
Why Ancient Sith HATED Lightsabers And Used Metal Swords Instead | Star Wars Explained 

Vader's Fortress 2
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The lightsaber is a weapon synonimous with both the Jedi, and the Sith. But the original Sith, hailing from the days of Naga Sadow, Marko Ragnos and Ludo Kresh would have been appalled by such an association. For these ancient Sith, the lightsaber was a trinket, an inferior weapon that did not come close to the various kinds of formidable Sith War Blade. Sith warriors, such as Naga Sadow, boldly led charges into the fray of intense battles, their trusted metal swords by their sides, even in an era dominated by lightsabers, blasters and starships. In this holocron, we detail why these ancient Sith hated the lightsaber, why these sith weapons were suprior to the lightsaber, and delve into some of the unique and bloody weapons the Sith of ancient times employed.
But before we begin, we send our regards to our subscriber Big Motch for suggesting this intriguing topic. Those of you who have their topic chosen for a video will be entered into our VF Saber Dooku saber giveaway. So be sure to comment any lore questions you may have down below. Now let us begin.
By the time of Darth Baane’s Rule of Two, most Sith embraced the lightsaber, though an undercurrent of disdain for the Jedi’s revered weapon never truely disappeared. Indeed, a Millennia later, Darth Sidious would boldly claim that the Sith had evolved beyond the need for lightsabers, asserting that his use of one was merely to deride the Jedi, for he had ascended to a level of power where such a weapon was superfluous.
A similar view was held by many ancient Sith. Through the use of Sith magic long forgotten, many of the ancients reached levels of power beyond the comprehension of even Palpatine. As we recently detailed in the complete star wars legends series, Naga Sadow and Exar Kun used dark magic to rip the core out of Stars, reaching a level of power that could obliterate many Star Systems. However, despite their great power, the Sith still revered melee weapons, just not lightsabers.
Indeed, as opined by Kreia in Knights of the Old Republic, she believed that if a Sith or Jedi of the Old Republic Era were to face a truly ancient Sith Lord in combat, they would learn that they are as children playing with toys compared to the prowess of the old masters.
This speaks volumes about how talented these ancient sith reallywere with a blade. Kreia was no idiot, and was well versed in both Sith and Jedi history. Furthermore, she was at various points in time the master of some of the most infamous force weilder in all of galactic history, including Revan, Darth Sion, and Darth Nihilus. Furthermore, Kreia was alive at the time of Exar Kun, a sith who was never beaten in lightsaber combat. Thus, for Kreia to describe these famous lightsaber weilders as children compared to the anciets highlights just how skilled they really were.
So if these Sith were true masters of the blade, why wield eeminlgy primitive swords over a lightsaber, a weapon of intense plasma. Well as we shall discuss, it is a little more complicated.
When the dark Jedi led by Adjunta Pall first stepped foot on Korriban and subdud the dark side inclined Sith species to their will, the lightsaber was rather primitive. Known as a proto-saber, these weapons recquired a large battery pack and a cable. The Sith scorned this weapon, rightly believing its inflexibility led to weakness.
The other issue sith had was that most lightsaber crystals were inclined towards the light. Before the discovery of how to mass produce synthetic crystals, Sith would have had a lot of trouble creating a lot of proro-sabers that connected them to the dark side.
However, over the centuries both the Jedi and Sith independently refined the proto-saber, creating the modern lightsaber we are familiar with. The sith also developed great forges of dark side power, allowing them to create many thousands of lightsaber crystals for their armies if they so desired. Some Sith such as the infamous Tulak Horde embraced the lightsaber, using it to become one of the most famed lightsaber duellists of all time. Be sure to subscribe with the notifications on for a future video about him. But although Tulak Horde and others embraced this new lightsaber, others saw it as a downgrade to a tradtuional sword.
At first this seems non-sensical. Afterall, how could a metal blade withstand the heat of a plasma beam nearing the temperature of a Star? Like many things in Sith lore, the answer was the dark side.
For tens of thousands of years, Metal swords had been a staple since the pre-hyperspace era, enduring through the ages. The ancient Jedi were pioneers in the creation of metal blades, which they infused with the Force through alchemical processes. However, they were not alone in this craft. Across the galaxy, the Sith Purebloods were mastering the art of imbuing swords with the dark essence of the Force itself.
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29 июн 2024




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@DarthMichael69 4 месяца назад
Wow thanks VF for making my video idea! Am I entered into the Dooku lightsaber giveaway now?
@VadersFortress2 4 месяца назад
Yes you are! Your name will put in a draw along with other future winners who have their video idea chosen 🙏
@robertcain7630 4 месяца назад
in the old game Knights of the Old Republic I believe it said in the description of vibroblades that Sith often preferred the visceral feeling of a blade slicing through flesh as opposed to using a lightsabre, and whenever I played dark-side I usually used vibroblades throughout rather than a lightsabre because of this
@KingBullDogg 4 месяца назад
Not just that some sith were further fueled in the darkside by the gore of their enemies
@TheShadow14150 4 месяца назад
Vader’s Fortress 2, I have an idea: there was a lost tribe of Sith pure-bloods that all used black lightsabers. Maybe you could make a video explaining who that lost tribe were! Like “The lost tribe of Sith who used black lightsabers” or “why this lost tribe of Sith made modern Sith look like pretenders (black lightsabers)” or something.
@dragonblaster-vu8wz 4 месяца назад
I'm not sure if it's worthy of its own video, but a video telling the story of Cal Kestis's lightsaber would be cool to see
@austinslaughter319 4 месяца назад
For anyone curious it wasn't just the sith that held these views, a lot of Jedi did as well. Force imbuing their weapons took a different ritual one that required more of meditation and focus, imbuing the weapons with the energies and powers of the user, however they meant to do so using the light side of the force. It really wasn't popular to use a lightsaber compared to anything else. Such weapons had distinct advantages, just like how the sith weapons could be an extension of power and also enhance force powers, Jedi imbued weapons did the same. We're talking broadswords that could put up a barrier to protect multiple people, staffs that healed the wounds that they inflicted, and much much more. There was even a Jedi in the time of the Republic, just a few years before Anakin Skywalker and all them, and a few years after bane and all them, in between there, the shadow is notable for not using a lightsaber despite everyone else using a lightsaber, they chose the life of a gardener, and they chose to wield a staff, that was little more than a walking stick, with a thick knob, they could defend themselves by clubbing someone over the head with it, but they could also use the staff to enhance their ability to heal people, in fact they were so proficient in force healing that they could cure diseases, and slow the ragkoul infection.
@georgikostadinov4653 4 месяца назад
Wow, I was about to write a comment about Starkiller before you mentioned it
@sillymovieeditors356 4 месяца назад
Hopefully someday we will get a movie or show about the Ancient Sith Species and its culture. So fascinating!
@FFA441 4 месяца назад
How was the lightsaber created? Like who was the first to discover them I mean I didnt word that well
@vallettapetracyneran8587 4 месяца назад
VF: I actually have a question that I hope you can clarify. In the vein of other Force Traditions, what does Legends say the origin of the Night Sisters is?
@tinman1065 4 месяца назад
you should do a vid on force read the ability that lets you predict your enemys moves with almost 100% accuracy or what happens after a jedi or sith dies
@bryankennedy2257 4 месяца назад
Thanks I miss the old days of the true Sith....
@cameronhaynes7177 4 месяца назад
It’d be awesome to see a video on some of the most unique Jedi/sith temples across the galaxy!! Or maybe something on Darth Malgus
@The_JediArchivist555 4 месяца назад
I wonder if Darth Vader ever regretted leaving the Jedi and becoming a Sith. That something that has bothered me for a long time
@succubusYT 4 месяца назад
A vibro blade almost singlehandedly killed qui gon jinn on a distant planet. It shredded his entire upper body apart. The fighter wasnt even that well trained.
@dontknowjustletthenameberandom 4 месяца назад
an in-depth video on the concept of balance within the force and what it means would be interesting its a very interesting and very slept on topic that has more to it than it seems
@ericm5315 4 месяца назад
Back then loghtsabers also had battery packs and lanyards. So a sith alchemy blade was a lot more practical.
@footchess387 4 месяца назад
As the giveaway is about dooku i figured a video idea about him - A video about the history of the lightsaber of count dooku from his creation as a jedi to his fate on the invisible hand
@alexhulea2735 4 месяца назад
I'm starting to think there was a huge diference between the old Jedaii force-imbued swords and sith alchemically-enhanced swords 😅😅😅 Also, Sidious was probably bluffing about not needing a lightsaber. With how much dark side corruption he had, he was likely unable to do physical effort for long, thus needing to enhance himself with the force. I suspect he saw diminishing returns with every use. That's why he bluffed he was too powerful to need a lightsaber.
@VadersFortress2 4 месяца назад
That's a great theory!
@herbgreen8492 4 месяца назад
I dont have a topic for a video, just here to say keep up the good work with this content ❤
@VadersFortress2 4 месяца назад
Thank you! Will do!
@footchess387 4 месяца назад
A Video on all the types of weapon in star wars (electrostaff, blasters, tusken rifle, etc)
@Gfish17 4 месяца назад
Does it really matter if your lightsaber is attuned to the light or dark? Grievous had no trouble killing people with light sabers from Jedi.
@calonarang7378 4 месяца назад
It dose, but General Grievous was indeed horrificly train as a killing Machine. But in a fight with jedi vs sith it come to the faith and bond of the lightsaber crystal and the weilder that determines power and victory.
@Bub-20 3 месяца назад
The Ancient Sith mainly didn't like the light saber b'cuz it was a newer weapon wit a power pack and cable leading to da Blade....I guess cuz of Movement while fighting..
@ultimatechadmemes 4 месяца назад
AWESOME VID. What about the ancient armour used by the sith but was abandoned by the jedi?
@KuddlesbergTheFirst 4 месяца назад
Were there Old Era blacksmiths crafting such things back then?
@KingBullDogg 4 месяца назад
Why tulak hord preferred the lightsaber over the sith alchemy weapons, and the specific specifications as to his ideal set up of such a weapon.
@danblaydon36 4 месяца назад
Other than arrogance, what led the Jedi to become so dogmatic and paranoid that they decided how firm the line was between the light and the dark
@Suicidal_Soy_Sauce 4 месяца назад
Geralt of Rivia: 👁👄👁
@autistinquisitor9441 4 месяца назад
Make a lore video on the Korunnai and Haruun Kal?
@TheGillionaire 4 месяца назад
What if Qui Gonnms force ghost turned Maul from the dark side?
@dragonlord498 4 месяца назад
also take into consideration that naga sadow didn't try and overthrow marka ragnos yet he was already of such immense power so shows how powerful marka was. plus his rival also was of comparable power even if lesser in outright power though obviously more sane/foresight/intellect i would say given he for saw what would happen if naga sadow went on his war path i personally would go for a sith alchemy sword or similar weapon (glaive, whip sword etc) if i was a sith given they are in many ways superior and in most ages won't out yourself as force user if i was trying to avoid drawing attention though i might try and make it into a hybrid with lightsaber tech somehow as well to get benefits of both also the lavaraks were meant to be used ether when their was for sure no allies within the spray area or alongside use of the force to guide the projectiles which i think is fiting for a species with such a strong connection to the force
@footchess387 4 месяца назад
Maybe a video on the entire story of Exar Kun
@liamt4894 4 месяца назад
Is there a light side version of Sith alchemy?
@TheGillionaire 4 месяца назад
Is Maris Brood the only guard shoto user? Is there a canon version of the weapon?
@ioannfaryna5301 4 месяца назад
Hey VF could you do a history of the site or jedi
@herosam93 4 месяца назад
StarWars Lore has a cooler weapon than the lightsaber? Wicked
@TheGillionaire 4 месяца назад
What’s the deal with Gray Jedi? Freddie Prinze Junior says they are dumb and fake but I hear a lot about them from the community.
@KaylasStarWorld 4 месяца назад
At this point your better off leaving it alone lol
@Janine.Najarian 4 месяца назад
He's right
@Lily_Hasson666 4 месяца назад
Vader's fortress could you do what if rey was killed in the force awakens
@georgikostadinov4653 4 месяца назад
Where did the Jedi come from?
@ygmastercraft3219 4 месяца назад
how did the jed’i(the og jedi order) turned to the jedi
@taylorvany1084 4 месяца назад
why did Ventris Live after dying in the book where she died with Voss.
@bolojohnson711 4 месяца назад
Why the clone wars only use clones and droids and not the militia
@Janine.Najarian 4 месяца назад
I didn't know the nazgûl were in Star wars
@rodrigorocha5586 4 месяца назад
The real question is why ancients sith are often depicted as strange clones of Darth Maul 😂
@tabithacairns9828 4 месяца назад
How did the Jedi miss Palpatine?
@tomh8623 3 месяца назад
Who needs a lightsaber when you can imbue a sword with the force? I dare say, they were more powerful weapons
@calonarang7378 4 месяца назад
Due to the batural behavior of crystals being bound to the light it is clear that the jedi have step further then any sith. As to what Kraia said is mere jelousy to this hidden feat. This as what sith always do is just talk smack to then be brought to their knees. Therefore the ancient sith would find it difficult to defend themselves. Final analysis: The Lightsaber is indeed Superior to any past balde that has been made and indeed the Fall of all Sith.
@moblin625 4 месяца назад
This a dumn question but why can't a lightsaber which is made of plasma use force lightning as an iodized lightning which is natural lightning with some plasma in it
@VadersFortress2 4 месяца назад
I think it would fry the electronics. Although if modified it could be done
@taylorvany1084 4 месяца назад
how was darth sion alive with the darth side
@calonarang7378 4 месяца назад
Anger, he was too dumb to live and too Agery to die.
@milessaxton 4 месяца назад
The future is now old man
@Lily_Hasson666 4 месяца назад
What if the sequel trilogy was never made
@cat_smush7809 4 месяца назад
@-Jozef 4 месяца назад
You didn’t even watch it yet dawg💀
@johnwebb4499 4 месяца назад
That would be cool if Anikan dropped his lightsaber. Then picked up a regular broad sword. And used it just as efficiently.
@archades115 4 месяца назад
*psychotic eye twitch* The ancient Sith did not you metal swords. They used crystal swords. Crystal grown from blood by Sith Alchemy, not unlike the synthetic crystals they would use for lightsabers later on. Before the Disney BS about "bleeding" crystals.
@necron99.aka-sammyboy92 4 месяца назад
Thanos would've been a great sith.
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