Harmonic Atheist
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HOW TO KILL gOD the easy way - Alan Bondar
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Shame belongs to the Oppressors - Jenny McGrath
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@MJabjo 12 минут назад
Could you please provide the chapter/verse of the "I am not a child-trafficker" quote, whatever form it takes. I haven't found anything comparable. There is one that says, "why are you arresting me now, why haven't you done it before?"
@Wittywidow559 Час назад
Took him 30 years lol took me my first CCD class , I got thrown out of more CCD classes then I can remember because I just did not believe the ridiculous stories
@Spiritualtarot-xp5dp Час назад
Well done.
@oseiosei6649 Час назад
I’m happy there are that are white platforms that are having these hard conversations.
@oseiosei6649 Час назад
This is the type of conversation white people don’t like to talk about.
@Wine4YouandMe 2 часа назад
Such an important topic. I have listened to so many females but also males talk about how badly purity culture messed them up. My heart breaks for those who suffered and continue to suffer from this anti-human ideology.
@annakate5 2 часа назад
29 years into marriage and my wife was still blaming me for taking her virginity when we were in college. She still is burdened with guilt and shame. So destructive
@leotorres5122 2 часа назад
Thanks for sharing your experience.That’s an amazing transformation
@angiedailey1947 2 часа назад
Even in the 80’s and 90’s this was used to tell me it was sinful to have black friends by my Pentecostal family.
@Hello_there-7pt 3 часа назад
There definitely were people who tried to justify racism and slavery during the Enlightenment, but the main proponents of the Enlightenment, i.e. the French materialists/atheists such as Diderot, d'Alembert, d'Holbach, advanced the ideas of evolution and anti-racism.
@Wine4YouandMe 3 часа назад
@constellationpegasus I've watched a lot of content creators and Tim is one of the chillest creators in the atheist space. His voice and demeanor are composed and thoughtful. I've seen constellationpegasus be active on and pay large amounts of money on other channels. He seems to get a lot of attention from creators as a result of his financial influence. Interesting.
@26beegee 3 часа назад
Woo hoo! Two of my favorite young men!
@LegendJeff 3 часа назад
You are amazing. Thanks for doing these articulate recaps.
@HarmonicAtheist 2 часа назад
Jeff, thank you so much for your support!
@donharris8846 6 часов назад
I can’t understand how you do deep study of the Bible and come out of the other end still a believer. Seriously, how is that possible. It’s hard to make it through Genesis without encountering 50 contradictory statements
@happyguy2k 6 часов назад
A very much needed convo
@neil393 7 часов назад
Whatever the interpretation of the bible, I can’t look at the world and think this is just all chance, that makes no sense to me. I think good is from god and evil is from the Devil. Why it should be like this is a mystery.
@mr.g1758 7 часов назад
Google this and you will believe in God...if you have a brain. Fatima Miracle 1917. Tell me how 70,000 ppl's clothes were both UNMUDDIED AND DRY after this ten minute specticle?
@Johnwick-wi8zw 8 часов назад
Great interview tim ❤❤❤💪💪💪
@adrianpintea9675 8 часов назад
@constellationpegasus , sure, chill out is a relaxing place to be but it's not always possible to keep it. Everyone, even youtubers, has the right to curate their friends and followers. It's not cancelling if someone can't post on EVERY chat\channel. 🤔 The atheists I follow mention that atheism doesn't make you good or polite, so if there is no major issue, people have their topics of interest and attacking atheists is the theists' job, why add to it? 😅
@ChristianConspirator 8 часов назад
Hahaha! Let's start with an African who lived 400 years after the start of Christianity to explain how white supremacy is essential to Christianity... There are better ways to diagnose brain injuries, but this isn't bad, all things considered.
@peterwollen2748 8 часов назад
Sir you have done an amazing job with this video! Thank you so much for this fine piece of work. What you have so expertly explained here is identical to what I have personally gone through. Christianity is a toxic and evil mind prison and I would even go even further and say it is somehow a form of "self-imposed" black magic. When I finally de-converted (after 45 years of being a "christian" and I absolutely was one) I literally felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders, its was an amazing feeling (like I could finally take a deep breath) and I can only liken it to truly being "born again" at the moment I realized I no longer believed. It was like a spell had been broken and my mind was set free. Christianity no longer had control over me. I never had the goal of de-converting but rather just came to the point (after much research) that I just did not believe. I could no longer put my faith and trust in a system of beliefs that I could now see as nothing more than clever mythology, lies, superstitions and complete fabrications for the mind control of the masses. Sadly, I lived my entire christian life in fear of the "unforgivable sin" I was terrified of it. As a teenager I would lay in bed at night and cry myself to sleep worrying about what if I accidentally blaspheming the holy spirit with perhaps a thought I had no control over. As I look back on my life I can see the incredible power that these cleverly-crafted verses had on my mind. For me it really was a mind prison, the very idea of somehow doing something wrong that would eternally separating me from gods forgiveness and send me to hell. Hebrews 6:4-6 "It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace". Verses like this one are a testament to the amazing knowledge and understanding that the Writers of the bible had in human psychology and mind control. This verse and others like it are a powerful mechanism to keep people trapped in christian ideology and keep you literally paralyzed in fear. And fear is the most powerful tool that Christianity has. Like most of what the bible teachings, the unforgivable sin doctrine is absolute BS! Since de-converting I now have a feeling of self worth, empowerment and confidence, I live daily in complete freedom. I no longer view myself as a worthless piece of crap like how we are program to see ourselves. When I was enslaved in Christianity I had a constant extreme fear of death but now I have lost ALL fear. I am truly set free from the toxic lies and mind control that ruled my life and enslaved me in the prison of my own mind.
@ajniecithya5849 8 часов назад
In animals the reproductive strategy of females and males can differ very much. It is not surprising that in patriarchal human societies the male strategy is also dominant and woman have to be controlled. Religion is a very successful tool for control.
@aliciafinch3438 10 часов назад
I am a nurse and a human. From a scientific perspecitve...sex is dangerous. I have never known anyone personally or in my work who engaged in premarital sex and didn't suffer devastating consequences. Abortions which left the woman unable to bear children when she was later ready to do so. Births out of wedlock with no means to adequately provide for the child. Ther eare over 39 STDs, some of which are curable, many of which are not and leave the person dependent on medication, and "contagious" for the rest of their lives or dead or cause birth defects in their subsequent children. It is a silent, shameful epidemic. and with all of our condoms and medications, it is not slowing. No one talks about it, but we see it in healthcare all the time.
@sia6929 8 часов назад
So what do you think the solution is?
@aliciafinch3438 8 часов назад
@@sia6929 I should have prefaced my statement, with "I don't know the answer..." Truly I don't. Purity culture sounded like it did A LOT of damage. I don't know why young people should feel guilty for having human desires. Maybe really good all around education about human desire and the risks of sex?
@byron739 7 часов назад
...well: having premarital sex in a monogamous relationship with your bf/gf isn't technically promiscuity, just saying.
@sauder1971 11 часов назад
The whole Christian obsession with sex frankly is quite weird when you study it. Religion in general and Christianity in specific has been absolutely obsessed with controlling sexuality since its inception. People that are non-religious or outside of Christianity actually don't really understand the guilt dynamics that go on. They also don't understand the preoccupation with sex either.
@heatherclark8668 12 часов назад
Young people with no experience of romantic relationships are too innocent and naive to know how strong their sex drive will be when they get a bit older
@heatherclark8668 12 часов назад
Making a pledge of purity is meaningless if it is done as a ritual that everyone else is doing. It would be very difficult for a young teenager to stand up to that sort of pressure.
@alexiachamberlin8019 13 часов назад
Who was considered White 2000 years ago?
@bernardofitzpatrick5403 4 часа назад
22,000 to 28,000 years ago white gene emerged.
@richardcuadra5824 14 часов назад
I left Christianity on April 3, 2015, almost 10 years outside of the cult of Catholicism. Once you see that religion is a scam, there is no going back.
@Afrodite96 14 часов назад
I hope you feel better! Has that chemical spill affected near your area?
@HuongNgo-ru7vs 15 часов назад
Welcome to the free thinking world
@adrianpintea9675 16 часов назад
Mark of Ham doesn't mention the color, so perhaps whiteness is the mark, given the Bibles origin region?
@paulreader1777 17 часов назад
Timothy is absolutely right.
@paulreader1777 17 часов назад
Unfortunately the USA is the loudest voice perpetuating the false notion of race. Here is a quote from Encyclopaedia Brittanica which correctly confirms that all of us are simply "the human race". "Although most people continue to think of races as physically distinct populations, scientific advances in the 20th century demonstrated that human physical variations do not fit a 'racial' model. Instead, human physical variations tend to overlap. There are no genes that can identify distinct groups that accord with the conventional race categories. In fact, DNA analyses have proved that all humans have much more in common, genetically, than they have differences. The genetic difference between any two humans is less than 1 percent. Moreover, geographically widely separated populations vary from one another in only about 6 to 8 percent of their genes. Because of the overlapping of traits that bear no relationship to one another (such as skin colour and hair texture) and the inability of scientists to cluster peoples into discrete racial packages, modern researchers have concluded that the concept of race has no biological validity." The distinctions made on the basis of physical differences like as skin colour or geographic separation are a false dichotomy.
@NWBOXING247 17 часов назад
×Half truths. Even according to Zondervan Bible Dictionary Ham - The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the Flood; and one of eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; not the Negroes, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans and Canaanites. The "negroes" that were sold into slavery around the world are the true children of Israel. Read deuteronomy 28:68 and much more to understand. I respect you for speaking on this topic. Esau or the edomites are the modern Europeans and Jews and they've had a perpetual hatred towards them because we stole his birthright. But in the time we're in now, judgement is over. 1619-2019 400 years just like in Egypt. After 2019 what happened? A worldwide plague (covid-19) and the fall of the American Empire as it was in Egypt.
@michelep.7249 18 часов назад
When I was close to the age of 30, I read the book Meditation for Dummies by Stephan Bodian. I started a mantra meditation practice after reading this book. I would repeat a mantra in my mind and anytime my mind wandered, I would return my focus back to repeating the mantra in my mind. I did this for 45 minutes, 5 days a week for 18 months. I would change my mantra every week and come up with a positive mantra that contradicted my negative thinking. Mantra meditation actually calmed my thoughts and caused me to have more positive thoughts about myself (I had a poor self esteem before my mantra meditation practice) Mantra meditation benefited me 10x more than the Mormon church (Mormons are Christians who read the Bible) ever did. Mantra meditation helped me learn to love myself and made it easier to be more loving to others. The book Meditation for Dummies also taught me to feel anger, pride, jealousy and fear until it goes away rather than suppressing or acting on these feelings. After many years of trying to suppress these feelings, it was a relief to finally allow myself to feel these feelings until they go away. So much happier due to mantra meditation and feeling my feelings until they go away. I quit going to church because the Mormon church was always teaching that feeling anger, jealousy, fear and pride were evil. Also, I was upset the Mormon Church misled me about what true meditation is. The Mormon church sends missionaries all over the world. They had to be aware Hindus, Buddhists, and sects of Muslims, Christians and Jews teach meditation more like the meditation taught in the book Meditation for Dummies. The Mormon church always taught me meditation was just thinking of spiritual things, so I was totally surprised to learn that meditation was totally different in the book Meditation for Dummies.
@wizquinn8021 18 часов назад
Lol. A couple things I spotted in genesis chapter 9. 1. Moses curses Canaan. Doesn't Ham have the right to name his own son? He could name his son another name therefore no curse. 😂 2. According to Jesus, he spoke about " he who is greatest among you shall be your servant". Matt.23:11. So how can it be a curse when Jesus says that Ham's son will be greater than Seths or Japeth's kids. Contradictory. 😮
@wizquinn8021 18 часов назад
Tim, unfortunately there are athiests that are white supremacists. They believe that Anglo-Saxons are more evolved and that other races are inferior. I've met a few. Can you investigate and cover over this belief?
@Xevellili 20 часов назад
This explains everything. I am so intrigued. Love this guy!!!
@kevinbalmer-dw2ms 21 час назад
Yeah Tim the numbers thing really makes me think you’d be very good at instruments. Also itd be a great way to express it
@exvangelicarol5336 21 час назад
the buybull worldview is horrible 😡
@flarron8248 22 часа назад
I think this may by my favorite monologue you've done. Which really sucks... because the plight of the woman throughout history is something that has kept me from sleeping for many nights. As an ex southern baptist white male, who grew up in the 90's and early 00's, I was entirely ignorant. Learning seriously about women's history messed me up to my core. Thank you for your voice. I hope it's heard.
@jacqueline5625 22 часа назад
Tim, can you recommend any layperson friendly history books from a secular perpective about this history?
@exvangelicarol5336 21 час назад
I found a couple of books that helped me understand why my evangelical family did not support the Black Lives Matter protests. That was part of why I left christianity when they could not even care about human rights and justice. smh #wwjd ?!! 💔😢😡 White Evangelical Racism. by Dr Anthea Butler and WhiteToo Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity by Dr Robert P Jones. And Dr Jones includes comprehensive studies from PRRI (Public Religion Research Institute) tracking religious trends with statistics like Pew and Gallup do. 🥰
@Hello_there-7pt 3 часа назад
Faith and Fratricide by Rosemary Ruther
@eugenecoolik 22 часа назад
@eugenecoolik 22 часа назад
@eugenecoolik 23 часа назад
DUET.30:7 DUET.30:7 DUET.30:7 💀💀💀💀 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ THE KARAITE JEW The Anti-paul ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ ISAIAH 60:16 EXODUS 4:22 EXODUS 19:5 BOTTON LINE... GENESIS 18:19 PSALMS 89:14,15 97:2 ECCLESIASTES 12:7 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ ISAIAH 42:6 & 49:6 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ ISAIAH 49:16,26 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ GENESIS 12:3 (DUET.30:7) ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ DUET.30:7 DUET.30:7 DUET.30:7 DUETERONOMY 29:17-21 Paul & Paulianity DUET.30:7 DUET.30:7 DUET.30:7💀💀💀💀 The Anti-paul ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ ISAIAH 60:16 EXODUS 4:22 EXODUS 19:5 BOTTON LINE... GENESIS 18:19 PSALMS 89:14,15 97:2 ECCLESIASTES 12:7 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ ISAIAH 42:6 & 49:6 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ISAIAH 49:16,26 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ GENESIS 12:3 (DUET.30:7) ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ THE KARAITE JEW THE MUSAR MENSCH ❤🔯🇮🇱❤
@charleskesling4477 23 часа назад
It's nothing to be proud of
@eugenecoolik 23 часа назад
DUET.30:7 DUET.30:7 DUET.30:7 💀💀💀💀 DUETERONOMY 29:17-21 Paul & Paulianity DUET.30:7 DUET.30:7 DUET.30:7💀💀💀💀 The Anti-paul ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ ISAIAH 60:16 EXODUS 4:22 EXODUS 19:5 BOTTON LINE... GENESIS 18:19 PSALMS 89:14,15 97:2 ECCLESIASTES 12:7 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ ISAIAH 42:6 & 49:6 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ISAIAH 49:16,26 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ GENESIS 12:3 (DUET.30:7) ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ THE KARAITE JEW The Anti-paul ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ ISAIAH 60:16 EXODUS 4:22 EXODUS 19:5 BOTTON LINE... GENESIS 18:19 PSALMS 89:14,15 97:2 ECCLESIASTES 12:7 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ ISAIAH 42:6 & 49:6 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ ISAIAH 49:16,26 ❤🔯🇮🇱❤ GENESIS 12:3 (DUET.30:7)❤🔯🇮🇱❤
@ogg5949 23 часа назад
Does anyone else find it bizarre that so many American slaves became such passionate southern babtist christians? I understand they interpret the bible differently than the old slavers but c'mon. And now a days many African American churches are trump fanatics! They are literally voting to keep the white supremacists in power! I just don't understand it.
@ThePeaceZonee День назад
Thanks Tim for sharing the true light on Christianity dark Roots on racism its sad that some people won't see the truth