Sara Ondrako
Sara Ondrako
Sara Ondrako
Welcome to my channel for all things dog behavior, health, and wellness. I'm spilling as much of my knowledge and experience as possible to help you more effectively communicate with your dog and live the best life possible with your canine companion.

I am a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant and PTSD Service Dog Trainer with a background in veterinary nursing. I take a "Whole Dog" approach to behavior meaning everything that affects the dog form the inside-out such as medical history, nutrition, gut microbiome, lifestyle, relationships with other people and animals, and the environment.

You can also catch me on my favorite social platform, Instagram @sara.ondrako, read about more than just canines on my Medium page @saraondrako, and check out my nonprofit work with the American Pit Bull Foundation and Operation Sidekick at apbf.dog

Happy Training!
2021 Dog Holiday Gift Guide
2 года назад
How To Fix Barrier Aggression In Dogs
3 года назад
Are Force-Free Trainers Dog Abusers?
3 года назад
How To Correctly Use A Hands-Free Leash
3 года назад
@neocat81 5 часов назад
this is so overwhelming!! we also have 2 small dogs. a chiweenie and a min pin. they are nearly feral. they also pay very close attention to each other so if treats come out they are both all over you and salivating aggressively. we don't get one on one. our min pin has only been chewing on one side and the other side is going bad. she will need about a thousand dollar dental cleaning with some extractions. so we can't skip brushing any more. they are learning to fight harder so we are going backwards. we need help!! is this possible with out treats?? thank you!!!!
@joeydube420 День назад
Is anyone else slightly aroused? I think I need my gland tended to Mummy.
@trishf2618 2 дня назад
Also natural castor oil makes a great lube
@suefalk2682 4 дня назад
My foster dog always growls when my husband and son come home. She’s 9 months old. I’ve tried them feeding her walking with her and just giving her treats when they walk passed her and it’s not helping. She’s been with us for two months now and it’s not getting better. We really wanted to keep her but not if she keeps doing this. Any other suggestions?
@wesleyhempoli5548 6 дней назад
Why are you so focused on digging into her family history? THIS is what you choose to focus your attention on?? Madam, who cares?
@wesleyhempoli5548 6 дней назад
Brushing away from the gum line works miracles (not possible with that type of brush). I was able to completely reverse my own gum disease by adopting the proper technique. Also I don't think it would hurt too much to push the toothpaste further into the bristles
@dongjinlanthier798 7 дней назад
Can you do a video of a general guidance of how to walk two dogs ? I want to get educated, thank you very much!
@dongjinlanthier798 7 дней назад
I love it ! Thank you !!!
@strongboy7289 8 дней назад
Great advice. Just as a suggestion can you mute the music after the intro as its somewhat off putting when trying to listen to this advice. Otherwise a very good video.
@hamseyasaad5363 10 дней назад
Going off that clip you first put of that guy who said force free trainers are dog abusers. I dont think he's refering to all force free trainers (at least would be foolish to suggest so). Theres a small minority of force free trainers on the far left that handicap a dogs development for their own ideology and refuse to allow the dog to have a full filled life cause they wont venture out to what the dog needs becuase they wont practise it for their own moral quandries (Such as using a slip lead). You can also say the same for the small minority of old school far right trainers that only train through compulsion methods and are not willing to adopt modern techniques. Are those radical believers on both sides dog abusers? Im gonna have to say Yes. Cause often times a chain reaction follows where a dog owner is let down by being led to believe their dog is unfixable and put down. When if you looked all the quadrants of operant conditioning you may have solved a long standing problem where the solution was staring at them in the face the whole time.
@SierraMike87 12 дней назад
R u loki?
@jstmythots 13 дней назад
Two gloves is all I have to say. 😅
@emeryjem 13 дней назад
Can this first aid kit be used for cats aswell?
@Amit-i6i9u 13 дней назад
"I was skeptical at first, but after using Planet Ayurveda’s allergy care products for a month, I’m completely convinced. No more itchy eyes and blocked sinuses! All natural and effective."
@rawrrico 14 дней назад
When do I switch from adult food to senior dog food for my Chihuahua
@newenglandcoast-b4p 15 дней назад
Wow! What brilliant, helpful video, thank you so much! I am awaiting the arrival of a new pup; I confess I never brushed my previous dog's teeth; I was very fortunate that she never had problems. I realize now how vital oral health is to a dog and want to begin this training/play activity from day 1. What a gorgeous pup you have! ❤
@traceywilliams8733 17 дней назад
Thank you for this video my 9-month-old poodle caught on to this game easily and I added a few more tasks and she was exhausted afterward.
@destineyperez2891 18 дней назад
What if my dog growls when I don't give him something he wants. If I'm eating, he will often growl
@elsh332 19 дней назад
My dog is always hyperactive AFTER a good walk. When we get home he gets super excited and then steals and chews things he shouldn't - like the other day he took my bag, got out my purse, emptying it and chewing my licence within 2 minutes of me being distracted 😂
@mr_knightwolf 22 дня назад
Thank you so much for the example I was finally able to do it myself as my English Cocker Spaniel tend to have anal gland issues. At first, I couldn't find the right one but then I tried on the left and it was very noticeable like a grape size so I'm guessing one would empty itself but the other would not and it would make him drag his bump all the time around and complain. The moment I emptied it and oh boy there was a lot, my dog was so happy and excited like when he comes out of a bath *laugh* I guess it was annoying him for a while. Thank you so much again! <3
@jrizzledrizzle4697 24 дня назад
I think I’ll just go to the vet. 😂❤
@billwilliams8728 24 дня назад
I love the fact that this video about caring for your senior dog, has a senior dog, in the video! It makes this guide so much more impactful!
@bjbowden9398 28 дней назад
With all due respect, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Add an hr every month 🤔 So, using your logic, my 13yr old went this morning, she should be dead by the time you need to go. Potty training her was a nightmare. Up every hour, crying like it was a murder scene. Now have a new 9week old. From day 1 no accidents or crying. Toilet around 9 before I go to bed and I let them out at 5 when I get up. They can come in and wake me up anytime. They just don’t.
@susiesciarrillo4881 28 дней назад
Do you make house calls lol ? Seriously I’ll take him to my vet. Great advice to take him to the vet 😁 I just thought I would give it a try.
@XxGhostR3c0nsxX 29 дней назад
I have a Lahasapoo.... Do you have to put your finger in ?? I'm gonna take her to the Vet tomorrow after work if I can't do it!! Thanks
@noamefron3549 Месяц назад
Very good video. Lots of info here 👍
@johnsquibb5008 Месяц назад
I can't believe these yak chews are recommended at all, they are rock hard and are potentially dangerous for cracking the dogs teeth especially puppies
@Lets_DoWhatWeWant Месяц назад
What about snapping at other dogs
@Max-tr6uw Месяц назад
When i pull backwards my dog sits down instead of stepping back. Should i still reward this or should i try leash pressure side to side?
@sanchezNO69 Месяц назад
Do the slip leads cause pain to the dog
@jesusoftheapes Месяц назад
Knowing the difference between a growl and a communication is something the cloud people like to ignore and are making a bunch of untrained dangerous dogs to deal with .
@Pet-Elder Месяц назад
This is so heartwarming! 🥰
@lindagallagher3711 Месяц назад
Aweee she's gorgeous thank you for rescuing her great video
@bree1128 Месяц назад
@zp944 thanks for you comment. I liked it so much I copied and pasted it to my noted
@normanalvarez5751 Месяц назад
How do you do it from the out side?
@susan9188 Месяц назад
You can't correct a dog if it's loose. Slip lead should be placed just behind the dog's ears, nowhere else or you can damage the windpipe. Her dog is amazing. Now try it with a five month old Cockapoo. My back is so painful now I can hardly walk because he pulls so much and because he's short I'm forever having to stoop down.
@charlerssmith8814 Месяц назад
I'm going to let my vet check my cocker to make sure that is in fact the issue, but I'm sure I can take care of that in the future. Thanks.
@morningrose4502 Месяц назад
She is so cute ❤
@YourHostNathanBurke Месяц назад
What do you do when you take puppy out just before bedtime and they don't pee? Do you wait for them to pee? If so, how long? If not, if they pee in their crate, are they unlikely to want to go back in there? Thanks for your help for these new puppy people.
@thenewworldofpeace7819 Месяц назад
I laughed when you said pastey I heard tasty. Yikes lol
@PR-td2iu Месяц назад
Hi. I have a question, buy first thank you very much for this video. It’s only one of two “reality-based” dog bathing at home videos I have found. I.e., getting the job done with the things you have at hand-in the bathtub. My question is about the lead you have hooked to something around your waist. Is it just a leash with a belt…? This seems like a good method but not sure what you’re using. Thank you!
@jeantarry6726 Месяц назад
This is the best, most thorough video on muzzle training!! Thank you!
@NicolleAtencio-s3z Месяц назад
Love your beautiful pup🥰
@VkBaloch Месяц назад
I lost a 15 years old doggy 2 days before. ;(
@Audiotechnical Месяц назад
This is a great video. I've been watching endless amounts of these videos for about 2 years now, to try and find the confidence to do this process on my (very anxious!) little Pug. Maybe this is the video that got me there! However, a friend of mine (who is a dog groomer) suggested you can do it from the outside (as you mentioned) but would you suggest this is actually harder to do than 'going in' !?
@Audiotechnical Месяц назад
Oh, and I forgot to say, over the last 2 years, I have been taking her to the vets to get them expressed about once every 3 months.
@Cherryhill335 Месяц назад
How is that not painful? It sure seems like it is.
@TheDogFamilyLovers Месяц назад
I got a 17 dog and 13 yo dog
@DonnieToys Месяц назад
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Hebrews 9:27) For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26) For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23) The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
@tiffanye9776 Месяц назад
What about food aggression towards our other dog. We rescued a Doberman and have a staffordshire pit terrier. We feed them separately but if we try giving our staffy a training treat, the new dog attacks. Help me 🙏 Yours is the 1st video that actually had useful advice
@DONNAKINNE-if6dc Месяц назад
I'm distracted by the dance music.