Angelique Hartman
Angelique Hartman
Angelique Hartman
Hello loves & welcome!

As I transformed our first house & turned it into a home...Project after project... DIY after DIY... I fell in love with the process & sharing the whole journey on my channel. I'm continually working on some type of home project & always share the tips & tricks that I discover. The feeling of creating a home & running a successful household is something I am very proud of & would love for everyone to experience! So, I decided to create a resource for you of all my Interior Design & Household knowledge! My goal is to help people transform & create the home of their dreams.

Sharing The Hart Of Our Home With You!
This Ones for you Ollie... We Miss you!
14 дней назад
Telling My Husband We're Pregnant!
4 месяца назад
Decorating For Christmas 2023 | Part 2
6 месяцев назад
@mindywaymire3253 2 дня назад
Oh my gosh, that was the best reaction of a dad that I have seen on here in a long time!
@danaevans7104 3 дня назад
What kind of hardware store? Harbor Freight, Home Depot?
@colleenrichardson5339 5 дней назад
You had your baby before the baby shower 😭😭😭 i hope delivery went well🩵🩵🩵
@sarahgilland4154 6 дней назад
I 2nd ambercowburn
@Bagelsntatts 6 дней назад
Just saw that Ang had the baby at 34 weeks! Can’t wait to see that vlog. I can’t remember if they already had the shower? Might want to change that invite to a sip and see 😂
@fauxgirl2197 7 дней назад
I am your moms age and I have been watching your channel for years since y’all left CA . I wish you all the best and so sorry for your loss of Ollie . I have loved him too esp after the video in Hawaii you had to quarantine him. My daughter lost her dog after 15 yrs too so I know how hard this is . You are such a darling girl and sawyer is adorable. Best to you both. ❤
@maritzab9543 8 дней назад
Sooooo close to the end! Can’t wait to see the baby shower and nursery. It’s always fun to see the estimate of baby, they told me my daughter was 7.5 lbs at my 39 week appointment and she was 5.9 pounds at birth 😅
@kristenhombsch1653 8 дней назад
Sooo jealous of those Artipoppe & Kyte Baby packages! 😍
@alaina5265 9 дней назад
My mother's due date with me was February 1992 and I was born December 1991. I was 3 pounds and 4 ounces. I'm okay 👍 lol
@dy11213 9 дней назад
Where is the cabinet in the bedroom from?? It looks so pretty!
@nicolesturm7076 9 дней назад
“I’ll see you soon, okay” got me good 😭 Sending lots of love your way! ❤
@ambercowburn772 9 дней назад
Are you doing a vlog for your birth? 🤍
@rebekah3483 9 дней назад
Look into kyte baby and their most recent news. The owner has portrayed certain values for years and its now been revealed that she's been very nasty to her pregnant and mother employees! NOT something/product/person I stand behind anymore when there are SO many other options out there! Just fyi
@rebekah3483 9 дней назад
Hey there, just a heads up... please pay attention to baby's movements consistently. Lack of movement AND excessive movements! If you have either, GO GET CHECKED OUT IMMEDIATELY!
@MarshaColtonJohnson 10 дней назад
So glad baby is doing good. Now....we want to see what you got at Louis Vuitton! lol
@Kimberly.Storyteller 10 дней назад
That was such a fun vlog--love all the family snapshots too!🖤
@itshaleynichole 10 дней назад
please look into the dangers of taking Tylenol. pregnant or not it has been linked to a lot of stuff.
@Inrosegoldeyes 10 дней назад
Was it Ollie who was in quarantine in Hawaii? 😢❤ if so I remember those moments 🤍
@Inrosegoldeyes 10 дней назад
I’m crying
@laurena7447 10 дней назад
Literally me and every one of my friends all measured small! I think it’s very common. And the ultrasound can even be up to a pound off in guessing, which is a lot for a baby! I wouldn’t worry about that at all! You’re glowing and look gorgeous! ❤
@kayleakainz7201 10 дней назад
I’m always so excited for your posts
@alibarron 10 дней назад
Angelique is taking care of Daisy on Earth & her dad, Robert, is taking care of Ollie in Heaven 💕
@tracylehman3710 10 дней назад
My granddaughter was born at 31 weeks; 2 lbs 13 oz. Nothing short of a miracle! Happy safe journey for you.
@kellygreen7559 10 дней назад
I am so sorry for your loss. You will never get over it in the days weeks months and years to come You're going to remember some tears will be shed And then the smiles will come back out. But there is something unique you need to understand Ollie Was making a way for your little baby boy to come. Ollie Knew that he couldn't Watch over his little brother In life But from heaven he has 2 guardian angels
@LifeisaPhotoOp 10 дней назад
Ollie is how I found your channel <3. When you moved to Hawaii and poor little guy went to quarantine. What a great dog! Sorry for your loss
@mollylysowski6656 11 дней назад
Had me in full blown 😭 he was so loved I miss my pups
@gabriellamorales8804 12 дней назад
The fact that he's named after your song and he loved to sing with you. Rest easy, sweet boy. Until you meet again. 😭❤️
@valerieplace589 12 дней назад
Rip Ollie pants ❤❤❤ love you guys 😢
@danayealy3330 12 дней назад
so sorry for your loss, certainly is hard to loose these fur-babies… hugs
@itzavious 12 дней назад
Lovesac!!! The most comfortable couch ever! It’s also completely convertible and washable!
@TSagi_0127 13 дней назад
Thank you for sharing all these moments ! Sending love to you guys ❤️❤️
@Neelie4 13 дней назад
I loved my Nuna stroller and car seat travel system. Super lightweight and looks chic
@alyssaegner4298 13 дней назад
I just got the carmel couch a few months ago and LOVE it... pricey but worth it!
@lynnwalker 13 дней назад
I'll miss his sweet little face! Dogs are truly one of the greatest gifts in life. Love you Mr. Ollie Pants!
@nikamo767 13 дней назад
This made me cry.
@megandcalebvlogs 13 дней назад
Oh I am so so sorry for this tremendous loss. Ollie was so loved and special. My heart breaks for your family. Ollie rest in peace sweet boy ❤❤❤
@allisaandrews 13 дней назад
Every so often I come back to this video for the absolute, pure JOY on your face when Sawyer asked you, you're so adorable!
@highmountainmama8020 14 дней назад
Oh Angelique! I am so sorry for your loss. But Like Sawyer said, he lived a full life. He has the one of the best Mama's in the world. You gave him the best life any doggie could've had. He was so so loved and cared for by you. Know that he ran over that rainbow bridge right into the loving arms of your Dad and all his doggie friend who've been waiting to reunite with. Sending you and Sawyer light, love, and warm healing prayers. 💙
@leannemcmurray9211 14 дней назад
Ohhh beautiful little Ollie. You and Hitch were a divine duo. Rest easy little man.
@soniamoreira5003 14 дней назад
I'm so sorry for the loss of Olie. He is so beautiful, not to mention talented. I have just lost my baby Lola on May 23rd, she was 11 years old. May your and Sawyer have peace during this difficult time. Sending extra hugs to you all.
@momo_1209 14 дней назад
I'm sorry for your loss. Ollie is family and has given you good memories, and I'm sure he also cherished those times with you. Have you heard of the Rainbow Bridge? "Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together..." -author unknown
@shelleymason901 14 дней назад
Oh im balling, om so sorry about Ollie pants. I know all to well how that pain feels after losing a few of my own pets. It's hard, I hope u will b ok in time ❤
@TJMalana 14 дней назад
I'm so sad for both of you. First Hitch and now Ollie. At least now if you are religious can believe that they are both together in Heaven now watching over both of you. We're here for both of you when you need us. I too know what it's like losing a pet. 😥😭
@christinadh 14 дней назад
He was so lucky to have you both to love him!!
@mommaberti8124 14 дней назад
My heart is breaking for y’all. I know how difficult it is to lose one of your fur babies. I am so very sorry for your loss may you hold him dear in your heart forever.
@marilyndekker1541 14 дней назад
Hes now running with your dad. Hugs...maple and your other puppy will miss him too.
@elizabritton4039 14 дней назад
Y’all gave him the best life possible. He was with you through everything and your love for him just shows how precious and big your heart is. I know it’s not easy. I lost my rag doll just a few months ago. But, the time you had with Ollie and the time I had with my rag doll Shelby is just too short. But, they will always been in our hearts and memories. 🙏 Thankyou for sharing Ollie with us.
@soprismatic 14 дней назад
Crying over hitch and Ollie like they were my own! This was so heartfelt and the ending....wooo it really got me. Those pups were so blessed to have you both! Sending love your way ❤
@kayleighsmith2515 14 дней назад
Sending love and prayers!! I am crying with you! ❤ I know he was your baby and he had the best life because of you!!!
@kangy870 14 дней назад
I been following for almost those whole 14 1\2 years between you and sawyer and this absolutely broke my heart sending all my love your way during this difficult time ❤️💔