Bart D. Ehrman
Bart D. Ehrman
Bart D. Ehrman
Welcome to Dr. Bart Ehrman's RU-vid Channel, home of the "Misquoting Jesus" Podcast, which we release every week on Tuesday.

Bart Ehrman is a world-renowned Bible scholar. He has written six New York Times best-selling books including "Misquoting Jesus," "How Jesus Became God," and "God's Problem."

We post at least once per week on the channel on topics such as early Christianity, textual changes, the writings of Paul, the Gospels, the historical Jesus, the "other" gospels, ancient "heresies," how we got the Bible, and more.

Follow along and grow your knowledge about the historical Jesus and early Christianity.

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Is the "Good Book" Really So Good?
14 дней назад
What did Judas Betray?
Месяц назад
Do We Have a Soul?
Месяц назад
Did Slaves Give Us the New Testament?
Месяц назад
Did Jesus Think He Was the Messiah?
2 месяца назад
Did Peter Hate Paul? (FREE ONLINE COURSE)
2 месяца назад
Do Fundamentalists (Actually) Follow Jesus?
2 месяца назад
Finding Jesus in Genesis
2 месяца назад
Why Did Paul Convert?  Did He Convert?
3 месяца назад
Why Did Paul Hate Jesus and His Followers?
3 месяца назад
If There Is a God, Why Do We Suffer?
4 месяца назад
@kencusick6311 2 минуты назад
Awwww love the cat. What Bart has to say is always interesting but a cat!
@quetzelmichaels1637 Час назад
The Son does what he sees YAHW has done. Christ (Adam) judges the earth and becomes a worm. YHWH (David-Morning Star) judged the heavens and the Gods and became the Ancient Serpent of Old. Two appearances, within the same generation.
@munbruk Час назад
What we can say is that Jesus suffered when he was trying to guide his people. Same for Abraham Lut Noah etc. He was not an atonement for any body. Basically Christians took the story of Abraham and his son and made it real with God himself.
@Redneckprisonbee Час назад
Studying the Bible and finding what I thought was a contradiction then just doing research to figure out that it isn’t is what gives me a boost and deepens my faith
@sergeeusee Час назад
The bible declares Mary a virgin and so does her husband Joseph who wanted to divorce her for being pregnant!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!! REPENT!!!!!
@Erfan 2 часа назад
reads like heresy 🤣
@umardikko1076 2 часа назад
The hierarchy of the Temple felt their authority threatened by the prominence of Jesus and get him out of circulation they incited the Romans by telling them that Jesus was claiming to be the King of the Judeans.
@rpoorbaugh 3 часа назад
@sergecoriandoli540 4 часа назад
Don't forget Megan's lipstick and makeup job! 🤣
@patbrumph6769 4 часа назад
Christianity is like a modern prison where you are under surveillance day and night by guards you never see because they use computers and televisions to watch over you, so you don't have a moment's privacy. Only with God, he not only watches your every move, he knows your every thought, passes judgement on your every emotion, and like the prison guards, you can't see him. The beauty of Christianity is that there is no prison. You have been groomed to be your own guard, passing judgement on every breath of air you breath, and Jesus doesn't exist at all. To protect yourself from the damnation, the nonexistent Jesus threatens you with, you say your prayers, maintain surveillance over yourself and go to church where you drop money into the basket every Sunday. It's the greatest scam ever invented.
@jttj742 4 часа назад
If Jesus already atoned for our sins why is there still evil, suffering, etc? People keep committing new sins. Do we need a second Jesus?
@mariaandreaspashi1931 5 часов назад
No, Jesus is a sacrifice is same as a volunteer Dr who goes to save others in a dangerous country, wars, political conflicts, and inevitably dies trying to save others, Jesus was sacrificed in order to demonstrate the whole meaning of Love.
@islamforall437 5 часов назад
Jesus the great prophet of islam. ❤❤❤
@Iknowknow112 6 часов назад
Maybe I missed it but I was struck that with all of this talk about justification etc., there was no mention that James’ official title is JAMES THE JUST!!
@chardo24 6 часов назад
Forgiveness and atonement are words that point to the same thing. Forgiveness and atonement are used in popular Christianity as a way of getting over one's guilt.
@islamforall437 5 часов назад
But Jesus never taught atonement that's the issue
@chardo24 2 часа назад
@@islamforall437 What we are talking about here is atonement or one with divine reality, God. In the New Testament Jesus taught the issue with atonement is not that he is God and your are not John 10:17-18. Matthew 5:3 . The popular Christian belief that Jesus was sinless is a heresy. It is called the Docetism heresy which is to argue that Christ took a human form. So Christ took a human form but not really. You know he was not really human. He did not sin. He did not have the capacity for it. He just looked like us but he was not like us at all. And that is what most Christians argued kind of belief. That Jesus was a Superman. He save you from sin by magic in some fashion. All you have to do is to believe in an idea that he die for your sin. And it is what is popularly kind of conside. And the issue of atonement in unresolvable by such fulling around. It means to be fully human is to be fully divine. That is to say the claim about Christ in the New Testament is is paradox he is fully man and fully God.
@HHasan-of2vi 6 часов назад
He pays debt to whom himself or Satan.
@agentoffortune74 8 часов назад
We die because our bodies get old and worn out. Nothing more. Am I supposed to believe I have sinned by wearing a wool-silk blend suit. C'mon.
@MrAuskiwi101 8 часов назад
"Jesus recorded words" is incorrect. Claimed words without evidence would be the honest description.
@bobstine3785 8 часов назад
Off topic, but what did Mark's centurion see in Jesus that indicated that Jesus was the son of God?
@ThisTrainIsLost 8 часов назад
Nice cat.
@susanstein6604 9 часов назад
I can see why Christianity achieved mass acceptance. It’s so much easier to have Jesus atone for your sins for you.
@leom6343 9 часов назад
You forgot the violence with Christianity Was spread too
@munbruk Час назад
That is too good to be true
@susanstein6604 9 часов назад
Jews don’t believe in original sin so we don’t need Jesus to atone for our sins.
@munbruk Час назад
Well Christians just followed the jews.. Paul was a jew. Before the rubenic judaism made a u turn.
@ThisTrainIsLost 9 часов назад
Google virgin births and you will find that it's not a miracle though it is rare, and they have happened as long as there have been people. Interesting point: what makes the virgin birth of Jesus special is the fact that virgin births usually result in the birth of a female child.
@mooshei8165 9 часов назад
@ThisTrainIsLost 9 часов назад
I wonder why the announcer says "real questions?" Would we otherwise expect fake questions? What makes a question "real?" Is that a question that you already know the answer to? That line should be removed.
@chickenpants 10 часов назад
Is atonement compatible with forgiveness? If i forgive someone's debt, it's just gone. If they make restitution or atonement, or someone else does on their behalf, then i haven't forgiven that debt. It's been paid. This would mean that the crucifixion is not compatible with the doctrine of forgiveness. Or am i missing something?
@timcarbone007 10 часов назад
So with jesus dying for us, aren't we square now? We're good with God and don't need to worry about sin and we can just do our own thing? I mean, none of it is real, but asking for a friend.
@benjamintrevino325 7 часов назад
Only if you accept him, which means accept Christianity, which means keeping holy the Sabbath, which means going to church at least every Sunday, which means helping the church keep the lights on, which means a tithe would surely be pleasant to the Lord.
@Cor6196 3 часа назад
Paul covers that in one of his epistles (Corinthians?). Some of his new Christians took your “exegesis” seriously - and unless I’m making this up, he was particularly outraged when a guy married his mother. But I might be confusing him with Oedipus!😂
@munbruk Час назад
It is logic except the church needs the baton with the carot in order to govern.
@Haze446 10 часов назад
Thanks God.. I'm muslim
@rogerparkhurst5796 11 часов назад
Not ‘absurd’, but a prescription established and accepted by those believers as part of a religion. Accepting the beliefs are personal. Murder is a crime that has consequences that could lead to death. Murder can also be a sin. One is social the other religious. Application of absurdity is a personal judgement/bias.
@ef4768 11 часов назад
The Bible is false.
@chickenpants 10 часов назад
The idea that I can harm the god of the bible is absurd. That god is omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent, and ubiquitous. The idea that me touching myself somehow injures that god is preposterous. So, yes, sin = death is absurd.
@leom6343 9 часов назад
Stealing chocolate too? And Abraham didn't need any human sacrifice. Isaac, Jacob, Noah, Adam and many others too. And babies die without having done anything wrong.
@leom6343 11 часов назад
The idea that commiting a sin= death is absurd. And the idea of a human sacrifice even more.
@kronos01ful 9 часов назад
Not at all . Is what makes live valuable
@leom6343 9 часов назад
@@kronos01ful your comment is absurd too. Stealing chocolate =death? And human sacrifices are definitively not a good thing. 🤣
@munbruk Час назад
Some ex christian called christianity as a bloody cult. That is what the corrupted christianity is.
@munbruk Час назад
Death could be spiritual means change your soul to the good. Same as birth again.
@leom6343 Час назад
@@munbruk by this logic Jesus wouldnt have had to die, only to die spiritually
@Raz.C 12 часов назад
So if I understand you correctly, what you're saying is that Jesus is and always was a failure? That should have been obvious to every modern Christian (since modern Christians all have access to a bible, which they can study at their own leisure), upon discovering that Jesus failed to fulfil the requisites of 'The Messiah,' as well as the duties of 'The Messiah.' Christians should have recognised, as the Jews did, that Jesus is not/ was never 'The Messiah.'
@diegog1853 9 часов назад
Well the problem is that even early on christians could see that jesus prophecies were wrong and so reinterpreted them in new scripture like in luke or john. While mark or Paul probably still believed that the apocalypse was just a few years away. And so when modern christians read about jesus they read both texts from christians believing the end was at hand and christians that knew the end didn't come and reinterpreted the whole jesus message.
@maksymgudyma 13 часов назад
Jesus talk about His Transfiguration. And Peter repeat this information in 2 letter. Do not manipulate with this information.
@ThisTrainIsLost 13 часов назад
Those glasses make me want to turn her upside down because they give me vertigo just staring at them.
@jafar4marva 14 часов назад
Strange isn't it. This is the Islamic teaching. "Oh mankind, will you not think"
@mikaelrosing 15 часов назад
I wonder aometimes because Jesus was the son of david his own brothers testified to be in the family of david that therefore they mocked him as king of the jews because he was in the linage of david and profisied messiah that would have a eternal kingdom
@PEH5806 16 часов назад
Paul was a persecutor and never met Jesus in his life time. He had lied he saw Jesus in a vision and he introduced trinity
@sebolddaniel 16 часов назад
I have learned much from this program. I wonder if the current push to the edge of nuclear war against the Russians has something to do with American style Christianity. The Russians, I believe, are not perceived as Orthodox Christians, but perhaps as commie atheists who want to take over the world and we must destroy these evil people. It is my understanding that Orthodox Christianity, unlike western puritanism, does not interpret the Bible as preaching a predetermined destiny that some people are going to go to hell. This is not in their Bible, because the Orthodox text was translated differently and correctly. The Russians seem also much less into puritanical body hang ups for both genders. The Black Sea beaches are much less sexist than the almost exclusive objectification of women you see in Miami Beach. Both genders show the same amount of flesh in Russia. At least this was the case when I was there twenty odd years ago.
@noeldown1952 16 часов назад
So pagans used to throw the same accusations at Christians that Christians threw at Jews a thousand years later.
@michaelmontgomery-4047 16 часов назад
It's really simple and cool! 😎 Christ is the sun. Everyone is basically two things, a body from Mother Earth and a spirit from the Sun/son. It's so obvious to me funny that Maya matrix has kept it a secret all this time. It's not that God is a jerk, more like if we don't let go of our baggage we can't go back into the stars from which we came. Our astral 3rd bodies. I know absolutely nothing about the spiritual world or what are Spirit looks like are anything, but I am 99% sure we all have a massive astral body out there like a nebula star. I've been connecting with mine and the effects are indescribably wonderful. I wish everybody could experience the joy that it brings me. Our mansions in heaven. Where else does all our spiritual essence go? When we die it would just be gone yet somehow we reincarnate and no memories and other things from a past life, all stars are connected in the spiritual realm. So if you want to get home you got to drop all your earthly baggage so consciousness can reunite. Call it Buddha call it Bob call it Christ, it don't give a s***just got a raise vibration to its frequency. there are true tales of monks dying with big smiles on their faces. They meditated a little bit too much, but it's about to flip it's polarities and so anyone prepared after repenting if that's what you want to call it, tune their frequency to its vibe and got sucked up. I think it's going to be a little easier when it flips its polarities, be like surfing a riptide. Hopefully a representative like Jesus will help us with this. Also called Rapture but all this could be documented scientifically I believe. Quantum physics, neutrinos etc. beautiful time when science and religion mesh together, no more magical impossible bulshit. Real scientific stuff, vibration, light, love 💕 Christ consciousness dwells in all animals plants and people, can even be proved by special camera lenses. It's just hard to believe and accept because we've been brainwashed not to. It would have defeated the whole purpose of being here but now it's time to go home. Open your minds and your heart and you will see that all religions and science are right because they all originated from the ultimate reality of things. Of course this is just my opinion and I might be completely insane.
@matthewmaclaren2341 16 часов назад
OMG this guy is literally dumb as a piece of wood. He doesn't even consider the issue of Jesus being the Son of God!!!! “You are my beloved son; with you I am well pleased.” What would the Son of God be like? He would be like Jesus. Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@matthewmaclaren2341 16 часов назад
What is up with the vagina glasses on the chicks face???
@slik00silk84 17 часов назад
Imagine Bart with green hair.
@calculatedcallum9434 18 часов назад
I’ve got a really technical question about Christianity, so obviously there’s been other intelligent life at some point so it would only be fair if other life had the bible aswell right, so does that mean the trinity would actually be false since there would potentially be 1000s of Jesus’ what’s your thoughts on this?
@diegog1853 9 часов назад
I don't think it is technical at all. I am not a christian anymore but the way I would answer is this: first it is not obvious that other intelligent life outside of earth exists... Of course I am not claiming there isn't. Just saying it isn't obvious. We don't know how likely the formation of life is so we cannot accurately assess how likely it is for it to exist in other places, even if the amount of earth like planets is astronomically big, the probability of life could be even more astronomically small, we simply don't know. It is like wanting to say how likely a 1 can land in a given dice roll without knowing how many faces the dice has. It could be 6 faces or it could be 6 billion faces. Secondly, the "fact" that God chose to come down to us doesn't mean that he would chose to come down to others. We could be the chosen people of God. Would this be unfair to the other species? Yes... you could say si. But so it was for everyone living before jesus, or even everyone living in non-christian countries, people being born into hindu families or whatever. However you want to see it, the system is not "fair". Or in other words... If it is acceptable for God to not come down to people living before jesus, then it is equally acceptable to not come down to people on other planets or whatever.
@calculatedcallum9434 9 часов назад
@@diegog1853 but eventually god in Christianity did come down to earth so he would have to eventually go to other planets and if Jesus is all loving like the bible says he is then by that nature he would have to reveal himself to other intelligent life he can’t pick and choose favourites that completely disregards his nature which would be a major flaw of Christianity. The universe is so extremely big it’s pretty obvious other life exists or has existed. So by that logic god has died over and over and actually there would be multiple Jesus and still one father something about that doesn’t sound right, and that’s just going by the logic of Christianity
@diegog1853 9 часов назад
@@calculatedcallum9434 How likely it is for a planet to develop life? You need to be able to answer this question for you to then say that it is obvious that life exists out there. Let say that the probability of a planet to develop life is one in one trillion, and that there are only one billion earthlike planets out there (not the actual number) by that measure then earth would be extremely lucky to have life. Let say that the probability of life in a planet is one in a million, in that case life on earth is mundane and there are probably thousands more planets with life out there. In probability you need two things, the probability of the outcome and the number of rolls, we only have the number of rolls, which is the rough number of planets, we don't have the probability of the outcome... So it is not obvious then, or not obvious to me. You see the problem? That is the problem with astrophysicist trying to predict biology, they are only looking at their half of the problem... But there is an equally important half that is yet to be done. But if you are confident then answer me, what is the probability of life forming in a planet? Or alternatively What is the probability that at least one dice will land on a 1 after one million rolls... But you don't know how many faces the dice has. You simply cannot answer with any level of confidence. You are talking about planets as if they are a living organism on their own, like that the planet as a whole can suffer a disservice by jesus not showing up. But that is not true, the ones that suffer the disservice are the individuals, not the species. To people living before jesus it is completely irrelevant that jesus showed up later in their planet... Because they weren't there to witness him. They are suffering as much injustice as people in other planets that didn't get a jesus. I am just saying, if this is acceptable under christian doctrine, that people could exist before jesus that had no chance of experience it, then it is equally acceptable for aliens to not experience it. The individuals that didn't get to experienced jesus are suffering an equal injustice whether they lived on earth before jesus or whether they are aliens living right now on other planets.
@diegog1853 7 часов назад
@@calculatedcallum9434 What is the likelyhood for a planet to have life? If you cannot answer that question then you cannot say life in other planets is an obvious reality, at least not in any real statistical analysis way. But basically just an appeal to intuition. You are missing half of the necessary data to do the calculation. Let say that there are a billion earth like planets (not the actual number) If the likelyhood for a planet to have life is one in a million, then it is safe to say that there are plenty of planets out there with life. If the likelyhood is one in a trillion, then... we might be very lucky to even be here. By saying that life obviously exists outside of our planet you are saying that this probability has to be higher than that... but what is your evidence for that? we don't know how life is formed and we haven't been able to have a proper study of several planets to see how many of them have life or whatever. To make any kind of assertion about the likelyhood of life. Moving on... you seem to be seing a planet or a species as their own individual organism, like the species as a whole is suffering an injustice if jesus doesn't show up to at least one of their members. But no... species don't suffer injustices, individuals do. A human living before jesus couldn't care less that jesus came to his people years later, he wasn't there, he didn't get to experienced it. The injustice he suffered is exactly equal to the injustice an alien suffered in a planet where jesus never came. Right? like the individuals suffered exactly the same injustice. And so if the injustice of people before jesus not being able to know about him is allowed in christianity... then so it is for aliens in other planets.
@diegog1853 7 часов назад
@@calculatedcallum9434 What is the likelyhood for a planet to have life? If you cannot answer that question then you cannot say life in other planets is an obvious reality, at least not in any real statistical analysis way. But basically just an appeal to intuition. You are missing half of the necessary data to do the calculation. Let say that there are a billion earth like planets (not the actual number) If the likelyhood for a planet to have life is one in a million, then it is safe to say that there are plenty of planets out there with life. If the likelyhood is one in a trillion, then... we might be very lucky to even be here. By saying that life obviously exists outside of our planet you are saying that this probability has to be higher than that... but what is your evidence for that? we don't know how life is formed and we haven't been able to have a proper study of several planets to see how many of them have life or whatever. To make any kind of assertion about the likelyhood of life. Moving on... you seem to be seing a planet or a species as their own individual organism, like the species as a whole is suffering an injustice if jesus doesn't show up to at least one of their members. But no... species don't suffer injustices, individuals do. A human living before jesus couldn't care less that jesus came to his people years later, he wasn't there, he didn't get to experienced it. The injustice he suffered is exactly equal to the injustice an alien suffered in a planet where jesus never came. Right? like the individuals suffered exactly the same injustice. And so if the injustice of people before jesus not being able to know about him is allowed in christianity... then so it is for aliens in other planets. I don't see the problem. Or to me they both as equally problematic at least. You don't have to go to space to have a set of people that never got to experience jesus in anyway.
@10deximo41 20 часов назад
29:16 The ATF actually but close enough lol
@aku7598 21 час назад
Everybody is martyred. Can anyone disproved that? Its just every religion creation to reward somebody using only words, free at cost.
@StrangerfromEarth1 22 часа назад
"Inherently"? Inherent: involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : INTRINSIC (Merriam-Webster's) Whoever thinks such a thing doesn't understand Christianity.
@curtisthomas2670 День назад
OT God is a jenocidal psychopath
@aliceputt3133 День назад
Ironic that Evangelical Christians currently accuse Hillary and Democrats of killing children and drinking their blood. They used to accuse Jews of this during the Middle Ages.
@helpme1time День назад
Bark how do you explain your beginning in man And things like cells