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7 Intimate Ways Narcissists Reject Their Partners 

Exposing the Narcissist
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5 сен 2024




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@kuduyudu Год назад
This is exactly my wife who has filed for divorce now - 39 years married - I would like to keep it going just so I could have been the one to leave- it is excruciatingly painful beyond anything I have ever experienced - please pray for me
@ExposingtheNarcissist Год назад
@octavia9464 Год назад
I feel for you!!! I will pray for you. You yourself pray every day 🙏
@tutsybassista Год назад
Helpful tip: Make sure you ask about "divorce benefits." If you're married over 10 years, divorced for 2 years, and didn't remarry; you qualify! GL 🍀
@chxwv Год назад
I hear you . After miserable relationship since 95 , last contact June of last year . Here I’m all alone at 56 , still trying to recover pieces of my life
@jedinight3578 Год назад
Just finished the divorce paper work. My ex wife dropped it two days before laying my 105 grandmother to rest and 25years of marriage to the month. I’ve been lied to for 25 years and it’s been paraded in my face with other guys so now it’s time to heal somehow at 49 not sure I’ve enough time left So I need to find someway cause the pain is breaking me and my adult kids won’t see me cause of her twisted mind and I have 5 chronic diseases and illnesses to manage now on my own and none of my so called friends have even called so yeah I don’t trust or like anyone anymore…such is this life
@shak7262 Год назад
B - break you I - it’s always your fault T - teach you a lesson C - cut you off H - hurt you
@margaretaburke5604 5 месяцев назад
I like this... and it's true
@tammycraine7493 Год назад
When you narc husband is telling you the same story over and you are listening intently and injecting little comments to let him know you are listening and he clinches his teeth and glares at you to let you know loud and clear he does NOT want you to speak... But rather stay silent and JUST listen. (True friends have a back and forth during conversation.)
@robertdoyle3085 Год назад
Oh my God.
@yvetteandjorgenlarsen9753 4 месяца назад
Yes, the "you interrupted me" broken record... they don't like conversations.
@ChauniB Год назад
I eventually stopped initiating intimacy myself. My needs weren’t being met even after repeatedly expressing them and giving more than receiving. I felt so lonely, rejected and like a shell of myself
@spacegirl226 Год назад
Toward the end of my marriage I decided to stop telling my ex-husband that I loved him, a little test. I was ALWAYS the one who said it and he'd respond with a "love you too." He went an entire week not saying it to me until I pointed it out. He just shrugged, as usual. I wish he had let me go years earlier instead of sucking the life out of me and tossing me out like unwanted garbage. Thank you for this video, Clarice. I experienced all these changes and then got blamed that they were my fault. I am so relieved it's over!
@racebannon96 Год назад
I was constantly being punished by my narcissist wife and even expected to read her mind 24/7. Im just relieved it is over.
@davidmckay4423 Год назад
Yes. When you are with a narcissist you are punished daily. Only when they discard you do you realise how much they have drained from you
@yonettekelly2406 Год назад
You totally describe my husband. He does all of these things. Your videos helps me to deal with his behavior. When I observe him doing this I just smile and act like it really doesn't matter. I don't even say a word to him about it because that's what he wants. My reaction. Now I concentrate on my well being and I don't even notice what he is doing because I am fully awaken to his narcissism. Thank you
@angelm6497 Год назад
Ate you still in that relationship, living in the same house and who has the biggest financial input? A lot of the things on that list describe me but tgats because I realised I wasn't getting what i needed from the relationship and mafe tge mistake of thinking it was better to stick the marriage out until my son eas through school. Not be because I was abusing my partner but because I was married to a covert narc who was quite happy to take and take until I fell ill and there was nothing left to take, even then he used the opportunity of me being trapoed by ill health to cause as much damage as he could because he knew as doon ad I was able to I'd be out the door, in fact he waited until I was about to move out before he left claiming I was abusing him.
@rhondacooper7957 Год назад
This is a cold video, every word in this video is on point. I've experienced this with my ex narc boyfriend, once I realized his rejections I went into my super empath mode I found out he was cheating on me with his ex wife I wasted NO time kicking his ass out of my house.😅
@hibiscushoney3759 9 месяцев назад
Good for you. They hope to triangulate in future anyway. They hate getting discarded.
@luanneuttley6638 Год назад
It’s strange because this is exactly what my Narc did and then when I had enough and pulled away and just ignored him and didn’t plead with him anymore, short conversations as to not be drawn in to the total mind Feck which is what every conversation turned into, I shut completely down. Didn’t ask him to go anywhere with me, didn’t care if he was there or not. I completely shut down. Then he was suddenly different. Wanting to go places and do things, asked why I was so rigid and didn’t want to me touched etc… after 20 years I’d had enough. I became almost what’s being described in this video. Has this happened to anyone else? To anyone else I would have seemed like the narcissist but it was a completely understandable reaction to what he was putting me through. The mind games are horrendous with narcissists.
@claudiamartin5035 Год назад
Hi ,the same happend to me too,I just reacted the way he did. In th beginning I tryed to talk,but he just stood there not looking me in the eyes and walked away in the middle of what I now call,monologe. I never response,no reaction. Coms back later like nothing happend.I begged to talk,but I was breaking things,so no need to talk. I could go on and on,but I endind up sleeping apart,having my own room,can stand him touching me. For a long time,I thought it was me but no more. I feel you❤
@luanneuttley6638 Год назад
@@claudiamartin5035 yes same. I’d be in the middle of a sentence and he’d just walk out of the room. I’d ask where he was going and he’d say, I need to plug my phone in or something like that. I’d point out that I was talking and walking away was rude and he would say, ‘well you could have followed me.’ I’d be like WHAT??? I tell him that I’m not going to get up and follow him when he’s the one who’s being rude. He’d say, well I guess you want my phone to die then. I’d say, no I want you to listen to me and not walk away. He’d come back and stand there with his arms folded and a scowl and then say, OK finish what you were saying. Snarky like. I’d just tell him never mind I’m not going to beg someone who doesn’t want to listen to me listen. He’d say, I’m listening so speak. I’d say never mind it was nothing important. He’d say, have it your way then, i was listening and now you won’t speak. Geez whatever.
@ExposingtheNarcissist Год назад
Exactly- As I said in the video a lot of those repsonses were mines as well. The Narcissist does it to hurt us, whereas we do it to protect ourselves.
@marilynhirsche8944 Год назад
I am right there with you, thanks to these videos i understand the brake down and dont continuely blame my self, but it is extremely hard to get over the hurt and mistrust. My soul has been damaged, and i need to do a lot of positive self talk to stop the hate.
@CynthiaSchoenbauer Год назад
@@ExposingtheNarcissist Exactly Clarise. We protect ourselves, but are treated as cold.
@fadnama Год назад
I just broke up with my narcissist a month ago (for the 2nd time 🤦🏻‍♀️) and he checked all of these boxes except for being naked in front of me. He loved to flaunt his body in front of me.
@marmaladesunrise Год назад
It is so fulfilling, once we realize our true worth and value, to see these damaged and sick people for what they really are. We are so much more valuable than to let anyone even think about trying to devalue us ❤
@robertdoyle3085 Год назад
Food for thought, because people are damaged and sick, does that make them a narcissist or someone who doesn't know how to filter and deal with all of their pain? Truly asking
@marmaladesunrise Год назад
@@robertdoyle3085 We all have free will. One way or another, their experiences will show them their choices are not working for them. Then it's up to them to search for the answers why it's not.OK to harm people thatcway. Seek and you will find.
@l.t.2356 Год назад
My husband has done all these things to me. Thank you for helping us understand the reasons why they devalue us in these ways. It is very hurtful.
@marilynhirsche8944 Год назад
When i met my guy, he was perfect, i told him week ends and holidays were important to me, travel was important to me, we never traveled together, every holiday and weekend was a war, until everyday became a war, and holidays were celebrated alone.
@sheilabradshaw7540 Год назад
As a victim of Narc abuse I have done some of those things to protect myself. I slept on sofa to avoid being molested while I slept. The whole thing was unnerving
@angelm6497 Год назад
I withdrew sexually because there was no true intimacy, I was expected to open my legs while he got his end away. I even got told to get myself ready for his insertion. If i refused I was harassed and guilt tripped when i put a stop to that I was drugged. I tried marriage counseling and sex therapy but they were all manipulations to get me to comply to his demands. When things didn't go his was it was stopped. But then I was trapped by a covert narc and it took me dying to wake up the the level of abuse I was being subjected to. So why did I stay? I thought I was protecting my son by at least giving him a stable home, turns out he's now more damaged by that choice and the adverse influence of my x partner, especially during my recovery from that severely debilitating brush with death which needed at least a 2 year recovery. Too inconvenient for him to support. In hus mind I wasn't ill I was a lazy bitch who wouldn't get out of bed.
@veronicacosta7350 Год назад
I wonder if my narc molests me in my sleep to disrupt my sleep/peace or to just make me uneasy because he knows I have trauma history as a molested child that would experience being molested in my sleep.
@angelm6497 Год назад
@@veronicacosta7350 my closet Narc abused my past history of rape. He justified his taking attitude to sex being a result of sexual assault but really it was that he wanted to take and not give. When I stopped that activity, he used guilt and shame, when that didnt work, he took what wanted while I was off my face on alcohol and medication, technically blacked out. Then when he was told not to do that with my history he apologized, acted dumb then volunteered us for sex therapy thinking I'd be manipulated in to going back down that road. But rather than show the affection I asked for to rebuild that side of the relationship, he chose not to and started touching me in my sleep. Caught durung therapy, I ended the therapy sessions and he was told outright that was my choice he couldn't force me. The rage in the car going home that day was horrific. I used to be thankful my son slept in our bed for protection. I wish I had woken up to him much earlier and done something about it sooner. Accepting half love doesnt give your child a stable home, it teaches them the behaviour is acceptable and its not. I had to literally die to wake up. I realise that I have been attracted to emotionally unavailable men most of my life, because my dad was that way. And once you've been raped several times, sex really isnt that important to you. Of course I blamed myself for my sexual dysfunction but really I think it was him withholding all along. Literally seeking to screw me over the entirety of our marriage. My advice to anyone is educate yourself and note the red flags, then get out. But do not let them know your on to them.
@cheryldee95 Год назад
These can also be reactions to the abuse, otherwise known as reactive abuse. After the love bombing stops, and the devaluation begins…the supply begins to feel that something is off with the relationship. When everything the supply says and does is dismissed and/or criticized…it gets to the point where the supply no longer wants to be intimate with the narcissist. Most narcissists ‘expect’ sex from their partners…whenever they want it, regardless of whether they have just spent the day ignoring or criticizing their partner. That is a firm control tactic…in the narcissist’s eyes. So, yes… the narcissistic CAN withhold sex, attention, eye contact…everything mentioned here. But, it is important to know that these are also ‘reactions’ to the criticism, coercion, gaslighting, etc. ~ and reactive abuse is not the same as intentional abuse.
@angelm6497 Год назад
Exactly, giving the abuser the opportunity to claim they are the victim as many narcissists do. Its far too oversimplified.
@robertdoyle3085 Год назад
Well put..... I fear I may be the reason she is reacting..... How do I fix?
@angelm6497 Год назад
@@robertdoyle3085 you cant fix a Narcissist. I found when I stopped giving supply and moved towards getting out, he stated deliberately trying to start arguments. He did this to claimed was the one being abused and for a while I walked into his trap. He wanted money. When I realised I stopped arguing, kept my mouth shut and did my best to leave, but I was trapped by ill health and other factors. Im not sure I have completely understood what your trying to fix, do forgive me if I have misunderstood. Most people, if you ask, will be prepared to have an honest discussion and if your unhappy take steps to resolve the issue, a Narcissist won't, they rage. Maybe that's the way to tell. If someone really loves you, they will not want to hurt you, they will have an honest discussion, work eith you or accept things arnt working. A Narc won't. A Narcissist doesn't love their target or supply, they only love what they can get from a them. A covert or vulnerable Narcissist may say what they think you want to hear, to get their supply, but their behaviour will show otherwise. A person that abuses you doesn't love you. I understood my relationship became toxic and I choose to get out, there was no pleasure in it for me. He, on the other hand seemed to enjoy it. You won't get an amicable split with a narc either. I saw a podcast, if your with a covert narc, say nothing and run. I tested because I didn't want to believe it; one of the worst decisions I made. As was the thought I could achieve sn amicable split.
@queenanna1077 Год назад
My ex narc us to eat his dinner in front of the TV , instead of eating at the dinner table with US. So, not only was he rejecting me but the children as well.
@l.t.2356 Год назад
My mate does the same thing. He puts his meal on a tray and goes to the rec room and eats in front of the TV.
@kevintewey1157 Год назад
TV on all eating hours
@christinethornhill Год назад
Imagine a father deciding to go outside and sit in his car rather than talking with his own children…he reads his newspaper !
@tammyfitzgerald5336 Год назад
Or make his plate run 🏃‍♀️
@angelm6497 Год назад
Yeah I stopped eating at the table because of the lack of table manners and the way he stuffed his face. Then the general lack of positive interaction. I suppose that makes me a Narc. Its so easy to blame others for responses to our own behaviour and the reality is those little things we overlook at the start of a relationship become difficult to cope with after years of putting up with a whole lot of other crap.
@micahsmyth3302 Год назад
I have been personally shutting down, because of the behavior you described happened to me, so I just did it back. At first I tried to salvage things but the harder I tried the worse it hurt, finally my wife kicked me out, and now we are separated. I tried and tried afterwards to get her to come back ,but I have met little success. I started drinking because of my depression, and that just gave her the excuse she needed to leave me. I am not trying to have a pity party , but to be honest. I have since quit drinking for four months now and am just working on doing as much as I can for my children. They are the real victims in this, not me and not my wife.
@SlumberBear2k Год назад
It is so strange that the same behavioral patterns can be found is most narcissists. This is exactly how my mother treated her many husbands.
@Thisdudehere-e6n Год назад
My ex followed this to a “T”. She did all of these through out our relationship. We were on and off like a water faucet. I stayed way longer than I should have. I gave her a out plenty of times when I found out she was cheating. She still wanted to be together. I’m glad I ended things and have been ok lately.
@Retsy257 Год назад
I’m in an ending relationship. I do not look him in the eye because he has so forsaken our marriage. I’ve had a very difficult time living with him when I know I’m leaving him. I’m no a narcissist.
@simonhilgevoord8020 Год назад
Kick the narc out of your life! Breath and feel happy again
@VoxLesPaul Год назад
While listening to this podcast, my entire first marriage was painted out in front of my eyes with these excellent descriptions of systemic rejection by a thousand cuts. I feel like such a fool for having tolerated my ex-wife’s emotional abuse through rejection. She is now remarried, and I realize how foolish I was to have such an optimistic faith in our relationship - despite her complete rejection of everything that I am. At this point, I’ve been subject to such massive abuse, I don’t know if I’ll ever get married again.
@EMichaelBall Год назад
I’m not sure you even need to get married, again, even if you find another woman worth your while. Go watch some Optimized Man videos and take magnesium glycinate. Both are very useful; the latter has made my mind far more masculine and able to process information cleanly (given how natural a substance it is, I’m sure it would make a woman more naturally feminine).
@VoxLesPaul Год назад
@@EMichaelBall Thank you for your comment. I've watched a few of "optimized man" type videos, catch their vibe, and have benefitted from the videos. Where those type video presenters and I part ways are in the understanding of adultery and fornication. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, and He had specific words about the covenant of marriage. The stakes are high, and a good or bad presence in eternity hangs in the balance. My error was to "rush in" without properly vetting my now-ex-wife. I won't be repeating that mistake.
@moniquebode1655 Год назад
This was my second marriage to a tee.
@CharlieWhiskey549 Год назад
Very sadly, this was 100% my experience. Wife would come home from work late, no hug, no eye contact, zero interest in conversation, frequently push aside the dinner I had made and have a bowl of cereal instead, go to bed without even saying goodnight (or wait until I was asleep before coming to bed), lock the bathroom door whenever she was showering, frequently cancelled nights out and weekends away, bought a king-sized bed because I was accidentally touching her too much in the queen, stopped using any term of endearment except when she was putting on a show in front of her friends…. Just wall-to-wall devaluing and invalidation.
@epiphanypinto1285 Год назад
My husband completely 😢
@patricknelson1471 Год назад
stay away from narcissists not even hell will accept them
@jurgwalther3001 Год назад
They refuse to kiss!
@elcee7800 Год назад
Such a clarifying breakdown, thank you. They literally make us feel and act like a monkey as these pictures portray - and why we in turn avoid them - which in turn incites a silent treatment’ by victim. A good illustration of the initial cause.
@franksimmons9242 Год назад
Good Sunday morning Clarice! So much better to be reviewing and listening to you podcast with hot coffee bacon and eggs. From a comfortable chair. Twenty years I experienced everything you mentioned. Totally unaffectionate and like to fight over petty things all day. Everyday. And like you said they have the nerve to think you would want to be intimate with them at night. No one with a soul could do that. Your research and hard work is appreciated. Accurate. Thank you
@robertsantiagonc Год назад
I’m both embarrassed and gutted seeing the similarities in my present situation. I have to end this by acknowledging to myself that there is nothing I have done or can do to change her ways. Very sad as I would’ve done anything to make her happy. I thought I did. I am a shell of myself and I just can’t do this anymore. I still and will always love her, but I need to love myself more because the hurt is too much to live like there’s nothing wrong. F-ing sucks. One thing is for certain, if she ever read this, I’m sure she would comment by stating something like, “Oh woe is me.” The gaslighting is strong with her. Been sleeping in separate rooms and no intimacy for going on three years. Not wearing a wedding band. The other day she refused to take a photo with me. My step-daughter took several and the disgust on my wife’s face said it all. I am not without fault, but I apologized and changed the ways I fell short as a husband. She would never apologize for anything as everything is my fault. My unconditional love has been taken for granted. Never again. Life is too short to tolerate the BS.
@AIWASS999 Год назад
I, my friend, have been through the exact same predicament and your right, it f---king sucks and once you lose everything and have to start all over, you just feel drained for days, months and years even. Narcissists are evil and witty, until you figure out how to shut your mouth, and i mean that in a good way.
@kuduyudu Год назад
Somehow this is very close to what I’m going thru
@johnscott6412 Год назад
Every time I listen to one of these articles I come out the other side ticking another box I didn’t realise was happening
@yvetteandjorgenlarsen9753 4 месяца назад
Yep, been there done that. It's like I'm ever learning. I think every single thing in the relationship I was part of has been covered now. It only took about 30 videos for me to see that every part and aspect of our relationship was simply another part of his fraud.
@hccarson7938 Год назад
I think you nailed it, Clarice. This is probably the creepiest and sneakiest. Makes me shudder, and glad I've gotten them out of my life.
@shecaptain3444 Год назад
My mother bought me a beautiful solid wood dining table for my birthday. My children's father would sit in the living room and the kids being toddlers naturally wanted what daddy was feeding them from his plate 😢. It was so sad and we never became that family at the dinner table. One of his many way he came between me and our children.
@carlab1748 Год назад
1. When we were saying our Wedding Vows, my Husband wouldn't look me in my eyes for very long, he kept looking at the Floor. 2. Sometimes when I'm talking to him, he will literally close his eyes to block me out. 3. He never sits at the Dinner Table to eat with me, or with Family Members when they come and visit on Holidays. 4. When we go to a Restaurant that has TV's in it, he's sits and watches it. If the Restaurant doesn't have TV's, he'll get on his phone and call one of his Friends, so that he can ignore me for most of the Dinner. 5. He always walks in front of, or behind me. 6. He hasn't held my hand in public since the Love Bombing stage when we were Dating. He hates any forms of Intimacy, Kissing, Hugging, Snuggling etc. 7. He doesn't like us to get in Bed together at the same time (there is something Intimate about a couple getting in Bed together for a good night's Sleep). He avoids it, If I go and get into bed first, he will stay away until he thinks I've fallen asleep, and then he will come to Bed. Also 90% of the time, he sleeps with his back to me. These things used to bother me, but now that I know about Narcissism, I really feel sorry for my Husband, Because he never has, and he never will, experience True Love and Intimacy.
@yvetteandjorgenlarsen9753 4 месяца назад
I know what you mean about feeling sorry for them. I don't hate my husband, but I do get frustrated from having to deal with the same stuff over and over. Makes me feel like a gerbil in a cage
@franciscoguevara9727 Год назад
in my case it was a narc parent, but all nars act the same. I was first child and i was the scapegoat. And lived 2 years alone with the narc parent as a teenager age 16- 18 . THe devaluing is petty , and they all do it. The narc parent wants it to be all about them all the time. When we need to have healthy boundaries to keep ourselves safe and safne and healthy, e emotionally they get narc injury and act in petty ways. I drank to cope with the devaluiing, and then i found support groups that deal with trauma, and there i was seen and heard and empathized with as a survivor, and the tools of gentleness and healthy boundaries where modeled to me i started expressing and folllowing through more with my boundaries, and thats when my inner child and true self came out more, and said thank you for speaking up and honoring my inner child . I wasn't living with the narc parent anymore, and as an adult healthy boundaries , and being connected to my healthy self protective instinct healthy agression or my NO is important, because when living with a narc they dont want us to speak upfor our needs boundaries and feelings or have needs an identity, and all these things are healthy for me as a human that express my true self, my individuality, and help me connect and get my needs met in healthy ways. Its good to be able to keep being in healing almost 4 years now thank God . And be able to have gentleness , boundaries and choose safe enough people who are available, and will get my needs met., and stay h ealthy distance from narcs that want others to subjugate to them, i prefer freedom, soverignty , free expression, taking up my space , being gentle on myself , having healthyboundaries getting needs met in reciprocal relationships, or workeable relationships, and staying true to me at the end of the day, and my inner child, and keeep healign and going after my dreams and taking my space and exercising my freedom and my right to live life and express my true self, and go after the things i love and think for myself, and connecti wht healthy people, and exercise my dreedom , we are worth it. Godspeed eveyone. we are worth it .
@3j4i6j0i Год назад
Most of these signs are what I’ve experienced with my previous and current wife. For fear of a repeat, one might be getting averse to taking another marriage gamble. After all, at 70 plus, there’s but so much repeated cycles of pain and regret that one can bear.
@tutsybassista Год назад
I have a question. What if my narc and his family are influencing my 2 daughters and purposely won't go to mediation, court, and when he does go, LIES to the court which kept me from getting ANY form of custody of our 2 daughters? I used to be close to my youngest, but now she's acting out, and my oldest stopped going to parenting time which she can't do cuz she was 8 and it's a court ORDER! She's now 16, we are like strangers, refuses to go to counseling, and the worst: She never even told me happy mother's day! 😳 Says she forgot or was busy; yeah with everyone but me. RIDICULOUS! 😡 Of course, my EX and his mom write letters to the judge (ex-parte communication you can't do), I can't get 1 attorney on this complicated contested divorce case, they use my mental health as their excuse and he knew my family's history of this BEFORE we got married! Then, Oregon Law. My religious rights don't count, they can't order joint custody if the other side doesn't agree, and parental alienation is NOT recognized in all 50 states! I'm dying to change this! I tried, tried, tried for 7 years now since the divorce, I busted him for FRAUD, and The Treasury gave me my bond back (that was a long 19 months and didn't think I'd win, but I did). The karma: I bought a new car from it. 😂 But, my kids: I'm worried that they are narcissists themselves too! I keep telling my EX that you can end the marriage, but you can't end being a parent! Even if the child dies, you're still the parent! Has anyone gone through this? What else can I do? ABSURD! 😡 Sorry if this was long, I'm a writer on Quora.
@verenamaharajah6082 Год назад
I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you mean by saying that if a child dies, you are still the parent? Parent of what? Please explain. I’m curious. Thank you.
@tutsybassista Год назад
@@verenamaharajah6082 Let me simplify that. What I mean is that all of us are born to a mother and father. That's 23 chromosomes from each parent. If you don't have enough or too much, usually the baby dies or there's some form of retardation or down's syndrome etc. So, I meant that if you lose your child, no matter their age, they are your child forever. You have the DNA, it doesn't lie. That's why broken heart syndrome is very real. Older spouses die close to each other. That Nuvalde teacher that died, her husband just put flowers by the school, then had a heart attack and died in his doorway. Add in Lisa Marie Presley and Sinead O Connor who tried to go on after their sons took their lives. They're together now. The body will rot, we will die, but the souls of our family and ancestors, does it exist? No one can answer that. And, my mom is 87, I'm 47. She is and will always be my mom even when she's gone. And, that's the same for children too. I hope that made sense. I can write a novel....
@tutsybassista Год назад
Update: My 16 year old got her license and a job. Ironically on the same day, an Amazon truck took off my driver's side mirror on my old car; that I wanted to give my daughter, but never heard back, so I was gonna donate it to the Veterans. 45 minutes later, my EX said my daughter backed his car into someone cracking their bumper and scratching up his car and breaking the lights. I was LMFAO! 🤣 Now, he wanted my old car for my daughter. His ass belongs to me now! I made him pay for the tow, mechanic, it now requires that mirror, and I sold it to him for the Edmund's quote. My daughter then got a 2nd job. No more wrecks. However, my 13 year old is a little depressed. So, she goes to counseling, but last night were the words I thought I'd never hear. She said, "I wanna live with you." 😱 I almost stopped breathing. She walked me to my car, got in, and gave me a squeeze hug, super tight. Teenagers don't do that! Now, I'm suspicious. I might use my parental rights and request her counseling records. But hey, someone is really looking out for us whether you believe it or not. So, BELIEVE! 🍀
@uneonie2279 Год назад
Cant believe it took me years.. to see this, this list is exactly what im putting up for almost a decade..
@vamp8903 Год назад
My partner only talks to me when he sees I'm reading or watching a movie or series etc...he does it to irritate me ...he is always moody and complaining about everything ...? A negative person ...he's also a bully ..and when he's inebriated he makes threats ...then he doesn't remember ?
@yvetteandjorgenlarsen9753 4 месяца назад
Mine doesn't remember pretty much anything he said and he doesn't even drink LOL
@biba350 Год назад
You are describing my relationship I have also noticed when he's talking to one of his family members he will stand with his back towards me like i don't count it comes across as rude and very insensitive very hurtful
@yvetteandjorgenlarsen9753 4 месяца назад
Oh, gee, one more thing I just realized was part of his fraud! Except he accused me of this when I didn't do it. I got really tired of that projection crap
@christophervanheerden6499 Год назад
Damn! I must be a narcissist. Or, and hear me out, im just an introvert that grew up alone and became the outcast, so in turn i accepted my outcastness moved on with my life and after years this is just my default mode since my inner life and world is so much more vibrant and alive than the outside one. When you become the only one you can depend on, you see no need for people or to even connect with them
@jonhutchinson2902 Год назад
Wow the exactly describes my realtionship with an ex narc. You can explain it better than i can even put into words. In the end i just learned to deal with it and started acting the same way around him. Its disturbing and hurts us deep down and sabatoges the relationship.
@kammellioo Год назад
Whenever i cooked for my ex narc and our kids, she would always bring food from outside and not touch the food i cooked. About the final tip in the video, my ex narc used to wrap up like a mummy when it was bed time. She would wrap herself so tight with bed sheets, that she made sure it was hard for her to get out of them and even harder for me to get in 😂
@reginamoro4269 Год назад
This was interesting and i actually listened to the whole video because she gets to the point with good info, not like all others on this subject who spend so much time talking trash and tell you nothing. Looking forward to hearing more.She obviously knows what she is talking about.
@ExposingtheNarcissist Год назад
Thanks and Welcome!🙏
@zandatee Год назад
" Put you last" they also do it with other people but not simultaneously. 🖕 Its a concious manipulation tactics. And they perform it the way that the targeted person feels its just against it. Thank You for this vid. This gives an insight how my parents ended up living in different rooms (mother-the covert hidden monster) and dady tried to leave the family. His mistake that he did not complete it. I Love you, Dady.❤❤❤
@tnmantn8938 Год назад
Yeah, I have experienced all of these at one time or another with my narcex…
@rogerkelly6904 Год назад
Blissful Sunday Sister Clarice!🌻 Thanks for another interesting as well as encouraging episode. Thank You... Continuous Blessings!💡
@CynthiaSchoenbauer Год назад
Also, I see my father was punishing ME when he read to the other girls (my sisters) when he absolutely never read to me! I see he was angry when I did not give him "his love" on cue. He conditioned me into a very bad relationship of not having any love until I admired him, and then he never gave me any love anyway, but allowed me to stay in the family with him as the provider. I wish I knew that in the United States we have family services for children's welfare. I would have to tried to leave the family, but children, more than anyone, can't tell people what is going on and also know, no more than anyone, that there even IS anything better. Lots of processing coming from your video!
@cherylberk4593 8 дней назад
I want to add that I read most of the comments and replies. These narc men and women have an agenda. Everyone posting here deserves so nuch better. Thanks Clarise your videos are spot on.❤️
@Regent79 Год назад
My wife started sleeping with her back to me a couple of years ago and wouldn’t explain why. We are now divorcing.
@timothyfox2460 Год назад
That was right on the nose everything I went through all that while she was calling me a narcissist!!!
@CynthiaSchoenbauer Год назад
Thank you! I see attacks now for what they are, Clarise. I either did not see these attacks to what I needed, or denied my needs to have something better, or both...all to stop the pain of being attacked. Somehow I blocked out both the attacks and the pain to deny what was going on. I did not allow my self to see any activity that was detrimental to me (just like Care Bears). This has been the role of fantasy for me.... and this is the toxic positivity that I have used to try to blunt emotional violence and try to keep my sanity and purity of thought. You provide key 🗝 concepts that help me put more things together. That is why I ENJOY being a member of your channel!
@woodspirit98 9 месяцев назад
My ex-wife.
@davidparker5439 Год назад
O I know . I have been married for 50 years with my narcissistic wife . She as not slept with me for 32 years. And no I not seen naked for years . Not even as you said holding hands I could go on and on . I am a positive person . She is not . What ever I do no compliment . My mistake for marry ING this little girl in a woman body
@ExposingtheNarcissist Год назад
@leslypompy1357 Год назад
I have seen these behaviors but did not understand the behavior. Excellent explanation.
@iopakayalo3459 7 месяцев назад
Yes, I witnessed everything that you have shared here. Everything! Thank you, Clarice so much for educating us. Narcs are definitely very confused people. It's been 15y but I am glad I'm narc woke now and definitely staying woke. Seperated 3y now and watching the circus. Smh.
@mariomena2475 Год назад
My ex-wife did all these things. When she was going to take a shower, she would cover her body with a towel so that I wouldn't see her naked. When we went on a trip to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon, she walked several feet ahead of me and the kids, as if she was alone, taking selfies or photos of the views, but not group photos. She withheld sex for up to 12 weeks, and we could only have sex when she initiated it. She told me that she didn't want to have sex with me because she didn't feel an emotional connection, and when she eventually had sex with me again, she would turn her face away to avoid kisses on her mouth, saying that she only wanted the sex without the emotional connection that kisses would create. Therefore, the lack of emotional connection was her excuse for not having sex, and avoiding the creation of an emotional connection was her excuse for not kissing. She even told me that we could continue having sex only if I promised that it would be without emotional connection
@bonitajolie9341 Год назад
Another spot on video Clarice! ❤️
@williambrown9718 Год назад
Everything that you mentioned in this video is undeniably true and just as equally eerie; as if I relived a NARCISSISTIC nightmare with much clarity! Thank you....
@queenanna1077 Год назад
Happy Sunday everyone!🎉
8 месяцев назад
Throughout this video I was having flashbacks of numerous real life experiences with my ex-wife 17 years ago. I also witnessed my ex-wife walking to my son's football game doing the same things to her 9th boyfriend after divorcing me. 😊
@cherylberk4593 8 дней назад
This is a good video. I suffered all you mentioned and others. Married 18 years, then I actually caught him with the pool boy! I would suggest it may be toxic narcissisn or it may be something in addition.
@richierich9723 Год назад
I have suffered all these for 10 year but now trying to manage myself with your help....... thank you
@LucretziaB Год назад
The silent treatment.
@yvetteandjorgenlarsen9753 4 месяца назад
My husband was constantly doing this to me. I've decided that it's because he's simply not smart enough to converse well. It's a blessing now that I'm gone
@dolittle6781 10 месяцев назад
Exactly right! But it sounds more like the things an abused person would do to protect himself or herself and finally get discarded by the narcissist -- a very much-welcomed relief likely from years of being tormented. All of these behaviors are too direct for the narcissist, not nearly manipulative or disingenuous enough for them.
@billydunn8431 Год назад
Dont forget there's always some sort of physical illness every day.
@richardmerrifield7959 Год назад
This is so my life lately just like you read a book I wrote it’s hard to believe after 45years with the same partner they can change just like that and they say it’s not them your the one with the problem I don’t know how they live with the way they think it must be pretty hard to have to lie every day just to get your needs met
@greghayes7933 Год назад
Once she started refusing to touch me is when the mask slipped ...after a few years of it I was discarded ....20 years down the drain but thankfully I finally got the wisdom and my eyes were opened...thanks for the helpful vids
@ladyvirgo013 11 месяцев назад
All of this! 12 years married to a covert monster 😈 I couldn't make sense of what he is until the brutal discard, he blindsided me
@gigichica Год назад
My narc used to do all these things. I'm glad I'm not with him anymore. Ty for this informative video❤️
@mikeking9777 Год назад
I found this channel and it has excellent proven information. I've been married to a covert narcissistic for 23 yrs. I've watched several of these videos and every single one is 90% accurate to my situation. Its pure hell sometimes. I'll hang in there, bad irreversible health has taken hold of her. Not much change in her actions....Thanks, on to the next video.
@James-bc2oh Год назад
My ex narc Marie hampson started turning her back in bed,iv since found out it was because she was having an affair with her daughter Lisa's husband Steven,very revolting women with no morals
@Tarotwithcandy Год назад
Absolutely everyone I have experienced, so yes I know it’s true, Thank you as always to inform everyone about this,❤❤❤
@dontbelongherefromanother Год назад
Love vid, Clarice
@zoraidacastro2703 Год назад
The use and abuse of children and using them as bait.
@terrywade3696 9 месяцев назад
The odd thing is, the narcissist actions can cause you to look like the narcissist! I now do all of these things to my narcissistic husband because I caught him cheating on me! In order to protect myself from him, and coming to the conclusion that he is in fact a narcissist and not just an avoidant personality, I have to not give him any supply.
@energy5351 Месяц назад
Lord have mercy young lady you are not lying ….truth is never afraid to come under examination ❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜sin is the greatest DECEIVER 2024
@user-wj4uq8bb3l Год назад
💯 true. 😢
@kashacotour9178 Год назад
I really love your videos ❤
@ExposingtheNarcissist Год назад
Thank you
@13271969 6 месяцев назад
this is spot on
@woodspirit98 9 месяцев назад
Holy cow its like you know everything about my ex wife.
@insidemymindinc Год назад
Dang this is unfortunate…..this is what I experienced 😞
@tammyfitzgerald5336 Год назад
Absolutely disgusting 🤮
@debl6723 Год назад
@johndelaney2957 Год назад
Absolutely their mental cases, end of story.
@jodiryan7874 Год назад
Omg . Thankyou .
@maximerogeon3815 Год назад
All these are also signs that your companion is cheating, in my case they all started when she found someone else.
@Petunia-Greene Год назад
My husbands narc daughter ghosted us years ago. It’s the most peace I’ve ever had in my life. Good riddance.
@bettydoughtery3920 Год назад
Hit the nail on the head......
@samuelsurbrook1428 Год назад
Great video Clarice! Can you do a live video sometime please 🙏.
@briangateley4909 Год назад
Actions speak LOUDLY Always. They do the DEVIL WORK fer Lucifer.
@minivanwildernis8724 Год назад
THANKS LOVE 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤
@vamp8903 Год назад
Can someone explain to me when. I have left ..he comes and finds me ..and threatens me ?
@janeznovak9553 Год назад
in a way they man narcss are also sociopaths or in part also psychopaths , man specially, they claim you as their ownership..... so if nothing helps..... look for restraining order form the court or police ... if you dont have children with this person , then this would be the best way to have some peace
@kanishkvv Год назад
How to not do certain things that are mentioned here? Please help😢
@janeznovak9553 Год назад
cognitive therapy .... psychotherapy ..... counselling... to address core issues from childhood and evil in any way or form done to you by your parents towards you ... like rejection, humiliation, devaluing, and many many more things done by parents towards you as a child .... that is my only advice .
@robertdoyle3085 Год назад
Food for thought.... Leave the word Narcissist out of all of these videos. These are characteristics of abuse period, i do not believe somebody has to be a narcissist to have this typw of behavior. Trauma is very complex and hard to treat. Also, identifiying these things in my partner makes me feel like i may be gaslighting to bring out these behaviors, truly because of resentment.
@HeitorSpecian Год назад
3:36 4:31 6:41 7:18
@samantha392 Год назад
Talk about you in the 3rd person in front of you.
@Countryrebelempress Год назад
@garnetjaglal3308 Год назад
@CynthiaSchoenbauer Год назад
But I had to start saying "no" to my father with all his intimate needs for love and adoration. What can I say... he did not even value my ENOMOUS brain! I would come home with a lot of "A's". How can I keep admiring THAT. I don't admire someone who does not value eduction for women, especially woman seeking to change things and help bring ENLIGHTENMENT. And yet I had to admire male energy that did nothing for me so I could survive without being physically thrown out on my ar**e.
@skulpzilla2051 Год назад
@queenanna1077 Год назад
First ❤
5 Different Ways Narcissists Treat Their Exes
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When You Leave a Narcissist, This Is What They'll Do
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