Mad Italian
Mad Italian
Mad Italian
Hello Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my channel. Here you'll find in depth Video Essays, stream highlights, montages, cosplay highlights, short films, and whatever I feel like making. Hope you enjoy your stay!
Halo Makes Me Sad
28 дней назад
What Makes an Open World Game
3 месяца назад
Fallout Factions Described by Alex Jones
4 месяца назад
Jake Talks Fallout
4 месяца назад
Embrace Diverse Character Design
6 месяцев назад
A message from a Night Lord
7 месяцев назад
40K is NOT for Everyone
8 месяцев назад
Rogue Trader First Impressions
9 месяцев назад
The Make and Break CoD Scene
9 месяцев назад
DarkTide Return to Tertium
10 месяцев назад
An Objectively correct BG3 Companion Tier List
10 месяцев назад
The Dragon Age Identity Crisis Super Cut
11 месяцев назад
Ryu player moment
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Oltyx Finds Yenekh
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Dragon Age identity Crisis Part 2
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Animation is Not a Genre
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@goldenft3208 40 минут назад
My facorite part about V and Johnny's dynamic is V's constant insistence that he's a terrorist, that they don't agree with him and won't end up like him. It creates such a good setup for the universe of the game and V's growth from a random merc who popped up out of nowhere to a full-blown cyberpunk when johnny's motives become too grounded to ignore
@idomaradamfive5 3 часа назад
This is awesome
@kurokat6069 10 часов назад
Honestly there was only 2 real choice for romance in cyberpunk the male romance options are trash they don’t even get real endings lol
@Xtariz 15 часов назад
I'd say a lot has to do with the voice actor putting some life in the character and the fact that relationships are locked to your gender that's not often done in games...
@lappaduch7475 16 часов назад
V doesn't work as well, really cringy character
@killathekidofstone 16 часов назад
lol should've ended with a samurai song
@Zack29810 16 часов назад
Cyberpunk is booty.
@Zack29810 16 часов назад
it faded away shortly after it launched.
@Axterix13 17 часов назад
I don't think anyone really sees Genshin's Lumine and Aether as different characters. You're just picking which one you want as your avatar and, other than a very minor stat difference, as well as any differences the model can make (bunny hopping favors the Aether, for example). To the player, there is no pre-established personality, no differences between them given. And they're also silent protags, in a game where no branching narrative paths (except in hangouts, which are replayable and you want to hit all endings to get all the rewards). The lack of choice is actually a bit of a problem, as they portray the character as good... and then makes Childe (no morals, just wants to fight, willing to wipe out a city) and Arlechinno (indoctrinating children in a setting where the threat of death looms and you're encouraged to rat out others) our "friends". If we had choices, then that could work... we could play an MC that could be friends with these garbage humans. But we can't, we're nice people who help rescue cats from trees and then go have a nice relaxing afternoon at the child soldier camp with a serial killer to be and a future Mengele, and that's just two of the kids. Also, I'd say there has always been a bit of a difference between Western and Eastern RPGs. In the west, we come from a tabletop roleplay tradition, so generally speaking, the characters are blank slates, choose a class, choose a race, and all that. Those type of things are normal, and have existed even in early WRPGs, with the OG Baldur's Gate establishing a new peak for this type of thing. In the JRPGs and such, that character creation isn't there. You're given a specific character, with little to no character customization, not much in the way of branching paths and so on. Maybe get to choose one of the love interests, but that's about it, story-wise. The focus has always been more on a more linear story. Mass Effect basically takes the conversation routine and impactful choices of BG and reduces them in scope a bit to fit a tighter narrative. As for V and the focus on the female version, I believe their intent is to alternate the focus between them with each expansion. So male V got the base game, now is female V's turn. That Fallout conversation just didn't gel. It's like two entirely different conversations patched together. The player just confessing love and her being surprised by it just... doesn't work. Just poorly written/directed. They should have toned down the player's line and ditched the whole surprised aspect. It felt like she was opening up, talking about loneliness, revealing deep trauma. That could have smoothly transitioned. But instead, they go for a jarring transition.
@indiestripper5374 19 часов назад
maybe it's just me but I personally thought V was a douche. The sole survivor gets to be whatever you want them to be but no matter what you want in cyberpunk, you are locked into being an edge lord, talking how a 14 year old boy thinks adults talk.
@ZDanielPhoenix День назад
I disagree with this so much. I've been a long time Bethesda/Fallout player, which apparently is an oddity, due to liking 111's voiceovers. To me: V Works in context. Sole Survivor works in context. • I enjoyed hearing random "out loud comments" from my Sole Survivor, whenever I found caps, his/her aggravation at jerks in conversations, or when they're drunk, etc. • I also like V's commentary with the people they talk to. Both feel appropriate to me and it's so weird how people don't like it.
@chillchinna4164 День назад
What people forget about the conversation wheel is that it started as basically a collapsed version of the traditional dialogue tree. There were two or three options that would progress the conversations, but most would just expand on stuff being discussed. Fallout 4 just has 4 different versions of ‘yes let’s proceed.’
@amirmohamad2270 День назад
Nah V doesn't really work either
@RedSntDK День назад
Fallout 4 bought id Software, and they helped Bethesda with the gunplay. Settlement building was a concept they lifted straight from a Fallout New Vegas mod called "Real Time Settler" (still available on nexusmods btw). Imagine FO4 with poor gunplay and no settlement mechanics.. To me, those are the only mechanics I give a damn about. That of course goes out the window when Bethesda force feeds the bullet sponge mechanic down my throat as they don't know how to scale the video game. God forbid you become more powerful than the enemies, noo, the enemies has to scale as you level, and suddenly the gunplay doesn't matter as much because each enemy takes a gazillion shots. It was the same nonsense in Oblivion where I just stopped sleeping and therefore didn't level up after lvl 5 which didn't make it any harder to finish the game. Longer rant, point is that Bethesda just doesn't know what makes a game fun.
@luukpeeters9474 День назад
FALLOUT 4: 2 mouths talking at eachother, traumadumping about what theve been through. cybewrpunk: people trying to talk about whats wrtong and right with them, trying to reconcile each viewpoints
@StupitVoltMain День назад
I really want to play cyberpunk now
@valeria262 День назад
The sad reality is f4 will have 10x the staying power and impact than CP because despite all the issues 4 has, cp never crawled out of the dumpster in launched itself for the majority that tried it
@Zack29810 16 часов назад
you need to find another abbreviation. that one is sus.
@valeria262 5 часов назад
@Zack29810 cause of fantastic four? Tf you mean?
@valeria262 День назад
Too bad i never got Vs game to work
@dero4378 День назад
that is the one thing that has always bothered me. good thing there are mods.
@amon2751 День назад
Doesn't matter when the voice acting is completely over the top. As much as I like cyberpunk, V's voice acting feels extremely forced and unprofessional at times.
@timgreen5281 День назад
In every game where I could choose, I chose female character. But in cyberpunk I made both, and they are so good and so different , like I'm playing the same missions, but I see and react to things in a different way
@Ephenger 2 дня назад
If I recall correctly Lara initially only becomes interested in Yamatai because of Sam’s relation to the island which is the mark of true “friendship”
@Mad_Italian 2 дня назад
@@Ephenger what a good "friend" she is
@Mechanical_Turk 2 дня назад
@RJW14 2 дня назад
Did anyone even pick River as a romance in cyberpunk? Man, I'm not into guys but even if they wrote him as female I would not. Panam is peak, Judy a close 2nd, both are strong AF characters.
@MrWabaki 2 дня назад
yeah because his mission is awesome. You can literally bond with him alone with what you two see in that mission. Hes a bit creepy sometimes but that has a reason, he doesnt have much social skills thats all. His whole persona is being a cop he doesnt know it better. But deep inside hes likeable and hes a family man that was enough to go with him one time i played female V. But Panam and Judy are just to good to consider someone else i get it.
@RJW14 День назад
@@MrWabaki honestly I don't click with him at all other than yes he is a family man 😅
@HatchetHatter 2 дня назад
So is there something in the game that indicates Nora DOESN'T have military experience? Just because she has a law degree and not a veteran doesn't mean she wasn't part of the war effort. Just look at our own WWII. Many people who didn't join the army went on leave from their normal jobs and pitched in manufacturing, logistics, etc. Nora could have done the same. She could have volunteered in a power armor factory. Maybe she even was a reserve or something so she didn't qualify as a veteran. Seems like a weird thing to get upset about IMO.
@hextech3161 2 дня назад
Another GREAT game that had you play as a predetermined named character was “Kingdom come deliverance” it worked too, you play as Henry and he’s not even that interesting but that’s sort of the point I think 😅
@BAVy11037 2 дня назад
28:25 I almost spit out my drink god damn it! lol
@andrewbarzu6617 2 дня назад
People shit so much on AC odyssey while it's actually a really good game with a great story. Characters also make a lot of sense, and choosing one over the other doesn't leave out the other character, as that will become the villain, which is an amazing idea that I haven't seen done before.
@datboicasino 2 дня назад
Thats cause v is a character. No martter what I can't make V not care about dying. I can't have her be rude to Jackie or indifferent to his death. I can't make V a ruthless killer who guns down everyone, i can't even make him a ganger. The sole survivor is a blank character. Those are different things. The fact you are too stupid to know that speaks volumes
@hxise3889 2 дня назад
@MarakamiSG 3 дня назад
Fallout 4: oh no I lost my son boo hoo Cyberpunk: JACKIE DON'T YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES.
@xsision5513 3 дня назад
After thinking about it the lone survivor was pretty well written. Considering he/she had their partner murdered in front of them and their child stolen, while the world they knew basically collapsed. If you write a character that was able to maintain their sanity throughout their experience itwould just be as laughable as what we have in 4.
@Mitsurugi2424 3 дня назад
You know how to make the entirety of FO4 not only make sense, but seem genius? Imagine that instead of being the actual survivor you're a Courser grade synth and an it's all an experiment by Shaun who legitimately has a grudge against the institute, hates the wasteland above, and just doesn't really care anymore in general due to health reasons. This, being the case is hinted at more than once, and you're literally hit over the head with it in the far harbor dlc.
@ioanrosca1264 3 дня назад
I don't see a lot of movies where actors who are also playing a role go off script and improvise their way through the entire movie. I don't see Tony Stark becoming Thanos' arms dealer just because RDJ woke up one morning and said "hell no, my character isn't going to be killed off". I never understood this point about RPGs, that is *role playing* game, where you expect to be playing a role. Why then do you at the same time expect "to be anyone" and not be "restricted to this character". It's right there, in the name, role playing game. And yet, players expect "flexibility" when playing a role in a game?!
@PentaSquares 4 дня назад
I feel like 76 plays more like Starfield, where everything is laid out for you, and you can do everything all in one go. In older games, it was one faction, different ending. But in 76 and Starfield, it's "you can play as all factions at once" and one ending.
@fliplife67 4 дня назад
For myself I have issues with the A.I. for the party members hopefully they can hold there own in battle heal or throw bombs or something not be useless just sit and wait for a button for them to do something also I do hope there’s different types of enemies to battle not just dark spawns.
@venimx 4 дня назад
ive put like 5k hours into fallout 4 and didnt know Nora was a lawyer 💀
@sacredg647 4 дня назад
Nora is not a lawyer. She just has a law degree. There is actually nothing saying that's 100% what she was going to do or was doing before the bombs
@thomasharmon5527 4 дня назад
My biggest problem with the voice acting is that no matter how good it is i feel like its geared towards the ss being a “good guy.” When going throughout nuka world they still feel “nice” as they enslave and slaughter innocent people I just wish there was more range and “evilness” for those types of villainous playthrough
@sacredg647 4 дня назад
It sounds to me you played a good character. And helped out alot of people. I've played evil characters in this and felt they were bad, based on decisions I've made in the side quests
@FudgeNuggetss 4 дня назад
Cyberpunk is the best one I've ever played y'all need to play
@Dooby_Scoot 5 дней назад
Deltarune’s main character, Kris, is initially thought to be a self insert playable character, but it’s revealed that they are actually their own character being controlled by you. So it does both versions of a playable character at the same time.
@Apis4 5 дней назад
Nah. Nate/Nora worked fine. If you cannot be given a basic framework, a simple character origin, and then build upon and work within it, to make something that still feels unique, that is ON YOU bro. Also, as a old school, hardcore gamer from day zero, first gen, of over 40 years, its crazy how kids think this or that game is the origins. Mass Effect? There voiced protagonists before that game, plenty. Even in games which has SOME limited nonlinear, open, elements, and some degree of char-gen . Cyberpunk still limits you. You are V. Mad Max V, or Artful Dodger V, or Bud Fox V, but all V leads to V... the world is the SAME, each V knows the worlds of the other Vs exist, and all the factional politics at play, therefore, V can only more similar to the other Vs, than to anything else. Just like any American, however fringe and eclectic, will be closer to all other Americans, even those with diametrically opposed beliefs, politics, and socio-economic class, than to a Russian, or a Nigerian or a Dane. You just buy the illusion of choice. Where is the option to reject the very notion of the place, entirely, seek to ignore everything and everyone and dump a nuke on it? I mean, you could do that in.. was it New Vegas, if you wanted. Now, there would NOT be that option to that for a V, if you had little choice... if you grew up and lived that world, that area, that life with those people, not matter if as a wandering wasteland nomad, a street rate, or spoilt brat en route to nepotism bequeathed white collar corpo job. It would be NORMAL and accepted, and ALL YOU KNEW, so you would not come in to as say a technophobe religious regressive who felt the whole place was an affront to god, and needed cleaning up, or tearing down, and pursuant to that, you would not buy in to the dynamics, the factions, the politics. You would just work alone, preach, convert, or kill, and burn them all to hell if you had no chance of winning. But you WOULD be able to do that, if you REALLY had a choice in character. You might still only be able to follow the paths coded in to the game, but you could do it from an entirely new position, one which rejects EVERYTHING about the premises you tacitly just accept when you start the game.... and have no reason NOT to, because you play a character BORN of that place. That is NOT choice. Conversely, we have amazing imaginations. Games that have voiced protagonists can still be immersive free, unique protagonist RPGs, if they come 'close enough' a few games have gotten around the voice thing, simply by having dedicated a large amount of data to voices. By letting you pick a dozen different accents, in male female, sometimes more, with regional subaccents included..so you can be Russian, or American.. if you are American, you have a West Coast, or Southern, or North Eastern accent.....or you can have a German one instead, etc. Then they let you chose the tone. Boom... somewhere, there is usually a voice which is close enough to you, or close enough to the envisioned character you want to make... and then being voiced, is no risk at all. CD Projekt Red just fooled you in to thinking you had agency, and V is some unique snowflake, which is massive tick for them, great work.... but ultimately, V is just as set and limited as Nate/Nora, they just tricked you in to missing it.
@Darkrimo 5 дней назад
Just wanted to say, this video weirdly inspired me to finally buy cyberpunk 2077, i am arround 150h in now haha
@The_Official_Goblin 5 дней назад
The fact the prolouge was so long in Cyberpunk made me really attached to Jackie, and then we watched him die and i actually cried a little bit. I never cried during Fallout 4s emotional scenes.
@darkgang9907 5 дней назад
Great video, laid everything out on the shelves
@VaryateVariableVortex 5 дней назад
28:21 😭
@Rabijeel 5 дней назад
Why one works and one doesn't? Simple: One Company got rid of the Bugs, the others did't.
@datboicasino 2 дня назад
Cyberpunk still has a ton of bugs....
@warmongerous 6 дней назад
V is their own person, with character and emotion, and some stellar voice acting. They're a character, not an empty vessel. Not saying that quiet characters can't work, I mean, look at how much people characterise Gordon Freeman, but you need to do it right. The sole survivor just doesn't work like that
@Elite20001 6 дней назад
Cyberpunk 2077 is such an incredible game that I played it for two weeks and then uninstalled it and couldn’t be bothered to reinstall it even with the DLC. Whereas fallout four came out nine years ago and I still play it and find new ways to enjoy the game. You all like to imagine that you have some incredible game that has multiple choices when in reality you’ve got one choice with 3 lower outcomes. Maybe if you idiots didn’t pre-order the game on mass it would’ve retained its a rating and not been such a loser title.
@RubyFire-t3q 6 дней назад
It's amazing how many people are jumping onto the hate-train without ever playing it, knowing the story, or having any real concept of how it's going to 'work' outside of a couple demos. Is it just a fad, these days? To hate on things without ever playing them or watching them?
@spinner520 6 дней назад
This is a lighthearted cartoony high fantasy garbage game. I miss the gritty, dark fantasy I fell in love with playing origins.