Transparency Boo
Transparency Boo
Transparency Boo
Two gals and a little ghost.
That Time Capcom Made an (Anti-)Landlord Game
8 месяцев назад
The Dark Side of Pikmin 😈
9 месяцев назад
The Last Metroid | An Earnest Analysis
2 года назад
Finding Your True Self in Cyberspace
3 года назад
A Heartfelt Defense of Final Fantasy X
3 года назад
Little Nightmares 2 ACTUALLY Explained
3 года назад
The Playground Politics of Wattam
3 года назад
@stagetaco8768 17 часов назад
Was revisiting this gem of a vid, just wanna say thanks for prompting me to think more critically about hype cycles, I disengaged a lot from being very emotionally invested in the regular cycles of content and I found that I have been able to appreciate the games I already have and look back more often at games that aren’t quite as new to appreciate and play them. An absolutely lovely video!
@tomaszniemiec 2 дня назад
Everyone is overthinking the gaming backlog. It's just a list of games I want to play someday. It does not need to get finished. It only expands. When you think about what to play next it is a list from which to pick something to play. ~sigh PS. Backlogs do not make you feel "miserable". It is FOMO that does that, the obsession with "being at that moment on social media".
@claunjoose4043 2 дня назад
When i clicked on this video the first time i feared it would be one of those "let's over analyse funny monkey game" types but i am so SO glad it wasn't. Everything was spot on, from Dixie's role to Dinky's rejection to thematic relevance of Wrinkly. I especially loved how it all fits into the game's more sentimental, cute and laid back atmosphere. Eeverything here either reinforced the ideas i thought i was crazy for having or brought up really new and interesting ones i latched on to immediately. It is no joke one of my favorite videos on the internet. Thank you.
@dreamerlotus 2 дня назад
I'm too mood based to have an organised method of going through my game collection. I think 'do I fancy playing this today?' That decides the game I play 😂. Time is finite and I intend to use my free time to do enjoyable things.
@dawsonescott8428 5 дней назад
The “killing as a precautionary measure” reminds me a bit of Ender’s Game. I would be surprised if there was any actual influence between the two or just parallel texts using sci fi to explore a similar moral concern, but I like seeing two approaches to it.
@AndrewsJunk64 6 дней назад
0/10 video, L isn't credited for being real.
@abylaybissekenov1588 6 дней назад
Thank you very much for this video. I am finally deleting my backlog and the list of games I did not finish. What I noticed from myself is that games in my backlog are not necessarily the games I want to play at a given time. For example, I have baldur's gate 3, but I don't want to play it and instead I "procrastinated" by playing entire Mass effect series, 100%-ing Shadow of War, and currently replaying Witcher 3 to eventually get 100%. I really should not force myself to play the exact game at the given time. Time of Baldur's gate 3 will come since I already played 20 hours and had fun, but it is clearly not now since I want to reminisce old experiences. Catch my like and would be glad to see your future video.
@Purple__Sunflower 7 дней назад
12:23 XD
@rommdan2716 8 дней назад
Damm, poor old Saber, everyone forgets about him and how his personality was mended with Fox changing the character forever
@rommdan2716 8 дней назад
59:38 *Screams on a pillow* I hate it here...
@Transparencyboo 8 дней назад
@@rommdan2716 what do you mean?
@rommdan2716 8 дней назад
@@Transparencyboo Well, I like drama but everything can be overdosed, you know?
@Raegoer 9 дней назад
Celeste is one of the greatest games I have ever played. However, bird puzzle crystal heart. 0/10
@Lichshield 9 дней назад
ofc you have a backlog, all those game you bought and never play on steam, that's a backlog. also if you're serious at gaming, yes a backlog is needed as order your game, score and if is worth to replay, not as a law that needs to be on the spot all the time, stressing you out. Best advice is put it on your backlog, when you have time try it out, if is not for you remove it from your backlog and move to another game.
@Transparencyboo 9 дней назад
@@Lichshield No, not of course. I mean it when I say I don't have a backlog, lol. All those Steam games are not my backlog. I am serious about gaming, but I absolutely do not need a backlog. In fact, having one would make my gaming experience worse. I think our video explains well why this is the case for us. It's all about perspective and mentality - ours just happen to not value the concept as a constant given.
@BlueMareen 10 дней назад
FF14 and my smol potato girl existed in my life before and after I started transitioning and was a big part of me realizing how much I also wanted to be smol and cute, however the cracking of the egg came from an entirely different game in the RPG space. It was Shin Megami Tensei V showing me the most androgynous person I've ever seen then asking me "Who are you?" Something about that made me feel the game wasn't just asking me to input my name but had reached through the screen and asked me directly who I was? This caused me to ask the questions of myself I had been ignoring for a long time and finally answered them. I adopted a new name and a new identity and started being the me I am today. Going back to FF14 and becoming this teeny tiny creature with all this incredible power really made a hell of a lot more sense afterwords. It was me all along but on a screen!
@joem8887 12 дней назад
I could get through my backlog if I wasn’t addicted to MH Rise Sunbreak
@TheTravelingArcanist 13 дней назад
I kinda got weird vibes from this vid. Like, there was a lot of time spent talking about things that relate to the real world, and your headcannons about Star Fox, rather than actually about things that are in Star Fox. I did like the deep dives into sources like obscure interviews, and some of the development points that would take a little digging to find for someone who doesn't know where to look. There's some stuff here I haven't heard before. I'm not gonna finish watching the vid. Maybe this type of vid where non-human worlds are looked at through human lenses, and personal speculation just aren't for me.
@oboropro 13 дней назад
Your one of the few that actually gets this game. Great video.
@xTheRainFallsx 14 дней назад
glad im not the only person still greatly invested in shrek 2 for the gamecube
@taleseylad1249 15 дней назад
My main issue with star fox command after watching the video is the fact that Fox kicked Krystal out bcuz it's too dangerous or sum shit even though they went against the aparoids. If Fox and Krystal were to have a conflict it would have to be some existential conflict. One in which they don't have a purpose and they cope with it in unhealthy ways, and as a result conflict starts
@Transparencyboo 15 дней назад
@@taleseylad1249 One of Fox's most formative moments is losing his father. It resonates throughout the entire series. After the Aparoid incident, when several of his team almost died, is precisely the time when he would do something like this. The thing is that Fox is overbearing and doesn't trust himself nor Krystal to come out of this alive in the end. People do weird things when it's about the people they love the most, even if it might ending up hurting them. They don't need an existential conflict to have a personal one, in fact, I think it might've taken away from it.
@Fetchdafish 16 дней назад
I've spent thousands of dollars buying games on sale because I thought it would be convenient to have a lot of options. What I ended up with is a struggle with choice paralysis. I could have spent far less money and faced fewer headaches just buying games full price that I intended to play right away. That said, I do enjoy having a large collection of games, especially the physical ones. It's fun knowing I have so many options and I've learned how to cope with the choice paralysis by limiting how many games I have installed on my systems at any given time. My backlog was a dumb decision but I love it anyway. I've beat 8 games this year alone, and I'm having a great time working through it.
@joeradford1055 18 дней назад
None of these are arguments against backlogs themselves and are better suited to being framed as arguments against taking your backlog too seriously (something a lot of backlog handling videos already argue). Also your suggestion of a short list of games you want to play soon is literally just a backlog
@Transparencyboo 18 дней назад
@@joeradford1055 I disagree, and also not necessarily. You can make a list without it being a backlog. It's easy. It's all in the mind.
@Spartan00113 20 дней назад
I've always thought of DK3 as the game with the most refined formula, but it definitely feels like they went for the safe route, the difficulty isn't as unforgiving as previous installments, and overall everything feels like a breeze. There's nothing wrong with that, I just guess it's not enough to stand out.
@donaldmackerel 20 дней назад
I just picked this game up for next to nothing. I'm having loads of fun with it and it seems like an ideal game for little kids.
@AlphaZeroX96 20 дней назад
Of course this is just a meme.
@Transparencyboo 20 дней назад
@@AlphaZeroX96 No it's not.
@AlphaZeroX96 19 дней назад
@@Transparencyboo My bad then.
@LJSkipper 21 день назад
Finally got back to watch this vid after playing the game, wattam ultimately makes me hopeful for the future amid all of the chaos going on.
@kylastrials 22 дня назад
the memorial in the forsaken city will always make me cry. i will always honour those who perished on the climb ❤️
@aershipinteractive7025 22 дня назад
This video has changed my entire perspective about games. I'm 41 years old and I wish I had taken this mindset in my teens. Thank you so much for sharing what I consider a perfect video! Instead of looking at my backlog as a "list of games I have failed to complete", I plan to start looking at it as a list of "opportunities" to share my experiences with others. Here comes my redemption arc!
@Transparencyboo 22 дня назад
@@aershipinteractive7025 Wow, that's huge praise. Thank you! Glad we could help! 🧡
@Aurora1906 22 дня назад
I think we were all in love with The Prince of Darkness 😅
@MatthiasVallejo 22 дня назад
When we bought the game on sale, around 2022, me and Dad would play Celeste until nighttime. It was really fun. I didn't really care about the narrative at that time, but it was fun. As time went by, I grew bored of it, saying it was too hard. Dad understood, and we stopped playing. I only recently picked the game up again, due to recent events that brought out a lot of emotions for me. I remembered only a small part of the story. After a quick replay, I grew to love the narrative. I felt really represented by Maddy, and I even picked up her name as I recently came out of the closet as a trans girl. Everything Madeline felt, I felt too in that life-changing event. It was as if I was climbing Celeste Mountain with her. I loved every second of it. And here I am now, 100% the game as we speak. It was a fun ride. Thank you.
@Tumaien4 22 дня назад
I never liked cranky Kong honestly lol
@TheDr502 24 дня назад
People only have 24 hours in 1 day. Ideally, 7-8 of those hours will be dedicated to sleeping, and maybe another 2 hours will be dedicated to eating, walking, etc. If someone is working or going to school full-time, then that's another 7-9+ hours that need to be dedicated to their job or schooling. In other words, it's physically impossible to play every single game that someone has in his/her backlog. A person can't constantly play video games. Eventually, they'll have to get up from the games and do something else, and that's perfectly fine. Turning a hobby into an unpaid full-time job is a great way to kill one's love for his/her hobby. I understand that a lot of people are afraid of missing out on some true gems, and yeah, that's fully possible. Unfortunately, our lack of time for video games does lead to some video games falling through the cracks. The sheer number of video games that are released every year just means that some will end up overlooked in favor of video games that may have a larger marketing budget. But, people can find those games if they make an active effort to look at indie games in their spare time. That's what Twitch, Steam, and RU-vid are for, as there's a lot of video content on obscure video games that's being released on these platforms everyday. Ultimately, those games aren't going anywhere. They'll always be there for someone to play whenever they're ready to play them (ex: weekends, paid time off, vacations). It's not a race.
@anthonyherrick452 24 дня назад
Really cool video. Your ideas are genius. I appreciate it 🎉 🎉 🎉
@VvVN91 24 дня назад
to your point on the kremlins being represented as Us military and having an anti colonialist message go look up military outfits of other country’s and clearly countries military’s like Peruvian, Australia, Canada Taiwan, United Kingdom and Germany just to name a few have the same camouflage patterns. To say it’s about anti colonialism is a stretch. Hell just look at the temple levels and all he kremlin statues. Wouldn’t that suggest that the kremlins actually inhabited the islands first and that Maby the kongs came in and took over at some point and the kremlins are just trying to take it back, wouldn’t that make the kremlins the natives? 🤷‍♂️
@VvVN91 25 дней назад
Let me break it down for you about why donkey Kong country 3 sucks The music sucks, the levels suck, the gameplay sucks, the pacing sucks, and overall the game just sucks. And on the music front Evelin Fisher the composer for donkey Kong country 3 prob composed some of the most annoying music I’ve heard in a game. Which is sad concidering in 1 and 2, she co composed with David wise on some tracks that were good… I guess when the man left, she was left to her own devices and, well let’s be honest fkd it up… 🤷‍♂️ go figure
@Transparencyboo 25 дней назад
@@VvVN91 You're entitled to your silly under developed opinion, but I can't say I agree that any of the things you say "suck" actually do "suck". Also, more importantly, your childish baby comment about "the man left" just says more about you than the game. It's kind of cool that this video was made for you in that way. Neat.
@VvVN91 24 дня назад
@@Transparencyboo I was kinda just poking fun at it and more or less saying the man left not the “man” left and that he’s better than the woman. I mean it’s a feminist perspective so I came in with the manifest perspective 🤷‍♂️ hahah. All joking aside tho I still say dk3 sucks and hands down the worst out of the 3. On the music front there’s one or 2 tracks that I kinda like to a degree but I’m sorry not sorry that the game in its totality sucks. To be fair I loved Dixie Kong in dk2 as she’s the best character and when she wins a level, that rocking guitar track plays which is kinda absent in 3… I think dk3 was able to try something new, but just flat out flopped. Il try and finish your video to see all your points but as someone who grew up with the games… yea that’s where I’m at 🤷‍♂️
@Transparencyboo 24 дня назад
@@VvVN91 I know exactly what you meant.
@VvVN91 24 дня назад
@@Transparencyboo And to your point on the kremlins being represented as Us military and having an anti colonialist message go look up military outfits of other country’s and clearly countries military’s like Peruvian, Australia, Canada Taiwan, United Kingdom and Germany just to name a few have the same camouflage patterns. To say it’s about anti colonialism is a stretch. Hell just look at the temple levels and all he kremlin statues. Wouldn’t that suggest that the kremlins actually inhabited the islands first and that Maby the kongs came in and took over at some point and the kremlins are just trying to take it back, wouldn’t that make the kremlins the natives? 🤷‍♂️
@VvVN91 24 дня назад
@@Transparencyboo And to your point on the kremlins being represented as Us military and having an anti colonialist message go look up military outfits of other country’s and clearly countries military’s like Peruvian, Australia, Canada Taiwan, United Kingdom and Germany just to name a few have the same camouflage patterns. To say it’s about anti colonialism is a stretch. Hell just look at the temple levels and all he kremlin statues. Wouldn’t that suggest that the kremlins actually inhabited the islands first and that Maby the kongs came in and took over at some point and the kremlins are just trying to take it back, wouldn’t that make the kremlins the natives? 🤷‍♂️
@emmelineart 25 дней назад
Really interesting video! I’ve always approached my own personal “backlog” more like my goodreads “want to read list” just a place to jot down cool games i might wanna check out and to list the games i have played. otherwise im sure id forget about all the games that have piqued my interest lol. so seeing people use it as a way to put pressure on themselves to…. play games? is weird to me. playing games should be something you want to do! if you don’t want to do something and it fills you with anxiety, just don’t do it!
@TheNerdWithASuit 25 дней назад
People will start seeing less Mary Sues if they stop demanding a sixteen minute explanation for whenever a female hero does something somewhat competently.
@kristoferstoll587 25 дней назад
Ugh... Just UGH.
@Transparencyboo 25 дней назад
@@kristoferstoll587 What's wrong? Out with it, dude, lol.
@nagyakos8467 26 дней назад
Anyone who says this story is confusing and hard to understand is a baby who needs everything spoon fed to them. People constantly go on about the importance of "show, don't tell", but as soon a story that does exactly that comes along, they immediately don't get the bigger picture. This is a kids' game, and the fact that so many adults couldn't digest it is just tragic. This is the single most underrated game I've ever seen in my life and I hope that overtime people will finally open their eyes and see this game for the hidden gem that it truly is. But considering everything said in this video, it's not so much of a hidden gem but rather a blatant masterpiece.
@Transparencyboo 26 дней назад
We think that this kind of proud ignorance partly comes from the fact that they simply don't care. They've come to the conclusion that the game is a piece of shit, probably before they even played it, so they're not really invested in it. At that point they're not paying attention. But when they don't understand it couldn't possibly be their fault for not engaging with it, no it's of course the game's fault for being the worst thing ever made. It's silly really, but lack of attention and not engaging usually leads to this stuff.
@Freezer94 26 дней назад
Have to come back here whenever people complain about new game's review score.
@jeanschyso 28 дней назад
The only backlog i have exists because I get excited for a new game, find out there's 5 to 15 games before it that need to be played to understand this one completely. Can't wait to be caught up with Kiseki. It's a damn good thing that all these games are so fun
@tomgeserich2080 29 дней назад
Incredible video and analysis!
@XellosNi Месяц назад
Eh, I guess I could just drop Persona 5 entirely.
@newworldastrology1102 Месяц назад
Never noticed Sarah taking the “right way” in each option. A movie that certainly delivers more with each rewatch. A very enjoyable deep dive!
@BeastModeXBobbyBandz Месяц назад
I really hate starfox had a bad good I never knew starfox 64 was called lylat wars
@miked2662 Месяц назад
My primary issue with backlog is decision paralysis.
@archeogeek315 Месяц назад
You know, I was going to make a really long comment about how you started so well and then fell down completly when talking about the other media source basically I dislike all of part III even if I agree with parts of it. But in the end last chapter convinced me to drop it and to only says a few things I think are important enough. First of the backstory in the Manga was made and release parallel to Fusion so it's not a result of Fusion or even a betrayal of Fusion. Next I'm sure somebody told you but the Other M western traduction is shit, and it seems butcher the original meaning of this game. But yeah I agree with the ending the best way to decifer intent is to play games in order of release but most of what you praise Fusion for kind of stems from your interpretation (you make Samus sound like a Vietnam vet), and you do get pissy that your personal cannon about those events are squashed by the other games in the series. (Also I do find that the Metroid being a repeat threat to strengthen the decesion to exterminate them all insted of just their existance)
@Transparencyboo Месяц назад
@@archeogeek315 I wouldn't say we're pissy, and I suppose I disagree with the term "head-canon" here. It's simply our interpretation, a reading of the games, and its a pretty straight forward one. Our issue is pretty simple too. Metroid is messy, and it benefits more from being mysterious and minimal. That's just our opinion though. At this moment in time, all I wish for is for people to stop referencing the Lexicon Lookout video at us as if we haven't seen it, and as if it goes against anything we say. We were gonna make another video about Metroid Dread that had an entire section about his video, and to be quite honest with you, I am surprised how much people have butchered his points and taken his personal opinions about the translation as gospel. It's so weird to me, because he even says that his work isn't definitive, it's just his interpretation and that he took just as many liberties as the original translators. And that should go without saying, but somehow people didn't get that. It's weird to me that people would take this one guy's translation as the end all be all, despite not being able to verify anything by themselves. It's quite silly to me. Because Lexicon sure did take several liberties that a lot of people seem to have missed. We had a good time looking through that video and examining the original text and what he decided to change and add. Anyway, we scrapped the Metroid Dread video because I frankly don't want to talk about it, lol. Discussing these games have been exhausting.
@archeogeek315 Месяц назад
@@Transparencyboo Jokes on you I never saw Lexicon video, I based my statment on a guy who did a video probably based on is video that's why I said " it seems butcher the original meaning of this game" because honestly I don't know or care much. I agree with you on the fact that Other M is just a bad Fusion meaning it often as the same problem as Fusion, hamstringing gameplay for narative game. Should Metroid be more misterious and minimal in it's story ? Maybe. That's what most MetroidVania do but I'm affraid for many of them the mistery is just a way to cover for a lack of idea. I do agree that they took the easy road with the manga.
@hrvstmn31 Месяц назад
FF X 3/10 too much water, the video is pretty good tho.
@Transparencyboo Месяц назад
@@hrvstmn31 Thanks, IGN.
@missmccloud Месяц назад
I'm a female Star Fox fan and I do not think having a mostly male cast is misognyistic in itself as the primary target demographic for Star Fox has always been presumably young boys and men. To me, that would be like calling My Little Pony 'misandric' for having a mostly female cast and being primarily targeted towards girls. I acknowledge that I am not the main target demographic for Star Fox and don't expect it to cater to my every feminine desire, and that's okay! That being said, I agree that the series has a *TON* of room for improvement when it comes to the handling its female characters. First of all, it's pretty uncommon for pieces of SF games/media to pass the Bechdel Test or even have more than one female character present (And in some cases, none are present at all!) Second of all, I find it a bit eyebrow-raising how almost all prominent female SF characters are primarily defined by being love interests or relatives of already existing male characters. While there's definitely more to Krystal's character than her relationship status with Fox alone, every game after Adventures seems to focus mostly on that part of her character. You could also say that there's more to Katt than her being romantically involved with Falco, especially with her portrayal in the Farewell Beloved Falco manga. Not that there's anything wrong with characters having relationships, when 'Love interest/relative to so and so' becomes a character's primary defining trait, it's just a little 'eh' to me... I loved Miyu and Fay's inclusion in SF2 because their characters weren't summed up as "Oh, they're so and so's girlfriend or so and so's daughter!", but rather their own people (Animals?) who could stand as their own characters. Even if their characters weren't extremely defined due to the limitations of the SNES and them not appearing in any other official media, I'd say you can still get a great general sense of what the two characters are all about just through their designs and portrait animations, with Miyu being confident and flirty while Fay is sweet and bubbly. Why these two characters haven't appeared in any other official SF media is certainly beyond me... In conclusion, I'm not asking for Nintendo to reboot the series where the SF team is entirely female as that would likely alienate the already existing fandom in addition to being a tad silly in my opinion, but I don't think it would be that hard for Nintendo to at least include more than one female character present at a time in future SF games. (If they even make any lol)
@Transparencyboo Месяц назад
@@missmccloud I don't think it's necessarily grounded in misogyny either. When we wrote the script we intentionally didn't use that word because I don't think it's necessary, and it also just happens to be one that makes some people go off on tangents, lol. I think some decisions are just kind of weird about women though, and that's just a much funnier way to express what's happening there. I am glad we agree about the fundamentals of the video.
@missmccloud Месяц назад
@@Transparencyboo For sure!
@NitnerockBobarr Месяц назад
That's a whopping 69%. Nice !
@Transparencyboo Месяц назад
@@NitnerockBobarr haha, thanks for the quote.
@sevenheavenhavengaming Месяц назад
I added this video to my backlog video playlist about game backlogs so that I can watch it later after I go through my game backlogs. I also have movies, anime, comics and show backlogs. lol I'm just kidding. I do have a big backlog though honestly and it's tricky. I basically just do it one at a time starting with the easiest games and then the hardest games to finish. I try not to think about the backlog too much and just flow with it.
@iamLI3 Месяц назад
oh my goodness the power suit samus butt is adorable XD