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@Yontinez 4 часа назад
I have that album. And both cd’s still work. Soon it will become an art piece due to the case being damaged
@deathisSkele-ton 6 часов назад
they all sound 30 to 40 years old for a bunch of teenaged characters
@controlflix 6 часов назад
I played it in windowed mode and every time a cutscene was on I switch to my browser to look for mods.😆
@avasyubiswal5421 День назад
what allowed me to complete all the player stories after sonic was the fact that I felt even though the sonic story was the 2nd best ( hell yeh gamma baby), but it felt incomplete, like why is there the egg carrier floating in sea, why tf are stages so big, If I only have to go from start to end ( though there are hella too many routes but still) and WHERE IS THAT DAMN CHAOS??... So when I completed all of em, I saw wait.. is that super sonic?? omg chaos is in it?? and omg the ending 💀💀💀🔥
@cerealkiller4702 День назад
48:54 can someone tell me what big was ACTUALLY doing, because that doesn’t look like anything other than… you know. But there’s no way they’d put that in a kids game
@deathbysnusnu2744 День назад
I absolutely hate, loath the new combat system. So much so that i didn't even finish the game because of it. I want the old turn based system back. If i wanted to play a action combat I'd go play devil may cry or god of war. I don't play rpg's for action combat.
@ericlizama8552 День назад
I remember being introduced to this game, and Sonic as a whole, in a McDonald’s kiosk, never having enough time to get past City Escape and the first boss.
@ikemike2649 2 дня назад
1:04:06 this brother high right now why would you get rid of boost and replace it with a trash high-speed session from the most hated Sonic game that is a bad idea and I think we should keep boost
@robert212131 2 дня назад
"They glance at each other like, Woah and then that's it" 😂😂
@Drakenn100 2 дня назад
melee being made in one year is pure insanity xD
@MacUser2-il2cx 2 дня назад
The FFVII bootleg on NES is closer to the original story than the official remakes.
@JustJulyo 3 дня назад
I hate how much I love this game
@Drakenn100 3 дня назад
This game is the proof that we need separate timelines for sonic if we want good stories to come back. Something that would look like this: Retro sonic events : sonic 1 -> sonic 2 -> sonic cd -> sonic 3 and knuckles -> sonic generation -> sonic mania -> sonic forces -> sonic superstars -> next retro sonic game. Adventure sonic events : sonic 1 -> sonic 2 -> sonic cd -> sonic 3 and knuckles -> sonic adventure 1 -> sonic adventure 2 -> sonic heroes -> shadow the hedgehog -> sonic rush 1 and 2 -> a new good 3d game, after two decades of boost crap. Silver is not canon yet in this timeline, so he would need a proper introduction. Tall sonic events : sonic 06 (needs to be left alone for many reasons, the double blaze being the more evident one) -> maybe a new game in this "thin eggman"/"silver is canon" world? I'm not against it as long as we don't get a buggy mess. Boost sonic (or sonic for babies, both in tone and gameplay) events : sonic 1 -> sonic 2 -> sonic cd -> sonic 3 and knuckles -> sonic unleashed -> sonic colors -> sonic generation -> sonic lost world -> sonic forces -> sonic frontiers -> next badly written, boost crap game featuring orbot and cubot (if they exist, you're in the bad timeline). in this timeline silver is canon because... who cares, this one is the trainwreack timeline anyway. Boom sonic events : sonic boom (the poor guy should have been terminated before birth). the mario and sonic olympics stuff can be "canon" to boost sonic world (since silver is here) and both the secret ring, black knight and the sonic riders games could be put somewhere in the adventure world's timeline. sonic 4 never happened, sonic 4 can't hurt you. What do you guys think about that? Can we finally have a sonic adventure 3, free of the horrors that we had to go through for the last 2 decades?
@Gozan 3 дня назад
If I had to choose between Rush and 06 - I choose 06! (wasn't meant to replicate this Amy line, honestly, it just... happened) For real tho, I think 06 has alot of reasons to be the epilogue to Adventure era and the "Adventure 3" to some extent. After all, there is a torn poster of "Chao in space 3" in Crisis City... I don't have problems with it's story, only with the fact that it got released in half-baked state.
@Drakenn100 3 дня назад
@@Gozan Yeah but three problems : 1 - 06 is visually very different from the other 3D games. While you can imagine classic 2D robotnik just being a simplified version of 3D robotnik (or the other way around), the thin guy we got in 06 is a completely different dude. Same for his robots that look nothing like badniks. Shadow goes through the exact same narrative arc as in heroes, which would only make sense if they happened in different version of sonic rather than one after the other. 2 - either rush is non canon and in its own pocket timeline separated form everybody else or 06 is. and out of the two, for the reasons mentioned in 1, it makes sense to be 06. Why? Blaze. If blaze is from the futur then rush never happened, if blaze is the sonic of another world with her own mc guffin gems (which is a better idea imo), then 06 is not canon. They can't both exist in the canon at the same time. 3 - Even if we just put all of that under the rug we still got a big one. At the end of 06, 06 never happened so even if it was canon, we still never met silver and it never happened, making rush the defacto end of the line for the sonic adventure.
@Gozan 3 дня назад
@@Drakenn100 I unironically like Eggman style in 06, but I agree - realistic everything except Sonic and Co is weird. And Eggman robots in 06 aren't badniks, because there is no animals inside. He just switched to another power source (in Heroes, not in 06). What I've meant was not what actually has more chances to be considered canon, but what I personally hold closer to my heart from these two games. Blaze just was popular at the time of Rush so that's why they added her to 06, even tho it would break the logic of "one timeline". Same point, I've meant it as an ending of these games era, not as ending of "connected" storyline of these games. You know... 06 just visually closer to SA games than Rush.
@Drakenn100 3 дня назад
@@Gozan I completely get you. that's why i said that i wouldn't mind 06 to become a different timeline with separate storylines, keeping thin eggman, apple robots and long limbs sonic. If anything i would have prefered the open world concept to be offered to this version of sonic rather than boost sonic.
@joeser6666 3 дня назад
sonic is not megaman, unfortunately
@JakeThehedgehog-m1x 3 дня назад
So whatbare your saying is that frontiers is just a game that has no soul and heart to put into it and just a game that just self reference itself and nothing more and it's not like it has nothing going on for it yeah...i have to disagree with this because atleast to me yes...the references can be annoying sometimes and the way characters are potrayed aren't exactly everyone's cup of tea but i loked it because there's something to love about this game this game works for me and no i don't like this game because of quote-on-quote the brand i just naturally like this game this game i don't need to have an excuse why should i like this game
@Gozan 3 дня назад
Good for you then. No one is taking away your opinion on this game. However, if another person sees this game differently - they have every right to describe their thoughts about it. Respect other's opinions as much as you respect your own - it's that easy. Especially, when Jeb directly said to not take his words for granted and be able to think for yourself. He didn't "forced" his stance onto someone.
@JakeThehedgehog-m1x День назад
​@@Gozan I'm just saying that sounds a little overdramatic and disingenuous and oblivious to label this game as a whole just some soulless piece of garbage..yes it has it's issues like any other sonic games honestly but I wouldn't call it soulless just because I didn't like it
@Gozan 23 часа назад
@@JakeThehedgehog-m1x If he felt that way - there's nothing wrong for him to let his opinion be heard, especially when he offers a detailed reasoning for why he thinks that way. Why it is a problem for you? You can say why you disagree with him and go your own way, it's not the end of the world. Don't disrespect other's opinions just because you have a different one.
@SempreGuardiao 3 дня назад
Thanks for the extensive explanation of this not-actually-a-remake of a game. As a casual gamer, I was considering buying and playing this game. Now I won't touch this with a 10ft pole. And neither of its sure-to-follow spinoffs, sequels, prequels, reboots, etc. An obvious move to bloat and milk the fanbase of ff7. Ironically, disregarding ff7 in itself.
@gabrieldevoogel6225 4 дня назад
The only thing cloud does to indicate his trauma of fire in OG7 is stutter on the word “hey” to Barret, which can be argued before the flashback as being about his money, it’s one of many scenes that gets Recontextualized later on
@JustJulyo 4 дня назад
Adventure 2 peaked that Sega knows they will never deliver
@NOTAFANCE45 4 дня назад
Mostly the reason why the game was good was because... [Insert clearing neck] ✨ P O S S IBILITY✨
@D32music 6 дней назад
I loved it
@maxamilliansteele6454 7 дней назад
@themovementgeneration7728 11 дней назад
Oh my god even Yen Sid appears! That took me out LMFAO
@dmb32693 11 дней назад
i actualy like remake and rebirth better so far
@Bonsqueesquee 12 дней назад
Even though we all know the story and the characters... what I despised about remake... is being introduced to Sephiroth too soon. I would have preferred it if they kept him for the Rebirth. That build up, the lack of his appearance but his eerie presence, the fact you just miss him but see what he's done without seeing him at all, and you only hear about him, he is the mystery, the legend, superhuman. Now his character is so cheap. I'm so apathetic towards this franchise now. Just expressing how I feel before people jump and say "making it about you waaah."
@StrawHatBob 12 дней назад
I want to tell a short story. I never owned a PS1 and I lived with my aunt and uncle whole life. My dad one day came by to visit and brought me a PS2. Not new. Probably bought from a pawn shop or some other means. They had just came out too so I was blown away. I got no PS2 games with it at all and no memory cards. What I did get is some PS1 demos. The PlayStation underground ones that were just amazing. Got some Caesars palace game which I had no idea what it was and in the bottom of this box is a double decker CD case with the words Final Fantasy 7. Never heard of the games but I was memorized by the case. Luckily it came with a PS1 memory card and I got to work figuring this game out and playing it and being just blown away as a child that a game like this existed. I then get to disc 2 and realize the disc is cracked. I didn't get to beat that game for almost another decade. I just didn't have access to stuff like that and it would be a long long time before I ever got my hands on another copy and got to beat it and really see what this game held. Played as a young kid and didnt get to finish the tale until I was in my 20s. This game embodies a lot of my video games nostalgia and represents what it was like back in the day being limited to the media you could play or experience. All that being said I hate the remake. It took the story and feelings of a story and somehow raked it over the hot coals until it caught fire. If you like these games awesome. If you don't I'm sure you feel at least a small bit like I do. This isn't FF 7 this is just another example of game companies resurrecting products. Not for the sake of improving or giving a better experience but to sell you on your nostalgia while ripping out the core of the story and game and selling it you for 70 dollars. 3 times. Say what you will but this game betrays the original in so many ways. I could have lived my whole life with no remake of this game and still been fine with a PS1 version when I'm 70. The fact the creators are trying to say this is the version they invisioned in the first place is just a huge lie and a cope on a massive scale. You will never change my mind on that.
@cuttysharp 10 дней назад
Funny story. However. If companies are going to resurrect old IPs. This is how it should be done. Totally love it almost like a sequel to the original
@StrawHatBob 10 дней назад
@@cuttysharp I can tell your being incredibly condescending by saying funny story. Listen you can like the game but calling this a sequel is just pure ignorant bliss. Do you know what a sequel is? Something wrapping a story from its beginning. Not taking the original story and changing all the main elements of it into some whole " new " story. I get it's a remake but it changes the entire spirit of the game and changes even the theme and tone of it. Maybe that's how you like your stories is completely overdone with mini games and fake fillers they had to come up with to pad the game down. That's cool. But clearly you have a small understanding or caring for the preservation of games or what is considered passable. Go ahead and buy this remake 3 times and buy a new console for the third game too. It's just silly to sit here and defend these companies like this and stan for them when their never going to care that you did so. Don't shill for companies who could care less for your entertainment or opinion.
@charmyzard 14 дней назад
First Pariah, now Jeb too, have seen it. Abandon all hope.
@charmyzard 14 дней назад
Man, how did ANYONE on the writing think that directly apologizing and making excuses instead of leaving it all behind with a good story to show for it was ANY KIND OF GOOD AN IDEA!?
@spideyj6921 14 дней назад
@tawnyfuller8760 14 дней назад
Nice shot 2:44
@AnimuTrash 14 дней назад
It’s wild to me how divided everyone is on this game, I’ve heard people say they think it’s the most mid, meanwhile I cried for some reason like 3 times in the story Part of me thinks I’m crazy for liking it so much possibly being one of my new favorites in the series, but also art of me kind of thinks this game may only resonate with a very specific sonic audience or it’ll be something that the fanbase at large goes back and forth on over and over for years like the adventure games or colors, I’d be interested to see how people feel about it in a few years
@kevinbell5674 14 дней назад
At the very least, there is some teasing setup prior to the reveal that Rouge is spy. While it doesn't help all of the inconsistency issues, like is the president totally on board that the hobby of one of his spies is being a jewel thief, it's at least not a completely out of the blue twist.
@amazinglyaverage590 14 дней назад
They could have just made explorable Midgar, a more serious and dark tone like the original but with the occasional comedy to lighten the mood and called it a day. But no, they had to bring time travel, make sepiroth a joke who stalks cloud every 5 minutes and kill the entire theme and setting and the entire storyline.
@spyline3120 15 дней назад
We could have, a third game of Sonic Storybook series released for Wii U, instead of lost world or rise of lyric
@amalsoliman2496 15 дней назад
I like the story of frontiers sure it is not as big as SA2 or sonic adventure or even 06 but I am just grateful we have a sonic story finally more complex with actual stakes and a complex characters I like the open world gameplay I think it really is good in supporting finishing everything but at the same time and I don’t think the defence that the game only has 20 min of important cutscenes is a good defence for 2 reasons 1) it is more story then the last 4 major sonic games combined 2)it is an open world game so of course it will have filler that is how open world games work they have lots cutscenes for interaction with NPC or doing side quests it is how the game works another reason I like is that yes the characters feel different but have elements from SA2/1 Amy seeking and gaining independence from sonic knuckles wanting to keep being guardian of the master emerald but travel the world at the same time and tails learning to stand on his own 2 feet and before any one says ThEy AlReADY LEarn tHIS IS Sa2 and sA1 thanks the people who worked for the last 10 years of sonic for reversing all that development
@amalsoliman2496 15 дней назад
20:59 it means trying to help people find love and happiness in the dark times And when wars and stuff is happening my 8 year old nephew was able to get it it is not that hard to read into the lines
@Tea-Slurper 15 дней назад
PLEASE do a Shadow 05 video.
@enas7547 15 дней назад
Douche Pokémon rival..finally someone put it into words.
@runawaymakefriendswiththem8905 15 дней назад
I think it is wholly disingenuous to compare the FM of 1&2 with base 3. I mean, Nomura himself has stated that reMIND is 3’s FM.
@KingofGeo 16 дней назад
I am pretty sure the whispers are in fact farts
@chibicandyart 16 дней назад
They did kairi dirty by not fully utilizing her but at the same time I see it for 2 big reasons. First I dont think they ever really planned to use her as a keyblaxe weilder and tbey just decided it last minute but didnt like the idea of it BUT it made finding what 7 lights to have easier. Make kairi one. Second they just trying to force Kairi with Sora , that papou scene is so awkward and forced between them, their interecations are so odd and honestly i dont see sora even romantically loving kairi at this point. He loves her as family, as a friend hes known for years, but not as someone he loves romanfically. And the way the gamez have gone has set them up as family love not romantic but they really wanna force a romance that died at the end of KH1 Alsooooo I just remembered what happened in memory of melody. They straight up say she useless and its better for her to stay behind and train under aqua and thats it. The fact they even gave M.Xehanort a cutscene telling her any conncetion/memory she has to find sora is gone and doesnt even exist anymore😂 im sorry but they forced romance in KH3 and suddenly they drop kicking it and being like ya we dont like them together and kairi should just go away. And then to just slap kairi character in the face more, they state riku is thenonly one who can find sora. Soriku anyone?😂
@qwertyiuwg4uwtwthn 16 дней назад
I swear being a sonic fan is like 90% Pain
@SimCon02 17 дней назад
Everyone has its own opinion of course. Mine is that after playing kh2fm on lv1 critical and kh3 + RM on critical + all pro codes, I came to the conclusion that kh2 was not the perfect combat I used to remember, its a little bit more flawed than kh3's but still amazing in its own.
@zeehero7280 17 дней назад
Tails is mah boi, he's a genius and definitely the brains of Team Sonic.
@CrackedNut3 17 дней назад
"Talk about low budget flights..." is engraved in my brain
@keelanbarron928 18 дней назад
To be honest, i feel like this video is a bit over dramatic and....i don't know, weird? I think that's the word. (And looking at your other videos, i feel like you tend to see things in a "glass is empty" sort of way.)
@JakeThehedgehog-m1x День назад
It is over dramatic you are not crazy I got the same vibe and feeling from this video it looks like it's one of those depressed old fans never be pleased with anything if you ask me.
@KilboA 18 дней назад
I heard, “something made for kids” and immediately knew you had nothing of value to say. Sonic isn’t JUST for kids, it can be appealing to everyone. Especially frontiers, with its more darker tone in story compared to previous games like lost world or colors. It’s comparable to unleashed in that regard.
@Gozan 12 дней назад
Frontiers doesn't even have a quarter of the soul Unleashed had... And yes, ALL Sonic games are made for kids. The thing is - the good games could also be enjoyed by teens and adults, unlike the 2010's ones. Frontiers, on the other hand, tries to impersonate the tone and feel of 2000's games. But even if that does the trick to most people at first glance, there is a ton of problems with it's writing if you examine it closely (exactly what this video did). What is the value of Frontiers story? That it gives the most "regular" past-story about aliens, while retconning SA1 Chaos? Or that it rehashes character arcs in a bland and dishonest way, solely for "being up to date with today's standarts of society"? I'll say this - Boom and Forces had better idea of a story. Even if the execution was bad because of this "funky and goofy" direction, atleast it tried to tell a NEW story. Directly stating "the game is serious now" - is not a good way to fix what was broken in 2010's (if there is one at all).
@lambousginiguccigod2007 10 дней назад
@@Gozan The analytical criticism regarding how frontiers handles its story can really be aimed at any sonic game. In other words, examining it closely to expose “cracks” isn’t really some sort of unique trait the game has. I genuinely don’t think SA2 was anything to write home about. To me it’s obvious that the fans are hanging on to it with nostalgia. Unleashed isn’t narratively as charming as frontiers. These aren’t opinions that should be met with a “you’re wrong” by a barrage of fans. Thats one of the things that’s fundamentally flawed with the fanbase entirely.
@Gozan 3 дня назад
@@lambousginiguccigod2007 I'm not disrespecting your opinion and not taking it away from you. People do have different opinions and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I also stand by what I've said, and I don't have a problem with some people not agreeing with me. I'd like to add tho, that SA2 definitely has nostalgia effect on some people, but not me. I've only got into Sonic franchise in summer of 2023. Before that I've never played or watched anything Sonic-related. Yet I still prefer it to any other game in the franchise, both gameplay and story (Heroes has good and very unique gameplay style tho). I also generally prefer 3D Sonic games over 2D ones, despite the fact that my first Sonic game was Mania.
@lambousginiguccigod2007 3 дня назад
@@Gozan as someone that played SA 1 and 2 for the first time back to back like 2 years ago I personally didn’t really feel many improvements in it’s overall quality and felt like it was worse in its gameplay then SA 1. Shadow is my favorite character though so I know even I have bias towards it. Its really the over the top action that gets me. The fact that it was another good sonic game was good enough. That’s what I wanted. I played sonic 06 as a child and that game still stands out the most to me. Especially in its story despite the elements that I hate. I didn’t get the feeling in frontiers mind you. I feel like it offered something different I hadn’t really seen in a previous sonic game. The 2000s died just like the 90s era and hopefully the 2010s, ofc I suspect they will pay homage in some way. I do think its starkly different however.
@Gozan 3 дня назад
@@lambousginiguccigod2007 When I first played SA2 I had mostly tilted / annoyed experience. It's only when I started replaying it and learning it's moves and tricks I started to really like it. I've also first played SA1 and 2 back to back, at the end of 2023. There are some elements that were better in SA1, but overall - I think SA2 does more good changes than bad ones. It goes for all characters, not only speed ones. Same as it goes for these 3 playstyles - I like all 3 of them. Only downgrade is a nerfed radar, the rest of changes was an improvement for me. I like that the game is alot harder than SA1 - adds to replayability. I "like" 06. What I mean by that is that I like it's story and "what could've been a good gameplay" if the game would've been finished. P-06... need I say more?
@ProjectNaturePrds 18 дней назад
I can answer this, not everyone had a Dreamcast so they didn’t play SA1 or SA2 when they came out, My family got a GameCube in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was our first 3D Sonic game so it was an instant hit.
@ProjectNaturePrds 18 дней назад
DX came out a year later and due to it lacking certain features that SA2 had, it was deemed inferior to its sequel.
@ProjectNaturePrds 18 дней назад
Also shadow the hedgehog was like 1 million times cooler than gamma. Let’s be real.
@EM-km8em 19 дней назад
The original is still the best it has the original Final Fantasy magic. Remake feels like a Hollywood movie
@linkkicksu 20 дней назад
I don't know why people hate the spaceship cutscene, I think the overlapping dialogue actually makes it feel more believable
@aerrae5608 20 дней назад
And yeah the powerscaling is trash. Aqua beat Terranort... SDG beat Ansem SOD by themselves... Yet Aqua, Sora, and Riku can't do anything against a bunch of tornado Shadows... It's not even an impressive Heartless. IF it had been a heartless on the scale, and power of Chernabog it might have made sense, but they lose to literal baby enemies.... I hate it so much.
@dr.koupop880 20 дней назад
A sonic fan with common sense? Impossible. Jokes aside, I can't stand the characterizations either, it's been an issue since forever in sonic.