Vader's Fortress 2
Vader's Fortress 2
Vader's Fortress 2
Welcome to VF2! I'll be posting Star Wars lore, theories and news. Don't forget to check out my Star Wars shorts channel, Vader's Fortress! 370,000 subscribers and counting!

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8 месяцев назад
@Ruby_Eve 5 часов назад
Cue the fanboys bitching about how "disney is just fanfic" 🙄
@SeArCh4DrEaMz 16 часов назад
darth jarjar would have been such an epic, jaw dropping amazing movie villain, he could have been portrayed as super badass when he reveals himself being super powerful in the force and a master of every jedi lightsaber technique, like a true sith lord..
@BouncingTribbles 17 часов назад
He literally just had to start speaking normally and stop bobbing all the time for this idea to be effective. It would have been a terrifying transformation. The bumbling fool turns and confidently starts monologuing? I'm getting chills just thinking about it. He's also the only character to rhyme with Yoda. It's such an obvious twist in retrospect, you can still see so much of the framework and setup in the first two movies.
@julesmasseffectmusic День назад
You read padewan and think the clone is a pervert, then you remember the clone is maybe 11 years old.
@danielkover7157 День назад
The more I learn about Jedi, Sith, Nightsisters, and others who use the Force, the more I believe the Force users are a pawn of the Force or something tied to the Force. The Jedi directly follows its will, and the Sith follow their own ambitions but still can't get the power they crave without the Force. Both are slaves. If I'm not mistaken, Freya had a similar outlook on the Force. In all honesty, as neat as all the Force powers are, I think I'd rather be a farmer on Tanaab. None of this ambition and Force slavery, and none of the constant fighting. Just a simple life for me, just plowing dirt (or whateverStar Wars farmers do, and marrying my childhood sweetheart. Ah, but the galaxy is filled with ordinary assholes and Force-wielding assholes that wanna make my life miserable. To hell with all of them; they can have their Farce and choke on it.
@calebmcmorris5956 2 дня назад
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba die
@psycholaw4394 2 дня назад
Jar Jar isn't a sith He is way more than that, Jar Jar is the pure embodiment of the dark side
@TheReZisTLust 2 дня назад
Somehow... JarJar returned...
@kokomimi3990 2 дня назад
Nice theory the conflict is the Sith rule of 2
@bananacorn4375 17 часов назад
What if palpating didn’t know about JarJar?
@JJ-ul6lh 2 дня назад
I think Jar Jar was set up for Lucas sequel trilogy. It's obvious that George was thinking about episodes 7-9. But there was one problem - at the end of OT Palpatine was killed. There was no threat in the galaxy, so what's the point of new movies? Yes, he could came up with some new bad guy but if you think of the story as a whole it doesn't make sense to introduce him at the end. Where was he supposed to be when the events of OT and PT happened? And that's where Jar Jar came in. He manipulated Palpatine into becoming Emperor. He gave him power. Jar Jar ruled the galaxy with Palpatine's hands. That's why we didn't have to seen him in episodes 4-6. After Palpatine's death, he would have to come out of the shadows again into the center of events, only to reveal his true identity in episode 9 or 8. It would've been a perfect rhyme if the clumsy creature we meet at the very beginning turned out to be the biggest threat at the end of the story. Jar Jar was the biggest fish.
@thechillcactus4042 2 дня назад
@noahjones3955 2 дня назад
I wish we could get more books about the infinite empire and before the Je’daii, I liked Into the Void
@PhoenixDawnX77 2 дня назад
You got a PhD in headcanonology. Vong will never be canon. Stop it. Disney has destroyed Star Wars. Own it.
@trillioncrowns 3 дня назад
if you never heard the name jar jar before then you heard DARTH JAR JAR it sounds so dark.
@GZXAL 3 дня назад
I wonder what would happen if Disney made jar jar the villain People say it would be good But would people actually like it?
@tziontalks8728 3 дня назад
The longer you watch this video. The more you will be convinced. Perhaps Jar Jar was working with another Sith, or he is ancient and he sensed disturbances and wanted to investigate! Sith are drawn to power. not all of them destroy that power and steal it for their own. Jar Jar, by playing stupid sees all the chess pieces on the table, including Palpatine, and it's possible He was working solo or with another Sith that wanted to eventually kill the Emperor. It's not unheard of. By the Time everything is known, order 66 happens and the Emperor now has full control. Meaning Jar Jar still has to lay low.
@averagemage6038 3 дня назад
Im suprised you didnt show the scene where he is controling padmes mind on tatoine
@leahcimwerdna5209 3 дня назад
I think when JarJar goes home is the biggest tell. He is supposed to be an idiot banned for being dumb but when he arrives he doesnt get an "aww man , this guy again" reception. He gets reactions reminiscent of fear almost lik an " oh damn, he back lets make sure he doesn't cause trouble"
@roulejj1342 3 дня назад
Dude its literally not real. If you read the comics he was stranded on a primative island in the middle of nowhere that had a small primitive population and joined them, its literally in the comics
@EverythingLazo 3 дня назад
bro you got him....Darth Binks
@luisduron2722 4 дня назад
@GrahamCStrouse 4 дня назад
Darth Darth Binks, man. I’m here for it.
@Axolotl429 4 дня назад
He will always be a sith no matter what happens.
@Bigboyhungy91 4 дня назад
Jar jar binks was always my favorite besides Darth moul and a anakin
@itzdcx7991 5 дней назад
never heard of this
@DGWildFire-fx1dd 5 дней назад
and Jedi Master staak Ti was in the Temple when they left to go fight they could have just grabbed her she is normally called the 3 or 4 strongest Jedi better then everyone he brought to go fight
@matthewmann8969 5 дней назад
How much more deadly would Durge be if he had a midichlorian count two thousand points above The Skywalker Super Blood?
@dthomas4566 5 дней назад
To be honest, this is just fan service, but there is something to the fact that when Superman wants to blend in, he acts like, how he views humans, weak, fumbling myopic and inferior. This is how he sees us, it's no surprise Jar Jar would do the same
@deniser9625 5 дней назад
My guess on the different colors with the carbine is either plot reasons or different factions use different gases for the blasters
@ronjon7942 5 дней назад
This was some nice work. I love origins, and for me, Star Wars’ timeline is from The Big Bang to right around when Shmi Lars discovered she was pregnant. In fact, I’d be more than happy to separate this time- and storyline from the Star Wars franchise, label it something apropos, and open source it to the fan base. It’s what I’d do if I were Emperor or Chancellor.
@GigaSiphon03 5 дней назад
i don't think jarjar was ever gonna be above sidious, but i think it's dedinitely plausible, if not even likely, that jarjar was definitely more than meets the eye my best guess is he's a secret apprentice of plagueis, who said sidious was the only sith not following the rule of 2 at the time?
@kevinhuo6149 5 дней назад
Imagine a sequel trilogy where the big bad was darth binks
@westlibra86 5 дней назад
Before even the video started, I asked myself if I could choose the colour of my lightsaber, what would that be and my answer was cyan/turquoise. I took the quiz not knowing what to expect and then I got a score of 44 - well cyan/turquoise it is. :)
@s.e.n3264 6 дней назад
43.... Holy shit what!?
@HeKnowsNotForever 6 дней назад
I wonder about the form Luke used in Invincible when he took over Jaina as the Sword of the Jedi. Jacen was completely unprepared for it. What form was that?
@coltonadkins7929 6 дней назад
Hes the jew in star wars
@Thrarm 7 дней назад
14? i thought there was only like 6 or 7
@theforcedragon3781 7 дней назад
what about the supreme maker?
@ronjon7942 5 дней назад
@theforcedragon3781 5 дней назад
@@ronjon7942 The supreme maker? The Being that created the Star Wars universe From the supernatural encounters comic I believe
@Darkthoughts01 7 дней назад
Robot chicken gave us that final scene with darth jar jar
@WickerSticksSinema 7 дней назад
I want to see Vader kill watto
@box_shadows125 7 дней назад
I got purple, which i suppose fits, however ive always been the type that wants to dual weild red and possibly orange/green. My ideals are a bit of a mix, so i suppose the middle ground would be purple.
@danielz1666 8 дней назад
Its like Scary Movie and Jar Jar is Doofy
@xsardes336 8 дней назад
Among many many things Disney fucked up...that missed opurtinity was the biggest sin. The last jedi was absolute disaster, so by the time of episode IX they had litteraly nothing to do...how much better would it be if instead of SoMeHoW pAlPaTiNe ReTuRnEd we got much older JarJar being the "final boss". Hell even leaving rest of this non-sensical plot with no changes whatsoever it would make the movie so much better
@michalswiatek8994 8 дней назад
This should be remastered for PS5 - both games AMAZING !!
@solomon_montheith2013 8 дней назад
You should make a video about Smoke being Mace windu
@dcsmith111 8 дней назад
There is a darth Jar Jar in lego star wars now with a black milinium falcon
@Geffi01 8 дней назад
It's no theory. It's a legend of the true mastermind.
@denialsoftheunfetteredclai4303 9 дней назад
George Lucas is known to me to be a rip off artist. It's all just a remix of other movies.