Modern War Institute
Modern War Institute
Modern War Institute
Official account of the Modern War Institute at West Point, a research center dedicated to the study of war and warfare.

Gov't Org
West Point Commandant's Hour: CSM Panel
2 года назад
@leenewton7748 22 часа назад
Where are all the animal rights activists? How many humans are being experimented on? I bet they can’t back out if the volunteer.
@scottallen2498 День назад
A true hero. The whole platoon
@kj1483 3 дня назад
2:50 Tammy Palacios is a Senior Analyst leading the Priority Sustainable Counterterrorism initiative at the New Lines Institute and 2023-2024 Research Fellow with the Modern War Institute at West Point. Palacios previously served as Program Head for the Nonstate Actors program at the institute, where she worked in the field of violent and nonviolent nonstate actors.  Before joining the New Lines Institute, Palacios served as Project Lead for the MENA Research Team at TTCSP, where she managed two international teams collecting data on think tanks and civil society organizations in the MENA region. Tammy also spent time on the Syria and ISIS portfolios at the Institute for the Study of War, where she focused on Salafi-Jihadist militant groups operating in Syria. She has received accreditations for her business and team management roles and enjoys motivating others.
@kj1483 3 дня назад
2:27 Calvin Wilder - Senior Analyst for the Special Initiatives portfolio at the New Lines Institute where he led the Nonstate Actor Accountability project. Prior to joining the institute, Calvin was a Research Assistant at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy’s Program on Arab Politics, where his research focused on economic and humanitarian issues in territories held by non-state actors in Syria. He previously worked as a Research Assistant on the Chicago Project for Security and Threats’ Arabic Propaganda Analysis Team, translating and analyzing Arabic-language propaganda produced by ISIS, al Qaeda, and other extremist groups.
@kj1483 3 дня назад
2:10 Caroline Rose is the Director of the Strategic Blind Spots Portfolio at the New Lines Institute, where she leads and produces research on the intersection of defense, security, illicit trades, and geopolitical landscapes from Europe to the Middle East and North Africa. Her portfolio at the institute includes two projects: the Project on the Captagon Trade and the Project on Post-Withdrawal Security Landscapes. Previously at the institute, Rose served as the head of the Power Vacuums Program. As of fall 2023, she is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service teaching a graduate course on the nexus of illicit economies, armed conflict, and insecurity.
@allpraisetothemosthigh7770 3 дня назад
2 Corinthians 4:4 “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”
@TJMotionPictures 4 дня назад
And they tried to inject the entire planet and everyone is nuts now except for those who didnt take the vax and isolated. Man oh man people are deranged now. Especially members of congress.. just straight up monsters.
@TJMotionPictures 4 дня назад
Its over. Look what they have talking. Mind blowing.
@lordflash4312 5 дней назад
This dude is Klaus Schwabs illegitimate American grandson who is very excited about ze few-cha (rubs hands like Mr. Burns). He’s just missing the WEF special lizard alien suit.
@joannthomases9304 6 дней назад
No !
@TJMotionPictures 7 дней назад
The blues and nords know how to make it so this doesnt work on you but theres nothing you can do once they hit you with the havanah gun.
@TJMotionPictures 7 дней назад
Oh ya?!! Well, they've got nothing over me! I've always had power over 'hearts and minds' with my charming personality and dashing good looks, so much that they kicked me off Facebook indefinitely. 😂😂
@deelee7300 10 дней назад
Utter nonsense
@eulaguevaraguevara8945 11 дней назад
Es que la humanidad esta tan ciega por toda las maldades del imperialismo ,sionismo,iluminati,que como sea quiere seguir dominando con sus falsas religiones,su droga del futbol,musica iluminati alienante para la humanidad,la drogadiccion,prostitucion,homosexualudad y peor aun ahora con su agenda 2030 del nuevo orden mundial,mas su lgtb,como sea quieren seguir dominando a toda la humanidad
@summondadrummin2868 14 дней назад
We Have to Bring these Conversations into the Open and on the Global Stage.
@candypodratz 16 дней назад
Imagine if they put their time and energy into doing good things for humanity.
@rickbrickles1410 16 дней назад
Amazing men from a time where men where men and no body questioned that. Thank God for these troops and there steadfast duty to America. Todays generation could learn a lessons from real men who fought for our country and the freedom of other countries as well. Prayers and Blessings to all who gave and to those who gave all. The bravery and honor of these men is legendary. And beyond words that can be formulated by anyone who stands today, God Bless our troops
@alinademeter6999 17 дней назад
Algorithms are written to hypnotize, TV as well. This is old Technology. Throw away all devices, and go back to reality. I am a person who went to MIT, Studied Law, Medicine, and Psychology. I have advised the Presidents, Celebrities, and Heads of State. Bio toxins are a big issue in Civilian Life as well. We need to save Humanity. Agriculture Tech is an enormous issue.
@Sparrow360 18 дней назад
He was a remarkable human and had such a lovely personality for everything he's been through.
@george6986 18 дней назад
The best video I have ever watched.
@MickyOneShot 21 день назад
The only way and life you need is Jesus Christ. these technologies are stan trying whatever it can take to get to the souls that God created. this is no joke people.
@Billions_and_billions 23 дня назад
Oh, look! Another Hideo Kojima prediction come true. SOP, anyone?
@nickieglazer7065 23 дня назад
33.3k Subscribers 👁️
@KananForrest 26 дней назад
Better to get EEG work on your brain. To prevent they bs
@mariomendoza7671 26 дней назад
This why trump and Maga cult must stopped in our Country!
@julioreyes223 28 дней назад
Met him when he was a Major, amazing leader and truly cares about Soldiers and people. He values everybody no matter what MOS / background you are
@Irpsnerple 29 дней назад
I am not my brain. If it's the brain they want it's only a temporal mechanism. The mind of the soul is the true essence which we are. I'm more concerned about my mind and soul. I THINK, THEREFORE "I THINK" I AM. Proves nothing.
@spiffymagicman7284 Месяц назад
Now im invading Shanghai! 🤷
@anthonymedina5186 Месяц назад
“Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain.” Dr. Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado
@paundanalexandru8851 Месяц назад
Cybertorture (Targhet Individual)
@debanda4504 Месяц назад
NAZISM your giving people brain tumors and brain aneurysms and other blood disorders clots/cancer Monster 👿 👺 👹
@hannah1943 Месяц назад
They lower the standards for her to pass it's disgusting
@gylp2 Месяц назад
all this sounds pure evil to me why do we humans love this tech its like governments want to be gods and lords this tech needs to be stoped
@helenatroy33 Месяц назад
It's all in your head.
@reignstar6598 Месяц назад
He knows all of those things or knows about them and still hasn't trained his scalp to regrow his sun roof
@klr03 Месяц назад
True 🤣
@Havanasyndromev2k Месяц назад
Currently being v2ked remote neural monitored and Havana syndromed it is happening to many so many are dying and people are completely oblivious until they are being attacked with these devices
@robincandy5007 Месяц назад
With a voice like yours you should not be lecturing. Your narrative of what is happening in Ukraine is so out of touch with reality that you have not prepared your listeners(in this case American troops) to be properly prepared for war. Your assessment of the Russian capabilities has been proved wrong.
@JJSloan Месяц назад
The war should have never happened. It was entirely avoidable but our state department insisted on it.
@dire12343 Месяц назад
I never joined the Military because I just can’t bring myself to kill anyone..However if America is ever invaded best believe I will protect.. Guard Protect and Cherish your land for there is no afterlife for a place that started out as Heaven.. Charles M Russel 1939..
@marcclement7396 Месяц назад
Just read his book. Nuts! Incredible what he did in WWII. But equally incredible what he did after. Nuts! Is highly recommended.
@JohnPoissant Месяц назад
That was a GREAT lecture/presentation on leadership! Thanks for sharing...I took a lot of notes.
@BK-uf6qr Месяц назад
He sounds like a school girl telling a story. It sounds fantastical and random. The story of the capture is great, the story telling needs work. The storytelling is very emblematic of today’s world…It’s my world and you’re living in it. It’s interesting to see how people have changed psychologically over time. If this was a WW2 era story and storyteller, there would be more humility. Less ego centrism. That person would tell the story with more focus on the story and less about their own personal perspectives. In short, it would be more “mature”. People today, when they have their 15 minutes of fame, are fully prepared for their “press conference”. There is a raw glee at being the center of attention. Maybe I’m old school, but I prefer straightforward storytelling with humility and less stand up comedian. Privately, I would make my own assessment how “cool” the story was. I don’t need amplifying and hype to understand whether the story is dramatic or not.
@kristinmeyer489 Месяц назад
Organized stalking and harassment is necessary to evoke potentials, which are monitored remotely. Organized stalking and harassment targets get to enjoy NO life, no quality of life, and psychosocial torture indefinitely, treated as suspects of crimes WITHOUT HAVING DONE A THING. Organized STALKING (a CRIME) EXISTS, AND IS A GROWING EPIDEMIC. WHY? Not because there are more crazy people than ever before, but because of loosened morality and ethics of greedy scientists, who don't care about the harm they do, for the gains they get from the research. Organized stalking and harassment targets are INVOLUNTARY HUMAN LAB RATS, WHO LOSE OUR LIVES TO THE DELIBERATE HIJACKING OF OUR LIVES, AND BRAINS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF STUDY, AT THE EXCLUSION OF OUR LIVES. ORGANIZED STALKING AND HARASSMENT IS A HUMAN RIGHTS CRIME.
@briangoldy8784 Месяц назад
Pvt .Vince Speranza, did not Die on 8/2/2023. Vincent was redeployed to Heaven on 8/3/2023. with his Battle Buddies. .
@marcclement7396 Месяц назад
We need more Vince's!
@rojoloco3911 Месяц назад
What a bunch of crap. Women should not be in the infantry whether it’s an 11b in the army or an 03 11 in the Marine Corps. They should not be in the Rangers or anything like that. The amount of strings that had to be pulled to get these women through is ridiculous and it’s all optics. It’s all political -it’s crap, and we need to stop letting it happen. Being in the infantry is a different world it’s all about logistics, even if you found women that could truly hang they’re still women and it’s something extra that needs to be considered that has to be on a troop leaders mind when he has enough to worry about. Sorry there are some things in life you can’t do.
@katemccrew Месяц назад
Everything is run by. Zzzz yo. Neeeesm
@fastingcoach9711 Месяц назад
This dude gives mafia mob vibes The mafia mob has moved from the streets To neuroscience!
@BdogFinal14 Месяц назад
This PC, social experiment has gone far enough. Israel learned first hand, what happens when you put female soldiers in close combat roles. Women are not ready for direct combat roles.
@MrDuffy81 Месяц назад
🖕🫵 “doctor”