Quinn Curio
Quinn Curio
Quinn Curio
Welcome to my channel! I make video essays about things I feel passionate about, these days that's usually television or movies. I hope you find my videos bingeable and relaxing. My last video was about Slytherin house and how JK Rowling handled the world-building in Harry Potter.
@TheJollySoviet День назад
I'm so sad I just found this channel and then I look at the other videos and this is the last one. I'm gonna watch like all of them bc I really like her style but still it sucks.
@luckyme2718 День назад
People are overthinking this and demanding too much from J. K. Rowling. She didn't write Harry Potter with any genius lore in mind, she just wrote fantasy books that happened to be really good. And when the books became popular, fans started demanding more lore, but initially it was really that simple - the good house, the bad one and two unimportant ones
@Hauke-ph5ui День назад
40:40 As a matter of - no she didn't. It seems you missed an important detail here. Read the final scenes of the battle again: After most of the Death Eaters have fallen only two fights remain: Bellatrix Lestrange who is fighting against Luna, Hermione and Ginny - and Voldemort, fighting against McGonaall, Kingsley...and Slughorn. How can he fight against Slughorn (who left Hogwarts prior to the battle with the Slytherin students) if Slughorn didn't return to fight? Yes, there's no mentioning that Slytherin students returned to fight, but Slughorn definetly did so it is at least not impossible that a few Slytherins did as well. As a matter of fact: We know that students sneaked back in to fight after the battle started. When listing the casualties after the battle you'll notice that Colin Creevey is among the dead - he had to leave when the younger students left the school. He obviously returned as well even though it wasn't mentioned. So yes, it is absolutely mentioned that people who left the school at the start of the battle returned. PS: It would be nice to learn more about the other 10 major wizard schools and their structure - as well as the numerous minor schools that do exist as well. From all we know the different schools vary greatly in many aspects (like Durmstrang outright rejecting Muggleborn students to Hogwarts's and Ilvermorny's house systems to Uagadou students almost never using wands). And as much as Voldemort is a central character in the Harry Potter series - he's barely the only dark mage and his activities are almost exclusively focused on Great Britain. Many other dark wizards are not Slytherins because they never attended Hogwarts, they learned magic elsewhere.
@Hauke-ph5ui День назад
Well according to the lore there is only one house that produced almost no dark wizards - and guess what it's not Gryffindor. As a matter of fact Gryffindor is actually the house that produced the second most dark wizards after Slytherin (not to mention that Harry himself used dark magic including an unforgibable curse - Crucio - on several occasions in the book). The house that opposes Dark Wizards the most is in fact Hufflepuff, not Gryffindor.
@michelveenstra9906 День назад
1. You misunderstood the whole story😂 2. You just made this video to hate on rowling😅
@michellegiacalone1079 2 дня назад
Too many Hollywood writers only do things by the numbers. If you have three leads, you have a hero, a heroine and a sidekick, period. They can't write three equally strong characters that all shape the narrative. That's why a lot of Ron's best book lines and scenes were given away.
@mooniace972 2 дня назад
I remember watching this on a roadtrip a year or two ago.
@JoshRelf 2 дня назад
29:41 good one
@alexanderlevy158 3 дня назад
" Ron's not dumb.... what? "
@jojoFLiCK 3 дня назад
I feel the snape notes point was a little harsh considering it was a plot point tied into their bias towards each other, harry also thought snape was automatically the villain of the first book and also thought Draco was the heir to slytherin in 2, that’s a character trait, he is biased towards slytherin just as snape is biased towards harry, it shows the “villains” can be like the heroes and the heroes can be like the villains.
@rafaravioli 3 дня назад
If JKR wrote the books today, she would definitely add a trans Slytherin.
@seanwilkinson6361 4 дня назад
It doesn’t exist. It’s just part of a fictional book.
@user-sl1wt1dv4y 4 дня назад
snape and ron's is my favorite fan relationship
@darhaha3391 4 дня назад
No videos since this one?? I really like the way you get deep into the topic
@ashlynnsiobhan 5 дней назад
I don't think it ever said Slughorn came back with other Slytherins. Slughorn did come back to fight. He was one of the last duelers and was fighting Voldemort. I think the thought of other Slytherins coming back comes from Phineas Nigellas saying, "And let it be known that Slytherin House played its part! Let our contribution not be forgotten!" I just assumed he meant Snape and Slughorn. Voldemort says to Lucius when he wants to look for Draco, that if Draco is dead it's his own fault since he didn't come to Voldemort like the other Slytherins. Only the 7th years would have been allowed to stay and fight and none of the Slytherins in Harry's year would have fought alongside Harry
@amochswohntet99 5 дней назад
It’s difficult to listen to your decidedly unserious voice tone.
@amochswohntet99 5 дней назад
A theory you aren’t considering is that what if all Slytherins secretly want Voldemort back, and that this is the criteria for being selected. When Harry was selected at Hogwarts, when he was saying not slytherin, this could have been a subconscious rejection of the wizarding world. Whereas a Slytherin would be more inclined to reject the Muggle world, and the other houses Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are largely apolitical.
@scrappy2082 5 дней назад
come back please ur videos are my bread & butter 😢
@elmerzcosta 5 дней назад
Hey, I know this video is old and I know I've watched it several times before. But I finally looked up when did Snape become a spy and what that entails. Because I fall on the camp that Snape was a bitter and terrible guy that couldn't get over being rejected. He never expressed regret over the harm he done as a death eater nor for being the reason James also died and Harry becoming an orphan. He only regretted that Lilly died. He bullied children for no reason (I know of the headcannon he was keeping up appearances, but that could swing the other way around. He could treat all students with indifference and just favor the slitherings, revealing to them that he was forced to not be racist because of Dumbledore or whatever), he went after Lupin and Sirius in the shrieking shack out of revenge, even after all these years of suffering they endured (which were worse than his)... All he did as redemption was being a spy, like was said in the video, but he wasn't a spy for 16 years. He became an informant after talking to Dumbledore, so sure, he was a spy before Voldemort's fall, but only for a little while. After the war ended, he became an informant, but that's it, which any other death eater could've become out of fear or regret. And only after Voldemort returned that he was at risk of being found out. I'm not diminishing the importance of what he did, but his redemption was being useful for some 4 years and loving a dead woman. Not enough to make him one of the people Harry names his children after Also, naming your children after people is never a good idea when you have at least 20 options but not 20 children
@apoole54 6 дней назад
The scene she is referring to was when slug horn comes back with the people in the village not with slither in but with the people in the village also, where are you? Please come back we miss you.
@0Lottee0 6 дней назад
Perhaps if your fun magic school even has the option to sort eleven year old children into the *wizardHitler dormitory* that is indictive of a profoundly thoughtless worldbuilding and not the kind of thing that you can brush under the rug and retcon a decade later in a podcast. Something like that could be (should be) a vital plot point of the series if handled better and if JKR had written that theme with any meaningful intent. It really feels like any poignancy in her writing was an accident, like she stumbled upon a nugget of something profound while panning for gold in mud.
@williamdrum9899 7 дней назад
I keep thinking this is Umbrella Corp from Resident Evil
@DLarus08 7 дней назад
I only watched Fantastic Beasts, and I think they dealt with diversity a bit better.
@vivi1649 7 дней назад
I have no idea why Percy Weasley wasn't sorted into Slytherin
@angedenpeacelove_411-00 7 дней назад
right, would have been a good way to show that being Slytherin is not automatic evil.
@vivi1649 3 дня назад
@@angedenpeacelove_411-00 What do you mean? He's a little sh*t drunk with enough ambition to betray and deny his entire family for the sake of his career. Not even Draco Malfoy would go that far.
@Chrischi3TutorialLPs 8 дней назад
In my opinion, the best way to rehabilitate Slytherin is to have Ginny end up there. She certainly fulfills the characteristics of Slytherin, and while her brothers are all Gryffindors, Parvati and Padma are in different houses despite being twins, so there's precedent for that.
@gemixx8365 8 дней назад
Im not gonna try and excuse what are objective faults in the writing if slytherin characters but one thing that doesnt seem to get brought up here is that people are often products of their environment, beholden to the specific etiquettes and expectations of their peers.
@gemixx8365 8 дней назад
Same reason conservatives do I reckon.
@Changedcord 9 дней назад
People remake movies and videogames all the time, is harry potter where we start the conversation about remaking books and fixing shit? I mean Harry Potter is in the process of being remade into a tv show right now.
@PhyreSpore 9 дней назад
That bit at 40:18 where she makes up a part of the book to make herself feel better is like, the next step up from "Dumbledore was gay all along". Just... I don't know. So perfect somehow?? Like she can't settle with making stuff up that no one can verify. She'd moved on to just making stuff up that's verifiably not true about Her Own Work so she doesn't have to self reflect or something?!?!???
@FierceStar56 9 дней назад
You have raised the bar so high for my critics of bad media, that I cannot enjoy anyone talking into a camera for 40 minutes going "Super-omega-yikers" about a book, movie, tv show, comic, etc. I love you so much and if you ever do any more critical reviews of subpar/trashy media I will be waiting in the rain with a peony bouquet
@SlyviaElanor 9 дней назад
the four hagwarts houses: Brave Evil Smart Loyal
@LL-tr5et 9 дней назад
this is a wonderful video
@user-kc9rs8ew4x 10 дней назад
@comicritical1696 10 дней назад
It's a testament to this channel that this video came out 3 years ago am I still periodically come to check and see if there's a new upload I missed
@Karlswebb 10 дней назад
Come back to us
@craigdohmen2648 11 дней назад
Dumbledore: "I think we Sort too soon." Dude... why are you Sorting *at all*?
@angedenpeacelove_411-00 7 дней назад
honestly I thought the series was going to end with the houses dissolving, because ya know...unity
@ladvargleinad7566 11 дней назад
Students start at Hogwarts at age 10. At best, they get the 5 first years of muggle education (you bet Malfoy didn't). Social Studies is not a subject at Hogwarts (and it shows).
@JimmyJonJillakers 11 дней назад
Ah, my favorite genre of movie: Statuatory
@inzvy 12 дней назад
It's not like the Slytherin is the source of society's problems, the other way around - it's existence is a result of how larger wizard society thinks. Do you expect that families like Blacks or Malfoys will be ok with their children living in one dorm with "mudbloods"? How would they react to the notion of dismantling or reforming their alma mater? Ex Slytherins are powerful people, some of them are on the School's Board of Governors, which at one point was completely in Malfoy's palm. Reforming Slythering is impossible until whole society changes
@rugrugrugrug 12 дней назад
People act like slytherin is so unrealistic but my uni has one frat that’s been known to spike girls’ drinks since like the 70s. So maybe slytherin is not that wild of a thing.
@angedenpeacelove_411-00 7 дней назад
Slytherin is realistic but the issue is that every known Slytherin is a bigot and/or Death Eater. And by going with the stated house traits: Bigotry isn't on that list
@giubilooo44 12 дней назад
What are the names of the songs playing in the background during the video?
@hrpt1015 12 дней назад
For me the main problem is that she tought at the begining to put a house of the bullies/popular kids that are always represented in media. Like the stereotype of the high school football player if you will. But then she started to put every single character that was mean in slythering. But the worse comes now: at the sixth book she was tired of the whole why is slythering evil media so she tried to put a "redemption" writing Slughorn. To show that Draco didn't really want to work for the deatheaters. And decided to redempt Snape. But it was too late. You can't unwrite the abuse Snape put the kids through. It was bulling and all the things that redempt Snape before the sixth book are from the movie. I love Alan Rickman's Snape and I can understand why Harry would forgive him, I do too. But nook Snape is just too much, he doesn't remotly care. To me the end didn't change how I fell about him.
@angedenpeacelove_411-00 7 дней назад
Yup she was back pedalling so bad in the latter half with Regulus, and Slughorn but it was too late. No known Slytherin ever state to NOT believe in Blood purity, all Voldemort betrayals come from people that he hurt in some way.
@sninckashley9514 13 дней назад
It must take some serious audacity to call Jaiden Animations the laziest channel on RU-vid when there are more shorts that are just a reupload of a viral video with a monotonous voiceover describing what's happening on screen than there are people on the planet
@amethystb12345 13 дней назад
LMAO I still say Ginny give Harry a love potion haha
@GreenDude_Gaming 13 дней назад
You have an uploaded a video in 2 years. When are you going to upload again?
@AntiNihilist 13 дней назад
Wait...people liked Ron? I read the first 3 books without seeing the movies and while I don't dislike Ron, he always felt barely above a background character to me. He got better around book 4 or 5, but Hermione seemed like easily the best character in the first 3 books, besides Harry of course.
@LegoHarrier 14 дней назад
Look, I love the books, and don't hate the movies. Stop... analysing.
@CitanulsPumpkin 14 дней назад
Like with all problems with Rowling and her work, this stems from her neo liberal politics. Neo liberals, liberals, and moderates all suffer from the delusion that it's better to coddle nazis than work with progressives. The idea that society would ever do anything to limit the ability of fascists to gather and consolidate their power is so abhorrent to neo liberals that it makes perfect sense the evil kids would get their own clubhouse and not immediate expulsion.
@Oll1000 14 дней назад
To be fair, it's like having four cliques in any normal school. You've got the geeks, you've got the jocks, you've got the nerds. And then you've got the neonazis. Obviously.
@juliagiles1547 15 дней назад
Rewatching after what happened with ilymation. One of the nicest animators on the platform got doxxed bc a so-called “intellectual critic” willingly misinterpreted a piece of health advice she gave, and it feels like the Internet is siding with the critic just bc they thought ilymation was annoying when she tried to ask her fans for help. This video needs to be required viewing for everyone on the internet, because we clearly haven’t learned anything from the last time we treated people like this.