
40k Lore, Regiments Of The Imperial Guard! Catachan Jungle Fighters! The Hardest Men In The Imperium 

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The Catachan Jungle Fighters! there is no tougher regiment in the entire Imperial Guard with even some space marines coming in 2nd place to the shear absurd levels of determination required to survive on the green death world hell that is catachan.
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24 июл 2024




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@za-g4e-ousna415 Год назад
Kinda want to see a book about a Catachan Vet crash landing on a Fire Warrior op and get a kind of reverse-Predator scenario now
@Furzkampfbomber Год назад
If it bleeds, we can kill it. If it does not bleed, we can make it bleed and kill it as well. If it doesn't have blood, we'll make it regret this fact, because then it only dies slower.
Rambo: First Blood
@TripleBarrel06 Год назад
There's a short story of that scenario, but it's a Mortifactors neophyte that plays the predator.
@HTWW Год назад
@@TripleBarrel06 Mortifactors, eh? I'm guessing the prey was subsequently omnomnomed upon))
@devildolphin2102 Год назад
@@TripleBarrel06 Ohhh. What’s the name. Do love me some Canabalistic Mortificators since the Uriel Ventris Novels.
@ForgottenHonor0 Год назад
Every time I hear about Catachans, I'm reminded of a story I heard about a new Commissar in one of their regiments: "Welcome sir to the Catachan 419th "one short" regiment! Glad to have you here. See sir we have this tradition in the regiment for all the new commissars, just two small things to get the integration going eh, something good for morale. We have a wee lil' Catachan Devil tied up in that tent over there, to show you have what it takes you have to get in the cage and pull one of its teeth. Got lotsa teeth, easy job. After you did that you have one task left, to show you'r really one of the men: you gotta satisfy one of the lasses. Gotta few volunteers on a dry spell so you just ask around and yeknow really make some good lovin'. If she likes you after that, welcome to regiment sir!" So the young commissar, bewildered, confused and utterly green behind the ears wanders to the tent with the Devil cage. He closes the flap behind him and climbs into the cage. The men outside soon hear a great racket, a banging, tearing sound interspersed with terrible screaming. They grin to each other, knowing full well the paperwork will be minimal. Then after the banging falls silent and to everyone's surprise the Commissar appears, shirt gone, sleeves torn off his greatcoat. *"Right, who was the girl with the teeth problem?"* This is the story of how Commissar Jason "the devil's man" Statholme joined the 419th.
@Colonel_Overkill Год назад
@maddlarkin Год назад
Would it be a fair assumption that the model representing such a unusual example of the Offico Prefectus is avaliable from Anvil Industries?
@MrPlainsflyer Год назад
Ah yes. The commisariate Great Vest.
@richardorta8960 Год назад
@@maddlarkin I'd pay for that
@friskydingo9024 Год назад
@maddlarkin Год назад
I remember the old days of the Catachan Jungle Fighters Codex, even Deathwing Terminators started to sweat when the trees began speaking Low Gothic
@Alex-xt1rr Год назад
Ah yes when moving your units made the Catachan player look up his notes to see if you triggerd one of the bobby traps/ minefields.
@maddlarkin Год назад
@@Alex-xt1rrYup or ambushing Guardsmen just appearing out of the trees and lobbing Demolisher cannon shells
@omegawilliam95s36 Год назад
The damn trees! XD
@Pubillu Год назад
I find one of the most hilarious recent lore on catachans is in the tau novel Commander Shadow, where kroot have been eating the catachans corpses "Recently however, I have received a number of disturbing reports. The kroot increasingly refuse to obey the orders of their tau superiors and have taken to wearing red scares around their foreheads. They speak in the gue’la language when they think no one is listening." catachan's genes are so strong they are overwriting the rest of the kroot genome xD
@gerbilios9902 Год назад
The Kroot are becoming significantly more powerful, shame the "greater good" has no space for any dissent, shame how they all died for no reason at all, unfortunately all eating of Catachan gue'la is banned because they are scientifically proven to be fatal to kroot
@kraigshall Год назад
Oh no.... If they start carrying big knives and have a thoroughly insolent temperament towards authority consider the entire unit lost.
@njnjco Год назад
I like the idea of an Imperial Commander wondering why the Catachan keep requesting detonation packs during a relatively quiet period in a war. He looks into it only to find out that it's relitivly quiet because the Catachan have used their previous detonation packs so well. He authorities their request, stays out of their way, gives them whatever they want, and lets them do their own thing. He wins the war, gets a promotion, and makes sure to always have lots of Catachan guardsmen in his army from that point on.
@kishinasura1989 7 месяцев назад
Now that is a smart commander
@fallentitan9811 Год назад
I’m sad to not hear how Catachan actually fought off a Tyranid Hive fleet. Let me be clear, the planet itself did the fighting. And after a while the small Tyranid Hive fleet LEFT the system to find an easier meal. Even the TYRANIDS could not beat the planet.
@kishinasura1989 7 месяцев назад
Now that's something to say even the all devouring super predators basically said ye yo F that! It dose chuckle the Jim's a bit 😂
@fallentitan9811 7 месяцев назад
@@kishinasura1989 Catachan sucks so fucking much that the planet itself literally fought off a Chaos and Tyranid invasion practically by itself, without the actual Guardsmen fighting. Honestly if someone dropped the life eater virus bomb in it something would eat the damn thing.
@yokaiou5848 Год назад
If I still remember during the Indonomous Crusade Catachan was attacked by Chaos cultists. The invaders were slaughtered from a combination of the Jungle Fighters and the wildlife. When Bobby G got there, he was expecting a fight. What he got was reinforcements. Since going to Crusade is still safer than staying at home.
@shaunzaarrae3727 Год назад
What book? me want
@yokaiou5848 Год назад
@@shaunzaarrae3727 I think it was the book after Bobby G counter coup the Imperial Senate.
@theomnissiah-9120 Год назад
I do love the fact that active war zones are safer than staying on planet
@thydzz2180 Год назад
One of the highlights of that story for me was that Catachan had only few Jungle Fighters at first and most of the forces that held back and dealt with the Chaos Invasion were civilians.
@DefaultFlame Год назад
​@@thydzz2180 Catachan "civilians" are a bit hardier than the average guardsman.
@Reddotzebra Год назад
There also exists a creature that in the early drawings of Catachan wildlife looked like a barnacle from Half-life, but with a maw lined with razor sharp rasping teeth where the tongue should be. This lovely little thing is called a Catachan Face-eater, presumably it drops on you and eats your face. So Catachan even has drop bears.
@CaptainKiLL83 Год назад
Genuine question since my memory is shot to hell....is the catachan face eater the one critter that looks like a face towel??
@Reddotzebra Год назад
@@CaptainKiLL83 I think so, they fleshed it out a lot in the novels after that, I may be misremembering it in the old third edition rulebook but I seem to recall they had made it look more sack like, like a tick without legs and a giant maw where its head should be. And then when they are written about they almost sound batlike with how they attack in swarms and then communally lay their eggs in your corpse.
@CommisarHood Год назад
Col Straken: If your sending that many men after Sly Marbo you'll need just one thing. Local Corrupt Arbites: What? Straken: A good supply of Bodybags.
@Furzkampfbomber Год назад
You mean, what's left is actually big enough to need bodybags?
@freddykingofturtles Год назад
@@Furzkampfbomber No, the body bags are for the Arbites.
@beckjayjohn5781 Год назад
@@Furzkampfbomber gold
@kraigshall Год назад
Bitch this is Sly marbo! There ain't enough body bags in the bloody imperium for the Carnage he leaves behind. Just fire a couple of cyclonic torpedoes from orbit and pile the corpses in the crater and be done with it.
@grantharriman284 Год назад
I imagine an Asura's Wrath style avatar of the Catachan planet just having a bemused chuckle as an invasion force of literal demons, heretical demigods and possessed abominations smashes into the surface only to immediately die because their drop pod landed on a freaking TOAD.
@BigPuddin 8 месяцев назад
That's not far from the truth actually. There was a demonic invasion there. The jungle fighters ambushed them over and over. Then they retreated into the jungle. The jungle literally ATE the demons. All of them. The planet itself basically took out a Chaos incursion.
@KC-kl6qc Год назад
I think I remember in some of the more recent lore, the World Eaters actually invaded Catachan following the opening of the Great Rift... and the Jungle Fighters barely noticed. The WE's casualties against the jungle alone forced them to retreat.
@MrBlackACT Год назад
Do you you think Catachan is the only planet where a passing Tryanid Hive fleet would think: “Yeah…. Let’s give this one a miss and move on”?
@BI-11y_TheStormTrooper Год назад
Eh chuck Krieg and Valhalla in the mix too.
@chief5861 Год назад
Catachan, the only planet in the Imperium that would beat the Great Devourer in an eating competition.
@TheAlterspark Год назад
Tyranids land on the planet The King of all Catchan devils emerges "You came to the wrong neighborhood."
@eobardthawne3333 Год назад
A Tyranid hive fleet invaded catachan in the past. The locals noticed a nice increase in the harvest. The hive fleet barely got the information out.
@cameronjames3499 Год назад
Might also be an R & D planet for the 'nids.
@erickelly1323 Год назад
@Cordnk Год назад
Could you imagine the amount of fun the orks would have on Catachan. They might actually be in heaven fighting the locals and wildlife 24/7.
@CantusTropus Год назад
Brings a whole new meaning to "eating your greens"
@barbatosmcmurderton4209 Год назад
I think you just robbed every resident of Armageddon of sleep for the next month.
@robertnelson9599 7 месяцев назад
There might be Orks on Catachan and no one knows because they all die before reaching any settlements.
@ChristopherEvrard 5 месяцев назад
There are orks on catachan. The ork weirdboy zogwort is from the planet
@joshuawallen8112 Год назад
My mental image of the "Colonizing" of Catachan boils down to this: Ship Lands. Ship lands on a Greater Toad. Ship? What ship?
@Maezhughes Год назад
When I heard sly marbo, I immediately heard his signature battle cry in the back of my head and I was half expecting Arch to play a clip of it.
@xxxm981 Год назад
Aw man.... TTS went to the dark side
@Reddotzebra Год назад
Sly Marbo is basically what happens if you take Rambo and then tack on every single Chuck Norris meme, slightly modified to fit. If you drop this guy in the path of a hive fleet he will not only survive but he will singlehandedly kill every single Norn queen in his path. How will he do that without a spaceship? Sly Marbo has his ways...
@AAhmou Год назад
The Space Crusade Expansion shows us exactly how it'd go, get into the belly on one of these badbois, kills the local genestealers and Tyranid Warriors, and blow it up while burning it from inside. Repeat the process whenever one of the big boys gets its tendrils in place to slurp the planet's juice, only to burn from inside.
@ivanthemadvandal8435 Год назад
Well, he is an Imperial Saint so....
@greyknightexan Год назад
With a little bit of Dutch from predator thrown in for fun.
@gialuquin88XD Год назад
He would just domesticate Tiranids or camuflaje into rheir hives cause he says so
@greyknightexan Год назад
@@ivanthemadvandal8435 really. I did not know that.
@closetocanada5604 Год назад
Thanks for standing up for 40k over the last few weeks. Loved your podcast with Sargon. Keep up the great work.
@gordonrobertsart Год назад
I'm having fun imagining that attempts were made to transport Catachan wildlife to Cadia... and there are now several space hulks floating through the Warp that are too deadly for demons to exist on... because they are full of the survivors of an all dinosaur battle-royale.
@josephmccarthy6098 Год назад
I like the ideal of sly marbo being a perpetual. Eventually youd learn from your mistakes after dying a thousand times.
@andreykuzmin4355 Год назад
I'd rather prefer to think, that he is a combination of "legacy title" (there is always Sly Marbo), access to the rejuvenation treatment, good use of state propaganda and tall tales... and possibility that he is just one guy, snd yes, he is THAT good. Thought he is a Perpetusl never occured to me, though... might explain, how he always survives!
@namename3913 Год назад
Sly marbo is a perpetual, but only because death is scared to try and come for him.
@Sarindanvelor 8 месяцев назад
@@namename3913 or more accurately sly marbo is a perpetual because nothing in the warp is dumb enough to get near his soul for fear of being noticed
@Malphazar Год назад
I heard Sly Marbo once shouted a Noise Marine to death
@kmech3rd Год назад
Sly Marbo once destroyed 15 Tyranids with one hand grenade. Then the grenade exploded.
@19Pyrus70 4 месяца назад
Sly Marbo had a staring contest with the Eye of Terror, and the Eye of Terror blinked!
@Fr33man Год назад
GW needs to do something at least once with marbo. Maybe a chapter in a book where a force of loyalists are saved and discover the wrecked remains of mighy traitor forces and a small scratch on the wall saying M.A.R.B.O. Even more epic if it was in a space marine book.
@BI-11y_TheStormTrooper Год назад
Sly Marbo is so powerful he transcended the main storyline and plot.
@Fr33man Год назад
@@BI-11y_TheStormTrooperhe has become the 5th chaos God.
@BI-11y_TheStormTrooper Год назад
@@Fr33man He has become real , and now has infiltrated the land down under to tell the Aussies in GW that catachan shall not be tamed .
@Marinealver Год назад
@cameronjames3499 Год назад
Marbo was last seen on Necromunda in Escher territory bringing a bouquet of flowers to Mad Donna. That said it was Catachan flowers so we're not sure if there were any survivors.
@Warrior-Of-Virtue Год назад
A Yautja hunting party took one look at this planet and noped the f*** out of there.
@CommisarHood Год назад
Cue Bishop Bullwinkle's "Hell Naw."
@Rurik_Luci Год назад
*Angry Clicking* Translation: Fuck you I'm not going down there!
@muninrob Год назад
Sell the planet's scans & coordinates to the king, repeat until you are king. Then find safer prey - like named bloodthirsters.
@kraigshall Год назад
*Furious clicking and interpretive dance* Translation: fuck this shit I'm out! I don't really know what happened I don't really care I just want to get the fuck up outta here, fuck this shit I'm out!"
@80sRetrosaur Год назад
"Sarge They're in the trees, they're in the trees!" "Son, they ARE the trees"
@justsegal6578 Год назад
I love that even chaos can't invade the planet without immediately dying.
@tanall5959 Год назад
Catachan: When you ask someone from the northern hemisphere to describe Australia, this is likely what they will come up with.
@yuvalgabay1023 Год назад
Noy enough marmite
@WasLostButNowAmFound Год назад
@@yuvalgabay1023 vegemite
@tranquilthoughts7233 Год назад
Australia is not that bad. The main problem for somebody from the northern hemisphere is not really the wildlife being deadly but just the wildlife being so utterly unfamiliar. If you are familiar with deer in europe and then you see a gazelle in africa you can pretty much guess that the gazelle is more or less the african version of a deer and thus pretty much harmless. If you are familiar with black bears in north america and then you see a polar bear in siberia you can pretty much guess that the polar bear is the siberian black bear and thus very dangerous. But then you get to australia and you see a platypus... There's nothing you can really compare it with in the rest of the world so you pick it up just to get hit with a poison spurn. Then you see a cassowary and you think, hey, that's pretty much an ostrich right? So you get close to it and instead of running away it jumps at you and gores you with it's claws. The you see a kangoroo and you think, hey, that's pretty much a rabbit. So you try to catch it and the kangoroo knocks your lights out. And this goes on and on for australia.
@ahel4523 Год назад
Its slightly inaccurate. You know why...
@Furzkampfbomber Год назад
@@tranquilthoughts7233 I stick with it - take a random picture at a random location in Australia and it will show at least ten things that can kill you. Anyway, no offense, I appreciate the explanation! But from the perspective of someone living in Germany, were we only have a couple of animals that are poisonous, bees; wasps and hornets included, and none of it can actually kill you, provided you are not allergic, Australia and its wildlife do still look quite dangerous. Oh, and is it actually true that kangoroos can't walk backward? Apart from that, I'd stay away from anything that looks like an ostrich. Ostrichs are mean and can be pretty f*ing dangerous.
@NornQueenKya Год назад
I think of the jurassic park scene where a Catchan is in the jungle and turns to see a lictor, his last words being, "Clever Girl"
@maddlarkin Год назад
Except its usually the Lictor muttering that as it gets flamed from 2 sides (this is actually in the older lore, 3rd or 4th Ed Nid Codex I think had a lore blurb about a Catachan regiment who fought the Nids by covering themselves in the igor of slain Tyranids to mask their sent then when went Lictor hunting, they wiped out the Tyranids but the had to spend 3 years on a decontamination ship being hosed down)
@atheos5748 Год назад
The other way around would work as well.
@maddlarkin Год назад
Well now I've just got the image of the pet foolery 'Clever girl' Clever boy' comic strip with Catachans and Lictors one upping each other in my head
@LazyLifeIFreak Год назад
@colmcorbec7031 Год назад
"Death world? Sounds like a vacation trip for me!" Any catachan trooper
@richardorta8960 Год назад
"Krieg? Yeah, my granny retired there."
@antcow1239 Год назад
Sly Marbo is the only creature in the galaxy that space australia checks under the bed for.
@burnpitcav1519 Год назад
Wow regular arch releases…. You said you were going to reluctantly make videos but on a regular schedule is wonderful. I could get really used to this. Thank you again for biting the bullet and doing this for us. It wouldn’t be the same without your videos.
@ahel4523 Год назад
Catachan: just a scratch. Commissar: scratch? My arms been hacked off. Catachan: it will grow back.
@arnesieper8332 Год назад
there is an actual quote of one of the catachan field commanders (forgot who though) "stop whining, greg, you got another damn arm left, now do you? get out there and kill whoever took your first one!"
@Reddotzebra Год назад
Catachan Devils being local insects that are the size of armored vehicles, with chitin strong enough to be armor plate and scything pincers that can cut steel.
@andrewdrury958 Год назад
I started collecting 3rd Edition when Catachan was the first plastic Imperial Guard. The mini Catachan codex was cool (for the time), it had some jungle Carnivorous terrain rules and scenarios
@lordfrostwind3151 Год назад
My first army too, still Have a few poorly painted ones running around the collection
@andrewdrury958 Год назад
@@lordfrostwind3151 AMEN TO THAT
@briharrisWarhmmer40kfan Год назад
Arch + Catachan jungle fighters = drop EVERYTHING and watch immediately
@NetMoverSitan Год назад
What's next, Fenris? 2:40 - Perhaps they did some rock-connaissance (!) 8:50 - Ah yes, the 40K version of John Rambo. 14:00 - Along with the Sisters of Battle and the Salamanders. 18:00 - Didn't stop the Death Korps of Krieg. 26:50 - They're so tough that they didn't need the help of Big Papa Ultrasmurf to fight off the Daemons.
@mffromhellwhokillsu Год назад
@cnlbenmc Год назад
6:02 I Like this Arch headcannon; unlike the Templin Institute's version...
@duckman12569 Год назад
I've heard that when numbering regiments, it's not always sequential, to disguise actual army numbers from your opponents, even when referring to which grouping they're from.
@dorn0531 7 месяцев назад
I don’t think GW think their stories through that much
@Marinealver Год назад
Arch, you joke about Virus bombing but in 5th edition codex a warbad from the Iron Warriors did virus bomb Catachan, and the invading Chaos Lord was killed upon planetfall from being strangled by Col. Iron Hand Straken with a poisonous root. So many unanswered questions there but... details.
@CommisarHood Год назад
Iron Warriors: (Five Seconds After Landing on Catachan) Confused Screaming!!!
@madviola183 Год назад
Catachan. The only place where base-line humans MIGHT be able to start keeping up with Astartes. Why haven't they created a chapter from this place again?
@pleb7612 Год назад
in my head conan theyre all made out of jelly beans. theres no reason to believe this but im convinced of it
@Shatterverse Год назад
A good flamethrower - or plasmathrower - would be great. The humidity being high means easier to control spread of fires and lower likelyhood of it growing out of control. As for the plants, they'd probably burn fine, but their seeds might be flameproof, a common adaptation on Earth. Also acidproof, and maybe explode when disturbed to scatter seeds because the pod/fruit's juices are now superheated by the fire.
@wytfish4855 Год назад
and the seedlings would probably have barbs or sharp pointy implements to embed themselves into convenient nutrition source, a.k.a. shrapnel that would grow out of your corpse.
@uberwayz Год назад
Tyranids come to eat catachan.... Catachan eats the Tyranids
@MrNetWraith Год назад
Would you consider doing a video on the Night Lords? I really want to see your perspective on the whole "legion was made up of the worst dregs scraped from the proto-Imperium's prisons" lore being kept even after Space Marines were retconned to require pre-adolescent boys as the raw materials, because seriously, if anything is up there with the World Eaters in proving the Emperor was either terminally arrogant or far less brilliant than the Imperium believes, it was him signing off on a plan to take pre-adolescent cannibals, serial killers, spree murderers and rapists and then turn them into super soldiers.
I mean using the dregs of society as terror troops is as old as mankind
@myriad9597 Год назад
Did the emperor sign off on letting the dregs join the night lords? I know what what the emperor intended for them, but wasn't it was the locals who sent the dregs , as a fuck you to curze?
@Unpainted_Huffhines Год назад
An entire planet populated by the cast of "Predator".
@docbaker3333 Год назад
Krieg Guardsmen: Okay i've fought Orks, Eldar dire avengers, tyranid swarms, and Chaos scum in the trenches of Vraks all in the hopes of getting sacrificed in the name of emperor but that planet *Points to Catachan from the spaceship void window* That planet scares me.
If you don’t know how to handle a knife by the age of 3 you might not live to see your 4th birthday-a catachan
@pierre-mariecaulliez6285 Год назад
"Enough of this ! clear the trees, bring the flamers !!! -HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ! -WHAT IS GOING ON !?! What is this NONSENSE ?!? -... Sir ? ... the Jungle is... Laughting..."
@curtise.gill67 Год назад
My head cannon is that you released this on the 26th, it was my birthday. Yaya me!! A new catachan arch video!!! Lol
@Reddotzebra Год назад
Well, if they had transplanted Catachan flora and fauna to Cadia, it would simply have eaten the Blackstone fortress.
@Rellana1 Год назад
Or taken control of the Blackstone Fortress. As quite a bit of the vegetation on Catachan seems to like taking control of anything that wanders near it and using them as a host to reproduce.
@Alex-xt1rr Год назад
Creed would use his strategic genius to hide a few barking toads.
@Rellana1 Год назад
@@Alex-xt1rr Import Barking Toads to the next plant Chaos/Orcs plan to invade and use them as minefields.
@lysytoszef Год назад
Somehow, for some reason, this was an extremely entertaining episode. Humor landed perfectly. Great job!
@Nickle_King Год назад
I like the idea of a Dawn of war style game where a Catachan regiment is available, but you don't control them directly. You just tell them "I want X done/killed" and leave it to them to try to accomplish that task.
@michielwitteveen6676 Год назад
so something like rimworld or dwarf fortress but on Catachan
@bradymenting5120 Год назад
you can always tell a Catachan is near by the sound of CCR
@harbl99 Год назад
This better be 33 minutes of Arch screaming "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
@alextheman3330 Год назад
Finally the RU-vid algorithm did me a favor bringing me here lmao
@Khalith Год назад
Unfortunately the catachans have been ruined for me. In the Catachan Devil novel it is confirmed that when charging, the catachans Naruto run. That is not a joke. That really happens.
@TKUltra971 Год назад
They are Cata-Chans! Believe it!!!!
@sonicsucks20 Год назад
1. It is called the ninja run, it's older than N***** run. 2. N***** doesn't exist.
@Hellsong89 Год назад
Given where they live, charging trough the foliage you dont really have time to brush away plants, so if your face can take the beating you get most amount of view and reaction time going head first and hands back give you good physical flow while keeping foliage on the sides, not to end up into your feet depending on the plants in question... and how carnivorous those are in that area. So yeah i see the benefit given the environment and group in question, no joke. That is when you need to flow fast and rush/charge, instead of hiding and moving stealthy. If their rifles are sling at their back its rather quick to reach for it and just sling it trough arm pit into low ready, take step back and shoot trough foliage to your target. I can see the benefits of this.
@@Hellsong89 That is absurd, it would in NO WAY work, you go to a dense forest or jungle and run with your arms behind you.. you will at best break your nose, or if unlucky lose an eye or worse.
@chainsaw745 Год назад
Appreciate another great upload. I've been waiting for this video in particular. Love the jungle homies.
@L337N1NJ4L1NK Год назад
Little known fact, Carachan has been invaded by the Tyranids twice.
@Alex-xt1rr Год назад
According to the local wildlife the 'nids where delicious.
@akumaking1 Год назад
@@Alex-xt1rr would the Catachan snack on ‘Nids?
@muninrob Год назад
@@Alex-xt1rr The local wildlife is the 1st invasion, rather like Fenrisian Kraken.
@reliantncc1864 Год назад
Why didn't they learn their lesson the first time?
Lol 30 years of playing never got the "jungle fighter" pun/play on words. Thank you arch
@stevesteverson7909 Год назад
they def have a machine to make red bandanas
@WesloTheHandsome Год назад
Well Done Arch❕👍🏻👍🏻
@theknightsofgimmly9457 Год назад
Funny, the Planet May eats the World eater Virus. This gave me a smile
@cpaul562 Год назад
Planet of the 80’s action heroes.
@kalebgonzales4009 Год назад
Just 1 minutes ago, I was thinking of listening to the adeptus ridiculous podcast of catachan jungle fighters again while I’m working out right now. Then this happened, haha! Brilliant timing!!!!
@xavierrodriguez8432 Год назад
@tybaltmarr2158 Год назад
“Who’s going to maintain a mining site..?” Glares in space dwarf
@chrisbingley Год назад
"I've lost half my squad ot foot rot, the plants are carniverous, and they have spiders the size of main battle tanks. It's almost like home."
@krenick9900 6 месяцев назад
Catachan fighter *tries to strangle ork* Ork- *choking*"get offa me ya git!"
@robertdefoe2396 Год назад
Transporting the wildlife of Catachan to Cadia you say? That's if they could get the local wildlife off the planet to begin with and transporting it to another planet without the ship turning into a catachan space hulk. Like to see the terminator squads deal with that problem.
@gosmiti Год назад
I think that'd go about as well as the introduction of cane toads did in Australia, except that they'd be eating the locals on top of breeding like crazy...
@Thisguyisright 11 месяцев назад
Yesterday I was just picturing a Catachan dude showering, with a knife still strapped to his thigh. He finishes, steps out…and stabs his towel with said knife to make sure it wasn’t one of those sneaky predators.
@MrPlainsflyer Год назад
Luv me Catachan, Luv me knives, 'ate xenos, simple as
@garrettharriman6333 Год назад
Catachan's PDF: The Hardest Game Wardens in the Galaxy.
@sreed16 Год назад
I read somewhere that a species needs at a minimum of 100 'breeding' pairs. This avoids any short term inbreeding issues.. but in the long term you might have genetic problems if anyone from the original 200 had something going on genetically. I believe (I'm too lazy to look it up), something called the 'Founder's Affect'.
@RolfHartmann Год назад
Yes the Founder's Affect is a type of genetic drift that most people don't really appreciate. Early arrivals in a habitable zone can have vast numbers of descendants. One example is there is a rare type of eye cancer that only really hits the population of St Helena because one of the early settlers had a recessive gene for it, but a combination of the number of all their decedents and them being located together allows it to manifest. It also means a population like that might have very little genetic diversity, even if it expands into the millions.
@sreed16 Год назад
@@RolfHartmann Cool, thanks.
@Furzkampfbomber Год назад
@@RolfHartmann There are several populations that suffer from this effect. Look at thalassaemia, for instance, which even has it name because in Europe, its appearance is limited to the population of the mediterranean sea ('thalasso' = greek for 'sea'). Of course it can also be found in Africa and South-East Asia, but in the end, its appearance is limited to certain populations. Although in this particular example, it is actually an evolutionary benefit, because although having detrimental effects, it also protects from malaria. And amongst european jews, and for the love of the God Emperor, this is not meant as a statement of any kind, certain types of cancer and other genetic diseases are way more frequent than in the rest of the european population, simply because they lived or had to live as a relatively close society and genetic exchange rarely happened.
@eichler721 Год назад
Great video and I love the Tanith First and Only, Elysian drop troops, Harkoni Warhawks, Tallarn Desert Raiders far more then the Catachan but they are a great Regiment none the less.
@r.j2033 Год назад
Sly once threw a hand grenade and killed 15 orks, then the grenade exploded
@daniellindsey7025 Год назад
Ah yes the example of if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger
@herbjacobs3839 8 месяцев назад
Nurgle during the invasion: "goddamn that stank!"
@Chris-wf2lr Год назад
Catashan is how I like to pronounce it personally
@martinsexton3580 Год назад
I always thought that they used regiment as in the UK (and the commonwealth to a degree) we use the regimental system. The number of soldiers in each regiment varies all the time due to requirements. And since regiments act like independent entities (soldiers are loyal to their regiment first and foremost) that usually operate on their own (unless they are doing something more specialist where for example they get an Airbourne regiment working in tandem with an armoured regiment). And since they have their own customs, traditions, and quirks, that it was a suitable model for the Imperial Guard.
@Austinuztantine Год назад
Is it really Cata-chan!? I always thought it was Kat-A-Kan
@honkeykong4049 Год назад
Pronounce it however you like my dude. A friend of mine calls it "Kat-ay-shan"
@MrCamerondavid Год назад
Another great vid
@Lagbeard Год назад
Catachan is kind of the poster child of Death Worlds.
@Dctstampede88 Год назад
I love the Rambo regiments.
@Fulgrim2 Год назад
The men and women who can push around space marines.
@thuzan117 Год назад
I absolutely love the image of world eaters and demons landing on Catachan and immediately getting ripped to pieces by the wildlife. All while the local Catachans say "Did you hear something?".
@elysiankentarchy1531 Год назад
Comment for the algorithm, praise Arch!
@iamfbjreturned Год назад
A giant frog Look-out-belowing the original exploratory ship is now my headcannon🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@craig_z Год назад
I miss the 40k of old when it didn't take itself so seriously.
@katathoombz Год назад
[libationes deis algorithmi]
@013wolfwarrior Год назад
"You aint seen what we've seen" -catachan Jungle fighter Dawn of war 2 retribution.
@pog428 Год назад
It's pretty funny since I just a couple of days ago searched if you had a specific video on this topic 😅
@TheAlterspark Год назад
Deploy Catachan soldiers and Mantis Warriors to the same warzone- watch as the enemy is whittled down without ever being able to retaliate.
@Noahloveless1 Год назад
I remember an awsome Guard tale about a super experienced death world unit. They had a high rate of Camisar deaths. 😆
@hadeishadeis7462 Год назад
Those are men to have with you in a fight. Unlike their cousin regiment (cousin, if you put special in front of it) the Nahcatac Shrubbery Pokers.
@Gabryal77 Год назад
Honestly a Velociraptor piloting a helicopter gunship wouldn't even be the weirdest thing involving the Imperial Guard, much less the whole of 40k
@Balevolt Год назад
In one of the imperial armour if you worked out the math for an Infantry regiment for the example it's about 3.5 thousand per regiment. Granted this obviously changes
@voidofhope6259 2 месяца назад
So basically a planet of Rambo-like warriors
@jamesoldham9995 Год назад
I do wonder how the Dark Eldar would survive on Catachan...
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