Sam's Channel
Sam's Channel
Sam's Channel
Editor, writer, occasional whiner. Sam's Channel is a platform to reach out to like-minded film enthusiasts, publish entertaining video editorials and develop my writing process. If you like what you see, you can subscribe!
@liteltonk 13 дней назад
@liteltonk 13 дней назад
Bambi 1942 [8,8] ⛔ reestrenos ➕➕➕
@liteltonk 13 дней назад
Bambi y el Gran Príncipe 2006 [8,1] ➕
@liteltonk 13 дней назад
*Los hijos de Bambi, derechos comprados (2023)
@liteltonk 13 дней назад
Bambi II 2027 [8,0-9,0] *secuela, dibujo a mano, trailer corto y publicado a todo el mundo
@isaacmontoya9636 20 дней назад
😂 you know even as a Republican myself I never actually knew the movie as woke until you said it. Can I just enjoy a film without someone comparing it to 🐂 💩
@DenspanskeVikingo 23 дня назад
Is it perhaps an ironic statement that the sequel trilogy is "Far better" then the prequel?
@chrisjordan3493 Месяц назад
100% agree. it was such a great experience to watch.
@henith7850 Месяц назад
I honestly was strongly against bringing back hugh jackman as wolverine until it was revealed it will be a variant. I understand why that still doesn't change how you feel about it but for me it does because while he still is hugh jackman, I think the idea is that this wolverine lived a different life from the fox version. Had different experiences and while he has similarites, he isn't the same character. Also, just because they are having wolverine fight and have his classic suit doesn't mean they are sucking out the humanity. Characters can be fun action heroes while also being falible. The mcu did that so much in the past. I still do see where you are coming from but I do believe that hugh jackman can be brought back without the fox wolverines death being undermined. That wolverine still died and rests now, but hugh jackman isn't that character. He is simply the actor who played him, and therefore, he can also return as different versions of said character. Sorry, I just feel very strongly about this. Also, the old man and the gun was actually filmed after endgame, so robert redford filmed his scene for endgame first, meaning the old man and the gun was still the last movie he filmed for. It's not marvels fault that the old man and the gun came out first.
@henith7850 Месяц назад
I'm sorry. It's just, the only part I find annoying about this video is how you are acting like deadpool and wolverine will suck out his humanity just because Hugh jackman is back for a fun adventure. The movie hasn't come out, and while I agree it won't be as emotional or deep as logan, that doesn't mean he will just be like a toy. It looks like from the trailers he will still have flaws and be portrayed as an actual character, while also being able to have a fun dynamic with wade wilson.
@henith7850 Месяц назад
Also, I always viewed x24 less as a representation of reboots but more as a representation of how the world views logan compared to who he actually is.
@mr.graves2867 Месяц назад
I genuinely wish that more movies/shows took the time and love to make things like this. When 10 or 15 years go by, movies that have been released about the same time that relied upon heavy CGI will age far more poorly compared to this show. Practical and physical props will always hold up better by comparison. If only they had one more season to end it.
@johnwick04212 Месяц назад
The impact that Logan (2017) had because it was supposed to be the last of the OG X-Men movie is gonna be affected by Deadpool and Wolverine but, the fans have always wanted Wolverine to appear in MCU. Also, the OG Logan died an honourable death fighting to save the last of his kind. This new Wolverine is a failed Wolverine. For me, who holds X-Men dearly, this Wolverine is not my "Go fu*k yourself pretty boy" Wolverine instead, it's w What IF? Wolverine. Some part of me is definitely unhappy about messing with Logan's legacy but at the end of the day, Wolverine would have got a successor as X-23(Laura Kinney) anyway.
@Y2JLionHeart Месяц назад
Great video, as usual. I have a lot of the same feelings as you do about Hugh Jackman returning, but I shrug it off with a "yolo" kind of vibe. Ultimately, I think it's better to have another Jackman performance than one fewer. Life is short.
@EmmanuelRamirez817 Месяц назад
FINALLY! Thank you so much!!!!! I absolutely hate that Hugh has come back and I hate that Patrick came back in Multiverse of Madness!!!!!! Logan should've been the end for their careers as Professor X and Wolverine!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!! I have been constantly seeing people be like, "Logan isn't ruined because they are variants" and stuff like that. I get it. At one point I myself didn't think Hugh coming back was a problem. But over the course of several months, I changed my mind. I actually think all of these people who are saying Logan isn't ruined are just trying to come up with the craziest ways to justify why Hugh is back. I hate it, and it makes me lose a bit of respect for Hugh. That's so sad because he's one of my idols. But at the same time, I have no clue why he came back if he cares about artistic integrity. I'm sure a lot of people have seen that Deadpool 3 heineken commercial, and I have too. For me, it was so disgusting seeing Hugh in that commercial. He really just ruined the impact of Logan.
@EmmanuelRamirez817 Месяц назад
Also I just really feel like if you have to come up with a reason to justify a character's return after their last adventure, that's probably a sign that you should not bring them back. Also, Are you gonna see Deadpool 3 when it comes out? I'm not. Hugh coming back just ruined everything for me. Deadpool was enough. I would have totally gone to see Deadpool 3 if it was another standalone movie. But NO, HUGH HAD TO COME BACK. I know that this movie will most likely make a lot of money which is very sad, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. I value artistic integrity over fan service. I want to show these studios that bringing back Hugh was a huge mistake. It will undoubtedly be a difficult task, but I would love to try. If by some miracle this movie flops, that would absolutely be the craziest thing in the world, but if it does make a lot of money, at least I can rest easy knowing that I didn't support this cashgrab. I'm done with multiversal cameos reversing death and growth. I'm tired of characters getting assaasinated. I want these studios to know that we want nothing but the best. We want them to try. We want them to take risks. We will not settle for cheap multiversal cameos anymore. So all I have to say is, are you in?
@motor4X4kombat 6 дней назад
Its funny these people are the same saying that "you can't have a mad max film without mad max" yet furiosa despite its flaws is still was better than most blockbusters this year. And now people are saying that D&W is going to be better because hugh jackman is back even though his hole presence demolish his entire meaningfull ending in Logan, similar to brining back RDJ return as iron man, even if you go with the lazy excuse that "its not the same iron man", it still unrespectfull to his entire character arc. Oh and to make things better Dafne Keen is coming back as X-23... so yeah the entire ambiguity about the mutant kids in Logan is now lost because of fanservice.
@EmmanuelRamirez817 6 дней назад
@@motor4X4kombat Yeah. That is pretty sad. You going to see it?
@motor4X4kombat 6 дней назад
@@EmmanuelRamirez817 im going just for morbid curiosity, the same curiosity i have when i watch no way home even though i knew back then that is going to be a fanservice trip. Plus it come out the same day when a friend celebrate his birthday and he invite me to see it
@EmmanuelRamirez817 6 дней назад
@@motor4X4kombat I'm not willingly going to see it. No way. I'm sick of the multiverse ruining the MCU. I hope the MCU stops with the multiverse after this film. That most likely won't happen but a guy can dream, right? Maybe I'll watch it with a family member if they have no one else to go with them. Otherwise, there's no way I'm seeing this. Hope you have fun and have a great day!!!!!! Finally found someone else who shares my opinions.
@sheep3370 Месяц назад
I didn't like Logan so I actually don't mind anything that treads over it
@motor4X4kombat 6 дней назад
I wasn't a huge fan of logan nother but i still find this disrespectfull
@miorandmior Месяц назад
This is the problem , pundits like you aren't really in touch with the core fans of Marvel. They're very simple. They like Wolverine, they want to see Wolverine. Wolverine movie comes out, they'll watch it. None of this pseudo sociology stuff that tends to attach itself to film making today. And a wolverine deadpool team up is even more of what they want. The ms marvel , echo fans can stay home if they want and wrested with the socio-liberal arguments about why , how, where etc. Core fans will just enjoy themselves.
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
What on Earth are you on about?
@motor4X4kombat Месяц назад
So logan is full of crap?
@wintergreen2.073 Месяц назад
You have a severe case of Disney MCU shill fever. Your obsession with watering down Wolverine's character and joining him with the cute and goofy Marvel Cinematic Universe is pathetic. Wolverine thrived perfectly fine in his own universe and storyline, and the last thing he needs is to be cuddled up with spider man and the rest of the Disney heroes cracking cringy one liners. Wolverine is a gritty, fierce, and badass character. Logan was a masterpiece, a raw and powerful farewell to one of the most iconic characters. It didn't need to pander to the simple desires of the so called "core fans" like yourself, who just want mindless mediocre multiverse action/comedy without any substance.
@iKhanKing Месяц назад
Damn that's a good title, because frankly Toy Story did (and continues to do) the same thing with it's sense of finality.
@mutalemwananshiku4098 Месяц назад
How about we wait till the movie comes out before saying its a bad idea.
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
This is mostly based on the principle of Jackman coming back alone. Even if the film turns out ok, which it very well might, the damage has already been done.
@mutalemwananshiku4098 Месяц назад
@@SamsChannelOfficial yeah sorry sam im not with you its a different version from logan which even that version you could argue is different from the days of future past version. Unless they were bringing back that same logan back from the dead and had him act out of character there is no damage done. Would it have been nice if deadpool and wolverine came out before logan sure but it didnt and so long as it has a good story , along with the action and jokes and they tell a good story with this version , i have no issues. Finally nice to see a new video from you sam i have been a fan of the channel since 2012.
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
@@mutalemwananshiku4098 Fair enough man, it’s all your prerogative. My hangup is all to do with the story of film history rather than the in-universe explanation, which is arguably an extremely abstract concern. Appreciate you disagreeing and sharing the love all the same.✌️
@uniqueness35fanofimginatio73 Месяц назад
Only thing I’ll say about this is as long as Deadpool & Wolverine is a legitimately good movie, then I’m not gonna find much fowl in all of this. Logan will always be a solid flick that hit the high note for Jackman’s career as Wolverine and remain a poignant, tragic, and riveting tale for me. I doubt they’ll screw this up, but I do get it.
@Firmus777 Месяц назад
My ex would enjoy this video. I wish I could send her this. I wish we could comment on it and then watch Logan.
@parthmarathe Месяц назад
As per usual, another great video!
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
Thank you, man 🙏🙏
@brickinterviewertv Месяц назад
deadpool and woverine is pretty much a prequel to logan he isnt dead at the time of deadpool and woverine
@boozcheez Месяц назад
It's a different wolverine.. enjoy the movie folks
@boozcheez Месяц назад
It's a different wolverine.. enjoy the movie folks
@LukeLovesRose Месяц назад
I think everyone understands that THIS Wolverine is from a completely different universe as the Wolverine in Logan. We all love Logan and this new comic accurate Wolverine. This new Deadpool movie looks so much better than Deadpool 2. Thats coming from someone who hates the fact that Jackman and Stewart werent nominated for Logan. And trust me, i HATE how they unceremoniously killed Xavier in Dr. Strange 2. I just trust Ryan Reynolds and company to show Wolverine and the X-Men proper respect.
@et4003 Месяц назад
10:23 I think they want to (and will try to) do both. The Deadpool films have always had an emotional center despite all the humor and shenanigans. It won’t be done as well as Logan but it’s a bit dishonest to think he’s only there for action figure mashing.
@iwantmytvnow Месяц назад
This is definitely an interesting perspective. Although I don't fully agree with it all. Examples: As many bad direct to dvd movies Bruce Willis made, he'll always be my favorite actor and his best movies are what I'll remember and appreciate. As bad as Jurassic World Dominion is, I can just not rewatch it. It doesn't affect my love for the original films. US Marshals does not live up to The Fugitive but it's another fun little adventure with the same characters. Absolutely has zero effect on the first movie. I never held the Marvel/superhero movies to a standard to other movies. They were always EVENT movies to me. Or modern day serials. As saying this, for sure I might be seeing them with completely different eyes than someone who grew up with these on a regular basis. I saw the X-men movies once in the theater and occasional rewatches. I think most people watched these on the regular and has these on the same pedestal as other favorites. We all have different views on movies and thats a cool thing. Thanks for the video, Sam. You do quality work. Great as always.
@loudtaste1046 Месяц назад
Meh it’s a different version so I’m ok with it
@lexidashu Месяц назад
It’s a completely different Wolverine lol
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
In makebelieve land, yes it is. In the real world, Hugh Jackman's back as Wolverine. Regardless of whether it's a variant or whatever, Jackman's back in that role. That's the problem. 🤣
@lexidashu Месяц назад
@@SamsChannelOfficial no it’s quite literally a different Wolverine from a Wolverine so no you’re literally just nitpicking
@lexidashu Месяц назад
@@SamsChannelOfficial if you don’t like him being back boy are you gonna hate the cameos coming up in the multiverse saga 😭😭 like wtf yall find anything to be mad at this video is pointless
@FormerlyDarth Месяц назад
Fr but cant satisfy everyone ig there will always people mad even tho deadpool is going to be greatness
@FormerlyDarth Месяц назад
@@lexidashuliterally like we seen toby come back and Patrick. This is nothing new
@DrMadd Месяц назад
The way I see it Jackman coming back is kind of like the multi-Doctor episodes of Doctor Who. It’s a lot of fun for the fans but does often mess with the sanctity of the show in the process. Hopefully this is just a one off and not part of a larger plan moving forward.
@alosim1541 Месяц назад
It’s not that you’re wrong I just think it’s not that deep. It’d be one thing if the new movie was shitting on the legacy of Logan but that in no way seems to be the case. I understand the want for a bit more meaning in the meta but i don’t think bringing back actors is inherently a bad thing. Would you argue the same thing when Ian McKellen came back as Gandalf in the hobbit or James Earl jones in the prequels? Quality of the writing aside, those franchises and characters had their endings but they still had stories to tell and I don’t see bringing those actors back as a spit in the face to what came before. In fact can’t it be argued that the last stand was really the meaningful end of the x men trilogy? They definitely intended that movie to have a certain amount of finality and yet they still kept churning out sequels and reboots and spin-offs afterwards. But it seems like we forget about that just because some of those movies turned out to be good like Logan or DOFP. I’m not trying to call hypocrisy but it’s an interesting discussion to have nonetheless
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
You raise some good points, definitely... In the case of Ian McKellen and James Earl Jones, the films they starred in weren't swan songs for their characters or their time playing those characters. Logan was a pretty definitive closing of a particular chapter in film history, both for Jackman and the audience. It just feels like a bit of a slap in the face. You're training an audience not to allow itself to emotionally engage with these films or their characters, and I only see that as a bad thing.
@ShadesAtKnight Месяц назад
Incredibly well said.
@krono5el Месяц назад
can you imagine, how many decades of these lame foxmen movies and they never made a dedicated BWS Weapon X adaptation, that is truly a disrespectful disgrace and travesty.
@misterio337 Месяц назад
Okey fake cinema elitist
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
@Jose-se9pu Месяц назад
Finally, someone with the balls to say it; this whole thing is just a bad idea. Nothing against Hugh Jackman, man needs to work for a living (and after 24 freaking years, he sure deserves to make money off Wolverine), he does charity, and he was the one who insisted on making the Wolverine in this movie a "variant" so both Logan and the whole Fox continuity would remain untouched...however, this is at the cost of seeing a 60 years old man in yellow spandex jumping into a magic portal, literally the laziest AI generated script developed by Disney to get some dopamine running through the brains of the few people who still care about Marvel. Hugh Jackman playing a "comic accurate" Wolverine at his age is a bad idea, making an R-rated Deadpool Disney movie is a bad idea, Ryan Reynolds (who is also already pushing his age playing Deadpool) still making the same dad jokes he made 15 years ago is a bad idea...but well, I think fucking up Deadpool is pretty much the last remaining thing for Disney to do with Marvel...sadly, at the cost of ruinning Logan's legacy (pretty much like they already did bringing back Patrick Stewart for that laughable role in Dr Strange 2)
@DinoDave150 Месяц назад
You hit it right on the head.
@mutalemwananshiku4098 Месяц назад
Jackman is 55 years old and he looks pretty good for his age , HE WANTED to come back and have you actually seen the movie to say its an ai driven script. How is an r rated disney deadpool movie a bad idea. They have fantastic four, x-men , doctor strange, thor, black panther, blade, daredevil, disney has plenty they can do with marvel lol.
@thomasjohnson1885 Месяц назад
I agree with you (Hi Sam, I’ve been a fan since I was 11 years old I’m 20 now) but I just don’t care lol. No Way Home is a good movie, it’s fun and the emotional aspect hits but I just never wanted to see Tobey and Andrew again I just don’t ever wanna dwell in the past and if their role is gonna be so minor what’s the point. So that broke the dam of sacredness for me so I shrug and go whatever
@Ksizzle11c Месяц назад
I think your argument that Stewart's and Jackman's successive appearances after Logan dilutes their character falls apart when they were only adaptions to begin with.
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
There's def an argument for that, hence why I mentioned that Mangold and Jackman don't own the Wolverine character, but I also think it's fair to recognise when something has become so iconic that it gains a life of its own. If this were a new actor playing Wolverine, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
@ImnotMattMurdock Месяц назад
The Deadpool movies did have their surprisingly tender moments. Especially 2. Plus, DP&W trailers do hint at an interesting arc for Logan. So it could be good. I just like to be optimistic at least
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
You're right, DP2 did have surprisingly tender moments, which is why I'm disappointed that in DP3, they're making the joke credits scene - where he goes back in time and undoes all the emotionally moving stuff from the movie - canon. I guess nothing really matters.
@ImnotMattMurdock Месяц назад
@SamsChannelOfficial Well, when you're aware you live in a medium where the status quo has to always be reset, I guess the least you can do is have fun with it. Even still, Wade remembers those moments, so they'll stick with him. It doesn't change how he feels about his family. He just found the means to bring his girl back, as someone would if they knew they existed in fiction. Idk, I see what you mean and all. It just didn't bother me the same way bc I see it differently. I think we could be pleasantly surprised by this one. Great video, though!
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
@@ImnotMattMurdock A fair perspective. As I say, I enjoyed the second and don't doubt the new film will be decent popcorn fun. Thanks for watching and sharing your thoughts! ☺
@nathansnyder96 Месяц назад
Yeah, when the announcement happened he was coming back, I just shrugged. Personally doesn't ruin the significance of what the ending to Logan meant and I get the frustration (don't get me started on Toy Story). Logan is still one of my favorite comic book movies and Deadpool 3 definitely looks fun. Even if I wish Hugh just refuse from a friend, I can see that the people involved care not to step on the ending's toes and get there is care from everyone involved. If it sucked, I can still just say that it ended at Logan. Still wish it was the brown and tan suit though. That's my favorite Wolverine look.
@DinoDave150 Месяц назад
This recurring trend of making requels (part sequel/part reboot) has just made me numb to this sort of thing. Also, nice to see some love for the brown and yellow suit! Loved it when X-Men '97 did it.
@user-dk9vt2eq3u Месяц назад
We never got wolverine vs hulk either
@spencermalley10 Месяц назад
You really know how to cut to the core of an issue. Regardless, Logan is a masterpiece, and it always will be
@kaiakeenn6430 Месяц назад
I was going to say, Sam, you're overthinking this, until I realized I have the exact same complaints in regards to Hollywood's obsession with reboots and sequels, the 5 horsemen of Hollywood is what I've dubbed them, remakes, reboots, revivals, reimaginings, resequels?!, why try anything new when you can cash in on what already works, but hey let's look on the bright side, it's cuz Hugh's portrayal was actually legendary that causes its revival to be so contentious, I mean look at Affleck's Batman, no one cares whether he comes back as the character at all or not, and that's pretty sad too. 😅
@luiscolin2021 Месяц назад
Even kevin feige agrees that logan was the perfect ending for hugh's Wolverine
@Booty_Crum Месяц назад
Literally who give a fuck what he thinks
@kaiakeenn6430 Месяц назад
so needless to say Sam doesn't quite trust exces in suits to make decisions based on undying love of the arts and not the almighty Mula...
@StephanGraffeo Месяц назад
I'm personally pumped to see this movie on opening day, but I would argue that whatever version of Deadpool 3 that we got was always going to be good not because of Hugh Jackman coming out of retirement, but because of the passion from both Ryan Reynolds and the two writers who have written all the films in this trilogy. The inclusion of this Wolverine is gravy, it adds flavor but you would still have a hearty meal if you set it off to the side. Slightly off-topic, but it genuinely pisses me off to see MovieWeb sharing the article (multiple times) of Kevin Feige agreeing with your sentiment and telling Jackman personally "Don't come back to the role", because the vast majority of comments just dogpile on him for something that they would have agreed with him on prior to 2022. Not an ounce of nuance amongst them, not like this video. Keep up the good work!
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
Feige only seemed to care about the sanctity of Jackman’s legacy as the character if continuity was on the line. The second they told him it was a Wolverine from another dimension, he hopped on board without question. Thanks for the kudos!
@Jellybob69 Месяц назад
@@SamsChannelOfficial I don’t think there’s actually proof that this is a variant. Something tells me this Wolverine is from the period between DOFP’s happy ending and the beginning of Logan, probably not long after Xavier kills the X-Men.
@mutalemwananshiku4098 Месяц назад
​@@SamsChannelOfficialwell yeah when its a variant that gives u more freedom to do what u want.
@trevturp6891 Месяц назад
Kevin Feige is still a hack though.
@EmmanuelRamirez817 28 дней назад
You have a fair point. You could go see this movie for only the Deadpool stuff and not Wolverine. But Marvel Studios won't know that unless fans are vocal about it. They'll just think, "Ryan and Hugh clearly work so let's milk them till the end of time."
@kaazer204 Месяц назад
I was always surprised that the original Deadpool was able to be killed so easily by bullets.
@LukeLovesRose Месяц назад
Another reason why I don't like Deadpool 2
@henith7850 Месяц назад
I just assumed deadpool brought adamantium bullets from the new timeline.
@ghidorah15 17 дней назад
No, the original Deadpool is the comics character. That was just a bad adaptation forced on us by Tom Rothman, and he got what he deserved.
@nymetsfan9121 Месяц назад
I never clicked on a video faster
@misterio337 Месяц назад
Okey npc
@nymetsfan9121 Месяц назад
@@misterio337 fetl cool saying that incel?
@dellcoc Месяц назад
Logan from the movie will remain dead. Are you ignoring the multiverse or are you an idiot?
@finleymorris04 Месяц назад
We have no clue what they’re gonna do with it yet
@philipthewolf8972 Месяц назад
Respectfully, I gotta disagree. Unlike Charles' Death in multiverse of madness, Wolverine looks like he's actually going to be a major person in DP&W and not just a marketing. There's even lines that show we're going to get scenes that humanize this version of Logan. "Trust me Kid, I'm no Hero." is one of the lines said in the second trailer, This wolverine is an actual character, not the soulless husk that X-24 was. The Comic accurate Suit and Poses are a bonus for long time fans who have wanted to see him like that. Hell, he even chooses to fight Cassandra Nova despite telling Deadpool "not my fucking problem" because he's went through stuff like a real human. Point is, as long as he's written well and has an actual character, it isn't ruining Logan's ending.
@ghidorah15 Месяц назад
Yes! Thank you!
@ethanjohnson3642 Месяц назад
I fucking love the way you write. Certified OG classic critique of movie culture.
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
No one ever compliments my writing specifically! I worried this was a shit script several times so thank you for the kind words 😅🙏
@ethanjohnson3642 Месяц назад
Of course man. You've always made your observations sound compelling. Glad you've decided to keep at it even if occasional. May the algorithm bless every Sam's Channel release for years to come 🙏.
@SamsChannelOfficial Месяц назад
@@ethanjohnson3642 Will you adopt me? 😂