Hannah Lucy
Hannah Lucy
Hannah Lucy
A South Australian rider trying to make it in the sport of show jumping and eventing!

●Age: 22, 30/5/97
● Dogs: Stella & Duke
● Horses: Jericho, Dexter, Charlie & Tutsy, Pinot


My PO Box: (I'll try to reply, but of course don't feel obliged to send anything!)
Hannah Lucy
PO Box 3 Clarendon
South Australia
Australia, 5157
7 месяцев назад
Summer day in the life (got to love vet trips)
8 месяцев назад
My baby horses first ever jumps
2 года назад
My baby horses first haircut
3 года назад
Picking up my new horse! (yearling)
4 года назад
Clearing out my riding wardrobe p2
4 года назад
I panic bought a horse
4 года назад
$500 VS $10,000 Tack Set Up!
4 года назад
@X.TRACKER.X 7 часов назад
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it
@inesschaible2396 2 дня назад
You have got a problem with the back. Left and right side are not even
@HannahLucyequestrian 2 дня назад
@@inesschaible2396 Me or the horse? If you mean him he has a displaced pelvis which he has monthly physio for. And I’ve got scoliosis
@Tenebrisvis 19 часов назад
​@HannahLucyequestrian I've got scoliosis and hardware in my back because of major surgery when I was 12. Then I broke my collar bone is a bad spot falling off when I was 14 so now my right shoulder is permanently healed in a position where it's curled forward I have no control over it. I also have a tilted pelvis and ride with one stirrup a tad bit longer then the other or else it doesn't feel even and it displaces me in the saddle. If she's talking about you the only thing I see is uneven stirrups. If she's talking about the horse I don't see much if he does have adjustments done. Not sure if this horse ever raced before but they just did a study on horses that raced on the tail bone or sacrum and fusing of those plates and bone spurs and such and they found its actually an inherited trait so it's genetic there's a whole stir up in the states because insurance companies won't cover a horses medical treatment now if it's an inherited trait. They also realised something about kissing spines being genetic as well so everyone is terrified that insurance companies will stop covering those horses as well even if it's an isolated situation where the kissing spines isn't passed on from horse to horse genetically through that horses specific lineage. Just random tid bit of information for you. In short I don't see anything wrong with the video you or the horse but it also made me think about those things and wanted to share what I had discovered.
@Zoe_Lipman 6 дней назад
I am so incredibly sorry. It hurts so much when a beloved horse passes. My heart horse passed from colic nearly two years ago and it still hurts so much. Just try to remind yourself of the good times (as much as that may hurt) and what an honor it was to have a horse like that and relationship like that. I hope you're doing okay. I'm sure you mean as much to him as he means to you and he knows you did everything you could for him. 🖤
@VitaSari-vo9lt 9 дней назад
@VitaSari-vo9lt 9 дней назад
@patrickmogck9671 15 дней назад
@AlisonDermody-c5g Месяц назад
Floods of tears again watching this. I only knew Jeri for such a short time but he was the best x
@kirkhurry4237 Месяц назад
@malisefaith.annabelle2912 Месяц назад
I’m so so sorry. I grew up from my early teens when I got into riding watching you and Jerry. You both inspired me so much, and I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. Take all the time you need, he was family to you❤️
@cupcakelove3258 2 месяца назад
Hi is your hair color natural it’s so pretty
@ofhericeway 2 месяца назад
I’m not hating I’m just saying also I know this was four years ago but I’m still going to comment on it
@ofhericeway 2 месяца назад
I’m sorry but if your horse is chewing on the bit like that very violently in his mouth for five minutes then you need to change it to a softer bit because it’s hurting the sides of his mouth. And putting way too much pressure on his tongue which is why he’s opening his mouth and chewing on it.
@nikolaimaharaj2319 2 месяца назад
2:10 2:15 lol
@EliroseEquestrian 2 месяца назад
I’m so sorry Han… so so incredibly sorry for your loss. I have faith that the lovely Jericho and Enzo and galloping over the rainbow bridge, in never ending fields of green together. Forever in our hearts and never ever forgotten. Sending big hugs xx
@sarahfisher8844 2 месяца назад
Jerry had an amazing life with you and knew he was well loved
@shonisaninetshitenzhe6211 2 месяца назад
I'm honestly sorry about your loss 😢😔❤💔👐
@katelyndrake-brockman6790 2 месяца назад
My heart broke when I saw the title😭my thoughts are with you Hannah. I’ve been out of the horse industry for many years now but I still watch and love your videos. I loved the bond you and Jeri had. What an amazing horse🫶🏻
@alinareybey3263 2 месяца назад
Oh I’m soo so sorry Hannah. 😭💔💔he had such a great life with you! Sending you so much love! Please take all the time you need to grieve.
@morganshellswell9753 2 месяца назад
I’m losing my beloved mare tomorrow after years of fighting heaves and hind leg injuries. She’s the love of my life and I love her more than anything . I’m having panic attacks at the thought of her being gone she’s my heart and soul . I’m so thankful for the 13 years we’ve had together what I’d do for more . The loss of her is going to alter my life in a lonely broken way . I remember my life before her and it’s one that terrifies me to go back to . I don’t know how I’m going to live without her I’m so scared . She to is such a stoic mare so strong I wish I had half her strength. She’s mentally not ready but her body is and it’s gut wrenching to watch . Rest In Peace Jericho please show my girl the best places to eat ❤️
@The_3_Mares 2 месяца назад
OMG I love that saddle pad so much!!! Where'd you get it??
@Leeshaandwoosha 2 месяца назад
I lost my boy back in November and unfortunately i didn’t have the money to find out why he passed but I’ve not brought myself to clean his stuff out after finding him dead in his stable. It takes time especially when they are family ❤
@JohnLeonard-v9v 2 месяца назад
John and Chuck like.
@Katy.Lou.K 2 месяца назад
So sad for you Hannah😭😔 This is the first I’ve heard because I don’t have social media other than RU-vid. When you’re a horse girl, our horses are our world. When we lose them and lose them unexpectedly… Don’t you wish the world would stop to let us grieve? But sadly, the world doesn’t stop while we grieve this tremendous hole in our heart. It’s as though we are breaking from the inside out. Time helps us cope. Hug your horses Hannah. I lost my mare this year after 18 years with her. Love and hugs from California🏔️🌲☀️🩵 Jerry. I will miss watching you jump, may you rest easy. He loves you Hannah.
@lauraharvey5534 2 месяца назад
I’m so sorry!! I’m sitting here crying with you… sending all my love 🫶🏻
@user-zh6rw2xp2z 2 месяца назад
Heartbreaking 💔our animals are family and we love them ♥️I am so sorry for your loss🥲
@daviemccallum7759 2 месяца назад
It is hard when you lose a favourite Animal like a horse. It is heaven harder when it is not your fault that he died.
@anna-mariewoodcock9086 2 месяца назад
Hannah my heart breaks for you,. I've been watching your videos since your early days of eventing Jeri and have seen the amazing bond you have had with him. I lost my horse Jade to colic two days before Christmas in 2018 and I understand the grief you are feeling. The bond you have with a horse when you completely trust them with your life and they trust you with their own is one of the most incredible feelings on this earth and when that bond is broken by death, especially a sudden death like this, the pain of it is unbearable. I had lost both of my parents in the years before Jade died, and the pain I felt when I lost her was like nothing I have ever experienced in my life. There was a saying that helped me a little " The price for great love, is great pain" Give yourself plenty of grace and plenty of time, sending hugs, Anna
@nellafrosst6453 2 месяца назад
So sorry you have had to go through this. I have owned horses for 45+ years and some of them just tear you apart when they go. It is one thing to lose one who is retired, living out their last years peacefully, who you are prepared to lose, quite another to lose one unexpectedly.
@kaitymc9015 2 месяца назад
I’m so sorry Hannah ❤ I totally get you. I’ve had to say goodbye to a few of my babies the last 2 years and it feels way worse than any human I’ve lost 😭💖
@Andreplay222 2 месяца назад
I’m so sorry
@nicholaswoodall9820 2 месяца назад
i'm sorry for your loss my 2 cats died 3 years ago and i miss them so much
@braewoodequestrian3511 2 месяца назад
I'm so so sorry Hannah, I loved watching yours and Jeri's journey since I first found your YT in 2013 💕💕 I lost my heart horse 3 years ago and it still hurts when I think of him. I really feel for you ❤❤
@TheBridie93 2 месяца назад
I'm so sorry for your loss Hannah. I've followed you and your horses since you first started your channel. Jeri will be fondly remembered by so many people. My dog passed away earlier this year, he was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive form of cancer which escalated very quickly (diagnosis to end of life was 3.5 weeks). It was the most devastating loss in my entire life, and even though I've lost other pets (including horses) this one hurts the most. I'm still struggling 6 months on, i miss him deeply and I grieve for him daily. It fucking sucks losing a special animal. They are there during the hardest parts of our lives and are a constant in an unpredictable world. I honestly think I'll always be sad about losing him. But time moves on and I can remember the happier moments we shared. Sometimes losing a pet can be more difficult than losing a person. All my love during this difficult time. RIp Jeri, he was absolutely amazing and so loved x
@user-tn2uo4yx3w 2 месяца назад
I Hanna so sorry how’s Dexter taken to his best friend has gone ❤they are part off the family 😢look after yourself xx
@april5666 2 месяца назад
We often spend more time with our animal companions it really isn’t surprising how deeply we grieve over their loss. I’m so sorry you lost such a great horse. You gave him a wonderful life.
@sumik8 2 месяца назад
Nothing harder. They are such a huge part of our lives and they leave such a hole when they leave us. Sending virtual hugs from the other side of the world.
@kgrant3184 2 месяца назад
Hannah, I am so sorry for your loss. We grieve deeply, because we LOVE deeply. My dog was and remains, the love of my entire life, so I understand the loss of a being SO important to us... If you have a spiritual side and an open mind, the vids of Brent Atwater, pet/ animal medium & psychic, who often assists with such "transitions", might be of help. I found her 3 weeks after I lost my guy, and wish I'd found her BEFORE he passed. My guy, Jasper, gave me MANY of the "after death signs", that Brent speaks on, so she know her stuff. Sincere best wishes, the grief does lessen over time. (And your other animals are likely grieving, too.) Virtual hugs!
@Bed0bonez 2 месяца назад
I’m so sorry Hannah, I’ve been following you and your horses since around the start of my journey into horses about 8 years ago. You’ve always been such an inspiration to me and they were you treat your horse has always been impeccable, you gave Jeri such an incredible life.
@toebiter69 2 месяца назад
I'm really sorry but audio quality wise the video is like not understandable at all even at max volume
@HannahLucyequestrian 2 месяца назад
Sorry my phone is on the way out and there’s not much I can do 😕
@coraliesentch4515 2 месяца назад
I’ve been following your journey from the very beginning with Jeri and seeing the special bond you had with him (& Dex) I know you will be feeling his loss greatly, he really was a beautiful boy 💔….big big hugs and sympathy for this loss 😢💔
@jayunir399 2 месяца назад
Oh Hannah, I am crying with you! You were the best person to take care for Jericho, I could ever imagine! I can still remember you riding him the first time, you were so understanding und soft to this special horse with the big heart, barely people could understand how precious he was. But we could! I saved Jeri from beeing slaughtered and without you, he wouldnt have had such a good life after all this shit he didnt deserve. You made such massive progress with him and I am so blessed I could follow and watch you two over all these years - my heart was always with you and Jeri and will always be, even between oceans and thousands of kilometers! Thank you so so so much for all the love you gave him! You really did the best you could and it was so heart warming to see you two together, always. I hope you dont blame yourself for your big loss. Thats what I wish for you, really! I love you for all you did for this little big man, Hannah. Take care and take the time you need, to get back to reality. Jericho lives in our hearts. Hugs, J.
@Cheyenne.P 2 месяца назад
His Sire throws big horses. All the ones I’ve come across here in Australia are over 17 hands 🦄
@LE123LE123 2 месяца назад
Hannah, my heart goes out to you. I did message you on Instagram my deepest condolences. I’ll share one story-I worked at a large barn with a big riding school. We would get horses in for the school on trial. We had this adorable little appy that one of my bosses was walking and as I finished teaching, I asked her what his name was. He didn’t have one yet, and he was pretty badly colicking. The vet was en route so I offered to walk him as she needed to get some other things done before the vet came. She was grateful and I watched him trying to nip at his sides and kept talking to him and I realized he was in bad shape. I gave him a name, so he wouldn’t die without one. The vet put him down just after I’d left for home. When I found out, I told my boss the name I gave him so he wouldn’t have died without a name, and she started to cry. I named him Norman. To this day, over 25 years + later, I still cry about this horse. They aren’t just horses, they are souls we connect with and love. You lost a part of your heart Hannah and you need time to grieve. Crying, being sad, quiet-all of it. It’s just part of it. My heart goes out to you.
@calledmedarling 10 дней назад
this genuinely made me tear up. thank you for giving Norman a name to be remembered by.
@Kufalk.equestrian 2 месяца назад
@ciaran4589 2 месяца назад
Dear Hanna my sensere condolences I know every hedge on the road your traveling now.my big monkey was slaughtered by the owner on me 9 years ago .I hope you were with him when he died .it's very tought but in the future it will sooth the pain .I never got to say goodbye. Last piece of advise don't turn off the horse switch I nearly did . Keep at the horses I promise it gets better
@Vinny_Vinzent 2 месяца назад
I'm really sorry to hear this, I've watched you since the beginning. I also this last Thursday the 12th of June lost my first horse Winston to cancer. So I am so sorry and send my condolences to you and your family. Jericho was a sweetheart, It's really hard losing a horse that you've had since you were a child or for a long time.💔
@jesshardy6350 2 месяца назад
To see some of my favourite people - you, Mum and Ali - heartbroken, is so devastating. He was such a good boy!....he was even patient enough to put up with Seb & I attempting to ride 😄
@kennedyarmer3471 2 месяца назад
So sorry for your loss Hannah. Sending big big hugs. We all grieve in different ways, and it's ok. I lost my mare 3 years ago now to colic and I still remember the pain as if it was yesterday
@realisticequestrian8229 2 месяца назад
Oh Han 😭🥺 I'm so sorry. I lost my boy on the 21st of April. He was fine then suddenly wasn't. I understand 100% how you're feeling. I can't breathe. I can't function. Nothing is as bright anymore. It's as though the stars have all disappeared from the sky. I withdraw too. Sending you an empathetic hug from Victoria 🫂 ❤❤
@The_3_Mares 2 месяца назад
Why are all the horsey influencer's horses + pets passing away this year? It's too sad😭😭 here are a few -esme's donkeys -beau equestrian's horse -gypsy equestrians dog -ponynut's horse -erin's horse -chilli and now Jericho😖