
50BMG vs. Propane Tanks? 

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13 сен 2024




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@03codey 11 лет назад
lol first shot - propane tanks are not dangerous second shot - PROPANE TANKS ARE DANGEROUS DEFFENTLY DANGEROUS!!
@CrisovskyV2 11 лет назад
And he goes near it to kick it, what a boss...
@Tharanak 11 лет назад
A town just down the road from where I live had a truck full of propane tanks explode once. No one was hurt (thankfully) but all the street's windows were blown out, and minor structural damage to the building right next to it.
@MoreFPSRussia 11 лет назад
The result is a hole...
@albertjurkowski9038 11 лет назад
I love how he spends his money to entertain us, thanks FPS!!!
@BIGBrendan98 11 лет назад
this guy is just amazing
@DucksArse 11 лет назад
I remember asking if you would do this a good while back. Thanks for finally doing it! And I was half expecting Woody to come running out with a Molotov after it didn't work the first time lol
@cLassehLove 11 лет назад
you should collab with slowmoguys
@blsullivan14 11 лет назад
Im glad to see that you are back and doing good since the misfortune that you and your crew had. I heart goes out to you all.
@theshawkernator 11 лет назад
Love the improvement of video and audio quality these past few months!
@XKalibur- 11 лет назад
that joint was dope
@GetRoasted1 11 лет назад
If the scope was that blurry it would be a pretty shitty scope. Its definitely the camera not focusing on it.
@TheSlickrick2012 11 лет назад
Is the scope really that blury or was it just the camera
@Whit3ace 11 лет назад
Dude these are so much higher quality than when you began. Though i still love loved the "Breakfast Of Champions" video.
@Narfwak 11 лет назад
It's also worth noting that because oxygen isn't entering the tank after it's penetrated it's not going to explode into a shrapnel bomb; the gas inside the tank is highly pressurized and is going to force its way out once there's an opening. More likely that stream of gas is going to ignite and create a jet of fire until all the gas is expended. I don't know if there's enough pressure but you could get a bit of motion (same principle as a rocket engine) but that doesn't require combustion
@MrLittlelawyer 11 лет назад
Why shouldn't it? Fact, we have a constitution and that protect our rights to bear arms in the second amendment as part of the bill of rights. This is given to us to protect ourselves from threats foreign, criminal, and domestic. This means protection from the common criminal and a foreign invader and our own government should it become tyrannical. To not allow such an armament under the excuse of safety is not a valid excuse, and opens the door to tyranny.
@PikaOnMeth 11 лет назад
2:06 Me:BANG *nothing happens 2:07 Me:BANG bitch *nothing happens 2:08 Me:BANG *shoots Me:FUCK YEAH IM A WIZARD
@Filywardo 11 лет назад
Screw hank hill xD
@CyberdyneSystemsSkynet 11 лет назад
If you hadn't gotten it to work I know when we used to do it we put a couple of road flares downrange and then used the little camp fuel ones from Wal-Mart, We preferred them because there was usually more complete combustion, but they had a tendency (depending on which side ignited) to come flying uprange.
@d0dg377 11 лет назад
Funker is a master editor! He really upped the ante with your videos! Very nice!
@zeldafreak765 11 лет назад
He acknowledged that in the description. Check there for more details.
@RowdyRedBeard 11 лет назад
Like what you're doing with your channels. Good work man. Like the new style of filming
@fyrep0w3r 11 лет назад
.50BMG is typically around 860-940ms and is generally used to knock out small lightly armoured vehicles comparable to the HMMWV and has 19mm of penetration against face-hardened steel at 500 metres (547 yards).
@alexfbozz 11 лет назад
@gunna2cool 11 лет назад
I swear, I enjoy the "more" channel than the normal channel :D
@whitewerebear 11 лет назад
when a propane tank is just perfurated, the reaction with oxygen (combustion) only will happen in contact with the air. you can't make a hole in it and assume that it will explode. to make an explosion with propane, you need a room with a mixture of air and propane, in the right composition. if it has too much air, or too few, will not explode.
@rickybobby144 11 лет назад
FeedinATroll has a point, this is still the informational channel so he is demonstrating/describing the HE round
@Narfwak 11 лет назад
The Raufoss Mk 211 isn't purely a high-explosive round so much as a multi-role round that can handle just about anything; there's a tungsten core, HE, and small incendiary component. To be honest I'm a little surprised it didn't ignite. My hunch is that the explosive consumed all the available oxygen at the same time as the propane tank was penetrated and the short lived incendiary device didn't have enough time to ignite the tank.
@coolkaren1000 11 лет назад
This guy better thank God that he's ok and healthy lol. I mean he got a flying piece of shrapnel flying at him one time, and now he almost set himself on fire.
@TheWillxsmith 11 лет назад
White Phosphorus is the usual "light" in tracers. That chemical does react with air to burn. Anyone who has been around it will tell you that it burns quite hot. It is what is (was) used to ignite the napalm dropped by aircraft across the globe. Those of us without the proper licensing to obtain explosives, etc. would not be able to get the military grade tracer ammunition. Magnesium powder is also a viable component in some tracers (we can buy those), but I doubt it would ignite either.
@cladinator 11 лет назад
We used to shoot propane tanks in Fallujah back in 2004 all the time. They will explode but you need to shoot them with incendiary rounds. The incendiary round WILL ignite the gas and blow up the tank in a glorious fireball. No road flares necessary.
@PhilStokesNZ 11 лет назад
This is your best work yet. Simply outstanding!!!
@baileywilliamj 11 лет назад
So yeah, I love seeing things you aren't supposed to do. Keep on keepin' on
@Serylosify 11 лет назад
definitively my favourite guy on RU-vid
@fireraisr 11 лет назад
Lol, we used to do this on family camping trips with those little camp stove tanks. Makes about a 15 foot fireball and launches the tank. A couple of them usually landed behind where we were shooting from. $50 well spent.
@D3ATH2C4MPERS 11 лет назад
The bullpup configuration really takes the grunt out of the recoil
@RidderStorm 11 лет назад
if you dont get impressed with those propane explosions....its because happened in an open air situation with even mixture where there is full availability of oxygen and the gas resulting of the combustion could go anywhere freely! In a closed situation like a house looks much more aggressive because the gas must escape through specific routes...
@jonathannintendonerd 11 лет назад
redjacket was able to set off a tank with one round without explosives or flares when they went vs Mythbusters. They strapped explosives to it, but they fell off before the round hit. At least that's what the high speed video showed. I think it was a tracer round but it had to be a one in a million shot unless its a low caliber tracer like a 5.56 it might enter one end tumble and keep burning. The tracers will keep burning if they don't get out of range easy to start fires if your not careful.
@OverlordDeathmaster 11 лет назад
Well, it is possible that he was informed that only the audio portion of that video was needed (which is not uncommon in his new videos) and he acted it out with a different round (which helps you time your lines correctly), hence his explanation is not completely implausible .
@Loboelite77 11 лет назад
Love these new videos and the second channel!
@SuperFunder 11 лет назад
This channel has been around for a while
@Chris308Martin 11 лет назад
Looks like he just strapped on the "Legal" Sure Shot Exploding Targets he uses all the time, plus the flares. This probably fell under the "This is legal right?" category. Each thing is legal on it's own. When the impact is made, you can see a relaxed expansion of white gases/smoke, like those produced by the "Sure Shot" stuff, then you see the propane come out as a stream, then the rapid expansion of the propane igniting. Especially since he said "Mixture". This is good clean american fun.
@dfavelo 11 лет назад
Thank you, FPS Russia, for the wisdom! You are keeping me safe!
@IBsheepy 11 лет назад
first video in a while that's made me laugh. cool stuff kyle, more jokey videos like this on your main channel?
@nobodycares85 11 лет назад
I love the way you worded things.
@dxtrty 11 лет назад
You can follow them on RU-vid, Facebook, wherever you want to. Seriously, they're pretty easy to find.
@ManuelBTC21 11 лет назад
Such a valuable contribution to my education. Thank you FPSRussia!
@dxtrty 11 лет назад
Well, there are a few issues when it comes to "quickscoping". 1. A sniper rifle is around 25 pounds in weight, so it's pretty impossible to throw around. 2. You will probably end up with a scope inside your skull if you try to "quickscope". 3: You're not very accurate when "quickscoping", and Kyle will probably end up hitting the camera crew.
@Italiankid1029 11 лет назад
I'm not sure if the P90 is bullpup. Bullpup is when the mag goes behind the trigger, like the sniper in this video. The P90 is weird because the mag goes on top of the trigger and the rounds load in front of the trigger.
@spamhonx56 11 лет назад
love the mythbuster-style attitude of 'it didn't blow up well enough, so now we'll make sure it does'
@ryanlaudel7077 11 лет назад
Great videos! Have you got your hands on a FERFRANS SOAR ? I think it would be right up your alley and would like to see more on that if possible keep up the great vids and as always have nice day!
@RainOnThursday 11 лет назад
that would be a bleve. the heat from the fire increased the pressure with in the tank until it exceeded the pressure the tank could withstand. The vapor then mixed with the air and caused a rapid expansion as it combusted. I find it surprising that it even did bleve as most tanks have safety pressure release valves built in them preventing the tank from failing as the the gas is vented once the pressure exceeds a limit. Propane tanks are actually really safe when it comes to explosions.
@allenyhsu 11 лет назад
that fire at the shooting out of the tank is so sick :D
@whitewerebear 11 лет назад
they throwed in the fire. it means, the tank was heating. The "first explosion" was because the tank could not contain the gas inside, the pressure was to big. The "second explosion" was the propane burning by the outside flames. it is different.
@Trader0692 11 лет назад
I was going to say that you were going to have to strap some flares to those tanks, as I didn't think the raufoss rounds would work. Did a similar think with a friends PTRS, which costs a shit load to shoot.
@pbplaya1344 11 лет назад
No, it does not increase views to main channel but instead of putting half edited or trial videos, such as this, on the main channel they can keep it looking more professional. When running a channel such as FPS Russia you only want to produce premium content. A second channel is there for more fun activities and a little extra for the "hardcore" viewers.
@zakmcbubble 11 лет назад
THAT WAS SO MAD!!! FPS' reaction at the end. 'wtf just happened' haha
@martyshrekster 11 лет назад
Dan would have to fly over here, and he and Gav would have to coincidentally be in Georgia... I don't think that'll happen. Although, he did do the EpicMealTime thing, so you never know.
@gilroy21b 11 лет назад
the rounds are not loaded infront of the trigger. even though the magazine runs along the top of the firearm, the rounds are pushed towards the rear and are received behind the trigger.
@bigbossignition 11 лет назад
On an episode of Burn Notice they tell you to have an open flame on the propane tank so when you shoot it, it will ignite.
@Truesoldier000 11 лет назад
it's filmed there but one of the guys, (Gavin Free) works at Rooster Teeth in Texas. He flies back and fourth all the time
@batman9201 11 лет назад
This guy has all the fun.. I love it!
@joshrhn1 11 лет назад
oh man that was awesome! this video deserved a phantom! it would have been awesome to see it in slow-mo!
@revgregory 11 лет назад
"Editing issues" caused him to misidentify a round he held a few inches in front of his face? Yeah, sure. Neither would ignite a propane tank anyway since the ignition source provided ceases to exist before there is a sufficient fuel air mixture for the propane to ignite. Could have told him that before he shot it.
@NoMaD_Crisp 11 лет назад
love this second chanel! got one question tho mr FPS, what kind of gloves did you use in the 1216 shotgun vid? im in the army and looking for a pair of kickass gloves, got a big exersise in about a month so would be thankfull for an reply so i could have time to order them by then. thank you for making awesome vids!
@HeyCambo 11 лет назад
Myth busters did this too. They used FMJ. I was a little surprised his first round didn't do it.
@cheeseheadwarrior 11 лет назад
I like the new suspense b4 the shots now and insta-flamethrower!!!!!!
@cmplx21 11 лет назад
I like the new editing style! :)
@RedFacePyro 11 лет назад
Nice fire ball next time i should be there to witness the awesomeness of that fire ball
@scottydoggy1969 11 лет назад
That Arm looked a little Toasty at the end !! Still haven't got this " Distance from possible problem " thing mastered have you ? * grins *
@Breaker197 11 лет назад
YES! Now THESE are the kind of explosions I wanna see more of in the videos! Big Fiery ones! Lol! Unfortunately, it'd probably be more expensive. Love that prolonged stare after the explosion, lol!
@AmmoTest 11 лет назад
spotter tracer round = red yellow tip. raulfoss = green white. Use a raulfoss round and it'll go.
@drewhope23 11 лет назад
Just release these vids a few days after the other channel. I like it
@alby910 11 лет назад
movies spread such rumours ty fps for clearing that up
@LawfulWaffl3 11 лет назад
Lmao loved the part "yes propane tanks are dangerous, definitely dangerous" lol funny how he then kicks one of them and singes his arm lol!
@xStylezOfBeyonDx 11 лет назад
Holy shit kyle that took a lot of balls to strap running fireworks around a propane tank. Jeez
@lmkonzen 11 лет назад
That was one hell of a fireball but if you want a legitimate explosion try shooting a propane tank that is basically empty (like if you just took it off your BBQ for not working). The remaining fumes will be highly explosive. The compressed propane is not flammable. What actually caught on fire was the gas as it expanded through the bullet hole. For example throw a match in a bucket of gasoline, you will get a good fire on top. Throw a match in an almost empty gas jug, you might die.
@olumsezbey 11 лет назад
Actually, I'm a fan of the Calico myself. The clip design alone is great for survival shelters. It's high cap mags make it awesome for the Zombie scene, AND it looks like something out I'd Star Wars. So yes, please do a Calico video.
@borlad1drifting 11 лет назад
Ive seen that Rauofus round before on the history channel of snipers !
@neon_vhs 11 лет назад
At least no one stopped you from firing it this time. :)
@domitnate1997 11 лет назад
These videos are great! I think you should do more and explain the differences in rounds and use a lot of different kinds of ammunition
@hondero111 11 лет назад
After that raid by the pigz you should do a video on defending a position under siege. Many questions to be answered such as; can tannerite be used to make a boobytraps for storm troopers? How much ammo should I store in the case of a law enforcement/military attack on my home? How do I maximize my firepower to repel the home invaders as long as possible in order to allow my family to escape?
@mrtacos705 11 лет назад
I watched this in my class today. Just around the time when the propane tanks exploded my teacher looked at my phone screen. His response: "That's awesome!"
@alaskanasassin1 11 лет назад
I like these kind of videos. Keep em coming.
@JonesMacGrath 11 лет назад
I think for the most part he likes showing anyone who doesn't quite know how big the round is what it looks like. Maybe to also prove that he actually shot something, there are still people that think everything he does is fake.
@rangerstl07 11 лет назад
#1, Must be "transferrable" pre-1986 (look it up). #2, Must be allowed in your home state (look it up). #3, Must fill out Form IV and get fingerprinted, background checked and the signature of your local Sheriff (look it up). #4, Send $200 transfer tax and Form IV to ATFE (look it up). #5, Wait for months while they process your paperwork (look it up). #6, Spend $20,000 on what should only cost $1,200 (again, LOOK IT UP this is not rocket surgery).
@brandonbowerstx 11 лет назад
You've probably already heard it, but that's not a MK211 raufoss round. That's a .50 Spotter round.
@Akruzhael 11 лет назад
This video is awesome. I love that big explosion.
@raheelprasad123 11 лет назад
This guy will host the best bonfire parties
@darrunat 11 лет назад
I've seen this once before, last year St. Patty's day...a riot broke out...they burned a news van...and then threw a propane tank into the fire...and it blew up I'm sure there's vid's floating around of it somewhere. Happened in London Ontario
@LynchMobster47 11 лет назад
That makes me wonder, too. I think an awesome trick shot would be to have a flare lit next to a propane tank and see if you can shoot the propane tank so that the jetting gas will torch a nearby mannequin. Like if you want to see FPS Russia try this.
@TheFishinPenguin 11 лет назад
Definitely more tanks in future episdoes!
@numulis321 11 лет назад
I think you should look into the I-SCOPE, attach your iphone and record what you're seeing through your scope. Its pretty cool and cheap.
@boominrick1987 11 лет назад
Next time try adding a oxygen bottle in the mix. Curious if it will give it a bigger bang. 3 propane tanks with a oxygen tank in between.
@jggmlegal 11 лет назад
You shoot at work and you shoot in your free time! This is probably awesome!
@naturallygamer956 11 лет назад
This channels better than the original
@dxtrty 11 лет назад
The best tactical channel on the internet! And FUNKER530 is the best combat footage channel on the internet. And you come here saying you have not heard of them before!?
@MrSperza 11 лет назад
got to love that Norwegian Raufoss round :-D
@a420spazdj 11 лет назад
FPSRussia likes blowing up propane and propane accessories lol
@Xlox88 11 лет назад
Why is this on your second channel?? That shit was awesome!
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