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Kevin's Story
5 лет назад
Susan's Story
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@chupamelamingadominga 7 дней назад
So in your opinion, if you suffer anxiety or depresion is it all right to keep taking the drug for ever? this info is so wrong and you're confusing people so much.
@AP00CALYPSS 22 дня назад
@Mike_Iz_ Месяц назад
Why is the deprescribing of antidepressants not covered here? It is now know that they need to be tapered very slowly in a proportional/hyperbolic manner just like benzodiazepines and z-drugs. Patients are still being harmed by inadequate clinical guidelines around deprescribing antidepressants. See the Maudsley Deprescribing Guidlines written by Dr. Mark Horowtiz and Dr. Davis Taylor for reference.
@davidcaruso2517 Месяц назад
Informative video. ANNOYING ANIMATIONS
@lucianopiresvilanova6635 3 месяца назад
Considering treatment of H. pylori should not be an option for GERD with refractory symptoms, which its the last patient
@jeremyguyonnet2636 6 месяцев назад
Merci pour le partage
@RNK-LondonTalks 11 месяцев назад
Well structured video
@tinalapoint9294 Год назад
@volt8684 Год назад
Always vlogged by non hernia and Ppi isers
@chrisdubey Год назад
Please look up the guide to psychiatric drug withdrawal on Inner Compass Initiative. Very slow tapering is recommended and has been successful for many people. Liquid is easier to taper slowly than solid pills.
@hfxfirefighter Год назад
I've been taking PPIs for 20 years. At no point did my doctor tell me it was a temporary medication. I've developed a B12 deficiency, irregular heart beat and my kidney function has declined. All this can be attributed to my PPI medications but, still my doctor failed to consider these things. Once you turn 50 years of age, they seem to write us off! I'm glad to see these posts and unfortunately in Canada (the land of free health care) it's up to me to be the doctor and delve into my health concerns. Despite the fact I exercise 5 days a week, eat well , not over weight and take my vitamins; my health has been affected by the lack of care by my doctor.
@fizzlepopple Год назад
This is brilliant! But also not so great. It absolutely, completely and comprehensively fails to recognise the elephant in the room in the cessation of donepezil conversation. The dementia is progressing. It is unstoppable now. Everyone is helping Prada to be her best self every day but she is losing interest in this as her dementia worsens. She is going to start to fade away, regardless of treatment and we need to understand and recognise this. Her husband has seen this and knows this. Don’t add in unnecessary and medically irrelevant steps to make someone feel better. For me - nice try - much to commend - but completely misses the point - giving the husband unrealistic hope that somehow his beloved wife will get better off medication! This is simply not going to happen. And also - once stopped - it’s incredibly unlikely that the donepezil will be restarted - given the history presented.
@MK-pl4fr Год назад
I tore many muscle,ligaments and tendons due to muscle weakness induced by benzodiazepines without falling down.
@PHARMACISTS07 Год назад
Very Informative Video. I have one question from the algorithm, If the patient was on long-term PPI for prevention of GI ulcer due to NSAIDs, after Surgery patient is no longer on NSAIDs, what could be the best approach for stopping PPI.
@drafted1965 Год назад
The deprescribing guidelines here are disasters waiting to happen and should be pulled immediately. There is zero need to use hypothetical patients when tens of thousands of real patients are available - in so many cases, however, without the rosy outcomes you're pushing here. This presentation is uninformed and dangerous
@colleenhogan-mazzola9362 Год назад
Thank you for sharing!
@javierrivasruiz1154 Год назад
we need more testimonies like this, more often; to see the importance of not prescribed this trugs not gotr any sense
@hanandenmilne5310 Год назад
@Evanplays15 Год назад
Thank you
@cadenrolland5250 2 года назад
I got off of PPI's and posted this video to let everyone know what truly works and that they all can do this. This is your time to get off of PPI's! Let's do this! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Px5hfS7pBlo.html
@kallelmondher1642 2 года назад
👍 👍 👍
@TheTsabar 2 года назад
What an inspiring project! Deprescribing is a very urgent need for so many patients, and a very uneasy task in the current medical system. I hope this project will grow quickly and wish it will inspire many other institutions in the globe. Nir Tsabar, M.D./D. Sc.
@ivanbliminse4325 2 года назад
Could you change Metformin 1g BD to 1g OD instead of 500mg Bd to reduce pill burden ?
@mariocesarbenitez5552 2 года назад
Excellent video, thanks you very much
@markcorbett6898 2 года назад
I think it is insane to drop people cold turkey off of any anti-psychotic. This video is insane. They say you should only drop someone at about 10% per month of Anti-psychotics. Unless you have taken Anti-psychotics like me you will see what I am talking about. But maybe tapering 50% every week may work for some people who have been taking the med for only about a week. But if you have been on it for a few years you will go into a drug withdrawl from hell. I have detoxed off alcohol and benzodiazapines and can tell you anti-psychotics are by far much much harder to come off of. And takes so much longer.
@paulfrank1777 2 года назад
Great video. For a deeper understanding Of how PPIs cause pathology I suggest the following videoru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-yidFNZmyruM.html
@deannaw8309 2 года назад
Thank you for the informative video. I just wanted to make a suggestion. The first patient ‘Derek’, his medication list includes B12. According to your pamphlets using a PPI can cause a B12 deficiency. The patient might be willing to go a little further in working to stop the PPI if you point out that after stopping the PPI, they might also be able to stop taking B12 as well. Following the patient’s indication that they wish to take less medications and possibly hitting two birds with one stone could have a greater impact.
@felipepacheco5334 3 года назад
Great class!!
@felipepacheco5334 3 года назад
Very important guide!
@Velsou 3 года назад
Great discussion
@leretyege1492 3 года назад
What precisely the health practitioner has detected within me are chronic acid reflux disease and inflammation in my esophagus. Luckily, I was helped with this acid reflux disease cure “Aυstin Samupko” (do Go ogle to find it). Soon after fourteen days of adhering to this treatment, the acid reflux disorder and the acid I usually felt in my mouth are long gone.
@chrishere1760 3 года назад
I have been suffering from uncomfortable signs of acid reflux disorder that doctors found challenging to discover. I was quite positive regarding making use of this acid reflux disorder treatment solution “Aυstin Samupko” (do Go ogle to find it) and I also cannot believe just how much it has assisted me. I didn`t go through any acid reflux signs or symptoms ever again. It is feels like I don`t possess a medical record of heartburn..
@Myrgold1977 3 года назад
Merci pour ces informations claires. Plusieurs médecins m'avaient déjà fait des remarques, ne comprenant pas pourquoi le gastroentérologue continuait à me prescrire ce médicament alors qu'un petit œsophage de Barrett avait disparu (après l'aggravation lente d'une œsophagite et une gastrite légères, chroniques, visibles uniquement à la biopsie). Avec la disparition de l'œsophage de Barrett, le gastroentérologue m'a conseillé de diminuer la dose d'IPP et de faire un contrôle dans 10 ans. Ma rhumatologue (je souffre d'une maladie autoimmune) a demandé un deuxième avis. Le deuxième gastroentérologue "pour me rassurer" avait accepté de faire un contrôle à 5 ans et conseillée de stopper les IPP en prenant un produit occasionnel. Mon médecin traitant était ok pour diminuer les doses mais pas arrêter. Après seulement 2 ans, en continuant à 20 mg au lieu de 40, une spécialiste a voulu vérifier (le Barrett) et heureusement ! J'ai au moins 4 ulcères à l'œsophage, plusieurs dans l'estomac, c'est très enflammé et pendant l'examen ça a saigné (heureusement pas une hémorragie, mais c'était devenu impossible de continuer). À confirmer dans 2 mois, après cicatrisation, si le Barrett n'est pas passé de 1 cm qui avait disparu à 4 cm aujourd'hui... Je ne veux effrayer personne, cette vidéo est excellente car effectivement les IPP ont des effets secondaires, mais comme vous l'expliquez très bien, même un professionnel de la santé doit surveiller les déprescriptions (et se montrer encore plus prudent quand il ne connait même pas les antécédents - c'est déjà arrivé plusieurs fois qu'une infirmière ou un autre spécialiste me conseille d'arrêter...). Mieux vaut les prendre que de risquer de graves complications (en plus dans mon cas c'est la maladie autoimmune qui est en cause, j'ai déjà suivi les conseils préventifs). Mais c'est vrai que si les risques sont plus élevés que les bénéfices, il vaut mieux les arrêter. Bravo pour votre vidéo et bonne continuation 🙂
@plantenaturelle1904 3 года назад
Je suis tellement content après avoir suivre consciamment cette vidéo. Mais pour ceux qui veulent avoir plus d'explication où bien d'autres apport de solutions à ses problèmes de tout ordres à base des plantes vertes, n'existe pas je suis joignable par téléphone ou par WhatsApp +22960011105. Sérieux
@neoadviser8056 3 года назад
Excellent Video clip! Forgive me for butting in, I would love your opinion. Have you researched - Iiyayloon Straightforward Interest (Sure I saw it on Google)? It is a smashing exclusive product for destroying your heartburn issues minus the normal expense. Ive heard some great things about it and my m8 after many years got astronomical results with it.
@Anon.5216 4 года назад
You never discussed HIATAL HERNIAS!
@abhishekgaurav5921 3 года назад
How can I combat it?
@gerofiore9695 2 года назад
@gerofiore9695 2 года назад
@@abhishekgaurav5921 Hiatal Hernia has 4 types, many can reduce the hernia problems via weightloss, massaging the hernia down, upright posture etc etc
@moises44fernandez 4 года назад
How long does rebound typically last?
@nitishranjan2451 3 года назад
2 weeks
@vananhnguyen6646 2 года назад
I use ppi for 3 months , nơw it had been 16 day after i stop it and rebound still bad, my stomach still burn , i don’t know when it last
@tucsoncookfera797 4 года назад
Thεrε’s αbsοlutεly nοthing tεrriblε thαt I hαvε suffεrεd cοmpαrεd tο this sεvεrε αcid rεflux. But this αcid rεflux trεαtmεnt mεthοd "Tαzυnkο Sοbο" (Gοοglε it) hαs trεαtεd mε frοm chεst αchεs αnd αlsο sεvεrε αcid rεflυx disοrdεr in prεcisεly Twεnty dαys. It’s αll vαnishεd, thε chεst pαin, thε εxpεriεncε οf burning υp, αnd cοnsistεnt bυrping. .
@epickittycathitt9119 4 года назад
I mαnαgεd tο dεαl with my digεstiοn prοblεms in α nαtυrαl wαy thαnks tο this hεαrtburn trεαtmεnt mεthοd "Tαzυnkο Sοbο" (Gοοglε it). If yου`rε αt this timε εxpεriεncing digεstivε cοnditiοns αnd chrοnic αcid rεflux, yοu mυst υsε this mεdicαtiοn αs wεll..
@alikhalid305 4 года назад
Thanks for these info
@mractamt123 4 года назад
Those tapers are way too quick!!
@mickeymouse5267 5 лет назад
Susan, I would like to speak to you regarding your story regarding your mother. Please contact me at personalizedmed.com
@poodlesthree5482 6 лет назад
I am glad to see that there are guidelines for the deprescribing guidelines for these drugs, and since there has been a decline in the use of these in the elderly population, it seems that physicians are resorting to the use of "more acceptable" drugs such as antidepressants to try to modify behaviour in those with dementia. There needs to be guidelines for deprescribing for these and a guideline for the use of non-pharmaceutical interventions as an alternative to harmful drugs.
@poodlesthree5482 6 лет назад
I also find the suggestion that antipsychotics in particular atypical ones for behavioural symptoms associated with dementia is normal use when most Health Authorities state plainly that the use of these drugs are considered chemical restraints and should not be used to "affect or control behaviour" so it seems that there is a conflict in the use of these drugs of which some have Black Box Warnings for the use in elderly population with dementia.
@poodlesthree5482 6 лет назад
My comment on the prescribing physician's decision to use another drugs that has a questionable use for insomnia boggles my mind when there are fairly harmless OTC remedies available such as Melatonin observing the interaction/contraindications of same (www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-940/melatonin).
@sc353 6 лет назад
Would you please post the link to the Plos One document? Thank you.
@deprescribing 6 лет назад
Hi Randy! Here's the link: journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0161248
@paolarivadeneyra9317 Год назад
Como lo puedo traducir al español
@sc353 6 лет назад
Excellent video. I do telepsychiatry for nursing homes. My record so far is a patient wit 46 medications. I have observed that when patients enter hospice and their drugs are reduced their medical and psychiatric condition will improve. I have started to spread the word to the nurses and PCPs I work with about 'deprescribing' in the care of the elders. Thanks for your work.
@deprescribing 6 лет назад
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