Brain and Beyond
Brain and Beyond
Brain and Beyond
So the time of Brain and Beyond is now over.
A combination of strange and 'coincidental' events and an enduring unease of the profession I represent, has resulted in me choosing to remove myself from the deceptive and sinister practices of Psychiatry and Psychology.
For now, there are things that restrict me from saying more, and it is highly unlikely I will ever be able to share the truth here on this platform. The censorship, deception and manipulation is so pervasive and so great that anyone who dares even whisper a fragment of the truth will be banished.
So I am working on a few ideas... For those who have the eyes to see and the heart to listen, you will decipher the messages. For those that cannot (or will not), then enjoy the travel videos you see here soon.
Never forget; we are more than a broken brain....🧠
@michellelittlewood8828 День назад
He’s in shock
@michelledavids6416 День назад
Hello,, this video is so real ... I am caring for my mum for 4 1/2 years and 3 weeks ago we've entered the end of life stage. Mum has stopped eating solids, just drinking liquids. This video is so real to me. Thank you for reminding me to treasure these last moments. Lots of love. Be blessed.
@topo7130 2 дня назад
Lady, you still don't understand how a single thing about mlm. You must try harder.
@bismark-attuah 2 дня назад
When a person says, "I'm not diagnosing anybody, only speculating" and goes ahead to say a person is narcissistic, it simply means he is speculating that the person is narcissistic.
@user-nh2bl7bf1e 3 дня назад
This woman is dumb as a bag of rocks! She doesn't understand anything that isn't "happening to her" ... Chris annihilated his entire family, and all she can talk about is how it's affected her! Of course, she also defends Chris, but he's an extension of her, so essentially, she's still defending herself! And the way she speaks of how "perfect" he was as a child and an adolescent, is her saying "He was the perfect child, which proves I was an excellent mother so Chris doing this must be Shanann's fault."
@MattQrillz 3 дня назад
someone be jelly that they aren't as popular 😏
@GoldyRyun 3 дня назад
Nate had seen Cris and shanann outside arguing and screaming at each other at different times in the past, so I can understand that Nate didn’t associate with them all that much,, maybe he didn’t exgrate all that much , he may not have wanted to go to court to testifying to what he heard or seen,,I don’t blame Nate ,
@ohkay7418 3 дня назад
I have no intention of living like this. I will not live not knowing that has happened to me
@Robert-iv5pi 4 дня назад
The sister laughing in the jail visit, as though everything is just fine is absolutely disgusting 🤢 wtf is wrong with these people.
@EvolvedJewel 4 дня назад
As someone who went through an APA clinical psych program, THANK YOU!!! He does not disclose his qualifications!!
@adelelashmawy2156 5 дней назад
Sorry, but please throw that mic 🎤 in the garbage it's really not that great. That's the truth !!!!!!
@julesmarable3965 5 дней назад
14:31 truth is YOUR son killed his entire family. YOUR granddaughters and grandson!!! 🤬
@sarahedmunds 6 дней назад
I’ve been watching Dr Grande for years and knew from the beginning that he has a PHD in counselling. He’s huge because he is hilariously funny with a deadpan approach. He has said clearly a few times about his qualifications. Most people with high school education know that a DR can be academic or medical.
@cynthiasolomon885 6 дней назад
Thank you for breaking it down.
@juditenemp4679 6 дней назад
These people that you say are qualified are paid to confuse people but they also have to be analyzed. There is always corruption of the studies or profession they have
@juditenemp4679 6 дней назад
This woman tries to deny the neighbor, it seems very bad to me because she is not a neighbor, I don't like manipulative people
@juditenemp4679 6 дней назад
I would like to see the whole thing, that recording of the entire night of the murders, although I already saw a part, where a woman left the garage and drove away in a red car parked in front, but you could see the color of the car.
@juditenemp4679 6 дней назад
Listened to videos of this family, they are disturbed, they urgently need a psychologist, all of them. And I am more than sure that the murderer told lies to his friends and family, this was how he liked to victimize himself so that they would see him as the best and most enduring person.
@juditenemp4679 6 дней назад
My ex was a narcissist, at first he spoke badly about me with his mother, since we got married but I didn't know it, his mother showed me that she didn't pressure me as a daughter-in-law, she showed me that it hurt me, until the two of them had a fight, They stopped seeing each other for a few years, but she called me and we talked and she told me about everything my husband has said about me, horrors! It's extremely sad that the man I love is victimizing himself by saying things that never happened, then he He went through therapy to reconcile with his mother and he blamed me, he told me that I was to blame for why they fell out, then he started with his friends, he spoke horrible things about me, his friends' wives told me, that destroyed me and He got too depressed because I love him. He had several lovers and he treated me badly, he told me it was work, until the last lover was more manipulative like him, they fell in love and left me. I don't know about his life. Poor Shanan, that man of the worst
6 дней назад
As a victim living here. 22 mi from David koresh BBQ pit I have a little bit of radar on toxic antebellum masculinity. Really damaging. I'm hoping since it's standing in the light weekend diagnose this and come to a healing situation in America before it's too late.
6 дней назад
I hope that America will invite Mr clean to come in and help us be safe. We need to get back to providing humanity with truth and dignity and safety.
6 дней назад
There seems to be a right wing masculine side that I see as quite possibly fake news I've noticed this on a lot of male podcast RU-vid videos. As a victim for 70 years in the state of Texas where women are not even human I'm a little bit sensitive to the toxic antebellum mentality. I am ready for this that stands in the spotlight diagnosed and healed. For my part if you are a registered Republican you are a danger to women children. I believe that we should be kind and represent fully with credential academic certification. I'm kind of tired of say for instance a chief of police having the powers to sell ordained himself a forensic corner. Best coloring book fake news. Is truth dying? How can we be safe and mentally stable when fake news is a profiteer pirating project. Approved by this government. I think we need to clean the house and make some legal binding regulations especially in lieu of what we were stripped of and I see that is the problem opening the door the deregulation of all protection
@bonitocraftsarg 7 дней назад
Yes she is.
@starsmith1744 8 дней назад
You have brought much peace and understanding with your video. I volunteer at a alzheimer center and truly touch and soft spoken words can comfort them.
@nyelvC 9 дней назад
That’s a nice review, thanks, helpful 🙏
@deannamason6124 9 дней назад
NK was involved I don't agree with much of what your saying and have been researching this case for a year now I believe she either knew about what CW was going to do to his family and did give an ultimatum her or his family and he chose her NK was either involved or definitely knew what he was going to do... I respect 🙏 your opinion but totally disagree with it.... Dee from Melbourne Australia
@susanb6289 9 дней назад
You know she doesnt care than shannan is gone. She coukdnt stand her
@susanb6289 9 дней назад
Message to all bully wives. Theres a limit to how hard you can walk all over a man. Knock it off and be an adult
@user-em7kt8tq9f 5 дней назад
@greasylimpet3323 2 дня назад
It's the truth.
@susanb6289 9 дней назад
Honestly i feel watts parents are normal who were alienated thanx to shannan and their spineless son. All chris had to do was walk away and he coukd have had a life. But he was such a pressure cooker that he exploded and now hes in prison 4 people are dead and both families shattered Thats why it is a sin to be a weak person and let anyone push you around. Dont “ train” husbands. Dont abuse your husbands paycheck. Get a real job and divide childcare 50 50 unless you dont work then do it all Shannan was a full blown narcissist and they thrive w weak men who take orders I believe nicole introduced him to his balls and he discovvered his spine and had no clue what to do. He started becoming healthy and strong and was disgusted. With who he was living with He felt normal and disnt know how to deal w it so it turned into this nightmare
@pitalitta8814 10 дней назад
Both his parents are liars and sociopath
@USAEast 10 дней назад
Why did you make this video? Very mean thing to do just for 'clicks'.
@garyyencich4511 10 дней назад
Dr. Grande, Fox News, Dr. Phil, or Donald Trump… whether credentialed or not they all have something in common; they all purport to be something they are not. Fox News isn’t really news. Donald Trump isn’t a successful businessman and leader. Is Dr Phil really a Dr.? Perhaps, but only technically. No, all of them are really entertainers and/or charlatans. Dr. Grande, despite his disclaimer uses his title and the psych-lingo to deliver entertainment. He’s developed a formula and prolifically churns out content. People are entertained. He makes money. It’s an age-old formula. No real harm except people may be led to believe through consuming the content that they are more knowledgeable on a particular topic or issue than they really are. Judging by the comments at least some of his viewers fall into the Dunning-Krueger category. I appreciated your videos and your attempt to educate and enlighten. Have a lovely day!
@psihologiesistatisticacuio5911 11 дней назад
You got my attention with the title, (un)fortunatedly not for long. :) I don't appreciate your idea of getting attention and trying to build a fan base on youtube, picking on someone succesful in the field. Todd Grande is not misleading anyone. I would dare to say that as a counsellor he's more entitled to use DSM criteria to make content on the internet that you and I, who work as clinical psychologists. We should really not "diagnose" people on youtube ever, but as Todd Grande is not a clinical psychologist nor a psychiatrist, everyone could understand that his opinions don't have the value of a true diagnosis. His content is very informative and entertaining. Good luck!
@fainitesbarley2245 11 дней назад
Never thought he was a psychiatrist. Thought he was a psychologist. Counselling is in the same field. A form of psychotherapy. What’s wrong with that? In the UK psychologists can’t diagnose actual disorders either. Doesn’t mean they can’t spot them.
@MaggieMay757 11 дней назад
I wonder what he would have done if prior to Shannan arriving back home from Arizona, NK had been wiped out by a truck and was no more...
@MaggieMay757 11 дней назад
She's not the sharpest tack in the tin.
@unforeseeninsight 12 дней назад
I don’t think I’ve ever heard him ‘diagnose’ anyone or prescribe meds to anyone lol
@unforeseeninsight 12 дней назад
Wow, this is very revealing, and not in the way you expected it to be. I’ve been watching his content consistently for years. I have never felt misled in any way by his content. But I do feel that you’re very jealous of his success!
@omarra6781 13 дней назад
I like watching Grande, but I take what he says with a grain of salt like I do with most everyone. I don't agree with everything he says and have, on occasion, even taken umbrage with things he's said. But sometimes, for me, I can only listen to certain people. A weird glitch I have where a person's tone, sound of their voice, pace in speaking can make it difficult for me to focus on their actual words. Oddly, I can listen to his monotone quite well. I can't usually do that. I'll keep watching him, until I don't, and I'll keep taking his words with (hopefully) some objectivity.
@WH2012 13 дней назад
These kids don’t know what they don’t know; they are witless pawns and participants in their own extinction.
@marianneotott3071 13 дней назад
I THINK he has a great popularity you have hard with it,to critisize him.He is well known and accepted by millionen !He is good!
@marianneotott3071 13 дней назад
A DIAGNOZE is an officially recognised document! He is saying only his opinion ,this is only his statement!
@marianneotott3071 13 дней назад
You say,"he is not always correct"...Who is always correct?
@ddddoc7078 13 дней назад
I diagnose you with being jelly
@rightpa 13 дней назад
You keep saying "mislead" and "deception" but provide no proof that this has happened. Dr. Grande has never promoted himslef as a psychologist and, in fact, has said in several of his videos, particularly the early videos that you are so fond of, that his PhD is in counselor education. I would think that you, as a real psychologist, would posses the critical thinking skills needed in order to actually present some proof for your claims.
@maryfrancesbeckerhaggerty5353 14 дней назад
I have been watching DR. GRANDE'S channel for years. He is the last person on the planet to "mislead" people into thinking he is something he is not. He is a qualified mental health professional who analyzes videos (most of his videos are requested by his followers) , and gives his well balanced and always fair opinion. I also enjoy his channel because you can read the comments and although we may not agree on things we can discuss the topics intelligently. Please do not bash someone who is a great asset to those of us with mental health issues and/or disabilities. How dare you be so unprofessional and unkind.
@crankypantsmcduff 16 дней назад
I still believe she was there. She was caught out so many times, the police letting her dad be present. She was involved, she was looking the Watts up nearly a year before they got together. Something isn't right.
@crankypantsmcduff 16 дней назад
She's a creature. The ex I was with, his mother is just like Cindy. She saw him abuse me yet she defended him to the hilt. Boy mom, not normal. No accountability whatsoever. Cindy is the reason why Chris is the way he is, because of her mollycoddling him all of his life. It creates people like Chris, it must be unique to men called Chris, my ex was called Chris too, it's the name! Look at all of the cases similar to this, it's always a Chris!
@conniedowner603 18 дней назад
Iwood say go to jail you killed my baby's i wood be sad andmad
@LorieMontoya-xc1sg 19 дней назад
If he would have married nk she probably would have been planning cindy and the wuss of a husband murder