Explore the universe of gaming as I espouse my knowledge, thoughts, and love of history and gaming through my videos. I typically play War Thunder, but produce occasional Kerbal Space Program content as well as Starcraft II and some other games.

Gaijin Verification
@BlueLightningHawk Минуту назад
It's funny how many people drive right up to you when all they had to do was keep their distance lmao
@BonJovi1987Fan 5 минут назад
1 or 2 days ago I destroyed a Churchill AVRE in a 1.7 br match and I once I saw it before it neutralized it, I realized that it must be new and literally I neutralized it using a 37mm gun aiming down the barrel of the new Churchill AVRE and then above my tv screen it said Target Destroyed, and I was completely surprised that I actually neutralized one on the first battle against it.
@MJA-0330 6 минут назад
This tank is just dumb 😂😂😂
@ErichVonKraut 17 минут назад
I killed three of these in two days. The first with a Grant, the second and third I got in one game driving a Swedish trumpet.
@Tourkofagosss 20 минут назад
Whats the setting to scale the range of the optics while zooming in?
@TheAutisticHomoSapien 22 минуты назад
39 buried 0 found
@AstroGamer_da_real 22 минуты назад
max range: 140m
@tribblefluffer 19 минут назад
You mean Max Range: Pray for city map :P
@dylanking-1036 23 минуты назад
@TheAutisticHomoSapien 23 минуты назад
@valiantsoldier548 2 часа назад
How to adapt: Select 12 v 12 and j out until you get a 12 v 12 match.
@SainnQ 4 часа назад
I wish they would've given it it's experimental autoloader. Fuck that half minute reload. Or even better it's goofy prototype APFSDS rounds
@dc-vw4qm 6 часов назад
I dont care if its not the best plane, its pure sex and I love it
@andrewmoore6577 10 часов назад
I say they fix navel and add subs and cold war ships even newer ships make it fun because as it is I've played like 10 matches and it's boring
@eageraurora879 11 часов назад
I think the t 35 in recent months suffers from takign explosive damage. If a enemy tank has an explosive shell its just going to 1 tap KO your crew
@user-dv5qx5kv2o 15 часов назад
The Hull armor should be better
@simpletrailers1161 17 часов назад
I'll dodge these missiles by not playing air rb anymore.
@minerkosk9786 19 часов назад
damn no Japanese :/
@bignickenergy2042 21 час назад
Can someone tell me how my firefly can’t frontal pen a kv1 at a distance of 20m with multiple shots? I feel like if is angled at all it is better than a tiger at bouncing shots
@dasveetm4379 22 часа назад
The grind to obtain these wonder weapons will be very painful. For the average or casual player I think it will be very off putting to even attempt it. Spawn and killed in the first 5 minutes? Fun. What about those who try to help the grind by bombing? Nope, obliterated before you even get near the target. New players coming into the BR will get even more frustrated and give it up. In R/L the AIM-120 has a successful combat record (around 20 launches with 13 kills), the Russian R-77 is being used in Ukraine, but I could not find any kill/launch data. Maybe if ECM was added to the game to degrade radar performance, the "magic bullet" effect would be reduced.
@Tymptra 22 часа назад
It wont kill war thunder cause most players never reach these types of planes :/
@House_of_Schmidt День назад
Air RB either needs a rework or need the addition of Air RB EC. Warthunder's game modes feel like the game's still in a beta.
@jfc3552 День назад
lol this vautour have airspawn at 8.3 and israel vautour (jetbomber) have only airfield spawn at 9.0
@macroefish День назад
i just got demolished by this thing....... i saw some ppl getting killed on map by some heavy tank so i thought id go take him out. charged around the corner to take him, i richo'd. saw the turret and i thought.... what the hell.....im dead.... yep i was dead. got him though with me stug when i spawned
@sn0lder День назад
early cold war is my favorite era of warthunder, perfect fun
@Hadgerz День назад
i don't see any way they're ever going to flesh out the mid-game/ww2 vehicles...since they've seen how much money they can make off of it, they only care about bringing in top tier halo vehicles because it pressures people to buy the top tier premiums, that's it. That's why they walked back their 'promise' of not bringing in top tier premiums.
@diegeradekurve6223 День назад
Easy Solution dont play Air RB nowadays :)
@marocho129 День назад
You know your tank is slow as hell when a Maus has the benefit of mobility over you.
@user-nd7fn5it5m День назад
Every time Gaijin adds a new mechanic they fundamentally break the game.
@nichendrix День назад
Sincerely I really hope that tactic becomes an important part of War Thunder at least onde you get to the point you start using better missiles. The WW2 era vehicles usually demand morre tactics to get kills, but once you get better missiles, you start adopting unrealistic gameplay styles, like multipathing, miisle jousting, or spamming flares and chaff, or getting in gun range with the enemy. These are not how Mörder combat should be, most planes can't fly at Supersonic speeds with a full weapons load and at 100m from the ground. Nost planes would hip its wings and blow their engines try to NG to do this for more than a couple minutes, the few that can do it have spealised terrain following radas with dedicated autopilot that makes correction so the meat ball pilotin it don't lose control and smash it on the ground, the Tornado, the B-1B, the F-15E Striking Eagle (the air to ground variant of the F-15) até among the few that could sustain flying that low for longer periods of time. Countermeasure AR used tactically so it maximizes the chance of it successfully defeating the missile. Missile jousting isn't a thing, either you have a good lock and pull the trigger or you don't. The average height of War Thnde combat is bellow 2000m while most jet action from the 50s to now happens above 5000-6000m, heck even in WWII Dive bombers started their dive from 12000ft and it ended at about 6000ft. This never happens in War Thunder. Also most planes after the Vietnam War have some degree of ECM capability to make the chance os missiles hiting harder. If the game introduced Wild Weasel and AWACS and Electronic Warfare planes I would be great. One fo the wildest tales from the operation Desert Storm was when a F-111E, the EW variant of the aadvark, that had now weapons whatsoever, managed to kill 3 Iraq Mirage F1s just using their Electronic warfare and making a great use of its terrain following radars, speed and wide range of maneuverability due to its variable geometry wings, and the fact that it was a moonless night on the Iraqi desert to avoind missiles, or to make them go astray due to ECM, condusing enemy radars and other sensors so they they would attempt maneuvers at such low altitude that no plane without a terrain following radar could manage to do and send them crashing to the ground. 3 ou of 4 Iraqi Mirage F1s found their way to the ground trying to maneuver just a few hundred meters from the ground. The third went out of missiles and the. Went away. And for guns, after Vietnam very few gun kills happened, most of them by Israeli Airforce. Só it would be a great opportunity to break a little from the 16v16 PVP cage deathmatch it is today, towards a more interesting meta. But I don't hold many hopes for Gaijin to ever attempt to make this game so good. Their policy is just good enough to keep us interested.
@zacharymarino8926 День назад
Hey, i recommend using ghe rectangular radar instead of the conical one. Its significantly easier to read
@nomikomaryu5049 День назад
A little fyi. These missiles are very evadable. Theres not a single missile out there that is invincible to evasive tactics. Honestly if you go watch Aero Turtle who has been doing a lot of Fox-3 bvr encounters you'll see he evades them pretty easily. Now these missiles are still a lot more dangerous and irl had a 80%pk. Tjing is that just means youre gonna need a lot more skill to evade these missiles than what you were doing before. Think of it this way. You need to have the skill to somehow make yourself become that 20% the pk doesnt go over, fire your own missile or even merge to then to either continue a bfm dogfight or extend to go after a secondary target.
@CyberneticArgumentCreator День назад
I constantly forget that air battles exist so I doubt it will doom anything for me.
@Your_Average_Warthunderer День назад
It's a Catch 22 While on one hand it'll be great for the game. But at the same time it'll ruin the game. Me personally I want them to come to top tier Air RB but in order to save it they need a different game mode where they are not available. Or maybe even a Strategic game mode which requires skill to come out on top instead of just clicking away like that line of slot machines hoping they get a kill or two.
@CasualClinkz День назад
does the bulldozer blade not do anything for protection? feels like it should be a big hunk of metal that protects from the front
@treyfloyd6003 День назад
Gotta remember it doesn't have to be 16v16 anymore And most aircraft can only guide 2 missiles if not then 1(unless you're and f14 and you can guide 6)
@earshoes3282 День назад
This thing completely ruins playing the game at BR 2. It's impenetrable. Who cares it has a short range weapon? Have you seen the maps this game is played on? I just got off the game after hitting these things at least 8 times with HEAT rounds in the face. Are you supposed to retreat across the map while shooting it as it chases you? I actually hit the gun multiple times too. No big deal, ignores those, runs up to you and one shots you. After the fourth game with these things dominating the whole match in five minutes, I quit. Good news is, I grind the game for free. I can't imagine how pissed off I'd be if I was paying for this shit.
@therealdeniedgift День назад
Why cant air RB have SP so we can spawn more than just once? Top tier most of the time is takeoff simulator anyway
@fireextinguisher7404 День назад
That’s the thing too, these are medium range missiles. All of these new missiles have less range than the Phoenix and r27er
@USSWISCONSIN64 День назад
Am i turtle enough for the turtle club? Turtle Turtle.... :D
@supurnova1134 День назад
Skill is still going to be required it's just going to shift from skill in offensive dogfighting to defensive BVR, and it's going to be hard for a lot of people due to gaijin encouraging hugging the ground so much I barely see anyone who's able to competently engage in a BVR fight. But it can be learned and it can be mastered, and I heavily agree with @sgtj
@williamkwl6153 День назад
People doing defensive bvr with their 2 stock IR missile be like:
@yayeetlitkid2093 День назад
they should have kept multipathing at 100M or even buff it to 150M to make fox 3s not completly broken and for stock grinds at up teirs to still be not that bad
@zacharymarino8926 День назад
Someone doesn't want to learn to defend
@DigitalShaolin 22 часа назад
@@zacharymarino8926have fun going cold against 3 different missiles at the same time lmao
@zacharymarino8926 21 час назад
@@DigitalShaolin My man, you vouch to make the fly-low IR furball meta even more powerful and render BVR even more impossible than it already was. The multipathing change exists to make BVR possible at all
@cycodragon2412 День назад
Honestly in close quarters this tank makes corner peaking easier since it's really short
@sandrales98 День назад
i only play the game for the modern planes... idc about the rest i come from dcs i have thousands of hours in that game and i wanted something to relax with... and i picked warthunder i bought immediately 2 planes the mig 23 ml and the f4s and im almost top tier usa and i got the mig 29 and su 27 in a couple weeks so its a comftable grind for me tho and imo due to the multipathing defeating missiles and everything in top tier was never the issue i saw another video and he brought a good argument... the problem is less the new missiles its more the amount of players... if you have matchmaking with 8v8 or 10v10 or so you have less of a clusterfrick and more time to react and keep SA... and ofc they can throw in some ww or early cold war stuff but i think they mostly have made everything there is in that era ... its mostly the modern era that isnt build yet so they have to do that tho
@vincentle3722 День назад
When talking about adapting, needing more chaff and flares are seen for a lot of allied nations with jets with hundreds of countermeasures while russain ones only get around 90 max, will that ever change for the russain jets?
@phenomagator День назад
The fact that this game still doesn't have a serious combined arms game mode is a tragedy. Imagine a real battle front that lasts weeks or months and updates based on which side captures what or who destroys the correct objectives first. Every game mode is just search and destroy from call of duty in disguise, pretending to be a different game mode.
@Bandit0313 День назад
You suffer in air because of missiles, I suffer because I’m a GRB main and the maps have 0 cover and is plagued with spawn camping. We are not the same.
@D4nger_CLO5E День назад
I played the Dev Server extensively and tested the 120, 77 and MICA. What I found is the burn time and energy retention on these missile is not the be all end all, their max speed is M4 and they never reach that speed unless you're very very fast and high. They are after all just the first versions of them, it's the latter versions that will be a big step up. AIM-120 C7 and D versions, R-77M, Meteor.....AIM-260 or R-37M if they ever show up. The AIM-120A and R-77's ideal launch range on the dev seemed to be around 22 - 24km. With this range I found just going cold (turning away) and maintaining your speed with using NO chaff you can beat all of them easily. Add chaff and notching to the mix and this update actually puts all the top jets on a level field instead of AIM-7M vs R-27ER :/
@VectorGhost День назад
The r27er in no way should be as good as they are
@honzavasicek 17 часов назад
You know damn well once russians starts losing in BVR and wont have longest, range, most pulling fastest BVR missile, gaijin will go and slap in R-77-1 from 2015 vs amraam A from start of 90s. The performance of R-77 on dev was already OVER what was observed in india when it got actually deployed in combat where it totally failed to meet numbers russians sold it with. There is reason russians never used base version of R-77. That thing was absolute SHIT and gaijin is AGAIN using propaganda numbers for russian tech.
@champaris2610 День назад
If only it had the upgraded engine
@Pupa787 День назад
"The Maus is going to win, he has the benefit of Mobility" That might be the first time anyone has ever said that lol
@daisukekazumi2399 День назад
Seems like a lot of skill issue. Just defend, and keep pushing the enemy off. Easy as that