THE BEAT by Allen Parr
THE BEAT by Allen Parr
THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Biblical Encouragement And Truth (The B.E.A.T) is an online video ministry dedicated to communicating God's word in a creative, practical and easy-to-watch format. These short 5-minutes-or-less videos seek to address questions most Christians have and to provide a forum for people to discuss various theological concepts and ideas. This channel also encourages people by challenging them to live out their true calling as a Christian. We release a new video EVERY TUESDAY. I hope you'll enjoy these videos, share them and engage in the discussion!
Should Christians Boycott The Olympics?
11 часов назад
It’s Done (I Got Hacked)
Месяц назад
I literally can’t believe AI can do this!
2 месяца назад
Another Mega-Church Pastor Affirms GAY MARRIAGE!
6 месяцев назад
@EofBrokenSilence 7 часов назад
Thank you!!! I've said these exact things for years but so many Christians just wont hear of it! Great vid!
@mg137b 7 часов назад
My parent said rather than you tithe to the church you better use it to bless other people like family members who struggle financially, bless your friends or join an organization cause that is more feasible tithe than the church who you don’t know where they used the money and well in my country most mega church are pastors who wear expensive things so 🤷‍♀️
@elizabethhewitt9723 7 часов назад
First the rapture happens causing the money to crash and people will panic, they will blame the missing people on alien abductions....As people panic, a person is going to step up and say they can save the world. A crypto currency will be implemented but the only way to access the new money system is with the mark of the beast at which time you will have to pledge your allegiance to the antichrist...He will condemn Christianity and kill those that do not accept the chip. DO NOT ACCEPT THE CHIP! NO MATTER WHAT! It will make you a zombie... easy to control. You will no longer be a human with free will.
@MrJckpttsn 7 часов назад
We don't have to tithes to be saved but he who sows a lot shall also reap a lot. But sow as you are able. Two men have a $100,000/ year income. One is single and lives well on 40K. The other have a wife and 10 kids and can't even make it on 100K. Who owes the most "tithes". Should both be required to pay 10K or be cursed? Nonsense!
@fitelilemana8008 7 часов назад
why did Jesus mention tithe in the book of Matthew 23:23, look's like Jesus 100% support tithing by reminding the Scribes and Pharisees the proper way to do your tithing, justice and mercy and faith...
@neilgovender7450 7 часов назад
The early church emphasized voluntary and generous giving rather than a mandated tithe. Believers were encouraged to give according to their ability and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:44-45 (NIV): "All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need." Acts 4:32-35 (NIV): "All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had... And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need." Principles of Giving: The New Testament outlines several principles for giving, focusing on the attitude and motivation behind the act rather than a specific percentage. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (NIV): "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." Can I add one verse to your study: Paul talking about money and one the most wrongly quoted scripture in the following passage Philippians 4:10-13 (NIV): 10. I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. We ought th share everything communally with the church. Pastors must be paid salaries.
@robbiebradford3008 7 часов назад
Yes, please do more videos like these !
@joethebar1 7 часов назад
People- don’t listen to this guy. This is what happens when you remove the supernatural elements of Christianity, and reduce it to a carnal belief. Ask God to give you a revelation of tithing. It’s changed my entire life and will never go back. It unlocks supernatural provision and blessing in your life.
@kclynn2802 7 часов назад
Good grief! That preface to the New King James version sounds an awful lot like some of the speeches Kamala Harris has given!! Word salad!!😵‍💫
@Pascale2407 7 часов назад
That’s right on tithes! Thanks brother
@Peachesandsunshine 7 часов назад
Most large churches and maybe some small churches check to see if you’re a tithing member BEFORE accessing requests for home going services, financial support during heard times, or leadership positions etc. The church may never say it but many check your name with financial records.
@dusankasivcevic4769 7 часов назад
There is revelatio. that the number of the people in this planet must be equal to rhe number when tne very first were created! That means 5500 on each continent
@SugarToppedLove 7 часов назад
I still actively give joyfully. My time and other elements can always be used to help others. I don't want to be at fault for someone not getting help
@sophiagordon69 7 часов назад
In response to man's reply " wherein have we robbed thee" after God asked, "will a man rob him God?" God said you have robbed me in tithe and offering, even the whole nation . Malachi 3
@Rollacoastertycoon 7 часов назад
I’ll never give money to no crooks
@ianrena1 7 часов назад
In your conclusion of giving tithes. Time 17:30. I have learned to provide tithes from grudgingly to cheerfully. We as a church are very transparent about where the funds go. No more wolves in sheep's clothing and yes, as you have said we need to grow in any spiritual aspect.
@beatlesiracundos 7 часов назад
17:37 Allen you have to mention the people who want to pay zero donations. There’s a lot of them in the comments section
@nyumankwazi4681 7 часов назад
The enemy is definitely not happy with this song…. But who cares… ?JUST PRAISE THE LORD …!!!💕🙏💃💃
@joycecarter2868 7 часов назад
Thank you for helping me to get a better understanding about tithing. We have 4 scriptures we are ask to recite before giving and some of them don't set right with me but I feel bad when I dont . because of pier pressure. But your teaching has helped me so much.
@dennislalla8623 7 часов назад
What about Abraham he thited before the law
@PeeBeeJays 7 часов назад
Excellent video and break down
@Catherine-ty8ss 7 часов назад
All the churches( museums to God) with sound systems, lighting and projection equipment is of mans religion not Gods. Nowhere does it say to splinter into different groups and proceed to fight over doctrines. There is only one saviour Christ Jesus.
@gmweaver2417 7 часов назад
1 Cor. 16:2...give as you've prospered...great vid...thank you !
@BarbaraCarson. 7 часов назад
I cannot follow you cause the Olympics is wrong and I won’t watch that either. It pushed God out and gay in. That is an abomination to God.
@heiditurner7332 7 часов назад
“FACT #1” is NOT a fact. The bible actually does instruct a specific amount: TITHE means “a tenth.” A tenth means 10 percent (%). The Hebrew words used in the Old Testament were “hama’aser,” and “terumat ma’aser” which translates to a tenth or offering of the tithe. The third year, also known as Year of the Tithe or Shnat HaMa’aser, was a special time for the Hebrews to give a tenth specifically to widows, orphans, Levites (priests), and foreigners to ensure everyone would have enough to eat (Deuteronomy 26:12-13). “FACT #2” is NOT a fact. Jesus tells religious leaders and His followers that He did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). While tithing was not part of the Ten Commandments given to Moses for the Israelites, Jesus DID say, “You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things.” Jesus’s greatest commandments to us are to love God and love others. He even goes so far as to say that both are “equal and that the entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22: 37-40). The purpose of the tithe was to take care of others. The Levites were giving up their ability to work and earn a living so that they could lead the tribes spiritually. Widows and orphans often had little to no way of taking care of themselves without the generosity of others within the community. Jesus told the Pharisees and Sadducees not to be so religious about giving even a tenth of their herbs if they weren’t going to do the simple things like honoring their parents or taking care of the poor. Tithing is a heart issue. If your heart is selfish, you will look out for only self. If your heart is generous, you will love others and take care of them. Be very careful about saying that the Bible does not say this or that without knowing what scripture really says. Be careful not to lead people astray just because teaching on tithing isn’t popular.
@markb7067 7 часов назад
Right on. It's remarkable how many teach tithing today as an act of biblical obedience when tithing from earned wages has no biblical precedent - not New Testament or Old. There's nothing wrong with choosing to tithe, money or otherwise, to a church or otherwise. There's just no universal biblical mandate for anyone to continually pay any portion of their wages to a religious institution, and there never was. We're free to give, not bound to pay.
@RaAvim 7 часов назад
Hebrews 6 & 7 establishes the tithe from Abraham to someone greater than himself - the priest of Melchizedek. This reference is to the superiority of the priesthood of Melchizedek over the priesthood under the law. It also implies that tithing is independent of the law. The law established the priesthood as a legitimate substitution to accept the tithe. With the law passing away under Christ, it doesn't negate the tithe but restores the place to the tithe under God. Tithe literally means 1/10. A full tithe under the law was still 10% of the increase in your crops, livestock, and business. The Orthodox Jews give about 30% when accounting all the required tithe, sacrifices, and offerings. We should strive to give as the Lord leads with a joyful heart, but we should also examine our own motives and determine if we are being selfish or living in love.
@rlopezd01 7 часов назад
11:30-11:37 Please clarify brother Allan. God bless.
@susanrussell435 7 часов назад
A very informative book, The Truth Reformation 2.0 by Luke Abaffy
@wilsonsmanz 7 часов назад
Just curious. What is your evidence that Tithing was a part of the ceremonial law?? I mean, I don't know exactly where it should be placed but Tithing isn't mentioned in Hebrews 7-10 where it details the ceremonial law and how it came to an end with Christ, EXCEPT the part that mentions that Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedech. Well, this was before Israel became a nation and before there was any formal ceremonial law. So how exactly did you fit it in there?
@michaelroots6931 7 часов назад
Leviticus 27:32 is an interesting scripture because a tithe is not always a tenth. You were pass you animals under the rod and every tenth one. So if you had 9 you could not give the tenth one and if you had 15 you only had to give 1 which is not 10%.
@MonstersOfTheUniverse 7 часов назад
Boycotting the Olympics doesn’t hurt the athletes…. BUT AS. Christian pastor, you should defend the faith… I’ve seen you attack Catholics harder than condemning the brazenly open mockery of Christ….perhaps you’re afraid to rock the boat of this world….
@mizmelis75 7 часов назад
Thank you for this video! I agree 100% that it’s not required. The 700 Club, many Baptist churches, and almost every televangelist uses psychological manipulation in the form of fear to demand you pay up. They often scream you steal from God & since no one wants to be a thief they give tithes they sometimes can’t afford while the liars laugh in their Mercedes on the way to their gated, multimillion dollar home to pack their bags for their private jet flight to Hawaii for a month long vacation. Funny thing is I see 0 rich preachers of the gospel in the NT. Don’t see scripture saying you need a multimillion dollar church building either, it was all done in homes. & I’ll go a bit further with celebrity-level ministers selling their biblical interpretations in conferences & books. Reminds me of Jesus getting upset about money changers at the temple. I get angry when any so called man of God treats Jesus & his gift of salvation as if it’s for sale!! Jesus is not a commodity to make anyone rich! Jesus is NOT for sale!
@beatlesiracundos 7 часов назад
14:42 Yeah give what you can but you got some people here saying they don’t want to give one dime.
@jeremydavila7168 7 часов назад
What should I say to the Catholics who say “to be outside of the body is to be with Christ, so they are alive in Christ, therefore it is like me asking you to pray for me” I know this is wrong, but where can I find in scripture that there is a key difference between alive on earth and to be with Jesus in heaven (I myself believe we are asleep until the resurrection)
@opticalbrostv3044 7 часов назад
Sunday churches will always take the money and distribute to the owners
@idaadamovic3387 7 часов назад
Certainly, if any nation or religion is mocked for fun, any public demonstration should be boycotted and stopped. This is called respecting each other, and creating positivism to be a humane person. Where is the human race going to if the animals have more self control than humane. Modern mediokritet like this one wants to tell us the poo doesn't sting, it smells. Because I can respect you as a person with your beliefs, if you don't respect me as a person with my beliefs.
@KathyTincler 7 часов назад
I totally agree with all you said....all of it. I see in so many of the comments that people have totally missed this message. Thank you for this vid, Pastor Parr.
@jaytuiono5840 7 часов назад
Allan are you enjoying the Olympics 😐 I stand with Christ against all His mockers
@chidinmaegbulefu6236 7 часов назад
When it comes to tithing in the new testament, it is silent on the subject like you rightly said. Paul never mentioned it . Infact none of the Apostles mentioned it and none of the Apostle collected Tithes at least not that we see recorded. Apostle himself stated in Acts 20 :33-38. That he coveted no man's silver or gold but worked to sustain himself. Jesus himself did not collect tithes from anyone . His ministry was supported by the many women that followed him around ( Luke 8:2-3) So why did Jesus and Paul not collect the tithes? And why is there no mention of it in the new testament ? I don't believe it's because the law was done away with after Jesus died. We still read in the new testament that the apostles did go to the temple every now and again for prayer , purification etc . Which means if the temple of Jerusalem was there there were Priests therefore tithing was still a practice after Jesus died and resurrected and ascended to heaven. The Acts of the Apostles proves this. The only reason I see as to why there were no mention of tithing instead Paul mentioned giving as one purposed was because tithing was for the Jews and Paul's ministry was to the Gentiles. The 2nd reason why the apostles and Jesus never imposed the tithe was because they were not Priests so could not fulfil the requirements when they collected the tithe .Jesus ministry was 90% outdoors not in the temple. The apostles ministry likewise and grew churches in people's homes. The old testament laid out certain rules governing how tithes were to be handled and none of them including Jesus qualified. Jesus came to fulfil the law not break it. I know I said a whole mouthful but once I caught the revelation behind giving and tithing the guilt was lifted. That's my conviction but guess what I still tithe because my Pastor said we should but I know its not the pathway to prosperity or a gateway to poverty if one doesn't and one won't go to hell if they don't. 😅. God bless
@williamgullett5911 7 часов назад
Give from the heart
@olamideolanrewaju6581 7 часов назад
Need this video because I was conflicted on this as a student making minimal income. I would also feel guilty when I forgot to give. You speaking about tithing being a ceremonial practice that is fine but shouldn’t be forced on others reminds me of Romans 14 and the stumbling block discussion.
@spitflamez 7 часов назад
NOPE, it is sin
@spitflamez 7 часов назад
1 Timothy 2:11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression
@mojopotato1715 7 часов назад
I always looked at tithing as a minimum. Like you said, when Jesus came He raised the bar with everything from the Old Testament. If you look at a woman lustfully it’s considered adultery. If you talk negatively towards a brother, it’s like murder. So a tithe is my starting point. Then any giving after that are my offerings. But at the end of the day it’s my heart behind it. Am I giving to check off a box to say that I’m a good Christian? Or am I giving with a heart knowing that all I have is His. And I want to be a good steward with what God blesses me with to be a blessing to others and to point them towards Christ.
@user-iz8np3vv4i 7 часов назад
As long as you know that your money doesn't belong to you, you are halfway there. So what you have been given should go where God wants it to go. Where ever EXACTLY He states it to be with you. I think you posted this mojo.
@junioracosta995 7 часов назад
Not watching. Not cool.
@WilliamJohnson-le7zd 7 часов назад
What would their motive be for falsifying the shroud of turin
@swordready8553 7 часов назад
Great commentary except for the ending . The Pharisees had no Godly righteousness so it will not be hard to exceed them. They were self righteous. They had a corrupt righteousness. They did not obey God from the heart. They had no Grace , Mercy or Love for people. It is not a raising or lowering the bar issue. There is no bar. We should obey God from the heart.