Exceptional Individuals
Exceptional Individuals
Exceptional Individuals
We are Exceptional Individuals, a neurodivergent employment partnership. We provide recruitment services for people with dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism and ADHD plus other types of neurodiversity.

Check out our upcoming neurodiversity events! #dyslexia #dyspraxia #autism #ADHD www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/exceptional-individuals-12111155769
How Common is Anxiety for ND Workers
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@MzzDee 4 часа назад
Thabks for this. Misconceptions around mebtal health conditions has meabt ive bren diagnosed with teo late in life
@atha1ia454 18 часов назад
People who advise on neurodivergance are all too commonly recklesley and irresponsiblly commenting about mental health. Stop speaking on what you just do not know. Not all mental health conditions are curable and even those that are treataable even with heavy medications and all sorts of intensive therapies barely even help and this nonsense from people makes all of our lives harder. Because supposedly we should be better with all that right??? Speaking as someone with split/ bpd/ eupd (the names have changed twice as this personality disorder has been been misunderstood previously) Neurodivergent is genetic, that's all it is you don'tmeed to compare it to m.h. to explain it so bloody well stop it. I have all the same challeneges of adhd because my brain is wired differently due to the neglect abuse and traumas suffered in early childhood which basically programmed my brain incorrectly... this is inherently who i am and this has always been and always will be a massivly challenging part of me.
@irishdancr8 23 часа назад
I thought it was only being bad at sports! I have been describing my brain as a misordered filing cabinet for my whole life!
@SuzanneW-m4q День назад
I have been formally at 52 been diagnosed with Dyscalculia. I have no other ND. Both sons ADHD and one cannot read well at all but formally diagnosed “almost dyslexic”…
@jesamima День назад
Oh my god. I got suggested I might have dyspraxia at a university computer assessment and I thought, how can it possibly know that from a sit-down multi-choice quiz, thinking dyspraxia was purely a clumsy movement thing. So I didn't take it seriously. But wow that is 100% my problem
@paulb5924 День назад
Really interesting to me as we've always struggled to know what to do with my 11 year old: allow her to persevere but fail again and again until she succeeds, or cut an activity short and avoid the emotional upset. So the decision isn't based on the condition, just the perceived trauma it's causing. Maybe we should be more patient? Increase our tolerance for upset before cutting things short?
@tiermacgirl 2 дня назад
Relatable and tbh quite a shock
@gaemover6522 2 дня назад
@audreydoyle5268 День назад
Slow usually means stupid to people. We aren't. Most of us are quite intelligent, and the more knowledge we have, the more mental energy bounces around our heads, racking our noodle for every piece of information before speaking. So we're not slow, we think before we speak.
@Mono_13_ 2 дня назад
Super helpful! Thank you! Sending this to my parents, my dad is autistic and the rest of us just undiagnosed 😂
@rxb.n_ 2 дня назад
You kinda look like the Trump shooter
@drrugee 2 дня назад
He was a Lad! 😂
@futures2247 2 дня назад
the fact is there is no diagnosing 'asd' or anything else in the dsm except for some of the dementias because there are no proximal cause identifiable via objective tests. Not to mention the criteria change with each iteration of the DSM, not due to new science but the whims of a small number of largely white middle class American men - often with ties to drug companies. The DSM is nonsense layered on nonsense.
@hudhudfhf 3 дня назад
Thank you so much fo rtis. This has been really helpful.
@michaelvandenheuvel317 3 дня назад
One and the same .
@dean9288 4 дня назад
I often find that I can go blank mid conversation and feel like my brain moves faster than my mouth. My brother was diagnosed with dyspraxia. I haven't I can ride a bike easily, though.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
@dean9288 It's common to experience moments where thoughts outpace speech. Dyspraxia can affect individuals differently, and it's not always linked to physical skills like bike riding. If you have concerns, consider consulting a specialist for a thorough evaluation.
@ay-tj7pj 5 дней назад
we can work independently & be more sucessful than people without ADHD 😂
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
@ay-tj7pj Absolutely, many individuals with ADHD excel independently and achieve great success. Embracing unique strengths can lead to remarkable outcomes. :)
@tanleek767 5 дней назад
Never even heard about dyspraxia til being randomly given this short while scrolling, but it was neat to learn about :0
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Glad you found it interesting! Dyspraxia is a lesser-known condition, but it's great to raise awareness and understanding about it.
@D.R._Iris 5 дней назад
I thought it was ADHD though...?
@retropulse03 5 дней назад
Probably some overlap. Tends to happen with neurodivergence.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Yes!, ADHD and dyspraxia are distinct conditions but can co-occur. Both involve challenges with executive functioning and coordination, so they sometimes overlap. Consulting a healthcare professional can provide more personalised insights.
@ParaBellum282 5 дней назад
In America we call that stupid.
@retropulse03 5 дней назад
In America we do not call knowing the answer, but going "deer in headlights" when prompted for it "stupid". Maybe you do, and are in America, but you don't speak for everyone.
@eugenkeller 5 дней назад
Americans say as Homer did: "I AM SO SMART. S M R T."
@audreydoyle5268 День назад
Or wise to think before speaking
@chrismcconnell138 5 дней назад
What does this clumsiness entail? Like basic equilibrium, or would my hands randomly deciding on their own that they don't want to hold something anymore be more like what we're talking about here?
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Dyspraxia-related clumsiness can involve difficulty with basic motor skills, such as balance and coordination. It might include dropping objects unexpectedly or struggling with fine motor tasks. Each person experiences it differently, so symptoms can vary widely.
@chrismcconnell138 3 дня назад
@@ExceptionalIndividuals ooooh, I'mma have to bring that up to my Dr. now.
@audreydoyle5268 День назад
​@@ExceptionalIndividuals gosh, maybe I have dyspraxia. I literally dropped or knocked something every 3 minutes while cooking dinner the night before. Also managed to drop my pestle and phone while making popcorn... I drop things an awful lot... literally have developed a vice grip on things because I was ridiculed for being a weak clutz
@WateverWatever04 5 дней назад
OMG IT MEEEE How did the algorithm even knooowww I've just been scrolling YTShorts and this came up!
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Sounds like the algorithm knows you well! Glad it brought you something relevant. 😊
@arthas640 5 дней назад
Didnt know that. Ive got Dyspraxia but above average intelligence and a way above average vocabulary but it often takes me a bit to remember words, even everyday ones, and my mouth often outpaces my brain
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
It's great to hear about your strengths! Dyspraxia can indeed affect word recall and speech coordination, even in individuals with high intelligence and vocabulary. Everyone's experience is unique, and it's important to recognise and utilise your strengths.
@veefrain6232 5 дней назад
............... I may need to do some research
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
It is what we are here for :)
@flapjaaak 5 дней назад
my partner has dyspraxia and this actually helped me a lot to understand more. i didn’t even realize there could be a mental component besides the clumsiness
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
I'm glad it was helpful! Dyspraxia does have mental components, affecting planning and coordination of movements, not just physical clumsiness. Understanding this can really support your partner.
@christademarco5602 5 дней назад
Omg. 😮 Like, I have it. But I didn't understand this was included in it! Especially after having my baby my ability to talk became more difficult. Saw a neurologist because I was worried if I hadn't had a mini stroke during labor and delivery. Unremarkable brain. Best result I could hope for! But, so, what was causing these issues? This explains so much! Again I want to clarify I was already diagnosed with dyspraxia as a child. But all anyone ever told me was it is why I'm clumsy.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
It's great that you found clarity! Dyspraxia can affect more than physical coordination, including speech and cognitive functions. Post-pregnancy changes might have exacerbated these symptoms. Knowing this can help you manage and understand your experiences better.
@lauramc771 6 дней назад
I wasn't diagnosed with DCD until my 40s. I have had issues my whole life, and when I was in my 30's I finally got tested and it is interesting that this video says that it used to be diagnosed as Inattentive ADHD. And that's exactly what the first neuropsych said about me. It wasn't until over 10 years later that I got the DCD diagnosis. And it was a relief, but I'm working on letting go of bitterness how I was told that I was making it up or that I was 'lazy' or 'not concentrating hard enough' or the gym teachers punishing me by making me run the 1 3/4 mile multiple times until I did it in alignment with the goal time of my other classmates. If people yelled or made fun of me it was supposed to 'help fix me.' My high school years were traumatizing, combination locks, getting lost in hallways, getting to class late so serving detention, not being able to keep up with reading the music, sensory issues, I was disciplined by teachers and subsequently by my parents for having these issues. I was able to make my own accommodations somewhat when I first went to college, but I was still undiagnosed. Same when I got married (planning a wedding...AHHH!) and then giving birth to a special needs child... It seems like all the attention was turned to autism and I even heard "well at least you don't have autism..." My diagnosis made me okay with myself. It released a lot of shame that I have had up until that point. I am back studying at a community college and I am getting accommodations and not ashamed of it. But of course I have not really had much luck getting any support in this area for 'treatment' such as occupational therapy in the States. Like I've said to others, "I was diagnosed recently with a developmental disorder. The problem is that I have been "developed' for some time now!" Thank you so much for this video, it is spot on.
@tazanteflight8670 8 дней назад
He is probably a smart guy, but he is spinning his wheels trying to categorize pretend things.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
It's important to understand that conditions like dyspraxia and ADHD are recognised by medical professionals and have a significant impact on those affected. Understanding and categorising these conditions helps in providing proper support and treatment.
@tazanteflight8670 3 дня назад
@@ExceptionalIndividuals Telling them that they are broken,.... IS the entire problem. Every human is autistic. Every human has adhd. Its not something you goto the doctor for. Dont encourage coddling. Grow up, grow a pair. Just do it. Get a job. That is how you fix someone.
@JohnA.Zoidberg 8 дней назад
I only found out about synesthesia recently. Some things seemed oddly familiar. I do test negatively in some online tests, but we all know how reliable those are. I have always associated taste, music and colour as a synergy. Music is an especially visual experience to me. I still don't know if that's me being synesthesic or just batshit insane. Possibly both. It wouldn't surprise me.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
It's fascinating how unique each person's sensory experiences can be! Synesthesia varies widely, and online tests may not be definitive. If your experiences with taste, music, and color feel interconnected, you might have a form of synesthesia. Consulting a specialist can provide more insight. You're definitely not alone in experiencing this synergy.
@TELC257 9 дней назад
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
@stefansauvageonwhat-a-twis1369 10 дней назад
Ooh interesting, yeah most people ive seen consider it a neurodivergency (neurodiversity as well but thats everyone), I haven't really seen it as restricted by neurodevelopmental disorders which is also confirmed by the person that coined the term Ive been watching doctor who recently and man the use of the term OCD is just so bad its painful ASPD is just another condition and stigmatized neurodivergence, saying the outdated psychopath and psychopathic killer and talking about poor neurordivergent media portrayals is ironic heh, common issue tho I also recently learned about OCPD so thats interesting
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Absolutely, neurodivergence encompasses a wide range of conditions, not just neurodevelopmental disorders. Misrepresentation in media, like with OCD and ASPD, can be harmful and misleading. Learning about conditions like OCPD highlights the importance of accurate and respectful portrayals. It's great that you're engaging with these topics critically!
@@ExceptionalIndividuals right back at you
@ritarevell7195 11 дней назад
Well explained. Thank you.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Your welcome
@maxblast8210 11 дней назад
If everyone's neuro divergent...! No one is....
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Neurodiversity highlights the natural variation in human brains, acknowledging both typical and atypical neurological development. While everyone has unique cognitive traits, recognizing neurodivergence helps provide appropriate support for those with specific conditions.
@rebelmarshall3632 12 дней назад
A disease has a microbial or other external cause. Neurodivergent is not a disease but a condition.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Exactly, neurodivergence refers to differences in brain function and behavior, not diseases caused by external factors. It's important to distinguish between the two to promote understanding and appropriate support.
@AxelWedstar411 12 дней назад
Can I get a workplace placement? I don't have a thousand yard stare like that smug autist Tom. I just shut up and do what I'm told like employers expect from their low-level workers.
@ScarletTiger109 13 дней назад
Anyone that claims it’s a disease has no idea what they are talking about
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
It's crucial to understand that neurodivergent conditions are not diseases but variations in brain function. Misinformation can lead to stigma, so promoting accurate knowledge is important.
@ritarevell7195 13 дней назад
I would have guessed 1:7. However, I believe there are more autistic individuals than 1:100. If it were a disease, that means something caused it. Such as an organism. To me neuro divergent is a disorder.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
The prevalence of autism and other neurodivergent conditions is indeed higher than often recognized. Neurodivergence isn't caused by external organisms but reflects natural variations in brain function. While some view it as a disorder, others see it as a difference, emphasizing the need for understanding and support rather than pathologizing.
@ritarevell7195 День назад
@@ExceptionalIndividuals I like that.
@theJellyjoker 14 дней назад
11:51 v102:x2t33E31 or, about beer o'clock at night. I can't read face clocks without counting the hours then minutes and i still mess up a lot, also the AM/PM thing is confusing. I use digital 24 hour clocks, 24 hours in a day so 24 hours on a clock
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Using digital 24-hour clocks can definitely simplify time-telling and avoid confusion with AM/PM. It's all about finding what works best for you to manage time effectively.
@theJellyjoker 14 дней назад
9:22 no, I do not skip words! I read each word as a single block, letters are unified sub components and only processed individually when used as a single glyph.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
That's an interesting way of processing text! It sounds like you have a unique reading style that helps you comprehend efficiently. Everyone's brain works differently, and finding your best method is key.
@theJellyjoker 14 дней назад
Let me get my cal-cool-ee-ator so I can cal-cool-ee-ate on it.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Calculating can be fun with a trusty cal-cool-ee-ator. 😊
@CherrySibby 14 дней назад
i am who i am, better just keep moving along
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
That's a great attitude! Embrace who you are and keep pushing forward. 😊
@ritarevell7195 3 дня назад
I didn't learn I was Autistic with ADHD until I was 68. When that became clear, my life suddenly made so much sense. It has been very amusing for me these several months.
@0NeverEver 14 дней назад
I gladly inform you that you can sue your government and medical providers from now on for genocide. This was previously impossible due to orwellian language manipulations. Because a neurodivergent person would have been called "disabled" or "mentally ill" and hence could sue maximally for discrimination "because of disability". Suing for genocide would have required that you are a "race"; which was not aknowledge by the majority, those comitting the genocide. But here science comes to the rescue. New research on neanderthale genome has shown that autists contain a very high amount of very RARE neandethal gens. The survival of high genetic variance in a behavioural definable part of humanity means that the gen flow with the rest of humanity is at least partially interrupted. This populations do not readily interbreed, propably due to behavioural reproductive barriers. Reproductive barriers, even if based on behaviour alone, are the first step to speciation (a species becoming one or more new species). What could be more of a race than a new hominid species in the making? There is no time limit on suing for genocide and much of the legal barriers that government use to cancel or stall legal resitance do not work in the case of genocide. For example the main source of law, the elective representatives of the majority, are irrelevant. Because of course majorities enable the genocide of minorities, since they profit from it. This is pure natural law, science and logic alone. Their is no room for "positive law" in stopping a genocide.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
It's important to approach such complex issues with a balanced perspective. While neurodivergent individuals, including those with autism, have unique genetic traits, it's a significant leap to equate this with the legal definition of genocide. Genocide involves deliberate actions to destroy a specific group, which is not typically applicable to the experiences of neurodivergent individuals. The legal and scientific concepts involved here are highly intricate and require careful consideration by experts in genetics, law, and human rights. If you believe there's a case for legal action due to systemic discrimination or harm, it's best to consult with legal professionals who specialize in human rights and disability law. Moreover, fostering understanding and advocacy for neurodivergent individuals through education, policy changes, and supportive practices can lead to more effective and meaningful improvements in their lives.
@0NeverEver 3 дня назад
@@ExceptionalIndividuals You have to picture this a little bit like rolling up a cold case. The criminals so fare where found "non guilty", as they claim to only be "aiding" the sick. But as soon as you introduce new evidence (and the very rare neanderthale gens in autists are new evidence) you can reopen the trial. And this is NOT disability law, here we already take up the language and red hearing strategy of the enemy. By describing this as a disability the neuronormals commit cultural genocide (the destruction of an ethnics identity). Genocide laws are not that complicated and they generally kick in when a RACE is attacked. The concept of race can be and usually is based on genetic differences. So the newly measured and defined large scale genetic differences of autists ARE what is important to reopen genocide case. Especially since this genetic differences have been conserved over 40000 years.( And we hence can date the age of that race to at least to that age). Law is an echo chamber where experts tell experts what is "true" but on the base of philosophy, not of hard sciences like genetics. And where what is repeated most often and by the highest members of the hierachy is considered to be "true". This is why this falsehood was so successfull. This whole argument that the brain looks different, and that this supports the disability hypothesis ...of course the brain of a different species looks different 🫣I am curently in train of collecting more people to file a complaint for genocide. But I have no trust in lawyers; they all have this same tendency to base their argument on authority/hierachy arguments and not on science (in the end the lawgiver is just like a substitute for the alpha animal). The attacks on our language (using language differences to define so called mental illness) as well are in line with cultural genocide. It's common practice that colonialist want to extinguish the language of conquered tribes, see for example the First Nations and Metis shooling problem. In general the prescribed meds are so harmfull, that almost no one on it dares to have children. And while cultural genocide is not persecuted the part where the population is destroyed through interferencecis with reproduction is very clearly persecutable. High IQ autist die on average with age 54, and the leading cause is suicide, which in turn is connected with bullying. You see this in the first nations too where suicide is up to forty times higher than in the general population. Here is the list of what constitutes genocide (in theory only one of this five conditions have to be met to trigger genocide prosecution) : 1. Killing members of the group 2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. 3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. 4.Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group. 5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. All five conditions are met. The only way they legitimzed for example death and disability through forced medication was to pretend this is an illness. This logical breaks down because if autism is a mental illness, it would be maladaptive in evolutionary terms. And hence not conserved for over 40000 years! I have to say however that autism based on single gen mutation is propably an illness. It is usually accompanied by intelectual disability and strong problems with physical health. That should have been maladaptive under all conditions not just under the current legal system.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
@@0NeverEver Thank you for sharing your detailed and passionate perspective on this important issue. It's evident that you have deeply considered the implications of defining autism within the framework of disability law and its potential cultural impacts. If you are interested, I would love to get your opinion on a talk I am currently writing on on the history of neurodiversity and labels. is so please do drop me an email - nat@exceptionalindividuals.com.
@sonalita_ 16 дней назад
Found your channel from the great presentation you've just done for our company Nat. I wasn't diagnosed as dyspraxic until my son was born and was diagnosed and recognized the same symptoms in myself. Will be watching more as I also have some aspects of Autism and adhd symptoms
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad the presentation was helpful. It's great that you've gained more insight through your son's diagnosis. I'm looking forward to sharing more content that might resonate with your experiences with dyspraxia, autism, and ADHD. Stay tuned!
@sadbeans8471 19 дней назад
What would some environmental factors be? Are there any known examples?
@TotallyNotLamePianist 19 дней назад
I think things like drinking or smoking while pregnant can affect it. All of the environmental factors would be while the child is still in the womb.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Environmental factors that might influence neurodivergent conditions include prenatal exposures (like maternal stress, infections, or exposure to toxins), early childhood experiences (such as trauma or malnutrition), and social interactions. For instance, prenatal exposure to certain chemicals or lack of prenatal care has been associated with an increased risk of conditions like ADHD. Early intervention and supportive environments can significantly impact the development and well-being of neurodivergent individuals.
@sadbeans8471 3 дня назад
@@ExceptionalIndividuals thank you for the response!
@indirakillen2065 19 дней назад
My son has dyspraxia and he is feeling so down because at his teacher at school in Windsor, Canada are really mean to him.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
I'm sorry to hear your son is having a tough time. It's important to address this issue with the school to ensure he receives the support and understanding he needs. Consider scheduling a meeting with his teachers and school administrators to discuss his dyspraxia and how they can better accommodate his needs. Bringing in documentation from a healthcare professional can also help in advocating for your son. Additionally, exploring local support groups or resources for dyspraxia in Windsor might provide further assistance and community support.
@Drcoconut4777 20 дней назад
I would describe it in two different ways one imagine there is three separate forms of English one for reading one for speaking and one for writing for most people it’s just one language and so going from reading to writing to speaking doesn’t take any amount of time both dyslexia it’s almost like they’re completely separate so I can read a word and not register it as the same word speaking so you may say a word and I may read the same word and I won’t necessarily register the same thing. The other way I like to describe it is imagine the information in writing is going one way and your brain is going the other way now for most people. Their brain has sort of an exit ramp like on the interstate where they don’t have to stop in order to get off but when you have dyslexia, it’s like you have a 90° turn and so all the traffic has to stop in order for you to turn off on it leading to difficulty absorbing the information.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Those are great analogies to explain dyslexia.
@nanaaraj 22 дня назад
This is a good video thanks for sharing. I am dyslexic myself too. I recently had an assessment for Dyslexia and struggle with information processing. I’ve always had low self- esteem and I was telling my aunt about this over the phone; she says to me “let’s not make an excuse”. I think that is so ignorant of her to say. She sounded like she didn’t have some understanding . My aunt is neurotypical herself. I’m not making excuses.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
I'm glad you found the video helpful. It's frustrating when others don't understand the challenges of dyslexia. Your experiences are valid, and seeking support for information processing difficulties is not making excuses. Educating those around us, like your aunt, can help them better understand and provide the empathy and support you deserve.
@paulcritchley464 23 дня назад
Im only 71 years old 1n 1963 1 was 11 years old, I new I was different The Beatles had just come along. And I decided to support Liverpool FC The Beatles gave me permission to explore. Be a day dreamer I luv the Beatles music. It give me bliss I don’t have problems with geometry or maths. But I do with reading and spelling Cheers have a great day
@ExceptionalIndividuals 3 дня назад
Thank you for sharing your story! It's wonderful how The Beatles inspired you to embrace your uniqueness and find joy in music. It's great to hear about your strengths in geometry and math despite challenges with reading and spelling. Wishing you a fantastic day too! Cheers!
@user-hc7tk7my3h 24 дня назад
Turn up, do a proper job and stop seeking excuses, if you can’t provide value you are unemployable. This is just more government propaganda and poorly thought out nonsense, stop making excuses for yourselves and get to work. Mental health issues weren’t prevalent problem in the 1920s because people had real problems and didn’t have time to be mentally ill.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 23 дня назад
Your comment highlights a common misconception about mental health and its history. While it's true that societal awareness of mental health issues has increased, this doesn't mean these issues are new or less severe. In the 1920s, many people with mental health problems suffered in silence due to lack of understanding and support. Today, acknowledging and addressing mental health is not about making excuses but about recognising the importance of well-being for productivity and overall quality of life. Dismissing mental health concerns only perpetuates stigma and prevents individuals from seeking the help they need. It's crucial to foster a compassionate and informed approach to mental health in the workplace and beyond.
@lauraborenstein9916 24 дня назад
You are wonderful. If you’d like to chat. I’m here and we can definitely start a thread.
@ExceptionalIndividuals 23 дня назад
Thank you for your kind words!
@user-gl1lr9dh4h 26 дней назад
ADD (jni ) just not intrested ADD is nonsense
@ExceptionalIndividuals 23 дня назад
It's important to recognise that Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a legitimate and well-documented medical condition. It can significantly impact an individual's ability to focus and stay organized. Dismissing it as "nonsense" overlooks the challenges faced by those living with ADD. Understanding and support are key to helping individuals manage their symptoms effectively. If you're interested, there are many resources available that provide detailed information about ADD and how it affects people.