Deer IQ
Deer IQ
Deer IQ
Hunting Podcast & Video Topics for serious deer hunters who want to up their game. Designed by a 20+ year educator with 30+ years hunting experience, you'll be challenged to engage, grow, share, and repeat in a quest to become a truly greater deer hunter. Follow, share, and increase your Deer IQ.
Shed Hunting - A Word of Caution!
3 месяца назад
9 Deer Hunter MUST DO's for Springtime!
3 месяца назад
John Eberhart's Rattling Secrets!
3 месяца назад
@ventureoutdoorswithkirk 20 минут назад
Grew up in MI and still like to keep up on things happening there. Don't really agree with Adam Miller on the youth hunt if I understand his perspective. I support a Doe only youth hunt and the data shows it per your comments earlier. At that age they should be excited to harvest a Doe and it's better for the State as a whole. It's up to the parents to educate on the need for this, not just shoot bucks to say you got a buck. Agree on earn a buck too, I know several States have done this that I've hunted in. I could go into more reasons, but hopefully MI is figuring it out.
@adamlewis_outdoor 9 минут назад
Thanks yes hopefully!
@thomaslaughery2962 25 минут назад
I appreciate that you are bringing this topic forward, but this video just rambles along seemingly without a plan or purpose. Hard to watch...
@adamlewis_outdoor 8 минут назад
Thanks yes this was a little different for us being a co-aired podcast. Check out some of our other shows as it’s more topic driven for each episode and we go through a curriculum
@wandabuchholz6508 Час назад
The youth hunt should be does only , the big buck doesn't even get to bread ,you need does to get more bucks.
@chuckhunter1410 11 часов назад
Another huge problem here in lower Michigan is all the private land and greedy landowners! Some of these parcels are thousands of acres and only has a few family members hunting them. Hording deer and no way to control that lands heard. How do you make these people understand that they're hurting the sport by hording the deer and not controlling the population!
@leonidas7281 2 часа назад
Sounding like a communist.
@Draintheswamp2024 16 часов назад
8 point or bigger would be good
@jameswatson4110 21 час назад
Funnels work really good for me during the rut. You are right-you have to get in there and stay. Enjoyed👌
@mikecross2435 23 часа назад
Adam Miller doesn't want to face reality.
@adamlewis_outdoor 23 часа назад
How so, on what topic?
@americanagothic7851 День назад
Let’s be honest. Most of the so called hunters that complain, spend 10 for a base and 40 for the combo. Look at the surveys, MOST people eat their tags. They come up empty. Especially the gotta get that buck people. Most people I see end up shooting a very small buck and don’t take much more meat than the lions and straps. It’s all about pride, it’s mostly a “look what I got” atmosphere. “Tags cost too much, there’s no bucks, too many hunters not enough land, blah, blah” I shoot two deer a year and I don’t care what they are just that they are of medium built and age and not too fired up from rut or pressure. Because you get better tasting meat that way. I average 120lbs of meat from two deer. Cost up to 350 to get them both butchered. That’s 400 dollars for 120lbs of good meat with lions and back straps, jerky, sausages, deer burger. 120 lbs of hamburger cost approximately 840 dollars at the grocery store. How is hunting and tags too expensive? We shoot deer, duck, geese, pheasant, rabbits, turkey and do lots of fishing. We save literally thousands a year at the grocery store. It is not more expensive to hunt or too expensive. People have the wrong mentality, especially if you’re buying combo tags, not filling them, and paying close to 900 for 120lbs of hamburger anyway at the store plus all the new hunting equipment you buy EVERY year. It’s crazy but that’s why you complain. Enough of the pride bs. Get your meat, it’s literally what hunting is for.
@TrehanCreekOutdoors День назад
Let's NOT ascribe human patterns of behavior to a wild animal such as a whitetail deer, such as thinking that a deer really KNOWS....or much less CARES....about "exploring" and conquering new worlds as a human might do "simply because it is there." While I human might climb a tall mountain just to see what is at the top, it is highly doubtful that deer would do the same, or at least for the same reasons a human would climb a mountain. I have long believed scientists and biologists try to see the animal world through human eyes and human thought patterns instead of trying to understand the world as seen through the eyes of the animal and as interpreted by the brain of the animal. And therein may lie many of the mistakes made in thinking we truly understand animal behavior. Just my opinion, of course. Being a bit crude here, but to make my point, I ask "Does a deer consciously known that the breeding choices they make enhance the survival of the fittest of the breed? Or does a deer even CARE about that even if it understands it has an obligation to pick the best doe to breed? Or doe the doe inherently understand she needs to only breed the best male specimen? I think not. Biologists say does often breed multiple bucks, some of which are NOT the premium specimens of the species. I believe the breeding is more about the physical act, such as having a sperm release that pleasures the male, rather than anything else that may be in the buck's mind. In essence, they do it because chemistry compels breeding and physical release of sperm not necessarily because they are trying to do their part to find the highest quality doe in the area and produce the best offspring possible. We need to stop thinking like HUMANS think and realize animals simply breed indiscriminately. So with this approach to reasoning, let's consider ANIMAL behavior characteristics which might offer logical explanations for what may seem to humans as odd movement characteristics. If a buck leaves an area, it certainly could be for curiosity. Animals have individual personalities, and thus one buck may simple be bored with seeing the same territory and other animals day after day so they take a journey purely to see what else may be out there. My cat is very contented to stay in her home area most of the time. But now and then she simply likes to explore so she roams out a bit farther. At times, she even makes a beeline as if she is on a mission to some specific place that she hasn't even visited before. After seeing the new area, she returns back to her safe environment. Bucks may do that too. Or, if a buck is not the dominant leader of the pack, a buck may choose to go stay in another area for a while simply to avoid being engaged by a bully buck that is annoying them in their old location. Just as people don't always like the other people around them and choose to find another place to stay, bucks may leave a bachelor group due to internal conflicts with other bucks in the group. After a while staying away, the buck may choose to return to see if things have changed back at the old location. I submit even SMALL things may influence why a buck decides to stay temporarily for a few months at a second location. For instance, during the summer heat a second area may catch more breeze from some cooling source which makes the second location more pleasant for the summer months. Or in the winter, perhaps the situations would be reversed so that prevailing winds are from a warmer direction at one location over the other. The forest, the water, the space, the food sources could all be nearly equal at both locations but the WIND might just be enough different at certain times in the year to make life more comfortable for the deer. How about insect infestations? Every consider that as a cause which might result in a deer leaving one insect infested area to go stay in a location having less biting bugs? Just how much of the environmental variables do biologists control anyway, or even consider in their analysis? I've seen deer with massive amounts of ticks on them yet I have also seen other deer with little or no visible ticks. So do the nearly tick free deer live in spots that just don't have a lot of ticks? Considering that possums eat a ton of ticks...as do other critters....a deer might just be smart enough to move to a location with a large population of tick eating animals that let's it avoid become a meal for a wad of ticks! How does the water taste at one deer location as opposed to a second location the buck also uses part of the year. Does the water at the first location get polluted every spring or fall with chemicals running off of nearby ag lands? Does the second location where the buck might go have untainted, clear and good tasting water at that same time of the year. My point here is that thinking like a deer living without any protection in the open woods is critical to understanding WHY a deer may choose to leave one location and stay at a different location. Until we can THINK like a deer does, we are not likely to properly explain why deer move around by relating it to HUMAN actions, such as believing the deer may be looking for better quality does or simply more does to breed. Or that the deer wants to sign up for exploring new worlds. I submit that if a deer was an explorer like a human and simply had an "inquiring mind wanting to know" that we would see deer jump into an ocean and swim for the other side to see, like Columbus, if there was a new world waiting to be found. Largely that just does not happen with deer. So very few deer are going to new locations just to see what may await in a new world.
@adamlewis_outdoor 23 часа назад
Thanks for all your thoughts! To keep it concise, the analogy or comparison is not saying deer are like humans, but gives a reference point for our understanding. He does say it’s in the genome, or dna - hence similar to that they are compelled, not making conscious decisions to roam.
@matthewwichtner2935 День назад
😮😮Number one we're not telling the kid you can't take a deer. I've never seen nor heard of anybody telling, anybody, from the youth hunt, you can't take a deer. Liberalism, BS. And you're assuming that they are quality parents? Or relatives, or any type of elders trying to show the kids the right way. And if I was with my grandpa, and he seen a fork horn, on his last hunt. He definitely would have passed it by, and would have been very thankful, he was able to see a young buck on his last hunt. Knowing, it was going to be bigger the next year. So I don't hold much water inwhat Adam M. says. Not sure many others do. Why give the kid the biggest trophy out there. Statistics show, it doesn't work. They don't come back, they wanted to happen every year, they get frustrated, start getting more into girls, whatever... Why not let them take does. Help the herd, as Adam preaches. But he don't want to help the herd, when he can? Typical. Hypocritical BS. I say, let them take does, or put a limit, say eight point. Teach them to enjoy the hunt for the right reasons. Don't just give them the biggest trophy in the woods, because someone talked them into trying it. And yes Adam, maybe both of Adams, I'm talking from experience. He said, his kids were young, he's still got a boatload of parenting to do. My kids are grown, have morals, values and proper perspectives in life. There's no doubt they are a100% positive influence / input in society. They don't get there, by giving them everything they want.😮. Teach them the essence of the hunt, correctly. Nothing wrong with that😊. Love to see them expand the muzzleloader season. The baiting rules r BS. Although most people I've talked to, have admitted they've become better deer hunters, because they can't just put a pile out. So that's a good thing. But yeah, we all know they don't regulate, nor seem to give it two s****. As for the DNR/DML part, not sure where to begin. Where I'm at, I'd probably say, 80% or better we're not going to call in to the DNR. They don't trust them, don't want them to know where they hunt, don't really care what type of statistics there trying to put together. We've talked about it before, there's a major distrust in the DNR from majority of hunters. And that goes, from the CO's all the way to the top. Hell, half them big wigs, that get together at them meetings, never even stepped a foot out in the field. They just take the paper BS they get from people that have. We all know that. Sad but true. I think the majority of us enjoying our sport, want to do what's right, help the herd, get more youth involved, do what's best for our sport. Getting involved can help, but I've been involved, and had roadblocks thrown in my face too many times. Unfortunately, many people feel the same. Where does that leave me, and so many others. Doing our own thing. And being as productive as we can. Does that sound a little sad? It should. But that is reality for most of us, that don't have a site to voice our opinion on. And/or have been involved, and felt like we wasted our time. No matter how much we felt it was the right thing to do. Just saying. 🫣🤔😏
@ArchersAnonymous-nb4ym День назад
I like the idea of 1 buck better than APR's now, shoot whatever you consider a trophy, but you get 1 so make it the one you want. Doe only youth hunts sounds like an interesting way to get new hunters to think about deer management too.
@ArchersAnonymous-nb4ym День назад
Also, why cant they mail everyone that buys a license a survey? Or Have a online survey on the DNR website using your tag somehow. Shouldn't be too complicated.
@ChaserBiaatch День назад
My opinion. You either +2 regular tag combo with 2 doe. Or leave the 2 buck raise points to +2, restricted +4 with doe. Price. $55
@ChaserBiaatch День назад
The problem with Does resides on the private land. Time and time again I hear private owners say “but the does bring the bucks in” lol. They have 6-15 does around and won’t shootem
@ChaserBiaatch День назад
You can leave 2 bucks, control the points. This isn’t hard.
@personalprojectile День назад
That government is best which governs least. Dnr works for big insurance. Change my mind.
@scootter37 День назад
Spot on. Though they are number one, its not just insurance but also many other "stake holders" as Chad Stewart calls them. Hunters are the lowest ranking on the list. Insurance Co, Big timber Co, Wolf groups, Farm groups, all rank higher in their needs first than hunters themselves. The NRC board which is appointed by the governor which all them are being influenced by special interest, these are who have final say on any change. Stewart is just a tool and a face with no actual control.
@danielwendling7240 День назад
Is there any proof or evidence that having more mature bucks in a state will sell more tags? It seems like it would. Might be something to show Chad Stewart if it’s true.
@personalprojectile День назад
The government breaks everything it touches. The less regs the better.
@brushcrawler8612 День назад
I still have a pregnant doe around the house...in central Michigan 200 day gestation Today is the 185th day of the year. That about puts conception around Jan 1 assuming she births in next 2 weeks.
@farmeroutdoors4742 День назад
As a member of the LP DMI, no recommendations were base on “the budget and gaining revenue”. Watch the NRC meetings and during public comment, that will tell you quite a bit. The process was rushed in the end. You have that right fellas - we could have used more time to discuss. Keep your eye out for the Hunt Michigan Collaborative. That non regulatory idea will produce an increase in hunters and help resolve several issues such as crop damage, reducing deer in areas with high deer abundance, provides access to private land, …
@adamlewis_outdoor День назад
Where can I find out more info on the hunt Michigan collaborative? I only said DNR is hung up on money because in the document, their response to suggestions 3 and 4 explicitly said they feared it would mean less tag sales and have negative economic impact. It’s there in black and white.
@americanagothic7851 День назад
We have lots of HAP still and lots of farmers offer private doe tags to friends family and neighbors. We have had much more hunters buying tags the last few years so what’s the real issue? It’s the hunter mentality and community is very prideful. Most people don’t fill their tags, look at the survey numbers. And most tag buyers are also only chasing antlers. This is the wrong mentality. Those same people complain about how much tags are and how much it cost to hunt. If they filled their tags and then actually take all the good meat, they would have no reason to complain about cost. If they filled their freezers, it cost about 840 for 120lbs of hamburger meat at the store. It cost about 400 dollars for your tags and to butcher 120 pounds of good deer meat, saving hundreds just from taking two deer. Factor in fishing, pheasant, turkey, ducks and geese, rabbits, ext., ext. and you save thousands every year at the grocery store. People have the wrong mentality.
@americanagothic7851 День назад
Not to mention that our dollars from buying tags, donations and other money from and for conservation gets taken away and used for other things In Michigan. That absolutely is a factor and still needs to be discussed.
@americanagothic7851 День назад
Not all of the money, but a good chunk
@BobJones-s8e День назад
Thanks for what you guys are doing, I was a part of the DMI team, i can rell you that we we told or suggestions and proposals must be supported by sound data and biological science. In the end it was a free for all science be damned. I personally dont support recomendations as put foward. They do nothing to meet the objectives of increased anterless harvest. It defies logic that when you increase antler size thru APRs that it will encourage more doe harvest. On the baiting issue and the APR issue both are believed to increase spread of CWD, with APRs being more likely than baiting. I would love to chat with you guys Bob Jones President Michigan Bowhunters
@adamlewis_outdoor День назад
Thanks Bob, feel free to email me at adam@deeriq.com
@homeinthewhiteoaks День назад
I think the earn a buck system is the best and should be implemented. However, I see no reason why you could not shoot a doe in 2023 and have it applied towards your 2024 Buck. So earn your buck a year in advance? Then take a doe in 2024 to apply towards your 2025 buck tag.
@adamlewis_outdoor День назад
I think Michigan might go to earn a second buck
@danielwendling7240 День назад
In mid-Michigan we have a half dozen families who own small wood lots in the same section. Every deer hunter in each family has two buck tags. I wonder why seeing a mature buck is so rare?
@adamlewis_outdoor День назад
Very true
@user-hs5me4dw4n День назад
@adamlewis_outdoor День назад
Their goals are lacking for sure
@farmeroutdoors4742 День назад
Money was not discussed during the DMI process.
@personalprojectile День назад
Their goals come from car insurance companies..... ​@@adamlewis_outdoor
@user-hs5me4dw4n День назад
@@adamlewis_outdoor I've hunted since the 70s, here in mid Michigan.I seen the herd of deer go from seeing a 100 does and two spikes on opening day, to 4 or 5 does and maybe one nice 130 class? It needs to be micro managed, maybe by a square mile in some cases.🤔
@user-hs5me4dw4n День назад
@@adamlewis_outdoor You can't use bait. To many cameras, state land mind you.I feel like I'm walking in a wal mart parking lot 😓.I believe the youth hunt is a shame!
@user-hs5me4dw4n День назад
Mandatory report? More idiots making problems!
@protoplasmicblue День назад
My two cents People who get surveys and dont fill them out should not be able to hunt. Nor should they complain about how the deer are managed. Deer Hunting is all about aquistion of a Trophy. No one feeds their family on deer meat. They may supplement there food supply. The expense to deer hunt for food (unless you poach) does not make sense. its cheaper to buy your food in a store. I want to kill bucks during October/November. No interest in killing doe. Earn A Buck is flawed. Just give me more cheap doe tags and one buck tag. I can go to other states to shoot more bucks. Farmers complain about deer eating ther crops then will not allow you to hunt on their property. Its easy to kill does and reduce population. Just need opertunity. Why do people complain about antler point restrictions but they dont complain about size limits on fish? Youth should be able to shoot a buck. I teach my children to find and pick out there own places to hunt. We only have public land to hunt. Its great to give them oportunity before adults pressure the deer. Doe only crap is bull. My daughters told me they have no interest in going out to shoot doe. It is ridiculous to say restricting the youth hunt will educate kids to shoot more doe. Increase oportunity to shoot doe. Open Early and Late doe seasons to Public Land. Teach farmers to allow people to hunt deer on their lands. Sadly....Hunting is coming to an end. Your not going to out recruit the loss of interest in hunting. Oh I shot zero bucks and 4 does last season. Passed on lots of little fellas.
@user-hs5me4dw4n День назад
You must be a dem O crap
@user-hs5me4dw4n День назад
Don't like the truth?
@homeinthewhiteoaks День назад
I think my state Indiana has done a good job with its regulations. We recently went to a one buck state, and we have never allowed baiting. Most counties have a 3 doe limit. I have seen a slight drop in doe numbers, with an increase in buck numbers. The size of our bucks is also better than ever across the state. The reduction of does has also made it easier to do property management due to better browsing habits. I’m not seeing the heavy browse lines we had in the 90’s and 2000’s.
@farmeroutdoors4742 День назад
Keep your eye out for the Hunt Michigan Collaborative (HMC) We will be piloting the idea of organized hunts on farmland to provide access to hunters and reduce doe on farmland (HMC Farm Tour). The HMC was a non-regulatory recommendation voted on by the LP DMI with 22 yes, 0 no, and 2 abstain.
@adamlewis_outdoor День назад
How will you get private land owner buy in?
@cjr4497 День назад
You can't have this conversation without talking about its origin in CO and deer farms spreading the problem. Also, it is not always fatal. Look to Europe where they deal with it in their sheep. Our deer have the same thing the sheep have, scrapie.
@reneevans797 2 дня назад
Great point Kip
@reneevans797 2 дня назад
If you’re Shooting 2 and 3 year olds every year, you’ll never consistently have the 4+ year olds, or have several 3+ year olds (whether on private and public, and I’m talking about advanced/serious hunters, not beginners or meat hunters)
@adamlewis_outdoor 2 дня назад
A certain percentage will always make it through but in general this is good logic. Consistent is key word and needs to be evaluated by where you hunt and how many people/neighbors can feasibly get on the same page
@billc3405 3 дня назад
Only cover up I used that works is skunk essence. No doubt to me it works
@GettingToHeaven 3 дня назад
Very interesting. Thanks for the vid.
@claytonbruner1808 3 дня назад
I think if you could plot every buck that displays this characteristic there would be some overlap and from a genetic diversity standpoint that's a very good thing. It may just be nature's way of maintaining that genetic diversity.
@colbykinney5633 3 дня назад
Isnt farmed deer where CWD came from? Its like letting the fox control the hen house.
@adamlewis_outdoor 3 дня назад
How would prions magically appear in a deer farm?
@dualthreatoutdoors 3 дня назад
I disagree with this. Here in PA where I am, 60-80% of hunters stay within 1/2 mile of the parking lot. Once you get 1/2 mile+ back odds are you will have some areas to yourself
@adamlewis_outdoor 3 дня назад
This is the lazy hunters, there are a much larger percent of mobile hunters now going back to the exact same spots, which is my point
@dualthreatoutdoors 3 дня назад
@@adamlewis_outdoor ehhh; not where I’m at. Are there some, yes but I would still say 50%+ of the good deep spots are ripe for the picking. You will be hard pressed to find a roadside hot spot where I hunt
@reneevans797 2 дня назад
You should make 10 new questions on your deer IQ test every month, it was really fun to take (this may be asking a lot and i understand you have to monetize a product) I got a 5 but there was several i was 50/50 on (like the first question, i knew they were apart of the same genus group, i just thought it was a trick question and second guessed myself) I felt like i was at a 7, but obviously there’s always more to learn. Would like to see if i could progress my score
@ScottWConvid19 5 дней назад
I am not against government. I am, however, against corruption and currently every branch of government has been systematically corrupted by the love of money. You even had a guest that admitted that the conservation agencies don't want to fix problems that might cut out $3M-$4M from their annual budgets. For the love of money is the root of all evil
@ScottWConvid19 5 дней назад
Interesting. The linear clouds in the sky which are "stratospheric aerosol injections," as a part of the DoD's "cloud seeding program " (forget about the military using weapons) that delivers extremely large amounts of aluminum oxide and barium which descends upon the earth. As long as the studies include every environmental factor, including the uses of aluminum oxide, barium GMO crops laden with fungicides, pesticides, herbicides, suicides & homicides, then scientists may discover the root cause, but if the parties with conflicting interests completely ignore the most likely culprits, we might just be stuck in a never ending tax revenue generating mystery
@ericsimonson1073 5 дней назад
as individual hunters, we could supplement the deers' diets with the necessary minerals to prevent the misfolding of prions. I already am successfully supplementing minerals for the purpose of better skeletal and antler growth. Better all-around health follows. If the exact supplements are identified, it would be easy to include them in the mineral mix.
@adamlewis_outdoor 5 дней назад
Yes should be, but in some states, like Michigan, they do not allow baiting or supplements. The DNR would have to get on board, and if the science community doesn’t discover the answer, they will probably reject the idea
@maxenielsen 5 дней назад
Very interesting! The fur of a predator is probably a lot quieter than any of our clothing. Same with feet vs. boots. Therefore: barefoot in a Gille suit ;o) Thank you!
@brokenarrow6491 5 дней назад
Ive been through this several times over the years. I don't find that deer move in from other areas when there is a big die off. It took 4 or 5 years for the deer to repopulate back to normal.
@reneevans797 6 дней назад
What exactly do you mean in “overlooked”? other than like spots right off the road/parking lot. Becoming a big fan and love your content thanks
@adamlewis_outdoor 6 дней назад
Glad you like it! Overlooked as in on apps - the stuff that isn’t obvious funnels, islands, etc that everyone will be drawn to, and by scouting the other hunters.. where they are not going or hunting, which is a constant thing to see
@ScottWConvid19 6 дней назад
@w1.0 6 дней назад
Like he said this has been around for years. But now it is all of a sudden a problem we must solve. BS its all about power!
@adamlewis_outdoor 6 дней назад
They seem to always err on the side of doing too much .. CYA mentality
@w1.0 6 дней назад
Only way to solve this is deer mask 6 feet apart at food plots and lock downs until we get a vaccine to stop the spread until then no school for the fawns rest of the year!
@Aaron-sl9lu 6 дней назад
I would disagree with Dr Miller, unregulated wolves are the biggest threat to deer. There is an extremely high CWD prevalence in the southern 1/3rd of Wisconsin, while wolves are almost eliminated deer in the northern 1/3rd of Wisconsin!
@francisconti9085 7 дней назад
Thank you for such an informative and thoughtful presentation..I agree with the asset of deer farms, learning the natrual predation balance required & dietary balances that augment general health that avoids disease... I am also a proponent of not SPREADING the opportunities for shedding of prion buildup in the environment.. I have personally walked with wild and suburban whitetail for over 40 years, following generations as they developed, my amateur studies have intensified in the last 20+ years, the differential opportunities and experiences any given habitats offer, and the differential response of individual deer can have absolutely amazing effects upon open herds, "locale" herds, & "family-matriarchal" sub herds.. whitetail are such an "open system" with "pocket herds" and more "range" herds.. They really are quite complicated in their individual distribution and genetic diversity or lack therof.. Sequestration or open genetic opportunities have such impacts..and we are just now trying to understand the whole.. Thanks for all your hard work to further education engagement!👍
@seanrichardson881 7 дней назад
I can agree with that. Spend enough time working in an orchard and you'll find they get used to you and they'll come right in the orchard with you. But that's on their terms. They still really don't like it if I step foot in the woods.