possibly the most Autism Speaks video game criticism of all time
@VashVenus 12 дней назад
There was a lot of lore about having to shoot yourself in the head. The whole story with this game is dope
@douglewis7067 12 дней назад
Artistic decisions are very subjective. I definitely fit into the camp of people who felt let down by his decision here and I wouldn't recommend the game to others as I'd expect them to find it deeply disappointing for the same reason. At least listening to this, I can see the half finished story in the game and how he chose to walk away from it. The Witness is simultaneously the most beautiful and unsatisfying game I've played, but he made his choices and I can't objectively tell him he's wrong.
@gustavcoetzee5018 13 дней назад
I begged neih i pleaded. Js cannot do this. Cannot does not exist in the mind which delegates but only in those that execute. I really loved programming. Now i love grants wiskey.
@gustavcoetzee5018 13 дней назад
Software went wrong the day project managers realised they can make money from your work.
@gustavcoetzee5018 13 дней назад
G damn unit. Man can make trail mix with pixels... you be full. I am saying.
@gustavcoetzee5018 13 дней назад
I like this dude. He be so long i dont tell lies. Saturated af. Bad ass mother who dont take no bull feom no one Where is my lucky egg
@gustavcoetzee5018 14 дней назад
Living the pipedream 😂
@peterSobieraj 14 дней назад
I'm exosted after 8h / day of work. But I use to love 16h / day working on my own projects.
@gustavcoetzee5018 15 дней назад
If you really want to know. You will know. But remember there is no not knowing after that occured. It. Is much darker. To understand will take everything. But you will also see how it could not take less