
台東探索未知的美 | THE BEAUTY OF TAITUNG | Most Beautiful Place in Taiwan? 

Wes Davies 衛斯理
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#Wes環島系列 #台灣環島 #機車環島
How many times can I say the word beautiful in one video? If you haven't been to Taitung before, now is your chance. Experience the wonder of Taiwan's East cost, starting in the mountains of Taitung. First I drive from Kenting to ZhiBen, a picturesque hot spring village nestled in the mountains. After some incredible exploration, waterfalls, hot springs, and running rivers, I enjoy some unique aboriginal food and then drive all the way to ChiShan. This is an outrageously beautiful valley famous for its immense rice fields. It doesn't get any better than this! Lastly, I enjoy a traditional bento box inside an old train car, and then give you a sneak peek of next week's video.... HINT: I flew in an airplane over the mountains of Hualien! Sometimes, we get really lucky, don't we?



8 сен 2024




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@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
Can anyone count how many times I said the word "beautiful" in this video??? I think about 15 or 16 lol. I need to update my vocabulary a little bit!
@umbertocalvini7429 4 года назад
Fabulous! Fantastic! Stunning 👍🙌👏
@sonsofliberty6529 4 года назад
It's 15 times I'm sure👍💞😄
@followxiaofei 4 года назад
Everyone subscribe to Wes so that he can afford an thesaurus.
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
Imagine there was a dinosaur with a huge vocabulary? It would be a Thesaurussaurus....
@lanslaksa 4 года назад
I think you said the word spectacular more than beautiful. LOL This video is amaaaaazing!
@giannishen 4 года назад
希望林部長也能看到衛斯理的影片,他很適合當臺灣觀光大使! 從一開始音樂的選擇,就能看出衛斯理的用心!台東真的好美, 知本是我們小時候遠足必去的景點,長大後還能有印象的地方; 那裡是一處山嵐多變化、環境幽美的部落,彷彿遠離世俗塵囂! 疫情結束後,歡迎更多外國人士追隨衛斯理的腳步,暢遊臺東!😄👍
@lovecamera8 4 года назад
【輕鬆玩台東~完整攻略篇!!】 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲交通方面的話~從北部來建議坐火車"直達車的普悠瑪號"來台東,時間大約4-5小時,到市區後可能需要租車,因為台東大眾交通工具比較沒有那麼普遍. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲從屏東方向來的話可以開車或是火車,兩種都有不同感受,開車的話雖然比較累,但是因為這幾年南迴有拓寬而且草埔隧道已經開通,開車的視野跟以前是完全不同的,出隧道後從達仁到台東沿途風景美到可以把我這老台東人驚呆,多良車站到金崙大橋的那段真的感覺很像開在天上(整段路天氣好時往右看真的全是一片藍)!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲多良車站開車有經過的話可以去看看,真的很漂亮,沿路的海岸線很多可以拍照的好地方~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲過金崙開到太麻里後,可以去看看太麻里金針山,金針花季每年7-9月.或是到太麻里車站前(打卡拍照景點).櫻木花道平交道(打卡拍照景點)看看! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲住的地方推薦台東市區正氣路(台東人稱水果街)的桂田酒店,會推薦這裡有幾點原因: ▲.有腳踏車能借,旁邊就是家樂福! ▲.每星期的四、五、六晚上,一出飯店門口就是台東觀光夜市,走出飯店就可以逛夜市! ▲.這間酒店剛開沒多久,裡面設施蠻多的,有酒吧,泳池,自助餐和港式茶點,也有小孩子能玩的地方! ▲.飯店附近用走路的話也蠻多地方可以逛的,晚上的話除了夜市外,建議到鐵花村那看看(只推薦晚上去.從飯店步行5-10分鐘,出飯店大門往右手邊直走,看到第一個路口博愛路左轉直走,過警察局的十字路口就是),那區是以前的台東舊火車站,是到台東必去的拍照打卡景點,晚上會掛滿燈籠和市集,也有街頭藝人在那做表演,外國人常去的酒吧或是小吃也不少,星巴克和摩思漢堡也開在那區,另外旁邊就是鯉魚山,也可去走走,秀泰影城也在附近~! ▲.需要CP值高的的住宿地點可以搜尋路得行旅 國際青年旅館,這裡的價位從850-2200不等。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲市區內能逛的地方除了晚上的舊火車站外,下午也可以逛逛舊火車站的林蔭步道! ▲台東的媽祖廟建議一定要去,這是台東最大的廟,在台東市區最熱鬧的中華路上,身為在地人表示非常靈驗(點香七炷香.中華路一段222號) ! ▲台東森林公園,適合親子騎腳踏車一起逛逛,外面可以租腳踏車,裡面非常大,腳踏車道連接琵琶湖&活水湖和台東海濱公園,推薦! ▲台東海濱公園(看日出推薦地點),這裡也是很多觀光客會去的地方,最出名的是一家黃記蔥油餅,台東人的排隊美食!海濱公園有出租電動腳踏車的地方.若是也要順便逛琵琶湖和台東森林公園的話,建議可以租借腳踏車後再進去,用走路的走不完.琵琶湖和台東森林公園自家車無法進去.但是用腳踏車能進去! ▲寶町藝文中心(中山路182號),整體面積不算小,都是日式建築和整片草地,喜歡拍照的朋友可以去看看,在台東黑貓宅急便的對面,往旁邊巷子開車進去的話,可以繞道寶町藝文中心的後面(草地在那裏),算是台東的隱藏景點之一! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲假如有租車的話,想看海可以由台東市區往"台11線(往花蓮)"方向走,途徒按順序經過: ▲.富岡漁港(吃海鮮&生魚片的好地方)! ▲.小野柳風景區.(小時候常在這裡抓寄居蟹,需收費)! ▲.加路蘭風景區(看日出推薦地點!免費)! ▲.白沙灣(美麗灣).台東人的海水浴場(看日出推薦地點!免費)! ▲.富山護漁區&海景咖啡(小魚兒的家&逐浪,整排很多同性質的店家),在這裡喝咖啡除了看海景,在省道上小魚兒的家旁有個下坡可以往海邊走,隔壁就是白沙灣,坐在這裡可以享受台東的悠閒,大推(看日出推薦地點)! ▲.水往上流! ▲.都蘭.都蘭山上有間月光小棧咖啡館,建築物是以前的電影"月光下我記得"的電影場景,劇組走之後建築物沒有拆掉而變成咖啡館,可在這裡俯瞰都蘭村和海景,可以問一下當地人怎麼走!都蘭也有一些國外衝浪客常在這玩衝浪,要往都蘭海邊走的話,看到警察局之後往對面民宅的小路一直下去就可以到了!另外也可以選擇都蘭海角咖啡(台東縣東河鄉舊部路47鄰10-14號),面海的草原並坐在遮陽傘下看風景,很適合親子或全家人一起去發呆放鬆喔。 ▲.東河肉包.台東衝浪聖地! ▲.台東秘境.都歷沙灘(看日出推薦地點!台東往都歷方向的話,看到都歷標示牌後慢行,快到都歷有一座小橋,還沒過橋在右邊有紅色掩埋場的告示牌,看到直接往右轉裡面走,開車的話建議停在大路旁步行進去.裡面沒什麼地方停車,建議google台東成功潮汐表的退潮時間再過去,要去的話記得自帶清洗用水,也請記得垃圾不落地喔)! ▲.成功.成功漁港.東管處.都歷遊客中心.阿美族民俗中心.(臺東縣成功鎮新村路25號 )! ▲.三仙台.(有一座連接小島的大橋)! ▲.長濱.長濱金剛大道.和池上的伯朗大道非常相似.不過池上是山景環繞.長濱這裡是一面山一面海! ▲.八仙洞! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲想往山裡走的話可以由台東市區往"台9線(往花蓮)"方向走,途徒按順序經過: ▲.初鹿(這裡有初鹿牧場,建議必去的台東景點之一,很多拍照的地方,裡面有滑草場,也有除了乳牛外的小動物,風景非常漂亮,是個可以讓身心放鬆的好地方,門票約台幣50-200元左右(平日假日不同收費),初鹿牧場的鮮乳也是屬於台東的專屬乳品喔)! ▲.鹿野高台(每年7-8月會有熱氣球嘉年華,台東飛行傘)! ▲.關山.(關山便當&關山臭豆腐)! ▲.池上.最出名的就是池上米和池上便當,通常會選擇火車站前的全美行便當,小時候每經過池上火車月台在賣的就是這間了,味道也是以前的味道,景點的話有大坡池和伯朗大道! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲看夜景的話有星星部落和寒舍(台東縣卑南鄉頂岩灣29鄰1之9號).都是喝茶看夜景,不過可能要有人帶才會走.詢問當地台東人應該都知道! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲知本溫泉的話要泡湯推薦找個人湯屋可以看山景的(可以先詢問有再進去),以前泡過的湯屋是在靠日本溪那側的,也可以去看看知本森林遊樂區! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲吃的東西推薦幾樣老台東人常吃的,假設住在桂田酒店的話,走路不遠: ▲.大同路>㊣藍蜻蜓炸雞,台東人的回憶(台東市大同路214號.走路約10-15分)! ▲.大同路>㊣榕樹下米苔目,藍蜻蜓炸雞旁邊而已(台東市大同路176號.走路約10-15分)! ▲.正氣路>㊣老東芳青草茶(正氣路298巷1號).㊣早點大王(正氣路242號).㊣北港小吃部(光明路212號).㊣寶桑湯圓(正氣路189號).㊣阿水伯魯肉飯(正氣路174號).㊣四方鵝肉(正氣路115之1號).㊣阿鋐炸雞(正氣路163號).㊣林家臭豆腐(正氣路130號)(往中華路方向走約10-15分,一路走下去會遇到這些店)! ▲.正氣路>㊣7里香滷味(正氣路385巷7號).㊣津芳冰城(正氣路358號).㊣神農青草茶(正氣路161號)(往商校方向走路約5分鐘.一樣都在一條路上)! ▲.傳廣路>㊣卑南豬血湯(傳廣路117號).㊣蕃薯伯地瓜(傳廣路170號.推薦伴手禮).㊣天隆中藥行(傳廣路456號.推薦梅子橄欖)! ▲.博愛路>㊣陳記麻糬(博愛路186號.推薦伴手禮)! ▲.新生路>㊣河南味牛肉麵(新生路716號)! ▲.光明路>㊣東鼎牛肉麵(光明路107號)! ▲.四維路>下午1:30以後可以試試㊣蕭家肉圓(中華路一段177號),下午3點以後可以試試路旁的"關東煮",台東人的專屬下午小吃! ▲.更生路>㊣鴻臚烤鴨便當(更生路502號.早上9點前打電話訂購不然就買不到了,非常難買),㊣東池便當(更生路503號.推薦炸雞腿便當(超大雞腿),目前台東個人還沒吃過比這家好吃的,雖然都是東池但是只推更生路這家)! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲以上推薦的都是幾十年的台東老店!祝大家旅遊愉快!!!
@tosky007 4 года назад
@rockzzzz0968 4 года назад
哇!謝謝詳細的推薦! 請問您介紹的地方,如果騎機車的話可以嗎?謝謝
@caryluhsieh 4 года назад
神推薦(筆記 之後一定要走一次這個推薦
@appearzlightmoon6606 4 года назад
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
Amazing advice! Thanks for your tips!
@humikamui 4 года назад
瀑布很美 ❤❤❤ 我現在要去加油了..... 等等,我好像被什麼吸引住了......... 嗯... 我現在該趕快去加油了..... 欸... 等一下,我好像被什麼吸引住了...... 這下真的該趕緊去加油了...... 咦?! 我又看到了什麼?!.... 😆😆😆.......... 無限循環......... 😆😆😆 期待接下來的花蓮之旅..... 看看你還有多少次停下來被什麼吸引住了 🤣🤣🤣
@user-ob1le1zh2i 4 года назад
@user-lp2ld9ki5c 4 года назад
@soszi0204 4 года назад
@NaickKim 4 года назад
Great video Wes! You can really tell you put a lot of time into filming and editing the b roll 😊 also love how you filmed the small 'in between' moments like almost running out of gas. Great job!
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
I’m using a new editing trick which I stole from you 😅 The regular speed to high speed back to regular speed, you may have noticed ;)
@NaickKim 4 года назад
@@WesDaviestravel haha yes we noticed the speed ramping. It looked good 😊👌🏻 the insta360 footage was cool too
@MindyMa 3 года назад
'glad I am finally watching this 17 min video of 台東! Love Wes editing & bgm and the 360 is slightly dizzy. (Still waiting for Naick & Kim's RV to progress even more before Christmas 2020.💕)
@linlinda6837 3 года назад
@engstromlukas 4 года назад
Another masterpiece from the one and only Wes Davies! SO jealous of all your adventures man! 😍🥰 When are we going out exploring for real together? ❤️
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
I was going to ask you the same thing! You know I also love mangoes, right???? :)
@nexusyang4832 4 года назад
We need another collab video. :) :)
@RichardTheVoyager 4 года назад
It would be great to see you two doing duo on road trip with scooter~
@timwang1551 4 года назад
And bring Xiaofei if you care for some off-road in the middle of nowhere adventures!
@user-sk6iz9ll8s 4 года назад
Together! Together! Together!Together!
@linlinda6837 3 года назад
@chiehhuang4602 4 года назад
@KaylaCosmos 4 года назад
Taitung is one of the top places I want to visit in Taiwan! The scenery is really reminding me of Costa Rica 🏝️
@mariawu3841 4 года назад
I like your video. You are a handsome nice guy.
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
So nice of you
@yslsunny9495 4 года назад
Hey, Wesley, watching you enjoy the beauty of eastern Taiwan. I really envy you. The eastern part retains Taiwan's most primitive natural scenery, just like heaven. Thank you for sharing with you the beauty of eastern Taiwan. The journey is safe and smooth.
@LaurensvanRooijen 4 года назад
Wow, I really need to get back to Taitung - only spent two and a half days there in April 2019 - and mostly stayed within the city limits, doing a hike along the beach and discovering the Forest Park. Such a laid-back city, and such a contrast to the rush, noise and frenzy often encountered in the larger cities along Taiwan's West coast. Turns out I need to get out of Taitung next time I'm going to the East coast. But hey, I rode a (folding) bike from Hualien to Ruisui (on the coastal highway 11 and the 64 that leads into the East rift valley) and onwards through the East Rift Valley on the 193 and 197 side roads all the way to Taitung. Did it on a Thursday and Friday, so there was not a lot of traffic.The 9 is way too busy, at least for cyclists. Great vid on some hidden gems of the Southeast, props for that to Wes!
@georgek1200gt 4 года назад
@meimei-fx3jd 4 года назад
影片非常專業,每次欣賞完您的影片,天天都在期待下一集的到來。 那一大盤的青菜名稱為皇宮菜,它能「防癌」、「補鐵」、「降膽固醇」,是非常美味健康的青菜,我自己也常食用。
@reneharrison1581 3 года назад
i know im randomly asking but does any of you know of a tool to get back into an instagram account..? I stupidly lost the password. I appreciate any tricks you can offer me.
@kannonkarter8541 3 года назад
@Rene Harrison instablaster =)
@tmdb8557 4 года назад
@tosky007 4 года назад
@badpigy 4 года назад
This RU-vid is really good 👍❤️ You really have great taste in music 🎵👍❤️
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
Thank you!
@user-cs1oc7ke1h 4 года назад
@jason89988 4 года назад
Just stumbled onto this channel and like to say Good job Wes! I’ll be subscribing and looking forward to more Taiwan videos!
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
This is what I love to hear! Thanks for subbing ❤️
@ALY-mp3kn 4 года назад
When I was young we could see the same kind of scenery as you've seen in Taitung, all along the west coast of Taiwan . Now those fields I witnessed had long gone and became into industrial parks, residential buildings, and railways. We hope they can keep the rice field you saw today for Taitung as long as possible.
@ahunglu1592 4 года назад
用機車行丈量台灣,讚! 歡迎世界所有人來台觀光, 喜歡台灣,保育台灣,定居台灣,讚!
@user-lt4mx3gz3u 4 года назад
@SatishKumar41 4 года назад
The country side of Taitung looks like a hidden gem and so much bliss to even watch those beautiful places on RU-vid. Thank you for sharing this stunning journey with us. Love to Taiwan from India ☺️😇🌸🕊️🙏
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
Happy to hear that! I would love to visit India someday ❤️
@SatishKumar41 4 года назад
@@WesDaviestravel you are welcome to India. Happy to meet you in India or Taiwan ☺️😊
@user-gx8ks6nu5c 4 года назад
@lomg-mingwang4264 3 года назад
影片中的台灣很美真的美 眼看盡山海 風中人文 感謝你
@jenny6497 3 года назад
Great video Wes! As I was watching the part where you took a small hike on the mountains, I was like you mesmerized by the beautiful scenery. Just a friendly reminder, there are quite a few snakes in Taiwan mountains and it might be a good idea to keep an eye on them next time when you take another exciting hike. Hello from a Taiwanese Canadian from Vancouver BC! Very happy to see you enjoying your time in Taiwan! I get it sometimes it can be hard living far away from home, but I’m sure people in Taiwan are happy to help you feel Taiwan a second home for you.
@WesDaviestravel 3 года назад
I appreciate that, thank you!
@Sky024190 4 года назад
@wen-xu3ku 4 года назад
台灣真的太多美景了,根本無法比較,不知道衛斯理看見花東縱谷又是什麼表情,而且這次還沒去到台東大峽谷,下次還要再跑一趟 XD
@user-xs4bf6sp7e 4 года назад
@caichieh6910 4 года назад
@ko-dalee3256 4 года назад
真的... 尤其是金針花開的時候....
@mdatpe 4 года назад
Every time I watch your videos it makes me miss it even more..been coming since 1999 and loved since I stepped off the plane. Lived inTaichung ,survived the big quake and a couple of typhoons but still not deterred. Loved exploring on the scooter as well however I can speak Chinese like you do..keep it going I’ll be back for sure
@user-ff8zy9gw3f 4 года назад
I think the smell is from rice field, very clean and refreshing, you a can find it in a lot of places in Taiwan.
@ceotw3463 4 года назад
Hey, it looks like summer time and you were in the hotel “hot spring bath”...? Ok, must be so therapeutic and relaxing for you, cool!
@yfcheng8902 4 года назад
每次到東部出差也總是忍不住一直停下車,真的是每個轉彎後都有不可思議的美景。 你很幸運,到伯朗大道的時候剛好稻穗快要收成了,金黃色的一整片,真的好漂亮。 環島到西岸的苗栗大安一帶,也有整片的稻米田,不過你到的時後可能都收成完了,不過有可能會看到綠油油的一片。苗栗好望角蠻漂亮的,如果你有計劃去高美濕地,可以順便去清水的鰲峰山觀景平台,也很漂亮。
@belindaslovelydaily214 4 года назад
@SUPPERNERDY01 3 года назад
@user-qh3nb5eb7h 4 года назад
花東山線跟海岸線都超美,空氣很好,天空超藍 衛斯理要注意油量啊~盡量在紅色刻度前加滿油 這樣才能放心的探索更多的景點喔😎
@bettyhkfang 4 года назад
Oh! I miss my hometown. After 40 years living far away, Taitung is still the most beautiful place I have ever met in the world.
@user-jb1cx9rj5h 4 года назад
在全球疫情仍緊張的時刻,觀看你們旅遊的影片真的很療育的效果。重點是我們一邊吃著剉冰欣賞風景...謝謝也辛苦你們了! 祝:一路順風~
@may5343 4 года назад
@user-iy2eb4ds1r 4 года назад
花東真的是台灣的後花園~最後的淨士!! 請好好保護它!!
@michellelee2451 4 года назад
@kk61778 4 года назад
When the full moonlight reflects on the pacific ocean in the night , there's no word to describe what you saw .
@user-dn7mo8io7f 4 года назад
WesDavies Welcome to Taitung, I am from Taitung, I hope you will have good memories in Taitung
@lorenzapeng 2 года назад
Wow I really love taiwan since I arrived here I want to stay here. God bless you.
@user-tr8xl2nl9c 4 года назад
@frnk57 4 года назад
加油 衝破十萬訂閱
@Lulu-hl6po 4 года назад
哇阿~介紹的好仔細 就像跟著你一起旅行,感謝你把我的出生地~台東介紹的如此美好😊雖然回去玩過幾次 ,但是都無法像你一樣這麼的深入,謝謝你的拍攝辛苦了!
@sword811man 4 года назад
謝謝你來到我的家鄉,知本是我出生長大的地方。 謝謝你喜愛台灣這塊土地
@louisaliao1008 4 года назад
Cool shooting camera! I start to wondering if you ever make it to Hualian... guess I’ll have to follow up your video.
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
My Hualien video just came out!
@tinalee6735 4 года назад
@maggielu4404 4 года назад
The music is sooo good!
@sthong4168 4 года назад
Very beautiful video. Thanks for showing.
@user-be2ri4ij4x 4 года назад
@user-vg1nw5sz6g 4 года назад
@jamesc571 4 года назад
The hot spring you stayed , is a very historical one, and probably the most well known one in Taiwan, this hot spring and Peitou hot spring near Taipei are the two very historical hot spring in Taiwan, I think the reason why you are out of gas is because of all the distractions/start stops all the way!! that lunch box, I hope you take note of the rice, the rice produce there is not just the best in Taiwan , its the best of the world, the rice produced there won multiple awards for years around the world, managed to beat Japanese rice as well
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
I real enjoyed that hot spring hotel and of course the rice. I wish I could live in Taitung lol
@sherrykao1017 4 года назад
I took a trip to Taitung couple years ago and visited the vast rice field as well. I also wanted to move to Taitung after that trip. 😄
@fchiu11 4 года назад
Taitung is my favorite town in Taiwan. No matter go hiking on the mountain or cycling along with east coast, every where is so beautiful indeed!!
@user-jo1ed2zx4k 4 года назад
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
@smart8882 3 года назад
@taiwanese102 4 года назад
Nice video! And you are so brave ride a motorcycle in the mountains alone and find a gorgeous view and share with us. 👍
@arong.e_ 4 года назад
@angelhohoho 4 года назад
I can tell that you are so happy and enjoy everything on the trip. Ottawa survived a week long almost 40 everyday. I was steaming in an apartment. Still lockdown but some barbershops were allowed to start business. Byward market oldest restaurant was closed forever......not much enjoyable things here. Lucky you ! Drive safety, and expect your next video!
@michaelmccoll6807 4 года назад
Awesome video, the fields in Taidong remind me of the fields outside changmai in Thailand
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
@user-tx5tr6cr9z 4 года назад
@user-xf5fq1ni5i 4 года назад
台東停留太短了......琵琶湖很值得去 而且花東的米飯很好吃
@willynieh5064 4 года назад
This experience is absolutely great, the landscapes there is amazing, such wonderful film, adore you, man
@curtiske2602 4 года назад
@dannis3847 4 года назад
Perfect! 整部片子拍的很美 又很豐富… 真的美極了
@user-do9gb3sc7h 4 года назад
@a0989253404 4 года назад
@clare9427 4 года назад
Me too
@lovecamera8 4 года назад
@a0989253404 4 года назад
JK JK 我常騎車從屏東到台東或是旭海,油量的安排在心裏是有底的。只衛斯理跑的知本山區和油錶顯示,讓人捏一把汗。
@user-ze2fm4fz9v 4 года назад
@user-ze2fm4fz9v 4 года назад
衛斯理你好, 我想要向你推薦雲林古坑草嶺“木馬古道”,走在2公里竹林中,享受天然的冷氣機,和完全不同的山區景色。很值得去看看,台灣的另外一面。
@waynehu664 4 года назад
TaiTung is also very popular with expats looking for a beautiful place to settle down. Each year there are some festivals also feature many foreign cultures there. Because in TaiTung there is a large expat community.
@Wish-Hope 4 года назад
伯朗大道! 是台灣人都該去那麼一次的桃花源。 Perfect recording of ur scooter tour. Better than great ! And in Yilan will have a place similar to this.
@godmy3965 4 года назад
Wow it's amazing. Nice. beautiful. Have fun!👍👍👍👏👏👏👏😍😍
@ChuangSarah 4 года назад
I enjoy all of your videos of the traveling around Taiwan series. Great job! 👍 This one on Taitung really makes me wanna take a vacation there. And may I say I'm amazed your skin is glowing & not sunburnt at all, considering driving the scooter in the scorching heat is no kidding, lol!
@mia1990100 4 года назад
@user-ux4pd3qf4l 4 года назад
@wei2984 4 года назад
池上 is definitely my favorite place in Taiwan! You can visit in autumn, probably around 20th Oct. to 20 Nov. In that time, the weather will more comfortable and rice field near to harvest, smell of rice come with breeze, is perfect. Or if you arrive there in Feb. to Mar., all field will full of water before plant rice, it's will looks like giant mirror on the earth and reflecting the color and image of sky, it's look gorgeous !! Riding bicycle is the best way to slowly enjoy this wonderful scenery I thought~
@user-dl8in2nb1y 4 года назад
@Dmsvdmoss2739 4 года назад
Love those drone shots!!!
@free7221 3 года назад
@grant1119wu 4 года назад
No other places better than 池上, which is definitely the most beautiful place in Taiwan. Remember to try the top quality rice from 池上 in the future.
@user-bw6vj7se3x 4 года назад
@z127oe 4 года назад
Really enjoy the landscape that you’ve captured!
@katehu1659 4 года назад
Welcome to my beautiful (schön 😁) hometown 池上 again .
@lancelot0201 4 года назад
露天溫泉還是晚上泡比較好,白天又沒遮陽,你會中暑 晚上泡露天溫泉,還可以看星星
@reebobasumatary2134 4 года назад
Very very nice video
@user-kw8os7mv6l 4 года назад
@MikeWaterford 4 года назад
Taitung is beautiful. So many great locations. I hope to return one day. Great video Wes
@kellyd4591 4 года назад
Couple of years ago , I have visited Chi shang for tasting lunch box 便當 however I could not eat it due to typhoon was coming , I really want to get there again once COVID-19 epidemic has stamped out. I love your videos and will support you!
@WesDaviestravel 4 года назад
I appreciate that thanks!
@chenhuijean5912 4 года назад
@joywang3308 4 года назад
Our beloved Wes ‘cruise’~~ it’s such a treat for us to see all those lush sceneries with your lovely smiles along the trip. Can’t help wondering how nice must it be to have your dear uncle with us here in Taiwan...
@Evoque2020 4 года назад
那是台灣偏遠的東南角落...是最後的天堂 😍 在知本附近的山上眺望遠方的山,說不定是從歐亞大陸板塊看往菲律賓板塊喔 🤔🤔
@user-ep4du6jg6k 4 года назад
@user-ml1bm3ci8e 4 года назад
@user-bc9ph9pk4o 4 года назад
@user-c929 4 года назад
你出發這天天氣真好,景色非常令人心曠神怡,感覺好舒服 然後...Wes,要不要學一些中文用來形容美麗的成語,我可以教你😋
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