
2012 GPA Redistribution Video Contest - Carthage College Looking for 2013 winners! 

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@noshoes 12 лет назад
Great work! Thanks for stepping up to make people think, or in the case of some reveal they are not thinking!
@LouisFoussard 12 лет назад
Brilliant demonstration ! Thanks for sharing this video!!
@Vidfan28 12 лет назад
Very insightful. You sir, have just made a brilliant observation.
@Misterblueeee 12 лет назад
Well done! this needs to be done at every university!
@MTBIKEXC 12 лет назад
It's awesome how many agreed to sign it! Great kids!
@whitefield3 12 лет назад
I went to Carthage and I'm glad there are people doing this kind of thing to get people thinking and talking about it. That certainly wasn't the case while I was there. I don't care what people end up thinking as long as they draw a comparison to the larger taxation issue.
@TrollLowLow 12 лет назад
I inherited my 3.8 GPA from my parents. You can't imagine the taxes I'll have to pay when they die.
@eodyn7 12 лет назад
Great Vid!
@koyettsu 12 лет назад
lol I love the concept and would also love to see this.
@michaeleiseman4446 12 лет назад
Please, please, PLEASE do one of these using the teachers/professors tenure and salary. I'd love to see them tie themselves in knots trying to explain why they shouldn't have to give up their tenure and salary for the good of all teachers.
@sophiagomez5619 8 лет назад
Lol 2:07 dat professor XD he's feeling the madness
@VMRDY 3 года назад
The only professor I like in America.
@aseredy 12 лет назад
I would argue that its a good comparison. The true path to prosperity comes from raising everyone up to the new heights, not from holding people back that jump too far ahead or taking the products of their efforts. Leveling the playing field and redistribution, are two completely different things. If you want to help poor people, make it easier for them to start a business. That is leveling the playing field. Redistribution is just tipping it to the other side.
@golandmar 12 лет назад
the principle is the same for demonstration purposes...taking from those who earn and giving to those who do not earn
@aseredy 12 лет назад
I would say this is a fair analogy. The point I took away wasn't that there was a corollary relationship between taxation and GPA in redistribution, though from a philosophical point there is a strong one, it was more to show how willing people are to vote away what other people have. Its more of an example of how quickly the "majority" can trample the rights of the "minority".
@forrestmck 12 лет назад
Sure the A+'s might drop a bit (but they also won't be cheating so much) but the boost to the F's, C's, and D's will raise moral, they'll actually be able and inspired to learn, they'll have more interaction with their teachers and they'll be able to look forward to a brighter future. Is that really such a bad thing?
@jollincones 12 лет назад
what a great thought experiment :)
@jojuvanlaanen 12 лет назад
This is priceless!!! Sounds like the economic policy some of our leaders would prefer.. Although only select few people would be allowed to go to college in this economic system.
@kryogen76 12 лет назад
Last I recall, there is no limited pool of GPA points that can be given out. Each student earns their own GPA, and there is no limit to how many students can get a perfect 4.0. In fact, ideally all of them would - there is no restriction to how many students can earn As on their exams/classes. Unlike in real life, there is a limited supply of currency. Only a very limited amount of people can be ultra rich. Once those spots are taken, the rest of us have to make due.
@BSMEPilot 12 лет назад
Your argument only works if one accepts your premise that those who do not produce and contribute actually do help those who do produce and contribute. The overwheliming majority of "lesser" individuals who actually do contribute to the success of the "lucky" (as you no doubt think of them) are rewarded for their efforts. This is video is a near perfect analogy.
@Lettering-Ink 12 лет назад
The analogy only works if all students arrived on campus with the same resources and opportunities, and the 4.0 students then profited from the learning efforts/energies of the lesser students.
@Redbloodedsky 12 лет назад
How do you raise everyone up to the "new heights"? How do you give each and every person the same opportunities regardless of where they were born, their ethnicity, native language, economical and social status, gender and abilities? It's Utopian talking. And in colleges, we see scholarships and the same tests for every student. It's still a bad comparison. It's not "keeping everyone leveled" but giving everyone a chance to level up.
@DystopianEmpire01 12 лет назад
You have a firm grasp of the situation. I;m glad we had this conversation, Thanks! Surely there must be some way to wean these off the public tit?
@wermet 12 лет назад
Excellent video! Kudos to the students who came up with this "petition" idea. It's heart-warming to see young adults who get the injustice of progressive" tax schemes that liberals (and socialists/communists) keep proposing as fair. Fair taxation is achieved when all citizens pay the same percentage of their earnings. Including those at the poverty level. All Americans should be fully participating in the running of our government. It is not only our right, but our responsibility to do so.
@mulgamutt 12 лет назад
Just like the example in the documentary "I Want Your Money," where grades are distributed amongst a class, those who worked for their A's will no longer work harder when they know their grade will be shared out; those who got lower grades to begin with will work less knowing their grades may improve without effort. All grades go down, incentive to work disappears, and moral disintegrates. Change "grades" to "income" and the same thing happens. When there are no more rich, who pays?
@MTBIKEXC 12 лет назад
I love the kid at 4:22, I see where you're coming from, but yeh - I'll sign it!
@aseredy 12 лет назад
In the US today there are barriers to entry for almost every market. From Licensing, fees, zoning law, taxes, labor laws, poorly defined property rights, perverse incentives to do nothing at all, and so on. It makes it very difficult for someone with capitol to start a business, let alone someone with none. I advocate removing those barriers. Give everyone an equal chance to better their lives. Guatemala is a different story though.
@blinkett 12 лет назад
Exactly. People forget that. They also forget that it is the top percentage of the population that make the tax laws and the loopholes so that they pay very little taxes. The burden of the tax debt does not fall on the "rich" but the middle classes. CEO's of companies pay themselves $1 salary while cutting themselves huge options/shares so they get taxed nothing.
@Vidfan28 12 лет назад
Yes, there IS a limit to how many people can be considered "rich". Money is only worth as much as we can trick ourselves into thinking. Possessions, property and material goods, generally keep the same inherent value to us over time, fluctuating periodically depending on different circumstances. But the value of money changes much more frequently. Currency is essentially infinite, we can print as much as we want. Products and property aren't. Think of post WW1 Germany and present day Zimbabwe.
@dimond1806 12 лет назад
If you listen what Romney is saying, and has been saying, he wants to get rid of the "loopholes" that enabled him to pay such low taxes. Also, taking advantage of what the Tax Code or Law is, isn't breaking the law. These people just have people that know how to use the Code to their advantage. If you don't like that, don't blame the person because what they are doing is LEGAL!! Blame the Tax Code. Like Romney and Ryan are saying, we need to change it and get rid of "loopholes".
@jdbolt1955 12 лет назад
*chuckling* great concept...AA4GPA
@ashliebelle 12 лет назад
News flash, people. Slacker students ARE getting a piece of the pie. Standards are being lowered so that more students can pass. The gifted students are forced to slow down, listening to the endless excuses and "my teacher hates me" complaints from the entitled, average and below-average students. Is it making our schools better?
@aseredy 12 лет назад
For starters you dont give them anything, nor do you take it away. You allow them to pursue their interests unmolested. Wealth is not finite, it can be created at will and added to the whole. Its difficult for many statists to come to terms with because it requires them to do nothing. I hope one day we allow our producers to make the necessities of life so abundant and cheap, that the only poverty that exists is voluntary. But that requires the state to do nothing. Wishful thinking though.
@redsirius508 12 лет назад
Money is a finite as the value we give our resource yes resources are finite but to an extent it isn't( because value is something we determine) not in at least the GPA sense. Every person on campus can get a 4.0 possible but not every person can a make a billion dollars and your right that in the states every one can make money if they have a job but the issue isn't making money but how much one is making.!!!!
@DrNordo 12 лет назад
Correction: as evidenced by this video it's the philosophy of stealing from the hard working to give to the lazy, unless you are the one being stolen from and in that case "F that".
@aseredy 12 лет назад
"How do you raise everyone up to the "new heights"?" Honestly; I don't know, but if I did, it would be a powerful argument in favor of a dictatorship. The only way to find out, is through the voluntary interaction of players in a market seeking to better their lives. Arguably, even poorest people in America live better today than they did 200 years ago. The Entertainment they enjoy, was only available to aristocracy a few hundred years ago and food is more affordable now than ever in history.
@forrestmck 12 лет назад
If this were a really valid parallel, the situation would be that the top 10% of students have straight A+'s and the rest of the students have F's, with a few D's, C's and B's. Also, the A+'s did work hard Freshman year, but now they really just pay lower classmen to do the work for them and they're sleeping with the teachers.
@Robbob9933 12 лет назад
Most of you all missed the point of the video. Now exhange GPA with income and you will get it.
@atomicswag6310 12 лет назад
One flaw I see in this comparison is that GPA has an upper bound and income does not.
@Leon612 12 лет назад
Never heard of Carthage college.
@aseredy 12 лет назад
I would say that is an assumption, albeit a popular one.The only system where wealthy people become wealthier parasitically is in cronyism. In a market economy wealth is most efficiently accumulated by providing for the wants and desires of the masses (see Henry Ford). Saying that the rich get richer while the poor get poorer also assumes that wealth is finite. In a market economy the poor are every bit as free to create something new and sell it, essentially creating wealth out of nothing.
@anow2 12 лет назад
I tried arguing this same point, but most people will blatantly agree and defend something that they don't understand just because they agree with it. It's sad.
@SupaNami 12 лет назад
This video was above your head and below your feet, wasn't it ?
@tk4227 12 лет назад
It's pretty obvious who has the good GPA's and who has the bad GPA's.
@Infress 12 лет назад
Please tell me how this is not at all applicable as a perfect analogy to our country? Anyone who didn't sign that petition, but then agrees with taxing the rich more should perfectly be able to be called a hypocrite based on this example. Its extremely analogous.
@redsirius508 12 лет назад
good point but there is a problem people who are in these higher tax brackets don't audited as much.Many of them use loop holes to not pay. Also the people in those higher tax brackets don't get the majority of their money through " income" they make it off profits and assets like you said thats why we should tax them higher. Also according to your article during economic downturns income brackets moved to 67 % unlike the 35 % right now so read that article again understand it and then reply.
@Robbob9933 12 лет назад
There are 2 "south sides" of Chicago dude. Well up intil it was destroyed, Cabrini Green was hailed as a model of urban planning. If you received any amount of housing aid, you were forced to move there.
@marklipsinic7916 12 лет назад
Brilliant! pointing out absurdity by using absurdity.
@Infress 12 лет назад
I am sorry that you feel the need to believe I am severely intellectually deficient due to my agreement with the striking similarities between grades and money. At least grades are universally valued in a way that money should be, but is very sadly not. Being a college student myself, I realize that although technically an infinite number of "points" are available to all students who are attempting to work towards them, points are, with rare exception, given to those who do not work for them.
@DystopianEmpire01 12 лет назад
Yes, and it is happening right in front of us. a technological rebirth of the Dark Ages.
@lmarsden256 12 лет назад
Ad homenim, When you can't win the argument, you descend into insults. It reflects an inability to address issues in a logical manner.
@redsirius508 12 лет назад
Im not saying use the buffet rule. Im saying we need higher tax brackets during hard economic times. We should decrease spending especially on defense. Also I think that all politicians work for the corporations to some degree. They dont care bout us democrat or republican. The wealthy should responsible for their own mistakes that put us in this dump. So all im asking is to cut subsidies for corporations tax them heavily and regulate them and the rich that control them.
@lmarsden256 12 лет назад
First of all, it is "You're." Secondly, I am not against people inheriting wealth. I never stated that I was. I am against argumentative fallacies. These two things presented in the video, GPA's and wealth, are not comparable. Thus it is an argumentative fallacy to try and compare them.
@Maxx61 12 лет назад
In the 50's, they didn't have cell phones either...shall we roll back to the "good ole days" as you seem to recall? Don't quote conditions from the past unless you're prepared to quote the number of people on entitlements from the past (thousands of percent lower than today) or the deficit (significantly smaller than today). The bottom line is when presented with a parallel choice akin to what successful people are asked to do, these kids literally freaked out. The point was made.
@atomicswag6310 12 лет назад
And I suppose doubling the Stafford Loan interest rate is cool as well...but taxing billionaires more is class warfare
@lmarsden256 12 лет назад
I wouldn't know. I'm not a liberal. However, as you are afraid of facts and truth being biased I think we should use the academic community's work for any further debate.
@forrestmck 12 лет назад
The F's, D's, and C's work really hard but the teacher's don't really bother to read their papers, they just give them all the same grade more or less. They're demoralized; they feel cheated. Obviously an institution with that kind of system isn't exactly going to be a Harvard or a Stanford. And who's going to want to go there with a system like that? But imagine if they did even out the grading and gave equal attention (not just grades) to all students...
@redsirius508 12 лет назад
We cannot relate this video to taxation because. First, the rich and their corporations gets taxed less than the middle and the lower classes ( unfair) . Second, the GPA system is finite the most you can get is an 4.0 and every person in the campus has the ability to receive it unlike wealth which comes about through luck or inheritance. Becoming successul does have a lot to do with where you start and how much help you get on the way and how much you work you put in your self.
@oldschoolgreentube 12 лет назад
Nail on the head brother.
@lmarsden256 12 лет назад
No, it really isn't... You are comparing wealth, which isn't 100% depenedent upon how hard someone has to work; to GPA's which are dependent upon how hard you work. People can be born into wealth, you can't be born into a good GPA. You're comparing redistrubution of GPA's, which vannot be logically redistributed; to wealth, which can be moved, transferred etc. If you want evidence look at basic property law for heritable/movable goods.
@Redbloodedsky 12 лет назад
IMO, it's not a valid point. People studying at "x" college have the same opportunities to get good grades. These grades depend on few variables, like effort, time and understading. However, people do NOT have the same opportunities to have a highly paid job, let alone a high amount of wealth. Also, wealthy people earn a LOT more than the average you need to live a decent life. Can you die of low grades? No. Can you die of poverty? Yes. It's a really bad comparison.
@Redbloodedsky 12 лет назад
I don't understand. If you don't give nor take anything, I assume you mean an extreme free-market economy. If "the state does nothing" we would find ourselves suddenly in an extremely unequal setting (assuming actual conditions). Wealthy people would get wealthier while the poor, poorer. IMO, the state has a role to play, and they are obligated to provide the basic services that are needed for the game to be fair. Leave it all for the private sector, and we'll have even more unequal societies.
@thebeatgoeson50 12 лет назад
GPA is earned as a result of hard work (or cheating). Wealth is extremely difficult to earn if you are born into a bad situation and if you don't cheat the system. So, not a very realistic comparison, but keep trying!
@justgonnastay 12 лет назад
The tax code is the same for everyone.
@av8er41891 12 лет назад
Why do the majority of lottery winners end up going bankrupt and broke, yet people who earned their wealth tend to keep it?
@dmvfab 12 лет назад
What do you think the tax code is, then?
@yurity 12 лет назад
Sorry, false analogy
@Redlegarty 12 лет назад
How so?
@Lettering-Ink 12 лет назад
I address only the effectiveness of the analogy -- which fails in 2 obvious ways.
@marrob357 12 лет назад
Nice try! As for redistribution of wealth, change the tax code to make sure everyone is paying his/her fair share!! Mitt Romeny is a good example of that and that's why he doesn't want to show his tax records. When a Wall Street "Hedge Fund" managers make "22 billion" dollars in one year and only pays 15% in taxes, we've got a problem. Teaching is a job and the teacher pays 35% in income tax. What loopholes are there in the tax code for them?
@0HippyHunter0 12 лет назад
The guy with the 2.3.......? .......? "like two more percent and I wouldn't be in [college]." Percent? Really? IDIOT! Yes ladies and gentleman this man will be getting water for Table 5 for the rest of his days.
@HalMorgan801 12 лет назад
Agree with everything, except the last sentence. Maybe current taxation laws constitute thievery. Flat tax all the way!
@hiscomm 12 лет назад
News Flash, I know this sounds crazy, I know your used to things that are turned upsidedown, and backwards, but try to wake up. The private sector is not there to give you a job! If their needs to be job done, the owners will weigh if it's worth paying for the extra costs to hire someone, you know all the extra taxes and fees and regulations. If it's close, the extra taxes and fees and regulations will kill the deal and the workers that are there will get some extra hours. That's just so unfair
@akaguardian 12 лет назад
Its rather hilarious
@CuddleCheetah 11 лет назад
Nice parody, and I might sign the petition if it were also true that the top 10% collected 80% of the GPA points while only doing 10% of the work. Since that's not the case in universities, I fail to see how this is analogous to our federal tax structure.
@DystopianEmpire01 12 лет назад
would you want an F student as a doctor? this has very dangerous implications. It's not and issue of equality, it's an issue of capability.
@owneroftheintern3t 12 лет назад
No the principle is not the same. Everyone starts at the same level in terms of GPA. People do not start at the same level in terms of wealth. In the real world, low income families have a much harder time accumulating wealth because they cannot even afford basic necessities let alone education for their children.
so your against people inheriting wealth?
@Konraden 12 лет назад
There is not unlimited money. Logistically, everyone can receive high-grade points, and conceptually, there is a real connect between hard-work, and high-grades. If you study, you can get every answer right on the test. Compare to society's finances Limited funds and a system designed to keep money concentrated at the top. Not everyone can be a millionaire, and there is no connection between hard-work and high income. To think this video is analogous requires severe intellectual deficiency.
@oldschoolgreentube 12 лет назад
Boys and girls, if you don't understand something, or don't believe in it. Don't sign it. You are doing more harm than good.
@NCMan28025 12 лет назад
Some believe its free. Those of us paying higher insurance premiums know better.
@owneroftheintern3t 12 лет назад
This analogy is inherently flawed. Everyone starts off at an equal level in terms of GPA, unlike wealth. In order for GPA to be comparable to wealth, students would have to be RANDOMLY assigned a GPA before they take any classes at all. You could start off with a 0.2 GPA or a 4.0 GPA - it's completely random. Now think about how long it would take to raise your GPA to 4.0 if you started off at 0.2 - this is how wealth works.
@redsirius508 12 лет назад
But, it is a combination of many factors one of them being hard work. When you tax the rich their fair share and restrict them from lobbying away each person's right in their government. I think the government evens the odds for the people who work as hard but who are less fortunate. i.e. small businesses and entrepreneurs. afraid to invest.
@Branchporter 12 лет назад
at 1:14 "sure" - (I'll sign anything that a couple of pretty girls want me to. :-)
@Konraden 12 лет назад
I'd advise you to read Drumstx2010's post on the issue regarding the validity of the analogy. It's extremely poignant regarding regulatory capture of the grading system in comparison to the financial system. And if you're in college, you should know better--you're there to learn to think critically, and if you fail to see the glaring flaws with this analogy, you're failing the purpose of your education. The analogy looks pretty at face value--dig deeper.
@redsirius508 12 лет назад
and stop giving them kick backs and ask them to pay for their own bailouts.
@Infress 12 лет назад
BUT HEALTHCARE IS FREE!!! Right? We all get free stuff is Mr. President says so.
@KalElvis 12 лет назад
We are a Republic. Have NEVER been a democracy.
@redsirius508 12 лет назад
it isn't a near perfect analogy. Its far from it. and my explanation is below.
@lujlp 12 лет назад
There is no incme redistrubution plan? Ever hear of Social Security??
@InternetDisciple 12 лет назад
I suspect that most of the clueless people that what watch this video will still refuse to get a clue.
@agisler87 12 лет назад
No they wouldn't be inclined to learn anymore, that is a fallacy. Raising the F's, C's, and D's would give them an disincentive to study and learn less. They are getting something for nothing and don't appreciate the value of what they have like someone working hard getting A's. Its offensive to say more cheaters are getting A's than the lower graded students. I am at university myself and I work hard to get a good grade. My friends don't and they are always getting worse grades than me.
@NCMan28025 12 лет назад
Do you know Obama's college grades or his SAT/LSAT scores? By the way, Bush and Bush's family earned THEIR money.
@DystopianEmpire01 12 лет назад
Western socialism rewards failure at the expense of the working class. I am a Libertarian. And the side effect of putting underqualified ppl into jobs they can't handle is a risk and burden to us all. Our government was designed as a republic, democracy is a stepping stone to anarchy if the masses desire a welfare state, which drains the resources of the productive to support the less productive or entirely unproductive, members of society.
bro your against inheriting wealth? as milton said the ability to pass your wealth to your children is one of the largest motivators to amass wealth. please, before you try to convince someone else to adopt your little kid fantasy of utopia watch this on youtube watch?v=MRpEV2tmYz4
@Redbloodedsky 12 лет назад
By "America", do you mean the "United States"? Because I live in Guatemala, and poor people here have the worst time ever than they did 200 years ago (Hell! they're worse than they were a few decades ago!). Perhaps, people in the US don't notice it, but in America, there are thousands without a single chance of fighting for a decent life. Not to mention, wealth distribution is so uneven that many live with less than a dollar a day. That's not fair. At all. And dictatorships are not the answer.
@DystopianEmpire01 12 лет назад
So you're okay with sending the underqualified into the professional world? You must work for the government.
@Dayoman10 12 лет назад
Lol! In what world is GPA equivalent to taxation? What is the basis for this silly experiment?
@Infress 12 лет назад
I want to marry those girls.
@purdudan 12 лет назад
In a fair society, like ours, redistribution is immoral. But how about those societies where people are cheated off of their lives even before they are born? Take Bolivia around the 1940s: three families controlled the main export of tin. One family's income was larger than the entire country's budget, and the son's allowance exceeded the government's budget for education. Isn't that also immoral? Morality is relative. Communism is lame; but redistribution, in certain areas, is not.
@Writerdust 12 лет назад
One of the dumbest things to do is redistribute GPA's. What about the employers who get these poorly achieving students. Earn your own way students!!!
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