Malecare's videos provide actions and solutions to life with prostate cancer. Malecare is one of the world's leading cancer patient support and advocacy nonprofit organizations.
We are the founding organization of the Black Prostate Cancer Alliance, National LGBT Cancer Project, and the Global Prostate Cancer Alliance, an international collaboration of patient focused national nonprofit organizations.
Interviews are conducted by our Executive Director, Darryl Mitteldorf, LCSW.
Pain after prostate cancer surgery?
4 месяца назад
PSMA for Prostate Cancer -Quick Overview
6 месяцев назад
@joeharris2074 20 часов назад
A few thoughts: I’m 4 days post and still having the shoulder pain. My drain had to be emptied about 6 times over 2 days before they pulled it. All blood. I can’t imagine all that blood still in me. I’m glad they used the drain and I opted to stay another night inpatient until they could pull it. The idea of going home with a drain after one night and all that internal bleeding seemed sketchy.
@hitechrr 22 часа назад
I had 26 rounds of radiation in 2020. I have had problems since. I also still have cancer in the same location.
@jerrymarnon41 День назад
Understandbig pharm thought over 70! Male gets to many false alarms to diacourage Tests. Was not encoueaged thus when discovered was 600 psi. So SAD😢😢😢😢😢
@himwhoisnottobenamed5427 День назад
If that were the case people like Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton would’ve died years ago.
@xavariusquest4603 День назад
Wow. How did you get through med school? This isnt even a correlation vs causation issue. It is just rather shabby logic. You have a disease...the actual generative cause of which is unknown..., you have racial demographics regarding occurance, first identification, stage at first id, treatment, and survival rates of that disease, and you have social demographics. You then add personal proclivities regarding the medical system. You then have the very nebulous and undefinable term rascism (remember that, according to your usage, only whites can be racist). Somehow youve taken this very broad multivariate data set and crafted a thoroughly unsubstatiated line trough it to come out with a solution. Did you study epidemiology? Do you remember what you are and are not alloed to occur when crafting a trajectory for an illness in a society? Basics of logic and mathematics...no more than 3rd year undergrad....just basics
@keiththompson2289 День назад
I am a person who guides others in extreme physical outdoor adventures. Now I have prostate cancer. So none of that really helped much.
@kennethjohnson3138 2 дня назад
Tom, thank you for sharing your journey so honestly and directly. I especially appreciate your sharing about the importance of an honest "out" relationship with your doctor. Also, as gay men, it's good to raise our enjoyment of ejaculation and what it feels like to lose that specific function.
@anauthor3330 2 дня назад
No. I don’t need to be a doctor to see how stupid of a question this is.
@latelylost4 2 дня назад
You dont even have to be a MD to realize how silly this rant truely is, looking at finacial graphs based on race, or those collecting welfare there are just as many if not more uninsured and poor caucasions. Meaning you would see a proportional growth in cancer patients across both races, not just one. As such, any viable explination found that could explain this increase must include all races in this given situation. Which.. it does not. Second, observations made about what we see in the overall heath of people based on their race, its NOT racism. The conclusion drawn from this observation is what has the potential to be racist. For example, pointing out that a biological female menstrates isnt sexist, conclusions stating this makes females unequal would be sexist. Can you tell the difference? Third, science is about eliminating as many variables as possible. If you want to determine if genetics is the cause of the increase in cancer, you strictly look at genetics for this study, you do not introduce additional factors. You want to determine if X is causing Y, you never want to attempt a study where V ,W , and or X is causing Y. Lasty, stating that someone can have an increase in cancer by rambling vaguely that there might be something out there, is just silly. Saying enviromental factors is like saying cancer is caused by physical things in our universe. Let alone that racism has a link in causing cancer, is just dumb. If that were even remotely true we would all have cancer. do better.
@mikef1913 2 дня назад
This is summarizing the average experience, not for all patients. Some of us are MUCH, MUCH WORSE after surgery and it sometimes happens immediately, well before the tunica shrinking theory even has a chance to occur. Mine was being pulled up inside me to the point of pain if I bent over or sat down. Several Inches were lost instead of just centimeters. Aggressive therapy after the surgery was to no avail. It took another major surgery to fix what the original surgeon did to me.
@hrmyler204 3 дня назад
I go with "Trust, but verify" because if you don't trust your provider, why do you keep them? Everyone makes mistakes and no professional can be 100% up on all the latest research. Frankly, for something like PCa, if you are not being treated at a major center (MSK, JH, Mayo, MDA, etc.) you have to follow and research everything that is being suggested. Far too many surgeons push surgery--I wonder why! Likewise onco and radiation.
@johnmchale8308 4 дня назад
Had a transpereneal with Dr Hu this morning, some moderate pain inserting the probe then injecting the numbing agents but the 15 cores removed were not painful at all and the psychological click of the gun was not that disturbing. I was pleasantly surprised it was not that bad, the experience was not as bad as it was made out to be. by many. No blood in my urine at all so far, spot blood at the entry point in the transpereanel. No problem when I momentary tried to get an erection.The US needs to wake up and get with the latest technology being used in most of Europe and Australia.
@McMuffin74 5 дней назад
No. That’s all. Next.
@johnmchale8308 5 дней назад
BTW you hit on all cylinders in this presentation,covered it all I must say and I'm well informed.... BRAVO. One thing I might add even with the very small chance the needle extraction spills cancer cells into your rectum my logic tells me this won't happen thru the transperneal method.....But the real answer is we really just don't know if cancer cells can be spilled during extraction....unless the needle is capped after extraction you can't make this comment...you can seed the cancer if you use logic!!!
@johnmchale8308 5 дней назад
I have a date with Dr Hu tomorrow at Weil Cornell for a transpereneal.remember..... once you puncture the prostate micro environment and which can introduce baterial fecal matter and e coli resistant bacteria into your prostrate, it will never be the same according to the top UK prostae oncologist. England has basically banned transrectal and has most of Europe. Never heard with absolute language your argument that you can't seed the cancer once the need is extracted....please site how this is even possible? is the needle capped before extraction?
@williammack571 7 дней назад
This discussion seems ridiculous. I have no real interest In Prolonging my life. I see no reason to continue living a life of misery. There is talk of curing and recovering and those are things that simply don't exist
@tomsmith1847 11 дней назад
Doing a great job
@williammack571 12 дней назад
A few months into adt and I have really lost interest in living
@joellevy7885 12 дней назад
Had external beam radiation over a two week period, Gleason 4+3 , was the ash and have had no side effects. PSA is undetectable 5 years later
@user-xf6qf7pm7w 16 дней назад
Be aware that nutritional advice is almost always based on epidemiological studies, not randomized controlled trials, and so should be taken with a 'grain of salt.' Epidemiology studies ask people to report their eating habits, such as how often and how much red meat did you consume in a week during the past year? Biases creep in because respondents memories are not exact. Moreover, if males who consume lots of dairy products have more prostate cancer diagnoses, their risk of prostate cancer may in fact be more related to their weight than to their dairy use. Epidemiology studies cannot test a single variable at a time unlike RCTs, so we can never be sure if it is one thing or another variation that is causal.
@user-qj2wb7ne4e 17 дней назад
Back up your “ I think” with facts. The subject is too complex for a short clip.
@tomsmith1847 18 дней назад
Does prostate milking help
@danp980 23 дня назад
This video was real helpful. It answered many questions, It cleared some of the interactions I’ve had with my DR. And how there was so much more I needed to know beforehand. Dr. Only advice to me was to lose weight and exercise. That’s it.
@arthursamazingactivities1319 24 дня назад
Rip Cancer takes the lives of to many people
@dalegoulder6546 25 дней назад
After radiation treatment and hormone therapy my PSA came out good. I was told to continue the hormone therapy for another year and a half. After 3 months I have canceled the treatment and am hoping the side effects disappear. To date I have no sex drive,I still have hot flashes and I now deal with loss of muscle mass,I am tired and stressed out. How long until.these side last?
@bobwright3438 25 дней назад
i AM 70, to negate the ADT : I go to HIIT, 6 times a week and personal training 2 ti,es a week. Prostate Cancer has made me a more physical fit person. What a paradox.
@kelechi.E 26 дней назад
This was helpful ❤
@Malecare 20 дней назад
I'm so glad!
@stergios426 26 дней назад
It’s very telling that the doctor ignored speaking directly to the question on incontinence. She has no idea how hard it is to excessive when every stressful movement you make causes you to pee in your pants. So another set of 10 squats is really saying “pee in your pants another 10 times”.
@jabster58 28 дней назад
Why in the hell would we want to know that....
@JayWalker-tk2pr 28 дней назад
I was diagnosed 10 years ago at 50, now 60 with Gleeson 6. I had laparoscopic prostatecomy initially. Post op my PSA started going back up 6 months later so I had external beam radiation. I have been lucky. Thanks to a good surgeon and radiation oncologist I am still able to get an erection without assistance for masterbation and oral sex. If I want to top, which is rare, I take Viagra for being able to penetrate better. Mostly I bottom. Orgasms are good but not as good as they used to be. Sometimes its like I get to the top, and then fizzle sort of. I also was left with arousal incontinence. Sometimes just thinking about sex causes me to spurt a little urine. If I am receiving anal sex, if I don't have a good tight cock ring on, I will pee all over everything including myself and my partner even if I have emptied my bladder as much as possible first. It's a little annoying to say the least unless my partner is into watersports. Anal sex reception still feels good though even without a prostate. I get an awful lot from the direct anal stretch stimulation. These things are bothersome at times, but all in all I got away about as unscathed as I could have hoped for. And I'm still here after ten years.
@MrMoss786 Месяц назад
One of the pillars of Islam is fasting
@MediumRareGirl Месяц назад
Brother I don't know if you'll see this but I recently lost my dad (26th April) to brain stoke. It was really heat breaking since my father was never on any medication and he lives his life as a foodie. I think I am losing my battle internally and mentally due to this loss. I really really miss him. I never cried in front of anyone but if someone even remotely mentions his name or anything in general which revolves around a "DAD" topic, it punches me in my heart. My father got a brain stoke and the fluid covered 40% of the brain. He left me after struggling in ICU for more than a week.
@Gord001ca Месяц назад
I am 15 months since the start on my ADT I wasn’t a surgical candidate. I had bracky radiation and 25 days of external beam radiation. I had never had a PSA test and had no symptoms. I went to the ends of the internet researching this. But was told I had advanced and aggressive cancer. I had an MRI, bone scan, PET scan and biopsy. I belong to a local prostate support group. Best of luck with your journey going forward. Hope to do the Ride For Dad coming up.
@felixganapin1632 Месяц назад
Is barley good for those who have prostate peoblem
@leroyhieb7197 Месяц назад
I’ve been tested three times and I’ve got a 235 average rating on the test for testosterone levels. My recent psa was 6.30 and my primary care doctor said it was a little higher than the psa test in 2018. My low testosterone therapist wants to know before I start the treatment that it won’t affect my small growth on my prostate. What say you?
@robdavenport3188 Месяц назад
Totally agree with the cognitive effects and short term memory impairment I’m on ABI + Pred
@MrTrader1000 Месяц назад
And doctors get about $4,000 per month profit from androgen deprivation injections (ADT) with lupron or eligard and they profit $4,000 per month if its 1 or 3 or 4 or 6 month injection ). So if its a 6 month injection doctors have a nurse give the injection and the doctor gets about 6 times $4k equals $24,000 profit.
@threeftr3349 Месяц назад
👀Billed insurance for lupron as chemo meds---a little over $3,200. One 6 month injection
@MrTrader1000 Месяц назад
Its a mistake to think breathing longer is living longer. I am in year 26 starting with prostate cancer 12/98. I've been through everything including radical prostatectomy (biggest mistake of my life) except said NO to chemotherapy (because immediate dysfunction). Tried many alternative treatments. If I had the last 26 years to do over I would not have had surgery or follow MDs/urologists nor oncologists. I would use a herbologist and been better off even if I lived only a few years. Lupron causes major cognitive impairment.
@wilfredmotosue7526 Месяц назад
My hot flashes disappears after some years. You can have sex or live longer with ADT. It's up to the patient. I was stage 4 but now is undetectable. It's been 12 years since my cancer was detected. I chose to live longer so I took ADT for 10 years. 🙂
@davidshettlesworth1442 Месяц назад
Thanks for an excellent educational video.
@koof1776 Месяц назад
PC the "un-cancer", very rarely does it kill someone~
@jimzaino1211 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing your story. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in September of 2023. Psa was at 3.7 which I didn't think was high and it wasn't rising quickly. Never really had any symptoms. So I was informed to receive a MRI BIOPSY and that found the small spot on my prostate. Never left the prostate. So test came back and I had a Gleason score of 3+4 . So I decided to have surgery in Dec of 2023. It did change my life in 1 day but I felt I did the right thing to just get rid of the cancer. I'm now 5 months post op and at my 3rd month post op I had my PSA and it came back UNDETECTABLE / negative. I don't see my Dr until September 2024. I appreciate everything that you have said and look forward to listening again to your future podcast. I'm 57 yrs old married 32 yrs to wonderful ONCOLOGY NURSE who is 7 yrs breast cancer free so im lucky to have my better on my side that helped me alot . Have a great day and KEEP ON KEEPING ON.
@timkbt Месяц назад
I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer on 2/17. I underwent hormone therapy starting in 6/17. I was given Lupron for six months and started radiation for several weeks on 4/18. I received another shot of Lupron that took me through radiation treatments. The side effects from Lupron and beam radiation were very severe. I also have cirrhosis and developed a portal vein clot. This caused my liver to decompensate which caused fluid to build up. They would remove about twenty pounds of fluid each week. They put a stint in which eventually fixed the fluid issue. My cancer was clear for a few years but my primary doc missed the rise in my psa score. She didn’t know that post treatment the psa at 2.0 means the cancer has returned. Mine was at 2.6 on 9/22. Five doctors missed that. On 9/23 I was tested and it came back as 93. It was as high as 134. I’m back on Lupron, I had iron transfusions in 12/23. During my treatment back in 2018 one year on Lupron I was never tested for bone density so for one year I was never given vitamin D2 or D3. The best care is to have an MRI or the new pcma scan done. I’ve heard it’s hard to get approved for the new scan unless all the hormone drugs have failed. Brachytherapy with hormone treatment has the highest cure rate. If you have your prostrate removed at some point you will have to go through radiation. I’m a patient at Duke and haven’t been happy with most of the system up there. I always have to stay on top of things and remind them of tests. I just had the results come back from a bone density scan and I’ve had to remind them twice to set that up over the last five months. I now have osteoporosis and have been dealing with severe back pain over the last few years. My advice is to always get a second and maybe third opinion regarding prostrate treatment. I’m going to go to another medical group for another opinion now that my cancer has metastasized. There is a treatment where they can inject something that will kill any prostrate cancer cells that is available now. If you are on hormone treatment you can be on it for several months and then take a break for a couple of years. Your doctor has to monitor your psa during that time. Back in 2018 they wanted me to stay on it for 2 to 3 years. My doctor didn’t bring it up until I did in late 2023. You have to be your own advocate, if the doctor or staff gets upset with you or your questions then go somewhere else.
@jamesvezina9886 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing I diagnosed April 2023& underwent IMRT radiation treatment & ADT 8 months ADT is over & that will show where I am God bless you in your PCa journey
@Cervin_Suisse Месяц назад
As you said it is not frequent to find people in their early fifties with prostate cancer. I personally think it is because lots of men already have it but it is not diagnosed.
@scottjackson163 Месяц назад
It would be helpful to know what his PSA scores were. “High” and “higher” don’t mean anything without a reference point.
@Cervin_Suisse Месяц назад
What is important as well is the change in that marker, not only the PSA as an absolute value.
@jordymaas565 Месяц назад
'agressive' means attention soonest; surgery or radiation. 62yo 'agressive' diagnosis 2017. Chose radiation, then returned last year, lower lympth node, ADT & radiation to address that. Completed lower radiation for more lympth nodes attention & ADT last month. ​Seems 6 months of peace, then possibly more similar next year. No one knows. Not having surgery - not regretted. Not getting multiples of opinions etc. - not regretted. We're all 'unique'. regards. @@Cervin_Suisse
@lisaanddonhelgeson9176 Месяц назад
My PSA scores back in 2020 were 12.2 and 14.6 over the course of three weeks. After surgery I remained undetectable until the Spring of 2023 until my PSA rose to .28. That’s when I was assigned to a radiation oncologist to formulate a game-plan.
@Cervin_Suisse Месяц назад
@@lisaanddonhelgeson9176 May I ask if they located the source of the PSA ?Was radiation chosen as the only treatment or combined with other means ? Also what is your PSA level now ?
@quirkwoods Месяц назад
Thank you Don
@peterglenn6649 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing your story
@ricknowak4582 Месяц назад
To combat cancer why would they make your health compromised by giving a mormon treatments. You're weaker so you can't fight the cancer in my opinion.
@ricknowak4582 Месяц назад
I think hormone treatments all about money. I really believe that Cancer feeds off dispostering is a bunch of bs. I know two people that took radiation twelve years ago with no hormone treatments and they're doing fine.