Being Integrated
Being Integrated
Being Integrated
Hi I'm Jude. I'm a meditation teacher and therapist and I've created guided meditation practices for Calm, Open, Mindbloom, Field Trip, and more. I've also been teaching meditation at the Consciousness Explorers Club (founded by Jeff Warren) since 2014.

I’m a lifelong student of meditation and psychology. I became obsessed with consciousness and eastern philosophy in my late teens and have been exploring ever since. I'm passionate about the intersection of psychology and meditative traditions; particularly experiential practices that lead to insight, healing, growth, self-realization, and general wellbeing.

I'm currently working on creating a comprehensive healing resource integrating meditation, mindfulness, and various fields of psychology and psychotherapy - and making it available for free on RU-vid. To learn more about or support this project, check out my Patreon: www.patreon.com/beingintegrated

Check the link to my website below for more info.
Equanimity: the most transformative skill
4 месяца назад
@harryb451 2 дня назад
Really helpful
@wojownicza12 4 дня назад
Thank, it helped alot!
@Fan-zx1lz 5 дней назад
Thank you for your honest opinion. This is good. But I have to tell you one thing, the rich people are very happy and fulfilled, also people who are healthy are happy and fulfilled. They are not sad or miserable like the financially backward people.
@viviev 6 дней назад
Thanks for this review. I've been seeing a lot of Mind Valley ads and I was curious but skeptical. I badly want some changes in my life but I'm still wary of people promising the moon. I love how objective you are. I feel like we don't get this kind of in-depth critic any more. ❤
@cacampbell3654 6 дней назад
The sounds in the background are anxiety-inducing for me!
@Jessica-xq4kt 6 дней назад
Thank you. I have ADHD and despite knowing the amazing benefits of mindfulness and meditation, and trying over and over again to find a mindfulness practice, this is the first time I have been able to stay present through an entire meditation. It was also the best simplest description of ADHD I have ever heard! 😮
@kayzad11 8 дней назад
I reallt respect and appreciate all you said. Especially the part about manifesting to reach the next step for the greater good. They are commercialising manifeststion to earn money and the real growth has become secondary.
@PA-tu1jg 9 дней назад
Placing my hand on my heart helped soothe it immediately. However I still feel restless in my mind. Thank you though I might try this again
@peoniesandparchment 9 дней назад
you have the most calming energy. watching you makes me forget my worries. thank you.
@sosignon 9 дней назад
I found this video while searching for meditation with autism. Meditation is normally hell for me, I spend the entire thing feeling like I'm doing something wrong. This felt pretty different so I'm going to give it a go. Cheers!
@ruboswald1 10 дней назад
Thanks it all sounds great but a little to car salsey . I also researched Vishen's claim that he invented the word quantum jump, because he liked the show quantum leap. This seems to not be the case would like to know your opinion on this.
@julieburkhardt61 10 дней назад
transformation doesn't happen without the work. Most people can't recognize the small changes or give themselves credit for the trying.
@haroonhafeez2368 12 дней назад
Prayers for you Brother... You seem to be an extremely polite person.
@kaytasse6759 12 дней назад
I found this so helpful! My body changed from high vibration/ irritability to soft pulsing and peace.
@budapestangel7798 13 дней назад
I like your unbiased review. I’m a MV subscriber and I also do find some of their content to be more towards “pleasure”, some of the testimonies of the teachers are abt their financial success, finding love in a miraculous way etc - as testimony to sell the idea that it works. Real healing, finding focus and mindfulness should not be tarnished by worldly desires.. however, some courses use that desire for the download and click stats. MV is not entirely bad… but you have to be discerning to find what works for your real, positive development. Btw, I have slight bias with Vishen’s narration of SilvaMethod.. his voice is not calm, high pitch, and i couldnt get to concentrate :(
@billybrian550 15 дней назад
Great review. Thanks for your honesty and not selling out to give them a positive review. Because of this I've subscribed to your channel. I wish there was more honestly like this in the spiritual/new age community.
@gailmagpiestitcher3240 15 дней назад
I’m awed by how well this meditation worked for me. I am undiagnosed- but suspect I have inattentive ADHD, and WOW was this on target for me. Thank you!🙏 I will be purchasing your course!
@OctaveLeapLive 16 дней назад
I find it ironic that as I was watching this video, I got 2 Mindvalley ads :)
@eceismailoglu4471 16 дней назад
Thank you for the honest review. I agree the marketing is terrible I thought this was a scam. The guy is using very old-fashioned techniques. Your feedback about the manifestation was good to know. Besides manifestation, I did some other mediazations there such as 3rd eye sleeping blah blah... I am a beginner and I felt like I was flying it was so nice. I will probably purchase the app.
@elinadcruz9607 16 дней назад
There are some courses for shadow, energy and different healing modalities which I found helpful for alternative spiritual work. It also a 14 day trial for free 🤔
@shreyamishra4457 19 дней назад
Have done Jeffrey Allen's Duality. Helped me a lot in changing my perspective, day to day life easier and happier. I don't know about other courses or teachers there, but Jeffrey is one blessing that has happened to me. With so many courses there and with our unending desires, it only gets confusing. But I got attracted to Duality. I can vouch for this course . Its like Jeffrey came in my life when I needed what.
@avgonyma1 19 дней назад
I couldn't agree with you more on the points you noticed and mentioned. And to clarify: i signed up for a yearly subscription. I actually wanted to cancel "on time" before the trial period ran out, but missed it for a few hours (they were quick to charge ;) ). Here's a video to illustrate what you noticed more: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1BbNvim11fI.html this is a video about a "millionaire's Mindvalley retreat". What you noticed, here is even more potentiated....and also its possible to get an impression of Vishen's character. And no, its not about healing. its about making money. The scenes give me a fake vibe, the one that i don't want to be around. But hey, i invite people to see this documentary for themselves and get their own impression.
@Varxde 20 дней назад
Thansk for the heartfelt sharing ❤
@avgonyma1 21 день назад
i love your down-to-earth and on point review and absolutely agree with your estimation of Vishen. His whole performance is polished and rehearsed. Yuck. The over salesy is really the major turn off. And also, when you go and search the internet for how it is to work for Mindvalley experience, or how people were treated who wanted to cancel....a pitty.
@ladyc145 22 дня назад
Thank you for your review. It wasn't what I wanted to hear... but it was what I needed to hear! Still struggle daily between what I want and need. I can't tell the two apart more that not, but I am still learning! Thank you for reminding me that I need more Spirituality, from there I will hopefully be less ego driven. I want ego based "stuff". I need something else.
@davidb2142 24 дня назад
He hates anyone who identifies with the republican party or lean right. Check out what he said after Trump became president the first time.
@yokichuchen 24 дня назад
somehow, your voice eases my mind. thank you for your honest review
@prairiepony 24 дня назад
Love this. What a great way to get centred for the day.🙏🏻
@gregt2 25 дней назад
Just another “program” of pop psychology shortcuts to achieving X; essentially, an IQ test. Ever consider “manifesting” a free program? If you have spent your money and it worked magic for you - and you just get irritated thinking about the placebo effect - congratulations! You should be aware, however, that dozens if not hundreds of similar programs have come and gone during my lifetime, and typically run the same course as New Years gym memberships. But you’re determined this time, right? Good luck to you.
@vitalis 25 дней назад
Mindvalley is just a scam. Plain and simple. Absorb a book’s content by just touching it? LMAO The main reason it gets so much exposure is them being able to articulate an idea and the great use of voice modulation during a talk which gives them a sense of authority. Another scam is kwikbrain which ad just literally just popped up during this video.
@TheGoofygirl67 25 дней назад
Thank you so much.
@TheGoofygirl67 25 дней назад
Thank you, this was very helpful for me, being recently diagnosed, thank you.
@WoundedWarrior77 26 дней назад
Since early times, people have sought supernatural experiences God did not endorse. The nations that surrounded the Promised Land were saturated with such practices, and God had stern words for His people concerning any involvement with them. Deuteronomy 18:9-12 says, “When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.” God takes witchcraft very seriously. The penalty for practicing witchcraft under the Mosaic Law was death (Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 20:27). First Chronicles 10:13 tells us that “Saul died because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance.” In the New Testament, “sorcery” is translated from the Greek word pharmakeia, from which we get our word pharmacy (Galatians 5:20; Revelation 18:23). Witchcraft and spiritism often involve the ritualistic use of magic potions and mind-controlling drugs. Using illicit drugs can open ourselves up to the invasion of demonic spirits. Engaging in a practice or taking a substance to achieve an altered state of consciousness is a form of witchcraft. There are only two sources of spiritual power: God and Satan. Satan has only the power that God allows him to have, but it is considerable (Job 1:12; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 20:2). To seek spirituality, knowledge, or power apart from God is idolatry, closely related to witchcraft. First Samuel 15:23 says, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.” Witchcraft is Satan’s realm, and he excels in counterfeiting what God does. When Moses performed miracles before Pharaoh, the magicians did the same things through demonic power (Exodus 8:7). At the heart of witchcraft is the desire to know the future and control events that are not ours to control. Those abilities belong only to the Lord. This desire has its roots in Satan’s first temptation to Eve: “You can be like God” (Genesis 3:5). Since the Garden of Eden, Satan’s major focus has been to divert human hearts away from worship of the true God (Genesis 3:1). He entices humans with the suggestions of power, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment apart from submission to the Lord God. Witchcraft is merely another branch of that enticement. To become involved in witchcraft in any way is to enter Satan’s realm. Seemingly “harmless” modern entanglements with witchcraft can include horoscopes, Ouija boards, Eastern meditation rituals, and some video and role-playing games. Any practice that dabbles in a power source other than the Lord Jesus Christ is witchcraft. Revelation 22:15 includes witches in a list of those who will not inherit eternal life: “Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.” We don’t need to fear Satan’s power, but we should respect it and stay away from it. First John 4:4 says, “Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world.” Satan can create much havoc, harm, and destruction, even in the lives of believers (1 Thessalonians 2:18; Job 1:12-18; 1 Corinthians 5:5). However, if we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no power that can ultimately defeat us (Isaiah 54:17). We are overcomers (1 John 5:4) as we “put on the whole armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11). When we give our lives to Christ, we must repent. This repentance should include renouncing any involvement with witchcraft, following the example of the early believers in Acts 19:19. Isaiah 8:19 says, “When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?” When we follow those words to their logical conclusion, we could also ask, “Why seek any power apart from the source of all real power? Why seek spirits who are not the Holy Spirit?” Witchcraft and its many counterparts promise spirituality but lead only to emptiness and death (Micah 5:12; Galatians 5:19-21). Only Jesus has the words of life (John 6:68).
@MzBerlinOnline 26 дней назад
I keep getting ads for this website/program and was curious. Thank you for making this honest and practical review.
@daynemin 26 дней назад
Man they just dangle money and success in all their ads, learn this technique, now this one, this is the best, try this.... bla bla They never mention god, seek the kingdom first... drop all the manifestation bs! Gods plan is the only one!
@christinedoris1 27 дней назад
I have to admit I also hate the ads that keep popping up.
@danielleyuhasz8094 28 дней назад
Loved the meditation! The discomfort disappeared as I moved through the discomfort with acceptance and love. Thank you!
@yuliyashunkina1009 28 дней назад
I just stumbled upon your channel and watched a few videos including this one. I am blown away by how much what you said resonates with everything I felt intuitively, following my own path, trusting my intuition regarding my own healing. The value of the community. Feels validating.
@DianaFoster- 28 дней назад
great review I have always been deeply drawn to humanity's greatest endeavors, eager to wield influence, unlock the keys to ultimate well-being, and provide safeguarding. My longing for acknowledgment stems not from vanity or extravagance but from a profound sense of mission and purpose. I am driven by an unquenchable desire to explore the depths of human knowledge, seeking insights accessible to only a privileged few. My ambition is to embody the wisdom our forebears fervently wished for us to achieve.
@MichaelLuisi 28 дней назад
Your feelings are perfectly natural; you're human, after all. If you're on a quest for enlightenment, joining the Illuminatus could offer you that and so much more. Though it may sound legendary, there are real pathways for you to explore.
@DianaFoster- 28 дней назад
"Really? You mean it's possible to join? I always thought it was only open to people from certain financial backgrounds."
@MichaelLuisi 28 дней назад
Absolutely, and that's by design; it's what they want you to believe. Exploring the concept of Radiant Reservation will provide deeper insights and open doors to exclusive groups.
@AngelaBetasso 28 дней назад
That's incredible! How can someone become a member of this group?
@AlexBolotovsky 28 дней назад
They aren't a covert organization; instead, they function subtly, embracing those sincerely committed to improving humanity. Should you aspire to propel our species forward, they'll extend a welcoming hand, presenting wealth, influence, considerable impact, hidden knowledge on well-being, and most importantly, age-old wisdom unraveling the intricacies of global matters.
@engf223 29 дней назад
I think I just had some kind of somatic release….wow. I didn’t think that was possible for me bc ppl always talk about it with trauma/emotions and I can’t locate those in my body. This was actually highly uncomfortable, my muscles started literally twitching, buzzing and numbness in my hands, that nausea run away type feeling. I had to quit and come back and start over. A lot of distress. And then you acknowledged the possibility of that distress and how it was okay, and I just felt so validated. I also have autism, mild chronic pain and moderate discomfort from a Hypermobility condition as well as some other health issues from long Covid along with my adhd. This really helped validate to me how hard it is to just be in my body, and for some reason just being able to feel it, the true extent of that struggle and my mind and body trying to reflexively take me to the place of safety. Just wow. This was hard but very rewarding. I didn’t know I could be in my body like this without dissociating (I’ve tried things like mindful eating in the past and I literally lost my sense of taste while I was doing it). Thank you.
@engf223 29 дней назад
Also a meditation that allowed my thoughts to be me, and my body being the thing observed, which is so much easier for me. I always blamed this on my adhd, but I’m realizing maybe this is more me, but I have a very strong multi-layered internal dialogue and default identify strongly with my thoughts, and feeling like my thoughts are me because that’s literally me talking to myself in my head. So even just basic “observe your thoughts” meditation loses me, bc I’m not even there yet. I want to get there eventually, multiple people in my life have told me that if I could just ‘think less’ my mental health would improve (I have GAD rumination). And I agree. Being so identified with my thoughts also causes me a lot of existential anxiety. But I’m not there yet, and before now I’d yet to find an on ramp to meditation that actually meets me where I’m at. Thank you.
@scottpanek9159 Месяц назад
100th like
@ukica_mukica214 Месяц назад
felt so difficult, I had to switch positions, reposition my body and I felt so much tension, the unrest really became visible and "heavy"
@rommivigouroux Месяц назад
Interesting point of view. Thanks!
@htgar8201 Месяц назад
Thanks. Yeah, I find the 'sales' pitch exactly what you said: disingenuous. His quantum jumping thing seems to touch on some things that exist but my understanding is that because we are human and our minds are not clear, we experience many profound things: outer body experience, we get glimpses of the future (and as you do, it is with 100% certainty you know this will happen as if it is already in front of you), or you know what a person is thinking or feeling at points. You step back into a past life or lives. But we are so limited. These experiences are impermanent and we use the extremely limiting and culturally bias language we speak (e.g. English is often criticised for its dichotomous structure: good/bad, light/dark, etc... to try to describe things but this fails because these experiences are not fixed. Each person with their own bias tries to convey: they went to heaven or this Mindvalley multiverse but these are like Plato's ideas of perfection: each table we see is but an aspect of the perfect ideal of a table. How can you remove ego, so many hopes, desires, expectations, fears to see clearly? So many spiritual teachings are a reflection distorted by the cultural values of that society to explain the profound. Still, it is worthy to try. So, as long as one understands, each (bar the complete charlatans) offers (we hope) the best they can but likely incomplete teaching, then expectations can be more realistic. The other point you touched on: short-term dopamine fix (so impermanent and feeds the land of hungry ghosts) ~ the gimmick, but ultimately unsatisfactory because as we know ghosts are hungry and never satisfied (to borrow Buddhist terminology). Not great for those really suffering and in need and so much worse than a bandaid solution because it creates its own problem: addiction to the dopamine highs glimpses of awareness can give, chasing this instead of dealing with the core of your life.
@SquenchPiece Месяц назад
Thank you so much for your insights.. you have the capacity to articulate so many important aspects of the psychedelic experiences. I have subscribed and look forward to hearing from you more 💚
@johnnydeeman3076 Месяц назад
I just saw your video. Do you have any opinion on the silver Ultram mind program. I am not very knowledgeable about all these things. Do you have any kind of a short program on your website similar to the silver Ultram program. I looked at your playlist, but I wasn’t sure if any of them might be sort of similar. If you can let me know. Maybe you don’t have any direct connection or knowledge about silver Ultram mind but maybe you know someone that had taken that course or maybe he has read the book and they told you their opinion. What did they say about it if you run into somebody that you know.the reason I am interested in doing the courses because I’m legally blind and have other things that hinder me also as far as reading and things. Looking forward to any response, you can give me thank you so much. John.
@user-hz4rw2ed8h Месяц назад
I want to do a Donna Eden Course - has any one done one on Mind Valley or on her website?
@alexcarlos7802 Месяц назад
All you need is a relationship with Jesus Christ by picking up the bible. 🙏🏽
@BeingIntegrated Месяц назад
@hyperaesthesia Месяц назад
Well i was expecting to rage quit the vid and beat myself up but that was quite pleasant , so thank you ❤
@BeingIntegrated Месяц назад
Haha ❤️