NDE Diary
NDE Diary
NDE Diary
This channel narrates a collection of documented near-death experiences from people who claim to have passed away, visited the other side and luckily got back. It does not claim that every NDE (Near Death Experience) experiencer is being honest and stories are narrated exactly as they are written. We are doing our best to make sense of every story and raise awareness about NDE (near-death experiences) throughout the world. These interviews were all done by me and are all original. Thank you for supporting us.
@garrettbourdas5884 День назад
Philippians 4:11-13
@tannermingo9280 День назад
Why Hitler go down to earth to experience blowing up half of Europe?
@Jack-ur4in День назад
Beautiful interview . Thankyou .
@richardkwon6697 День назад
Wow this was so inspirational I rarely sit down and listen to any types of podcasts but this one definitely did the trick. Please watch this video you will have some new experiences in your thinking. 🙂
@lorikendall2213 День назад
Thank you sooooo much ! Just what I needed to hear tonight ‼️🙌🏼🩵
@jeffgann6613 День назад
@armidaloya День назад
We are children of God. Heaven awaits.
@TheRoundandround День назад
@tannerengh2483 День назад
Don’t freak out
@fereidoonct День назад
@leighclift612 День назад
I really hope it's not the end & it's just a black void for ever 😔
@garrettbourdas5884 День назад
Peace, be still.
@garrettbourdas5884 День назад
Psalm 46:10
@garrettbourdas5884 День назад
Jeremiah 31:3😊
@garrettbourdas5884 День назад
Put your trust in the LORD and you will never be put to shame.❤
@garrettbourdas5884 День назад
Romans 10:11❤
@PhilipJPoole День назад
Thank you for your story. ❤
@patrickmcchesney6567 День назад
Exactly my dmt experience
@user-sg6sv9oi6i День назад
This is the best retelling of a NDE I have heard or read. Thank you. 🫂❤️
@kartboarder22g17 День назад
Glad you went back, many have decided to stay and realize they were decived by a malevolent being attempting to mascaraed as an angel/god only to be led to a dark place. Plenty of thes OoB experiences where this is the case. There is no reincarnation, Heaven or Hell. Sinless, to Heaven, otherwise Hell. Jesus gave us a way out by living a sinless life and dying a Murderers death on the cross so that those who follow ans believe in him can have representation by his work over our failed work and enter into Heaven.
@bluebee5266 День назад
@@kartboarder22g17 *masquerade
@salvo9718 День назад
NDE Dairy, I couldn't continue watching this NDE story, the background music was a bit to loud and distracting from me listen to him, so I had no choice stop watching altogether.
@haroldhart2688 День назад
@SnoopyDoofie День назад
This guy is propagating a lie. The Bible clearly states that there is a judgement. Reincarnation is also a lie. The Bible says that man only lives once. This man experienced a very deceitful vision. All NDEs are satanic in their origin.
@argophagley5309 День назад
the bible also says : a loving god made satan and loosed him on creation that god set up to fail despite his omniscience.. that snakes and donkeys could talk.. that the world is flat with a firmament supported over its corners... that a loving god destroyed all life on the planet except a boatload... that humans can turn to salt... that the dead can rise up after three days and walk around.... if your eye offend thee, pluck it out. you claim ALL NDES are 'satanic' in origin yet here you are watching videos on them and posting in forums dedicated to satan. lol. mene mene tekel upharsin.
@relaxAndBeCool День назад
NDEs are a very interesting topic. It seems that people really do enter the spiritual realm. But that can be good and bad. The good part is that people “come back” absolutely convinced there is an after life, angels, Heaven & God’s overwhelming love. The Bible tells us this is indeed true. So, this is a good “wake up” call to atheists & agnostics. The Bible tells us that we ARE indeed surrounded by a spiritual realm, but that we should ABSOLUTELY stay away from opening the door to that realm. Why? Because the fallen angels that were kicked out of Heaven inhabit that realm. And they will do anything to steer us away from the truth of God, the reality of sin, and the need for forgiveness: basically, to reject the gospel of salvation thru Christ. They are powerful, deceitful and are very skilled at mixing truth with lies to make their narrative easy to believe. Beautiful sounding messages that are actually anti-biblical are easy to believe after an NDE. “Don’t worry, everyone goes to Heaven” or “Reincarnation makes sense now” or “There is no hell as long as we love each other”… these all sound wonderful. But, if they lead people away from the gospel, the dark forces have indeed accomplished their task. And if they can get someone to spread their message to others, that effect can be multiplied exponentially. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 And it is no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. 1 Timothy 4:1 But the [Holy] Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons. Obviously if someone is involved in a major accident, or has some serious medical issue that lands them in an NDE, there is not much they can do about it. However, if they know what scripture teaches about the spiritual realm, they will be MUCH less likely to be fooled and led astray.
@PurifyWithLight День назад
Exactly this. I've been studying hundreds of NDE's. There are two opposing themes among them. One theme they are met by Jesus. Some go to Hell & are retrieved by him. The other theme they are met by a "being" or beings that tell them there is no Hell, no judgement, only love and a universal consciousness & we all keep reincarnating. They both cannot be true and so we must discern and rectify why that is. These deceptive NDE's are bringing back a message to spread absolving people of responsibility and consequences of thier actions, promoting further damning actions that leads them from salvation of Christ. The fallen ones are very tricky. This New Age religion is spreading like wildfire. Sadly people are eating it up. Mostly because the testimonies are true and heartfelt. But the experiencers were deceived by dark forces.
@AkwandentandeNtande-un6jn День назад
That "I am what I am" got me good🙏🏾 Thank you for sharing.
@whydude1338 2 дня назад
Anything that contradicts scriptures is false this video has many promoting homosexuality recantation and Muhammad who denied crist which is the only way to heaven this lady was decived by satan don't believe yhe lies she was told theres so much wrong this video also theres no way you would see god and not know who he is dont promote this as a real heaven experience this channel is not if god if there promoting this
@whydude1338 2 дня назад
So there was another nde where a lady says she thought she was in heaven but it was a trick from satan he mimiked heaven with light something really does feel off with this for a couple reasons you saw god and didn't know it was him and also this doesn't alighn with scripture there's no way Muhammad is in heaven as he was a false prophet on earth denying Jesus as god scriptures say he is the only way into heaven and all tge stuff your talking about is a huge red flag the civil rights movement? Its about god im gonna be honest and day satan decived you and mimicked god before i even herd all the weird stuff i had a off feeling about this video i think god is telling us this is false im not saying you didn't have an experience but it wasn't of god
@ob2249 2 дня назад
" Many people do think when they do had their Near death Experience," when they d0 had ? sh0uIdn`that be "d0 hadded" ? 0r when " they dunned " when " they did had" ? 0r "when they haved" "when they didded"
@jeannesteele519 2 дня назад
Thank you for sharing your wondrous experience. God came to earth in Jesus Christ, and through His act of sacrifice He took upon Himself all karma of those who believe/follow and love Him....thus He breaks the cycle of reincarnation for His people.
@greglarson6293 2 дня назад
I’ve watched many of these videos. For the first time I thought about how awesome it would be to be a being that welcomes/guides people from this world to the next. Maybe one day…
@margretsims1322 2 дня назад
When you say people often die when you leave the room; speak to a Nurse about this and they usually wait until you leave.......
@jasondelay2931 2 дня назад
“Let the better angels of your nature guide you. They will guide you” F***ing love this quote.
@BW9971 2 дня назад
Wow! I was a year old when this man had an NDE. I almost died 4 times when I was born. My mom told me that I am a miracle, a Beacon Light. There is a reason why I am here. But, way before I was born. My dad drowned when he was a kid. He had an Out of Body experience. He was floating up and could see everything happening below him. He felt a voice asking him if he wanted to stay or go. My dad chose to stay.
@jamescathro5257 2 дня назад
That sounds horrible. So as we will be ethereal spirits just what do we do for ALL ETERNITY? No need for food, drink, sleep, anything at all, just exist for all eternity doing absolutely nothing. Sounds horrible.
@tannerengh2483 2 дня назад
Don’t freak out guys
@tannerengh2483 2 дня назад
And she says don’t freak out
@tannerengh2483 2 дня назад
Don’t freak out
@tannerengh2483 2 дня назад
Don’t freak out
@tannerengh2483 2 дня назад
Don’t freak out
@Coxtoasten12 2 дня назад
So he drowned with or without a life jacket? I hear him mention a life jacket near the end of the vid.
@tannerengh2483 2 дня назад
Dint freak out
@KristineMarieTxSPI 2 дня назад
So because one man had a different NDE than many others, we all have it wrong about the Lord and Savior, Jesus? I can tell you that there are demonic entities out there, that when you give your life to Christ, the Holy Spirit guides you into all truth. I love people, and would not say this if I didn't. I'm not asking you to believe me, but if you really want to know the truth, invite Christ into your life with a contrite heart and ask Him to show you the truth. Tead the Bible and ask Him to speak to you through Scripture. God bless all of you. ✝️🕊️❤️
@KeepingWatch95 День назад
@KeepingWatch95 День назад
_Matthew 19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, _*_Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?_* _Matthew 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, _*_keep the commandments._* _Matthew 19:18 He saith unto him, _*_Which?_*_ Jesus said, _*_Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,_* _Matthew 19:19 _*_Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself._*
@PurifyWithLight День назад
Exactly this. I've been studying hundreds of NDE's. There are two opposing themes among them. One theme they are met by Jesus. Some go to Hell & are retrieved by him. The other theme they are met by a "being" or beings that tell them there is no Hell, no judgement, only love and a universal consciousness & we all keep reincarnating. They both cannot be true and so we must discern and rectify why that is. These deceptive NDE's are bringing back a message to spread absolving people of responsibility and consequences of thier actions, promoting further damning actions that leads them from salvation of Christ. The fallen ones are very tricky. This New Age religion is spreading like wildfire. Sadly people are eating it up. Mostly because the testimonies are true and heartfelt. But the experiencers were deceived by dark forces.
@Hew.Jarsol 2 дня назад
1:46 The same happened to me in my NDE ...the right side of me in this black void...what i can only describe as God was there. It was multi coloured and emitting the energy or feeling of love ,beauty and mostly WISDOM to me. I still have no idea why but it was after my deceased sister visited me. That was in 2012.
@tannerengh2483 2 дня назад
Don’t freak out
@tannerengh2483 2 дня назад
Don’t freak out
@tannerengh2483 2 дня назад
Don’t freak out
@JudgeZilla009 2 дня назад
I am always fascinated when people in the comments talk about Jesus. I have watched many of these videos and nobody has met Jesus. I wish we could focus on the cold reality of the facts these people talk about rather than instantly assigning it some sort of human created religious significance.
@mikestroud9969 2 дня назад
God is just. We will be held accountable. Can't imagine no judgement for folks running around killing etc like a bunch of banshees here on earth. 😢. Read the scriptures take care God bless ❤️🙏🇺🇲💯. Jesus Christ was shown Hell. He was tempted by Satan. It didn't work 💯
@argophagley5309 День назад
your God is the father of satan and all evil. even isaiah said he made evil. love does not require blood and murder and death in order to forgive. the bible is iron age insanity.
@vb2430 2 дня назад
With the assumption that this is the truth and it comes from the good source, this man's decision to go back is really great and deserved to be admired .
@everready800 2 дня назад
6:28 365 dgrees lol think he got mixed up with the days of the yewr.
@tamaraseyhun5688 2 дня назад
@bryongreene8436 2 дня назад
The comments section feels me with much love and joy. May healing in great abundance find you all ❤🙏
@silentwonder-chilled 2 дня назад
I really dislike the idea of reincarnation and coming back to relive on earth , i will certainly will make that known if that's possible when i am dead.
@tinasyoga 2 дня назад
Thanks for sharing, I don’t want to keep coming back!
@orbs1062 2 дня назад
I hope that this is my last trip. I believe my lesson this time is "tolerance." I've still got a lot of work to do and my time is short.
@garrettbourdas5884 День назад
We'll miss you❤.
@mobass323 2 дня назад
is there a part 2 to this ? where you talk about the future ? ...