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@gremlin6190 3 дня назад
i love this video, and always come back to it. this is the best video about the history of Niagra Falls out there! thank you so much
@fearwidge 21 час назад
And THANK YOU for your kind & generous comment. So glad you enjoyed it. (And feel free to come back any time.) 🤫
@wm3293 6 дней назад
Great video one of these days you should add all the stuff they did to Terrapin Point in the 1950s the really changed the Horseshoe Falls on the US Side reading up they eliminated 400 feet ofcthe Horseshoe Falls completely destroyed the Terrapin Rocks and filled it in with Land fill to create Terrapin Point there is Noticeable Erosion on thar side as well
@fearwidge 21 час назад
Thanks for taking the time to comment. Apologies for the delay in responding... I can understand why Americans might be upset over the "remediation work" done to the Horseshoe Falls back in 1954. At first glance, it would appear that all that work was solely to benefit the Canadian side. But the truth is a lot more complicated. The main purpose of all those changes was to divert more water from above the Falls and send it to the massive power plants downstream on both sides of the gorge near Lewiston. Canada has the two "Sir Adam Beck" Power Plants. The U.S. has the GIANT "Robert Moses" Power Plant. However, the U.S. needed MORE water diverted, so the TWO countries searched for a way to get what BOTH sides needed. A big part of the problem in diverting 75% of the water for power was that both the Canadian AND American sides now had a lot of bare rock near the brink where there used to be water. So, both the U.S. & Canada worked together to deepen the riverbed in the centre of the "pool" above the Falls (to create a greater source for diverted water). Then BOTH sides had fill added near the brink to create observation sites - at "Terrapin Point" in the States - and at "Table Rock" in Canada. Our two countries also took the opportunity to stop a "notch" eroding back at the centre of the Falls, and restore that true "Horseshoe" shape all the way around the brink. I'll stress here that the entire Terrapin Point Observation Area was designed by the U.S. And while I was also initially disappointed that The Terrapin Rocks had been lost, the first time I crossed into the States to explore the wonderful NATURAL sights all around Goat Island (the 3 Sisters Islands - The Green Cascade - etc.), I was shocked and DELIGHTED to discover - THE TERRAPIN ROCKS ARE STILL THERE!!! When visiting Terrapin Point, your attention is naturally drawn to the spectacular view of the brink & the sensual sweep of the curved Horseshoe Falls. BUT... Next time you're there, turn RIGHT, follow along the fence-line, look down towards the edge of the cliff and you'll see - looking VERY much like the backs of turtles - THE TERRAPIN ROCKS lying on the abandoned brink in all their historic glory. And while it's true that the Horseshoe Falls now lie almost entirely inside Canada - as the Falls continue eroding back, it won't be long (geologically speaking) before almost a THIRD of those Falls will lie inside the States again. (Meanwhile - due to an error by the USGS in mapping exactly where the US/Canadian border truly lies - most people are unaware that all those massive boulders down below Terrapin Point actually lie in CANADA!!! Then again - downstream - where The Spanish Aero-Car has been traveling over the Whirlpool for the past 108 years, the centre part of its "journey" is actually in AMERICAN Air Space. But as our two countries are friends, both have decided to ignore these small "border transgressions" in the spirit of "live & let live." Sincerely hope this (overly-long) reply gives you some of the answers you were looking for. All the best & cheers, "Niagara Glenn."
@LifeTries_STEVE 14 дней назад
This is a very unique youtuber and im here for it brothrt great video
@fearwidge 13 дней назад
Thank you so very much. Cheers, GN
@ronclinton766 16 дней назад
@fearwidge 15 дней назад
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. Cheers, GN
@Alcatrazack 20 дней назад
One of my favourite videos
@fearwidge 19 дней назад
So glad you enjoy it. Cheers, GN
@giorgio5474 25 дней назад
Scusate sono appassionato ma non conosco la sua storia! Essendo in Italia qualcuno gentilmente potrebbe brevemente spiegarmi cosa gli è successo? Grazie mille!
@fearwidge 21 день назад
Sorry, I don't speak Italian (though my mother was FLUENT)! But I've tried to "Google Translate" the text from the info above. Hope this helps GN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Il 12 marzo 2011, Amanda Franklin e suo marito Kyle si sono schiantati dopo che il loro aereo ha subito un guasto al motore. Entrambi sono rimasti gravemente ustionati, soprattutto Amanda, che da allora lotta per la sua vita. Ma ieri sera la stampa ha riferito: Il 27 maggio, Kyle ha pubblicato il seguente aggiornamento per i fan della squadra, 'È con il cuore spezzato che vi dico che la mia bellissima ragazza Amanda è morta questa sera alle 22:10 ora centrale. Accanto a lei c'erano il suo adorante marito Kyle, sua madre Jeanie, suo fratello Matt, sua cognata Michelle e la sua devota suocera Audean.' Segue la biografia di Amanda: ............................ Amanda Franklin, era la figlia del leggendario pilota dello spettacolo aereo Bobby Younkin. Era la moglie di Kyle Franklin, la sorella di Matt Younkin e, soprattutto, era il "cervello" dietro i "Figli delle leggende". In qualità di Business Manager sia per Franklin's Flying Circus che per Younkin Airshows, Inc., è stata responsabile di tutte le attività di prenotazione e sponsorizzazione degli spettacoli aerei. Amanda è cresciuta tra aeroplani e spettacoli aerei. Da piccola, era sempre con suo padre Bobby mentre firmava autografi e interagiva con la folla. Amanda ha lavorato per Bobby dall'età di 14 anni fino all'ultimo anno di scuola superiore, elaborando i documenti degli spettacoli aerei e imparando tutti i tipi di dettagli relativi agli spettacoli aerei. Amanda ha imparato a volare e a pilotare da sola un aereo all'età di 16 anni. Era un'esperta pilota di ruote di coda e multimotore, avendo volato su 12 diversi tipi di aerei prima della sua prematura scomparsa. Risiedeva con suo marito Kyle e due cani viziati a Neosho, Missouri. Quando non volava, Amanda passava la maggior parte del tempo a tenere Matt e Kyle fuori dai guai! Amanda è stata l'annunciatrice a tempo pieno di Beech 18 di Matt Younkin dal 2007. E nel 2009, è diventata anche la camminatrice a tempo pieno di Kyle "Pirated Skies". Che tenga in mano un telefono, un microfono o un montante alari, è innegabile che Amanda sia stata il collante che tiene unita la squadra di "Sons of Legends", esibendosi in spettacoli aerei in tutto il paese. ............................ Per quanto riguarda questo tributo: ho saputo della morte di Amanda solo cinque ore fa e, come tanti altri che hanno seguito la sua storia e speravano freneticamente nella sopravvivenza di Amanda, sono rimasto devastato dalla notizia. Essendo anch'io un ex pilota di uno spettacolo aereo, ho sentito un disperato bisogno di fare QUALCOSA... così ho messo insieme questo tributo in memoria di Amanda. Tieni presente che nessuno dei contenuti è di mia proprietà. La maggior parte delle immagini provengono dalla pagina "Franklin's Flying Circus" su Facebook. Altre immagini provengono da Internet e, ove possibile, i titolari dei diritti d'autore sono citati. La canzone "Learning to Fly" è stata scritta da Kal Mollison ed eseguita dalla sua band, "Sandcastle Theory". Se qualcuno dovesse opporsi all'uso dei suoi contenuti, fatemelo sapere e lo rimuoverò... anche se spero sinceramente che non lo facciate perché spero che questo video possa spingere alcuni spettatori a fare donazioni per le orribili spese mediche adesso affrontato dai sopravvissuti di Amanda. Mi è stato detto che le donazioni possono essere effettuate tramite il seguente url: www.moonlightfund.org/index.ph... Sembra legittimo, ma sentiti libero di ricontrollare queste informazioni tu stesso. (Maggiori informazioni e un secondo sito per le donazioni, qui: www.franklinairshow.com/Home%2... ) A Kyle: Non ci sono davvero parole che possano superare lo straordinario dolore che stai soffrendo... ma potresti trovare un po' di conforto in una verità che mi ha stupito durante i miei 62 anni. "L'AMORE NON MUORE MAI." L'amore che hai condiviso con Amanda non svanirà mai, non diminuirà mai, finché vivrai. Sarà sempre lì, forte come lo è oggi... proprio come se ti stesse aspettando nella stanza accanto. Conta. E ad Amanda: dormi bene, donna coraggiosa e coraggiosa... "Ti ascolteremo nel vento."
@RichardPage-uc2xt 27 дней назад
Live niagara falls
@fearwidge 26 дней назад
Great! I'll plug you if you plug me. 🤭😎 (Let me know next time you're live...)
@andysummersthxcinemaandmyc7748 Месяц назад
I like Cats... I don't like people like spare change shane lee home theatre freak that uses home theatre seats made of animal skin , who don't
@johnbridges6867 2 месяца назад
Such a Terrible loss of such Precious lives although they were doing what they loved. As Amanda & Dave were wonderfully loved on earth may they be together as they will be and wonderfully loved in Heaven, from where they first came. Amen. JB. UK.
@timandrew1091 2 месяца назад
Are you on Facebook. Love my Pietenpol.
@timandrew1091 2 месяца назад
Very nice
@hunterjohnson3001 3 месяца назад
Hey there ! You messaged me about a week or so ago and let me know u had found the missing white fang 1993) tapes and you would be uploading them to RU-vid and wanted me to jog ur memory this week so here I am 🤣 anyways take care and keep up the channel ! And good work cheers from CA
@hunterjohnson3001 3 месяца назад
Great flight ! I saw a recent post under another channel u posted about having some of the un aired white fang 1993-4 episodes . I’ve tried looking on different sites but can’t seem to find them?
@fearwidge 3 месяца назад
Thanks for jogging my rapidly-aging memory, Hunter. I've FOUND them, but have to get (working) VHS & DVD Players hooked up to a 'Puter to convert to digital & upload.. It's on my list - but I have a LONG list - and I'm 75 now - so as long as I don't die...) 😆 Feel free to jog my memory again in a few months... Cheers, GN
@hunterjohnson3001 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the feedback ! So glad u found the tapes. Take your time . A friend of mine from Quebec Canada was a close friend to the cast member Jaimz and would be so cool in the future to show my niece and nephews the full version of white fang and get a piece I never got to see as a kid ! Keep up the good work man !
@fearwidge 3 месяца назад
@@hunterjohnson3001 Strangely enough, we were the Exec Story Editors for the final eps of "White Fang ," then became the Exec Story Editors for "Mysterious Island." Both Series were shot in New Zealand. "White Fang" starred "Jaimz Woolvett." "Mysterious Island" co-starred Jaimz' brother, Gordon Woolvett. So, in the early 90's, we felt like The Woolvett Family's "Personal Screenwriters."😆😎
@tapiovares5025 3 месяца назад
Estonia has its own small Niagara - Jägala waterfall. By geology and development after Ice age pretty the same, although not in silurian but in ordovician layers. Measures are of course much smaller.
@fearwidge 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the info. I'll look it up. Cheers, GN
@SergLa 4 месяца назад
Счастливых полётов!
@fearwidge 3 месяца назад
Ah! "Happy Flying." Many thanks...
@ErnestLloyd716 4 месяца назад
I’m a life long Niagara Falls Resident who worked as a local fishing charter captain for 15 years and Niagara Jet Adventures jet boat captain for nearly 10 years. Needless to say being in the industry I’ve participated, read and seen a lot concerning local and geological history. That said, this video is packed with so much information it is simply Incredible. It is definitely the best informational video out there about Niagara Falls human and geological history on the gorge and Niagara region. Well done sir!👏
@fearwidge 4 месяца назад
Oh my heavens! That is so very kind of you I'm always delighted by such positive feedback, but I must say YOUR comment is the most touching I've ever received. Coming from someone who lives & works on The Niagara Gorge, this means so much to me. My sincerest thanks, "Niagara Glenn" P.S.: I've always meant to ride the Niagara Jet Boat, just to see the gorge from what-must-be an extraordinary POV. I'm 75 now... Then again - I still fly antique airplanes... So - maybe??? 🤔😎
@johnw5734 4 месяца назад
Great video. My recent interest in this design developed as I searched for an antique type aircraft to do as a model. The more I learn about the Pietenpol the more I wish I had one. In a way I will, if only a 30% scale RC model.🙂
@johnw5734 4 месяца назад
This is one of the best Pietenpol videos I've seen showing elevator settings on taxi and take off. Wonderful side slip landing. I am a fan.🙂
@fearwidge 4 месяца назад
Me too. 😎 (Thanks. I'll pass this on to Michelle.)
@fearwidge 4 месяца назад
BTW: You might also enjoy a video we put together for a "Degrassi Fan Convention" ~4 years ago. (Michelle played teacher Ms Avery in the teen cult-hit TV show.) We lifted the central part from the video you've seen, but the take-off & landing has a lot of Go-Pro shots from Michelle's POV. (Note: As this vid was screened at the "Degrassi Palooza Fan Convention," at the end, Michelle is handing off to her alter-ego, "Ms Avery," live on stage.) 🤭😎 Check our "channel" fearwidge for more vids of Michelle flying her Piet and various other antique airplanes.
@johnw5734 4 месяца назад
I'll check it out.@@fearwidge
@fearwidge 4 месяца назад
I can't believe this video is STILL getting so much traffic! We're over 460,000 Views now along with more than 1,100 very kind comments. To all who've made this video SO successful., our sincere thanks... NOTE: After you've watched our video, you might like to take a look at "around&about's" Niagara Falls - Parts One & Two, which features some spectacular views from the U.S. side - including river-level trips on The Maid of the Mist and a walk down to The Cave of the Winds. Here are the links: Part One: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Vjh6KjxLF9s.htmlsi=IDAkbS8ti9rxtw60 And Part Two: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ny7Mtbegk-0.htmlsi=ko4txaB6jMy9G-ln All the best & cheers, "Niagara Glenn"
@aroundandabout2240 5 месяцев назад
Awesome video! We visited US side of Niagara Falls few months ago. There is a video on our channel in case you are interested.
@fearwidge 4 месяца назад
Thanks so much. I thoroughly enjoyed Parts One & Two of your "Highlights from the American side." You have some REALLY nice footage which gives a "You Are There" feel for viewers. Well done, and I hope you get a chance to take a Tour of the Gorge from The Canadian side some day. I'll post links to your videos in a "pinned comment" up above. All the best & Cheers, Niagara Glenn 😎
@aroundandabout2240 4 месяца назад
@@fearwidge Thank you so much for sharing our video! It makes me happy to see that other people enjoy our adventures with us. Yes Canadian side is definitely on our bucket list. I heard there is so much to explore there. Thank you again and stay warm!
@Shuffler703 5 месяцев назад
Enjoyed the tour.
@fearwidge 5 месяцев назад
Wonderful. Glad you had a good time. Thanks for commenting. Cheers, GN
@jeanfrye1429 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for your tour I absolutely enjoyed it in 2024 you're a wonderful guide and have a Happy New Year🎉
@fearwidge 5 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for the kind words. And a Happy New Year to you too, Cheers, GN
@jasonrusso151 5 месяцев назад
can't help but noticing a lot of your shots & directions are from the Canadian side. Buffalo, & N.F. N.Y. here. I'm a Maple Leafs & Red Green fan too btw.
@fearwidge 5 месяцев назад
I shot the video from the Canadian side as this was originally created for The Niagara Parks Commission. I've written before how many great sights there are to see on the American side & wish I could have shot both - but NPC just wanted the Canuck side. Re Red Green: Rick Green (the show's co-creator & star of the b/w sequences) is a good friend of ours (and a great guy). Thanks for taking the time to comment, GN
@jasonrusso151 5 месяцев назад
"lame"? are you from the 90's? is there any reason you feel as though you need to antagonize , are you ok? "Hurt people, hurt people." take care & I hope you find happiness.@@wellandwattsup
@jasonrusso151 5 месяцев назад
"lame"....? r u from the 90's, why do you feel as thought you need to antagonize? are you ok? "Hurt people, hurt people." I hope you find happiness & a fulfilling purpose so that you feel complete inside, comfortable with yourself, & confident.@@wellandwattsup
@ExploreNiagaraUSA 5 месяцев назад
We love to see such enthusiasm for our hometown of Niagara Falls! We hope that you enjoyed exploring this beautiful natural wonder!
@fearwidge 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for the kind words.. Wish I could have had time to shoot the U.S. side as well. There are so many GREAT sights to see. I particularly enjoy Goat Island & touring all of the Three Sisters. Also "Cave of the Winds" and "Devil's hole." Hopefully someone on the U.S. side will decide to do just that. All the best & cheers, GN
@tommerphy1286 6 месяцев назад
@ if you are ever in the Falls in the fall when the gorge is thick to the top with fog! On the American side go to Devil's hole and walk down to the river; if you do about half way you will be expecting to see a dinosaur at any time. Good luck
@fearwidge 6 месяцев назад
Done it. GREAT Experience. As was exploring the 3 Sisters Islands off Goat Island. LOTS to see on the U.S. side of the gorge as well. Thanks & cheers, GN
@petekuz3431 6 месяцев назад
Excellent. Thank you
@fearwidge 6 месяцев назад
Appreciate it.
@tompease8810 6 месяцев назад
@jeroldcrawford3431 6 месяцев назад
What a great video! I had no idea of all the different things that were available to see in that area in terms of geology, history, and attractions. I can not wait until we go on vacation next fall. Thank you so much for the for the great overview. Very high quality videos and dialog. A ++++
@fearwidge 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for your kind words and I sincerely hope you have a GREAT time exploring all Niagara has to offer when you visit here next fall. All the best & Cheers, "Niagara Glenn"
@campbellmays9900 6 месяцев назад
Is this the Michelle Goodeve who was in the original Degrassi series or just someone with the same name?
@fearwidge 6 месяцев назад
Michelle Goodeve is one & the same as teacher Ms Avery on Degrassi Junior High & Degrassi High (currently airing on Amazon Prime & RU-vid). Michelle's been a Pilot since she was 16 and you can see many more videos of Michelle flying several rare Antique Aircraft by clicking on our RU-vid Channel name fearwidge (below the video viewer above.). She even made a "virtual Flight" in her Piet for fans attending the big 3-day-fan-convention {Degrassi Palooza} back in 2019. Here's the link: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-gsBSQy-jwrA.htmlsi=mRIOjuU5JJz4ZW8t
@fearwidge 6 месяцев назад
@@campbellmays9900 STILL??? 😳 People are still asking the SAME question to Michelle (& Stacie "Caitlin" Mistysyn) 37 years after they shot that episode??? I've asked Michelle many times over the decades and she always gives the same answer: "Only Ms Avery knows - and she ain't talkin'." 🤔 BTW: "Ms Avery" has a Fan Page on Facebook. You can find a lot more info there. Cheers, GN
@fearwidge 6 месяцев назад
@@campbellmays9900 I think you missed the point of the final line in "Rumour Has It" (which got the show banned in the U.K. & "flagged" in "The Bible Belt"). The whole reason for Ms Avery's line was to point out that it didn't make any difference if Avery was gay or not. Her sexual preference (or that of any ANY teacher's - male or female) had NOTHING to do with her skills as a Teacher. Either way, Caitlin could see - Avery was a Great Teacher. And that was ALL that mattered. That ep helped a LOT of young teens come to terms with their own sexuality - whether they were gay or straight. So, Michelle's response to "THE QUESTION" is deliberately vague to help those on BOTH SIDES of the equation. And just for the record - "Only Ms Avery knows - and she ain't talkin'" - is the SAME answer I GET when I ask Michelle "THE QUESTION." And I'm FINE with that. Discussion CLOSED. Cheers, GN
@campbellmays9900 6 месяцев назад
no prob - I just wanted to hear from someone close to the source,as it were. Nice channel,by the way.@@fearwidge
@mothmagic1 6 месяцев назад
That fired up well.They look fun to fly. What engine hove you got in it? I imagine they'd probably work jut fine with a converted Beetle engine which has long been popular for European home buuilts and even some factory built types.
@fearwidge 6 месяцев назад
Hey there. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Pietenpol AirCampers, designed in 1929, originally had converted Ford Model A auto engines in them., and there are still quite a few that continue to use those. Michelle Goodeve's Piet has a "modern" 1946 Continental A65hp Aircraft motor up front, which she's had overhauled twice in the 44 years she's owned it. For various reasons, Piets & VW engines are not a good combo, but air-cooled Corvairs are! But Continentals (65 - 100 hp versions) are the most popular. As for their "fun" component... The open-cockpit view is great, but flying a Piet takes constant attention. As its flown from the rear seat, you can see NOTHING straight ahead on takeoff and landing. (You use peripheral vision to keep the bird equidistant from both edges of the runway/grass strip/field/whatever.) The 29' wing is perfectly straight (NO dihedral), which means the PILOT works hard keeping the plane level in any kind of turbulence. They also have a LOT of drag, so you descend much faster when the power is off (deliberately or unintentionally), and Piets can be quite "squirrelly" on landing But on calm, early-morning/evening flights, Piet flights are thoroughly enjoyable. Thanks & cheers, GN PS: Search our channel fearwidge for many more videos of Michelle flying her Piet, as well as Taylor E-2 Cubs, Gipsy Moths, Tiger Moths, and a rare 4-seat Thruxton Jackaroo (converted DH82A).
@VictoriaLavender 7 месяцев назад
Thanks! This was fun and great information.
@fearwidge 7 месяцев назад
Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for taking the time to comment.
@elbersed 7 месяцев назад
Absolutely chock full of information about this fascinating feature of geologic history. It answered many of the questions I had driving through those sites. I would love for you to give a driving tour of the upper Mississippi River, as this areas enormous cliffs and gorges are also awe inspiring and leave one wondering at the forces of nature that carved them out.
@fearwidge 7 месяцев назад
Thanks so much for the kind words. Hidden Niagara WAS going to be the pilot episode for a new series on the world's greatest Geologic wonders. BUT, we foolishly wrote it to feature Justin Trudeau (as he was a Geology teacher at the time) & Sophia Gregoire (who was already a TV Show Host). We had a Production Company read to shoot the series - around the world... However, Justin picked that moment to run for politics (eventually becoming P.M., like his dad). And now, he & Sophie have separated... So even when Justin eventually leaves Politics, I still won't be able to get my "dream team" as hosts. Sigh... And I can't do any more of these myself as I'm now 75 (and just the THOUGHT of "climbing ... back ... up" from the bottom of all those valleys & gorges makes me SHUDDER). Still, I DID get this one made, which is - I guess - better than nothing. Thanks again for taking the time to comment. All the best & cheers, GN
@ADVENTUREKM 7 месяцев назад
Awesome video and great information. I have been there many times.
@fearwidge 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment, GN
@ushillbillies 7 месяцев назад
Very Good
@fearwidge 7 месяцев назад
Thank you kindly. Glad you enjoyed it, GN
@Dragon-Slay3r 8 месяцев назад
This plane is the same finch bird that covered the iron dome then the airplane white tent situation and so the finch could keep on dipping to connect itself with the top of the white tent
@BaaaWakeUpSheeple 8 месяцев назад
Very interesting. I’ve been to the falls many times but this was a really cool perspective.. thanks!
@fearwidge 8 месяцев назад
You're welcome. I wanted people to see that The Niagara Region offers far more places to explore than Casinos after you've viewed The Falls. Glad you enjoyed your 'virtual journey." Thanks & cheers, GN
@brianbaldini4266 8 месяцев назад
Great presentation of Niagara Falls remember walking near the rapids and the mighty force of the power of the falls. Thanks for your share of your knowledge and expertise of the Falls.
@fearwidge 8 месяцев назад
Thank YOU for your kind words and taking the time to comment. 'Tis appreciated. Cheers, GN
@fearwidge 8 месяцев назад
HUH??? I keep on thinking this video MUST have "run its course," but when I checked the numbers yesterday I was AMAZED to see the number of views on Saturday had climbed back up to 1,722 - in ONE DAY! And the total number of views is now just under an ASTOUNDING 440,000! I knew this video had the POTENTIAL for decent numbers - IF it found the right audience. Well, apparently it Did/Does! So my sincere thanks to all of you who've made this happen. All the best & cheers, "Niagara Glenn"
@2ManyGoats 8 месяцев назад
Glad you found the audience. I only saw this video popup today but I wish I had found it sooner, and I wish you had been with us when we went on our own Escarpment tour, which was full of "I wonder why these rocks formed like that" type questions. Thank you!
@fearwidge 7 месяцев назад
@@2ManyGoats You're very welcome. Thanks for taking time to comment, Cheers, GN
@palamirtammarimuthu1752 6 месяцев назад
Ya..l so recall my geography lessons.. weathering,erosion,attrition,silt etc....🕵🏽‍♂️🇸🇬🤷🏽‍♀️
@abbary1thegame 6 месяцев назад
this is a wonderful and informative video! I just visited the falls for the first time today and was wondering all about how it came to be- my questions were answered! thank you! 🖤
@fearwidge 6 месяцев назад
@@abbary1thegame Many thanks for the kind words- And, SO glad you got to see them in person. Cheers, GN
@LadyMarie880 8 месяцев назад
SINCERELY, enjoyed . THANKYOU, light and easiest to watch and lesson too . BEAUTIFUL illustrated. 😂😊
@fearwidge 8 месяцев назад
Oh, thank you SO much. Glad you enjoyed the experience. Your kind words are deeply appreciated. Cheers, GN
@cinnamonrollypoly 8 месяцев назад
Has anyone ever told you that you look an awful lot like a more energetic Bob Ross? 😉 I appreciate your enthusiasm.
@fearwidge 8 месяцев назад
Oh, no... Not AGAIN!!! 😄 You are not alone in seeing a similarity. I've lost track of the number of folks who think I must be related to Bob Ross. But - No - I'm not. And I have a hard time drawing "stick figures." 🤭 I think it's primarily that we both seem to have had an aversion to getting our hair cut. When I was younger (and my hair was - um - Fuller), I used to be mistaken for Barry Gibb. I'd respond with a "spot-on" Bee Gees falsetto , then rush off before they realized their mistake. LOL Regardless, thank you for your kind words. 'Tis appreciated. Cheers, GN
@Artorius19631 8 месяцев назад
Did you happen to see someone’s truck inner tube that was caught in the whirlpool? We were there on our honeymoon and the tour guide said at that time it had been trapped in the spiraling current for about three years.
@patricialearmont5438 8 месяцев назад
Very interesting
@fearwidge 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for your comment. No, I didn't see that specific tire, but - bear in mind - I shot this video between 2010 & 2012. However, I HAVE seen various objects "stuck" around the centre of the whirlpool at different times over the decades. Especially when the water flow is lower, so the "suction" at the centre isn't as powerful. Even worse is when a BODY gets stuck near the centre. The shores of the Whirlpool are one of the places bodies are recovered (after the all-too-frequent suicides that take place back at the Falls). The other spot where suicide victims (and would-be "stunters") are often recovered is by the Canadian Maid-of-the-Mist docks. Terribly sad...
@fearwidge 8 месяцев назад
@@patricialearmont5438 Thanks for taking the time to comment. Cheers, GN
@lindasapiecha2515 8 месяцев назад
@fearwidge 8 месяцев назад
Thanks Linda. Appreciate it. GN
@davidh7142 8 месяцев назад
My dad grew up on the American side
@fearwidge 8 месяцев назад
LOTS of great places to visit on the U.S. side. Thanks for commenting.
@Fox-and-fish 9 месяцев назад
Oh my God, I remember the Grinch. They made me cry. I don’t know why, but they were terrifying to me and I was running and I slipped and fell.
@Fox-and-fish 9 месяцев назад
Whoa I was a toddler in this video, but I actually got to see my dad and my grandfather in the background they both passed away now, but it’s really trippy seeing them. I never knew this. This is so cool to me.
@hunterjohnson3001 9 месяцев назад
Great Clip ! Recently checked out a white fang(1993 series ) and saw your feedback about your tapes of the unaired episodes! So cool you should upload those to the channel ! Cheers from Quebec !
@keepitupbro 9 месяцев назад
Great video, thank you so much! Very informative and engaging and it's great to see all these locations and learn more about the area. I haven't been able to visit yet but hope to one day - at least on the US side if nothing else. And if I don't manage - at least I've seen this! (Not the same of course but still!)
@fearwidge 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed it and hope you get to see the Gorge in person. There are lots of great areas to explore on the U.S. side as well. All the best & cheers, GN
@janetherring2344 9 месяцев назад
Amazing and very informative
@fearwidge 9 месяцев назад
Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for commenting, GN
@here_we_go_again2571 10 месяцев назад
I think your video is superb! 👍👍 Thank you for going to those places along the gorge -- I would never have done so! 😊 Thx also for the heads up about that other video.😊 (subscribed)
@fearwidge 9 месяцев назад
And Thanks for taking the time to comment...