
万行大和尚讲解:何谓东华(觉照)禅 Master Wanxing's Explanation of Donghua Awareness-Illumination Chan (DAIC) 

Donghua Chan 東華禪
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Master Wanxing's Explanation of Donghua Awareness-Illumination Chan (DAIC)
To maintain the “awareness-illumination” state is to guard one’s true mind. “Awareness-illumination” is called “purification” if used in contemplating the Buddha’s name; “meditative absorption” if used in meditation; and “tantra” if used in mantra chanting. Among myriad things, only the true mind matters. Treat everything in life as the object of meditation. Let it be as it is. No conceptualization, no recollection. The mind and consciousness is fully committed - calm and poised, simple and pure, and relaxed. It stays in the “awareness-illumination” state. Though facing everything, it neither abides in existence nor falls into non-existence as it returns to the present. This is true mastery.
- By Master Wanxing
觉照禅的功法指的就是用功的方法 The techniques of DAIC refer to methods of cultivation.
目前无法意目前,目指的是什么意思呢 It is said “the eyes see no true nature of phenomena, but the consciousnesses sees.” What does the term “eyes” refer to?
不仅仅指的是我们有形有相的眼睛和耳朵 It does not merely refer to our eyes and ears, which come with forms and shapes.
当然它也包含了,主要的真正目前是指的心目,心眼 Yes, the term includes physical organs, but it primarily points to the mind’s ears, the inner eyes,
心耳, and the inner ears.
一个人如果能够管到自己的内心的眼睛 If a person can guard his or her inner eyes,
内心的耳朵 inner ears, and
内心的嘴巴 inner mouth,
才是一个修行的开始 he or she is ready to embark on cultivation.
如果你管不到自己内心的眼耳鼻舌身意 If you can’t guard your inner eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind,
给你什么法都没有用 you will have no use for any technique.
虽然说心目当中没有法 Although your inner eyes see no phenomena,
但是你必须看守住你的心 you must guard your mind and
守住你的眼睛 不能散乱 eyes so that they do not wander away.
不能被外面的财色名利所转变 You should not be tempted by wealth, lust, fame, or fortune.
你要做财色名利的主人 You must be in control of them
而不能被他牵着跑 and not be controlled by them.
一个真正的修行人 A true practitioner
虽然他的眼睛闭着的 may close his or her eyes.
外面的眼睛闭着的 His or her outer eyes are closed,
但他的心眼打开着 but his or her inner eyes are open,
对外界的事物看得清清楚楚 and he or she can still perceive external objects clearly.
那么我们在用功的时候 When we exert effort,
的确我们外面的眼睛关闭的 it is true that our outer eyes are closed,
但是我们心里的眼睛是打开的 but our inner eyes are open.
再往外面看 We then look at the outside,
同时也在往内看看自己的起心动念 and at the same time look inward to observe our arising thoughts.
如果说一个佛弟子 As a Buddhist disciple,
你不能时时刻刻看着自己的行为举止起心动念的话 if you cannot observe your behaviors and thoughts in every moment,
称不上一个佛弟子 you cannot be called a Buddhist disciple.
那么你不能时时刻刻看出自己的念头 If you can’t observe your thoughts in every moment,
那么你的清净心你就培养不起来 you will not be able to cultivate a pure and clear mind.
什么叫做清净心 What is a pure and clear mind?
不染为清 What is undefiled is “pure.”
不乱就为净 What is undisturbed is “clear.”
不染污不乱就是清净心 A mind that is undefiled and undisturbed is a pure and clear mind.
为什么说染 What is defilement?
你住在上面就染 If you are attached to it, your mind is defiled.
有所留恋就乱 If your mind lingers, it becomes disturbed.
所以不染不乱就是清净心 Thus, a mind that is undefiled and undisturbed is a pure and clear mind
你达到了清净心 When you attain a pure and clear mind,
就是金刚经讲的最高境界的 you have reached the highest state as described by the Diamond Sutra,
就是因无所住而生其心 hence the saying, “from non-abiding arises the awakened mind.”
其实常觉不住是从金刚经里面 Actually, the phrase in the Diamond Sutra is “persistent but non-abiding awareness.:
应无所住而生其心的无所住的心 The mind in the saying “from non-abiding arises the awakened mind”
无所住的心 is a “non-abiding mind,”
就是常觉的心 or a mind that is always aware.
你有了一颗常觉的心 If you have a mind that is always aware,
自然就达到了一无所住 you will naturally come to the state of non-abiding.
世间万物都可以通过一个载体一个渠道 The myriad things in the world can pass through a vessel or a channel
传递给大家的 to reach people.
那么以人为本具体体现在,尊重人 The “people-oriented” principle is reflected in how we respect,
包容人 理解人 tolerate, and understand people.
服务人的基础上 It is about how we serve people,
以提升众生的灵性与生命的品质为原则和目标 basing on the principle and goal of improving the spirituality and quality of life of all living beings.
真正以人为本的精神就是菩萨的精神 The true spirit of the “people-oriented” principle is the spirit of the Bodhisattvas.
菩萨的确做到了以人为本 Bodhisattvas have indeed followed the “people-oriented” principle.
因为菩萨是完全把自己奉献给众生 This is because bodhisattvas have completely devoted themselves to living beings
服务于众生的 and serving others.
他每时每刻所想的 In every waking moment,
都是为众生想所做的 they think about how to serve living beings.
所以它真正体现在佛法以人为本的精神 Thus, they truly reflect the spirit of the “people-oriented” principle.
一个真正的修行人 As a true cultivator
你把自己的身口意净化了 if you have purified your body, speech, and mind,
你就净化社会了 you can purify society.
*English translation volunteer: JJC



24 сен 2024




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