Brian Will
Brian Will
Brian Will
Japanese language trainer program
9 месяцев назад
the Unity job system
4 года назад
OpenGL - introduction
4 года назад
OpenGL - vertex attributes and uniforms
4 года назад
OpenGL - textures
4 года назад
OpenGL - create a window
4 года назад
OpenGL - draw a triangle
4 года назад
OpenGL - camera movement
4 года назад
OpenGL - model transform and projection
4 года назад
OpenGL - deferred rendering
4 года назад
OpenGL - normal maps
4 года назад
OpenGL - shadow maps (for point lights)
4 года назад
OpenGL - instancing
4 года назад
OpenGL - geometry shaders
4 года назад
@ahmedghallab5342 4 часа назад
شكرا Thanks this was amazing
@TristanSmith 12 часов назад
Thanks, I hate it. Super corporate sounding.
@ahmedghallab5342 23 часа назад
شكرا thanks it was very helpful ❤
@Double-Negative День назад
3:57 This そう is the one used for quoting hearsay. The appearance version is tacked on to the infinitive like 並びそう
@lcarsos 2 дня назад
Little late to the party, but how are you practicing language production (to use a fancy term for it)? I'm also journeying to learn Japanese. Kanji recognition comes fairly easy after drilling for both reading and listening, but when I'm trying to remember a word: say a word, or write a word I often draw a blank. I struggle to remember the correct pronunciation or even the radicals in the kanji. I'm interested in what other fellow learners are doing.
@Hellston20a 2 дня назад
41:25 "an anonymous function which doesn't see anything from its enclosing scope" is present in C++ in the form of a lambda with an empty capture clause, i.e. [](T arg1, U arg2) { /* You can only use arg1 and arg2 */ }.
@lorenzopiombini3406 2 дня назад
I mean it’s probably the same thing as ISAM and sql, I think isam database are better the sql but sql rule the market 🤷🏼‍♂️
@ArthurSo-wh3tz 4 дня назад
this "use" feature in 41:35 is somehow present in c++ in form of lambda functions, where you declare copy variables inside [ ] braces. It's not as simple as the example through.
@jeffreycliff922 4 дня назад
There's some serious insight here, and I get that you're passionate about this, but maybe skip the "most important video" next time.
@fisauto 5 дней назад
Just think about an int vector. Why would it be better to keep track of its size in an independent variable instead of asking the vector itself?
@XeenimChoorch-nx8wx 6 дней назад
8 years since this masterpiece. I’ve progressed with simple procedural code to the point where I physically cringe reading others peoples OOP code labyrinths
@cristianscript5649 6 дней назад
all of the strong patterns and principles used in the industry are using OOP, for example SOLID, Design Patterns, Clean, Hexagonal architecutres and Domain Driven Design
@PaulSpades 7 дней назад
The popularity of Java style OOP now seems obvious to me, and is caused by three main factors: 1. No or less memory management. 2. Autocomplete. Browsing for methods is a real thing, although it wasn't common in my generation of programmers. 3. SVO order - typical in western languages. Sadly, functional languages use VSO or VOS - which are very uncommon in modern language branches. But you are completely right that subject-object aren't usually well defined in programming, so the Japanese might think of Ruby as being OVS while English speakers consider it SVO.
@brinklebros7136 7 дней назад
ever since i started coding I resonated with the points made in paralysis analysis. granularizing large classes and jumping through a bunch of methods is very annoying. and the interplay between objects can be challenging.
@Maxjoker98 9 дней назад
This video is great. The topics discussed in this video(dogmatic usage/forcing of object-oriented patterns without good reasons for it) is one of the reasons I like the Lua language so much. It doesn't get in your way and lets you just do what you want. It's flexible enough to support object-oriented programming, but doesn't force you to use it.
@octavioavila6548 10 дней назад
Object oriented programming is an indefensible scam
@bittergourd 12 дней назад
Title should be "Do not use OOP on everything, even though that's the only thing you were taught at school."
@andreaslassak2111 12 дней назад
Ok stop using objects in JavaScript 😂
@IndellableHatesHandles 13 дней назад
The "use" block thing is basically a C++ lambda if you don't use an ampersand or an equals sign in the square brackets. I just wish they came up with a better syntax for it.
@throwitatthewall6289 14 дней назад
Nothing at all wrong with OOP. In fact, it is quite rational and easy
@jiggasnap 15 дней назад
Hey brother great video, I have a video that I think nicely compliments this one where I go into a bit more detail on why tiny functions and classes are bad. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-BPHro8zQBQ0.htmlsi=wUXhizbfMtpXrOos
@ziaahmad8738 15 дней назад
Thank you!
@NanerBag 15 дней назад
Hey Brian. I love your old series teaching programming and I found all the videos I have watched thus far fantastic. I love your teaching style and the focus on narration and an understanding of the underlying technology used rather than an endless stream of context-less examples and practice questions. However, while jQuery is still relevant to a degree today when it comes to supporting older browsers or simply out of preference and a shorter syntax, vanilla JavaScript has come a long way and has made its original purpose mostly obsolete. Do you have recommendations for a resource which covers the more modern side of vanilla JavaScript for use in the browser? I dislike all the popular platforms which show up at the top of search engines because of their extreme reliance on examples after examples and because they often just paraphrase other sources with some trial or paywall added on top, and I love your simple teaching style which explains the inner working of the language.
@noahisamathnerd 20 дней назад
11:45 “… seems like real programming; it has curly braces, after all.” Cue anger from Python programmers.
@donwinston 22 дня назад
Many if not all of his observations are correct of course but his conclusions are nuts. OOP is not garbage. OOP adoption is not a disaster. Today's software, tools, and applications are frigging awesome compared to what was available before 1995. What many OO programming languages (and many functional programming languages) have done wrong is attempting to achieve "purity". Java could have been designed to support classes, interfaces, polymorphism, encapsulation, and even inheritance as well as traditional imperative procedural programming all in the same language. Scala almost does this and is a significant improvement over Java. Python doesn't force you to use classes. Extremism is always bad. Run away from extremists politics, religion, fad diets, and extremist programming languages and techniques, i.e. Haskel, Lisp, Smalltalk, Test driven development, UML diagramming, Agile, etc.
@REOsama 23 дня назад
My head is spinning, this is the most meaty video I've ever watched, you are an unsung hero
@kingwolf70 23 дня назад
At the end of your video it looks like you're not correcting the gamma on the Albedo textures; I believe that should happen, no?
@BeekuBird 26 дней назад
OOP was the dominant paradigm before Java was released and before Visual Studio was released.
@druzzyaka 26 дней назад
Awesome explanation. Thank you!
@Scarhwk 26 дней назад
Half the commenters seem to think that "object-oriented programming" means "code that uses classes." Brian Will was pretty clear that he wasn't saying "don't use classes." He could have been a little more explicit about this, but I think he defines OOP as having three main properties: (i) all of a program's functionality is contained in class methods; (ii) all of a program's data is contained in class instances; and (iii) class properties are all private, or predominantly private, so that classes can only ever directly manage their own internal state (i.e. classes are used to "encapsulate" state). Two things about that: First, that's a pretty reasonable way to define OOP. It's pretty much what I learned in university when they were teaching Java and C++. Second, defined in that way, OOP absolutely is terrible.
@lolhahalaughlaugh8033 27 дней назад
Who else is watching this in 1889BC?
@Braeden.F 29 дней назад
Many good points made. But in general I feel you're overcomplicating oop
@MachinesTakingOverTheWorld Месяц назад
I am a SeaCreature!
@elias-frihet Месяц назад
Here's the coin flipping game in Clojure: (ns coin-flipping-game.core (:require [clojure.string :as str])) (defn play-game [player1 player2] (let [flip #(< (rand) 0.5) player (if (flip) player1 player2)] (str player " won with a flip of " (flip)))) (defn -main [& args] (loop [] (println (play-game "Mark" "Tom")) (println "Play Again?") (when (str/starts-with? (str/lower-case (read-line)) "y") (recur))))
@4teapo Месяц назад
OOAD? Nah. Get OOPD.
@fnpm Месяц назад
I see a lot of conceptual errors in this video. 19:12 Java is "pass-by-value", if that value is a reference (aka reference variable), you do pass an object reference. 21:01 Encapsulation means that data are not publicly available, which ensure value validation. That doesn't even relate to the fact that more objects can invoke method on the same object. This is shared state, like in procedural programming: guess what, in procedural programming you can touch every data with no encapsulation. So hooray for encapsulation. 22:30 Having a global object? Yes. Traversing to parent to dive to another object? Yes. What's the problem here? (Moreover, Ive never - NEVER - seen circular reference through object in OOP). 26:00 This problem is about software architecture, regardless of the paradigm used. Actually, when specs change, modifying a procedure in Proc. programming is at risk of breaking more things (changing API etc.), while in OOP you just create another class/subclass and you don't even have to touch any existing code. 27:31 In proc. prog. and OOP you both can change the specs of your data structures, but encapsulation and inheritance in OOP allow you not to rewrite existing code to accomodate these new changes. I have to go rn, so cannot continue viewing the rest of the video ... but I can just imagine the court-like thesis he will bring about just to give the illusion that "OOP is bad" is the real deal. To me, this is a fanboy video (sad that people fall for this and don't analyze what he really says).
@shear-watts Месяц назад
💯💯💯❤❤ great playlist
@MachinesTakingOverTheWorld Месяц назад
watching every year
@bobweiram6321 Месяц назад
You can't have polymorphism without inheritance! You're confusing it for function or method overloading. Learn OOP before bashing it!
@pwhv Месяц назад
based on your title: if you come from functional programming and you're not comfortable of using object oriented programming then don't use it, but take in count that that pattern of programming was used to make almost all the software in the world
@XolisileBuqwana Месяц назад
Can you further make videos about the type of operating systems more specifically Unix and LInux
@maxmustermann5590 Месяц назад
I think this video is really helpful if you like OOP or not because not enough people even make the connection, that OOP, functional Programming and Rusts borrow checker all try to solve the same fundamental Problem of computation. OOP forces you into structure, that makes it harder to run into problems with shared Mutable state. Functional Programming makes all state immutable and tries to deal with the consequences, rust enforces strict ownership rules to rule out that multiple functions influence the ssme Mutable state at the same time. This critic of OOP boils down to the fact, that of these 3 Solutions, OOP is the only one that doesn't gurantee anything. Haskell and rust can mathematically proof, that these class of problems can't arise, while OOP is more of a workaround. Which Solution is the correct one highly depends on what Problem you're trying to solve. Functional Programming makes some things unreasonable difficult and is still to slow to be used in systems Programming. Rust enforces alot of structure, inhibits fast Iteration times. OOP doesn't actually offer any guranteed protection. If you just need a one-time Script even OOPs structure is overwhelming and not needed
@FullStacker-dev Месяц назад
yo man, you are back , i can't believe my eyes, i was waiting for your videos for a 4 years, glad you are back
@MrMariozzz78 Месяц назад
i can't load model inporter.hpp say this error AI_FORCE_INLINE const aiScene* Importer::ReadFile( const std::string& pFile,unsigned int pFlags){
@orpheus0108 Месяц назад
Why ... why use an abstract class or interface when classes already encapsulate/abstract code and and you NEED to implement the interface anyways. Wtf is the point 😂. I'll stick to classes and data structures cause they can be handy. Abstract BS is redundant and makes code a nightmare to read
@andreymoiseev5838 Месяц назад
Some allure of OOP certainly comes from the complexity generated by algebraic properties of classes. Classes are sets of methods, so the complexity of set theory is shining through. Multiple inheritance, or just implementation of multiple interfaces, makes it even more complex and entertaining. It's even more coconuts with generics. Those who have studied algebra know that you can make such a toy of simplest mathematical objects. Doesn't automatically mean that that math has any utility though.
@puijela Месяц назад
This is just a video about overengineering :D
@orbik_fin Месяц назад
I like to be pedantic so I'll point out that "plain text" includes plenty of formatting. A line feed literally formats text so that it appears on the next horizontal line below. Multiple spaces are often inserted just to format the output with an indented margin. Also: it's not far fetched to make a text editor interpret FF as page break, or SI/SO as emphasis toggle, like originally intended.
@MrMariozzz78 Месяц назад
i have trouble with filesystem.h and his root_directory.h can u help me to configurate the program?
@MrMariozzz78 Месяц назад
in this source code i have problem with header #include <learnopengl/filesystem.h> it don't find #include "root_directory.h"