Ginny Di
Ginny Di
Ginny Di
Подписаться 663 тыс.
I'm Ginny Di: Singer, RU-vidr, cosplayer, tabletop gaming nerd! On this channel, you'll find advice for tabletop players and game masters, character-building tools for creatives, music videos, and more.

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✉️ For sponsorship inquiries: GinnyDi@ellify.com
Do Artificers REALLY belong in D&D?
14 дней назад
5 straight minutes of Vicious Mockery 🎶
2 месяца назад
F**k it, let D&D players fight gods
2 месяца назад
The struggle of playing D&D with ADHD
2 месяца назад
The most useless dice I own
2 месяца назад
I ran a D&D game for ONE player
2 месяца назад
My D&D character killed her dad
4 месяца назад
How to make shopping in D&D not suck
4 месяца назад
I FINALLY got my parents to play D&D
5 месяцев назад
Make your Big Bad a Lich
6 месяцев назад
A better ending for Curse of Strahd
7 месяцев назад
Recreating my D&D characters in Baldur's Gate 3
8 месяцев назад
Roleplaying high & low stats in D&D
8 месяцев назад
Making D&D backstories ACTUALLY matter
8 месяцев назад
Shopkeep... but it's a playable character
9 месяцев назад
Inside the world of a professional D&D YouTuber
10 месяцев назад
Let's make a D&D character journal!
10 месяцев назад
Master THIS skill to be a better DM
10 месяцев назад
@daemonikkateylarii9731 21 час назад
@GinnyDi, would you make a "How players can help new DMs fall in love with D&D"? Because some of the experienced players can be rather intimidating to brand new DM's, especially the 'rules lawyer' type of players who love to object to every decision that the new DM might put into play.
@EightThreeEight 21 час назад
1:13 You have excellent taste in board games, Ginny.
@MrRedgrin 22 часа назад
I'd like to add to this: make sure your character suits the rest of the table. In other words, if you want to be funny, make sure other players will find it funny. Kenku are notorious for being annoying, but for shits and grins I decided to play a Kenku bard named Sickriff as his "name" was a guitar riff. Since I'm fluent in Movie Quotes, I was able to be mostly coherent and add to character interactions (especially since my party mostly shares my sense of humour). Sure, some of his lines were anachronistic (such as demanding an NPC identity themselves with "new phone, who dis?") but my GM found it funny enough to let it slide.
@wondermuttperez255 22 часа назад
Good video and great points. Pathfinder adventure paths have player guides that give a lot of those initial issues.
@pancakefi 22 часа назад
Mine lived a full life then got lost in the feywild and due to some magic shenanigans lost his memories and became a 6 year old who got adopted by a paladin order after a fey creature just like dropped him there. Now hes 21, wants to figure out where he came from. He's also a white dragonborn, an absolute himbo and loves pickles. AND he got a pseudo dragon as a pet after recusing it. (He accidentally blew up the room it was in and jumped out of a window to save it. Absolutely ate shit and faceplanted against the wall)
@WhatIfBrigade 22 часа назад
I also like collaboration for building the party. As a GM, trying to tie together several unrelated motivationa and backstories is annoying. Especially for a group of long time friends who know each other well, saying they are strangers is nearly impossible for them to role play. Group write the team into the world.
@theheavymetaldm 23 часа назад
I can confirm: I'm one of those GMs that has two amazing campaigns running where everyone is happy, fully invested and having a blast. We do exist 🎉
@nabra97 23 часа назад
My DM's explanation is that they probably have a house rule that turning into a CR 0 creature doesn't use whild shape. I mean, we have quite a few crazy house rules too, and it works for us, why wouldn't other people do something like that?
@llewinidas День назад
Great points and this is exactly why I think paid DMs play a really important role in the community! Its the best way to guarantee the DM and the group are on the same page when your local player pool isn't fitting the bill.
@willburns7329 День назад
I love creating weird items for PCs to find creative ways to use: a decanter of endless ale or a sword that screams whenever it is unsheathed can provide benefits but they aren't just flat bonuses and they also have drawbacks
@korotoni День назад
Hi Ginny! it was one of your videos that convinced me to try DMing a few years back, and this video reminded me that I am doing okay and it's okay to have the needs I have in order to run a good game. All these points are fantastic! I'll be sharing this video with my group. On that last point where these tips can be used for any DM: I have found that accommodations for one actually benefit ALL. It really is magic, haha! At work, if I request visuals during a meeting so I can see a slide deck of whatever is being discussed, others will now have that resource too. At the table, if I need a break because I am feeling overwhelmed, others can now take a break to process stuff too. I try to frame accommodation requests as, 'these are the tools I need to be the best version of myself at this task/place/role."
@rollwithnate День назад
Thank you, I'm so over this cliche!
@plumeofacat9485 День назад
Are you stalking my life? I litterally thinking about theses problems while the video was published! XD (took me a while to find a moment to watch it peacefully) Though, I can't help both wonder...asking what they want won't spoil some of the discovering for the players?
@tysondennis1016 День назад
Penelope is damn cute!
@peterstoric6560 День назад
The rule of cool overthrows any standard dnd rule
@LCCWPresents День назад
My favorite puzzle is from zee with the countdown room as a way to introduce the dungeon and make characters chill out
@brookejon3695 День назад
Having your players help choose what they're doing and how the game is going to unfold is a great idea. Unless 3/4 of your players lie to you and say they want to do something when they actually don't. Then everyone is doing something they don't want to do and everything falls apart within a month.
@herbertkraft7379 День назад
Gotta call out Rolling with Difficulta, where the arcane canon has chicken feet
@tomoxford8815 День назад
Good video, thanks :)
@robingaming21 День назад
people who still skipped it 👇👇👇👇
@josephrossow8901 День назад
I have had the exact sort of problem described by this Redditor. I planned sessions, NPCs, story arcs, gear, etc., only to have my players literally 'nope' out and run off to do their own thing. When I was personally confronted with this situation, I reminded myself that this exact situation is likely WHY my players were playing D&D. Because D&D gives players agency unparalleled in other games. I found I just had to embrace it. D&D is a collaborative story and if your players are collectively interested in pursuing something, let them do it. My players abandoned all the NPCs, towns and hand-drawn maps I'd made at the start of their adventure to blaze their own path. We ended up having a great campaign. The stories, NPCs, maps and events weren't at all what I'd initially outlined, but it was still a great time. If I were to make any comments here, it'd be that 1) If the players make the choice to blaze their own path, it's better to let them do that, as opposed to forcing them into your content. The second you force them into your story, you've taken away their agency and that's not great. 2) Improvisation is a skill NECESSARY for DM'ing. You cannot plan an adventure all in advance. Players will do player-things. Just because they didn't get invested in the story you wanted to tell doesn't mean they aren't invested in YOUR game. If the players are showing up to sessions, eager to play, you're doing a good job of DM'ing, regardless if the story was you initial vision or not.
@emmaflood232 День назад
I think its important that DMs remember they’re not writing a book for your players to read. I think including the players in the world building is such a great tip for this!
@GetsLonely День назад
Discussions like this have me continually referring to the question: what kind of fun do you and other players like? There's an idea in game design that came out many years ago, where they found 8 types of fun that people engage with, and then I read another great article by a D&D advice columnist (angry GM, Google it) that broke it down for TTRPG's. This is a useful framework for figuring out what your players like, and what they'll engage with. 1. Sensory pleasure - the knicknacks. Mood lighting, moving detailed minis around a map, great artwork in a source book, etc. 2. Fantasy - the pleasure of losing yourself in an imaginary world. Escapism, and immersion 3. Narrative - the fun of telling/experiencing a good story. There's structure in the way we tell stories, and some people have so much more fun when they can follow that framework. 4. Challenge: The players who want to be tested by difficult encounters, and win. You can't fudge rolls with these players, no matter how good of a story it could be, or they'll feel cheated. 5. Fellowship - The fun of teamwork, cooperation, and social interaction 6. Discovery - Exploring things is very fun for them. Putting treasure, lore, puzzles and traps in random places they can find is great, but it also has to be missable, or they'll feel cheated. 7. Expression - in some ways, it opposes discovery, but the fun of creating things that are unique to yourself, and character, and world. Asking players to help design their corner of the world, it can be incredibly fun to some, but can Rob discovery seekers of their fun. 8. Subjugation/Abnegation - That lazy hangout vibe where you're having fun by NOT putting in much effort. The people who like to just sit back and watch, without having to make lots of decisions. They like grinding levels in an MMO, mining tons of minerals in Minecraft, etc. So, those are the 8 types of fun, and everyone probably has their own tier list of which ones they prioritize. Most of us gravitate to 2-4 of these types of fun more than the rest.
@wyattclifton7270 День назад
I have an NPC in a game I’m running which is a kind of urban fantasy 1920s mafia type game, the NPC is that 12 year old daughter of there gangs bartender whose more intelligent then all of them put together k ones almost every language and can solve any math problem, but can’t read social cues at all.
@Kalladdin День назад
@lethalchicken1173 День назад
You're so good at coming up with specific examples of how to apply what you're discussing.
@mattcat83 День назад
Do Monks or Lovecraftian horrors belong in D&D? No, not if D&D is high Medieval fantasy. The reality of the fanbase however is that D&D has expanded its lore and themes so much that it's just unrecognizable fantasy schlock.
@kirarakurokawa8747 День назад
waiting for the "next time"
@olixfarwall7738 День назад
I need furthur advice on how to bring up such things in a campaign that's almost at 5 years full remote campaign- activity is incredibly sluggish - we use roll 20 but we cant keep people invested during game time.
@tysondennis1016 День назад
Here's what I do: Have the players give me their character backstories, then write the world around them. This way, I have a way to give everybody personal stakes, and make sure their backstories fit.
@lorekeeper685 День назад
I dont like 5e artificer It feels more like a shop? I guess
@tysondennis1016 День назад
I'm doing some homebrew, and I'm coming up with some really nasty tricks the BBEG can pull off. One of these would be enemies with player abilities. It's all fun and games until the beholder gets Silvery Barbs.
@chrisstoltz3648 День назад
I DM because I have a lot of story ideas that might become interesting books, but am too undisciplined to turn them into a proper narrative. It's easier to place people with a goal in an interesting premise, and find out with them how they resolve the conflict in that premise. I am also a control freak who has trouble talking to people outside of structured contexts like a game but enjoys being the center of attention.
@tysondennis1016 День назад
I'm homebrewing a dnd campaign, and I've made some adjustments to monster statblocks. That includes making the lich BBEG act like a lv 20 school of necromancy wizard, complete with spells you'd expect a wizard to bring. And his right-hand woman is a death knight who acts like a lv 20 oathbreaker paladin, with all that entails.
@N8ThaGr8r День назад
Thats why i like Fate as a ttrpg, it focuses on collaborative storytelling
@Spoopert День назад
her: dont bring to much stuff to dnd me: SPELL CARDS ARE A THING (They sound really cool to me idk)
@mooglebaby День назад
One of the first things I think about when creating characters is that catalyst. If I have no other backstory but a few sentences about *why* they adventure I know I have something to work with rp wise. I've also unintentionally created my own catalyst trope, and didn't even realize I was doing it until a friend pointed out that my last 4 characters all had similar issues. I call it the Missing Spouse. One character ending up in Barovia and doing all she could to get home to her husband, one character's wife left for reasons [that I never quite figured out] and he was searching the world to find her, another character was on a quest to find a new home for her tribe and ultimately settle into a peaceful life with her wife. My catalyst was always I want my spouse back. When I create a new character now, my friends ask me what's up with my spouse this time XD
@ineffablepsy День назад
Great message--and absolutely wonderful gas station review
@jonathonrosenthal4771 День назад
This was one of my favorite videos of yours. Excellent advice with very solid reasoning behind everything. Also I LOVED the commercial!
@florianmeganck3625 День назад
I usually add a puzzle or a code that my player has to decypher so I can take a breath in my duet game. Sometimes it's a simple substitution cypher with a few symbols that are already known... another time I handed him a parchment and lit a candle. And then when he figured out to hold the Paper above the candle a message in lemon juice appeared! I'm Lucky that my player really enjoys these puzzles!
@butcherpete2286 День назад
If I'm gonna do travel in a game, I make that a dedicated part of the game, personally. I either completely skip the travel, or the travel is a dedicated section of the game for RP opportunities and for encounters that play some role in the overall story I'm telling. Maybe they do run into bandits, but they're bandits that are horribly armed and clearly inexperienced at combat. The group does what they do, whatever. But then they get to the village and it turns out that the bandits were forcibly sent out to loot travelers from the roaming gang that's taken over the town.
@javidavi24 День назад
I dmed for the first time a few weeks ago, and two people dropped. Both were first time players, one of whom is a friend who was helping me by being a player. I tried not to let it get to me, but damn did I seriously wonder if I should even try again 😅
@ericjohansen7392 День назад
One of the most active if not most active DM tip channels on RU-vid thanks 🙏
@demonic_myst4503 День назад
i love what they did with tasha in 5e having her become less evil but still same character just sher maturing now mentalky and overcoming her past flaws is just fun writing for real old characters
@GoldenRtvrs18 День назад
I love it! So cute!
@GreedyDrunk92 2 дня назад
I can't imagine how people do all this heavy lifting. When i dm, it's always half random and strongly improvised. I use some choke points, that are unavoidable and more fleshed out, but for the most part, I'm just rolling with what players do, react to their shenanigans and throw in some plot hooks to advance the story
@sundaddy1077 2 дня назад
My character's backstory was basically a dwarf from a long lineage of battle wizards who is going to travel the world in search of arcana and to gain experience so he can be the next war mage. Now i am trying to save a long lost wizard trapped in the astral sea to get his help to destroy aberrations. I love how i could easily acquire a more solid goal through sessions despite my low effort backstory. Now i wanna flesh it out even more, and i wonder how things will play out! It is a campaign with a high character death chance though so i am also on edge lol
@noahgilbertson 2 дня назад
Writing that ad in Karlach’s voice was cruel bahaha
@akhasshativeritsol1950 2 дня назад
I had an NPC "bard" (homebrew class I called orator, ditching most of the more overt magic for a couple of fighter skills) who exclusively used conversation. He was a lawyer by training, and his bardic inspiration was all well-articulated heart felt compliments to the party
@Howa-ku4ec 2 дня назад
Now I want to play a bard in Final Fantasy lol.