Latter-Day Watch
Latter-Day Watch
Latter-Day Watch
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Ephraim and Manasseh / Symbols of UNITY
21 день назад
don't . jump . to . conclusions .
Месяц назад
@ScottDavis-gm3re 23 часа назад
Is thunder silent? Any that are offended by thunder are offended out of fear and/or pride. Offended by the fear of warning that THUNDER INTENTIONALLY BRINGS. Samuel the Lamanite didn’t come whispering… I make no apology for David. There’s nothing to apologize for. Those offended are offended because their guilty of the message sent. False humility is sin. Again…. Let’s hear ONE LIAR say that Samuel the Lamanite came whispering.. REALLY!!! Truth isn’t deceived by false humility. Truth can be sent as THUNDER! So.. any that accuse David… THEY WILL REAP THUNDER. It’s not condescending … it’s truth aimed at those that will be debased beginning NOW, Already, and to come. It’s called REBUKE! and yes…the wicked will accuse Rebuke… they will shoot every false humility arrow at it. Their ill motives will be discovered by their own words and reactions to the TRUE WORD OF WARNING. Their accusations are recorded and soon to be Sealed up leaving them not condemned by David…. But self condemned by their own words condemning the MESSENGER SENT. … thus separating the wheat from the tares. A last days work already begun and to continue and without apology. No apology needed. Samuel needed not apologize. The arrow shooters…. They needed apologize and repent and that SPEEDILY. … this is silent typing. Is it offensive? Yes! But only offensive to those guilty of it. Lehi wouldn’t be offended. Samuel wouldn’t be offended ! Christ wouldn’t be offended! You know! The Christ that cleared the temple. Geezer. Repent people. Before it’s too late.
@vonsowards1297 День назад
It is so interesting to me how no matter where you are in the world all eyes are on America. There is something significant about this country and it’s destiny. As much as the Church tries to be a “global church”, it can not ignore that America and her constitution is part of our God’s plan.
@rugburn4783 День назад
I think we are heading into a very difficult time, with events we don't suspect, unlike anything we've seen to date. With the exactness of this prophecy related to the US' recent history, it's hard to disbelieve.
@HelamansArmy День назад
Not everyone who claims to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is actually a member. There are a lot of people who bear false witness. My opinion about specific denominations of Christianity has soured very heavily as a result of my RU-vid channel and the absurdities with which I'm treated. My response is getting to the point where my comments section is on the verge of being completely reviewed before being posted.
I am not contending with Meso American Cumorah people. I am just expressing that much of the Book of Mormon happened in what is now the USA. We are not fighting each other. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints now has the authority to bring salvation and exaltation to the world. The former people who once had that authority, lost it through wickedness. The only way for their descendants to once again have that authority is not by way of blood lineage, but by the laying on of hands by those men who received that authority once again, after it was lost. That was Joseph Smith and the others that history records down to President Russell M. Nelson. Being related to Joseph Smith or some ancient American Indian does not give anyone authority to organize the Creator's Church and bring the complete unchanged Gospel to the World, and the saving rites to the world now. The only WAY to be a member of God's Church is by baptism in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Then men can receive the authority that is necessary to bring everyone else to the truth. The past ways and organizations may still have some of the truth remaining in their writings and oral history, but that is not authority to spread it or bring salvation to the world. Just because your ancestors had it once does not mean you have it now. We can only be one, as Creator commands, when those like yourselves choose humility to accept the fullness, by the WAY Creator now commands. Heredity does not give authority. That is where the Lamanites went wrong. Laman said the same thing to Nephi. But Laman refused to repent, keep the commandments, or follow whom God chose to lead and to whom God gave the authority to lead, Nephi. If Laman had obeyed Lehi and acted like Nephi, he would have been the leader. But he did not. I say that you American Indians who claim you had it first, so you should be in charge now, are just being Lamanites. I say, humble yourselves and accept the truth and gain your salvation from the true Church now. Only in that Church is the power and authority to be saved. Not in our ancestors; not in a tribe, not in a lodge. I am of the Cherokee and Choctaw. I can prove lineal authority too. But it is no longer accepted as valid by God or Jesus, who are the Peace Makers. Chief Midegah has no authority over me or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and he is not God's co-leader to that Church by ancestry. If he wants to be a leader that shares the complete truth with the world, he must be a worthy leader of the church, baptized and etc. Your attitude of how others should respect you because of your Indian standing and ancestry is so arrogant, and does not smack of equality but superiority. There is no humility in you at all, sir. Joseph Smith would summarily chastise you, Chief Midegah, for your puffed up attitude.
Oh, yeah, David. I love ya too.
@susanjacobson9461 День назад
I appreciate your content and your reminder message about the golden rule-so simple yet when when our “pet philosophy” is challenged, the natural man wants to rear up and defend, sometimes with claws out. Another symptom of PRIDE. Our exemplar in this, as in everything, is our Savior. “Follow me.”
@strawberryme08 День назад
In the church website Bible dictionary it says under apocrypha to take special note of Esdras one and row I forget the exact wording at the moment but interesting
@cognitiveresonance339 День назад
Simple message. And it's exactly what Christ taught. You're not living the gospel if you can't respectfully disagree. The Lord gives no license to be disdainful just because we think we're right.
@RebeccaGroendyke День назад
This video is full of wisdom…in defending the Savior and His gospel, we must do it in a Christlike way. That is a challenge at times. Sometimes I wonder if that is our test…we might be believers and witnesses of Christ, but how are we when others confront us on negative ways. Enjoy your trip.
@jeffem55 2 дня назад
The voice coming from the body could be termed that the voice is the result of the body of people electing the heads and feathers. “We the people” or the body of people are supposed to be the voice because they elect people to be “heads” of the state…just a thought. 😂
@cpuchip 2 дня назад
Well said. Charity. We need charity. Pray for it every day.
@danielhughes8516 2 дня назад
Glad I found your channel, I enjoyed this presentation, thank you! Keep it up. Interesting times ahead, buckle up.
@bakinne 2 дня назад
Why are you getting on to discuss something you don’t fully understand.
@DaGolfViking 2 дня назад
You're not supposed to have conversations about things you don't fully understand? Well then, the book of Isiah and the book of Revelations are off the table for me. Actually, I don't fully understand much. I won't be having many conversations then.
@NsTheName 2 дня назад
This is honestly really silly. No one would ever be able to discuss anything if we followed this logic.
@latter-daywatch 2 дня назад
Because life is interesting and there are interesting things to talk about
@13slaytanic13 2 дня назад
The Métis are an Indigenous people of 0:02
@13slaytanic13 2 дня назад
White man promised much turned in the Geoncide. Of native peoples. In the Americas
@13slaytanic13 2 дня назад
In my interpretation if going back to the Old ways old beliefs of our elders. And follow the right path
@13slaytanic13 2 дня назад
@griffin5779 4 дня назад
Trump didn’t want to leave office, he didn't plan to leave office after losing, He tried to stay in office … But that attempt failed .. His rule cut short Biden wanted to run for another term, He planned to run another term .. but he was pressured to step aside .. His rule cut short (he may not even make it till the end of his term) I think the two little features that separate are the key. They separate and go under the right head. It seems to happen after Obama and before Trump. They are under the right head. I’m working on the assumption they are politicians elected when Trump was elected so House or Senate or each in one. Now Could be Biden dies or steps down and can’t finish his term and VP takes over and appoints a new VP.. Could be the election takes place and Trump wins.. Could Harris win .. Whatever happens there is Chaos. My thought is whatever Chaos happens results in the military taking over in some fashion for a while. I don’t know.. I’m an idiot too.. But I think the 3 heads represent The House, The Senate, The SCOTUS and the Military in some combination. I doubt the 2 feathers are in the SCOTUS.
@t5l239 4 дня назад
I think Pres Oaks will be gone before this.
@DaGolfViking 2 дня назад
This could be very soon. I do wonder why he thinks the Lion is Pres Oaks, though.
@t5l239 4 дня назад
Harris is stepping into the presidency. Biden's dying.
@rawls101 4 дня назад
Interesting fact: President Nelson and Oaks were chosen and ordained together as a pair. President Nelson has been the one to prepare the "hearts" of the people, and I believe President Oaks will be the "Judge" who holds the calling of Prophet during this coming tumultuous time prior to Christ's return. Exciting stuff! The Lord is accelerating these events. "Time is running out."
@Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled 5 дней назад
The 25th Amendment allows the president to be legally removed IF he/she dies, resigns, or impeached or based on precendent, incapable of cognitive function (dementia?), congress can assemble within 48 hrs to "decide the issue" which requires a 2/3 vote within 21 days to remove POTUS. Then VP steps in as POTUS. I im not entirely sure that last one is constitutional or if any of it is but this is the U.S.A, they can have new precedent and violate constitution when they want to. Or just assassinate. Oops, a Trump supporter killed him... new POTUS. See where im going with this. They can mold the situation however they want with false flags, new amendment (constitutional or not), assassinations, or outright totalitarian violations of law if they have enough control over the populace and we're about at that time. The last thing is taking away guns and they can do whatever.
@SpencerGibson-vc6fd 5 дней назад
Feathers denote something which is acted upon such as a president/public servant. Wings denote that which acts on its own strength upon others. Heads denote ultimate power to control the body.
@SpencerGibson-vc6fd 5 дней назад
The talons may be a coup
@aaronbm83 5 дней назад
Could Donald Trump be the stout horn? Seems he may have separated himself from the other feathers. How do we know feathers 5 is not between fathers 1 -4
@jasonmay1360 6 дней назад
Biden is gone so what now?
@johnmillward2836 5 дней назад
He didn’t resign, just dropped out of the race.
@NielsenWill 6 дней назад
"27 And the second was sooner away than the first." Interesting... Biden just Dropped out and may end up stepping down.
@kylebaggaley 6 дней назад
Wild times. We’ll see what comes of Ezra’s Eagle. Not sure what to think about the many interesting interpretations.
@albertatundra 6 дней назад
Biden is out
@jillhorkley9158 6 дней назад
Line of succession is if something happens to President. It is Vice President then if something happens to Vp it is head of House of Representatives. That would be interesting. If at some point it was House head
@loriechristiansen9710 6 дней назад
Isn’t the house of Judah represented as a lion? Maybe it’s the Davidic servant who comes from that tribe or has that bloodline ? This servant comes on the scene when the anti Christ appears on the scene. As the book of Isaiah states.
@trishalebaron6994 5 дней назад
My thoughts also
@annalloyd2180 7 дней назад
The Lion is the lost 10 tribes. They will come back in wheels within wheels with the faces of an ox, eagle, human and lion. They were taken off this earth in the same way the city of Enoch was and their mission is to come as a lion (gods army) to destroy the wickedness with fire.
@NsTheName 2 дня назад
I’m almost 100% certain the lion is Christ.
@annalloyd2180 2 дня назад
@@NsTheName the lion is Christ but not in this scenario. He’s talking about the 12 tribes, 4 camps of the Israelites. Lion, ox, face of a man and eagle.
@NsTheName 2 дня назад
@@annalloyd2180 I just don’t see it that way at all 🤷‍♀️ To me it seems very clear that it’s Christ returning to save His people.
@annalloyd2180 2 дня назад
@@NsTheName oh he definitely will but his Army comes to America first to destroy wickedness then the hunters of men will go and gather the righteous throughout the world bringing them to the new Jerusalem as no one else will be able to come to America at this time. Then after the hunting of the righteous then God comes back on his white horse. God has to have something righteous on this earth to come back to before his final battle at Armageddon.
@NsTheName 2 дня назад
@@annalloyd2180 That's not true. God has told us that Christ will come back whether we're righteous or not. That's the entire point of the Parable of the Ten Virgins. There will definitely be righteous people on the Earth when He returns, but his coming back is not contingent upon our righteousness. As for the 10 lost tribes, we see things very differently. I believe we ARE the ten lost tribes. Ephraim is among the 10 lost tribes, and I am of Ephraim. The tribes went into the north countries, mainly Europe. I'm certainly willing to be wrong, but the scriptures have told us that things will happen so naturally that if we're not paying attention, we'll miss it. Christ will return like Noah's time. People will be marrying and having parties; they'll be living their normal lives and then like a thief in the night (to those not watching) He will be here. It's natural to want to see things the way they are in movies, but that's Hollywood and God works by natural means.
@oooee 7 дней назад
If Biden resigns or for whatever reason doesn’t finish his term before the election then the VP would become Pres and the next (third) short feather and would likely be considered as one who would seek to reign as she would then run for president in November. If trump then won the election he would become the forth short feather. So in the space of the next four months we could complete all the remaining short feathers. Right?
@markeilertsen6619 6 дней назад
Ford, in the line up, was a regular feather, yet he took over from Nixon, a short feather and was not elected to a full term. If Kamala were to take over after Biden dies or resigns and she takes the presidency then she would be a regular feather like Ford. So she can’t take the presidency and fulfill the term and still be a short feather. Is there a way she could take the presidency and not be elected but still “assume to reign”…I don’t know.
@DaGolfViking 2 дня назад
Doesn't it say the next 2 short feathers seek to reign but aren't allowed to? I'm a little confused by this.
@jamescooke6893 2 дня назад
​@@DaGolfVikingpelosi or Clinton
@rncondie 12 часов назад
Trump will not serve. There is no way the deep state will permit Trump to destroy the deep state like he had publicly said. Joe is the last elected (stolen hence Trump is a short feather) president. This is all going down before Jan 20, 2025.
@goblincamper2004 7 дней назад
I have seen other videos about Ezra's Eagle prophecy and I was wondering it someone was going to do an update after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and the current circumstances the Democrats are facing. I think if Donald Trump does get reelected and something happens to him, then there might be someone else who might take over before the first Eagle head awakens. To me, the signs of the last days are very interesting to watch, and to see everything play out is somewhat scary, although my faith is in Jesus Christ, and knowing that I have my faith in Him, helps me to realize that I need to focus on keeping my covenants that I have made in the House of the Lord and help those around me to make it through these difficult times was are living in. God is in control and Jesus Christ's second coming is not far away. The signs are there, and things are being hastening and are rapidly escalating.
@michaellaw3544 7 дней назад
Ive seen interpretation of the heads being: 1. Deep state agencies (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.) 2. Federal Reserve (Banking, USD) 3. Media/Business (technocrats, public/private partnership) Forget what the center larger head would be.
@svensorensen7693 7 дней назад
Post hoc interpretations like this never seem right to me. I guess we'll see in a few months, but after reading Esdras for myself back when this hubbub started it could just as easily be referring to Rome or to some other global kingdom that has yet to rise. I think we're spoiled in the Church in that the Book of Mormon often speaks directly to us in the latter days, when the Bible, Apocrypha, and other ancient writings really aren't intended that way, and have to be understood in the context that they were given (Especially when they do mention our day.) Anyway, that's not aimed at you, just in general. Your video's pretty good. Like I said, I guess we'll see in a few months.
@latter-daywatch 7 дней назад
I take a lot of the same stance as you. I am not hardline with it but we will see.
@kurstenmason7132 6 дней назад
Prophecy can also be dualistic and occur more than once (cycles).
@BlaineHeggie 7 дней назад
Where in Canada are you from? Alberta or BC?
@latter-daywatch 7 дней назад
@BlaineHeggie 7 дней назад
@@latter-daywatch Cool! I grew up in Raymond.
@haloblokbuster7991 7 дней назад
Joe Biden is controlled, definitely corruption going on.
@morganlindstrom9860 7 дней назад
I’m glad you pointed out the comfort part that definitely gives me some hope. I think you did a great job in your way you viewed it. Definitely gave a different perspective than others I’ve listened to with the left and right. Should be interesting to see what happens in the next few months. I know you were nervous about doing this one and you did a great job. Thank you! I genuinely enjoy your videos. I enjoy that you aren’t doing things for clickbait and are genuine with your videos and comments. Thank you.
@morganlindstrom9860 7 дней назад
The voice coming from the body could mean how originally the voice was of the people and the government was controlled from the body of the people?
@latter-daywatch 7 дней назад
Makes sense
@jillosborn6886 7 дней назад
That was exactly the thoughts I had recently.
@celindahearld1328 8 дней назад
To me its looking like this propecy is bring fulfilled. I have no reason to not believe this prophecy which ive listrned to Micheal Rush explain in great detail. I kniw without doubt we are in the very last days of these latter days.
@rutht2023 7 дней назад
Interesting. I agree we are in the last part of the last days. Please remember that Michael Rush is not a prophet and his interpretation of these things may be flawed.
@twizzles659 8 дней назад
I am with you natalie........fully
@mikelewis1095 8 дней назад
My thoughts. Is Joe Biden really running the country? If not but he is still considered the President, how does that play in to the prophecy?
@nataliewittmaack6721 8 дней назад
Thank you for your video. I wholeheartedly believe that these things, as well as the other things spoken of in scriptures are upon us. We have been told that we are now in "unprecedented times", which means that major changes are ahead. I think we may all be surprised at how things may unfold in the upcoming months.
@karenstamp2568 8 дней назад
No way not Oaks
@primafacie5029 8 дней назад
Was waiting on this
@celindahearld1328 8 дней назад
Me too !
@timothyryan2954 8 дней назад
Really enjoyed your thoughts on this prophecy. Thank you for taking the time to put out yourcontent. I really enjoy your channel.