my take at The Lake
my take at The Lake
my take at The Lake
Always happy to give my take, always happy to be at The Lake--
I invite YOU to join me for some good natured (though often dark, certainly adult) humor & lots of sarcasm while we navigate the world of journal-making, paper crafts and all kinds of creative projects.

I've a variety of playlists for you: "craft-n-chat" type programs (join me whether you're baking, sewing, woodworking, etc.) haul videos (those are always fun!) flip-throughs and loads of different takes on what's going on in the jujo universe.

I’M CONDUCTING A LITTLE EXPERIMENT WITH THIS CHANNEL: can one grow a channel without having to be on every social media platform there is?

YOU can help. If you enjoy the info here, find it the least bit helpful and sorta’ entertaining once in a while, PLEASE share it with people you think may enjoy it as well. I’m certain this can happen without me resorting to nightmarish tangle that is FB.

Thanx for your interest-looking forward to seeing YOU here a lot. Take care-ker
#thisinspiredme Paint Chips and Springtime
3 месяца назад