Join me for some casual gaming and amateur city building!
Expanding my city with PDX Mods!
2 месяца назад
My Favorite City in Cities: Skylines II
3 месяца назад
Managing Traffic Flow - Modderbrunnen Ep. 2
5 месяцев назад
Mega-harbor Expansion! - New Vice City Ep. 6
5 месяцев назад
My Top 5 Mods for Cities: Skylines II
5 месяцев назад
Housing Boom - New Vice City Ep. 4
5 месяцев назад
Building an Island Park - New Vice City Ep. 3
5 месяцев назад
Let's start a zoo! - New Vice City Ep. 1
6 месяцев назад
@SebastienShepherd 2 часа назад
Mod list?
@mattholmes9171 День назад
Awesome episode by the way. I am fairly new to cities skylines. Is it worth buying cities skylines 2? Should I get the ultimate edition?
@skilzthatkilz11 День назад
Thanks! And I think I would wait until they ship the asset importer. Even with the latest patch, buildings tend to be repetitive
@rudolphantler6309 День назад
Some tips, requests, and ideas I can give to the overall city: 1. In the middle of a custom made roundabout, you can create an inner counter-direction/opposite-way for shorter turns. Bonus points if the outer ring is elevated and the inner one also but at a different height. 2. You may try building a fully underground giant complex intersection under a major urban hub to ease traffic. Like those big premade designer ones you can readily place. Just underground. Like a clover! 3. Perhaps build an Alcatraz Island type setting. Except with a bridge, of course. This game has no ferry yet. 4. When building hydroelectric dams, it looks cool and is actually a good idea to provide an alternate semi-parallel "slip-highway" pillar-supported bridge for faster traffic. Bonus if it is deep down low close at the lower side for scenery. 5. You can probably build a hedge maze out of bushes and pedestrian paths close to a mansion thingy if you actually make citizens want to go that way. They won't get lost but it is better this way. 6. If you have no space for a tram to turn around and don't like how it changes its front heading like me, you can probably fit an underground roundabout closeby. 7. Underground bus, tram, and taxi stops can really help downtown traffic. 8. When placing a new Small Elevated Subway Station and placing two roads next to it, you can probably avoid needing to use pedestrian crossings if you build an underground path ramp along its length. 9. You can street-run a Train in some low residential + commercial + industrial places just like America does in some places. Possibly even safely if you carefully plan crossings with all the necessary precautions. 10. Mountainside serpentines and hairpins! Scenic wonders! Also with some segments being tunnels? 11. If speed is not top priority when building a bridge, instead of building one uninterrupted straight line, you may want to consider choosing or outright building a series of island-hopping bridge segments. 12. If a highway and a more conventional road may need to cross a river at the same place you can actually easily place one special construction (non-auto-road-tool) bridge under another! The lower one will need to curve around the pylons of the higher one, though. So the lower one is best as the slower one. 13. You can create floating bridge pedestrian parks if you branch off a bridge with sidewalks with a pedestrian walking road. 14. You can build a small car priority roundabout complex by building a big custom one and putting a premade smaller one in the middle and restricting heavy traffic in the inner side. 15. I'm relatively new to the game but I'd suspect we need at least two lanes for each way in a tunnel so if there is an accident the responders can reach the destination. 16. A pretty thing to build is an octagonal roundabout with 4 triangular gardens in the middle. 17. When building a two-way cul-de-sac roundabout for turning around, instead of the normal flat construction you can make the whole thing curve back above (or below) the road it intends to serve. 18. You may attempt to boost noise cancellation by manually placing a lot of extra trees between residential and highways! This is supposed to work in the game! 19. You may have fun demonstrating how much easier it is with your mods to place one cross junction above another one without problems. Somewhere useful. 20. Does lowering train tracks into ditches decrease noise pollution for nearby housing? This is more like a question I have I haven't tested yet. 21. You can build roundabouts around a wind turbine. But not only that, you can probably build it elevated and still not really interfere with wind just by that structure alone. 22. You can intermix upward and downward arcing bridges to create sine wave patterns. 23. If speed is not an issue but noise pollution turns out to be, you may attempt to decrease noise on elevated STRAIGHT roads by replacing a segment with a covered bridge! Did not test this yet! But sadly you cannot build noise reduction walls on elevated highways. 24. One way to may use of ground space under bridges far from Residential is to put junkyards/trashdumps under bridges. 25. It is a good idea to be mindful not to put the openings of parking lots on main roads because they can cause pile-ups.
@travisscarbury4696 2 дня назад
I’m scared to even ask for fear that people will yell. But what mods are you using to be able to take just part of the tennis court and select just a pool? Very new to CS2 so need all the help I can get and your city is fantastic looking!!
@skilzthatkilz11 2 дня назад
Nah no judgement on this channel! I believe that picker tool is part of the Find It mod by TDW
@travisscarbury4696 День назад
@@skilzthatkilz11 I watched your must have mods video and I can see have a lot of work and learning to do but extremely informative! So thank you for that. I find a lot of videos share what they did and that’s cool but to actually explain what you used to get there is amazing. So thank you and will keep watching. Your videos are great!
@Skippypal 2 дня назад
Instant Subscribe! Awesome video
@skilzthatkilz11 2 дня назад
@rudolphantler6309 2 дня назад
At Intersection 4 at 20:11 maybe you seemingly forgot to link the traffic coming from the north-east on Pacific Highway down to Heather Street north-west the same way you did Pacific Highway coming from south-west linking to Heather Street north-west. Also, you can always link any south-west Pacific Highway to Heather Street south-east and Pacific Highway north-east to Heather Street south-east. Some feedback: 1. Whereever I go on youtube they say avoid putting roundabouts on highways because it is counterproductive to the speed possibilities. Which is understandable. Now I know you just sometimes use them as highway-to-arterial flow-in regulators by the looks of them, but long vehicles like semis towing long trailers still have silly turn physics in the game and they mostly partially drive over the middle island of nearly all roundabouts, but mostly the small ones. For this I wouldn't really recommend them because it can break immersion. Or at least to limit them to Residential suburbs. Questions: 2. Do natural hills hold back noise pollution a similar way as sound barriers do? Never had the chance to test that out yet. 3. Can you give advice on how to build *on-ground* ramps on the side of mountains like cliffside serpentines? Possibly spirals around mountains leading up/down? Having MAJOR trouble when not using pillar-bridges or tunnels and the idea would be *not* to. 4. Can you give advice how to do tunnels that do NOT go down to a lower level without the concrete structures doing graphical glitches? 5. Would you perhaps be willing to upload tutorial videos for the above someday?
@skilzthatkilz11 2 дня назад
Hey thanks for the feedback! For that missing connection at 20:11, yeah maybe I can squeeze that in by the new parking lots, or shift them around. I figured people coming from that direction could go through the roundabout and down thru La Puerta since it's pretty much a straight shot, but if traffic backs up I'll keep that in my back pocket. And yeah I for sure won't put roundabouts in the train yard interchange, and I see what you mean about being less realistic with semi-trucks. As for you questions: 1. I don't think so? I _think_ it's mostly trees, sound barriers, and raised streets. But I haven't directly tested that. 2. Hm what do you mean by "on-ground" ramps? Do you have a google image link I can look at? 3. On tunnels....nope :( The graphical issues there are hard to get around. You can see something similar with the lowered train tracks, once I add retaining walls, you could see through the ground to the water below the entire map. Ended up hiding it with the Myrtle Street Bridge.
@rudolphantler6309 2 дня назад
1. Hope you can test it before I have to. XD 2. Like placing a road on the ground. Not a bridge, not on a quay wall, not carved into the ground, and not a tunnel. Just with the added complexity of like doing it in a way that it becomes a spiral ramp from the top of a plateau to the ground. So I can put my radio antennae and weather warning systems on high decorative places. I'm having major trouble putting spiral roads on the "ground" around spiral slopes around a plateau. It always turns into the 4 undesirable type of constructions mentioned above. I cannot link an image here because dumb youtube comments never allow links to be put in comments here like people wouldn't be using some antivirus in 2024 anyway. So is it clearer now? 3. Really sad. Not only are some physical construction possibilities missing from this fine game, but graphical glitches also hinder any innovative ideas we may have.
@pandoranders 2 дня назад
Hey @skilzthatkilz11. I cant seem to figure out where to turn on or what mod controlls the feature to show actuall numbers earned per hour in the bottm infoview where the money is shown. Same for number of people moving in/out. Please help me :D
@skilzthatkilz11 2 дня назад
That would be the Show Text Trends mod! By Daniel-00001
@nickbellomo3362 2 дня назад
A gazebo under the bridge for the homeless upgrade. 😂😂😂
@kendrickprejean5922 2 дня назад
You forgot a lane going towards your industrial area
@skilzthatkilz11 2 дня назад
Check out the last chapter :)
@kendrickprejean5922 2 дня назад
You forgot a lane going towards your industrial area
@rudolphantler6309 2 дня назад
If I create tiny tight miniature versions of the tried and tested interchanges, is there a point where I get problems like accidents or something?
@skilzthatkilz11 2 дня назад
That's a great question. Accidents DO exist in the game, but I'm not sure if turn radius is a factor. I think it's more about weather and road conditions. I think the bigger issue would be traffic backups. If the interchange is smaller, there's a shorter queueing distance. Worth trying though!
@rudolphantler6309 2 дня назад
Well the little gnome sitting on my shoulder is telling me that just because the interchange part of a freeway is shorter due to it being smaller, if it functions well theoretically it shouldn't cause backups. If you put diverges before merges all should be okay, no? Just to be sure do not use One-Way One-Lane Highways, since those only go 80km/h. Or as short distances as possible, or strategically placed. Up for a little experiment? :D
@skilzthatkilz11 2 дня назад
Lol aight I'll keep this in mind when I make another big interchange. Curious to see what happens if you implement that in your city too.
@rudolphantler6309 2 дня назад
Me personally can't bring myself to start building again because I'm waiting for other key ideas to get implemented in the game. Sadly it doesn't look good when a game announces the console ports will be postponed indefinitely.
@skilzthatkilz11 2 дня назад
Ooof, yeah, that was sad to hear. I started playing CS1 on Xbox before I built my PC for CS2, so I feel for console players.
@bluespeedrail7731 3 дня назад
epic video epic city
@Gaming-With-Raymond 3 дня назад
Amazing job 👌
@skilzthatkilz11 3 дня назад
Thank you!
@smoky5645 3 дня назад
Excellent Video! Glad I found your channel!
@skilzthatkilz11 3 дня назад
@bjroo 3 дня назад
Great Video!!
@jamesdeadthrone6689 3 дня назад
Awesome job pal, I always struggle with networks so this is really good inspiration 👌
@skilzthatkilz11 3 дня назад
Thanks!! Infrastructurist makes really good interchanges too, I'd check his videos out for even more inspiration
@PylonJon 8 дней назад
It would be real easy to lose balls over those little hedges around the pickleball courts! And the chapter title says clubhouse but you forgot the actual clubhouse. They need to ensure everyone has paid their $5000/month membership fee!
@skilzthatkilz11 7 дней назад
Hmm yeah maybe I can change one of the barns for an actual mansion to act as the clubhouse...
@panko. 8 дней назад
Why is no one talking about his jokes and puns lol. You'r missing out if not paying attention. 😂😂❤
@tyrk1589 8 дней назад
super talented! great build, excited to watch along
@allegedlygodthesecond3129 8 дней назад
i keep reading your name as skibidi rizz 11 bro, it's so over for me i'm koocked
@skilzthatkilz11 8 дней назад
That sounds cooler than this gamertag my 13 year old self stuck me with
@allegedlygodthesecond3129 8 дней назад
@@skilzthatkilz11 it's definitely not cooler lol, that's gen alpha brain rot, if you don't know what it is keep it that way onestly
@aluxtube3089 9 дней назад
@natedogyoung 9 дней назад
Beverly Hills isn't a beach community. This is more La Jolla or Laguna Beach.
@skilzthatkilz11 9 дней назад
Ha I guess I'm using Beverly Hills as a stand in for any ultra wealthy and hilly neighborhood
@bjroo 9 дней назад
You are so underrated! the build looks amazing
@skilzthatkilz11 9 дней назад
Thank you so much!
@Kayambo974 9 дней назад
I’m so bad at placing custom parking spots etc, could you help?
@skilzthatkilz11 9 дней назад
I'd start by leaving a little space in between your buildings and placing a custom lot there! Kind of like the one near my Palm Tree Way, by the library
@Kayambo974 9 дней назад
@@skilzthatkilz11 well I mean the detailed parking markers. I can place them but no one uses them
@skilzthatkilz11 9 дней назад
Ah sounds like maybe you're using the wrong type of path? Make sure it's the 2x Perpendicular path type, and that it connects to an outside road. Is that what you mean?
@Kayambo974 9 дней назад
@@skilzthatkilz11 oh thanks
@alvarofuster4272 9 дней назад
Wow, this is amazing! I loved what you've done with the neighborhood. I also want to say thank you for naming it after me. Great episode!
@endlessroadie3131 9 дней назад
Having a slow and boring afternoon with gray and rainy skies so you can imagine how welcome a new episode is!
@AB-dx1co 9 дней назад
Are tunels rendered
@skilzthatkilz11 9 дней назад
Unfortunately not yet 😔
@lordzizo375 10 дней назад
If a small City causes so much change I cant even Imagen what my 2 Mio Citie will Cause. Its going to be a Mess.
@skilzthatkilz11 10 дней назад
Wow your PC must be a nuclear space heater lol
@gillking49 11 дней назад
Thanks for the info. Some good mods to look into.
@jengoh3826 11 дней назад
I love the small town and cozy feel of the city! Keep up the good work!
@skilzthatkilz11 11 дней назад
Thank you!!
@lahead5160 11 дней назад
Why the terrain color is too bright ?
@skilzthatkilz11 11 дней назад
The map texture replacer mod broke with the latest patch :(
@withsapphires 12 дней назад
One of your districts, Central Station I believe, needs zone border adjusting. There is some housing in it that is cut out, so they are not receiving any city services.
@skilzthatkilz11 12 дней назад
Lol I kid you not, my first note for the next episode is "fix central station so apartment gets ambulance". Good eye!!
@omarfaruk8732 13 дней назад
I’m noticing the usage percentage on the bus route are inefficient. Can you create bus route to be realistic with high usage?
@omarfaruk8732 13 дней назад
To add, show us some cinematic of the bus lines and trams. City views. Follow some cars, trams, busses.
@skilzthatkilz11 13 дней назад
TBH a bus route might be overkill for such a small city, especially with econ 2.0 and the existing tram line. And yeah I need to learn how to create cinematics!
@Gaming-With-Raymond 13 дней назад
You should turn off TAA to get rid of the ghosting on vehicles.
@skilzthatkilz11 13 дней назад
Hmm tbh my game looks pretty bad without TAA. What settings do you use?
@artistfkaW 13 дней назад
Started a new city after economy 2.0 came out. 3 days into building all of a sudden I had a huge budget crisis out of nowhere that almost killed the city. I think it’s buggy
@skilzthatkilz11 13 дней назад
I'm not sure if this is what you're running into, but Paradox _has_ confirmed a bug where office employment tanks: forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/office-building-workers-still-make-zero-sense.1691984/#post-29731860
@artistfkaW 13 дней назад
@@skilzthatkilz11didn’t check offices but that could be it, thanks. I kept thinking why does a brand new city need all these offices when I don’t even have a HS? (Because it takes so long to build up money I literally can’t afford one)
@NithinJune 15 дней назад
is “upzoning” a euphemism for gentrifying (i think i’ve been on twitter too long my brain is melting)
@skilzthatkilz11 15 дней назад
By "upzone" I tend to mean "go from single family housing to medium/high density housing." Though if I add a bougie corner cafe...
@NithinJune 15 дней назад
@@skilzthatkilz11 lool
@terriny_crowned 15 дней назад
Your tram system reminds me of the metromover in miami, i love it!
@hokanh579 15 дней назад
Damn! Looks really cool! How do you make the tram stops with the roofs though?
@skilzthatkilz11 15 дней назад
Thanks! And those are pedestrian bridges, not "real" tram stops. The stops themselves are on the tram line. Bridges are just for aesthetics :)
@alvarofuster4272 16 дней назад
Love the shorter video today! Also would recommend taking a look at the EU waterfront low density residential zoning. Some of those houses look like Floridian / Californian beach villas. Keep it up!
@skilzthatkilz11 16 дней назад
Ah right they do have that Mediterranean look, I'll check them out! (Heads up, I upzone a lot of the current waterfront single family housing to adjust to the Econ 2.0 patch, but I think EU waterfront will be a great candidate for the eventual Beverly Hills-type area)
@alvarofuster4272 16 дней назад
@@skilzthatkilz11 Looking forward to that Beverly Hills episode!
@dirk751 16 дней назад
lIk ben 61j gepensioneerd en gek van het spel en zie dat jij skilzthatkilz11 dat al op je scherm staan hebt.
@skilzthatkilz11 15 дней назад
Het spijt me, ik begrijp het niet. Google vertaling is slecht :/
@dirk751 16 дней назад
Ik zou dat ook zo willen, maar ik ken er niks van Please help in geval van wil ik daar voor betalen Vele groeten en hopend op een positief antwoord.
@dirk751 16 дней назад
@bjroo 16 дней назад
I think it would be cool to look out you window and a tram would be passing by.
@skilzthatkilz11 16 дней назад
As long as they can't see in haha
@LukaD90 16 дней назад
City is turning out great! I'm Gunna sound so dumb right now, but how do you know what kinda intersection would work best for the situation? Or is it more of a do it and find out kinda vibe in CS2? 😅😂😭 Since the update, I've been struggling so bad to be earning a profit haha so now resorted to unlimited money and all tiles unlocked 😅 they need difficulty options 😂 there's too much to understand and find out for me to get my head around it all for a CS noob such as myself 😂 and the in-game tutorials are on a whole other level of laborious haha Anyway, Great ep! Got me inspired to get the growables plot mod! Much less effort than having to knock buildings down every minute to get the right zone building haha
@skilzthatkilz11 16 дней назад
Thank you! And hmm for me I'll default to the regular 4 way intersection for 2-4 lane roads (though sometimes a roundabout just looks nice, even if it's not necessary). When two different 4 laners meet up, sometimes then I'll go for a bigger roundabout to help with traffic flow. Once I start getting into the bigger roads though (6 laner+), then I'll do something more custom like slip lanes or entire interchanges that avoid lights/stop signs. But yeah, the economy is a lot harder now. The game could definitely be better about communicating what's happening/what to fix.
@miculica 16 дней назад
Your clips are so chill and entertainment to watch, you are very creative when you build something in DdM, keep it up like this!
@MrKork1 16 дней назад
The low density map mode is showing red because the streets are too busy. They will probs show green if you look at commercial or medium density. Also, great job with the tram line, it looks great. I have one nitpick. The first two stops that you built are way too close to each other. If you removed the second one the distance between the school stop and the first one you built would be more appropriate. Keep going strong this series is great!
@MrKork1 16 дней назад
And you might want to check out the row corner asset mod. It works great for me when I want windows facing both directions in a row home block.
@skilzthatkilz11 16 дней назад
Hm I'd expect the rest of those blocks to have similar noise next to the couplet, but yeah commercial was green there! And totally agree on those stops being too close... I think I might add a stop at the train yard and remove the one in between.
@skilzthatkilz11 16 дней назад
Ha I'm a little afraid to use custom assets, I keep seeing issues pop up around them. If the official asset importer doesn't come soon though...
@artistfkaW 16 дней назад
Ha i was crosswalk guy, no need to call me out. Series is awesome so far
@skilzthatkilz11 16 дней назад
Lol in the moment in my head I was like "crap, I didn't look them up"
@LukaD90 16 дней назад
New sub here, Just binged all your Dewy vids, man you've become my favourite CS2 RU-vidr! I really like the pace you do in creating your city and your detailing! I've only been playing CS for just over a month now, and just bought CS2 but still have no clue what im doing or how things work, but i appreciate that you explain why you're doing something when doing things 🙏 i must admit, i had to watch some videos more than once though, as i been watching at night and your audio and voice is relaxing i end up falling alseep 😅😂 but, keep up the great work! Also im from Melbourne, Australia. The tram network here is huge all throughout the city 😂 but i found helps with how i lay out my cities for when i add trams, in CS1 i would always add pedestrian commercial districts and would add tram lines through them like we have in melbournes CBD 😅 Anyway, love your content, you're fantastic! Cant wait to see how Dewy progresses and see your channel grow!
@skilzthatkilz11 16 дней назад
Hi @LukaD90! This is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said, thank you so much! I'm glad you're liking them :) And congrats on just getting CS2! A good time to start, now that they've reworked the economy. What do you think of it so far, compared to CS1? And ha no joke, my brother suggested tagging my videos as ASMR when I started out... Also you're the second person in a day to bring up the Melbourne tram system haha. I just looked at a map and was blown away by how extensive it is. And now I'm on an Australian city design binge...
@rhysryan8391 17 дней назад
i like the assets you use have you got a list/pack with them?
@skilzthatkilz11 17 дней назад
Oh I don't have any custom asset mods! All vanilla assets through the Find It mod
@knightcomrade2855 17 дней назад
you can adjust the tram stops by moving them at the middle of the elevated paths to simulate it being dropped off inside the station
@skilzthatkilz11 17 дней назад
Hm not sure I understand. Like, move the stop signs into those pedestrian bridges with Move It?