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14 окт 2024




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@barbtullos3909 3 года назад
I'm 73. Have been mostly carnivore for 4 yrs. Feel like I'm 30. On no meds. Great bloodwork. Lost 50 lbs. Kept it off. I'll never change the way I'm eating !!
@eugeniustheodidactus8890 3 года назад
You are an inspiration. I am on KETO at age 65 and now trail-running, riding my new Harley Davidson and started studying guitar last year after nearly dying already of "old age".
@gabriel65304 3 года назад
Depends what is your disease? Thanks
@marianne1959 2 года назад
Age 62 ... Carnivore 5 months and feel 20 yrs younger. Reversed T2D,ost 42 lbs. Triglycerides from 976 to 400. Still have ways to go but I'm going to get there! Currently have Covid but swear the symptoms are mild bc of this way of eating!! I am a former huge carb addict.
@DaKeezl 2 года назад
Tried carnivore, but failed due to carb cravings. Binged on sweets, then got back on carnivore trail for I was hoping for arthritis/psoriasis relief. I wonder if dairy might be bad for me. Do you eat dairy, too?
@chipwilliams6236 Год назад
@@DaKeezl I'm just like you the cravings and carbs are hard to stop. It's like an addition
@miriamlaguardia1838 2 года назад
Dr. Nadir Ali deserves a medal of honor for his bravery to tell the absolute Truth to the medical community !!! 99% of doctors just enrich themselves serving the food industry and the big pharma !!!
@250txc 8 месяцев назад
Stupid ... You must not know what the MoH is given out for...
@dr.suryanarayanan9256 4 года назад
Dear Colleague, you are such a nice guy! Your polite way of saying that Big Pharma is blatantly lying and manipulating data is..."the studies are misleading". Thanks for being our beacon of light in this time of darkness. Greetings, Dr. Surya Narayanan MD, DDS
@uaebifvideo5472 4 года назад
More of you should shout it out , Keto is being attacked in all ways and throughout media platforms, !!
@jayleon2894 4 года назад
Beautiful share!
@dollygray2860 4 года назад
@makaisenki 4 года назад
@@halfbakedmunky5566 Absolutely wrong there are multiple studies that have shown without losing weight, you can reverse metabolic damage states. They also have done studies on children where in 2-3 weeks they reversed their fatty liver disease WITHOUT any weight loss. They had to step on a scale and if their weight went down they were told to eat more. They also had to get rid of the unsaturated fats from vegetable oils. There's also another study where they weren't testing keto but just the sugars. They had them modify their diet without weight loss and they got rid of fructose over 15 grams, but they could eat breads and stuff I think, and they reversed their fatty liver state. They also had to get rid of the unsaturated fat from vegetable oils. Also fat adaptation has many benefits especially in food scarcity situations that you can not find on any higher carb diet. When I did other types of diets it didn't cure my hypoglycemia. When I lost weight it didn't cure my hypoglycemia. Once I started doing Keto I've never had hypoglycemia ever again. It's not a made up diet. It's a diet that is ancestrally appropriate for quite a few people, especially those pre-disposed. You look at Asia and despite having no obesity crisis they have a Type 2 diabetes crisis. You look at the inuit and you see great outcomes. I had a vegan argue and give me a study about some inuit ladies that died of severe heart disease in their 30s as a "HA HA" moment. Upon reading the study their lungs were more blackened than that of miners. I responded to him, "When we say consume the fat we mean EAT it not burn it for fuel and INHALE it." The made up diet is the food pyramid. Or low sodium diets. Low fat diets. These have tenuous at best evidence. Whole foods, ketogenic, Mediterranean in my mind is probably 1 of the top diets and the diabetes associations have added it to acceptable diets. I have a friend who was Vegetarian, she became Type 2 Diabetic because of her Native American DNA, and I asked her what she was eating, and I was not impressed with the dietary guidelines she was offered but she listens to her doctor, and 6 months later her A1C isn't much better. My wife with just intermittent fasting without changing her diet has reduced her A1C by 5 points and lost 50-60 pounds. Keto isn't the only way, but to sit there and say things that are so short sighted and out of date and blatantly false is just hilarious. I mean I say out of date but we have tons of data on inuits, which I think counts as long term health outcome studies, and the keto diet was originally invented in the west as a diet (not by that name) to help children that could not keep their seizures under control with medication. But we also have evidence of the late 1800s, and the early 1900s where we know what kind of food was on the menus, and it was usually lower glycemic carbs as a side dish, and meat or fish as the main dish, but now adays the food is covered in sugar and garbage ingredients like seed oils, and we wonder why we are having health crisis' now.
@momikhan6755 3 года назад
Very true one days human beings will understand that pharma invests in studies and picks only those which help their product and drop those which go otherwise. Similarly they invest in medical journals, invest in doctors associations who make guidelines, invest in fda so on so forth. Just to summarise industrial profit grows by growth in sales of medicine and more medicine are sold by having more patients. So all the actors are interested in promoting diseases not the health.
@pamwest4751 4 года назад
I love hearing a doctor state he learns from his patients every day and he councils his and educated them. Sounds like they have actual communication! Rare in medical practice!
@GeorgeGeorgecp 3 года назад
Because”your insurance” pays so there isn’t time. When you pay for the time. As it needs to be you will get conversation. It’s a numbers situation. Everyone bears responsibility.
@cassandrasmom 3 года назад
You’re right. A doctor who actually cares about his patients well-being over his pocket is unheard of these days!
@kathydicioccio6094 7 месяцев назад
I should move to Texas.
@arpadschummer5345 3 года назад
My oldest brother followed his cardiologist's advice to a "T". His wife cooked low fat/fat free, he had developed clogged arteries, had a stent put in one, etc. He had one heart attack! It killed him so quick he didn't even get to close his eyes. He was given a clean bill of health a month earlier. He & his wife were planning a trip to Hungary so they got checked out first. He was taking statins and his lipid profile was excellent according to his Doc.
@TheElma77 3 года назад
I’m so sorry for your loss! This makes me very upset for all of the patients who are getting the wrong advice daily. So sad.
@kenwilliamsvoice 3 года назад
Sad, but not untypical outcome. Sorry for your loss.
@eugeniustheodidactus8890 3 года назад
Most MDs are nincompoops. I am so sorry that your brother trusted theie ignorant nonsense. They kill 1.5 million Americans every year.
@lilolmecj 3 года назад
That is so very sad.
@upstatecommunications9031 3 года назад
Let me add to that. They are nincompoops with a license. 🤣
@juniebugg7675 4 года назад
My husband and I both stopped taking statins. After a few months on them, we both looked and acted 25 years older than we were. Our joints and muscles ached terribly. We started Keto and IF a few weeks ago. We are learning as we go along but we agree, medications should be the last option, not the first.
@OGAesthetics 4 года назад
give it some time! it will def get better. watch out for some keto foods, try eating a primarily animal based foods!
@keralee 4 года назад
Agree with mostly animal foods...and would add herbs and spices for flavor and antioxidants. But I had to add fruit because I became copper-deficient snd low in Vit C--including veg that are botanically fruits. This helped me a lot, the key is moderation of fruit intake (still focus on protein) and especially avoid PUFAs like the plague, next avoid grains and legumes--a small amount seems ok but best if traditionally processed (sprouted or fermented). A bit of sugar doesnt seem that bad--it take stress off liver as it doesnt have to convert valuable protein to glucose. This is also an fairly economical diet as one needs considerably less meat if adding a small amount of fruit. Why force liver into gluconeogenesis if fruit is available--despite the bad rap fructose has received, the liver can and does convert it to glucose in a very controlled manner which stabilizes blood sugars. What happened to me after years of keto and then carnivore....my body became too stressed and thyroid went offline. I was unable to achieve ketosis anymore because my 3 liver was cranking out glucose--from protein! My eyesight started having serious problems too, and fasting blood glucose was getting scary high for a person eating zero carbs! Apparently there is a limit to how much glucose a liver can make from protein per day--roughly 100g (maybe not coincidentally roughly what the brain uses in a day?)--so one becomes insulin resistant to spare the limited glucose for parts that absolutely require it--such as brain and retina! This leads to thyroid shutdown from excess cortisol and parathyroid activation. Not desirable! You will know this has happened to you when 1) you stop losing weight on healthy keto or carnivore diet, 2) morning fasting glucose is above 110...often much higher like 130 or 140. 3) And you will see intermittent fasting and water fasting contradictorily cause blood sugars go up instead of down. This is a high cortisol stress response from muscle breakdown and is not great over the long term. It does shut down thyroid, making weight loss almost impossible and causing great fatigue. I had trouble figuring this out...not a lot of guidance out there in ketoland. If carbs go up, fat intake needs to go way way down or you will gain weight doing this. Add carbs back in very slowly. Niacinamide is very helpful too. The Root Cause Protocol helps as does Ray Peat info and "Meats and Sweets" book on Amazon.
@makaisenki 4 года назад
​@@keralee You really don't need anti-oxidants. Basically your body creates a homeostasis, and you also don't need Vitamin C if you're eating fresh meat because the carnitine has an impact. I'm not saying don't eat any fruits, I'm just saying that you really don't need it for the reasons you outlined. Also your body can make glucose through fats as well, so after fat adaptation you shouldn't be getting a lot of muscle and protein breakdown. I just heard about a study where the biproduct of muscle/protein breakdown decreased drastically after 4-6 weeks of fat adaptation process. However women will often find benefits with more leafy green veggies, spinach, lettuce, even if they have oxolates because they help manage the excess estrogen. How active were you? Sounds like something was off. Maybe it would have been more optimal to increase your physical activity, or maybe you needed a higher fat ratio to your protein, but I don't have your labs, I'm not your doctor. Yes you do get insulin sensitivity short term from long term ketogenesis, but you can easily use refeeding schedules, or higher carb cycles to blunt periods, or utilize cyclical keto, where you go keto for 6 months, and then cycle off. When tribes found berries, or honey near the end of summer they absolutely indulged and put on some fat to buffer some of the winter struggles. Not everyone should be in ketosis every day of every week, and not everyone has to do 20grams of carbs or lower. If you're active, young, healthy, or especially an athlete, 50-120 grams could still keep you in ketosis, especially if meal timing around workouts is done, but not being in ketosis for a couple weeks here and there can keep you metabolically flexible, and for some people that's ideal. My goal is to become a nutritionist or dietician to help people dial in a diet that will work with their lifestyle, goals, and cravings. I have a protocol in the works, where the meal plans will be level 0 for 0-10 carbs, level 1 for 10-25 carbs, Level 2 for 25-60 carbs, and level 3 for 60-120 carbs. The goal is to use levels 0-2 to get weight loss, maintain on 2, but level 3 is there for lower carb holidays, cheats days, and the only people who would be on the level 3 for months at a time are people who can maintain on 3, or people looking to build muscle. I likely won't build a level 4, I can't dial in... It's kinda to create a frame work, so maybe for breakfast you have a level 1 meal, and for lunch you have a level 2 meal, and you skip dinner. If you have 3 meals within a level you should be in the middle or upper end of that level. It's a work in progress I just started it, but I feel like it'll add good options for people with various needs, because a lot of people think that keto means 20 grams and not a gram more, when that couldn't be further from the truth. It's needed for people who struggle with weight loss, but it is not a one size fits all process. It will take me years to flesh all this out. Well quite a bit longer cause with the pandemic and life circumstances I have 0 resources to experiment with different meals for the plans and to create recipes. So... we'll just have to see how the next 5 years plays out. I was hoping to be starting classes by now, but with the upheaval, I'll just have to take the time to plan 1 year goals, 3 year goals, 5 year goals etc... At least it'll give me time to learn how to build muscle without screwing up my knee with massive inflammation that I used to struggle with. (Still do if I go over 200 carbs in a day which used to be my minimum following standards of care models) So... time will tell but hopefully in 5-10 years I can help people like you that feel they didn't have the proper resources find their way. It's just too bad I didn't know about the life changing effects 10 years ago but then again we don't have as much low carb science back then as we do now.
@keralee 3 года назад
@@makaisenki I probably would have done better to cheat regularly and often--I suspect most do. As for copper--I am definitely very deficient in this per labs and hair (prematurely white)--it is greatly needed to buffer iron. I suffered from chronic anemia much of my life--iron supps and more meat did nothing, as it was all about lack of the copper needed to buffer the iron. Fruit totally helps with this and much more. I don't think its good to go bonkers on plant anti-oxidants BUT eating zero was also very much not good. It seems my balance point with carbs is the point where my teeth are squeaky clean in the morning when I wake up--without brushing. If they are fuzzy, I am eating too much carbs. Its that simple.
@johnp1992 3 года назад
@@OGAesthetics 615
@cjcj6945 4 года назад
Dr.Nadir is an exceptional human being, let alone medical professional.⚕ Loved the hosts vibe and respectful interviewing style.👍
@cassandrasmom 3 года назад
Agreed! 👍
@kathydicioccio6094 7 месяцев назад
I agree. He is very caring.
@light6982 Год назад
We as a people, must stand up, and support those doctors!
@sonjameier854 4 года назад
If LDL carry antioxidants then it makes complete sense that people on statins do less good when hit by COVID - lightbulb moment!💡👍
@CheapSushi 3 года назад
excellent note worthy part
@panchovilla7580 4 года назад
He is good at explaining difficult topics very simply. The key sign of a master
@oldbiker9739 2 года назад
Truth tellers who tell the truth even when it makes their lives more difficult but do it for the benefit of others are the real heroes in life. Thank you Dr. Nadir, we send our love from Alberta Canada
@ledacedar6253 4 года назад
Diagnosed with AS arthritis I started researching. I no longer have any pains or AS Symptoms unless i eat Wheat & Sugars. I Changed my diet from vegetarian to Keto then Carnivore. No naturopath helped until one autoimmune expert resolved virul load but my Carnivore diet has given me a short term memory, mind that doesnt confuse facts or days, stable energy & happiness that rises from my gut. I lost 35 pounds w/o trying and no friken western medical doctor.
@staceykersting705 4 года назад
Went avo-vore and my chronic pain of 30 yrs disappeared after only 1 day of eating this way! I'd been keto for 2 yrs...just proteins and plants. No way will I ever go back to indiscriminate consumption of vegetable matter!
@EarmuffHugger 4 года назад
The Atkins diet was one of the first 15 years ago. No bread and low carb. Glad to hear of your success because I have a hard time getting off sugar and bread because it's EVERYWHERE yet my joint and gout pain goes away. AMAZING
@judymiller5154 4 года назад
@@EarmuffHugger I started w Atkins, too. He said dont cut down: instead, if its not on the allowed list,not one bit! I am a recovered sugar addict by thinking of it as poison. If someone sprayed a garden, then offered you a cucumber or tomato...looks good, will taste good, but its poison...you would easily refuse! Abstinence is so much easier when you admit, once and for all, that sugar is poison for you. God bless ❤🙏❤
@EarmuffHugger 4 года назад
@@judymiller5154 How much of a sugar addict were you? HOW... and how long did it take to eliminate it? If you could please share. Thanks
@judymiller5154 4 года назад
@@EarmuffHugger oh, wow, how to quantify? I could be very full after a big, fatty cheeseburger meal, and think...just a bite or 2 of that ice cream pint, but I'm SO full, just a bit to "cleanse my palate". One bite = ecstasy.....minute later scraping the carton (1200 calories!). I'm the one by the wedding cake as others say, not a corner piece, remove the roses, too much frosting...I'm saying oh here I will take that, cake is just a carrier for frosting! Never met a sugar I didnt like and want a LOT more of!! Many years of Atkins success for the 2 weeks induction, followed by rapid failure trying to add back "healthy" carbs 5g at a time. Many longer periods of VLC, then thinking Ive been so "good" I can have 3 scoops of ice cream AND that gooey cake...and "paying" for days afterward. For me, I'm Irish and I dont drink, so sugar is my "alcohol" and abstinence is key...just stop! Buy be gentle with yourself. Every failure is just "another lesson I guess I needed." I can now allow a bit of carb in a processed food like pepperoni without trouble. I can deliberately choose some rare, very special carb, have a TINY portion, and fight the cravings that follow for a day or two. I tell carb-pushers "I'm allergic to that but I'd really enjoy more xyz" if there's a good choice. All the best to you on your journey. ❤🙏❤
@lilolmecj 3 года назад
I finally gave in and agreed to try Lipitor. That lasted 2 weeks before I started having leg cramps. I told my Dr that if I had one side effect I would stop it. And I did. I am going to focus more on reducing my carbs, which I love.
@beardumaw24 2 года назад
Excess Carbs and sugar are the death of people.
@KetoMama777 Год назад
Love life more than food that's bad for you. Think of it as do I want to be in pain sickly and eventually in a hospital or nursing home or healthy enjoying my life until I die .
@lilolmecj Год назад
@@KetoMama777 💕
@specialeeffexx 4 месяца назад
I had to go zero carbs cold turkey to get rid of the cravings! Fat will make you full and it will clean you out! lol!
@cassandrasmom 3 года назад
I get goosebumps when I hear Dr. Ali’s presentations. He is so knowledgeable and it’s very reassuring that I am eating the best way possible for a long healthy life.
@All-Father-Odin-967 4 года назад
One of the best explanations on the truth of risk, benefit and costs. Fat is what the body needs. I had a stroke following a steronclavicluar dislocation, and they tried to put me on Statins. I printed off information and I was told that everything was a lie, and only statins would save me. Well, 4 years on and I am still here.
@katherinekhan6892 4 года назад
Worked in a laboratory that used mercury to make vaccines. Company mandated yearly physicals. Doctor saw blood test results. Cholesterol over 300. Doctor insisted I was in grave danger and prescribed a statin. My dad, a chiropractor, basically said Noooooo! Well, 30 years on, still here.
@makaisenki 4 года назад
@@katherinekhan6892 From what I understand for a lot of statins, after many meta analysis, and meta analysis of meta analysis' you get like an extra 4 years of life from statins. Maybe... What a lot of them tend do do is lower your cholesterol by creating more binding cites on your liver I want to say, that grabs the Cholesterol and pulls it out. Now here's the rub. They often can ONLY take out your big fluffy LDL which is the good LDL, not the small crappy dense ones that cause all the problems. It prevents oxidation of LDL by taking away your good LDL so less can oxidize. So the impact of them is not very profound. In my non doctoral opinion a better option is to forgo the statins, the side effects, and use diet and strength training, to get more HDL, which will clear out more of the small LDL particles. Which is why doctors are experimenting with low carb high diets and seeing calcification of the arterial wall go down. The simplified version is "Lower inflammation, oxidize less LDL, and have more HDL to clear out bad LDL, and use your LDL to build muscle instead of just circulating an inflammed body waiting for damage to oxidize it, and you'll improve your life more than any statin could even imagine to dream of." Also what's the point in living longer if you're just going to waste away to nothing because you're not building/maintaining muscle in your older age, because you're not utilizing your muscle building LDL cholesterol properly. Do you want more years of functionality, or just more years of being taken care of? The science isn't wrong, it's been tainted and we need to cut down the tainted trees, remove them, and keep the orchard healthy.
@jessicat5284 4 года назад
Dr. Nadir is brilliant!
@petercyr3508 4 года назад
Dr. Ali actually.
@dana102083 4 года назад
@@petercyr3508 many doctors accept dr, with their first name. I'm doubting this man would think its offensive.
@LordStanley94 4 года назад
@Jessica T "Brilliant" is grossly understated. This man is Awesome. A true Mensch.
@cassandrasmom 3 года назад
@@petercyr3508 Nadir, Ali…who cares. The man is brilliant and a bright-light in a very dark time for health & well-being.
@Indieauguste 3 года назад
You are brilliant for having chosen him.
@EvanHiltunenVisual 4 года назад
As a health-conscious, athletic person, now 53, that had to have the Whipple Procedure six years ago (half the pancreas, gall bladder, lower stomach removed and now with a strictured pancreatic duct, taking pills to digest food and insulin injections), interested in not just longevity, but quality of life and physical well being, this conversation was absolutely wonderful! I can't thank you, and others in this field, enough for the wealth of information you've provided that help us to make informed decisions when, sadly, our GP's and specialists fail to provide the proper/effective treatment. I'm not knocking them. Their hearts are in the right place, but they mask, or reduce, the symptoms, when we need to be addressing the root causes of our metabolic dysfunctions.
@YouTuber-ep5xx 2 года назад
Whipple is rough. Friend of mine was diagnosed with bile duct cancer, grim prognosis, they did the Whipple, he lived almost 3 years, but it was awful. Best to you.
@relaxgood512 4 года назад
Adulterated oils used in processed foods, fast food, restaurant foods and the adulterated oils used for cooking at home which are purchased in the grocery store are causing much of the illness. If people stopped ingesting all this stuff, over time many Doctors would have very little to do.
@staceykersting705 4 года назад
I eat butter, bacon, avocados, fatty meats, salmon, sardines, eggs and some cheese. Butter...so good on avocadoes or liverwurst.
@hannah5245 3 года назад
Adulterated oils because they’re recycled over and over til they become toxic hydrogenated oils!
@eugeniustheodidactus8890 3 года назад
you forgot sugar
@cassandrasmom 3 года назад
Pre-packaged foods (processed carbs), sugar & toxic seed oils = recipe for disaster
@arleneportsmouth1263 3 года назад
I have never heard of adulterated oils. What are those?
@jlkhawaii8542 2 года назад
I did not know that eating was a stressful event to my body. No doctor has ever told me that before and I am almost 70. This is so good to know and keep in mind as a way to help in eating less by way of fasting. Thanks Doctor!!!
@hmlxur54 4 года назад
I appreciate the approach that Dr. Nadir has taken, which is asking why his patients have symptoms, getting to the real cause and not just treating the symptoms with medication, the low carb approach, I believe will improve symptoms across the board.
@valeriesmith477 4 года назад
I absolutely agree. Dr. Jason Fung is an excellent sharer of knowledge as well. If you haven't encountered his RU-vid videos I suggest you look up some of them.. I appreciated his comments as well about looking for the root causes of diabetes instead of just treating its symptoms.
@gabriel65304 3 года назад
Nadir said low fat to eat as well..
@kramer070473 3 года назад
I am 76 years old and have lost 40 pounds with keto. My stress level were very high from a recent loss. When I lost the weight my energy and brain fog improved but my ldl went up and the doc freaked out and stated "statins" and I said no.
@ynotttt Год назад
@thethecommander.. I’m 61 male. My numbers are very Worrisome given I’ve worked on this 10 months. My trys are 79, HDL 61, LDL 131, VLDL 14. Total 236. So…my trys over HDL is greatly improved, VLDL is good. but my LDL and total went to the moon. Lots of working out, in good shape, not fat, green shakes and salads. But lots of fat..salmon, grass fed meats, organic chicken, real cheese, various nuts. Intermittent fasting 2 meals a day. Vitamins, supplements high quality. Intermittent fasting 2 meals a day. But…I’ve been pre diabetic 5.9 A1C, 123 average glucose. Resting glucose 100. I’ve been on a statins 25 years. Don’t know how to get sugars down. I want my sugars and cholesterol down….anyone got any ideas?
@jmw-q4u 5 месяцев назад
Drop the statins. Blood sugar will normalize.
@doddgarger6806 Месяц назад
Look at Dr Mason's info on cholesterol and apob
@saoirsesheridan8248 4 года назад
I'm so grateful to have access to all the wisdom via RU-vid, its been transformative. Thanks for the great content and all the work you do to raise human consciousness.
@cassandrasmom 3 года назад
I agree 100%. I’m only sad that I didn’t learn all of this 10 years ago!
@SimonneBerriman 8 месяцев назад
I agree.. amazing
@Kjuken69 2 года назад
Dr. Nadir has a unique way of explaining, he is truly one of a kind, great personality as well. Can listen to him all day. The study he was talking about on statins in Norway and Scandinavian , have set it's trace. About 650 000 Norwegians was on statins in 2021. Norway have a population of 5,3 million.
@dr.suryanarayanan9256 4 года назад
Have been waiting for this dear Colleague!!!!! Greetings from Berlin, Dr. Surya Narayanan, MD, DDS
@Lippenherz 4 года назад
Hello. I'm looking for a low carb doctor in Berlin. Any ideas on who to contact? Thanks. :)
@dr.suryanarayanan9256 4 года назад
@@Lippenherz Hi. Google me and call my practice for an appointment. My nurses will help you through the procedure. Viele Grüße und bis bald!
@Lippenherz 4 года назад
@@dr.suryanarayanan9256 Hello! I have googled your name and have found a dentist. Is that you? :)
@dr.suryanarayanan9256 4 года назад
@@Lippenherz Völlig richtig! Habe beides studiert, praktiziere jedoch nur die Zahnmedizin und Ernährungsberatung, weil es mich glücklicher macht. Ich muß nicht mehr meine Seele verkaufen. Habe einen Netzwerk an Ärzten, die wie ich ganzheitlich arbeiten.
@Lippenherz 4 года назад
@@dr.suryanarayanan9256 Ich suche nach einem auf Low Carb und Keto spezialisierten Allgemeinmediziner für gesetzlich Versicherte in Berlin. Wenn Sie Hinweise haben, schreiben Sie mir gerne. Dankeschön. :)
@Seraphim_Belisarius 4 года назад
“The complete opposite of what you want to do.” Exactly, you will be healthiest doing what they’re telling you not to do.
@jerseyjim9092 3 года назад
I've been researching this subject for years and Dr Ali is one of my most trusted sources.
@samiabhatti6915 2 года назад
I advice people to download these type of videos for future use. i have been noticing they are disappearing from the net very fast lately. we need to preserve this type of knowledge and awareness as much as we can.
@moonrise458 2 месяца назад
Exactly what I do when a bid is very clear like this or Dr Eric Berg's too.
@moonrise458 2 месяца назад
**a vid **
@chriscoffey1492 4 года назад
Two very knowledgeable people in the metabolic space. Enjoying the journey as they, Dr. Ali and Jef, learn the intricacies of metabolic health..
@alphacause 4 года назад
Thank you for having Dr. Nadir Ali on your program. I live in the Houston area, and I am proud that we have a cardiologist in our city, such as Dr. Ali, who is willing to look at cardiovascular disease as one that can be addressed through diet and lifestyle instead of just through prescriptions. Its nice to have a cardiologist, with such extensive credentials, push back against the lipid hypothesis and the statin drug industry that capitalizes off of this problematic hypothesis. He has probably done more to promote low carb in our city than any other physician. His 2019 Low Carb Houston Convention was splendid. For those of you who love a more granular discussion on lipids, I encourage you to check out his RU-vid channel "Eat Mostly Fats".
@ketone-iq 4 года назад
Yes! We are excited to do part 2 with Dr. Ali. :) Thanks for tuning in Drake!
@Lindabraggketovore 2 года назад
I love doctors like you Dr. Nadir and Dr. Berry. You are here for people and their health. I love these videos. I, myself, have been taking information for Dr. Berry’s videos and now yours and doing a free health nutrition seminar for people who want to get healthy and lose weight. I have a small following group but I sure tell them to look up these doctors and their videos. ♥️♥️♥️
@smita7060 3 года назад
When I get my new blood work in January , will call dr Nadir office for his recommendations...advice etc Please bring him back great interview
@annwatson2196 3 года назад
Dr. Ali is such a brilliant teacher. Thank you for this interview. Nicely done
@slowcarbgirl9627 4 года назад
Love this guy! I believe people could be more successful with dietary changes if we helped them understand hunger signals. Also was intrigued by Dr. Nadir's comment that "eating is a stressful event for the body."
@PaulSchneider-bp2ic 4 года назад
@ellenorbjornsdottir1166 4 года назад
it is, but it lowers stress on net
@keralee 4 года назад
It can be. Check out The Phoenix Protocol for the ultimate way to heal body of pretty much anything.
@ronregel2359 4 года назад
Love dr Nadir Ali 2 years first I listened in dr Eric Berg same day we started diet we are in our late 70 and my husband in late 80 had great but me I had sugar at 477 today I am sickness free very strong ketones diet God bless this dr his knowledge his great weight
@staceykersting705 4 года назад
I'm almost 70. If either u or your husband has any joint pain or back pain...may I suggest u try this...just for one or 2 days, go carnivore It took away all my joint pain, chronic back pain. My friend tried it for 4 days and her a.m. blood sugar came down from in the 400's to 140! Hard to believe, but some veggies aren't our friends. Avocados seem to be the exception. I'm now an avo-vore. Will experiment very carefully with other plant foods.
@ronregel2359 4 года назад
@@muchasalud2011 my doctors never checked my blood sugar. I was visiting my brother in Bay Area California it happened my brother just checked my blood sugar with his diabetic sugar monitor and it showed twice 477 so I did the research how to control my sugar accidentally it happens this two guys showed up in my RU-vid thanks for asking
@sharonlee996 4 года назад
I am 74 yave been keto for 18 months then carnivore the past 2+ yrs, amazing got off the oxalates and arthritis is gone, no one ever believes I am 74. The keto helped initially but arthritis remained in toes and thumbs since Carnivore I took up golf. amazing how healthy I am now.
@ronregel2359 4 года назад
@@sharonlee996 I have a very bad arthritis two weeks a I started to take Boswellia Extract 500 mg twice a day it is a miracle for me
@sharonlee996 4 года назад
@@ronregel2359 I don't need it now, just not eating oxalates works well for me.
@tiredlookingforname 4 года назад
Always love to listen Dr. Nadir! Always informative and ever insightful!
@dianelautenslager8813 3 года назад
AMAZING Doctor and so generous with all of his information! I have learned so much from him!
@vas4739 3 года назад
Yes! I love this man’s teaching AND occasional humor!
@playerone1431 3 года назад
What an underrated channel, thank you for this interview
@berkeleyameliaelison5516 4 года назад
Love this!!! Yes - come back on the show and explain the labs please
@Dogwood-ng9vc 2 года назад
In 1991 my cholesterol was 397 at that time my Dr. told me to exercise. Now they put me on statin probably the rest of my life. A friend of mine died when changing his valve his cholesterol was 160 I was confused. Dr Ali is correct and makes a lot of sense.
@beardumaw24 2 года назад
How do they put you on statins ? Did they hold you at knife point, and say take this medication or else! It's up to you to say NO I will not take that medication. People need to grow some courage !
@denisedecker7330 7 месяцев назад
Most people do not have the information to challenge a doctor. They assume that this doctor has gone to school for 10 years and of course They know more than the patient.
@micaonyx5301 Месяц назад
@amerlene942 4 года назад
the way this information is being presented is very interesting and inspiring. thank you!
@ketone-iq 4 года назад
Thanks for tuning in Adrienne! :)
@johnbambery2058 3 года назад
Listening to all the points you make with the disadvantage of taking statins would you think that there is a link between statin taking and high COVID death rates. Statins in the UK are subscribed to almost everyone over 65 as a matter of course. There is even talk about prescribing to all over 50 year olds. The UK has the highest COVID death rate per capita of population especially in the elderly and it is this group that are being prescribed statins. Would be interested to hear your views on this.
@justrusty 3 года назад
I changed diet and exercise habits and total cholesterol remained unchanged. HDL and LDL went up and remnant cholesterol went down as did Triglycerides (both cut by about 2/3rds). Doctors freaking out over the LDL and ignoring the rest. (And of course, all my "symptoms" from when I was on statins were attributed to "aging" like Dr. Ali points out. Interesting, I de-aged after I got off statins.)
@kandaharmusic1350 4 года назад
The pharmacutical companies are not happy hearing this.
@derp195 4 года назад
Not to split hairs, but they're not happy WE'RE hearing this. They and the agriculture industry have known about this for a long time.
@pattierwin4380 4 года назад
And that is why some doctors have had their homes and offices burned down and even murdered
@bettiblanchard873 3 года назад
@@pattierwin4380 Dr. Berry
@rasimalsaaid8033 2 года назад
@@pattierwin4380 WOW
@LordStanley94 4 года назад
Lard, Ghee, Lamb/Beef Tallow, Duck Fat, Bacon Grease--👍😍
@lilolmecj 3 года назад
Good interview, allowing the guest to speak uninterrupted, and adding thoughtful comments himself.
@bellahaas8393 3 года назад
God bless you both💝🙏👍👍 our great host and our guest..Awesome! Thank you Dr Ali, for sharing your honest opinion and rich knowledge!
@lindabladon9205 4 года назад
Such an excellent and USEFUL conversation 👌. BRILLIANT!
@valeriesmith477 4 года назад
About ten years ago my internist primary care physician prescribed a statin that I dutifully took. (He was the expert, right?) I still get angry about the statin side effects that I encountered for months afterwards (myalgia) and reported to him. He did not tell me that the statin was probably the cause. I had to read the research - and then prescribe to myself the cure for my aches -- stop taking the statin! I am 73 now and still encountering physicians who are concerned about my LDL levels -- and want me to take a statin -- and I just shake my head and say NO.
@jenchanning1022 4 года назад
Exactly, am having issues with my PCP also. She would not agree that the statins were causing joint pain, memory loss etc, also was not diabetic until taking them. I just stopped taking them and now she is upset that my lipid are so high. Still working on my A1c but they are slowly coming right.
@valeriesmith477 4 года назад
@@jenchanning1022 I suggest a great book to read - or RU-vid videos to watch - check out Dr. William Davis (cardiologist) and his book called UNDOCTORED. I find it ironic that the word "indoctrinated" sounds so similar to the word "doctor". Big Pharma has rivaled big tobacco in its blatant deceptions - and in its "education" of doctors about the "benefits" of statins. How can they sleep at night after having caused so much physical harm to so many people?
@ellanola6284 4 года назад
Valerie, well done for waking up & taking your health into your own hands!!! I work in care in the UK & keep up with latest research. It is shocking how many useless tablets are given to elderly that do nothing for their wellbeing but ruin their health & reduce quality of their life. Simple food changes, some lifestyle adjustments are all that is needed. I feel so upset that nothing can be done as most people are so clueless & unable or unwilling to do research for themselves. Recently, I pleaded with daughter of elderly gent I looked after to help him. Statins made him aggressive, gave him serious muscle pain, reduced his mobility, made him depressed, confused and demented, his sugar cravings were unreal, etc,.. She asked doctor & he said to continue with statins & that is what she did. When choosing people to oversee your care be very careful .
@keralee 4 года назад
Anyone on statins MUST supplement heavily with coQ10. Ideally stop taking statins and fix diet, but if they insist on taking it, coQ10 is a necessary intervention.
@eugeniustheodidactus8890 3 года назад
Doctors are not trained in health. They are trained in drugs. They are nicnompoops.
@Lindabraggketovore 2 года назад
The marker I look at in cholesterol is triglycerides being low, HDL up and LDL up.
@theantiqueactionfigure 2 года назад
Gravel bike in the background, I'm subscribing!
@c.oconnell3904 4 года назад
Thank you! I have sent this to my Doctor and asked him if we can have a conversation about my cholesterol meds.
@susandejohnette6409 4 года назад
The last thing most physicians want to hear is your personal research that sidesteps their standard of care which has minimal healing value.
@caahacky 3 года назад
How did that go?
@yay-cat 3 года назад
I was chatting to an old Doc the other day who was saying that it’s a real loss that UK/NHS doctors have quick rushed consultations with people they don’t know vs having a relationship with your patients family-medicine style. Like if you have known a woman since she was a little girl, through multiple pregnancies or ailments, and into advanced age; then you develop a lot more insight and understanding of how to diagnose a problem. Or how you respond to someone not looking and feeling well. Dr Nadir’s approach to working with patients and explaining stuff to them reminds me of the old Doc
@songforguy1 3 года назад
Yes and the old ways had doctors that were critical thinkers, today the doctors are indoctrinated by the pharmaceutical industry.
@desireefielder2154 4 года назад
He is exactly correct, I am heterozygous APOE 2, And yes Lipotoxicity, fat metabolism , I've connected the dots, FASTING , AND EXERCISES doing this each day, Thankyou both, spot on and extremely important and correct!!!! SHARED.
@jcnlaw 4 года назад
Thank both of you for this terrific and insightful conversation!
@robertamorrison3462 4 года назад
Very good information. I hope my MD will watch this for me. Since our family doctots won't receive this kind of info from their usual sources (big pharma) I feel it's my job to try to educate my doctors and help them think differently when it comes to caring for the people who rely on them for advice. I'm no one's cash cow and I won't go out one-piece at a time!
@eleda131313 4 года назад
☆Just the info I have been seeking for a family member, so clear, thanks to both of you ☆
@farrokhfarr2694 4 года назад
Love this doctor .he is so informative. More power to you.
@lt2339 3 года назад
Thank you for this casual yet highly informative interview.
@EMTdrummer 3 года назад
I like your interview style and knowledge Geoff....
@qatza1003 4 года назад
Great discussion. During the discussion you mentioned measuring blood sugar and the impact of insulin. There are constant glucose monitors that allow an individual to check the blood sugar but it would seem that being able to measure insulin with a constant monitor would be as useful, if not more useful. If insulin is "pulsed" then a static measurement is not very helpful, as you noted. Dr. Kraft tested thousands of patients and developed his graphs of insulin levels over time. These measurements were taken at intervals over many hours with the equipment available but it would seem that with today's technology it would be possible to get real-time readings to take some of the guess work out of implementing dietary changes. One of the key considerations would be cost for individual use.
@hair2050 4 года назад
Your knowledge is at another level as it is. Amazing that you even say that.
@michaelgrayrn4579 4 года назад
Thank goodness for being able to save the first half! That must have been momentarily ass puckering
@srirampadmanabhan3648 2 года назад
Hi, I have just started hearing mr Ali , and your conversations were very helpful to wrap my mind on the fat metabolism, and lipotoxicity. One question though, Dr Ali was recommending a high protein diet, fasting, and exercise when a patient has high tri glycerides so that we empty the fat cell . Why there is a hesitation or not discussed the aspect of having raw fruits and vegetables, which though has carbs but owing to presence of fiber wouldnt it help in satiation, and insulin sensitivity with time along with exercise and fasting?
@aireddy 2 года назад
It is wonderful conversation about low carb diet, being cardiologist instead of opening heart surgery and heal them with diet is wonderful suggestion!
@EarmuffHugger 4 года назад
He is a smart Doctor, speaker & leader
@geoffreyhoward6325 3 года назад
What a great educator and carer for the health of the community - Thank you
@keyshi6257 2 года назад
Dr. Ali said: "The gap is norowed". That is true. People are more open mind now, because of many podcasts regarding health and nutrition. I like that Dr. Ali said that. He is amazing Dr.
@RiteOn 4 года назад
the longer medical professionals hold on, the less successful they will be . . . people are learning and leaving to find their own way to HEALTH
@provetome1199 4 года назад
Like religion?!🤣 Rock on!💪🏽
@YouTuber-ep5xx 4 года назад
At 10:16 in, Dr. Ali suggests that your average cardiologist recommends a low fat, low carb diet?! Huh? The average cardiologist recommends the Mediterranean Diet, which is a low fat, HIGH carb diet. Dr. Ali must have misspoken. At 25:10 in, Dr. Ali suggests that when you lower LDL by taking statins, your brain does not function well. I can attest to that. When I've taken statins, I've experienced depression and poor mental health.
@ellenorbjornsdottir1166 4 года назад
no, avg cardiologist recommends zero fat salads
@anne-karinwilby2303 3 года назад
From what I’ve seen Mediterranean people consume large amounts of olive oil poured over salads & on bread. Also sea food & salads. I Maybe the omega3 in the fish is helping them? I’m totally confused.
@cincin4515 3 года назад
@@anne-karinwilby2303 omega 3 in a type of clover that grows everywhere fed to chicken and lamb.
@jarcelynsnyder4844 3 года назад
Thank you Dr. Nadir for your dedication. The information is priceless
@ravenfair1723 3 года назад
Great conversation. I wish more people would be open to this. Once again I have learned quite a bit and have a lot of take away. I have a comment on the last few minutes of conversation about doctors just subscribing drugs like metformin, statins etc. Perhaps they realize some people just won’t change their diets as well as some people in institutions like nursing homes, schools get mostly potatoes, rice, desserts and overcooked veggies. That’s just one reason I’m trying to keep my mother out of the nursing home.
@denisedecker7330 7 месяцев назад
There problem is the dietary guidelines are not just a suggestion... They are the reason that our military is fed like it is, that hospital food is what it is, and nursing homes and schools as well must follow the these guidelines sadly.
@maiasutherland7333 4 года назад
Such a very fabulous interview, thank you both very much x
@CheapSushi 3 года назад
His explanation about triglycerides and insulin resistance made a lot click in my head. Thank you. So, if I have this correct, if overweight/obese, it's best to do fasting in some form first, with lower calories overall, in order to get the liver into a better state, less insulin resistant, and then switch over to a more pure low-carb diet after you lose a bit more weight, so excess dietary fat isn't converted to triglycerides by the insulin resistant liver? Once your liver is sensitive again, it can easily handle exogenous fat to convert to ketones? Thanks again.
@vas4739 3 года назад
Dr Nadir is spot on! My cardio doc has nooooo clue about the keto I’m on claiming it’s dangerous. I got off all 17 meds! I now know I’ve outgrown my cardio AND my PCP who also has no clue. One wonders if they don’t catch up regarding keto are they in it for the money & status OR do they really want to help people....
@ruthketo3167 3 года назад
November 2020-CAC Score ZERO July 2013 - SAD DIET Cholesterol Total 204 HDL Cholesterol 39 Triglycerides 187 LDL Cholesterol 128 CHOL/HDLC Ratio 5.2 A1C 7.4 July 2020 - KETO OMAD Cholesterol Total 221 HDL Cholesterol 91 Triglycerides 44 LDL Cholesterol Calc 143 CHOL/HDL Ratio 2.7 A1C 5.1
@ruthketo3167 2 года назад
@@snn2913 Follow Dr Eric Berg’s healthy keto and intermittent fasting. Went from 270 to 150 in a year. Was 50 when I started.
@nancyreese80 7 месяцев назад
@smita7060 3 года назад
Dr Nadir ❤️I will listen again and again!! Thank you
@CHEZZYNIPSTERZ 4 года назад
Great information.I lost 60 lbs on KETO and feel much better
@ketone-iq 4 года назад
Awesome! Welcome to the Keto community. Thanks for tuning in! :)
@lvrichardson7966 3 года назад
I love the analogy of the doctors to the priests. This is so true! But it's changing, thank God. 😉
@petercyr3508 4 года назад
At about 1 hour discussion on fat. I think if you dont eat enough fat it amounts to caloric restriction which will lower metabolism in a viscous cycle. Kind of falling into the calories in calories out model.
@timothyskover3431 4 года назад
this is the best of your great interviews YET!!!!!
@ketone-iq 4 года назад
Glad you loved it Timothy! See you on the next episode! :)
@gaile716 8 месяцев назад
Love your videos!
@ricksikora7270 4 года назад
Awesome interview.
@colleenhall44 2 года назад
Excellent information! I love Dr. Ali!
@roblanchi5159 3 года назад
Dr. Ali, come to California. We need You to be available online now that health system pays for phone consultation. thank you.
@CLiNT642 4 года назад
Have you run into any issues from your collogues regarding a dietary intervention Dr. Nadir? Are you still running into a wall of stigma in the medical field, especially high the end cardiology profession?
@iss8504 2 года назад
Where I am, the doctors basically won't say anything about diet because they are terrified of losing their license. They just tell u to lose weight anyway possible. Ridiculous. If u tell them you're doing low carb they tell u you are killing yourself. When you ask on what basis they parrot the same idiot things we know haven't worked. Allopathic doctors are very much in danger of losing their position as we find better advice elsewhere.
@velvetindigonight 4 года назад
I'm 63 and have been eating high fat for years at least 2 packs butter, tub of cream, block of cheddar cheese, greek yogurt, milk, eggs and grass fed beef every week....... my cholesterol is 6.3 with high good fats.................. :) Enjoy!
@emh8861 4 года назад
I noticed plain greek yogurt still has a lot of carbs and sugar. Milk also.
@debbietaylor20 4 года назад
My cholesterol is 8. 2 I'm doing keto to get tryglicerades down and HDL higher .Don't need to lose weight .
@mrt7948 4 года назад
All healthy foods. Great. Happy living. Masallah.
@cynthiam1381 4 года назад
Cholesterol is needed for all cellular functions in the body its not the enemy
@keralee 4 года назад
@@emh8861 it also has lots of Calcium, which combined with the k2 in fats will ensure lower parathyroid activation and greater thyroid activation, thus high energy and less fatness, and will build bones instead of clog arteries. Calcium is overlooked on keto--it is much needed. And the carbs in milk metabolize slowly by liver along fructose pathway so it helps stabilize blood glucose and lessens need for gluconeogenesis. So its a very good thing.
@SuperBotanica 4 года назад
stop eating grain, sugar and fast food in general
@FaridaSultanaIchoosesuccess 4 года назад
@junker jones mostly found in take out foods, they have no reason to cook in good oil !!
@3Muchlove 4 года назад
@@halfbakedmunky5566 agree
@kratos_hu 3 года назад
@@halfbakedmunky5566 Except the anti-nutrients, the GMO factor therefore 5% unrecognizable protein developed in those grains that wreaks havoc in your digestive tracts and the fact that they convert to sugar the same way as non whole grain but later.
@kratos_hu 3 года назад
@@halfbakedmunky5566 In case you do not grow your own ancient seed, you are dealing with GMO as there was a movement back in the 60's to feed the nation. Therefore fast yielding, short stem crops were developed so it is easier to harvest them. They are GMO and that is in whole grain products as well. On the other hand the anti-nutrient is protective to the seed not to your body. It does not allow you to absorb certain nutrients, therefore you can be anemic and so forth. No, whole grains are not better than processed, refined grains. In those processed grains you have readily available sugar without the anti-nutrients. You will have the insulin spike but in case you use them as energy and you consider them only that way, you can fuel your workouts or your hard working day and yet you can still absorb the vitamins and minerals from other foods. All you have to do is to use them purposefully and not to eat them whenever you want to. I know it by my own n=1 experiments and from my friends, and from many others via the web. Their blood results were much better when they got off of the whole grain train and they learned to use refined sugar purposefully and not as a food product.
@kratos_hu 3 года назад
@@halfbakedmunky5566 I'm glad for your success, that is good to hear
@hope46sf 4 года назад
Thank you both!! What a great interview!!
@aquilsyed 3 года назад
Dr. Nader Ali is from different world of Doctors!!!. He has a growth mindset and scientific approach. He has challenged the status quo! He speaks everything logical with research analysis.
@16Elless 2 года назад
What a humble Dr! Someone who’s learning from his patients & realising the usual thinking on cholesterol etc is wrong. I’m in UK & I would say the healthcare system here is close to breaking point, not helped by Covid of course, but GP’s have so little consultation time (& mostly now over the phone not in person) I guess it’s just easier to keep dishing out pills instead of being able to get to the root of the problem. Something has to change though as we’re just becoming more over medicated & not healthier plus with an ageing population it’s going to become a bigger problem. Thankfully there are doctors here who are trying to get the message out but it takes time to turn the ship.
@SuperZimpatico 4 года назад
Wonderful information, thank you very much from Australia.
@ketone-iq 4 года назад
Thanks for tuning in! :)
@MarkVA71 4 года назад
I got to meet Dr. Ali in person a year ago. Very nice man!
@otitolaiye Год назад
Hi, can you please give more explanation on lipotoxicity and triglycerides.
@kramer070473 3 года назад
I totally enjoy listening to you brilliant men but make it understandable to the average person.
@mattportnoyTLV 4 года назад
Dr Nadir: *eat fat.* Me: *BUTTER!!*
@staceykersting705 4 года назад
I eat butter...so yummy! Great snack.
@OrbitalHUB 4 года назад
Ghee too
@nutsforthebeach 4 года назад
I love making ghee...I lick the spoon often!!! LoL
No. Butter causes cravings because of lactose and it is loaded with hormones ment for calves. Go with grass fed raw fat.
@staceykersting705 4 года назад
@@ГеннадийИванов-н1б Is there really lactose in butter? Lactose is a sugar and butter's said to be 100% fat, and its us is encouraged by the keto experts.
@ElsieDreamWorld 2 года назад
Dear doctor Ali, you can’t know how I love your videos and how much I’ve learned from them. Maybe you could answer this question which I don’t know if you’ve treated in any video I’ve missed. Can coronary calcification be reversed with keto diet? I would so much appreciate An answer. And please continue with these so educational videos, and stay safe.
@maricamaas2326 Год назад
Wonderful to hear this discussion in support of the amazing, intelligent, self-correcting body... Not good and bad, but appropriate cholesterol 👏👏👏 Why not also appropriate blood pressure?
@brianchristopher3816 3 года назад
I'm LCHF. Mostly carnivore. I got rid of knee joint pain going carnivore. I stopped eating bread, pasta, white potatoes and etc. Sugar has been tough. But I've reduced it. My Dr. at the VA noted that my LDL is high (yeay!). Well they were internists from a local medical school. They both recommended statins. That freaked me out. So I've been doing research on RU-vid. I can almost understand how insulin resistance, electron transport chain, the liver, pancreas, lead to oxidised, and glycated LDL damaging blood vessels in the heart. This is a great conversation. I still get in the weeds because biochemistry is so complex.
@sandylaramore2248 2 месяца назад
Love Dr Ali is a great teacher!
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