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5 German Traits Americans Should Adapt Immediately 

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5 сен 2024




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@LoelePonymaedchen 9 месяцев назад
As a German, I dont feel guilt but the responsibility to preveting it from happen again
@MentionedBefore 8 месяцев назад
As an early gen Z German I am genetically antifa
@klarasee806 6 месяцев назад
This exactly. Guilt - no! Responsibility - 100% yes! "Es ist nicht deine Schuld dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist. Es wär nur deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.“ (Die Ärzte - "Deine Schuld")
@klarasee806 6 месяцев назад
@@MentionedBeforeSo what went wrong, genetically, with those German Gen Z’ers who are not born as antifas? There must be something very brown in the water in some parts of Germany, so pregnant women might want to avoid drinking it, I guess? 🤔
@DerJarl1024 10 месяцев назад
The German makes a strong distinction between friendship and acquaintance, "eine Bekanntschaft". An acquaintance is a friendly, positive, but very superficial social relationship. People know each other, interact frequently, maybe do something together or have small parties, but there are certain boundaries that are not crossed. Typically this includes work colleagues, parents of school-age children, club members who share a hobby, and perhaps the neighbors next door. Depending on how active you are, the number of acquaintances can be quite large. Ultimately, a friendship can arise from a first acquaintance. A friendship, however, is much deeper, it requires a growing level of trust, and you may share one or two mental abysses with one another. That's why friendship has to grow, it doesn't just happen suddenly. I can call a true friend at night with a problem, I can share the grief when a relationship breaks down or someone close dies. He comes when the basement of my house fills with water during a storm and helps repair the damage. Good friends pick you up when your car breaks down and they lend you a shoulder when you need to cry. Such good friends are few and far between and if a German accepts you as a friend, then this is an award of trust, a small accolade. Even though the term "friend" is now heavily diluted by social networks, where "friendships" can be activated or deactivated simply at the push of a button, the actual attitude of Germans has changed little. Maybe this will help explain a little.
@juliasilverstone2626 9 месяцев назад
Gut gesprochen ❤❤❤
@AlexS-lb5lz 9 месяцев назад
@@juliasilverstone2626 das ist n buch da wurd nichts gesprochen
@juliasilverstone2626 9 месяцев назад
DAS soll nen Buch sein? Ich archiviere meine krassesten YT-Kommentare! Bock auf einen? OK, let´s go: SATIRE ON: Der ESSNZY, versuchte vielleicht in einem überschwänglichen Anfall seiner vermeintlich unendlichen Deutsch-Grammatik-Skills zu schreiben: "ICH versuche mich zu zwingen es richtig zu schreiben". Was in Anbetracht seiner äquivalent schlechten Skills in Rechtschreibung auch nicht anders zu erwarten war, was uns zu dem oben, komplett neuerfundenen Wort "charakterattributalen" bringt. Die Theorie vom „You are a dog“ finde ich auch zutreffend. Mit viel Mut, Phantasie und einem großen Hang zur englischen Sprache hätte man eventuell auch "CharaKter traits" schreiben können aber dann hätten wir wieder Englisch und Deutsch mischen und zudem noch ein "BITCH" hinzufügen müssen. Letztendlich komplett behindert wie einer der im Rollstuhl sitzen muss! "Richtig, gib´s ihnen... wenigsten haben wir hier einen Intellektuellen von der ESSNZ CREW!" Du solltest mal einen kleinen, gediegenen und hedonistisch angehauchten Urlaub in JVA machen, das entspannt und man kann zudem seine multiplen Persönlichkeiten wieder in Einklang bringen... bevorzugt in Sicherheitsverwahrung... und anschließend, Forensische auf Lebenszeit sowie 24/7 Bodenfixierung, tägl. 3-5 mg Tavor, 15 mg Zopiclon und 40 mg Benperidol zum Abrunden der Tagesform! Eine Stunde Hofgang in der Woche, ein Mal Oberarztvisite im Jahr sowie permanent verschweißte Hand- und Fußfesseln sollten reichen. Bei Bedarf Trompetenblüten-Tee-Aufguss in der Sauna und bei starker Erregung einen Ayahuasca oder Hoasca-Tee zum Runterkommen!" Du bist doch einer von denen die drücken 200 Kilo aber können kein Wort halten oder? Der Prototyp des Dunning-Kruger Effekts: "Der Dunning-Kruger-Effekt bezeichnet die kognitive Verzerrung im Selbstverständnis inkompetenter Menschen, das eigene Wissen und Können zu überschätzen. Diese Neigung beruht auf der Unfähigkeit, sich selbst mittels Metakognition objektiv zu beurteilen." Janz gefährlich.. quasi, unberechenbar wie die Zahl PI... und mit viel Wissen! Naja er verbrachte fast zwei Jahre damit, sich als RU-vid-Sheriff auszugeben, trug eine Waffe und eine Dienstmarke, verfolgte Verdächtige und untersuchte viele Verbrechen. Er hatte nie Probleme mit der Polizei und die Gemeinde war überglücklich, das er da war! Dann wurde er 7 und beschloss... allwissend zu werden.... same old Story mit dir! Du, ESSNZ-Werner, wir haben das Zeitalter, der großen Dinge... große Autos, große Fresse und große Ambitionen ^^ und... wenn die Zeit der kleinen Dinge kommt, na wie dein Kommentar, dein Hi*n, dein Bil*ungsgrad... oder auch dein Sch*anz, DANN kommt auch deine Zeit mein Sohn. Versuch es doch noch mal nen Logopädiekurs oder hole deinen Förderschulabschluss nach... und wenn du dann immer noch POWER hast, kannst du ja auch mal den Fahrradführerschein machen? The mighty ESSNZ-Müsli-Jochen, mit seinen Curry-Piker-Armen, seinem fragilen 40Kg-Lauc*körper, Sternzeichen "Luftpum*e", Aszendent "Abziehb*ld".... der war DABEI... bzw. nutz er seinen Menschenverstand oder? Ach, ESSNZY... du weißt doch nicht mal wie man mit dem Kehrwert multipliziert, geschweigen das du am "Dunning-Kruger-Effekt" leidest... oder wann deine Frühstückspause zu Ende ist, damit du endlich wieder in die Forensische kannst, denn... heute ist Oberarztvisite! Die letzte Lobotomie haben deinen IQ zwar von 4 auf 5 gehoben aber dein Mindset ist halt noch broke... Allein schon dein Fahrzeug-Fetisch sagt mir... das du die Förderschule nicht geschafft hast! Welchen Beruf übst du aus? Kartenabreißer im Kino? Geist in ner Kirmes-Geisterbahn oder bist du bei der Bundeswehr als Minensucher? Summary ESSNZY: Brain EXE: not found! Pretty massiv vacuum found! Soul not found, only Brummm Brummm! Character values not found! 58% bodyfat found! 32% water found! 3% rotten flesh found! 1% concentrated organic dirt found! Ich habe mir überigens dein Ruhrpotter-Autoliebhaber-Buch auf Amazon gekauft... und... ja was soll ich sagen.. Bei eurer besten Bewertung stand folgendes: "Habe das Buch unmittelbar nach meiner Lobotomie zusammen mit einem Trompetenblüten-Tee, King EBURD dem II. sowie Restless-Egg dem Ungekochten gelesen und muß sagen das alles was hier gesagt wird zu 19201,1293x§ % wahr ist und so stimmt... Das muß man einfach so akzeptieren! Die Ausführungen sind wirr. Der Autor kotzt sich über alles, aus was ihn an der Welt stört, ist aber nie zu einer klaren Position bereit. Teilweise versucht er seine Aussagen zu belegen und verwendet dazu Zitate aus Goethes Faust. Ich frage mich, wie man Aussagen mit Zitaten von fiktiven Figuren belegen will? Immer wieder verweist der Autor auf das Fehlen von Gott, Liebe und anderen "wahren Werten" in den verschiedenen "Fälschungen" hin. Dabei erklärt er in keiner Weise, was dies für Werte sind und warum er ausgerechnet diese als so wichtig erachtet. Außerdem beschreibt er die "Fälschungen" so eindimensional und vereinfacht, dass schon einem kleinen Kind auffällt, dass er viele Aspekte weglässt. Seine Aussagen und Argumente bewegen sich auf einem so stark verallgemeinernden Niveau, als würde man sagen: "alle Frauen sind zickig". Was natürlich nicht der Fall ist. - Das Buch enthält zahlreiche Tipp-, Rechtschreib-, Satzbau- und Grammatikfehler - Merkwürdige Formatierung: Der Text auf den Seiten ist nicht als "Blocksatz" ausgerichtet, d.h. alle Zeilen sind unterschiedlich lang. Das ist für ein Buch unüblich und sieht nicht schön aus - Der Text beschäftigt sich mit etwas völlig anderem als den auf dem Cover angegebenen Themen (nämlich esoterische Techniken) - Der Hauptteil des Buches besteht aus thematisch zwar einigermaßen sortierten aber willkürlich zusammen kopierten Texten anderer Autoren OHNE Quellenangabe. d.h. der Autor hat die Texte im Hauptteil nicht selber gechannelt oder verfasst, sondern von anderswo kopiert. Eine kurze Google Suche nach einem zufälligen Satz führte z.B. zu einem ins Deutsche übersetzten Channeling eines Autors namens "Matthew Ward", der im Buch nicht als Quelle angegeben wird. - der Ton in dem Buch an vielen Stellen wirkt auf mich "wichtigtuerisch" und belehrend nach dem Motto "du sollst" oder "ihr sollt" usw. - die Anrede des Lesers wechselt teils willkürlich von der 2. Person Singular zur 2. Person Plural - die vom Autor offenbar selbst verfasste "Einleitung" wirkt auf unsympathische Weise polarisierend und pauschalisierend nach dem Motto "das System ist böse und wir sind die guten" - Der Autor bleibt namentlich anonym, was nicht gerade für Mut oder Seriosität spricht - Es handelt sich um ein "book on demand" ohne echten Verlag dahinter Die zusammengetragenen Texte haben zwar hier und da einige interessante Denkanstöße drin und enthalten sicherlich auch einige brauchbare Lebensweisheiten, wirken größtenteils jedoch "diffus" und nicht klar strukturiert. Daher definitiv keine Kaufempfehlung." Zusammenfassung zu meiner Kritik: Man sollte immer zwei Arten von Kritik unterscheiden: die wohlwollende, aufbauende, taktvolle und die schroffe, ätzende, gehässige… denn das Niveau der Kritik spricht sich auch immer über das Niveau des Kritikers aus. Beleidigung heißt, Fehler unsachlich vorwerfen. Zudem heißt Kritik, auf Fehler sachlich aufmerksam machen! Konstruktive, wertschätzende, ehrliche und faire Kritik ist selten, aber oftmals wesentlich zielführender… genauso wie gelungene Kritik denn diese ist immer auch das Bemühen um einen Dialog, auf den Kritiker als Scharfrichter können wir alle hier verzichten. 1.) Kritik ist dort angebracht, wo sie hilft. 2.) Der Scherz ist das attraktivste Kleid der Kritik. (ZUM GLÜCK IST DAS ALLES HIER NUR SCHERZ - Konstruktiv, wertschätzend, ehrlich!!!) 3.) Wer Kritik sachlich argumentiert, gibt Nahrung für neue Motivation. Letztendlich ist Kritik so einfach wie Nichts. Es gehört nicht viel dazu zu erkennen, dass etwas nicht richtig läuft, aber es bedarf einigen Scharfsinns herauszufinden, was die Sache wieder ins Lot bringen kann. SATIRE OFF! @@AlexS-lb5lz
@juliasilverstone2626 9 месяцев назад
Davon hab ich dutzende 🤣🤣🤣 JA wenn´s mal wieder ein RICHTIG wissen will, bekommt er es (nicht du gemeint)! Ab und zu trifft man halt richtige D*Ä)&CJSK"§* und dann kann ich mich nicht mehr bremsen😆
@AlexS-lb5lz 9 месяцев назад
@@juliasilverstone2626 du hast wirklich nichts zu tun wa
@baramuth71 9 месяцев назад
Yes, Germans love punctuality. If I have an appointment, wherever I am, I also have to take the time to keep this appointment, the other person also takes, or has to take the time for me. Being unpunctual is a sign of disrespect towards the person, because I am keeping them from an important job or task.
@danielmatheis9600 6 месяцев назад
10 minuten vor der Zeit , ist des deutschen Pünktlichkeit ;)
@mori1bund 9 месяцев назад
The Deutsche Bahn was actually extremely punctual & reliable until the 90s, like you would expect from a German company. But then they kinda privatized the Deutsche Bahn and suddenly customer satisfaction was second behind profit maximization and the reliability of the DB went down the drain...
@Bunny99s 9 месяцев назад
Lately even switzerland has stopped most direct train connections with germany. So most german trains just cross the border and get to the next station and return. That's because it's impossible to put german trains into the local schedule as it messes up everything ^^. It's kinda sad. Though I can totally understand the swiss. Don't mess with their time :)
@thomassommerfeld8494 9 месяцев назад
Talking the truth here: Whenever Germany threw public service onto the private market it fucked up: Bahn, Post, Pflege, Krankenhäuser. Fuck it
@OnkelCthulhu 9 месяцев назад
​@@thomassommerfeld8494 thats exact the point😖
@gehtdichnixan3200 Месяц назад
than it was privatised captialisem makes things shitty and more expensive
@OKLDT 9 месяцев назад
My grandma always said: "wer zu früh kommt, ist auch unpünktlich" - "who comes early isn't on time either" 😊
@KniKnaKnorke 9 месяцев назад
Aber, Fünf Minuten vor der Zeit ist des Deutschen Pünktlichkeit.
@Eysenbeiss 9 месяцев назад
@@KniKnaKnorkeWar es noch nie, hat schon meine Oma nicht so gesehen, Jahrgang 1913 ....
@Brazzelkanal 9 месяцев назад
I am not responsible for the atrocities of my ancestors, but I am responsible not to repeat them.
@DudefromEurope 9 месяцев назад
As a German i always plan at least an extra 1/2 hour for appointments to make sure i'm not late. It's just as important beeing to early is also rude an unpunktial. so basically when everything goes right I end up spending around 25 minutes waiting in fornt of the building before entering to make sure i don't rush the other person out of another appointment. To the last topic i have to say it depends a lot with whom you are talking. and when you where raised. I had teachers that played the guilt card like you are german, so you inherit your grandfathers or grand-grandfathers guild.
@AC-dn7yq 10 месяцев назад
11:28 hmm... whats with the genocide of american natives? 12:12 yes sir
@TePiane 9 месяцев назад
Yes, I also thaught slavery and what they not only did, but what they still do with the native americans...
@boraonline7036 6 месяцев назад
Awesome job with this video, as always. I like you open minded way and how you are interested in differen cultures. Not the stereotype of what people think an american is like. But as I also always say. There are good people and bad people, smart people and stupid people everywhere. So long things short: Kepp it going and and stay the way your are!
@OmaTalkToMe 9 месяцев назад
i once got locked out of our gymhall in school, because i came only 5 minutes early. the teacher said that 5 minutes is not enough time to change clothes and to be ready when the lesson starts
@Jco4130 7 месяцев назад
A brief insight into the German warranty system: If I buy something and it breaks, the manufacturer usually has to prove to me in the first year that it wasn't a manufacturing defect. In the second year I have to prove the mistake to him. In practice: I always have the right to have any defect in a product repaired in the first year. (Law, no guarantee) so the dealer will either repair or replace. a guarantee is something else again. therefore quality is important. Even used products have this right for 6 months. With friends it's like this: you can have many friends, it's much more than just the one you know. the standard of excellence. but then there are the real friends 1-2 people in life. punctuality is respect. It's rude to keep someone waiting. I can't imagine how it's okay to make a friend who makes time for me wait. that's disrespectful. That's why you should always be punctual within +- 10 minutes, otherwise you should call. but being late is an exception; someone who makes a friend wait frequently is unreliable. even worse at work. I should work with someone who doesn't respect me and the work I still have to do? Personally, I even like it. If I drive to a customer 15 minutes early and just go for another 10-minute walk, think through my thoughts, organize my thoughts, and then go to the customer in a completely relaxed manner, I feel good and go through the day much better. A pretty interesting point is small talk, Germans are often considered rude if they don't make small talk with the staff in shops or restaurants. If I am asked about the order, I answer precisely and friendly. because that's exactly what the waitress needs. If I chat with her, I'll disturb her at work. Other guests have to wait and you don't always feel like talking to everyone. I think as a waitress who has to be friendly to everyone, it's exhausting. A smile says more than how are you... ah, good, nice... blah blah blah. It is also respect not to force a conversation on someone, but to treat people carefully and kindly. If both are interested, the conversation will happen on its own. but only then. and then it's beautiful.
@vanessanesener4028 9 месяцев назад
Much love from Berlin, Germany! 🌻❤
@Danisachan 9 месяцев назад
Young German woman here. 😁 I can defenitely say, that for me and my 3 girls, (that I knew since university) we are a healthy mixture of all of Nalfs first points when traveling, I think. We 'plan' what we always wanted to see and what is manageable in one day, (planning ahead), decide the time we arrive there (punctuality) to get the most out of the experience (efficiency). But at the same time we ALWAYS make sure to have nice periods of time were we have nothing on our "schedule" at all. ;D just enjoying the new country/city/people/food! (work-life balance so to say? Tourist attraction hopping can be exhausting as f* 😂 And it's a vacation for crying out loud! ) But yeah. Flight, hotel, transportation, regulations? Waaaaaay booked and planned and looked up in advance, so nothing stupid as not having the right permits or stuff we need can stop us when we arrive. Never steered us wrong. No disappointments. And we always had a great time. 🥳
@petrlorenc7230 9 месяцев назад
That's spot-on, this is exactly the correct list of things to love about Germany. In the correct order.
@axllii 9 месяцев назад
Great video! Keep them coming!
@giobozzde 9 месяцев назад
Will do
@Reineruntervielen-su4qh 9 месяцев назад
Bit oder german here (44)...the be on time Thing.. i agree..but as in america ...germans are different..not all same..u forget that often
@karstenbursak8083 10 месяцев назад
1:41 "USA is #8" To qoute Noah Llyles: "WORLD CHAMPION OF WHAT?: 😂
@marcromain64 9 месяцев назад
World champion in sports that are (almost) only practised in the US, for example. 😉
@karstenbursak8083 9 месяцев назад
@@marcromain64 mit famously Baseball and Handegg
@wochenendsonnenschein5853 9 месяцев назад
I have been living in (NorthRhine)Westfalia for 30 ys, and it is said that you have to eat a kilo of salt with the Westfalians before they call you a friend. Found that´s true.
@GrafindeKlevemark 8 месяцев назад
I'm half German, half English, born in Germany in 1948. When I was old enough to understand, I have ever since felt the guilt of the Holocaust. One of my German uncles, when I was about 5, took me to the refuge camps (Germans having fled from the Soviet soldiers) and told me to give the children my toys and clothes I no longer played with or wore. I was shocked to see how their lives were difficult. Nothing was their fault. But I have always wondered what my family did during the war ....
@balex55lp 9 месяцев назад
the Deutsche Bahn is really a Meme xD 🤣
@sabinereimer7809 9 месяцев назад
I like the way you are THINKING 😊❤
@giobozzde 9 месяцев назад
@beldin2987 10 месяцев назад
The first points all work hand in hand, since beeing punctual .. planning ahaed .. don't waste time .. that all leads to be more efficient and so in the end you can have a better work-live balance since you need less time to have your work done. For the dark past, i think its that you shouldn't feel responsible for what you haven't personally done, but you should feel responsible to do everythinh that history doesn't repeat itself. And for the slavery debate, american should really learn that it has in the end nothing to do with the color of your skin. There were also white slaves in all countrys over the world in different areas and also even some black people had slave or they even sold slaves the the americans. And so also the same as germans or white americans shouldn't be held responsible for what their ancestors have done, black people should also stop to play the victim role, especially not when they lived a privileged life or live in countrys outside the US where the black-white problem never really existed in that shame and form. In the end in the monarchy time nearly everybody was more or less a slave to their rulers, and here in europe that were mostly white people. Now that non-white people in the US are still discriminated a lot and more of them live maybe in poorer parts than most whites, thats of course a serious problem, but it not solved by just pulling the slavery card and generally make all whites responsible for that. In the end people need to understand that it will always be rich vs. poor, and the whole debate about color is just brainwashing from the rich that you don't see your "real" enemy and don't fight side by side against them.
@boraonline7036 6 месяцев назад
I think we can all learn from each other. Every culture has something which you would say it is smart or what you think they should do in your country, and also some habbits you are more like "WTF?!". And some positive as negative might only exists because of the circumstances where that country is and what history it has or what problem it faces. I am a big fan of Japan, so IMHO there is a lot what we can learn from them. IDK if more people would agree or if I am alone with that opinion, but that's what I think.
@Kivas_Fajo 9 месяцев назад
I envy your fishing possibilities.
@Sensei486 6 месяцев назад
10:04 - Dachau.
@balex55lp 9 месяцев назад
and yeah as a german im at least 15 minutes earlier before it is time
@davidnau2626 9 месяцев назад
There is a nice saying in Germany aiming at his second trait... 5 minutes before the time is German punctuality
@balticdubai950 9 месяцев назад
Es heißt, " 5 Minuten vor der Zeit ist des Soldaten Pünktlichkeit."
@davidnau2626 9 месяцев назад
Joah oder halt des Deutschen Pünktlichkeit jenachdem wo man herkommt@@balticdubai950
@BobHerzog1962 Месяц назад
I would argue that the genocide and displacement on the native americans is a contendor next to slavery as well when it comes to a past the US could adress and be more open about. Again nothing a person alive today has to feel guilty about. But it is good to be honest about history and maybe not go over board celebrateing people and events who are tied to certain stuff.
@bjorndebar8361 9 месяцев назад
I only know who I am when I know where I come from.
@ulrikeg2639 9 месяцев назад
4:52 May I add you to my list of philosophic quotes? 😯
@giobozzde 9 месяцев назад
If you like it of course
@mariavani8839 9 месяцев назад
Germans are amazed at our North American ways..like paying for old Lady groceries because she forgot her wallet and it was bad weather. They new I was not a native German.
@TomTomson81 9 месяцев назад
Life is finite and keeping other people waiting is stealing lifetime. It's disrepectfull.
@hattinah6176 9 месяцев назад
One thing that concerns me greatly as a German is the rise of far right political parties like the AfD, and also the way that main stream politcal parties like the CDU adopt more right wing propaganda. It really feels like we are repeating the 1920s right now. I don't want World War III. :(
@atconnys8786 2 месяца назад
Green behind the ears?
@MelliundSpike 9 месяцев назад
Watch #JamesBray German Tours 👍🏼🤩
@krasimirkirev7178 9 месяцев назад
Canada is not above USA. It is 4 places above USA
@MelliundSpike 9 месяцев назад
The truth are.... 3 of 5 People must have more as two Jobs to pay all Taxes, Rent and Food.... Germany are not the Haven on earth 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️
@atconnys8786 2 месяца назад
@KnightKnife24 9 месяцев назад
Okay I live in Germany so im Exited.
@TePiane 9 месяцев назад
In other countrys the USA is famous for still having slavery, they just change the slaves with prisoners. We call it "modern slavery" and I hear this term just for USA and China. Also what the USA not only have done, but also still do to native Americans is horrible... I think it's hard to teach something about the dark history, as long as the repressions still are going on. But to see all the american people react to content of other countrys give me a lot of hope. I'm happy that people open their mind up and start to travel to other countrys. We all can lern so much of each other!
@abiagio1 10 месяцев назад
To adapt is not to adopt.
@giobozzde 10 месяцев назад
Yeah I know Adopt is when you take custody of a child that ain’t yours
@abiagio1 9 месяцев назад
@@giobozzde From the Merriam-Webster online: : to begin to practice or use (something, such as an approach or manner)
@Bunny99s 9 месяцев назад
What I always think is kinda funny that the "Made in Germany" tag was actually introduced by the UK -after WW2- _in the late 19th century_ as they wanted to mark products from germany as "low quality". A bit like what germans did with jews and the star of david. Though this essentially backfired because the marked itself only cares about cost and quality and doesn't care about political issues. Though to be fair, quality of german products are on a decline in the last years. Of course not in all fields.
@thetim6764 9 месяцев назад
It was not after WW2, bit during the age of industrialisation (1800s), when England was an Empire and industrial powerhouse and Germany was producing cheap knock offs. We were basically Europe's China.
@Bunny99s 9 месяцев назад
@@thetim6764 You're right. I remembered that incorrectly. Damn our imperfect human brains ^^. Though that's the reason why you shouldn't blindly believe what anyone said. Errors can sneak in everywhere. I "fixed" my original comment.
@mariavani8839 9 месяцев назад
I live in Germany and there is hardly anything I want to adopt. I prefer North American society.
@atconnys8786 2 месяца назад
So you`re an ineffective, lacy, unpunctual, unprepared individual then. We also like migrants who try to adopt more than Karens. Maybe you can feel that. What is it then what keeps you from living in your prefered society, in which you had to work much more than here btw?
@OWL-hg6ix 9 месяцев назад
The 5th aged like Milk
@Kivas_Fajo 9 месяцев назад
Dude, you are in Finland now and I assume to stay? So, America is beyond the pond. Focus on here, it is healthier for your mind in the long run...
@ColdRoland 2 месяца назад
It's funny to think that "Made in Germany" was origininally more of a warning and a call for boycott.
@eucitizen78 9 месяцев назад
Canada not above America? 🤔 Typical American ignorance.😅 America? We love you ❤ but be sure we know you also.😂
@achimschroter8046 10 месяцев назад
I am german and i can instantly tell you 10 german character traits i hate
@JohnDoe-xz1mw 10 месяцев назад
thats impressive im austrian and we only get the obnocious sort of german on holiday and i can only get to 8 :P
@achimschroter8046 10 месяцев назад
@@JohnDoe-xz1mw :-)
@afjo972 10 месяцев назад
Nope, there are no „German“ traits. People cannot own qualities. Besides, you can’t generalise 80 million people. That’s just stupid
@afjo972 10 месяцев назад
@@JohnDoe-xz1mwno surprise that Austrians attract obnoxious people. Birds of a feather flock together
@raistraw8629 9 месяцев назад
Like constaly hating on thier own people and denying to be a German.
@pkorobase 9 месяцев назад
Oh well. i wish we had done a better job about educating the people joining the Bundesrepublik in 1989 about the Third Reich, and that it was part of their history as well as ours. That could be one of the key factors for the problems we have with the new right wing especially in the east. I wont blame anybody for not knowing what happended, but i wish there was a greater understanding that the history can not be erased, even if you think you and your ancestors were on the right side. My ancestors were workers, mostly left wing, and i'm in the SPD most of my life. But still we could not hinder the 30s developments, even so the SPD was one of the most influentual parties of the Weimarer Republik. All the same we have not taken part in the bad deeds of the nazis, we have to deal with the consequences. Today it means we support the state of Israel, and we take a stand against antisemitism.
@raistraw8629 9 месяцев назад
We all learn that in school, and they have learned it too. Most of them find it great what happened due to the relationships they have with the others, just like most newcomers from certain regions today do. The SPD is one of the main reasons why it could happen beside the fact that the bad guys were also left wingers.
@hattinah6176 9 месяцев назад
I disagree with you there. I was born in Eastern Germany (DDR) in 1985, so I did not go to school during DDR time, but I do know from my parents and older friends that we were in fact very educated about the Nazi time. In my opinion the rise of AfD is mainly because the Eastern part of Germany has been neglected when it comes to development, creating jobs and opportunities etc. There are regions where we have 20% unemployment rate. No business with more than 50 workers has a boss from Eastern Germany. No university has a president from Eastern Germany. I would never vote AfD because they don't have any solutions. But I can 100% understand people being not happy with how things are. And takes like yours that are perpetuated across a lot of media do not help but instead make the divide wider. "Oh those dummy Ossis, they just don't understand democracy". We do. We're not stupid. Things that would actually help is if we had opportunity to take part in the decision making about ourselves.
@CetherDesipio 9 месяцев назад
"the best proof that u need a anti-racism-Workshop is when u think u don't a anti-racism-wokshop"
@ROBOTRIX_eu 9 месяцев назад
@senfnotmayo9004 9 месяцев назад
Love the German culture, hate the government. I'm leaving here as soon as I can. Hope I can make it in under 10years
@mathildewesendonck7225 9 месяцев назад
As someone who has lived in various countries, I hope you find a country were you feel good about the politics. It’s always easy to criticize a system, but it’s not easy to find a better one. Where are you planning to go? Just curious 😊
@Tiborg1973 9 месяцев назад
​​@@mathildewesendonck7225There won't be any answer i'm sure.Yes,die Grüne are very bad for this country,but i'm sure every single country has it's own problems to fight too...
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