This Jungian Life
This Jungian Life
This Jungian Life
Eavesdrop on three Jungian analysts as they engage in lively, sometimes irreverent conversations about a wide range of topics. Join them for discussion of news events, family dynamics, personal issues and more as they share what it’s like to see the world through the depth psychological lens provided by Carl Jung. Half of each episode is spent discussing a dream submitted by a listener. Lisa, Joseph and Deb went through their Jungian training together, becoming friends and developing working partnerships. Now they are engaged in a new creative venture with a spirit of adventure and hope you will join them.

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Escaping the Devouring Mother
11 часов назад
DRAGON: The Archetypal Monster and Ally Within
20 часов назад
Why Necessary Change Can Feel Wrong
День назад
How Chronic Pain Shapes The Shadow
21 день назад
The Psychological Origins of Loyalty
Месяц назад
Do We Need a Partner to Individuate?
Месяц назад
The Secret Life of a Woman's Soul
Месяц назад
How Symbols Reveal the Hidden Realms
Месяц назад
Месяц назад
Unmasking the Authentic Self
Месяц назад
When Projection Goes Wrong
2 месяца назад
Confronting Psychic Tornadoes
2 месяца назад
How to Shine Light on Shadow Work
2 месяца назад
Making Peace With The Inner Saboteur
3 месяца назад
SELF-SABOTAGE: Why We Do It and How To Stop It
3 месяца назад
@SyntropicWisdom 19 часов назад
Thank you Joseph for sharing such beautiful technique from your active practice with clients...
@tomaseriksson5430 22 часа назад
Very good discussion
@princeamu 23 часа назад
Super Mario
@princeamu День назад
Game of thrones
@cactusmandan4815 День назад
The dragon represents all those spiritual aspects but the most occultic truth is they originated in nature. Dragon archetypes are reminders when we look directly in the eyes of the reptiles of the past and overcame them. 🦕dinosaurs..... To trace the line to the point we must find the original point of that dragon and being a reptile is the hint. Humans have been around with Dinosaurs and that is proven in ancient sites like gobekli tepei. The fire 🔥 of the dragon is the lucifarian V eternal torch of transformation of life and death. The V specifically because it represents the Invisible force pin pointing to a specific single point. The ability to take life or give life. Dragons are taking the collective memory of dinosaurs and the fire of overcoming them represented by their inner ability to breathe fire and also symbolically representing the transformative process you would traditionally see as fire representing creatures in occultism like the newt. The fire of the dragon represents the same metamorphical change that is driving force of the transformation of the salamander or newt or frog. When it is being expressed In symbolic nature of the dragon, it represents the same nature that the Phoenix does. The overcoming of the reptile species was the metamorphic nature rechanneled by mirroring the eyes of the reptile and becoming in nature a part of them. We mirrored their behaviors to survive. That is why no matter where you are in life you have this deep inside you. Anything used mythologically or astrologically with the dragon cannot be the chain that binds the archetype to the human mind because we had to relate first to what a dragon reminded us of (ancient reptiles). Then you had priests and kabalists who created these stories using the dragon as symbolism. Their minds were the minds that help create the collective unconscious by the original interaction. The created mythology or imagery was sold to those who did not need to hold onto the collective memory, nor did they practice the rites to keep the knowledge of the time.
@Killane10 День назад
It is really amazing to me to listen to this and see all the answers to the world conflicts of today. But there is a frustration that this kind of conversation is not being expressed with regard to Israel, Gaza, Ukraine etc. It is much needed hete❤
@Killane10 День назад
I have a question. Your brilliant and wise❤ analysis of human behaviour totally resonates with me. Why isn't this wisdom being brought into the greater consciousness with regard to the conflicts in say Gaza and Ukraine? I can see so much of what you guys are describing manifesting into the lashing out we see with these conflicts
@VeraDurban День назад
I had a fascinating session with my psychologist, I told my friend about it and she suggested this podcast.. So I thought I would share here: (loooong read) I am 29, F from Durban South Africa.. For context I have CPTSD from multiple sexual traumas throughout my life, including a 5 year sexually abusive relationship which ended almost 6 years ago now. I am currently in a beautiful, happy healthy relationship with a very kind man, and I live with him and his dad at the moment. I have done a lot of work and healed alot. So my dream was this: The dream took place in the current time, so I was still happy in my current relationship, but I seemingly lived with my abusive ex, and had to break up with him again while my partner waited outside.. I often have dreams about trying to confront him, but this time he responded a lot better than usual- I told him very calmly that he is damaged and hurt me a lot and he said he understood, but I still felt like.. very scared that he was going to snap.. then I had to tell HIS dad that we were breaking up and I was moving out (I never actually lived with my ex) but then suddenly I realised I was telling my current partners dad that I was leaving and I was really sad to be breaking up with him instead.. next I was in a chaotic warehouse, it seemed like they were closing down because people were running around grabbing everything - and I rushed to one of the rooms with the intention to gather my mom's stuff - then I realised her stuff was all gone, at first I panicked thinking she would be cross, but then I felt a huge sense of relief that I didn't have to carry the stuff- what ever it was. The warehouse was huge, very tall walls and very grey and dingey So my initial understanding of the dream was that it related to my relationship some how and it sort of sent me spirling, feeling insecure in my relationship, realising that I felt disconnected from my partner since I moved in with him because we didnt spend enough quality time together - I was worried that I wasn't pulling my weight around the house and that he was put off by me now that he realised I was shit to live with, and I guess I was scared that the relationship was starting to feel similar to my previous one (which is ridiculous - they are not even remotely similar) The warehouse scene felt irrelevant and weird. So when I told my psychologist about the first half of the dream- she simply asked me whats the first word you think of, when you think of your current partner? and I said "gentle or kind" .. and your ex? I said "angry" and she asked me what is my experience with the concepts of gentlness and anger? I said I felt like I was struggling to let myself get angry, and that I was very proud of my own gentleness and. kindness- eventually I realised that I was struggling to integrate anger as an emotion without feeling like I was going lose my ability to be gentle- that the two were mutually exclusive maybe.. And after discussing further I went on to realise that all of this was because, as a child, my mother was very young and dysregulated and would often have fits of uncontrolled rage, that I spent a lot of time being scared of her, and learned to be scared of anger. at this point I realised what had triggered this: last week I borrowed a tea set of hers, which accidentally broke. I kept the tea set at my house and was scared to give it back to her- because I thought she would be so angry - I even cried to my partner multiple times about how guilty I felt, now, at 29years old. And because of the all-consuming intensity of her anger when I was younger, I sort of learned that when she was upset, or angry with me or anything really- that her anger became her- and her love would no longer exist.. I felt like in those moments, she didn't like me anymore, I wasn't her daughter, I was a burden- I had no sense of the foundational, consistent nature of love- So that's why I spiralled thinking my partner didn't love me anymore, that I felt disconnected and craved validation that he still loved me, even when day to day life felt "boring" (normal). I just thought it was crazy how that was all connected. Anyway, if you read this, I would love to explore the meaning of the warehouse scene a bit more too. and would really appreciate some opinions.
@rosycross3438 День назад
Joseph you are likely an initiate (or are very well and widely read). Love that exercise involving the heart/heart center.
@rosycross3438 День назад
Very interesting topic. Carl Jung has contributed tremendously towards the healing/wholeness of so many. His work which bridged psychology with esoteric concepts was quite monumental.
@Andrea-Rose День назад
@danielobryant День назад
Why is instinct characterized as regression and chaos? Nature brings an unconscious order and intelligence. Realignment with the wild animal is the path of healing because it returns us to our primal instincts which are only "dangerous" in the wrong context.
@danielobryant День назад
Primal instincts manifest in chaotic, ugly ways when natural drives are blocked and held in contempt. We need to do a better job at making space for wild energy. Calling it chaotic and dangerous displays a mistrust of nature
@nomadman5288 День назад
Even in the taming or befriending of the dragon, there is still a metaphorical death.
@Omrikai6594 День назад
It would be interesting to hear this topic discussed outside of the western dragon mythology. Despite being a mostly European-derived American, and being a fan of dragon-related media, I simply have never accepted this symbology; the old version of Disney's 'Pete's Dragon' had deeper significance in my childhood mind than every scary representation that seems to be the norm. To me, the western attitude has always felt like an iconified terror of one's natural intuitive power, and somehow a rejection/reversal of the process being discussed. Aside from this point of personal argument, I greatly enjoyed the discussion this clip was excerpted from.
@bostrickland4970 2 дня назад
@Gemtiger279 2 дня назад
I think medication may or may not be needed in the short and or over the longer term for unstable mood swings and fluctuations. It depends on the situation. There would be a full spectrum of situations and outcomes.
@Gemtiger279 2 дня назад
Overuse of screen time and social media may not be good for high and low moods.
@Gemtiger279 2 дня назад
Grounding techniques might be helpful for an overactive mind.
@Gemtiger279 2 дня назад
Relaxation exercises might help stabilise the mind. Progressive muscle relaxation. Mindfulness meditation. Mind body exercises like Hatha Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Pilates, deep slow belly or alternate nostril Pranayama breathwork. Listening to relaxing meditative music or sounds of Mother Nature. Spending time in Mother Nature.
@Gemtiger279 2 дня назад
Ketogenic diet can be good for Bipolar disorder. Orthomolecular nutrient treatment protocols for Bipolar disorder achieves 60% major improvement. 20% some improvement. 20% no improvement. According to clinical reports and evaluations. Amino acid supplements like taurine and gaba can have a calming effect on overactive minds. Lithium orotate supplementation can have a stabilising effect on fluctuating moods. Many natural and psychological therapies or spiritual practices can be good for Bipolar depression. Making your thinking more balanced and realistic might be helpful. Avoiding or minimising excessive or unrealistic positivity or negativity. Monitoring and keeping track of your moods might be helpful. Practicing an attitude of mindfulness and using its techniques might be helpful. Keeping a journal might be helpful.
@Gemtiger279 2 дня назад
Do I have Adhd and Bipolar disorder Or am I An Indigo child with my Astrology moon sign in Gemini?
@Gemtiger279 2 дня назад
My moods are sensitive to and influenced by Mother Earth. Gaia. 4 quarterly seasons. Monthly phases of the moon. Daily weather patterns. Cycles and rhythms of Mother Nature.
@LostSoulAscension 2 дня назад
It's great to see you all during the audio because I can watch or listen but it feels loke you're actually there. 😄
@001chelsie 3 дня назад
needed this ☺
@codyspinelli5609 3 дня назад
I made great effort to keep my inner child, but I still want to “grow up” to connect with others and live a real life. I desire a life of creativity and connection.
@lauragiles5193 3 дня назад
so interesting that this came out the day after Michaelmas -- the feast of St. Michael the Archangel slayer of the dragon. Michaelmas Poem from priest and poet Malcom Guite Michaelmas gales assail the waning year, And Michael’s scale is true, his blade is bright. He strips dead leaves; and leaves the living clear To flourish in the touch and reach of light. Archangel bring your balance, help me turn Upon this turning world with you and dance In the Great Dance. Draw near, help me discern, And trace the hidden grace in change and chance. Angel of fire, Love’s fierce radiance, Drive through the deep until the steep waves part, Undo the dragon’s sinuous influence And pierce the clotted darkness in my heart. Unchain the child you find there, break the spell And overthrow the tyrannies of Hell.
@adriandeutrom9092 3 дня назад
This is very good Wish you would say more of this.
@NolaCaffey 3 дня назад
Another word for "armoire" is "closet".
@christianpatton142 3 дня назад
@elizabethmansfield3609 3 дня назад
So far, this is a really interesting discussion. I really like MLvF, she expresses herself so clearly and always has something to say which is worth considering (even though the endemic misogyny of the day can be seen in hindsight, I can allow for that). While the speakers stress several times that the concept “god” can have many names, all the same, I think the use of that word is unfortunate. Quotes from this podcast, taken out of context, sound just any preacher looking to use their concept of god to oppress others. To discuss the main topic, here is my experience- after a meditation designed to alleviate trauma related dissociation, I now have in my psyche a fire ball of energy acting as a centre of self, around which all the so-called parts are organised. This energy is felt by me to be shining out of my eyes, heart but mainly from just above my navel. This felt centre of self is non-auto-biographical, non-gendered. I assume it is transpersonal.. does this give me a better innate sense of morality than, say, someone operating merely from a list of rules? I can tell you, the standard list of not lying, stealing, murdering etc is a very useful start to any sense of morality. I do have a strong sense of respect for others which precludes borderline dodgy acts, but that could come from a long and consciousness practice of loving kindness (a practice which failed to alleviate the effects of trauma, it has to be said, although I make no claims about whether I was any good at it). Do I value others now, more than I did before, when I was psychically fractured?before I had my list of rules, now it’s more natural, but am I any more moral? I really do not know.
@IsitReallyrealreally 3 дня назад
I am just beginning, at 47, to ride the dragon. It is mine to do so😊
@donfelder93 3 дня назад
I havent watched too far into the vidoe yet but in certain islamic text eve becomes a dragon and flies to the west
@1siddynickhead 3 дня назад
Thank you for bringing House of the Dragon in to this conversation. The Game of Thrones universe created by George RR Martin is very heavy with symbolism. Such a rich and layered story that is in line with Jungian theory. And yes, "Doheiras!" means "serve" in high Valarien..
@christophermcneela4493 3 дня назад
Dorothy discovers that the Wizard cannot grant her request to go home…ONLY she herSELF has the power….(and she’s had it the whole time all along). She clicks her feet which are her means of conveyance on her own path forward and not the fantasy path that she was on on the yellow brick road.
@thedreamsanctum2782 3 дня назад
When listening to the dream mentioned in the context of the dreamer's life: I saw the dragons as the threat of homophobia. The dreamer in his real life is being disowned by his brother whom as a child he has shared a deep bond & protective instint. The discriminatory beliefs of the brother's new faith have caused a major threat to the sense of safety the dreamer experiences in his family home. The dreamer is having to be inside the house to hide from the danger of cultural homophobia. But the dreamer later finds out that the dragons are there for his brother because the shadow being illuminated, is that the brother is becoming homophobic. The family is trying to protect his brother. For me I saw this as the tension many queer people experience of living with homophobia within their own households. If the mother is not advocating for her queer son to be accepted & respecte she is essentially enabling the bigotry of the brother/ she may fight the outside dragons but in essence becomes one of them by enabling her son's prejudice. This forces the dreamer to either supress his own natural instincts of sexual orientation (armouring & hiding) or choose to lose his brother by being himself. Maybe the people in the podcast are not close to the queer experience. There are many possibilities but I felt to share this possibility. Perhaps the strength of the dreamer is questioned as he tries to stay within in the family whilst supressing his instincts in order to belong- mother condoning homophobic behaviours of the brother, elephant in the room scenario. I have seen this in families where an elder member is very bigoted & the family members are taught to supress themselves & their power in order not to 'rock the boat' with the bigoted member. Sibling estrangement is very difficult & most humans don't want to lose family or be ostracised from the tribe - but if the tribe is not safe & the family isn't either, the individual must individuate to preserve the life-force & find new communities- a very difficult thing to do when you love your family - which it sound like this person does.
@alethea6781 3 дня назад
An armoire is a moveable closet. This young man is gay. He has to overcome the defense to stay part of the collective by using the closet as a defense, “staying in the closet”
@arcadianwings2662 3 дня назад
Read Michael Tsarion, “Dragon Mother”. Best psychology on Motherhood I have ever read.
@user-vi3sz3fg2r 3 дня назад
transcendant function melds the different views of the ego and the subconscious. work from body feelings to see what the subc is saying about the ego's logic/quandry. use dreams to detect messages, eg, red flower in decaying wolf.
@Useruser-x2i 3 дня назад
Tame the dragon stupid dragon❤
@a2zin125 3 дня назад
In the West, we want to sleigh everything, in the Eastern mythology (and this includes the Near and Middle East), dragons are always to be befriended!
@user-vi3sz3fg2r 3 дня назад
@emiliascharm 3 дня назад
So interesting! 💖
@kathleendeyo9322 3 дня назад
I worked as a psychic for 3 years with an NDE group in Stonington CT. With experiencers who couldn’t quite totally return to their bodies after the NDE
@neallcalvert 3 дня назад
Dragons = kundalini life force energy . . . ?
@harpforGod 3 дня назад
Do you have any recommendations for further reading?
@harpforGod 3 дня назад
Needed this 🙏🏻♥️
@NotYaMama_ 3 дня назад
Me too friend, good luck on your journey
@lisettespek8950 3 дня назад
@donovan665 4 дня назад
A practice from monk martial arts named after the storm dragon, considered a farmers boon, requires ones frame to be well ordered ones mind silent in order to let the dragon move. Self discipline is freedom.
@meredith9229 4 дня назад
Charles Windsor, the "king" of England, has a new coin to mark his new rulership, him, riding a dragon, and holding a globe (the world) in his hand. I would love someone's interpretation of this.
@lolaandthepoets 4 дня назад
Always a treasured discussion, but this one was particularly timely.💚