Skeptical Waves
Skeptical Waves
Skeptical Waves
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I work on high quality text-to-speech (TTS) readings of essays, blog posts and out-of-print and public domain books to spread ideas.

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Too Big to Win - IM1776 - Erik Prince
2 месяца назад
Third Worldism - Joseph Jordan
3 месяца назад
Order, the First Need of All - Russell Kirk
4 месяца назад
The politics of hereditarianism - Spandrell
5 месяцев назад
A Post mortem on Neoreaction - Spandrell
5 месяцев назад
@elel2608 8 часов назад
@TitusAugust-l6n 13 часов назад
Thompson Timothy Rodriguez Angela Young Melissa
@lancelotdufrane День назад
Amazing Polly sent me. Thank You. The robo voice is difficult…
@FieldDebby-o5h День назад
White Matthew Robinson Sharon Brown Karen
@stephenoverdorf4917 День назад
@alephmale3171 2 дня назад
Hating women is literally the first law of being alt right. Not all gay people hate women, but all people who hate women are spiritually gay, and racist, which is to be genetically gay, and typically Nationalist/Isolationist, which is to be politically/internationally gay.
@Shalanaya 2 дня назад
Women are evil only from the perspective of the negative ego that is the evil itself self projected onto it. However from a spiritual perspective, women are ironically the extreme opposite, they are divine, because they represent the source of creation as a microcosm of the cosmic womb/nothingness/wholeness/God reflected by the sound frequency of the letter O, whereas the masculine is reflected by the sound of A. The whole world was created by feminine force that rules through chaos which has a divine order, not man-made order. This is why women were designed to rule and dominate over men, to teach others and elevate mankind by dissolving the ego that creates more patterns/divisions, because the feminine represents the heart, the water, the ocean of the soul that transcends duality of good and evil, it is a trinitarian essence and a gateway back to garden of eden. The evil and division exists within the masculine energy that represents the fall from garden of eden, because it creates the patterns (masculine/patriarch - PA as in pAter) in the wholeness (feminine/matriarch - MA as in mOther) which creates divisions, and also time and space, and of course aging. Masculine is the mind, feminine is the heart, and it is through the heart and the mergence of duality of good and evil that the spirit can ascend. This is why this sexual dynamic and polarity has been flipped and inverted over time to make men think they are meant to dominate and control women, which literally suppresses mother nature which includes Mother Earth, and this is how the man falls deeper into hell, because they are refusing to surrender to the wholeness of creation reflected by the feminine. In other words, it is the division within the mind itself that is the real 'evil' here in its truest sense. Men are responsible for this, because they are falling deeper into hellish realms if they are not unified with their own internal feminine on the inside. Inclusion/unity makes the spirit ascend, exclusion/division makes the spirit descend. And inclusion requires destruction of patterns, which includes borders, nations, beliefs, laws, norms, morals, etc.. etc.. This is why it is not easy, and this is why chaos/perversion/destruction is the medicine this world needs to dissolve all the control of the world. Scary, isn't it? But that is what is coming, and Nietzsche has rightfully predicted this when he said there's going to be a triumph of nihilism for the next two centuries. Only people who have fully awakened to this spiritually might be aware of this by now. This is the major reason why the inclusion, validation and sytemic integration of trans people in the heart is helping to dissolve these patterns and merge the masculine and feminine within them, this is why trans people have been weaponized by the powers that be throughout the history to keep the collective consciousness within the prison of the duality matrix. What is destroyed in men by women is their ego, because the masculine first and foremost is dominated by the internal divisions, this is why in sound the masculine is so close to the word mask or machine, it leads humans into a machine-like state of existence, because the masculine energy creates more patterns and is bound by the two dimensional consciousness. This is why the entire fascistic ideology was all about elevating the masculine energy, to create more divisions, more wars, more disintegration. Whereas the feminne is symbolized by a unity of love, it is a third dimensional consciousness, it is the unity of creation. As the bible said, at the beginning there was a word, and it is the word that give birth to creation, and the sound of these two letters/words O and A are essential blueprints of creation. The more patterns are created, the more time and space is created, more aging, the more the spirit is falling into hellish realms out of the unity/feminine/heaven. So when men are destroyed by women, that is by design for failing to merge with the internal feminine, so they could merge with the external feminine, what is being destroyed is that what creates more internal and external divisions, the feminine dissolves them, and that is its purpose. So before people try to regurgitate half truths of a philosopher to spread more internal divisions, maybe they need to spend time alone and asking for answers within, because the so-called truth they are buying into from him is bound to be severely detrimental to their soul and life on earth, and I would suggest people to take this bloody seriously.
@user-hu3iy9gz5j 2 дня назад
Democracy-bashing, a favorite subgenre of mine
@ntp5257 2 дня назад
This Faguet is onto something.
@stevenchambers6117 2 дня назад
Too fast and covering too much ground to absorb.
@patriciusvunkempen102 2 дня назад
oh boi
@sm5304 2 дня назад
I'm here for the name jokes.
@DF-ss5ep День назад
Quiet, Faguet
@connorperrett9559 2 дня назад
My favorite Faguet.
@moldbugexterminator 2 дня назад
We live in a _dysgenic_ society
@funicon3689 3 дня назад
if you came to these comments looking for a rational rebuttal, prepare to be disappointed.
@treesurgeon2441 3 дня назад
I remember this article from awhile ago.
@Charlemagne_III 4 дня назад
"ten grams"
@Baloo555 4 дня назад
Don't forget that black doctors, pilots, lawyers, engineers ect. were very likely accepted into and allowed to practice their professions with significantly lower standards.
@klolwut 4 дня назад
Around Dark Elves, watch yourselves.
@hammerain93 3 дня назад
They’re orcs not elves. Elves are the elite, and dark elves are the counter elite.
@GeneticVehicle 4 дня назад
Basically 'never relax'
@mouthofpower8492 4 дня назад
Based autist
@ShowMeMoviesInc. 4 дня назад
Welcome back
@moldbugexterminator 4 дня назад
Concise and useful, thanks, SW. I must say that I disagree with 6:42. I think the most important of this is 7:50.
@CampbellsPoop 5 дней назад
For some of you heffas this is very much so fkn true. These women can be full grown and toddler out. Is it regression or arrested development 🤮
@osama_bin_mladen 6 дней назад
And remember fellas, he wrote this in a time when women were more modest and lived in real patriarchy that started to crumble. And he saw it through, can you imagine what would he say now? Everything he said is 10x worse now, but he clearly predicted it and dissected it to core.
@Paul-A01 7 дней назад
A fascinating combination of simulation theory and dark forest theory
@giuliocleme1693 8 дней назад
For all the women in here, trust me, Schopenhauer had way worse things to say about most men in the rest of his works
@stayfree6115 8 дней назад
And then they gave women a voice in government.
@UrDa-tb2xh 10 дней назад
@GeneralPrime 12 дней назад
dude would have thrived in the arab world...
@doofusleloofus 15 дней назад
This comment section is fucking insufferably holy shit
@robertburatt5981 15 дней назад
If intellectual qualities are inherited from the mother, why does Schopenhauer write that the female is not possessed of sufficient--let alone great--intellect and lacks the reasoning capacity and judgment of the male? Where is the female getting her intellect ???? And if men love in the woman what is deficient in himself, then mating and love is the pairing of opposites; ugly and dumb people find love with beautiful and intelligent people--this is not borne out by experience. Furthermore, given all these considerations that must happen between two opposite sex individuals, how can Schopenhauer advocate polygamy--since for the man to find that one woman that uniquely completes the whole to produce the best possible offspring, the difficulties in finding multiple women must rise exponentially.
@cintroberts6614 16 дней назад
You really are dealing with a robot/ zombie with T/A if you are lucky.
@robertburatt5981 16 дней назад
Schopenhauer's argument is specific to youth--not to middle nor to old age; if such passion arises anong individuals of the opposite sex in these respective stages of life--which naturally is past the urge to procreate--what would Schopenhauer say about love between such individuals?
@joshuatoms7664 16 дней назад
I first read this treatise when I was 21 years old. All of the truth of women laid bare.
@stlouisix3 17 дней назад
Hans-Hermann Hoppe is a mensch haha🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😄😄😄
@Гранит-ь4х 17 дней назад
Make women submìssive again
@Bmorrissinging 18 дней назад
This is good.
@Bmorrissinging 18 дней назад
I’m going to have to listen to this entire book a few times and I want to read it. This is really interesting and deep. And it seems relevant today 9/4/24
@sampletextsampletext7051 18 дней назад
Bro cooked, ate, and went for a nap.
@catnip7530 19 дней назад
@ElinorPrudence-w5j 19 дней назад
Martinez Michelle Smith Scott Taylor Brenda
@CynthiaWalker-y5l 21 день назад
2309 Erica Centers
@sararistow6137 21 день назад
Pretty solid grasp of evolutionary psychology threaded in here as well. This is why Schopenhauer is the man who brought me back into thinking philosophy is more than just unfinished scientific method. I disagree with him in some areas, like his views on polygamy. I also think his views on motherly love are based on very limited evidence. While women do tend to enjoy infancy with their children, I think it’s not the rule that they love their children less as they age. I think it would be more accurate to say women are more comfortable with helpless children because they can protect their very expensive biological investment. Fear about offspring interacting with the outside environment might come across as disapproval of the child but I think that’s all it is for the average mother: fear. I do find it interesting how much the average woman has changed in attitude in the west. I would not describe women in western culture as happy or easily pleased.
@nikkobriteramos314 21 день назад
@Yoisthatabe 22 дня назад
@YouTubehasbigcock 24 дня назад
SiGmA Kids in the comments
@Optim40 19 дней назад
I guess you're the simp huh ?
@ChannelRandomMy 25 дней назад
This reminded me of slam poetry, but like well articulated and thought out.
@lestergreen2828 25 дней назад
I love Schopenhauer cause he was the OG blackpiller but he’s wrong about women looking past beauty if a man is manly. They will love a beautiful man who’s not manly (think Justin Bieber kpop etc), and they won’t necessarily love a manly man if he’s ugly. Women probably cared less about looks back then but today they care more about a man’s looks than a man does about a woman. Men can convince themselves to love an average to ugly woman if she’s feminine, submissive, etc but a woman will never change her mind and love an ugly guy even if he has the perfect personality. This is why so many guys get friend zoned because they think they can change a woman’s mind to like them by being friends with her first. I think in shopenhauers view women are far more instinctual because they judge much faster whether a man is suitable for sex (will of the species) than a man will judge a woman.
@jaguarjess1176 26 дней назад
He said he is talking about ordinary women. There are some extraordinary women but men would probably see them as masculine in their thoughts and behaviors so would not be attracted to them mostly. Men are usually attracted to simpleton women.
@Optim40 19 дней назад
It's because the extraordinary woman is coming from a competitive place and that ruins any chance for romance to really flourish. What happens is the man sees another man basically and is not interested in that. But an extraordinary woman who understands that needs to know that only he can be the man in the relationship. She can be extraordinary outside the relationship.