
10 Signs You Might Actually Be Demisexual 

I'm Autistic, Now What?
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29 сен 2024




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@imautisticnowwhat 10 месяцев назад
Did anyone else find that discovering their neurodivergence gave them permission to think more deeply about their sexuality? Have you seen the video I made taking some (bizarre) TikTok autism tests a couple of weeks back? I’ve been loving reading the stories you’ve come up with for the first one!: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-3mXB-xF78_M.html Merry December everyone! It’s sooo cold in the UK right now 🥶I hope you're staying cosy. Thank you so much for being here & see you next week! 💛
@RyannJoyRule 10 месяцев назад
Learning I’m ADHD to leaving Mormonism to learning I’m transgender to learning I’m autistic pipeline 🤷‍♀️ now, I really relate to demisexuality! Love your videos! No one NEEDS a label if they don’t want, but labels help with understanding ourselves and in finding community 🥺 I finally feel, at the age of 29, that I can have friends and family that love and see me for me 😭😭😭
@Tytan626 10 месяцев назад
Happened the other way round for me
@0744401 10 месяцев назад
For *Autism* it didn't - but discovering I was Alexithymic is REVOLUTIONARY.
@Brynnthebookworm 10 месяцев назад
Yes, very much so! Once I started breaking my masking I realized that I wasn't as cis het as I had made myself think. I now identify as nonbinary, and I'm still in the process of exploring the idea of what my sexuality might be. Since this all happened at once, and in my mid 30s, it has felt like I was going through an early midlife crisis. It's funny that this video dropped now, because I have recently been researching more heavily into demisexuality, because it felt like it might fit me. Now I'm fairly positive that this label could apply to me, as I resonated a lot with this video. ❤
@Arcolyte13 10 месяцев назад
In a way it did for me, but with gender expression. While I sort of knew I was demi, I didn't really think about the other things until later in life. Somewhat reverse engineering the 'comorbities' and 'discovering' I'm possibly trans while ultimately realizing I'm nearly certainly autistic.
@jessicamondy5638 10 месяцев назад
I am demisexual. I still call/called people "sexy" all the time. It absolutely blew my mind when I found out sexy=wants to have sex with. It's normal to find someone sexy and have no desire to have sex with them, right? Same with the idea of crushes. I had no idea all these people wanted to have sex with their celebrity crushes 🤯
@janah.8471 9 месяцев назад
I can relate to this so much. I usually call people sexy based on some cultural/societal expectations rather than actual interest.
@daddy8518 9 месяцев назад
Sexy does not = want to have sex with the person for your average non demi person the majority of the time. Idk where you heard that.
@makego 9 месяцев назад
The correlation might vary to a person weather "sexy" equals want to have sex with. I suspect it's like how some people are naturally hypersexual while others, perhaps more ace types, just use sexy as a general term like, "Python is a sexy coding language.'
@eltoro92630 8 месяцев назад
I can conceive of a person as being gorgeous, and, in an abstract way, of being sexually desirable. Jennifer Lawrence. Very sexy, even steamy. Not interested in having sex with her, at least not before I decide that I like her personality and she's kind. George Clooney? Objectively smoldering. Even if I wasn't a straight male, I likewise would want to know him before "knowing" him, in the biblical sense. I think for some, the romantic feelings have to precede the sexual feeling, for others, to see if pushing past discomfort will be worth it. And, more sadly/darkly, for those of us bullied or abused in the past, to get a thorough understanding of a person to feel safe with them. Because being vulnerable with a person, emotionally and sexually, who subsequently turns around and rejects or bullies you can be devastating.
@leftlionlil3483 7 месяцев назад
One time when I was drunk I called a large flatscreen television sexy. Pretty sure that’s a bad sign lmao
@joachimrefsland2210 10 месяцев назад
I think the fact that you already have to accept that your brain is different to others, makes it a lot easier for an neurodivergent indevidual to accept the fact that they are not the same as others in other areas too. Maybe the reason we are more likely to be non cis/het, is exactly that, we had to realy analyze our own behavour, and our way of thinking… just a thought tho.
@Petertwohig1948 10 месяцев назад
I am 75, and have come to see that I am not the same as neurotypicals in ANY area.
@bosstowndynamics5488 10 месяцев назад
This is definitely part of it, but I doubt I'm the only one who realised I was ace *before* realising I was properly neurodiverse (although I always knew I wasn't "normal")
@BertieJRussell 3 месяца назад
As someone who identifies as demi, when it comes to "types" I've found for me it tends to be more of a personality thing (that honestly comes with patterns of appearance). So, if I happen to have a physical type, it's because Ive made an aesthetic correlation between the kinds of people I've made a significant connection with/find incredibly interesting.
@failedatmakingasandwich423 3 месяца назад
@hydraian 10 месяцев назад
I discovered demisexuality after realising i am autistic, it was a very heartbreaking discovery at first, the only time i hated something about myself, but eventually healing. I always knew i was gay and one night stand sound like a fun way to find someone to connect too but, the same way that i thought i couldn't stand crowd because of social anxiety, i tought i was going in "don't touch me" mode even with someone attractive because of social anxiety too. Having no big social anxiety to treat, it was so demoralizing than no matter the effort i couldn't go past it, with having desire for the very few male gay friend and putting at risk those friendship.
@JaggerG 10 месяцев назад
I thought "one night stand" meant they're gone in the morning and don't leave their number or anything? Apparently casual hookups are common sources of longterm relationships, though. Regardless, don't mind the labels. They don't define you-you do.
@hydraian 10 месяцев назад
@@JaggerG You go in thinking it will be a one night but it could lead to a regular, it's the number game, lot of miss for one gem. The label matter here because before you just think something is broken and you are a failure for not fixing it. The name make you realise that it is a valid way, even if an incredible restrictive and time consuming one who will sexually frustrate you and make you starve for human touch before finding a person you can connect to.
@AntjedePantje 10 месяцев назад
I still feel like you could find a good relationship though, as long as you find someone with whom you can communicate that it might take a while to get to sex and if they're fine with that, rather than risking friendships, as you put it. I'm sure those people are out there, even if it might take a while to find them ❤ (That is, if you're interested in having relationships at all, but it sounds like you are)
@hydraian 10 месяцев назад
@@AntjedePantje The whole thing about learning of demisexuality is being able to understand how you can build one and plan accordingly, just like autism. But I do wish i learned about my autism and demisuality when i was 16, not 37.
@COSjultrakay 8 месяцев назад
Omg the “having no type” has always been me.. to the point where I definitely talked myself into figuring out a what my type was to fit in… i never did nail it down… my type is exactly my ex husband, my few partners and my late fiancé, and they are all so different. I remember I used to say my “type” was brown hair, baby face, small framed…. But I figured out I was probably picturing my high school sweetheart… until I met and fell for my ex husband . I am 57 and did not know about Demi identification being on the asexual spectrum. People of older generations (like me) have said all the invalidating things since I told some folks, I think the worst that is always brought up is “a lot of women stop wanting sex when they get older” it minimizes all the earlier experiences that affected the course of my life. When look back , I definently felt broken. Your generation (also my kids’ ) are amazing and I hope will save the world (no pressure lol😅)
@meghanmonroe 9 месяцев назад
I do identify as demi, but I find that many of the demi aspects overlap other things about me, like a Venn diagram. I also have BPD and CPTSD, so I've got some huge trauma stuff related to sex and the borderline usually tends to make me incredibly emotionally sensitive - not always in a good way. I fall in love easily, usually by myself lol And I have an almost exclusive history of having sex in order to please that person/keep them interested or in hopes that sex will somehow translate into requited love and connection from them. (Spoiler: it never works.)
@tessalyyvuo1667 9 месяцев назад
I just realized that Gil Grissom from CSI was demisexual. The character once talked about not understanding sex unless it is with someone he loves.
@Dizzychick_MN 10 месяцев назад
OMG I ❤️❤️❤️ your earnings. Stars are my favorite 😍
@dashleydiepen4487 9 месяцев назад
I think the tall thing probably comes from ancestral *exual selection for protection from large predators and them probably being good hunters/provider
@jarmoliebrand2005 3 месяца назад
😡 Was busy writing this comment but RU-vid decided to close. Great stuff. I’m probably going to post this comment and edit it. And repeat that until I’m done. I only just heard about demisexuality like half an hour ago but did find it quite relatable. First term beyond ‘straight’ and ‘male’ that is relatable. I can relate to this even through my platonic friends. I mean, I can only truly appreciate them once we vibe together and I get to know them. Same is probably true with women I would find romantically interesting. I mean, I’ve seen a lot of women ‘in the wilderness’ (mostly the concrete jungles us humans have made) who looked physically appealing. But there wasn’t like really any crushing on them because I didn’t know much about their personalities. And that’s by far the most important, appealing and ‘make or break’ facet of any person in any sort of relationship. I find myself agreeing with your second point a lot. I don’t really have a type. I’d be down with basically any height, or any ethnicity. And physical features like hair colour, eye colour, freckles, etcetera. Also don’t have strong preferences regarding the more sexualised parts of the female body. I’d probably be open to a lot of hair types and styles and clothing options too. Probably not everything, but most things. Yeah, I don’t mind. I think a lot of differently looking people can look good. My physical standards to come in when it comes to what is beyond someone’s innate physicality. I’m not a fan of tattoos. Not a fan of piercings. Not a fan of dyed hair. Not fan of excessive makeup (In my taste it should mostly emphasise innate physical features, rather than try and me its own feature. It’s more so a tool than an inherent goal in and of itself). I prefer nails that aren’t dyed, but nails are less prevalent than hair and I think that can look good (do prefer natural colours though. One or two of these features, I’m probably fine with. Like, I can understand you’d place a little tattoo to commemorate someone or to symbolise some kind of event or achievement. I wouldn’t do it myself, but you are your own person. What would probably be the only physical dealbreaker for me is plastic surgery. In my humble opinion, it’s downright ugly. Especially weirdly protruding lips. But also like butt lifts are just complete ‘rebuilds’ of someone’s face. No thank you. I really like ‘imperfections’ like someone’s weirdly placed birthmark, or that one strand of hair that’s so stubborn it refuses to get stylised, or perhaps that slight asymmetry in someone eyes. That’s what makes you look physically unique. And plastic surgery washes that away, but creates more generalised, thirteen a dozen looks that are simply not as physically appealing to me eyeballs as someone who looks natural. So that’s kind of the moral of that segment: I like the look of basically anyone who is natural looking and doesn’t tinker with their body too much. I would find it appealing to be in decent shape. No need to be a professional athlete, but looking generally healthy always makes people more attracted to you. But there’s no need to be ashamed of thinking you’re a bit too thin or thinking your have a bit too much of a belly. I don’t mind that. Accessories and jewellery are nice, though I’d probably not want them to be excessive either. Little bits of tinkering are fine, but if someone has like a significant part of skin covered up by a tattoo… that’s not appealing. I want to be in a relationship with a person, not a comic book. Or when someone has plenty of piercings I can only think to myself how that someone would look more beautiful in my eyes if she hadn’t chosen to wear them. I’m fine if such means of tinkering are your kind of thing, they’re just not my kind of thing. I live by and look like the same standards. Mostly relatively sober. Tend to wear this one specific armband I bought in Cyprus two years ago in the summers, but not really any other accessories. I do also like certain pieces of clothing that are perhaps a little less standard. This one thick vest I only wear in winters, or this denim jacket my brother didn’t like but I have worn quite a lot. Clothing is a means of expression and even though I don’t use clothing to express consciously, it’s fine if you do. And it’s nice if you have this certain style about you, whether it does or doesn’t fit the norm. But personality is the most important thing. Just general kindness to people goes a long way to looking attractive, whether sexually or platonically. Not too many unmovable standards in this department either. General kindness, perhaps some humour, some intelligence (doesn’t have to be big on book smarts or anything; there are different kinds of intelligence). Social status doesn’t matter much either. I feel like I could be open to quite a few personality types. I’m thinking of MBTI types as I write this (I’m an INFP). As long as we generally share values and mutual respect. Introversion/extroversion (ambiversion), don’t really mind. I’d like to be pulled along by an extrovert, as long as it’s done respectfully, taking notice of boundaries I’d have as a naturally introverted person. Or someone else who’s introverted could also work. In that case we should make sure not to do too little, though. And someone who’s more assertive than me would definitely be a nice counter to my naturally abhorrent social skills in many scenarios and environment. And a more assertive individual could really help me… actually get things done. 😢. But I do cherish emotional openness a lot too. I can be emotionally brittle, at times, but mostly just try and swallow it (which is not the best idea longterm). Feeling emotionally safe around someone is important, but that’s something that has to be established. I do cherish deep conversations though. I mean, I can have good fun just doing something stupid and trivial, but small talk and such is draining and completely unnecessary and unfulfilling. I’m fine on my own now. My idea of a partner is that they fit nicely into your life, but by no means you are a ‘missing’ half of them, or are they such a ‘missing half’ of you. Everyone’s their own, complete person, and a proper and safe space to enforce that is paramount. No one ‘needs’ anybody else or is meant for somebody else. That doesn’t mean two people can’t be great fits for one another and can balance one another’s strength and weaknesses. I don’t know how long it would take to find someone romantically interesting. Sexually interesting perhaps won’t take as long. But I don’t imagine I’d be too keen on one night stands. I’ve had people in my area (like school) who I found pretty looking. And they seemed nice too. But I didn’t know much about them and I hadn’t really ever had the idea to try and ask somebody out. And now that my high school era has been over for a year, I don’t regret not shooting my shot with anybody. I probably wouldn’t understand flirting very well. And from my perspective, women are the especially subtle ones. And I’ve heard from a lot of guys that they were confused as to what a girl meant. I guess the same thing could apply to me, but in overdrive. I have had times where a girl may or may not have been flirtatious, but the given information and implications were so little to go off. She was probably just being nice. That always seems likelier and safer to assume too. I don’t find myself particularly attractive, but also not particularly unattractive, so I’d have no clue what other people would think of me. I do take the effort to look good and I’m more conscious of my hygiene than I used to be (I hated showering [because it’s so cold when you enter and it’s also so cold when you leave]). I wear clothing that I think matches nicely and my hair… I’ll often let the weather gods decide. I don’t stylise it often. My hair just does it’s own thing and I’m satisfied with it like 95% of the time. Deep conversations are in every case far more valuable than small talk. Small talk is always draining and rarely fulfilling. True bomding does happen with deeper conversations. I don’t really share in the directness traits. Even though I’m autistic and Dutch (and somehow I’m not very direct). I often struggle making choices. Even really banal ones.
@kirstinjw.wilkinson4143 9 месяцев назад
I have no diagnosis, but I strongly suspect (and had a counselor tell me to get tested) that I am neurodiverse in some manner. I am Demi-Pansexual, at least that's what I'm using for now. I grew up religiously conservative, so it wasn't until I was at a Bible College that I even started allowing myself to be suspicious and then it took my spouse pointing out during our honeymoon that I was at the very least Bi. I've also had a traumatic experience with inappropriate sexual behavior as a child, though I was never touched. I am uncertain how that might have affected me. I can certainly recognize and appreciate people who are aesthetically pleasing, but I have no desire towards them, I don't get celebrity crushes... 'why would I be attracted to someone I know nothing about?" and the same goes for one-night stands, "why would I be that vulnerable with a stranger?' if it was an acquaintance, then I'd worry about changing the relationship. The only crushes I've ever had since childhood, was on friends... and since I tended to have more female-presenting friends than male-presenting.... I've had lots of crushes on female friends. Apparently I flirt with my female friends... I can't flirt knowingly, I am utterly terrible at it and get so flustered. The love of my life is Trans. All I care is that my love is happy, healthy and safe. Yes it's an adjustment, but, *shrug* My person is my person, no matter what they look like.
@medigiorgio9637 3 месяца назад
Oh god, I didn't know about this until today and this sounds pretty much like it may be the case for me
@vanadyan1674 10 месяцев назад
I am a male that was teased relentlessly throughout high school and university by my other male friends because I was a "prude" as they called it. I could not have been less interested in one night stands or casual sex with women that I didn't know, and that was seemingly all that my friends were interested in. It is nice to have an understanding that I am not completely alone in this.
@Lady.Fern. 10 месяцев назад
Same my peers caught on and left me behind. As if relating to peers wasn’t hard enough, once high school hit it was like there was only one way to relate or bond with each other and it wasn’t something I could do. I did try to date in the beginning, but I gagged from my first kiss 😅 and that turned me off the idea for a few years lol!
@soyevquirsefron990 10 месяцев назад
I commented about this separately but I’m a regular dude and I’m plenty attracted to women but I never wanted to actually do anything unless there was a relationship. I had a one night stand once but that’s because I assumed it was the beginning of a relationship. I was confident about it tho, because I knew I could have had more if I’d wanted to. Once guys were comparing numbers in the twenties and thirties, one guy sheepishly admitted only a dozen and I proudly said 4.
@aspidoscelis 10 месяцев назад
Also male. Same experience-although it wasn't coming from people I would call friends. When I was in public middle & high school I think most classmates assumed I was gay, since that was the only other category available in their minds at the time.
@etcwhatever 10 месяцев назад
​​@@aspidoscelisthis happened to me as a female. In highschool everyone tought i was a lesbian. End up having a short lived relationship with a woman due to this at 24 yo. I hated every second of it. Then i just had a ons with a random guy at 27 to understand what was i. It was a bit disgusting as i had no emotional connection with the guy. But after my first boyfriend at 28 i realized im straight and can actually enjoy intimacy 😂. What a mess...i had no idea about autism until one year ago. Im 34 now. I dont feel very inclined to have relationships again. Im burnt out.
@mrj5256 10 месяцев назад
Also male- Its absolutely insane the amount of times I was called gay or belittled because I could not understand why these people were so seemingly obsessed with sex and just wanting to sleep with nearly every woman.. And even women belittling because I just didnt have a drive or interest in anyone. But really I do have an interest in it but only with someone close that I absolutely trust completely. The idea of anything casual honestly makes me a bit sick.. (not that I shame it, if someone enjoys it and has fun then fantastic, but on a personal note its gross) I've always liked the idea of a family and it being something special with a partner..
@cc_snipergirl 10 месяцев назад
I feel like I'm demi, but there's also part of me who wonders if that's supposed to be normal and our culture has just gotten crazy hypersexual.
@MrAranton 9 месяцев назад
In most "simple societies" that were studied by anthropologists human sexuality was more akin to how sexuality with lions works than it is what people more modern societies do. One dominant man has the right to mate with all women in his clan, boys get kicked out into the wild when they hit puberty and those who survive eventually get to join a different clan in which they may (or may not) rise to become the dominant man. And while women might sometimes cheat on the dominant (but declining) man with one of his potential sucessors, they seem to be generally okay with that. Kind of like modern women dismiss more than 80% of men on dating apps as "below avarage trash". In that regard being demi is not normal. The one-on-one-pair bonding that is presented as "being the norm" today, seems to be a fairly recent development a more of a cultural than a biological thing. However: One-on-one-pair bonding has a massively pacifying effect on society. In societies that practice one-on-one-pair bonding men compete much less against each other than they do in societies that practice "lion-like" mating. That reduced level of competition allows men to cooperate to degrees that impossible in simple societies. There would be no civilization if humanity never switched to one-on-one-pair bonding. But in order to implement one-on-one-pair bonding women need to deviate more from the "natural", lion-like sexuality of "simple societies". In those societies there are significantly more women than men (a lot of the boys kicked out into the wild don't survive to join another clan) and so women sharing the most attractive man (while still profiting from the labour of the non-dominant hopefuls that are part of the clan) is the norm. When that's no longer an option most women will have to settle for a man they do not considerd the most attractive. On top of that they only have access to that one man's ressources, both of which are significant losses compared to the "lion-like" situation of primitive societies. Even today there are plenty of women who complain about "having to settle". For men who wouldn't have stood a chance at having sex (and thus offspring) in a simple society one-on-one-pair bonding is a huge win, because (at least prior to the invention of the pill) the woman that settled for them, would have given them sex and offspring. From where I'm standing it seems western societies are on their way to revert to the "lion-like" situation - women throwing themselves at the top 5% of men, refusing to "settle" for anything less and ever increasing numbers of men being sexless; ignored by women. With one key difference: The resources generated by sexless men don't contribute to the welfare of women as they did in ancient times. I don't think that's a good thing. Men being busy competing over women don't maintain societies, let alone build them. And considering how unpopular the society mainting jobs (construction, sewer maintenance, anything related to keeping the electrical grid functional...) are with women, we're on a dark path. But being a sexless man I'm usually told to stuff my entitlement...
@jonnyblaze2692 9 месяцев назад
I would think it would be the opposite since what makes men and women "attractive" and the biological need to have sex to keep the tribe or village viable. I think demisexuality is an evolutionary step in our sexual development because the pressures on our species have drastically changed since our sex drives originally evolved. But trying to put anything into a normal box these days is difficult
@cc_snipergirl 9 месяцев назад
@@jonnyblaze2692 Demi isn't a complete lack of sexual attraction though. That's ace. Demi is basing sexual attraction more on personality, which means you can still find people attractive. All I'm saying is imagine showing any kind of modern entertainment to someone living just 100-150 years ago. Like that change has come with obvious benefits, but like with anything there's drawbacks too. They were at an extreme then, but I think today we are at an extreme at the opposite end.
@jonnyblaze2692 9 месяцев назад
@@cc_snipergirl basically I was saying modern society allows for humans to focus less on physical attraction and more on emotional attraction because there aren't natural pressures from nature. I said nothing about a lack of sexuality, just that modernity has removed the selective pressures we felt even just 150 years ago. I know what demisexual is, I am one.
@Jodi_EmpowerHerTransformation 8 месяцев назад
Yes! This!!
@emris2697 10 месяцев назад
I am asexual. I understand the term cute, but not in an attraction kind of way. I can find a human cute the same way I find a cat cute.
@DemiSuaton 10 месяцев назад
This also kind of feels like me but different? When I was younger I could never understand the concept of loving someone platonically or romantically, or caring for someone. Because what does love feel like? What does caring for someone feel like? I’m still stuck on it, but, I just couldn’t understand how those things worked-and even whilst in a relationship where I feel like I really love my partner I still can’t tell whether I love them or not because, what does love feel like?
@FreizeiTjunkY 10 месяцев назад
@@DemiSuaton you should look up Alexithymia if you haven't done so yet. I myself am still unsure if I can actually fall in love. To be fair I've never tried dating anybody so yeah.
@jimwilliams3816 10 месяцев назад
Yyyyessss. Honestly, I do have some ability to regard a woman as attractive from just looking, but it’s a pleasant visual experience. It doesn’t connect to any sexual or actionable urge, and never has. And cute mostly occurs in the context of how they present as a person. Cats actually do create an actionable response in me. If I see a friendly cat, I am likely to want to pet it, whether I know it or not.
@AntjedePantje 10 месяцев назад
​@@DemiSuatonCould you perhaps be aromantic, or maybe demiromantic? Idk if you know anything about them, but it's basically the same as being asexual but with not feeling romantic attraction rather than sexual. You could look into it, if this at all resonates with you :) (You can also be both btw, often called aro-ace for short)
@spaghetto9836 10 месяцев назад
​@@DemiSuatonThere's a word for not feeling any kind of attraction at all, not even platonic, but I forgot the name. Completely alien to me.
@nikacomedawn 10 месяцев назад
You should have your husband explain how neurotypicals work from the inside.
@keylanoslokj1806 10 месяцев назад
Neurotypicals don't have to think about these things. They just know them by instinct and by default. They operate on the level of instincts reflexes and emotions. So this autistic level of dissemination is useless to them... .
@briansanchez9899 10 месяцев назад
They don't know, just do it automatically
@FeelTheRainOnYourSkin 10 месяцев назад
​@@briansanchez9899right! The answers might not be as interesting as we want lol or a lot of "hmmm, I only think about that when you ask me.."
@niencat 10 месяцев назад
Uhm, like autistic people are each unique, so.are neurotypicals..... So i. cant see the value of hearing one specific neurotypical talking about being neurotypical looks like from the inside. It also does not help that in my view my 9 siblings nor my parents were neurotypical and i am autistic myself. All i have discovered until now, 61, is that they are not as sensitive to sensory things as i am and dont notice as much as i do in interaction with others when i am not overwhelmed and am attuned and grounded.
@ocdbrain 10 месяцев назад
@sugaCat363 10 месяцев назад
I struggled with the whole celebrity crushes too! I remember feeling much more attached to fictional characters rather than actors or musicians. My tbought was that you can know a character (the story is providing you with the requisite information in order to like or dislike a character), but real celebrities are only giving you personality traits through a PR filter and you can never really know them. As a kid I remember arbitrarily pretending I liked Lance Bass from NSYNC cuz my friends were all choosing which member they liked. I also identify with "not having a type" re body type, height, or gender. I never understood the tall guy requirement or even liking muscles and chiseled jaw lines. I can appreciate the aesthetic beauty but it's in the same way I look at a painting. It was a little strange going though life feeling simultaneously like I COULD be attracted to anyone, whilst experiencing genuine attraction very rarely.
@jameswilkerson4412 9 месяцев назад
Glad someone said fictional characters.
@sj5218 8 месяцев назад
OMG THIS THIS THISSSSSSSSSS, esp the last sentence. I can very much see beauty in nearly anyone/anything but I can almost never see myself so genuinely attracted to someone that I had to have them only based off looks.
@ska042 8 месяцев назад
I can relate to your approach a fair bit, and it feels like it is even more uncommon among men than women. I can understand feeling of a celebrity crush, but it was never driven by physical attributes for me, instead the trigger of the "crush" feeling was something like an actor playing a character I could really relate to and that I liked in a movie, which then emotionally translated to the actor herself. Works especially well when it's someone who plays kind of similar roles in a lot of different movies. Aside from that, I definitely have some visual things I like about women (maybe preferring a specific face type or tending to prefer slender over curvy), but they're not a deciding factor at all. I've recently started using dating apps for the first time, and found myself seeing a lot of profiles of women and reacting like "she's really attractive, but her profile says nothing to me", and just swiping away. Then on the flipside, I see someone whose profile seems like we have things in common, then we text a bit, connect over something, and suddenly I find myself very much attracted to her - even though from her initial profile pictures I might have thought she looks nice, but wasn't like "damn I really want her". After making that connection I find myself noticing things about her looks (and finding them attractive) that wouldn't even have occurred to me initially.
@Ghost-lt4sf 7 месяцев назад
I relate to this soooo much! My “first love” was fictional 😂
@AmbyJeans 4 месяца назад
I also arbitrarily pretended to have a “crush” on Lance Bass
@stephiechefy 10 месяцев назад
I think trauma informs so much of my “sexual identity”, it’s hard to differentiate what part of it’s my autism and what part is what’s happened to me, and I can’t imagine that’s special to me, exclusively. The “uneven” social interactions around sex furthers the trouble with it. The whole *implied* yes instead of just verbally saying it is nothing but trouble, and I don’t understand why it’s ok for so much of the population. Then there’s all the unwritten rules of piety influenced by the world’s major religions. It’s so messy! And good on ya for stating that you can be “sex positive” without compromising or changing your own internal rules/scripts around sex. I’m happy to be happy for other people whilst also knowing what they’re doing wouldn’t be right for me, but it doesn’t reflect negatively on them.
@JaggerG 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, I can't handle a person being unable to explicitly consent, because that's such a common story that freaks me out. I dated/befriended one girl, and she claimed that sometimes "no" means "convince me," and I got chills. Unfortunately, I'd been young and confused, so I sometimes tried flirting and teasing for months, and it just felt toxic. Kinda relieved nothing happened, and have been lucky to have only consenting partners. Though I've unfortunately become really paranoid, and tend to hyper-analyze people to try to detect any morsel of discomfort, and trying to confirm they're not interested in me. That's also been toxic, and leads to them feeling like they failed me by not being supportive enough, and just makes everyone miserable. The solution is theoretically simple: chill the f out and live in the present. It's gonna take practice, though.
@loverrlee 9 месяцев назад
Exactly! I completely related to her when she said that, because I too like to think of myself as sex positive, even if I personally wouldn’t like to have sex with just anybody. I respect other people’s choices about their own sex lives. I just *personally* can’t imagine a scenario in which I would be open to having a one night stand (and I have been propositioned and I’ve turned it down). I need long term commitment to feel comfortable with having sex with someone. I think neither is “right” or “wrong” like some religions say, but it’s incredibly personal and should be left up to the individual to decide what is best for them. Nobody should be shamed for having sex but nobody should be shamed for not having sex either…
@O-Demi 10 месяцев назад
This video reminds me (painfully) why I've initially used the label 'demisexual' before going for 'asexual' - because I was fed up with people saying, "Oh what you're describing is just normal, though?" Like, no, I've seen those same people get into situationships that were based on sexual attraction and zero emotional connection... So yeah, this topic has been a source of acute distress for me. It's great to see someone talk about it, especially by an autistic creator!
@salicaguillotines 9 месяцев назад
I get where people are coming from and that the way demisexual should be considered "normal", like as in it shouldn't be considered weird or that we shouldn't get too invested in a relationship too fast to give time to develop those feelings organically. Unfortunately, for many they have a distorted sense of where they fall on this spectrum; that they'd fall much closer to being hypersexual than with ace. As you said get into situationships that they don't seem be that willing to leave despite being well within their means to distance themselves. Whereas someone who is closer to being ace might find it easier to distance themselves if they find that the relationship isn't working.
@tdsollog 10 месяцев назад
As a child of the 80s, I was raised with mixed messages. Be pure, but don’t be a “prude”. I’ve always needed to feel close emotionally in order to feel aroused by someone. I can respect and appreciate how someone looks, but… want to have sex? Nope.
@tracik1277 10 месяцев назад
Same. Oh weren’t the 80’s great for this sort of thing, not. You were called frigid if you didn’t and a slag if you did.
@taoist32 10 месяцев назад
I was called gay by my brother as kids and it went on for a few years back in the early 80’s. I never understood what it was, but I knew I wasn’t. I didn’t know I was autistic, and I certainly didn’t know even until now that I needed an emotional connection before feeling sexually attracted. I always wondered why I didn’t feel that urge immediately upon meeting a physically attractive woman. They are definitely attractive, but I didn’t feel anything sexually.
@lisa_wistfulone7957 9 месяцев назад
Yes! There was so much that we weren’t allowed to ask ourselves in the 80s. Self-definition was so limited, you were gay, straight, or lesbian, and only straight was the “right” answer. I was teased as a “prude”, I was so uncomfortable with sexual jokes and sexual scenes in movies. I admired aesthetically lovely people (all genders), but didn’t understand when friends said they were “hot”- I couldn’t imagine being aroused just by how someone looked! And now that I’m in my 50s, arousal is extremely complicated and rare for me even with my husband of 20+ years.
@jelatinosa 7 месяцев назад
​@@tracik1277it's still this way to be honest. People have more information and resources for knowledge than ever before, yet human behavior is still the same. Most people seem completely unable to learn from the past.
@sarumaneyarou13 5 месяцев назад
​@@taoist32i I'll I'llk 8
@bellliii6 10 месяцев назад
Couple years ago I came to the realisation that when people would say “ oh they’re so sexy “ or “ they’re so hot “ they weren’t being ironic and in some cases ACTUALLY WOULD LIKE TO HAVE SEX WITH THEM completely blew my mind. Quickly realised I was asexual 😅
@AntjedePantje 10 месяцев назад
Lololol, that's such a strange realisation isn't it 😂 Allos are weird
@jimwilliams3816 9 месяцев назад
I’m more demi (though I might have preferred to be asexual) and it weirds me out too. I have this idea that some imagine having sex with other people. If so, what?? I’m not being morally judgey, but I do think that sounds...again, what???
@strudelh 9 месяцев назад
No because I find people hot/sexy, but I don't instantly go "I want to/will have sex with them". I thought that was normal. I guess it also makes since to why ive never had a crush, at least not yet. 💀
@indescribablecardinal6571 8 дней назад
The normal thing with "they are so hot" is getting sexually aroused by looking or sensing them. Having sexual fantasies is another step, very close it is.
@darthnazgul 10 месяцев назад
I was diagnosed as Autistic when I was a kid. I can’t say for certain how much it's affected my sexuality, but in the past year or so I realised I was demisexual after years of trying to force myself into hetero or even bi boxes. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out if I was doing something wrong or I just had a twisted view of attraction due to factors like my past. But realising I was demi really helped to put my life and my feelings into perspective.
@taoist32 10 месяцев назад
I still don’t understand. Can’t you be demisexual and also straight? Or demisexual and gay? Demisexual is just about sexual attraction after emotionally bonding.
@centraltime3680 10 месяцев назад
​@@taoist32yeah i think they misworded it there
@taoist32 9 месяцев назад
@@centraltime3680 Thank you.
@ShintogaDeathAngel 9 месяцев назад
@ville__ Bot
@ms.valdez5633 6 месяцев назад
⁠@@taoist32I don’t think they are saying you can be bi , gay or hetero while being demisexual. From what I got from it they might’ve been so confused as to why they could’ve find maybe the opposite sex automatically sexually attractive like their peers that maybe they were bi or gay realizing that it was that but need a bond to create sexual attraction this figure out there are demisexual.
@TheAncientAmbassador 10 месяцев назад
This video really helped shed light on my suspicions about myself. My favorite example was the fantasies, and how there is permission to imagine somebody, but if the person was actually in front of you it would be a different story. This is the best and most resonative description I've found on the internet so far. Thank you!
@casmadison9092 9 месяцев назад
Yes! I've found in previous relationships I have had the desire to be close and felt the fantasy to be intimate with partners but found their actual proximity really uncomfortable. So weird to get my head around. Still don't quite understand it
@jessicac6189 10 месяцев назад
I can relate to this 100%. I was always confused with people growing up going on about how "hot," "cute," or "attractive" others were. I was constantly asked, "Oh, don't you think he's cute?" I would have to look around to try and figure out who they were referring to, but each and every time the person in question just looked like a human. They'd ask for my thoughts, and my response was always, "They look like a person." I also am completely oblivious to things like flirting; goes straight over my head. My one best friend was recounting a time she found hilarious where this guy walked up all confident to me and complimented me on my hair; apparently, I thanked him and went about my day. That doesn't surprise me; I just see people as treating other people with kindness as another fellow human being (i.e. the golden rule of treating others the way you want to be treated)--my brain doesn't comprehend flirting. I couldn't understand the idea of a one night stand (not that I have judgment for those that enjoy it); I was absolutely repulsed when my best friend's boyfriend was asking me when I was going to give their unborn child a best friend--I told him I had no one to make that a reality, and his response was a blatant, "Just hook up with someone." It was one of the most horrible things anyone has ever told me. I have always felt that I need a life partner that will support me, not some random fling that is gone with the wind. With my limited amount of energy and how much social interactions take a toll on me, I don't want to share my time and energy with just anyone. I've always felt like I need to be friends with someone before I could feel any potential romantic interest; I need to feel a connection. Never felt the urge to just go out and date people. It feels like too much and that most people don't share my values; it's made finding and maintaining friendships rather tricky, too. Only have had one relationship in my nearly 31 years on this planet (it didn't end well because my friends are convinced he was a narcissist/pathological liar--he might have just had a lot of trauma, but it wasn't a good fit). He was really demanding and pushing of his own needs, never really considering my own, and would yell at me for letting him sleep or whatever. It got really hard to feel connected to him. I also didn't realize how unusual it was to just feel like a "person." I've never felt like a girl, but I also haven't felt like I'm supposed to be a "boy." I just exist as a human. I know that biologically speaking I'm a girl, and that's fine I guess--I have no desire to change that, but I don't "feel like a girl." Gender really doesn't matter; people are people, and what matters most is your character. I've never understood people's obsessions with celebrities, either; the whole "celebrity crush" thing never entered my brain. I've always viewed celebrities as people, and since I don't know them personally, it's hard to feel connected to them. If anything, I've felt more connected to fictional characters in anime/books; I know they aren't real, but you get insight into their internal worlds and get to know them. The fictional octopus from Remarkably Bright Creatures gets me more than most people do.
@jimwilliams3816 10 месяцев назад
I love your flirting story. I would have reacted the same for the same reasons. I cannot flirt, and I’ve only been aware of being flirted with maybe 4 times in my life. Mostly I was terrified; once I’d accidentally had too much to drink and the flirt was pretty blatant, so that time I simply pointed out I was old enough to be the woman’s father.
@piperbeaton 10 месяцев назад
I also don't get flirting at all. Someone once mentioned that they had no one to be with on Valentine's Day (apparently the implication was that he wanted to go on a date with me or something), and I told him that its fine, he could go get some discount candy for himself the day after if he wanted. I also do not get romantically attracted to someone without a connection first, it has to be friends, crush, then partner for me. I always hated people asking me if someone looks cute, especially since they'd insist that I must have an opinion, so I'd end up making a checklist in my head for what other people typically find attractive and trying to see how many of those boxes they check off in order to answer the question 'correctly'. I don't get why its so weird to just see yourself and others as just a 'person', I'm not attached to any particular gender and I don't rank other people's attractiveness either. They're all the same to me (except my partner of four years but that took being friends for a long time first).
@jessicac6189 10 месяцев назад
@@jimwilliams3816 I literally just think people are being kind and think nothing of it. My friends will point instances of flirting to me later, and I'll be all, "Really? Isn't that them just being kind to a fellow human being? Isn't that what people do?" They assure me that is not the case. I don't really know what to do with the information as flirting makes no sense to me. Too subtle and people aren't saying what they're actually meaning to say. Why not just say what you mean rather than playing all these games,
@jimwilliams3816 10 месяцев назад
@jessicac6189 agreed. I’ve started realizing that my increased attempts to notice hidden subtexts has played a big role in my becoming massively dysregulated in recent years. I used to take things more at face value and I’m trying to get back to that simply for my own health. I think picking up cues gets viewed almost as a moral imperative at times, but it isn’t. Sometimes it’s useful, sometimes it doesn’t matter. Flirting is just a game, and no one has an obligation to play. If you and I take compliments at face value, I’d say that’s fine, unless it’s a game we’d like to learn. I never did.
@jessicac6189 10 месяцев назад
@@jimwilliams3816 I'm not particularly concerned with learning it. Just feels like it'd be really draining and I'd end up second-guessing myself on a lot of things because I could be misreading things and imagining things that aren't there (whether or not it's true). It'd be so much easier and simpler if people would just say what they mean and mean what they say rather than having all these guessing games. Granted, people don't have to be cruel when they speak the truth, but the truth is better than sweet lies; it just gets so misleading. I know that people have different interpretations for words like "love" and "like." When my ex was trying to start a relationship with me, he kept asking me if I loved him. I knew I couldn't answer that I did because it meant two different things--couldn't even say that I liked him because most people use "like" in a "like like" kind of way; I "loved" him in the sense that I "love" humanity and wish them well. It wasn't romantic and I didn't know him well enough. I told him that I didn't hate him because that's the best answer I could come up with that was honest and didn't overly complicate things. He did not like my answer. He kept claiming that he "loved" me, but his actions didn't actually express it. Felt like a bunch of empty words.
@astridmyst 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for this video! "It's all just body parts and it's weird, but if I like you then it's less weird." THIS EXACTLY!
@lisa_wistfulone7957 9 месяцев назад
Yes!!! That sentence stood out to me too! If certain body parts could just be left out of it all, it would be a lot less weird to me!
@astridmyst 9 месяцев назад
@@lisa_wistfulone7957 I feel that too. I've learned that sex, intimacy, all of it can be done in so many various different ways and it's all valid.
@twink3064 5 месяцев назад
Yeah! It's so f weird, I don't understand it, i just feel attract to someone once, so i started to like his body and just looking on his body made me feel that desire, but now that i don't feel anything about him, i see his body and it's just a body.
@atomicpancake1255 9 месяцев назад
“to me i think it’s all just body parts, it’s all little bit weird, and it’s less weird if i really like you” i’ve been feeling like this for years and i didn’t know how to put that into words, thank you!!
@SteenatheCatrobat 9 месяцев назад
I thought I was allosexual for the longest time because I’m fairly sex positive and have a functioning libido. Then I learned more about the different ways sexuality can manifest, and that close emotional connections don’t necessarily have to be best friends. They can just be someone you feel connected to because they give you an emotional spark of some kind. So, this explained my celebrity crushes and fictional crushes. And with my autism and maladaptive daydreaming, I’d fill in the gaps of the imaginary connection with my mind. XD so fictionally my sexuality looks very different than what I do in reality. (Though there is crossover) So yeah, I’m demisexual, but pan romantic. My libido changes with the weather and often I ignore it unless it’s unbearable 😂
@tink1470 10 месяцев назад
I identified as demi pan for 8.5 years but this past week I came to terms my "interest" in men was entirely comp het 😅 The mix of being autistic/demi sure made it confusing to figure out. I'm now officially out as a lesbian
@NinaGothMambaNegra 10 месяцев назад
Oh wow, thanks so much for sharing. I think I'm on the same line. Haven't considered the auti-demi relationship yet. Thanks again, really :)
@alpacafish1269 9 месяцев назад
The gays: "Another one thank you."
@casmadison9092 9 месяцев назад
@Frownlandia 10 месяцев назад
For autistic people, it can take time to establish that intimacy can even be possible with another person, because we've been shown that a lot of our experiences are so far from what neurotypical people have ever known that we can't explain what life is like for us. It's incredibly painful to feel like you don't exist to another person, not because you aren't a part of their life, but because what they see when they look at you has nothing to do with what you go through every day. Showing them that you are radically different from anything they have imagined a person could be like doesn't feel great either, especially when every instinct tells you that masking *is* survival. It sure doesn't feel like I have a choice in taking ages to make sure someone could be safe before I can feel like it's possible any feelings could conceivably be reciprocated. edit: So... I guess I'm in my post-self-diagnosis bitterness phase? Take the superlatives with a grain of salt.
@ShintogaDeathAngel 9 месяцев назад
I was diagnosed as being autistic when I was 17, but think it was a misdiagnosis, and I actually "just" have C-PTSD, abandonment issues (was adopted and had other experiences that compounded the trauma from that) and possibly ADHD... - but whether I am autistic or not I still relate to a lot of this.
@TransGuyShane 10 месяцев назад
*waves my demisexual flag* I knew I was demisexual before I knew I was autistic :) Edit - just a note to anyone who thinks they may be demi. It's okay if you identified as something different in the past , you are still valid ❤️ I'm ftm, I originally came out as bisexual, then a lesbian, then I realised I was trans and came out at 17 and then started identifying as straight. Eventually I figured out I was ace and that felt more comfortable for me but then I heard the term demisexual and it was like I found myself and then elliot page came out and I was like oh okay I'm demisexual bisexual and I've never been more comfortable in my own sexuality by just having the words to describe my feelings. We are not broken, we are not weird. It is just how our brains work, just like an straight person we cannot control how we feel ❤ If anyone needs any recommendations for other information on demisexual , let me know and I can send you in the direction of some informative videos ❤️
@angeladavidson2350 10 месяцев назад
I'd love some recommendations! I've been considering if I might be demi and this video really spurred that on for me
@TransGuyShane 10 месяцев назад
@@angeladavidson2350 Ace Dad Advice , is an ace educator, hes a guy who does alot of educational videos around all things ace. he makes things simple and easy to understand and normally explains what something means when covering it. I find his videos have helped me embrace my self abit better :) WattsTheSafeword are k*nk related sex educators. They cover sooo many topics but they cover things in a fun easy going way and with a goal of being informative and making sure we are safe doing whatever it is we are doing :) its two guys the younger one is a demisexual gay guy and he talks about his experience as a demi guy in some of the videos but they are just great all around and i have found their information super helpful over the years. (I found them through sexplanations, dr lindsey doe just wants to provide free sex education and has loads of videos on her channel on so many subjects.) But i am extremely glad i found them because amps coming out as demi video 2 years ago really helped me see my demisexual in a clearer light :) And Catieosaurus, who is does alot of videos on neurodiversity and recently did a video about ace and sex and it covered demisexuality as she is demi in a relationship and it was really good imo 👍 Its because of an old tiktok video she made that i started wondering about being on the spectrum and afew years later here i am knowing im autistic and have adhd so she gets a shout out from me ♡ I hope you are able to find some videos that may help you :) I know they aren't specifically demi but they all helped me embrace my demisexual and I hope they help you , sorry if they don't tho 😂 But everyone could use looking at sexplanations just to be informed on sexual health ❤️ I was going to add links but not sure how youtube would react to that so I didn't. I hope you are able to find them all okay :)
@DemiSuaton 10 месяцев назад
@@YukinoomoniExactly! Gender and sexuality are fluid and can change over time.
@lisa_wistfulone7957 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for the validation!💝 I feel like I’ve always been demisexual, and have never felt comfortable initiating intimacy even in trusting committed relationships (I only had 2, and the first one wasn’t as safe as I’d believed at the time). But when I was younger, I was very responsive if my partner initiated (though some of it still seemed “weird” to me!) Now, I have no interest in anything beyond cuddling and kissing. But that variation had made me wonder if I could truly claim demi.
@TransGuyShane 9 месяцев назад
@@lisa_wistfulone7957 you can call yourself whatever makes you feel the most comfortable, don't let others dictate it for you ❤️ Keep your chin up :) we accept everyone in this community :)
@FaolanHart 10 месяцев назад
I'm demi. Its honestly been really nice finally having a word for my obviously difference life experience to many others.
@Dwazedas 9 месяцев назад
I feel sorry for the people who say they wouldn’t have been friends with their partner. Friendship, not lust, ultimately is the better basis for a long-term relationship.
@theedgeofoblivious 10 месяцев назад
I do experience attraction to the point of thinking people are sexually attractive, but not usually to the point of having an interest in pursuing anything. I was SHOCKED when I realized I was sexually attracted to someone to the point of wanting to pursue them(as I felt a strong connection and really intense attraction). I hadn't planned or expected it. She was someone I'd known for about 2-3 months and we'd been working closely together at work, working until late in the evenings. It was unintentional, and I kind of felt like I'd done something wrong.
@zacrintoul 10 месяцев назад
Both of my sexual relationships were like this. It is a weird experience... There was definitely a moment where I was like "wait what is going on?" But at that point it was too late. These were just normal friends not work colleges, but still the unexpected surprise... The weirdest thing is seeking out a partner, when primarily your past relationships just started out as friends. It's not like they're is a friend to relationship dating group or app. lol
@Lady.Fern. 10 месяцев назад
@@zacrintoulI’ve got it in my dating profile that I have to become friends first 😊 still I only get people looking for a quicky or a third like wtf! 😂
@Lady.Fern. 10 месяцев назад
I was confused and bummed to find out this isn’t how it’s “supposed” to go or how the majority does it 😅
@AntjedePantje 10 месяцев назад
​@@Lady.Fern.Apparently a lot of people don't read profiles... At all 🙃 can't relate 😂
@zacrintoul 10 месяцев назад
@@AntjedePantje Ya. The number of people who have nothing on their profile is kinda astounding to me. Like at least fill in some of the basic profile stuff. But I guess even if your selling stuff people don't read what you say, and I'm always asked again for the same information. Like if I say it's a top loading washing machine in the title and the description, and I clearly have pictures of a top loading washing machine, why are people asking if it's a top loading washing machine?!?!
@bigbadror1705 10 месяцев назад
Anecdotal story: I was talking to a friend about sex and told them I have never felt attracted to anyone. They told me I was asexual (I never knew what asexual was) and google led me down the rabbit hole of getting my ASD diagnosis. So, for me, there appears to be a link.
@siriany 10 месяцев назад
Thank you! It was really informative and made me think a lot about past experiences Btw I'm obsessed with your earrings ⭐🤩⭐
@imautisticnowwhat 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much!! Someone was selling a bundle of Christmassy earrings on Vinted and I thought they looked fun 😁⭐️
@dancecommando 10 месяцев назад
I think as AuDHD I've thought about this a lot. I've heard of autigender, and have previously identified as agender, which I sort of have been considering if it fits better. A gender experience linked to the way I perceive the world sort of makes a lot of sense to me. I have previously identified as demisexual. But I have a theory, as someone who also is pansexual, that I have sort of an ADHD based attraction, of attention based attraction. I get attracted to someone I am focused on. I get crushed on people I go home thinking about. I have noticed when I was younger this in and out of love feeling I get, or occasionally wandering eyes. Not cheating, but like, confused crushing. This doesn't have a word yet. But yeah, attraction based on attention or focus. So, anyone else get this?
@tabitas.2719 10 месяцев назад
I don't personally get it, but I've seen it mentioned by ADHD RU-vidrs and/or in their comment sections.
@dancecommando 10 месяцев назад
@@tabitas.2719 I'll have to look out for that, I've got so much to learn still 😁 Thanks
@HauntedCadaver 10 месяцев назад
This was me as AuDHD too
@briansanchez9899 10 месяцев назад
I have experienced too, with a lot of bad outcomes because of that
@Portablesounds 10 месяцев назад
I get this too. I don't know a word for attraction that quickly jumps around, but the intense crushes that develop is known as limerence.
@samuelthecamel 10 месяцев назад
I personally have alexitymia, which makes it hard to determine my own emtions, and that also applies to sexual attraction. I often talk to people who I think I'm attracted to, but after a few months of being friends, I realize I never really felt attracted to them in the first place. Also, the friend I thought I wasn't attracted to actually turns out to be pretty much the only person I'm attracted to. I could have demisxuality, but I really have no idea.
@alpacafish1269 9 месяцев назад
SAME. Alexithymia just makes everything so confusing when it comes to your emotions. And what you said is kinda the same for me where, I meet a person that I think I'm attracted to but, after spending more momentary time with them, that specific "attraction" ends up not being an actual attraction that I thought is was. It even goes to the length where the "attraction" I somewhat felt towards said person depletes in a way the more I get to know their personality and the odd thing is, it often isn't due to there being a supposed negative aspect about their personality, it's just more of a "I have a specific idea of a personality I find romantically attracted to and with this person's personality I don't feel that"
@samuelthecamel 9 месяцев назад
@@alpacafish1269 you must be my clone, this is exactly my experience
@jg9425 9 месяцев назад
​@@alpacafish1269what you're describing when it comes to losing attraction is how a crush could evolve. It's normal to lose attraction after learning more about people.
@alpacafish1269 9 месяцев назад
I was thinking about that as well cause it does make sense.@@jg9425
@soyevquirsefron990 10 месяцев назад
I’m a regular dude but I think Demi does describe me, I am attracted to women but I would never actually do anything unless there was a relationship. I was never embarrassed about having less sex than other guys because I knew I could have if I’d wanted to. I had a one night stand once but that’s because I assumed it was going to become a relationship
@HauntedCadaver 10 месяцев назад
This makes sense for me. I've never been able to achieve full O with any partners the way I do with just vibing with myself. Not saying I've had bad sex, I've had tons of good sex, but it feels different (even on a spiritual level?) when I'm just soloing? I don't know if any other women who are autistic experience this too. 😅
@burns_o_matic 9 месяцев назад
I've definitely never had sex with a partner that managed to get the same magnitude of results that I get by myself, lol.
@funilyily 9 месяцев назад
Yes you are correct bc I do too
@Electrowave 10 месяцев назад
I keep learning new things about myself from your videos. Me thinking I'm just old fashioned in the way I think about sex turns out I may actually be demisexual! I've been accused of all sorts of things when trying to start a relationship, including being called gay, which I know I am now. I'm running out of memory space trying to remember all my new labels! I enjoy your videos, thank you 🙂
@anjachan 10 месяцев назад
Relationships and Sexuality don´t have to go together. I might be demisexual. But I consider myself "just" aromantic. I don´t want a romantic relationship. ok, I think Im not demisexual but the last point "flirting" made me laugh. A guy tried to flirt with me when I was in the city ... I didn´t get it. Only later I suddenly had the thought: omg, he tried to flirt with me 😂
@kelleywyskiel3478 9 месяцев назад
That’s so funny too. It’s always hours or sometimes days later when I realize someone was flirting or being suggestive. Or worse, not flirting and I think they were. I’m obviously really bad at reading those kinds of cues….
@cmckinney380 10 месяцев назад
I fell in love with MOST of my friends, growing up. It was tragic. Lol. Strangers? Nope.
@FreizeiTjunkY 10 месяцев назад
To me it's weird how demisexual is not the norm. I feel that Intimacy shouldn't be shared with a stranger no matter what and I'm not religious.
@Cheryl_Frazier 3 месяца назад
Ditto! It was, and remains to be, disturbing that it's not the norm. Not that everyone has to think the same way - I just thought it was a given. I SO cannot relate to anything else.
@MB-oq9px 3 месяца назад
I also felt like that all my life.When I first found out that people decide to LIVE TOGETHER just because they want to have sex, not even knowing each other more than on a surface level,I was like...that sounds like the quickest route to break up/divorce?!?!?!?I mean i don't really care if people choose to live like that,but personally I don't think i could ever feel ok with it. It seems shallow.
@laurawilliamson888 2 месяца назад
Yes! this!
@drtaverner 10 месяцев назад
I think we tend to be either closer to asexual or hypersexual. I think there's a huge Autism/Polyamory crossover as well. (And yes, you can be polyamorus _and_ asexual as not all asexual people are aromantic.") I think I might be sapiosexual on some level myself. I can be turned off pretty fast by highly NT people or people who like, don't read or don't have interests. And yes, I do attach to my friends. Sometimes I think the rules are stupid and not designed for us anyway. "Hey baby, monologue about your special interests! That's the stuff!" 😂
@neithere 10 месяцев назад
As self-diagnosed ADHD, I feel exactly the same. Poly just works best. You don't have to practise it but having it as the baseline (and filtering out those who don't understand it) is amazing. I've gradually surrounded myself with open-minded neurospicy friends with no stupid artificial boundaries (only real ones that we define ourselves for each connection) and it makes life so much easier. I've never felt so comfortable in my life. And I see that the feeling is mutual.
@CaptainTom_EW 10 месяцев назад
I'm pretty sure I'm aegosexual, I cannot imagine having sex with anyone in the world, not even with people I find attractive, even though I experience sexual attraction But just the thought of engaging in something sexual sickens me Edit: I'm also autistic, have adhd and I'm aromantic (idk if that's important of not)
@WhoAmI2YouNow 10 месяцев назад
What is Aegosexual?
@aspidoscelis 10 месяцев назад
@@WhoAmI2YouNow "Sex is great! It just shouldn't be me, personally, doing it with another person." (Also, I think it should be spelled 'anegosexual', but 'aegosexual' seems to be more common.)
@laymayday 10 месяцев назад
I think I might be the same, and I think I might be aro too (never been in love). When I tell people I’ve never been in love they either look at me in pity or try to console me. I get SO irritated. It’s not like the love (for reproduction) is the only type of love…
@CaptainTom_EW 10 месяцев назад
@@WhoAmI2YouNow Sorry I commented providing a link to a site explaining but I think RU-vid doesn't like links to external sites
@CaptainTom_EW 10 месяцев назад
@@laymayday I hate when people say "what a shame" or "it'll happen one day" No, it's not a shame, no, it won't happen
@transponderings 10 месяцев назад
1. Yes, the idea of one-night stands has always repelled me too (but I also have nothing against people for whom that works). 2. I also get emotionally attached to people quite quickly, but that doesn’t make me want to have sex with them. 3, 4. Types and gender preferences, not sure. 5. I do find I want to be closer to my good friends, but it’s not really a sexual thing, as far as I know. I do think the division of relationships into friendships and romantic/sexual relationships is an arbitrary cultural thing. 6. ‘Sexy’ is a word I’ve never understood. 7. Celebrity attraction, no. Have never fantasised about having sex with anyone, as far as I know. 8. Hmm, I don’t know. Can definitely forget about relationships. 9. Definitely felt broken in my younger years, as the idea of sex made me uncomfortable. 10. Flirting, yes. I think your video strengthens my belief that I’m asexual - I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to have sex with another person. Thank you. 💜
@consuelonavarrohidalgo5334 10 месяцев назад
I think I am a demisexual woman too.
@SarkanaNightSong 10 месяцев назад
This has just confirmed that nope, i'm still definitely a lesbian 💖✨️ but now I know more about demisexuality, so thank you for the very informative video
@valliedollx 10 месяцев назад
Shout out to my Ace folks! Love you! 🖤🩶🤍💜
@jojo0017 10 месяцев назад
I'm autistic and I havent had a girlfriend in 15 years. I'm 39 but people still think I'm in my 20s. Women alot younger than me like being my friend but I'm too scared to ask them out cause I'm so old lol.
@ZhovtoBlakytniy 10 месяцев назад
They might feel safe being your friend.
@elvinwisp 10 месяцев назад
Wow, I did not expect a video like this from your channel! What a pleasant surprise! :D I'm aro/ace myself and it always makes me happy to see people giving us and the spec more representation :)
@MittensZora 9 месяцев назад
Same! I'm glad to see more ace-spec people
@phoneyep 10 месяцев назад
Not having a type could fall into pan if you don’t care about gender
@forgottenvale667 10 месяцев назад
Me (an aspec person) getting really excited seeing a video about aspec people in my RU-vid recommended: Also, totally relate to not having a type in relation to looks (although I thought personality counted as a "type"), I'm not demi but I know there could be some overlap with being ace without being aro (my experience), definitely an observation I think a lot of LGBTQ+ labels are ones you can just try on and change if you decide they aren't actually accurate to your experience.
@grenade8572 9 месяцев назад
Yes for trying the labels. I discovered only a few monthes ago that I'm aroace thanks to the channel AceDadAdvice. At first, I didn't dare to use the label because I didn't dant to "steal" it. But it makes more sense why, at 33 yo, I never had a boyfriends or one night stands, and didn't miss it. 😅 The more I learn about aroasexuality, the more I'm "wait a minut... that's not how humans are supposed to work?"
@Kat-uu4jc 7 месяцев назад
Yes the type thing though! I for the longest time thought type included what they were into, how they acted, kind, caring etc. until my friends explained that type is about physical characteristics only and I was shook! Like I couldn’t understand WHY you would prefer one type of look over another, like I was literally always saying “but what are they like though? What are they into? Are they nice?”. It was so bonkers to me that people would pursue someone just because of what they looked like 🤯
@mason4615 10 месяцев назад
@w1lstar.b425 10 месяцев назад
I can feel sexualy attracted to strangers, but I wouldn't be comfortable having sex with them. This definitely related to my autism. I'm aromantic so flirting already makes no sense to me and I find it hard to recognise except in its most explicit forms. So I'd consider myself alosexual in theory, demisexual in practice
@ahorseofcourse7283 10 месяцев назад
Sex is cool and all, I guess, but have you ever played with a Transformer?! It's like a car and a robot and a puzzle to focus on ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
@Stfguac 10 месяцев назад
I never understood how a pansexual or bisexual person ends up with a straight cis man 😂. I guess some of them are decent, but the likelihood of that isn't great
@imautisticnowwhat 10 месяцев назад
😂😂😂 There are some good ones out there!!
@maddienoelle22 10 месяцев назад
I consider myself demisexual and I would say that I do have somewhat of a type actually. Looks are far less important for me than personality but I do have to find someone at least somewhat attractive most of the time before I can build that emotional bond. I almost feel like view on whether someone is attractive is more based on my visual sensory experience when looking at them. I do find that I tend to go for skinny men without a lot of muscle that are at least a few inches taller than me. I have gone against literally all of these criteria before though because personality is far more important to me.
@59spooky70 10 месяцев назад
2:36 unrelated but that soup looks morally offensive /j
@annelise7875 10 месяцев назад
!! So glad I found the term about a year ago so that I could realize that I’m not broken
@Cheryl_Frazier 3 месяца назад
@amberr3662 10 месяцев назад
Just wanted to say: I love the earrings so much they are amazing and I want them - where did you get them from? Anyway, I recently found out that about something called "cupioromantic", where you don't really feel romantic attraction but still craves a romantic relationship, which I think describes me quite well, but I'm not entirely sure about whether or not I feel romantic attraction (I also wonder if not knowing what romantic feelings are is common in autistics cuz of the whole interoception thing)
@timothy8428 9 месяцев назад
Being tall is very important for being able to spot the lions in the tall grass, a problem I'm sure we all face on a daily basis.
@PucKitt 10 месяцев назад
I’ve been referring to myself as Theo-sexual with a leaning towards Pansexual. Theo as in theoretical. Because theoretically I am attracted to many different people but they scare me so i just imagine it instead. 😅
@john4348 10 месяцев назад
I don't identify as demi, but I am on the ace spectrum. I do find some women more attractive than others, but it mainly manifests itself the same way that it would when I was in elementary school having a crush on other kids (I'd feel calmer in her proximity and get more satisfaction from making her laugh and/or impressing her, but there wouldn't much else I'd find myself wanting to do). I also get uncomfortable using words like "hot" or sexy". I'm more comfortable with the word "cute" but even then, I prefer to say "endearing"
@goldenwanderer22 10 месяцев назад
I figured out I was gay when I was about 20 (I'm 33 now). Being a queer autistic person who tends to do a lot of research, I've been aware of the demisexual label for years, but it's only been recently that I've started wondering if it applies to me. I've never been in a relationship before, and I suspect my autistic struggle with making/keeping friends has a lot to do with that. I find myself attracted to characters in tv/movies and sometimes the actor that play them, but I can't say I've ever felt attraction toward anyone in my real life. It's something I am interested in experiencing, but also I struggle to find the motivation to make it happen.
@dopwop553 10 месяцев назад
I feel seen :) - Just turned 29, I think I've had a crush on 2 women in my entire life, and maybe a bit of a crush on a man. I consider myself as bisexual, I've considered asexual but I feel weird to use the label since I do find the idea of sex desirable. I think without autism/social anxiety I'd be bisexual? "It's something I am interested in experiencing, but also I struggle to find the motivation to make it happen." This is exactly how I feel! It's like traveling to a faraway country in my mind. I'd be cool to experience someday, but eh I'm not making plans.
@baileyjones7570 10 месяцев назад
This is exactly me :) All my sexual labels are speculative; I've never actually been in a relationship or had sex, and I don't know how I would actually feel in the moment, or if I was more open to new people and experiences. I'm just reluctant to leave the microcosm of safe people and places I've built around myself, so it's kind of up to chance whether anything happens. How do people just TALK to each other?? And become friends?? I don't have enough energy for that! 😂
@seraph644 10 месяцев назад
God, everyone really does have a doppelganger. It's like another me wrote this 😅
@bosstowndynamics5488 10 месяцев назад
6:35 This is at least partly societal conditioning - a lot of neurotypical people feel pressured to seek partners that society sees as attractive rather than attractive to them specifically, and height is something a lot of people make a big deal about for men
@ReflectKindness 10 месяцев назад
I really wish asexual and demisexual had been introduced WAY earlier in my life. I do not feel the sexy feels towards people, and I will only *tolerate* adult fun times in the same way I tolerate like going on a run with someone I really care about. I loathe it, but I love you so I will do this *sometimes.* I’ve yet to be in a long term relationship where the partner tolerates the “only sometimes,” thing. I wish society in general didn’t shove the idea of romantic relationships on us from the time we are literally infants, and then start expecting us to be interested in sexual relationships from around the age of 14; like was I the only one who at school who didn’t see the point in dating? In my head I was thinking “we are children, shouldn’t we be focusing on other stuff like figuring out what we are even into in terms of hobbies? What will I do as my career???” And as an adult I’m thinking “ugh I don’t have time to deal with all your emotions and stuff ON TOP of mine.”
@Rabenov-wq8qy2qg5t 10 месяцев назад
I am 58, self diagnosed and realized what went wrong with my relationships. The last relationship I had was a purely sexual one, period. There was no depth to the relationship, she seemed to have nothing to express herself with. I have no problem finding a woman attractive. But if she also has an academic degree or is interested in science (which is more important) there is no stopping me :-) I think this relates to one's own monotropism.
@NormyTres 9 месяцев назад
Check out sapiosexuality!
@MetaGiga 10 месяцев назад
This is how I am: “I really want to have my own biological kids someday with someone I love... But sex sounds like it’s way too touchy and I can’t really think of anyone that I could realistically be with that I’d want to do that with.” One of my neurotypical friends has had a raging crush on me for years now to the point where he asks other people on the spectrum in our group what he’s doing wrong (hint: everything). He’s comfortable with sex/intimacy, but I don’t think he understands that I’m literally not attracted to him and if we do end up dating for whatever reason, he would be extremely disappointed due to the lack of physical affection and the amount of times I’d say “Nah,” when it comes to trying to have sex.
@kelleywyskiel3478 9 месяцев назад
I’ve never enjoyed sex. Like.. it icks me out. But I’ve also been married for more than 20 years and I have sex because I love my husband. But I’m awful and awkward and have to think too hard about my face because I’ve actually caught myself rolling my eyes in frustration and would feel awful if he thought he was awful. It’s not him I’m sure, I just think it’s ick. Lol
@straysolis8407 10 месяцев назад
Not demisexual but I am demiromantic which I think might also resonate with a lot of NDs.
@violet4151 3 месяца назад
I didn't anticipate how much this video would connect with me.
@Dizzychick_MN 10 месяцев назад
I understand the physical attraction thing and often feel it. The catch is that it can quickly go away when no connection happens. On the other hand, I've had a friend that I totally never found attractive until we had a strong bonding experience.
@katieschroeder7620 10 месяцев назад
Ive literally only ever been sexually attracted to the man who is now my husband! Boy, was that confusing when I first felt that. I thought everyone was exaggerating or lying when they talked about sexual attraction!
@philurbaniak1811 10 месяцев назад
🖤🩶🤍💜👍👍 I strongly relate to this! I come back to reflecting on this quite often, sadly it was not taught at my school when I was there (you know, where it would have been _really_ useful 😄!) My experience of feeling different at school was: just not at all understanding how people could be attracted to celebrities who they've never met. As an adult I really appreciate having all these labels and explanations for things that I can learn about at my own pace, better late than never 😄!
@JDMimeTHEFIRST 10 месяцев назад
What do you call it when you start out very sexual, but lose interest when a person shows no interest in you as a person and won’t bond? Because that’s what I am. I lose interest when someone puts in no effort and I get no intellectual stimulation from them and no passion from them. I honestly think this is just normal when you are kinky (into BDSM) because you need trust and connection to get into more interesting stuff. Vanilla sex is easy to just have flings, but kinky sex needs trust and connection and neurotypicals don’t seem to understand that. Also, if someone has ever rejected me, I no longer feel attraction to them. At all . . Even when they change their mind and like me again. I can’t seem to get the feeling back. I don’t have a type. Just masculinity. Pretty heterosexual and I like masculine men (was attracted to one masculine cis woman). But yet, I’m also not attracted to 80% of people. But when I am, it’s very strong.
@Crying_Soup 4 месяца назад
Oh my, I remembered how I used to think I was bisexual because, even tho I read definitions and read about how sexual attraction is wanting to do sexual stuff with others, I always just thought “nah, no way ppl look at others and just go ’I wanna fuck that’, right?” Wrong! Www when I realized that being able to look at someone and think I they’re pretty is NOT, in fact, what sexual attraction is, I realized that I am actually asexual!! It was, by far, the hardest part of my identity to accept, cause I have a gendered experience, and even tho I’m not cis, it was easier to accept that I experience gender in a different way than it was to accept that I just do not experience sexual attraction, because, well, society is just SO inclined to tell you that //EVERYONE// feels sexual attraction, so then not feeling it is just NOT an option (as well as the fact that I’ve had a very sexual life (as sexual as a virgin’s sexual life can get)). Up to that moment, I thought I was very open minded, but then I just kept denying that I could be ace for weeks, while at the same time, kept trying to convince myself that I did not have any kind of prejudice against asexuals. That experience helped me realize that, even when we think we have ridden ourselves of any unwarranted(? not sure that’s the word I’m looking for) prejudice, we are gonna have some towards some group of ppl, some belief or smt, so the sooner we realize that and step down from our high horses, the sooner we can grow as ppl and become more accepting towards others!!
@raeee204 5 месяцев назад
I'm pansexual and demi-romantic and my partner is a demi-lesbian! We were friends for about 5 years before we got together XD I never had real crushes growing up, I think the few I think I did have were just guys I wanted to be friends with cause I didnt know I was 'allowed' to be friends with boys as well as girls in primary school. Throughtout secondary, I never had any crushes at all until I started getting way closer with my best friend, and even then it look nearly a year for me to realise it was a crush! I knew I was pan way before I figured out the demi part and I just thought I had a low drive or the people at my school were just eh, but apparently not! XD ngl, I never thought I'd have a relationship like the one I have now cause I never had crushes and didn't think it would ever happen for me, but I've now been with my partner for nearly 2 years and we are the happiest we have ever been (:
@tempertenchi 3 месяца назад
I can call people cute.usually more so pertaining to their behaviour and not their appearence. hot and sexy are terms I don't really use alot. I like the words handsome/pretty/beautiful better bc I think they just sound nicer. I mostly use these terms towards fictional characters and only ones I really relate/connect to. I can enjoy s*x if I am emotionally attached to the person, but I also just dont understand the whole need for a one night stand or dating knowing its going to be temporary. I've gone into relarionships attached and committed only to have that person get bored of me and start treating me cold and its really hurts.
@LeoNunes-gy8ie 3 месяца назад
10:24 Not even gonna lie, I don't think anything screams more ace spetrum, specially demisexual, than that particular sentence.
@UncaHyla 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, I don't get that either: having a partner who isn't also your best friend. The whole idea of a person committing themselves to a long-term relationship -- especially marriage -- with a person whom they aren't deeply on the same wavelength with, a person who totally gets them and vice-versa, and with whom they enjoy and prefer spending the majority of their free time . . . that is just so nonsensical and alien to me. Why would you even do that?!
@silvy3199 Месяц назад
Agree. I was friend with my ex before we started dating. We dated as friends, I guess. Then we broke up (both relocated in different countries. Iatus with sporadic messages. Now long distance friends for four years. That's life. Still my best friend and one of my favorite persons on the hearth.
@xotoast 10 месяцев назад
I was really interested in the idea of dating when i was younger, id have intense limerance crushes. but reflecting on it, i wasn't very driven to date. I didn't really try. I just vaguely liked the idea and hyper fixated on people until i got something of a no, and i drop it like a brick. Feeling like, no grief. "Oh this wont work out, ok" I don't reallllly think they were crushes. I had a bunch of friends who LOVED to date and hook up, and would bring me along to hang out with the various people they were pursuing. (I think they were using me as a shield kinda.) But I enjoyed it. I could learn and witness how people navigated these situations. In my adult life my friend forced me to get a dating profile and I met my husband. I decided he was the one like right away lol. We hung out for 7 hours on our first date. Idk if we sped run the deep connection thing, but really i have barely dated in my life. I identify as demisexual. I get maybe this initial spark of sexual attract, and it fates and disappears really quickly and i feel nothing romantic or sexual towards the person. Anyway. Its very interesting. Its definitely very different from the norm so I do think it warrents its own label.
@yellowtomato854 10 месяцев назад
Im demiromance which is the same thing but with romantic im also asexual :D so for me with bonds it depends like one was a year and one was a couple months of figuring out if it was romantic or platonic attractive and i had known them since 1st grade so that made it harder also with the type thing i relate i also dont really have a type like because i dont care about hair or looks or anything except i can call out is that im a bit more attracted to woman then men but im still attracted to all genders but im more attracted to woman im omnisexual so it makes sense for me lol by the way omnisexual is basically pansexual but you have more of a preference
@59spooky70 10 месяцев назад
13:56 “seeing nothing that you’d actually want to eat… unless you have an emotional bond with that food” …. This may be why neurodivergent people are more likely to be Demi,.. it’s giving safe food
@TransHippie 10 месяцев назад
"For the autistics" called me out. I need to get evaluated. I think my gender masking was covering something else, too.
@WPVanHeerden 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for all the relatable content. For me, it is as if my body feels attracted to other people, but then my brain goes "Nah" after a bit of conversation. As for type, I'd just say athletic physiques appeal more. However, my experience with sex is kind of like it's something I let peoole do to me or that I do for them. Probably because emotional connection is hard for me.
@SLYKM 10 месяцев назад
Omg friendship is hard, bc yes, i get sexually attracted to friends, but I fall out of that once I notice it's not possible or likely. But that is probably from age and wisdom.
@UmbraStarWolf 10 месяцев назад
I have phases with high libido and I have phases with no libido. I don’t think I am demisexual as ive had hook ups before and it was fun.
@findingthebroom 10 месяцев назад
yes, this is me 100%. actually had a conversation with bestie yesterday where i told her i never think about the fact that i'm on the ace spectrum, and the answer i got was "what?! you don't?? I DO. ....i don't know why, but i do". like okay?? this bc i've just started having feeling for a person and it's like [SEXUALITY: UNLOCKED], and i know i've thought about perhaps being demisexual and now it's just so god damn obvious.. explains a lot which is nice
@LunarGlowMedia 10 месяцев назад
I wanted to see if you would mention the nonsense that is the idea of makeup sex. If my wife and I just had a fight I don't want ANYONE to touch me. I can't even get in the mood, which for my allistic wife is GREAT for her self esteem (not).
@nuclearcatbaby1131 9 месяцев назад
My lesbian foster parent thought my asexuality was a symptom of autism. Which was used as an excuse to abuse me so I tried to become a lesbian to convince her I wasn’t autistic but all that did was prove even further how autistic I was when I got in trouble for sexually harassing a girl.
@soyaliovee 5 месяцев назад
But that also proved how difunctional she was as a foster parent 💀
@nuclearcatbaby1131 4 месяца назад
@@soyaliovee That time she was actually less mad at me than at the school.
@Darth_Insidious 9 месяцев назад
The older I get the less turned on I seem to get by good looking people. It's becoming increasingly vibes and personality for me.
@booknamebasis 10 месяцев назад
OMG the fridge analogy is so spot on!
@summerdais325 10 месяцев назад
I am definitely on the asexual spectrum. I have sensory issues with sex, as well as being demisexual. I am quite sex positive, but I have negative personal feelings around this issue. Trauma stuff. My dating experience has been extremely limited but I can easily say that I don't have a type. My ex husband was shorter than me. Really tall or big guys can freak me out. The couple I tried to date made the mistake of picking me up off my feet on the first date. Not kidding! Being picked up like I was a doll or feather felt dangerous. I dated blondes redheads and brunettes. I dated outside my race. I truly don't see race. I now suspect that that is somehow related to being a neurodivergent. I definitely don't mean it in a harmful way. So I try not to ever say it anymore, but I will meet a person and genuinely not rememfor what race they are. 😂 I'm just now at almost fifty starting to pick up on clues from last names and whatnot. I would like to be in the skin of someone who is allosexual to understand that experience. People seem very sex obsessed to me, and certain sexual expectations have become too over the top for me. I WISH I could have those desires and was able to comfortably participate in certain things. I will admit that I am desperately tired of being alone... ETA: It feels like sex is the price. I have to pay to be in a quote adult relationship. I have had as much said to me.😢
@iliketea162 10 месяцев назад
It's more healthy for ace people to date within the community tbh 😭🙌
@StrawberryThighDDemon 10 месяцев назад
It's difficult to live in a hypersexualized community as a Demisexual. I wouldn't call it half-sexual, though. Some of the most kinky people are on ace-spectrum. Even Demi's when they are with their preferred person... 🎉😂. For a while, I thought I was just a late bloomer. Someone even pointed out that I could just be Asexual. However, when I did connect to someone, then all those desires rolled in. So, I scratched off the Ace part. But years later, I've accepted that I'm Demisexual. A lot of these signs are spot on. I acknowledge people who look aesthetically pleasing as well, but I do use the word 'cute' or 'pretty' but with no context to sexual attraction. My experiences taught me that certain groups enjoy compliments, especially women here in the United States. I think if you live in a society that shames people who want to explore their sexuality that can make it challenging as well. And many people still don't understand why I don't have a type. I tell them I just date the rainbow 🌈 and call it a day. However, I do find women with blue eyes and dark hair more conventionally attractive, but that's just the artist in me who enjoys good color combinations. Just like a ginger with emerald eyes.
@xerrias 6 месяцев назад
as a demisexual, I have always found it extremely hard to consider demisexuality under the ace umbrella. I just don't find it remotely similar to asexuality.
@CloveCoast 5 месяцев назад
I tried several times to do a one night stand, and at best the girl has her heartbroken, and the rest of the time I just NEVER understood the importance of “hookups” throughout my life
@tdsollog 10 месяцев назад
As a child of the 80s, I was raised with mixed messages. Be pure, but don’t be a “prude”. I’ve always needed to feel close emotionally in order to feel aroused by someone. I can respect and appreciate how someone looks, but… want to have sex? Nope.
@owenking1499 10 месяцев назад
In hindsight, my first 2 celebrity 'crushes' (Troye Sivan & Tom Daley) were just because I thought they were symmetrical and seemed really cool & like they were down to earth 😂 Double hindsight - "very down to earth" on every school report was subconscious code for autistic
@Rolepgeek 10 месяцев назад
I've always felt intrigued by demisexuality, but it's never felt like it was actually quite fit? Is there any term for like, the inversed way? Where feeling platonic and erotic affection just kinda blends into each other? I find some people more attractive than others before I get to know them but I find basically all non-family I emotionally bond with attractive once we've become close. Is it still 'demi'-sexual if it's additive on top of what seems like otherwise allosexuality? Or is there another term?
@Stoitism 10 месяцев назад
Demi here (and AuDHD). But not asexual at all. If anything my sex drive is above average. Which was a bit confusing back when I first learned about demisexuality. Not all of us vibe with the asexual descriptor commonly associated with it.
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