TLDR Daily
TLDR Daily
TLDR Daily
Why Hezbollah is Threatening Cyprus
9 часов назад
Why France & Italy are Feuding (again)
19 часов назад
Will Israel Attack Southern Lebanon?
14 дней назад
Israel Strikes Rafah: What Next?
28 дней назад
Putin Sacks Shoigu: What Now?
Месяц назад
@andreylucass Минуту назад
The audio is way better
@TenOrbital 21 минуту назад
He can go back to getting Trump elected now.
@cdub31613 30 минут назад
4:50 “As a result …” I love the content, but I suggest working on your copy. It sounds like the high temperatures in the US and New Delhi are the reason people died on the Hajj.
@sh1nyarm0r 31 минуту назад
He had dark hair before prison, now it's white, and he is fat. He spent the prime of his life in prison.
@fleshreap 32 минуты назад
put human sources lives at risk lol...US did that themselves while fleeing from Afghanistan and leaving people who worked with them out to dry.
@JusticeGlobal 33 минуты назад
Why are you here in my presence? Please leave. You need to resolve your own problems and challenges. You rejected several of my applications so that means its a "NO" from your end and so I am giving you the same NO. Get out!
@dairebulson7122 Час назад
The US and its UK ally tormenting a foreign citizen for so many years for showing the truth...
@Greeem Час назад
The irony in Pence lambasting the release of Assange as a miscarriage of justice, as if his Vice Presidency wasn't at least partially a direct result of the Clinton email leaks.
@jorgecastillo8110 Час назад
Meanwhile Putin Meet Kim Jong Un. I'm sure they were just talking about dogs.
@paratirisis 2 часа назад
I'm confused - when is it Georgina and when is it Nadja?
@The1stDukeDroklar 2 часа назад
Why? Duh.
@dolcethesmorse1890 3 часа назад
So happy to see the return of Julian. Love this channel! By the way just wanted to let you guys know that the Aussie Prime Ministers name is pronounced Alba-neezee. Hope it helps :)
@JS-fd8ey 3 часа назад
I don't know if it's just me, but her over exaggerated head movement is REALLY distracting. I had to stop watching and just listen to pay any attention.
@decodedpsyop 4 часа назад
The US have boots on the ground lies
@Hollywood041 4 часа назад
Re Assange. It is important to remind people that the Manning leak (good) happened in 2010 (Obama) about activities taken in 2007 (Bush II). It was embarrassing for Americans. Later in 2010 it was Diplomatic Cables, that eroded trust w/ allies and gave away secrets including Informants, so damage. Very late 2010 SWE, the EU, and Interpol went after Assange for those Rapes he did. The US did not look at Assange until evidence emerged in the 2013 Manning court martial (deserved) that suggested he had a more active role than just Publisher. This is when he self-imposed exile at Ecuador-UK. Ok? SWE who never listens to US and could give a fuck over being threatened by us. EU who famously thinks they are better than US b/c Europe has more History, gives 0 fucks about US wants. Interpol, absolutely no beef between them and the FBI/CIA, definitely not saying "fucking Americans" under their breath. In 2014 it was the Snowden catastrofuck... just heaps of unredacted info, tools, people, places. Horrible, terrible, no goal, no purpose, no forethought, no humanity for those exposed. Still, the Obama admin determined that they would not pursue an indictment b/c then ALL news that had published some of the Classified info would also be Liable. 1st Amendment, Obama has no interest in violating the Constitution. In 2017 (Drumpf) the US changed it's tune and by 2019 made an indictment, and a more harsh version a year later. Why the change in 2017, b/c in 2016 his organization conspired w/ RUS hackers to obtain DNCC communications, and then conspired w/ the Drumpf campaign on timing of release... election interference, RUS collusion. Why would Drumpf allow charges to be brought against someone they were in bed with? Simple, it was not Drumpf, it was Special Council Mueller, independent prosecutor, assigned by the US DoJ. But the DoJ also had to take a look at Drumpf admin who was doing an Extortion on the then new president of UKR (Zelenskyy) [currently at war w/ those very weapons held up against the State that molded our prior election], specifically for politically damaging information on a perceived rival (Biden) [still no evidence causing Impeachment], (R) have the ability to do that right now, Moskovitz (D - FL) even made the motion so that all that was needed was ONE (R) to say "second". ***THESE THINGS DO NOT HAPPEN IN A VACUUM*** It does no good to remember that it happened if you refuse to cover Why it happened. Assange IS a piece of Shit. The only thing he did correct was publish select clips from Chelsea Manning exposing US war crimes. Ruining diplomacy, Raping girls, destroying a State espionage program, and conspire to put a reality TV personality (likely a Putin puppet) in office in an attempt to aide RUS in forcing a US system collapse that is currently still ongoing. Not cool, man!
@MyLittleMagneton 4 часа назад
USA: hmmm.... 360 years at Guantanamo bay
@DangerAngelous 5 часов назад
“Leaking the documents put the lives of soldiers at risk” oh yeah like the innocent people they murdered’s lives weren’t at any risk at all…
@bomoose 5 часов назад
4:27 I presume an exemption from front line duties for cohanim
@jaridkeen123 6 часов назад
Now give this man $1 Million a year for each year the USA did this to him!
@UFOhunter4711 6 часов назад
Our boy is coming home, even if a lie is required, our boy is coming home!
@Constantine0290 6 часов назад
Them lynxs was busy
@khlaps 7 часов назад
Why is Julian allowed to endanger US lives?
@WhiteManInAVan 7 часов назад
Well done Julian and all his supporters. We should not let corruption go ignored, especially not by those that masquerade as a global police
@westrim 38 минут назад
For instance, using your position to dox thousands of people for the crime of going to the embassy for a visa, because you can't be bothered to check first before dumping all the files on a public server?
@PeterAmgad 7 часов назад
You don't need to move your head side to side every word
@cageybee7221 7 часов назад
this is a great first step, now the US government needs to compensate him for the decade and a half of his life they stole.
@BoredomIncarnate1 7 часов назад
Dude ain't making it to Australia, he's either gonna have an "accident" or the US is gonna change it's mind as soon as he's in their territory.
@flawyerlawyertv7454 7 часов назад
WTF ._.
@isaganipalanca8803 7 часов назад
This is rich! Pence demanding jail time for "people who endanger the security of the US". Si is he saying gis former running mate Trump should be jailed for his treasonous handling of classified documents? MAGA and the GOP! Everty accusation is a confession! LMAO.
@indybruining 7 часов назад
Anchor is looking incredibly cute :)
@TheGildedMackerel0 7 часов назад
@jpsion 7 часов назад
lol, dont fuck with americans.
@generalsherman75 7 часов назад
If i remember correctly did julian assange wikileaks have a polical bent to them by only releasing stuff that leans more right.
@grantorino2325 7 часов назад
Assange is free. Burn in Hell, Donald Trump!
@alexlehrersh9951 8 часов назад
We should refuse to call the orthodox partys right when they are making the military weaker
@alexlehrersh9951 8 часов назад
With their problems at home i findit funny that Kenia thinks they can make security in Haiti better
@alexlehrersh9951 8 часов назад
So the Democats will never prosecute and punish criminalpeople
@nenasiek 8 часов назад
The charges (2 rape charges) were dropped cause we couldnt prosecute him, not cause they accusations were withdrawn.
@teelo12000 9 часов назад
Suppose UK were to rejoin the EU at some point. What would we call that? Brenter? UKenter?
@tapeshsharma9254 7 часов назад
would be called 🤡🤡🤡
@NeuroticPixieSlasher 35 минут назад
Breturn 🫡
@dulio12385 9 часов назад
He's probably gonna disappear over that long flight.
@danieldus5404 9 часов назад
@daedala 9 часов назад
very happy that assange is a finally free man
@Alfonso88279 9 часов назад
I mean, let's be honest, Assange is a traitor and a danger, and I have no political alignement on USA. I am Spanish, I couldn't care less about specific politics. But anyone who releases such delicate content that threatens the security of an entire country deserves, in my opinion, some exemplar punishment. What he did is not journalism unlike some people say.
@salih8792 9 часов назад
Dude its so one sided and illiterate channel im blocking rn
@nathanspreitzer6738 9 часов назад
Tragic he’s not rotting in a prison for the rest of his life, deserves the gallows
@alexanderclaylavin 9 часов назад
Look up the Anne Hamilton Byrne cult that raised Julian Assange
@ThePumpkinRot 9 часов назад
The comments praising a pedophile just because he exposed American troop positions and movement to terrorist, are really just proving the isolationists point.
@daniel_rossy_explica 9 часов назад
I don't understand why she tilts her head over every word.
@goodlookingcorpse 9 часов назад
Weird that Pence forgot to say "...except Donald Trump."
@jackolantern7342 10 часов назад
US is petty af lol....Trump can trade on secrets he took from the gov't -including alleged NSA info - and all these warpigs think nothing of it. Exposing war crimes is supposed worse than that? This the same type of behaviour and thinking that causes Cuba to still be blockaded after all these fucking years.
@sulimanthemagnificent4893 10 часов назад
Julian Assange didn’t kill himself.