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@TxTrashPanda Час назад
I personally enjoy the c3
@SigfridSWE Час назад
Why do they continue with rings of power. Its total shit in every way possible 😂
@whiskeySe7en 2 часа назад
I dont like candella. Im not into horror as a genre, i find it pedantic and dumb. I still tune in because watching cr is what i do on thursdays. Your first point about taking a spot from main campaign is one of my Major issues with it. I already dont like having no dnd every 4th thursday, mix in all these different shows and i just couldnt care less. If it didnt take the place of my weekly viewing of these nerdy ass voice actors playing dnd, i might have a better opinion
@BigBunky 4 часа назад
Not surprised that its not going forward, but bummed. I am optimistic though, that it will find a home. I wouldn’t mind Dragonlance… Not a Joe Mangianello fan, his whole Mike Mearls, Project Iowa bit, was petty and off putting. And after him accusing WOTC and the the design team of being shady, and conspiring against Mearls, because they wanted his job… and being vocal about the fact that he thinks D&D is going ‘down hill’, not sure they’d be keen on working with him.
@andrewj1031 4 часа назад
Cavil to play Captain Titus in space marine live action
@loganhartsel5513 5 часов назад
He hasn’t played 10th Edition. Big whoop, 10th edition just came out months ago😂 the click bait is realll
@Quallah 5 часов назад
That's awesome
@agilemonk6305 5 часов назад
Let Joe make Dragonlance.
@MrParadox009 7 часов назад
is there a full video of this anywhere?
@jaket8947 7 часов назад
Joe would be the dude. Gonna pass on Buzzfeed.
@fakeo 7 часов назад
If it was 5E I'd be more hyped but I'm still kinda hyped. Not buying it tho cuz money & I'm not learning a new system when I'm not even done with the old one.
@ChristopherGamington 8 часов назад
It’s ok I’m still enjoying Skyrim
@mikopolar9585 9 часов назад
Amazon is already ruining it by forcing cavil to include DEI in ito the mix... It all started via Female Custodes which is Cavil's favorite faction... Which already ruins the lore because they were supposed to be all sons of nobles... And then there is the female space marines... Hope it stays true to the lore...
@Equimanthorn80 9 часов назад
I like Jasmine and I'm sure the rest of that group are cool people, but I refuse to breathe the slightest amount of life back into Buzzfeed's corpse.
@shadowhell8378 11 часов назад
Buzzfeed is still around?
@murphythelatecomer4608 11 часов назад
Not surprised by the D&D show dying, unfortunately. Surprised to hear that Tom motherfucking Bombadil will be in the next season of Rings of Power.
@jacquecortez5014 11 часов назад
Dragonlance season 1.
@SilverScribe85 13 часов назад
A long time ago, I saw a trailer for a possible show in the works called Dungeons & Kittens. As the title implies, it features the kittens as D&D classes going on a quest. Is THAT still coming out or was that also scrapped
@Zentron 13 часов назад
For those of us who watched the cartoon, it's nice to see our fave characters on the covers of these books.... but that's about it! With the way D&D is right now, there's little to attract us back to playing if we've stopped, or if we are still playing, we're not going to touch any of the new books, regardless of who's in them, as we've already included them in our games! It's way too little, way too late!
@ethankendall9499 14 часов назад
Negotiations are something that only works in a capitalist society. That's not defeating capitalism, they defeated a company/companies for shitty work place practices.
@Shark_Rock 14 часов назад
@dylanlafreniere3479 15 часов назад
I guess I can’t hate it, we created this back when we allowed call of duty and halo to partner with Doritos and Mountain Dew. I guess even before we sold rock and roll to commercials. However this trend of Burger King style memes, sucked into each corporate board room to win one over on the kids. I can’t hate that sunny D, hard Dew and Starbucks flavor liquor are a top tier seller. But I personally do hate myself and each one of use who allow ourselves to command this behavior.
@demi191 15 часов назад
The D&D show should be It's Always Sunny in Faerun.
@crepusculum7472 15 часов назад
4:07 Oh, look, another simulated-D&D RU-vid fatberg show with the same old twee, CalArts, "ironically" childlike aesthetic, populated by the same old L.A. loser "tabletop performer" hangers-on. I'm sure it will do exactly as well as all the other identical shows that aren't called Critical Role or Dimension20.
@kylevanderwolf4446 15 часов назад
I actually like the warlock one…
@VengefulJarl 15 часов назад
Are you really surprised? Hasbrouck is too busy making d&d ip into a lifestyle brand.
@Sturmjaeger 16 часов назад
Somehow Buzzfeed returned
@TheCharacterSheet 16 часов назад
Yeah, but if the pattern holds, look out for the "Magic & Stuff" Separate RU-vid channel in 2 years
@tylerreed2409 16 часов назад
I think Candela didn’t nail the opening few episodes for many people, so it is going to naturally bleed viewership. The show was a very slow start and really didn’t get the intrigue out front and center in the way I think that sort of game needs
@johnlandon8741 16 часов назад
I wish Joe would have made his show anyway. Cause he knew what he was doing and was going to do it right.
@TheCharacterSheet 16 часов назад
The problem was that hasbro owns the Dragonlance rights at the moments, so he had to do it through them
@323starlight 16 часов назад
Buzzfeed still alive?
@Equimanthorn80 9 часов назад
This would be devastating news!
@zahreel3103 17 часов назад
I won't ever buy anything WotC/Hasbro again... until they fix their s**t. Joe Mang's Dragolance show has to happen.
@sullyb23511 16 часов назад
Ditto. The OGL business really pissed off a lot of people.
@kevinbirge2130 17 часов назад
Folks, you can get the Rules Cyclopedia p.o.d. for under 40 bucks shipped. This is arguably the best version of the rules. Everything you need in one set of covers.
@SteveFromTheOtherSide 17 часов назад
Just Let Joe do the DragonLance show. WTF Hasbro. It will print $
@TheCharacterSheet 17 часов назад
You have to imagine they thought the Paramount series was a done deal, otherwise you'd hope they would at least have given it more consideration
@SteveFromTheOtherSide 16 часов назад
@@TheCharacterSheet They need a win. They should call Joe.
@sullyb23511 16 часов назад
F*ck Hasbro!!!
@keithpark2044 12 часов назад
They don’t need a win. Let them continue failing at monetizing D&D.
@TheCharacterSheet 17 часов назад
Are you suprised D&D's Paramount+ show got canceled? Should they revist the idea of making the Dragonlance show now? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
@BigBunky 4 часа назад
Not surprised, but a bit bummed. I am though, optimistic it will get picked up. In regards to the Dragonlance show, sure. I’m a little soured on Joe Mangianello though. His whole Mike Mearls, ‘Crack team’ ‘Project Iowa’ bit was petty and off putting.
@BlueStreakStudio 17 часов назад
So because people prefer the main D&D show over Candela Obscura, which is a niche genre that most people don't prefer anyway, its running the risk of flopping? Yeah I don't buy it. Not to mention your points are nothing but personal gripes. 1) They've been doing D&D every week for ten years straight. Even for the biggest D&D nerd, that's going to get boring. This is their way of having fun with something new and fresh. 2) They're already releasing weekly episodes with their shows, and as a content creator, you should understand how difficult it is to pump out consistent videos, let alone 3-5 hour long productions. 3) Show length isn't as much of an issue as you're making it out to be. That sounds more like a personal preference. We're in an age of digital media where the VODs are released in regular fashion like the D&D campaign. If people are running short on time, that's what the pause button is for. It's less stress on the cast that way, instead of trying to justify the extra hours put in for the editing required to make the episodes shorter. tl;dr: Candela isn't flopping. The rulebook actually one of their best selling items on their shop site. These are nothing but personal gripes.
@Wanderer-nw2so 18 часов назад
I wouldn't call this breaking the game more like emergent gameplay by basically using tools everyone can use some more creatively than others.
@evilbeardedman 18 часов назад
I've watched most of it and it's absolutely amazing. People are missing out.
@vwayls4892 18 часов назад
For me biggest problem with Candela is that it is not scary at all. I love eldritch horror, I love Call of Cthulhu. But Candela took away that normal people being put into increasingly maddening situation, that leads to death of a lot of players due to increased fear and insanity. And replaced it by imaginary world, where secret society of investigators, that in majority posses some magical abilities are fighting against evil. Cool, but if you have group of powerful people, that are already aware of existence of monsters, etc. it is not scary, it is just another mundane D&D like campaign, just in less classical fantasy settings. I still love the one shot they did way back when, with Tali as GM. That was perfect example what I would like to see more with Candela.
@kevinmalcom4243 18 часов назад
There's no Dark Souls content in the game.
@Thinkingmakesitso. 19 часов назад
I liked the theater style play they used in the live show last night. That might help
@FMD-FullMetalDragon 19 часов назад
Talk about a click bait title. You took a reddit post and made it out to be a big deal. ALARMING PLANS, OH MY. He's running a home campaign in Kara-Tur, OH MY GOD, THE HORROR. The CEO never claimed to be making any plans to bring it back. But omg, it's SOO ALARMING. And Candela Obscura, as a game, is not a good rpg and maybe their live stage play didn't sell out because a lot of people know it's a bad game and no amount of acting in a play can save it.
@destonlee2838 19 часов назад
Long time DM c1980first time commenter. I have maintained my AD&D books for 30+ years and am not interested in buying the new editions. It wasn't broke and didn't need fixing. Thin appeal, no substance. It's a trap.
19 часов назад
Ho! Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadillo! By water, wood and hill, by the reed and willow, By fire, sun and moon, harken now and hear us! Come, Tom Bombadil, for our need is near us! Deliver us from this monstrocity called Amazon!
@omni110 19 часов назад
If anyone is complaining that they keep sidewuesting and shit and that they’re not on the moon… go watch a fuckin movie or some shit. The fun is being there with these characters and all the shit they get to what’s the point of watching if you’re just waiting for the end. I get pacing but In live voiced situation with this much pacing why are you trying to get to the end and have nothing after
@JikkyB 20 часов назад
I'm crying, I wanted to play the new DND but I'm Brazilian 😭, I've played it a few times and I loved it, I just don't play it anymore because there's no point in it, there's no more DND in Brazil
@smoothisfast6644 20 часов назад
The flow is unattainable to 99% of players as they and their GM are not trained in “yes, and” like the CO cast. So, it comes across as scripted and contrived which in turn doesn’t make good “live play.”
@milktots6933 21 час назад
Well you did it. You officially earned yourself a "do not reccomend this channel" click from me. Nobody fucking asked for a tabletop tabloid. Nobody. Your pessimistic headlines are exhausting and ultimately you're no better than Dungeons and Discourse - who are also terrible.
@ratherunfortunatelol 21 час назад
Campaign 3 is my very first campaign with the CR cast and Dorian quickly became my favorite character only to learn that having guests was a common occurrence and that he was eventually going to leave. Hopefully he's here to stay.
@drchaos2000 21 час назад
how viable is it to start playing if you like the lore and the game mechanics but hate painting miniatures ?