SD League
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T80BV vs M1A1s! WARNO Ranked Gameplay
Месяц назад
@Snake_pup 14 часов назад
People tend to bunch their pieces up, not only does that allow for easy counter battery, it limits the angle of your shots. As IRL I spread mine out, group them, and focus on suppressing grids. Artillery is meant to control the flow, not rake in the kills, enemies absolutely hate when you shoot artillery at them 😢, which results in them making dumb decisions that your other forces can capitalize off of.
@Snake_pup 14 часов назад
King Of Battle! 👑
@totallynotthecia 16 часов назад
The mic audio man…gotta fix that
@sd_league 15 часов назад
had to do with yt and the audio program, not with the mic or anything on my end. Twitch audio is totally fine, unfortunately out of my hand here.
@midconflict День назад
would like to see some 10v10 guides. main thing i play with friends :)
@sd_league 17 часов назад
Any specific things you want to know about 10v10? I am not major 10v10 experts either though :D
@carloscapellan5843 День назад
So 3RD Armor would play the same ?
@sd_league День назад
similar yes, Secure one side. get arty to kill enemy Atgm positions, build a force that can role over enemy position 1 by 1 and drive on into the sunset.
@carloscapellan5843 День назад
@@sd_league thanks 🙏🏽 I appreciate your videos they are very informative .
@hereforthememes2351 День назад
Will replays be available on Discord?
@sd_league День назад
yes, as always :)
@df8340 2 дня назад
the nerf to the squad atgms might make the CEV viable.
@sd_league 2 дня назад
It already is viable, many Div 1 players using it. But yeah will make it real solid.
@df8340 2 дня назад
@@sd_league oh damn I’ll have to watch more then, I just can’t make em work lol
@exorbitantprivilege 2 дня назад
nobody will ever realize i was hungover through this
@HaydnStealsLight 2 дня назад
What is it with WARNO creators getting their channels hacked?
@sd_league 2 дня назад
@HaydnStealsLight 2 дня назад
@@sd_league Who's Your's or their's? Or both? It Sucks -- Surely there is not a lot that they can make out of it in the time that they have access? Glad you got it back up!
@sd_league 2 дня назад
@@HaydnStealsLight Both, me getting hacked was due to me having my guards down and not thinking about what I was doing for 3 seconds :D Downloading and opening something I really shouldnt have.
@Damo20 2 дня назад
Definitely a deck I’m keen to try, thank you for the build
@sd_league 2 дня назад
Good luck! Its a fun one to play.
@fischyfischy7532 2 дня назад
still wondering why they made the strike eagle cheaper
@godgaveyouhands2848 2 дня назад
literally one unit on charlie and they didnt take it lmao
@sd_league 2 дня назад
well the investement into scouting that is quite high when you wanna push through other side of the map, ignoring charlie is quite meta atm.
@snakeoo7ca 3 дня назад
What is your take on airborne deploy vs forward deploy balance?
@sd_league 2 дня назад
its in an solid spot, with some nerfs to dragon and metis + hopefully eventually buffs to recon it should be all fair game.
@BeatRoot14 3 дня назад
I still can't figure out this division😂
@sd_league 3 дня назад
Its for sure not easy, and not insanely strong but it has a fun gameplay loop for me.
@carloscapellan5843 3 дня назад
So, stupid question, how would you determine if a unit is an Attacking/Defending unit ? I seem to send everything to attack lol or use the wrong units to defend TIA
@Damo20 6 дней назад
Really helpful video, I've been bingeing your deep dive playlist and find them so useful. Thanks for sharing! Will you be updating some of guides as well, given the various patches that might have changed your choices with the different decks?
@sd_league 6 дней назад
yeah I update them regularily, trying to replace the oldest. Some divs got 4 deep dives by now already :D but yeah too many divs to have them all be up to date at all times.
@Damo20 6 дней назад
@@sd_leagueI understand, it’s a mammoth task especially with a constantly changing meta and balance situation too. Thank you for all your hard work on them, they really help when you’re starting with the different divisions to not take an unworkable set of units and I like that you go through your thought process on why you picked each unit, helps when creating your own.
@frantiseknavrkal2958 6 дней назад
Who broke their glass at 2:16:34? :D
@sd_league 6 дней назад
not me :D
@df8340 8 дней назад
The MI24D being in the inf tab make for such a strong opener. They just land quick, keep firing, and then can be used for firesupport later on.
@ArrigoSacchi87 8 дней назад
Your Buk operators would forget to click the free Matcherino code.
@saturntoaster2875 8 дней назад
thanks so much m8. great to see you making these videos. i enjoy watching these a lot.
@konosmgr 9 дней назад
Pact is so unbelievably trash tier.
@l3nnylasziv390 9 дней назад
Hi and Thx 4 the deep dive. I'm still trying to figure out how to play "56th air" right? 2 questions: why no okhrana with that insane Ural 4 sneaky peaky? and in rec-tab why no zsu-23 instead of dsh. razvedka? sry ... I suck at this game so bad - so sry forward for my stupid questions?
@user-zp4pt7rx1k 10 дней назад
Why not utilize the helicopter transports in the recon tab? You can have a light air assault card and forward deploy to critical positions.
@justvid366 10 дней назад
Would you recommend 8th US Inf Mech or 24th US Inf for a beginner player? Trying to find one div to main, and I don't like pure armored divs like 3rd armored because I keep loosing my tanks 😂
@sd_league 10 дней назад
@@justvid366 I would say 8th is slightly easier. Though if you want Bradleys, 24th is fine too :)
@xeroprotagonist 12 дней назад
The plane control in that second game was immaculate. But I feel like in the third game it was a strategic mistake to try to fight an airborne division with an armored division in an urban close combat meatgrinder. You are always going to run out of shock infantry before he does if you do that, and then you'll just have to quit, you cannot trade infantry squad for squad. You need to cut off the airborne division's line of reinforcement into the town by getting around it with your tanks, force their infantry to pull back into the center of the town with long range fire from your tanks and IFVs, pound the center flat with artillery, and only then send in your engineers (with engineer tank support) to clean out the survivors.
@andrewduan5123 12 дней назад
Will the match table and results be posted on the website? Also what were the bans?
@johnfeldhoffer4015 12 дней назад
Great content and very exciting matches. Looking forward to the rest! Also left a contribution at Matcherino - keep up the great work!
@johnfeldhoffer4015 12 дней назад
Great to have you back and that you got that hacker-situation sorted.
@vorTexLFA 13 дней назад
First comment BOOM!
@bucelliLeo 14 дней назад
So what ended up happening? Did the hotfixes change anything at all?
@53strat55 15 дней назад
Great video, subbed
@ThinkgibbonGamer 16 дней назад
You know what other game had fun urban combat, the Terminator RTS game.
@ThinkgibbonGamer 17 дней назад
Not really guided missiles right there lol
@hereforthememes2351 17 дней назад
Icarus is rn the best player (out of the ones who stream).
@RabidSquirrelX 17 дней назад
The routed hind is just stupid.. sitting there for a min just spinning around
@FogandRain227 18 дней назад
dont use this in ranked its absoulte garbage u will get rolled by better tanks and air while your better infantry gets sniped because ur armor got wiped.
@FogandRain227 18 дней назад
this is only good for support roles in 10v10.
@snakeoo7ca 18 дней назад
Abrams is so much better (in-game, statswise)
@Artakwa-Gaming 18 дней назад
nice 😍
@GZhechev 20 дней назад
Thank you for the screenshot of the recommended deck, I'll be sure to try it out.
@sd_league 20 дней назад
Pros and Cons for 101st Airborne and 56th Air assault: Going to do another of these videos once we have the Northag DLC 101st: Pro: -strong Infantry -Strong Helicopters -Good ASFs Cons: -no IFvs -nearly no forward deploy -weak Strike Aircraft 56th Moto: Pro: -Strong IFV and APCs -Good Helicopters -Good Recon Con: -Weak AA -Weak Tanks -nearly no Forward Deploy
@mathewnguyen2154 20 дней назад
Tier list please
@sd_league 20 дней назад
Need more playtime with the patch + more competitive games seen. Can't just make a tierlist based on nothing.
@tristanhicks9824 21 день назад
Irl I think it’s cool they gave tanks from the national guard unit that’s also on-base (at least that’s why in my head-canon)
@user-bs6is4ts6s 21 день назад
ah yes the historically accurate arcade simulator, where eugene simulates redfor losing over and over 🤣🤣
@neurofiedyamato8763 20 дней назад
Sounds more like a skill issue to me. Keep coping
@leilagorrilla4842 8 дней назад
redfor is the faction that wins the most in 10v10...
@VampiroGaming 21 день назад
Really interesting build. I built mine a bit more around the new units (eg with two delta cards), but think I will eventually need to adjust that a bit (like no dedicated AA helicopter, no or only one Delta for example). We shall see once I have internet again :)
@xeroprotagonist 21 день назад
I feel like you're supposed to use helos and airmobile infantry more aggressively with this division. The way you have it set up here, you have no airmobile command units, so you don't even have the possibility of flying in and flipping zones in the enemy's rear, which seems to me to be the 101st's whole strategy for winning games. The units you get aside from your small number of tanks (too few to hope to compete with the majority of other divisions) are not great at pushing the front directly, you get zero ground-based protected mobility for your infantry so advancing across open ground is very risky, and you don't get enough forward deployment to hope to grab most of the zones in the opener and play defense all game, so if you want to put points on the board, you really need to drop those Green Beret Leaders behind enemy lines. If you play completely linear with the 101st you're setting yourself up to lose. The way I see it, helos cannot really operate cost-effectively on the front line, which will almost always be covered by massed enemy AA and random units with autocannons and heavy machine guns, they either need to be used behind your own lines to counter enemy breakthroughs/infiltration, or fly over a weakly defended section of the enemy's line and drop their passengers in their rear. And they need to be protected by your own AA to keep them from getting dived on by enemy planes and killed for free, that's why the division was given the ATAS Apache and why you need to bring either the airmobile Stingers or Vulcans to cover landing zones. Especially transport helos (which you are basically forced to use with the 101st) can't safely land directly on the front line and if you use them as expensive battle taxis and land them right behind the line, all their advantages are wasted.
@sd_league 21 день назад
the gameplay you propose aint really viable, because transports helos are too expensive, yes you need your helos to stay mobile, but the helo transprots are mostly for the beginning + exploiting weak spots. You have no sead so you cant really operate your fighters as protection behind enemy lines for any bigger manouvre. and airborne CVs are just a waste of points usually you have enough agility as is with humvees.
@xeroprotagonist 21 день назад
@@sd_league I think you have it backwards, helo transports being expensive is a big problem in the opener when you're squeezed for points and need to bring in units that can fight, it's less of an issue later in the game. You have a bunch of helo transported squads in your deck already, like I said you are forced to use them with this division to bring in their best infantry, so it doesn't make sense to say they're too expensive, you are already buying them, I'm just saying you need to play to their strengths and bring more airmobile support units, since you have them. Both the helo CVs in this division are actually cheaper than the Humvee CV, and putting your Aero-Engineer Ldr in a Blackhawk is only 40 points more than putting it in a Humvee. Without having even one card of airmobile command units, you have no way to use your airmobile units to actually exploit enemy weak points to get conquest points and no payoff to all the other helos & airmobile units which make up half your deck, and I don't think it makes sense to give that up to save less than a hundred points. Don't play the helicopter division and then refuse to use helicopters! Yes it's risky to support with ASFs deep over enemy territory, that's why I was talking about the importance of the Apache ATAS and using airmobile AA units. Though Sparrows outrange every radar AA in the game and if your helos are coming around a flank your ASFs will likely have a good angle they can safely launch missiles from to cover them. Also what you get instead of SEAD with the 101st is the Raven, and that plus spotting/baiting missiles with the Quick Fix can let you use the Apache's Hellfires to knock out radar AA. Most AA is outranged by Hellfires or just barely matches them, and the Hellfire has better accuracy and one-taps any AA piece. If the AA loses 20% accuracy from the Raven then the odds strongly favor your helos killing the AA and coming out unscathed. You also have airmobile mortars and artillery that can be brought right outside the AA's range. There are only a few AA units that aren't extremely vulnerable to either Hellfires or indirect fire, and they're expensive and low availability.