Social Sciences at UC Berkeley
Social Sciences at UC Berkeley
Social Sciences at UC Berkeley
The social sciences study the common elements and collective dimensions of the human experience. Scholars in this division of the College of Letters & Science focus on topics as varied as color perception, language acquisition, climate change, sexuality, social identity, markets and risk, wages and work, civil rights and political institutions, kinship and culture, and more.

The 12 departments that comprise the Social Sciences Division are each among the most distinguished in the nation. The division is the largest within the university, with 20 percent of the faculty and 25 percent of student enrollments. It is also the most heterogeneous, offering diverse theoretical approaches and empirical methodologies for understanding the ways in which human beings, past and present, have organized their lives. This diversity offers scholars and students an unparalleled opportunity to range far and wide in their search for solutions to individual, social, and global problems.
Dean Raka Ray Reappointment
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What is UC Berkeley Social Sciences?
3 месяца назад
Sydney Roberts on Berkeley Social Sciences
4 месяца назад
Thank you Berkeley Social Sciences supporters
6 месяцев назад
Neil Smelser and the 2024 Election
7 месяцев назад
@daliafern2057 2 месяца назад
'Promo SM' 🙋
@AllYourMemeAreBelongToUs 5 месяцев назад
44:14 45:53 “This scanner I should probably mention will probably never pay for itself because it’s always gonna be a kind of an MRI physics experiment.”
@Sbnrjee 5 месяцев назад
People around the world are still messing up the whole thing. Brain isn't impossible to figure out. It's just an organ with the similar configuration of that of a musical instrument. Just like we play several notes to form a chord, the brain's STATES need to be captured PARAMETRICALLY in order to point out the operators. There is no particular maya or external operating system. Brain is a chemical circuit. People are unnecessarily overthinking ONLY to make it a topic of entertainment. Nobody's seriously interested in the truth and hard work of writing down every combination that builds up a something in the circuitry. It will create a large dictionary of combinational parameters one day. That's the thing. Everybody's being lazy and trying to make money by turning this topic into a source of entertainment. There is no external force controlling it, other than food, medicine and other stimuli. The only neuroscientist who still makes sense, is Jack Gallant. There is no philosophy in the construction of the technical aspect of the brain. Consciousness is a combination of chemical parameters. So is Philosophy. So is Physics. So is Music. And so on. These are all parametric combinations of chemical levels at any given point in time. I am saying this from an intuitive feeling. Well, what is intuition then? That's again a combination of parameters which helps in the prediction of other combinational parameters. It is not "complex". It is pure hard work. A lot of tracking. A lot of writing. And a lot of headstrong effort to plotting them all down on paper. It's ten times larger in pure length than differential and Integral Calculus combined. And people are simply looking for an automation, namely "soul", "maya", "kaya", "chhaya" and all, because they're afraid of the deglamorised hard work! However, Kaya and Chhaya are now explained with Physics. The other settings will be disclosed soon one day. Think of a 64 channel audio mixer with analog faders. How many combinations can you have? Infinite? Eh? Hahah! That's why it looks complex, when it's not. Professor Gallant is the only person that makes sense in the whole world right now.
@marcmarc4776 Год назад
Any new advancements with digital output?
@dasheilunga8637 Год назад
i wanna be a part of ur lab so badly! auditory sensory system is my holy cow n i got lots of approvals of my research by watchin this talk, pr Gallant!
@dustinmullican8725 Год назад
Would it be possible to do this to someone/ remotely monitor their brain and influence one's thoughts? I have checked off everything else but I know what I am experiencing is real. When it starts I cannot control my crazy dark thoughts and I can hear distinct voices react to the psycho thoughts. It feels like someone has somehow monitored my every thought and no one else can hear what they say besides me. It's ruined my life and I just want to know if it's possible.
@tommyselbe1999 Год назад
@arnoldvezbon6131 Год назад
You need a priest.
@pauletteindiawoods Год назад
There is a difference between decoding the brain and using various cameras to record a persons daily activity- from washing their hands to what they see as soon as they wake up in the morning and, using AI or computers to put those images together like pieces from a puzzle . This research is misleading . In regards to “ mapping the brain “: do you mean In reference to the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, neurons (etc ) , the right side of the body control the left side of the body neurons ( etc ) , data collected form a body in motion ( which would be pretty obvious data wise ) or are we talking about actual brain waves/ data on an EEG and data which is collected and then “ programed back “ to a human with various methods like deep brain stimulation?Get enough people to claim to have experienced the same feelings and symptoms while stimulating various parts of the brain - we can say what you claim is true, although all the data is false, simply fabricated so that you get the results you want . Jose Delgados experiments with making a moneys eyes move and making a monkey lose its appetite for example : you are stimulating an actual organ that is connected to the body part that serves a specific function like the desire to eat: anyone once trained would have the ability to do the same thing, even to someone like you, your brain is made up of the same material that most human or animal brains are made up of. The question is do you know when your brain is being stimulated in an attempt to cause you to lose your appetite, or do you base those symptoms purely off the thousands of others who have engaged in this particular experiment and look for those same symptoms within yourself? If so, your own colleges have allowed you to willingly program your own brain data and symptoms based off of the thousands of peoples brains you have fabricated to share the same symptoms: who’s to say if you challenged your own data going through the same experiments: the data you gathered would be different: despite what the EEG says. What about brain data in comparison to kindness? How can it be the same if someone makes a choice to be kind, or if someone is simply being kind because it’s the right thing to do? What would make that data appear different ? You can’t effectively answer that question without basing stats on data taken from other men and women. A person making a choice based on specifics would mean that that data would be different for each individual. If Infor example decides to be kind to someone because I knew they were being controlled to do evil, but I didn’t have to think about my reason for why I made the decision, compared to someone knowing they participated in a challenge which requires them to be kind with a reward of winning $500 is different . Even still in both situations each could do be kind without thinking about why: more or less especially for the person making a decision to be kind because they know the person they are giving the kindness to is being influenced or controlled by something they are unaware of. That act could be as routine as knowing you have to move your legs to walk ( in this case you get the body in motion and not much thought of any ) where as an act of kindness that is encouraged based on a reward . Still the act it’s self of administering the kindness may look very similar if not the same on an EEG- and I would reject it. Not enough people think deeply enough which is why I would Encourage each and every person to challenge their own data. Years of experience diving into the depths of the brain will not answer all our questions . If we do not challenge our own data- we give this ability to people like Jack gallant who will analyze and then program that data to mean whatever they would like it to me- thus programming you which isn’t far even to someone like Jack . My kindness doesn’t look like your kindness data wise . I can say this with 100% confidence and accuracy because My reasoning for being Kind cannot be found on an EEG or MRI- you don’t have and will never have any technology capable of measuring it and because of that- I challenge it all. After the discover of many scientific feats like deep brown stimulation and AI mixed with the blood stream- you lose the ability to gather any authentic data completely . Everything else for the most part loses its shape or changes when you combine it with any other foreign entity and you mean to tell me that blood, nureons, electrons, etc does not? I do not believe it .
@pauletteindiawoods Год назад
And please don’t use the “ Insula “ excuse.that proves my point . After the “ pause “ that happens when you try to control someone - if they have pots and spices in their hands , once the paralyzation of the are of the brain is lifted for example -they remember: I was more than likely getting ready to cook that’s why I have this stuff in my hands : regardless of how fast you move!! The God gene for example/ a light is triggered when someone things about God- that’s man made that isn’t genetic !
@pauletteindiawoods Год назад
Why when it comes to your own research can’t you challenge your own thinking ? Seems to me the scientific community is more influenced and controlled them any other person : how could you be okay with dying knowing your life’s work is based on fabricated and programmed data you work with ? Seems to me you are blinded by data .
@pauletteindiawoods Год назад
Why can’t we realize this when it comes to science : you add something to the blood stream it changes it no matter if your white blood cells and electrons still function the same . The environment is changed and you lose the ability to gather any data that is authentic .
@pauletteindiawoods Год назад
The fact that it still functions the way it did before you became a foreign entity close to it does not change it. And, your ability to have the way its changes is limited because your being there has tainted it. You. Ruined the very thing you’ve spent your entire life trying to figure out .
@pauletteindiawoods Год назад
It’s no longer authentic and you fool yourself in the process . Again 1 plus 1 is still 2 . No matter how still they both are or is changed as soon as another 1 enters its environment.
@jamesruscheinski8602 2 года назад
substantive human rights states / nation unity of God's federal sovereignty
@jamesruscheinski8602 2 года назад
sovereign God substantive choice organizes peoples of world
@arzukanca7045 2 года назад
Thank you Professor Gallant for your great presentation...
@efeuluyc Год назад
@jamesruscheinski8602 2 года назад
God leadership of free will kingdom in world provides substantive choice for needed organization of peoples and nations
@-LightningRod- 2 года назад
watching a Second TimeDec22,2021
@anthonymorris5084 2 года назад
I just watched a 1991 skit on Saturday Night Live about global warming. No more snow etc. Watching it 20 years later it was now a parody of itself. Still here, still snowing, still have thriving polar bears.
@-LightningRod- 2 года назад
your joking right?
@anthonymorris5084 2 года назад
@@-LightningRod- Not joking whatsoever.
@-LightningRod- 2 года назад
@@anthonymorris5084 you KNOW of course that Polar Bears are Marine Mammals right? They do NOT belong onshore you absolute Dunce
@anthonymorris5084 2 года назад
@@-LightningRod- Yes, I'm aware. When did I ever say otherwise? Why are you throwing a tantrum and behaving like a hostile infant?
@-LightningRod- 2 года назад
@@anthonymorris5084 "still snowing, still have thriving polar bears." what exactly does this statement mean in relation to a dramatically altered atmosphere or a rapidly deteriorating atmosphere? why is this infantile are you intimidated why is this childish what is your problem why are you being mean?
@davidhilderman 2 года назад
2021 was the coldest winter ever measured in Antarctica.
@-LightningRod- 2 года назад
as predicted bud smarten up and keep reading
@arcanondrum6543 2 года назад
@@-LightningRod- Go easy on him. He was born and raised there. Lives there now. His grandfather had a mushroom farm on Antarctica and would tell young David stories of how warm Antarctica once was.
@-LightningRod- 2 года назад
@@arcanondrum6543 i am easy on him and he is right it is colder than ever before and also warmer than ever recorded, ...Exactly as predicted by computer models from the 1970's and scientists predictions from the 1950's, ..you can confirm this by checking what the API had to say to its clients in 1957
@Agislife1960 2 года назад
The planet has survived meteor strikes, mega volcano's, pole shifts, more than one ice age and the dinosaurs. The urge to save mankind is nothing but a false front to rule.
@sonding1406 2 года назад
the video image is too poor, you need to fix it more
@patrickball2493 2 года назад
The decades worldwide use of fossil fuels will have little impact on climate. As the causes of climate change are complex , a lot factors come in to play. All the weather extremes and changes in the poles and temperature that the world has experienced recently caused by other factors and not by greenhouse gases.
@dennismitchell5276 2 года назад
I throw my digital shoe at you.
@patrickball2493 2 года назад
@@dennismitchell5276 Info courtesy of adapt 2030 , Magnetic Reversal news , Oppenheimer ranch project , Suspicious observers , Wales GSM , Jake GSM , Tony heller , Canada CDN , Maverick star reloaded. I could go on but there are many out there are becoming increasingly very sceptical of the Manmade Co2 emissions as the reason for climate change .
@-LightningRod- 2 года назад
@@dennismitchell5276 i also throw my digital shoe
@arcanondrum6543 2 года назад
@Patrick Ball needs to ask himself why a Clown Show named "Magnetic Reversal News" is referring him only to other fossil fuel financed sources. Maybe when he finds out that they're using him? AND Laughing at him? Oh my...
@patrickball2493 2 года назад
@@arcanondrum6543 Wake up , and research the alternative reasons .The politicians and scientists worldwide are lying about real causes of climate change . The simple equation of Increase Co2 and other greenhouse gases equals climate change is a LIE .
@davidhughes4089 2 года назад
What are you talk to about when you say that in Britain the NHS is run from London? Most decisions on healthcare have been devolved to the national governments for some time. For example decisions about the Scottish healthcare system are taken in Scotland at Holyrood.
@jeffgold3091 2 года назад
current data shows most of antarctica is steady or cooling and western antarctic changes are likely due to volcanic activity under the ice . no polar amplification . sea ice is near record highs . it would have been interesting to hear how antarctica and greenland were affected by the holocene optimum and little ice age and early 20'th century warming . I think it is mainstream science that the Greenland Ice sheet was significantly smaller 6000 ka . his greenland temp graph does show warmer temps 6000 years ka
@patrick247two 3 года назад
Climate chaos will reign until stability returns. What earth's surface will be like is anyone's guess.
@keithmazzapica5188 2 года назад
No such thing as climate chaos.
@-LightningRod- 3 года назад
Fascinating, .. Data driven professionals really need to get on the high horse communications kick The information YOU have is really quite electrifying to those that are aware and interested. On that note, there are men out there that also KNOW what i KNOW and did it anyways, ... for MONEY at any expense. if i thought i could raise enough MONEY by self immolating publicly, i would do it for a future with my very last breath being a whiff of smoke, there is no more TIME to be subtle. WE need to act and it is very much TIME to get ready. Im pretty excited by it all and i can not imagine what the inbound "Shoe" will be. Just fascinating The Earth is an absoloute treasure with life abounding on almost every single molecule, We must ALL exert Our God Given SuperPower of CHOICE and Choose a different FUTURE now that We KNOW that We have all been lied to for PROFIT, Strange how now it would seem, ...that only Billionaires, Trillionaires can save us. Good Luck Everyone! The Grande Transition is upon us.
@CesarClouds 3 года назад
Good interview.
@WhirledPublishing 3 года назад
Since the true timeline for the Arctic and Antarctic ice is documented in historic records, we know the "science" of glaciers is rubbish. @13:50 Since historic documents tell us the when and how the water erosion across the continents and islands, we know the theory of ice ages are rubbish. @26:30 The expert things the Antarctic ice comes from sub-tropical oceans? No, the Antarctic ice does NOT come from any ocean - guess again - or do the decades of research so you know the answer.
@nxgrs74 3 года назад
1) By reflecting away 30% of ISR the albedo, which would not exist w/o the atmosphere, makes the earth cooler than it would be without the atmosphere like that reflective panel set on the dash. Remove the atmosphere/GHGs and the earth becomes much like the moon, a barren rock with a 0.1 albedo, 20% more kJ/h, hot^3 on the lit side, cold^3 on the dark. Nikolov, Kramm (U of AK) and UCLA Diviner mission all tacitly agree. 2) the GHG up/down welling, “trapping”/”back” radiating/delaying/intercepting, 100 % efficient, perpetual warming loop requires "extra" energy which according to RGHE theory it gets from 3) the terrestrial surface radiating that "extra" energy as a near ideal .95 emissivity black body which 4) it cannot do because of the non-radiative heat transfer processes of the contiguous atmospheric molecules. 1+2+3+4 = 0 Greenhouse Effect + 0 Greenhouse gas warming + 0 man caused climate change. All science backed up by experiment, the gold standard of classical science. www.linkedin.com/posts/nicholas-schroeder-55934820_climatechange-greenhouse-co2-activity-6749812735246254080-bc6K Version 1.0 021121 Berkeley