Dancing Philosophy
Dancing Philosophy
Dancing Philosophy
"Thinking has to be learned … as a kind of dancing."
Nietzsche, 'Twilight of the Idols'

The premise of this channel is that one can 'do philosophy' in visual media other than the written word, as exemplified in the video essays from 2003 - 2008. Nietzsche's philosophy is a constant inspiration, but more recently the climate crisis and other environmental issues demand attention.
@TheJimBehuniak 15 дней назад
Love it!
@priscilacarvalho3780 3 месяца назад
Amazing work. Thanks!
@TheNoblot 5 месяцев назад
individuals and the madding crowd / collectivism individualism ? reason why an exceptional men is always himself /however the triangle of technological progress TESLA the inventor Edison the merchant ,Morgan the banker
@meesalikeu 5 месяцев назад
this is great, but the best thing is every time the guy says eye ron. 😂
@peterstickland5166 5 месяцев назад
beautiful. Thank you
@brevenbell 6 месяцев назад
thank you, comin' in from FNS.
@giuseppemazza847 6 месяцев назад
@TheNoblot 7 месяцев назад
why put Jewish writer say only his name otherwise you are confusing the public and no help to him placing him as if he was a scientific product on a drawer with a brand labeled. perhaps he wants to be free form brands & labels by people that did not really know him.
@meesalikeu 5 месяцев назад
you’re kidding me, right? because most of his wanderings, career and death itself had everything to do with him being a jew.
@214santanu 9 месяцев назад
Speechless!!! Thanks a ton for this well-researched documentary . Genuinely a Literary Montage. So many misconceptions are hereby rectified and the idea of A Flaneur couldn't have been conceptualized without this background study. If possible please make some more videos on this issue.
@davidmcqueen7797 9 месяцев назад
This is brilliant. Thank you for making this meticulously researched piece - a huge amount of work but this a really beautiful and insightful video essay.
@_PanchoVilla 11 месяцев назад
This is too groovy. 😂
@MrSpinoza10 Год назад
Fella, definitely a Glasgow shuffle going on there.
@mikern2001 Год назад
Much better than the Boulez performance on RU-vid.
@grahamparkes Год назад
I agree, much better. I didn't know the orchestra or conductor, but they have a great feel for this piece.
@stefandorr3623 Год назад
Nice moves bro :) felt that
@ryokan9120 Год назад
Hi, is there a link to this Jordan Peterson video?
@grahamparkes Год назад
Good question! Sorry, I didn't make it clear: I haven't yet finished 'JP's Lethal Mis-Take', but I'll be uploading it as soon as I can. The JP video I'm responding to is called 'Back Off, Oh [sic.] Masters of the Universe'.
@ryokan9120 Год назад
@@grahamparkes Thanks for responding! PS- I'll be forever grateful to you for your translation of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. You provided more explanatory notes than any previous translator and it's thanks to those notes that I had a better understanding of the text than I had with previous translations. Curiously is there a particular commentary to TSZ that you'd recommend?
@grahamparkes Год назад
@@ryokan9120 Many thanks for your kind words. I still think that Laurence Lampert's book 'Nietzsche's Teaching' is the best companion for reading TSZ.
@Liisa3139 Год назад
Cool, man!!!
@OldScientist Год назад
There is no climate breakdown. The Earth was warmer in the recent and distant past.
@OldScientist Год назад
There is nothing much to avoid. Globally the ACE index (accumulated cyclone energy) 1980-2021 shows no increasing trend. Global Hurricane Landfalls 1970-2021 (updated from Weinkle et al, 2012) shows no trend. Satellite data since 1980 shows a slight downward global trend for total hurricaine numbers with 2021 being a record low year. The IPCC reports in AR6, chapter 11, "The total global frequency of TC [tropical cyclone] formation will decrease or remain unchanged with increasing global warming (medium confidence)." Multidecadal variability in Atlantic hurricaines is most probably related to the AMO (Vecchi et al, 2021). NOAA data 1851-2021 shows no trend in number of hurricaine landfalls with the record high being 1886. What the data from NOAA SPC shows about tornados: EF1-EF5 (1954-2022) no trend; EF3-EF5 (most destructive) (1954-2022) 50% decline. No EF5s in US since 2013 (a record absence). The Global Land Precipitation Anomaly from AR5 will disappoint with deviations from the average increasing by 0.2% per decade, but if you look at the actual data, it's just very variable over the decades. Drought appears to be decreasing globally (Watts et al, 2018) measured by SPI 1901-2017. For every million people on earth, annual deaths from climate-related causes (extreme temperature, drought, flood, storms, wildfires) declined 98%--from an average of 247 per year during the 1920s to 2.5 in per year during the 2010s. Data on disaster deaths come from (EM-DAT, CRED / UCLouvain, Brussels,Belgium. ) Globally 2000-2019 there was a large decrease in cold-related deaths and a moderate increase in heat-related deaths (Zhao, 2021, Lancet). However, coldwaves are over 9 times more likely to kill than heatwaves, so the overall result is very beneficial. What else? Oh, deserts like the Sahara have shrunk considerably and the Earth has greened by 15% or more in a human lifetime (NASA). On extinction the rate is very low: 900 known lost species for 2.1 million known species in 500 years. At that frequency it will take over 930,000 years to reach 80% extinction of species experienced at the K-T boundary that saw the extinction of the dinosaurs. There is no climate crisis.
@ryokan9120 Год назад
I'm not disputing or disagreeing with what you're saying, but if what you're saying is true, why is it that the vast majority of climate scientists believe in man-made global warming?
@OldScientist Год назад
@@ryokan9120 I'm one of them. Human activities add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.
@ryokan9120 Год назад
@@OldScientist Hi, I suppose what I should have said was the vast majority of climate scientists believe there is a climate crisis (or so that's what the media are telling us) but in your comment, you stated there is no climate crisis. So that's why people like me get confused and we don't know what to believe. Also, I've noticed the people who preach about the climate emergency tend to be the people who regularly fly around the world, whilst telling the rest of us that we're terrible people and perhaps that's turned me into a skeptic (though not a denier).
@OldScientist Год назад
@@ryokan9120 The world's leading climate scientists are given that title by cynical politicians. Also they do not essentially write the final version of the IPCC reports that get such a big splash in the media. It is reverse engineered. The summary for policymakers is thrashed out by a very large group of politicos. Line by line. Remember, these are not scientists, but government lackies. Then they go back to information the scientists gave them and change it. The scientific statements must conform to the political ones, not the other way around. Then abracadabra you've got yourself a climate emergency. Please be aware that the IPCC's (Scenario A) modelled predictions are junk. Back in 1990 they predicted a warming of 0.30-0.34°C per decade. Of course we've only had 0.13°C per decade, which is well below the IPCC's lower bound of 0.20°. IPCC’s business-as-usual scenario was founded on the assumption that CO2 emissions would increase by 10-20% by 2025. The truth, however, is that global CO2 emissions are not 20% above their 1990 level but 60% above it! But there is still no crisis just an unexciting set of observations. All the climate models run too hot, 100% of them. The attribution of all warming to human activity by the IPCC is junk science as well. Take AR5: that says all observed warming (0.66°C) since 1950 is due solely to combined anthropogenic forcing (Fig. 10.5, IPCC core writing team, page 6). This relies upon modelling, or rather multi-modelling. In fact when you lift the curtain it relies on 15 models (Fig. 10.4, page 882). These models are all over the place. The models' results are not consistent with the assumption that there is a clear connection between GHGs and warming. GISS-EH-2 is particularly 'not well constrained' as the terminology goes. "Scaling factors" then have to be applied so things fit with the HadCRUT dataset. Some of the scaling factors are even negative!!! So many scientists/politicians may have reached a consensus, but the science on which that has been built shows no such agreement.
@oliverhugemark Год назад
Such an exquisite evocation!
@TrggrWarning Год назад
In North America due to “fruitful planes” ready for corn and its delightful GMO syrup differs from woodland clearing elsewhere on the planet. That began during the agricultural revolution, yikes! You seem to think individual development is somehow opposed to a greater good. Perhaps you are saying individual development is so alien they become incapable of contributing because they can’t even fathom humanity! This is western?! hahaha take the aid and charity we have given and wars imposed on us good and bad with you to hell… all for nothing
@TrggrWarning Год назад
You appear to not see the opiate crisis that merely served as a primer for fentanyl zombies shuffling around America. How convenient to wear the British cap when it suits you, we had another thankless war against them. Thanks! Or WWII also thankless, awesome! China was given the better part of American and the world’s manufacturing base, exploitive yes! Good for planet doubtful, centralized greater good for china? Perhaps… like Chinas Cultural Revolution! Sure it was brutal but bonus it was largely against western influence! This sounds like a better idea to consider… we can start with smug self righteous misleading academics
@neuemilch8318 Год назад
Well made
@jonathanmarty1354 Год назад
This is so wonderful! Thank you for making + uploading it.
@gopnik5111 Год назад
dont know how i got here, but this slaps haha
@danielcarvalho1321 Год назад
cool vid
@yashsingh4211 Год назад
A masterpiece !!!
@lucyweir5923 Год назад
Brilliant. This should be in the inbox of every foreign office in the global North . Now, take the power back: how? Because , while I agree that power has never before been so concentrated in the hands of so few, even during revolutions, it reaggregates around a small elite, does it not? I wondered long if federalism might be the answer to keep power low, as it were - but my experience of living a remote area in rural Ireland was of even that low power base favouring its own. How do you blind justice, I wonder? Great ideas here, great dancing too - although I’d challenge you to a dance off! Thanks for this and I’ll share it widely.
@suzannemurphy2431 Год назад
Thank you so much for being my first subscription, I had allowed myself to be too technologically challenged for far too long! This is beautiful work
Would Nietzsche really have been shaken by things like the Holocaust? Although he was not anti-semitic, he loved despising "the herd", and it's not like most of those Jews weren't part of the "mediocre masses" in one way or the other. What would he care if the common man is slaughtering himself, even if his cause is one he was against?
@grahamparkes Год назад
Many thanks for your questions. I said that I think Nietzsche would have been shaken if he could have seen how the National Socialists co-opted his ideas in the 1920s and 1930s, and that (even though he called himself 'dynamite') it would have been sobering for him to see the consequences of his writings being misused in that way. As for the Holocaust, I don't see how anyone who isn't anti-Semitic could fail to be deeply shaken by such an event. Nietzsche did have contempt for 'the herd', but, as I emphasised in the chapter 'Owning up to the Shadow', that' may be justifiable as long as one has come to terms with 'the rabble' in oneself first. And you must admit that he did his best to shake people out of the herd mentality.
@badlord9095 Год назад
@harry2ndye552 Год назад
you are the best
@harry2ndye552 Год назад
this is by far the greatest video on youtube
@glenrastel9526 Год назад
Thank you for dancing philosophy, I love your measured approach, it is both soothing and emboldening. Bon courage!
@nxgrs74 Год назад
Fact 1: Remove the Earth’s atmosphere or even just the GreenHouse Gases and the Earth becomes much like the Moon, no water vapor or clouds, no ice or snow, no oceans, no vegetation, no 30% albedo becoming a barren rock ball, hot^3 (400 K) on the lit side, cold^3 (100 K) on the dark. At our distance from the Sun space is hot (394 K) not cold (5 K). That’s NOT what the Radiative GreenHouse Effect theory says. EVIDENCE: RGHE theory “288 K w - 255 K w/o = a 33 C colder ice ball Earth” 255 K assumes w/o keeps 30% albedo, an assumption akin to criminal fraud. Nikolov “Airless Celestial Bodies” Kramm “Moon as test bed for Earth” UCLA Diviner lunar mission data Int’l Space Station HVAC design for lit side of 250 F. (ISS web site) Astronaut backpack life support w/ AC and cool water tubing underwear. (Space Discovery Center) Fact 2: The GHGs require “extra” energy upwelling from a surface radiating as a black body. EVIDENCE: According to the K-T atmospheric power flux balance, numerous clones and SURFRAD the GHGs must absorb an “extra” 396/333/63 W/m^2 LWIR energy upwelling from the surface allegedly radiating as a black body. These graphics contain egregious arithmetic and thermodynamic errors. See ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-0Jijw7-YG-U.html Fact 3: Because of the significant non-radiative, i.e. kinetic, heat transfer processes of the contiguous participating atmospheric molecules the surface cannot upwell “extra” energy as a black body. EVIDENCE: As demonstrated by experiment, the gold standard of classical science. For the experimental write up see: principia-scientific.org/debunking-the-greenhouse-gas-theory-with-a-boiling-water-pot/ CONCLUSION: No RGHE, no GHG warming, no CAGW or mankind/CO2 driven climate change.
@Eduardorodrch Год назад
The video that youtube needed thank you !
@jillwagner7788 Год назад
This is the coolest philosopher!! 😎💕
@grahamparkes Год назад
Many thanks -- need to let my daughter know about this.
@sarahflavel2508 2 года назад
This is hands down, one of the best stories I’ve heard!
@grahamparkes Год назад
And what's more, it's true!
@danielbatelli879 2 года назад
Thank you mr. Parkes, you have no idea how these material is usefull for my research! 😊
@titchysalmon 2 года назад
This is fabulous, Graham. 😀
@grahamparkes 2 года назад
Thanks for your kind words: one never knows …
@Platocat100 2 года назад
I’m so glad that he became a philosopher because he was by far the most inspiring professor that I have ever had. I actually slowed down on following the Grateful Dead in college because I didn’t want to miss one of his lectures.😄
@grahamparkes 2 года назад
Yikes! Never my intention to discourage anyone from following those guys: Long live the Dead! Thanks for the encouragement.
@Platocat100 2 года назад
What great timing I have. To have come across this fascinating video just a day after it was posted. I love this!
@ryokan9120 2 года назад
Another brilliant video. Not sure why it's unlisted though?
@grahamparkes 2 года назад
Many thanks for your kind words. It's taken a long time to set up, but now I'm finally making this video (and others) public - in the hope that the views will get into double figures!
@ryokan9120 2 года назад
@@grahamparkes You're very welcome. And congratulations on your outstanding translation of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. You succeeded in making Nietzsche dance again.
@ryokan9120 2 года назад
Absolutely brilliant. How desperately unfortunate, that this video only has 6 views.
@grahamparkes 3 года назад
Many thanks for your kind comment. I have the 'footage' for a longer version and a script sketched out, but the resolution of the images from my old video camera is poor, relative to today's cameras, and so I hesitate to put in the time. I think about going back and following that road again with a better camera. Yes, the sight of that nuclear power plant shocked me, too: a real challenge to find the beauty in that!
@stephenleach1152 3 года назад
As a lover of Basho's diaries, and of the natural world he wrote so beautifully about, I found this little piece both eye-opening and heart-breaking. To end this film at the site of a nuclear power plant is painfully jarring. I almost hesitate to ask: since this is a "preview," will there be a longer version to come?