Transcendence Heart - Inspiring Hearts
Transcendence Heart - Inspiring Hearts
Transcendence Heart - Inspiring Hearts
"Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth." John 17:17

@JT-zh1oz 21 час назад
Lamb of God…
@transcendenceheart 19 часов назад
preparing for the Holy Week
@d.g.rohrig4063 22 часа назад
@transcendenceheart 19 часов назад
I like divine! :)
@d.g.rohrig4063 19 часов назад
@@transcendenceheart I love your videos! Thank you for posting and God Bless You 🙏
@FollowChristNotMan День назад
Heresies are in The Chosen tv series, produced by Angel Studios. While a Mormon producer backs up the show, the real danger of this show is in how it introduces the audience to Jesus Christ. Other than potentially breaking the Second Commandment not to make a graven image, the show also presents false teaching about Jesus Christ. The show does not claim to represent an accurate depiction of Jesus Christ and does claim to have artistic liberty. However, to claim this an authentic Jesus, as Dallas Jenkins does, is blasphemy. There is no authentic Jesus outside of the biblical Jesus. This article will go over the different episodes of The Chosen to show what is biblically and historically inaccurate. This should be more than enough reason for Christians to stay away from the TV show. Heresies are in the Chosen. Heresies are in the Chosen Season 1 • Pio episode: Shepherds experience angels, and the crippled shepherd is healed. There is no miraculous account of this in Scripture before Jesus’s baptism. • Episode 1: Jesus keeps Mary Magdalene from committing suicide and casts out her demons without telling her his name. This happened after Nicodemus failed to cast out her demon in the prostitute section of Capernaum. Scripture never puts Nicodemus outside of Jerusalem. The gospel accounts never mention Mary being a prostitute, only that Jesus cast demons out of her (Mark 16:9). • Episode 2: This episode is complete fiction. It has Mary hosting a Sabbath dinner, Nicodemus investigating a miracle, and Simon Peter fishing on the Sabbath. Then Simon becomes a spy for the Romans. None of these events are recorded in Scripture. • Episode 3: Jesus teaches a group of children how to follow the kingdom of God. Jesus also shows his skills as a carpenter. Jesus did not reveal himself in this way to children before parents took their children to Jesus (Matthew 19:14, Mark 7:27). • Episode 4: Other than playing on the fiction from the previous episodes, there are other problems with this episode. Simon does not go through with being a spy and has to pay his debt. Jesus pays the debt by having the disciples catch a large number of fish. This causes Matthew to believe Jesus is the Messiah. The problem with this is none of it is in the text. It also implies we do not need the Bible to know what happened. This storytelling is a direct attack against Scripture alone for our understanding of God. • Episode 5: This episode shows Jesus going to a wedding with his disciples. Jesus’s brothers are not there. Also, Jesus jokes that not even He can do everything. This attacks Jesus’s omnipotence. Jesus can do anything that goes with his character. • Episode 6: Jesus encounters an Ethiopian woman, heals a lepper, and the woman petitions Jesus to heal the paralytic. This again attacks sola Scriptura, Scripture alone. • Episode 7: Jesus calls Matthew. Jesus also meets with Nicodemus at night in Capernaum. While these events did happen, the Scripture never said Nicodemus came to immediate faith in Christ. John 2-3 places the context in Jerusalem, not Capernaum. Matthew’s writing also does not indicate that he is autistic. • Episode 8: Nicodemus says God can and must be known outside of the Scriptures. This is a direct attack on the sufficiency of Scripture. It says people who only trust the Scriptures are legalistic and Pharisaical. Jesus also goes to a Samaritan village and meets a woman at a well. This encounter depicts Jesus as someone with no authority as He says “no” to the Samaritan woman’s accusation that he came to preach to her
@gregm8522 23 часа назад
Hold on please! If I’m reading your treatise correctly you’re asserting that if scenes from The Chosen are not in the Bible, that’s it’s at least improper or at worse heretical? I hope not! MOST of Jesus’ life is not in The Bible. According to The Bible (John 20:30), what I understand that you’re asserting is anti-Biblical. My apologies for coming off harshly. However, I would appreciate your response and I hope I have misunderstood you. Now - on to Sola Scriptura. One of your statements strongly implies that if it’s not in the Bible it’s not fitting for Christian teaching. If that’s what you’re implying then I have direct questions: Do you ever listen to sermons? Apparently we shouldn’t because the pastor is adding to God’s Word. Just stay home Sunday morning and read the Bible. After all, what can our fellow believers possibly add to us - or is to them - at church. They’re not in the Bible. Again, my sincere apologies if I’m misinterpreting you, but I’m afraid that I’m not.
@FollowChristNotMan 23 часа назад
@gregm8522 1 corinthians 4:6-7 I'm sorry you were so mislead as to beleive that assuming anything that is not in the word, is biblical. 6 Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.” Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other. 7 For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not Your boast is unfounded and dangerous to yourself and those hearing though. Stating that Jesus said things he did not say and did things he did not do and were furthermore out of character os absolutely antibiblical. There is no doubt there. You claiming that the "artistic liberties" taken by them to show.jesus in a light of doing and saying things that were never said i.e "I am the law of moses" Is a stumbling block that you may have accepted but walking in false humility on puffed up ideas of man made depictions of christ is wrong and your admission to preferring to have your ears tickled and eyes pleased. The heresies you defend so readily are for the pleasure of Man not of god. Galatians 1:9-11 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! 10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. 11 I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin
@gregm8522 23 часа назад
@@FollowChristNotMan So this passage from 1Cor4 is blasphemous because Paul expounds on scripture? You and I would agree not - of course. But I’m still finding your (very) hard line stances as borderline tunnel visioned within traditional historical Christian wisdom. Please address one of my first questions as to whether we should ever listen to a sermon or interact with our fellow believers in a “teaching” way. Again, I’m not trying to be belligerent. We’re Christians and I love you as such.
@GabrielEvergreen-lx1df 22 часа назад
@@FollowChristNotMan I thought The Chosen is no longer produced by AngelStudios? They already moved the chosen app from the AngelStudios app and created their own app
@FollowChristNotMan 22 часа назад
@gregm8522 Let all be made well aware of what it looks like in present time! Romans 16:17-18 17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people Note any response made and how words are twisted to deceive those not paying attention!
@Alice-zm7rx День назад
@2007bing 2 дня назад
Didn't david dance before the ark of the covenant, stripped down to his under garments?
@transcendenceheart День назад
He did, indeed. "Then David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod." 2 Samuel 6:14
@2007bing 20 часов назад
@@transcendenceheart this is a false movie then, why make a false bible movie?
@magdalenem4949 2 дня назад
Jesus is both human and God, and experiencing the death of a relative from a human perspective makes his weeping for Lazarus even more poignant. The God of all creation made a human form of himself to live under the same rules of corruption we chose when we fell to sin when given free will and in doing so he took the punishment we deserved so by free will he redeems us. What a mighty God we serve!!
@transcendenceheart 2 дня назад
@@magdalenem4949 very well said 🕊️
@bgt2848 3 дня назад
One of the most beautiful scenes! he didn’t know what was wrong, but he came to him with love and just like with Thomas at the beginning of the episode he was there for him❤
@Jahnas3 3 дня назад
We love Jesus❤❤❤❤❤
@user-bf8if4es3e 3 дня назад
Gaius is man that Jesus 🫂 ❤ Jesus heal his son
@transcendenceheart День назад
Jesus did heal his son, healing scene fron The Chosen is here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-eGz9arHrT3c.html
@alicenorman2826 4 дня назад
This scene is nothing to do with Jesus welcoming John in the afterlife…. For goodness sake - read your Bible - JOHN 3:13 Moreover, no man has ascended into heaven but the one who descended from heaven, the Son of man. Jesus was the FIRSTBORN FROM THE DEAD. Not one single human ascended to heaven before Christ opened the way by his death. Even King David himself did not go to heaven ACTS 2:34-36 “For David did not ascend to the heavens, but he himself says, ‘Jehovah said to my Lord (Christ): “Sit at my right hand 35 until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.”’ 36 Therefore, let all the house of Israel know for a certainty that God made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you executed on a stake.”
@whoisjesus7 6 дней назад
@rodri6095 7 дней назад
Un Gesù tutto trasandato così non si è mai visto... Lasciate perdere questa serie protestante
@carolam1089 7 дней назад
Was Soo Emotional this scene 😢💛💛💛
@transcendenceheart День назад
Indeed it is. Amen!
@paologalli1907 7 дней назад
Let's plainly read from the Gospel of Luke, with an open mind and common sense, and then try to humbly ask some legitimate questions, can we? Luke 1:5-... (GOD’S WORD Translation) "The Angel Gabriel Appears to Zechariah 5 When Herod was king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the division of priests named after Abijah. Zechariah’s wife Elizabeth was a descendant of Aaron. 6 Zechariah and Elizabeth had God’s approval. They followed all the Lord’s commands and regulations perfectly. 7 Yet, they never had any children because Elizabeth couldn’t become pregnant. Both of them were too old to have children. 8 Zechariah was on duty with his division of priests. As he served in God’s presence, 9 he was chosen by priestly custom to go into the Lord’s temple to burn incense. 10 All the people were praying outside while he was burning incense. 11 Then, to the right of the incense altar, an angel of the Lord appeared to him. 12 Zechariah was troubled and overcome with fear. 13 The angel said to him, “Don’t be afraid, Zechariah! God has heard your prayer. Your wife Elizabeth will have a son, and you will name him John. 14 He will be your pride and joy, and many people will be glad that he was born. 15 As far as the Lord is concerned, he will be a great man. He will never drink wine or any other liquor. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born. 16 He will bring many people in Israel back to the Lord their God. 17 He will go ahead of the Lord with the spirit and power that Elijah had. He will change parents’ attitudes toward their children. He will change disobedient people so that they will accept the wisdom of those who have God’s approval. In this way he will prepare the people for their Lord.” 18 Zechariah said to the angel, “What proof is there for this? I’m an old man, and my wife is beyond her childbearing years.” 19 The angel answered him, “I’m Gabriel! I stand in God’s presence. God sent me to tell you this good news. 20 But because you didn’t believe what I said, you will be unable to talk until the day this happens. Everything will come true at the right time.” 21 Meanwhile, the people were waiting for Zechariah. They were amazed that he was staying in the temple so long. 22 When he did come out, he was unable to speak to them. So they realized that he had seen a vision in the temple. He motioned to them but remained unable to talk. 23 When the days of his service were over, he went home. 24 Later, his wife Elizabeth became pregnant and didn’t go out in public for five months. She said, 25 “The Lord has done this for me now. He has removed my public disgrace.” The Angel Gabriel Comes to Mary 26 Six months after Elizabeth had become pregnant, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a city in Galilee. 27 The angel went to a virgin promised in marriage to a descendant of David named Joseph. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 When the angel entered her home, he greeted her and said, “You are favored by the Lord! The Lord is with you.” 29 She was startled by what the angel said and tried to figure out what this greeting meant. 30 The angel told her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary. You have found favor [a] with God. 31 You will become pregnant, give birth to a son, and name him Jesus. 32 He will be a great man and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. 33 Your son will be king of Jacob’s people forever, and his kingdom will never end.” 34 Mary asked the angel, “How can this be? I’m a virgin.” 35 The angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come to you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the holy child developing inside you will be called the Son of God. 36 “Elizabeth, your relative, is six months pregnant with a son in her old age. People said she couldn’t have a child. 37 But nothing is impossible for God.” 38 Mary answered, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let everything you’ve said happen to me.” Then the angel left her. Mary Visits Elizabeth 39 Soon afterward, Mary hurried to a city in the mountain region of Judah. 40 She entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth.... ...... 56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months and then went back home. " Some questions 😇 ... The angel Gabriel announces to Zechariah that his aging wife will become pregnant and give birth to a son... how will Elizabeth become pregnant? The common sense answer is that they had a "God inspired" sexual relation, right? That's how babies are conceived. Then, Gabriel visits Mary and similarly announces that she will conceive and give birth to Jesus. Mary is just 16, maybe even younger, but she knows very well how babies are conceived, so she questions Gabriel, how is this possible? Gabriel mentions the power of the Holy Spirit, and then immediately tells Mary about Elizabeth being 6-months pregnant, and that "nothing is impossible for God". Is this a hint or suggestion? If so, for what? We only know that immediately Mary travels to Elizabeth and Zechariah's home (an arduous journey of several days, especially for a perhaps unaccompanied 16-year-old), where she stays "for about three months and then went back home." So, why did Mary immediately rush to Elizabeth's house, upon hearing the news from the angel of Elizabeth's pregnancy? Let's remember how Elizabeth became pregnant (by her and her husband following God's inspiration and guidance). And we can also safely assume that Mary, as a young Jewish girl, was well educated in the Torah and well familiar with the numerous instances of faithful women who were inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit to use their sexuality at critical moments to advance the Providence of God. DO NOT BE AFRAID 😇
@johnherrera-qu2st 7 дней назад
A lamb dinner!❤😮🎉
@joyfasciana3538 7 дней назад
Mary had a cousin named Elisabeth she gave birth to John who became John the Baptist and then Mary gave birth to Jesus the name that the angel said he shall be named for he will save his people from their sins
@paologalli1907 7 дней назад
@@joyfasciana3538 tried to figure out what this greeting meant. 30 The angel told her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary. You have found favor [a] with God. 31 You will become pregnant, give birth to a son, and name him Jesus. 32 He will be a great man and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. 33 Your son will be king of Jacob’s people forever, and his kingdom will never end.” 34 Mary asked the angel, “How can this be? I’m a virgin.” 35 The angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come to you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the holy child developing inside you will be called the Son of God. 36 “Elizabeth, your relative, is six months pregnant with a son in her old age. People said she couldn’t have a child. 37 But nothing is impossible for God.” 38 Mary answered, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let everything you’ve said happen to me.” Then the angel left her. Mary Visits Elizabeth 39 Soon afterward, Mary hurried to a city in the mountain region of Judah. 40 She entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth.
@darz3829 7 дней назад
and what fact-based evidence proves what you are claiming (aside from a flawed book - the bible).?
@annettemurielle 7 дней назад
Is there anyone who could watch that and not weep?
@MegaBOBCAT11 7 дней назад
Only somebody that was emotionally and spiritually dead wouldn't cry at this.
@transcendenceheart День назад
Not me.
@user-yh6gd4cw7r 7 дней назад
Please leave a comment after reading this.Thank you. I didn't elevate myself to God hood. My father who is the God you worship on this planet had to try and kill me 7 times before he declared me a God in front of a host of Angels after that the Angels kept bowing to me. I must be a God that is deficient I don't have all the bells and whistles like my half brother Yeshua has. After my father tried to take me apart I got to meet the Monad there he explained everything to me I was made to understand everything. He explained that we God's must stick together and that I was being groomed to be a God of some minor importance what ever that means I don't know. Earth has only 100 years left from 4-27-2018. After that it's all over. To possess a target body you need three demons one to pull-out the soul and hold it then two to go into the target body and three to pull out the second demon when they are done having fun with it. The reason the third demon is needed is to pull out the second because the body won't let go of a soul because a soul is life and without that soul the body will die in minutes. The body can only house one soul at a time. If this was a real possession the sign of possession is the body going limp like death before and after possession. Theirs no soul in it when the first demon pulls the target soul out and the body goes limp, it happens again when then the second Demon is cast out during an exorcism. The body will start to die without a soul in it and with an exorcism the first Demon that is the one holding the target soul must let go of the target soul it is clearly up to the target soul to go back into it's body or not. The target soul usually goes back in but if the body is to damaged it will be on the other side for good and what you're left with is a dead body. When the Demons ask Jesus to cast them into the pigs what you had was many Demons taking turns with the target body. The body can only house one soul and back then Demons only had one form of entertainment now times are different most Demons watch TV with you they are also found in big cities and street corners you know the one's with the stop and go lights that shows the little walking man light. I tell you this because they like your cell phone games like watching you play on your phones. Most will sit with you watch TV, harmless most of the time. Listen carefully when I tell do not do an exorcism without the help of an Angel. The proper way to do this is to take a week or two to call on mother Mary she will send an Angel. Jesus will deny his mother nothing and if you choose to do an exorcism and you're a Priest pray for a week or two over the target body to mother Mary and when the Angel arrives he will place his hands on your head and you will know he is there with you. Now the reason I say call up an Angel is because that dirty little Demon that is holding on to the target soul may not let go of the target soul he may just watch the target body die, it's fun for them. The Angel will force the Demons to leave and then he will carry the target soul back to its body at the same time wiping thier minds of the whole incident, one's got to function after words don't they. Pray for two weeks before starting an exorcism. Mother Mary is the key. You should seek help from a Catholic Priest or a Rabbi who does exorcism. I am not either I am a traveler. I seek a lesser ego. Lucifer is playing the role of adversary, and God is playing the role of God who is against lucifer rebellious ways, but the truth is you're being tricked. Before the deformation of the universe, God will open up a portal back to the beginning before the BigBang he will leave behind all those that will belong to lucifer. Let's call them the lost, and the lost will pass through the deformation, and then hell starts. When you die and you're one of the lost, you will be taken down into Sheol to a long hallway where they place you on your knees then they will bring your hands in on to either side of your head locking you into your own mind into your own personal hell but in no way is this hell, hell doesn't start till after the deformation of the universe. Now, after hell yes there's an after hell you see God is waiting for the reformation of the universe and when that happens all those in hell will be pushed out into a place that seems like heaven but it's not it's just a place of destruction of your soul that is the place that will give you the second death it is the end of you. Sheol is a place of holding hell is a place of torture, and the place you're pushed out to is the place of death. I am a son of God I have walked with my father and I can prove it to you when you die and go before my father's throne look behind his throne and about 45 to 50 feet back you will see a white door, inside that room is a great forest God takes his breaks in there. I have walked with my father in that room. Knowing that Sheol is a place of holding is very important if you make it to heaven because you will be allowed to pray someone out of holding and bring them into heaven just don't stop praying to God for that person and God will send an angel to you to tell you to stop praying your loved one is now waiting for you at God's throne. This ability to pray a person out of Sheol is my gift to you. My father and I talked, and he approved this for me. My father denies me nothing, just like my brother Jesus denies his mother Mary nothing. From Jesus' perspective is what I will offer you. When Jesus died on the cross, he came out of his body his eye went through a monochromatic perception, and then he could see with new eyes he watched as the heat dissipated from his body he could see inside his body as the heat dissipated making his body indistinguishable from the pole he was nailed to. Jesus then was pulled down to Sheol, then Jesus looked down and beheld an ophanim. The ophanim looked like molten gold spinning counterclockwise the ophanim had eyes on its side and was very beautiful. Jesus then heard a sound like that of a dolphin clicking and then a second angel appeared and this angel was a servitor this angel was glowing a bright blue color his skin was something like unto that of translucent but very beautiful and bright. The darkness of Sheol was litup with every movement of this angel. The angel placed both his hands on either sides of Jesus head pulling all his memories form him then the angel moved out about five to six feet away from him, then a Dominion angel appeared and the servitor angel using sound transferred all of Jesus memories to the Dominion angel then the Dominion angel ordered that the ophanim was to release Jesus and so it was done. Jesus then ordered all the Old Testament saints who were asleep in Sheol to be woken up and a place for each one of them to be prepared in heaven. Then Jesus ordered that a portal to his body be open up and the servitor angel turned to what was Jesus left side then the servitor made a sound very loud and a portal was opened up. Jesus then turned around and moved over lava and entered that long hallway in Sheol called, holding. Jesus then ordered that the one's closest to him be woken up so that he might speak with them. Jesus spoke with them for some time, and then he left that hallway called holding as the servitor angel in that hallway one by one placed each soul back on their knees then placed each head on a platform bringing their hands in on to either side of their heads locking them into their own personal hell. Now Jesus told them one will come and he will deliver some of you to take warning because he will wait for you in the front after the reformation of the new universe. No one understood Jesus, but they listened anyway. Some asked him questions, and Jesus answered, but all were placed back to sleep, locking them into their own personal hell. Jesus moved back to the portal, where he looked into it, seeing his younger self laying in bed at his home. Jesus then took his left hand up, opening his fingers, and then a great boom was heard as the portal was activated Jesus then made some jesters with his right hand and the portal fast-forward to his body laying in his tomb Jesus then said some words upgrading his body to be much like that of a Metatron you see Jesus had to upgrade his body because Sheol is a place of forgiveness and if he didn't upgrade his body he would not get his memories back for years after his resurrection. Jesus then passed through the membrane that chasm that separated life from death, thus completing his resurrection... When people who are going to hell die, they will be taken to a holding place in Sheol this hold place will be a long hallway where they place you on your knees then they will place your head on a platform bring your hands in on to either side of your head locking you into your own mind into your own personal hell. This will go on until the deformation of the universe. When you pass through the deformation of the universe, that is when you will enter hell. Hell will not go on forever it last till the reformation of a new universe and the bubble will push you into a place that seems like heaven but it's not it's just a place of holding where they will destroy you. Destroying you is called the second death, and it will be the end of you. Sorry I can prove to you my gospel is true when you die and they take you up to God they will tell you you can ask God one question but before you ask that question look behind God's throne about 45 to 50 feet back will be a white door inside that door is a great forest God takes his breaks in there so remember that white door.😮😢😮😢😮😢😢😮😢😮😢😢😮😢😢😮😢t5rfr t fgy😮😢😮h f f f u😮😢😮uy😮
@francismcdonnell753 7 дней назад
Imagine sitting at a table & having a conversation with your Lord & Saviour. What must that feel like?
@transcendenceheart День назад
Would be a long line for that. :) God bless.
@deborah1191 7 дней назад
Oh how beautiful
@transcendenceheart День назад
Amen. It is.
@ameliawalker1046 8 дней назад
Has anyone noticed how the design of the olive press looks like the patterns of a snake? So representative of Satan being the snake that he is tempting Jesus for the last time in the garden!
@FernandoLage-rg4gv 8 дней назад
Jesus sentiu o que está prestes a acontecer. Mas o interessante é quando Gaio o abraça. Aquele abraço forte, confortando Jesus, colocando a mão em sua cabeça, e Jesus chorando, era Deus abraçando seu filho!!!
@mauriziasoldano7622 8 дней назад
Che crudeltà verso l'uomo dio mio perché tt gio dio 😢😢😢❤❤
@ginamina389 8 дней назад
Done.. like & subscribed. You made such short and important cuts from my fav TV series … thanks
@transcendenceheart 8 дней назад
Thanks and welcome!
@donavonlacy2324 8 дней назад
Man when I first seen this and seen the lamb and John look at it man I dropped so many tears just the love that was in that seen
@transcendenceheart 8 дней назад
Me too.
@patriziaottaviani9945 8 дней назад
Quanto ci ama Gesù. Ancora non lo abbiamo capito, purtroppo
@yoru0677 8 дней назад
Why are you having the subtitles in english and romanian?
@transcendenceheart 8 дней назад
@@yoru0677 for someone very dear to me who doesn't know english but knows romanian.🕊️
@user-yh6gd4cw7r 8 дней назад
Please leave a comment after reading this.Thank you. I didn't elevate myself to God hood. My father who is the God you worship on this planet had to try and kill me 7 times before he declared me a God in front of a host of Angels after that the Angels kept bowing to me. I must be a God that is deficient I don't have all the bells and whistles like my half brother Yeshua has. After my father tried to take me apart I got to meet the Monad there he explained everything to me I was made to understand everything. He explained that we God's must stick together and that I was being groomed to be a God of some minor importance what ever that means I don't know. Earth has only 100 years left from 4-27-2018. After that it's all over. To possess a target body you need three demons one to pull-out the soul and hold it then two to go into the target body and three to pull out the second demon when they are done having fun with it. The reason the third demon is needed is to pull out the second because the body won't let go of a soul because a soul is life and without that soul the body will die in minutes. The body can only house one soul at a time. If this was a real possession the sign of possession is the body going limp like death before and after possession. Theirs no soul in it when the first demon pulls the target soul out and the body goes limp, it happens again when then the second Demon is cast out during an exorcism. The body will start to die without a soul in it and with an exorcism the first Demon that is the one holding the target soul must let go of the target soul it is clearly up to the target soul to go back into it's body or not. The target soul usually goes back in but if the body is to damaged it will be on the other side for good and what you're left with is a dead body. When the Demons ask Jesus to cast them into the pigs what you had was many Demons taking turns with the target body. The body can only house one soul and back then Demons only had one form of entertainment now times are different most Demons watch TV with you they are also found in big cities and street corners you know the one's with the stop and go lights that shows the little walking man light. I tell you this because they like your cell phone games like watching you play on your phones. Most will sit with you watch TV, harmless most of the time. Listen carefully when I tell do not do an exorcism without the help of an Angel. The proper way to do this is to take a week or two to call on mother Mary she will send an Angel. Jesus will deny his mother nothing and if you choose to do an exorcism and you're a Priest pray for a week or two over the target body to mother Mary and when the Angel arrives he will place his hands on your head and you will know he is there with you. Now the reason I say call up an Angel is because that dirty little Demon that is holding on to the target soul may not let go of the target soul he may just watch the target body die, it's fun for them. The Angel will force the Demons to leave and then he will carry the target soul back to its body at the same time wiping thier minds of the whole incident, one's got to function after words don't they. Pray for two weeks before starting an exorcism. Mother Mary is the key. You should seek help from a Catholic Priest or a Rabbi who does exorcism. I am not either I am a traveler. I seek a lesser ego. Lucifer is playing the role of adversary, and God is playing the role of God who is against lucifer rebellious ways, but the truth is you're being tricked. Before the deformation of the universe, God will open up a portal back to the beginning before the BigBang he will leave behind all those that will belong to lucifer. Let's call them the lost, and the lost will pass through the deformation, and then hell starts. When you die and you're one of the lost, you will be taken down into Sheol to a long hallway where they place you on your knees then they will bring your hands in on to either side of your head locking you into your own mind into your own personal hell but in no way is this hell, hell doesn't start till after the deformation of the universe. Now, after hell yes there's an after hell you see God is waiting for the reformation of the universe and when that happens all those in hell will be pushed out into a place that seems like heaven but it's not it's just a place of destruction of your soul that is the place that will give you the second death it is the end of you. Sheol is a place of holding hell is a place of torture, and the place you're pushed out to is the place of death. I am a son of God I have walked with my father and I can prove it to you when you die and go before my father's throne look behind his throne and about 45 to 50 feet back you will see a white door, inside that room is a great forest God takes his breaks in there. I have walked with my father in that room. Knowing that Sheol is a place of holding is very important if you make it to heaven because you will be allowed to pray someone out of holding and bring them into heaven just don't stop praying to God for that person and God will send an angel to you to tell you to stop praying your loved one is now waiting for you at God's throne. This ability to pray a person out of Sheol is my gift to you. My father and I talked, and he approved this for me. My father denies me nothing, just like my brother Jesus denies his mother Mary nothing. From Jesus' perspective is what I will offer you. When Jesus died on the cross, he came out of his body his eye went through a monochromatic perception, and then he could see with new eyes he watched as the heat dissipated from his body he could see inside his body as the heat dissipated making his body indistinguishable from the pole he was nailed to. Jesus then was pulled down to Sheol, then Jesus looked down and beheld an ophanim. The ophanim looked like molten gold spinning counterclockwise the ophanim had eyes on its side and was very beautiful. Jesus then heard a sound like that of a dolphin clicking and then a second angel appeared and this angel was a servitor this angel was glowing a bright blue color his skin was something like unto that of translucent but very beautiful and bright. The darkness of Sheol was litup with every movement of this angel. The angel placed both his hands on either sides of Jesus head pulling all his memories form him then the angel moved out about five to six feet away from him, then a Dominion angel appeared and the servitor angel using sound transferred all of Jesus memories to the Dominion angel then the Dominion angel ordered that the ophanim was to release Jesus and so it was done. Jesus then ordered all the Old Testament saints who were asleep in Sheol to be woken up and a place for each one of them to be prepared in heaven. Then Jesus ordered that a portal to his body be open up and the servitor angel turned to what was Jesus left side then the servitor made a sound very loud and a portal was opened up. Jesus then turned around and moved over lava and entered that long hallway in Sheol called, holding. Jesus then ordered that the one's closest to him be woken up so that he might speak with them. Jesus spoke with them for some time, and then he left that hallway called holding as the servitor angel in that hallway one by one placed each soul back on their knees then placed each head on a platform bringing their hands in on to either side of their heads locking them into their own personal hell. Now Jesus told them one will come and he will deliver some of you to take warning because he will wait for you in the front after the reformation of the new universe. No one understood Jesus, but they listened anyway. Some asked him questions, and Jesus answered, but all were placed back to sleep, locking them into their own personal hell. Jesus moved back to the portal, where he looked into it, seeing his younger self laying in bed at his home. Jesus then took his left hand up, opening his fingers, and then a great boom was heard as the portal was activated Jesus then made some jesters with his right hand and the portal fast-forward to his body laying in his tomb Jesus then said some words upgrading his body to be much like that of a Metatron you see Jesus had to upgrade his body because Sheol is a place of forgiveness and if he didn't upgrade his body he would not get his memories back for years after his resurrection. Jesus then passed through the membrane that chasm that separated life from death, thus completing his resurrection... When people who are going to hell die, they will be taken to a holding place in Sheol this hold place will be a long hallway where they place you on your knees then they will place your head on a platform bring your hands in on to either side of your head locking you into your own mind into your own personal hell. This will go on until the deformation of the universe. When you pass through the deformation of the universe, that is when you will enter hell. Hell will not go on forever it last till the reformation of a new universe and the bubble will push you into a place that seems like heaven but it's not it's just a place of holding where they will destroy you. Destroying you is called the second death, and it will be the end of you. Sorry I can prove to you my gospel is true when you die and they take you up to God they will tell you you can ask God one question but before you ask that question look behind God's throne about 45 to 50 feet back will be a white door inside that door is a great forest God takes his breaks in there so remember that white door.😮😢😮😮😢😮😮😢😮5rtyÿ😮
@celesteburley4035 8 дней назад
❤🕊Lord, blessed are you✝️
@transcendenceheart День назад
“Hosanna! ” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”“Blessed is the king of Israel!” John 12:13
@ManoelArturdaSilvaneto 8 дней назад
Lindo de se vê ❤
@soldtobediers 8 дней назад
''Out of all who've ever breathed & all who's about to begin. It was only He✝who'd broken every rearview mirror of sin. '' ~Just another one of those many one's of... ''We His Believer's'' Who's patiently waiting & watching for '.' His✝Just⚖Return🪃'.'
@soldtobediers 8 дней назад
''We were all once of His Thought. Now we are all called to be of His total being.'' ~Just another one of those many one's of... ''We His Believer's'' Who's patiently waiting & watching for '.' His✝Just⚖Return🪃'.'
@soldtobediers 8 дней назад
So ^it had been spoken; So ^it has been done. So ^it has been covered by... His Red Shed Blood ...tTt... ///^it\\\ ~Just another one of those many one's of... ''We His Believer's'' Who's patiently waiting & watching for '.' His✝Just⚖Return🪃'.'
@soldtobediers 8 дней назад
''Only His✝spent & risen life ever mattered. Otherwise our lives never ever would have.'' ~Just another one of those many one's of... ''We His Believer's'' Who's patiently waiting & watching for '.' His✝Just⚖Return🪃'.'
@billymusselwhite5256 9 дней назад
Oh my this cuts deep in my soul 💔😢. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ 🙏🙏🙏
@transcendenceheart 8 дней назад
@dianamahoney6981 9 дней назад
I loved this workout. I was ready to advance and this did it! Is there any way to mark this workout so that it is easier to find? Thanks!
@transcendenceheart 8 дней назад
Yes you can! If you liked it you will find it in your liked videos! God bless!
@obedqsai8748 9 дней назад
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
@transcendenceheart 8 дней назад
and God bless!
@dagmarcamargo393 9 дней назад
When Gaius says NO to Quintus! But this hug is my favorite scene ! The light! Silence and sound/ music!
@adjunkin1 9 дней назад
Why would Jesus react like that if he knew John was going to paradise.
@ByTheSpirit84 9 дней назад
Because He is human and grief is a very real human emotion.
@transcendenceheart 9 дней назад
All human, all God, of the same essence with God.
@adjunkin1 9 дней назад
@@ByTheSpirit84 Yeah I don't buy that.
@ByTheSpirit84 9 дней назад
​@@adjunkin1 Don't buy that He is human or that he was grieving?
@littlelylarainbow727 9 дней назад
My take is Jesus was moved by compassion for John. John although he would be in Paradise would still have to go through earthly suffering of having been imprisoned and than unfairly and cruelly beheaded. Our Lord is moved even now by our suffering and heartache that is why He sent us the Comforter and although He knows we are His and will be with Him in Paradise He is still moved by our pain and suffering, so why would He not be moved by these things in His flesh.
@d.k.1394 9 дней назад
A truly great story
@transcendenceheart 9 дней назад
Indeed. God bless!
@d.k.1394 9 дней назад
@user-tb6qt5gt4s 9 дней назад
My encounter with Jesus Christ was so supernatural He alive for evermore 😂❤
@zoricalj2916 9 дней назад
My Lord❤❤❤❤❤
@transcendenceheart 9 дней назад
And my God...
@miguelarcachero6103 9 дней назад
Chika Takami:"Bro!!!"😢 Ruby Kurosawa:"Ate, si Papa Jesus!"😢
@marcaribe5084 9 дней назад
I never saw this scene. And I also thought that that’s where he sweats blood.
@transcendenceheart 9 дней назад
The scene foreshadows the Ghetsmane Garden event where Jesus actually prayed sweating blood. (Hematidrosis, or hematohidrosis, is a very rare medical condition that causes you to ooze or sweat blood from your skin when you're not cut or injured.)
@marcaribe5084 9 дней назад
Wait a second, I never saw this!
@transcendenceheart 9 дней назад
Hope you enjoyed it.
@marciaolson4878 9 дней назад
Oh my, as I watch this scene again and again, my weeping never stops. The great weight on Jesus’ shoulders were relieved for only a moment by Guais’ comforting embrace. It had to be exactly what Jesus needed at that moment. So powerful indeed!❤️🌈🙏🏼🌈❤️
@transcendenceheart 9 дней назад
Glad you enjoyed it! They say God sent angels in the Garden of Ghetsemane to comfort Him...
@keydenalvarez6090 9 дней назад
@philipcollins218 9 дней назад
Is the man in the thumbnail a tramp.