
7 Things Sniper Elite 4 Did Better Than Sniper Elite 5 

T Wilson
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11 июл 2024




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@Mafia_x_Phantom Год назад
I didn’t like the fact they removed the ability to sprint while crouched like you could in sniper elite 4
@willieearles3151 Год назад
Holy shit, they did? I haven’t played Sniper Elite 5 yet and I’m no longer sure that I’m going to. That’s just stupid. Hooray, I can no longer move stealthily and quickly, what a great change.
@TickeyWickey4u 23 дня назад
But they made karl crwal faster
@skirowx8709 2 часа назад
This is definitely a game changer for me as I CONSTANTLY USE THAT FEATURE. So damn I really ain’t gonna buy sniper elite 5 😭😂
@shitpostmalone5341 Год назад
I just started playing the Sniper Elite games.. I started with 5 and I was really enjoying it so I downloaded 4 and was blown away by how much better it is. Better level design, better kill cams, outfits, AI fighting, etc. I should have beat 5 first because I have no desire to go back to it now lol
@marth6270 Год назад
play hitman 3, your nuts will be blown off
@shitpostmalone5341 Год назад
@@marth6270 I own it. Love the Hitman games
@tonystrike6467 9 месяцев назад
I agree. I found that some locations were empty with regards to enemies allowing you to just walk in and walk out.
@stephen6992 7 дней назад
@@marth6270 or better hitman blood money
@robjsmiles Год назад
Killcams! You could clearly see bone shatter and organs collapse in sniper elite 4, like something out of a mortal kombat fatality. It was way more satisfying in my opinion
@danmcdonald2994 Год назад
I too find the inability to go anywhere I want very distracting. We have to go too far to get around things, killing a great sniper approach. I like to plot and scheme. I never opt for run and shoot. Love the analysis in your videos. I always look forward to them.
@TheArrestables-_- Год назад
The theme music in SE4 is probably the best of any game in my opinion
@TheillKid Год назад
Still think the very first one has the best, most sinister vibe to it
@blueteam4007 Год назад
Been waiting for a vid like this. Sniper 4 is way more replay able than 5
@darrenoconnell2891 Год назад
Totally agree.
@Camodeep7583 Год назад
Exactly , my experience is , that exactly
@Vscojen 10 месяцев назад
@gamervet4760 Год назад
4 is my first and my favorite new obsession. 😁 Being a Metal Gear fan there haven't been many games that touch on the formula. 4 does in the best of ways and adds nice little bonuses to keep me playing. I was looking into 5 and it looks nice but I already love 4. 😝 Thanks for the vid. 👍
@jimbarricks5487 Год назад
Good insight. I've been trying to like SE5 since it came out. Just re-downloaded SE4 and played the Library mission and it is SOOOOO much more fun and much better for sniping than SE5.
@duglife2230 Год назад
My main issue with Sniper Elite 5 is the AI. One minute they are as dumb as a bag of rocks (which no longer exist in the Sniper Elite universe, apparently) and it almost feels like you are playing a game where you massacre a bunch of poor defenseless soldiers with mental deficiencies. It's honestly quite saddening at times. The next minute they show respectable levels of prowess and will give you a masterclass on how to chase down and corner an enemy, leaving you with little to no escape routes - only for them to usually cock it up again by going back to dumb mode. They are especially braindead inside buildings, and even more so on staircases. You do not know how many times I have had German soldiers run right by me on a staircase. In SE4 they would slowly navigate the stairs with their weapons up, but in SE5 they seem to charge up them and ignore you entirely until they reach the top. Their reaction times are the same story. Most of the time they will do these stupid little animations when you appear in front of them that give you ample time to shoot them. Occasionally they will behave like SE4's AI and start firing as soon as spotting you, but it's rarer than I'd want it to be. I cannot help but think that maybe these hot and cold swings from the AI is an issue with the coding in the new enemy behavior system (with the panicked mode and all that), that would hopefully be a quick fix if Rebellion actually cared to. I'd like to think they care, but most updates for SE5 that have come out since launch seem to be microtransactions. I hate to say it, but I think the beloved indie series we all used to love so much has taken its step into the "mainstream," and has taken a huge hit in quality on account of it. I really, really want to love Sniper Elite 5: France. The series is one of my favorites in existence, a lot of the new features are pretty cool, the enemy soldiers look cooler than ever especially equipment-wise, and also simply because the game was given to me as a Christmas gift. But my God, the game has been out since May. I am afraid if Rebellion had wanted to at least fix the AI inconsistency problems they would have by now. I want to think that Rebellion cares, but I am just not too sure. It is hard to not feel a little bit sold out or betrayed with the handling of this game, and that hurts more than anything else, really.
@duglife2230 Год назад
With all this being said, I 100% could ignore most of the other "downgrades" if this one was not present. If your shooting game does not have good AI, you know, the main thing you are going to be shooting at, then the rest of it is pointless.
@alexross8739 Год назад
Awesome video! I agree alot with these points also with the minefields part mission 3 does have one
@StellarCosmic1 3 месяца назад
Great video, man! And awesome GoldenEye background music 🎶
@nimbledick9869 Год назад
Ah finally, T Wilson's actual thoughts on Sniper Elite 5.. everything I thought playing, except i'd add the ridiculous weapon mods and blackwashing of the French resistance.
@pixelygon2122 Год назад
I am playing SE5 right now and I am missing the crouch run feature they had in 4. I think I prefer the movement mechanincs in 4 better.
@davidingham2216 Год назад
Excellent summary - I may even return to SE4. And you forgot to mention how moronically remorseless the A1 is with snipers monotonously firing even when you are out of sight or the guards incessantly rushing the spot where you were last seen. In short SE5 has killed the franchise for me - considering I have over 3200 hours in SE4 this is sad indeed (perhaps not as sad as spending so much time gaming...)
@graemehannam3950 Год назад
Sniper elite 5 is a decent game, but sadly lacking a lot of good sniping points where you can get a lot of long shots, also sadly lacking is the s mines and trip mines, sniper elite 4 however you can get a lot of stealth kills, not only that but the radio man who can call in reinforcements, the spotter who has the knack of being able to launch a flare at you wherever you are, love the sniper elite series though, I even have the sniper elite on the ps2 platform, now that is a lot harder, apart from if you’re on authentic settings, being stealthy on sniper elite 5 is harder than sniper elite 3 and 4
@mysteryman4915 Год назад
I do wish se5 had a big overwatch or sniper assist level. You and a squad have your immediate threat but mainly hve to provide cover and flank for a larger invading force.
@collinknowles5334 Год назад
I think they both do somethings better than the other. Ive been playing se4 for years and im really enjoying se5
@gunstru Год назад
Honestly I find se5 more fun and replayable than I do se4 but both are good. To me the more customization of se5 alongside some new mechanics like the audible range and non lethal makes for interesting ways to play. But I’m hoping the expand upon these things more with more dlc or updates
@Core2TOM Год назад
spy academy has a minefield 😉 but imo the problem with minefields in se5 is not the lack of it, the problem is the mines are hidden in the ground, marked with a ridiculous flag, mines have a way too big trigger radius and (if i remember correctly) you can't disarm the mines on authentic
@tacticaltinkerbell Год назад
this is the earliest I've been to a TWilson upload
@JoshuaParks Год назад
These are all great insights. The point that is made here in the comments about mining your 6 - was helpful in 4 but useless in 5 - is an interesting one. I understand that Rebelion wanted to make a complete stealth run harder in 5, but it’s just WAY too hard to stay completely stealthy, and you’re left with your sub machine gun. You left out Karl’s supposed ‘character development’ in SE5. I don’t get it, what exactly do we learn?
@adamfrazer5150 Год назад
Sidebar : many thanks for the musical selection, very shaken-not-stirred of you 👍🍻🇨🇦
@Vscojen Год назад
The fact that they removed the 4 from the Game pass is sad. I had almost all achivments and i had almost all the guns Gold...
@dukelombardi4565 2 дня назад
Just played 5 due to the steam sale. Sniper Elite 4 is the peak of the series so far.
@zachariahgoh856 9 месяцев назад
Its 6 yrs old now and still fun.
@zombiearmyfan9316 Год назад
Level 3 of the base game has minefields. The little beach area on the right as you start the level. It's up against the walls of the village
@bbroegger 11 месяцев назад
agree with you on like 98% of this, just finished SE5 campain today, and i just sat there with a half hearted experience. it was nice playing sniper elite, but through the entire playthrough i sat there thinking "my god they havent improved anything,, in fact its worse than se4... i miss se4.." i also thought the number of enemies was quite low in some missions. compared to se4 where you could really get swarmed if you werent careful. wich im going to install tomorrow and go through again. THe only things i kinda liked was the play enemy sniper feature, wich was kinda cool. and the fact that you could COOP campaign. me and my friend spent countless hours on the coop missions in se4, some of the best fun i ever had, so that part i like. im deeply unimpressed with the game and glad i waited for it to be on sale :p
@Zytrazz Год назад
How is it that in you video it seems it is bright and not dark enough? Did you change the graphic settings or just changed the contrast? I like it that way though. I can see clearly. How did you do that settings?
In SN5 i hate the fact you cant just lay there like a sniper would? you have to move or your position is given away. It really spoils the sniper aspect.
@Libertas_P77 25 дней назад
Actually fire and move is exactly how snipers behave and have to in real life. Once you’ve given your position away via taking your shots, you need to move. You should watch the real life sniper review of Sniper Elite video, it’s interesting getting their perspective.
@Sterge08 Год назад
Sucks that rebellion tried to appeal to the more aggressive players with 5. The maps are also so much less open than in 4 sometimes. The graphics in 5 are definitely much better, especially the water
@itacticlesnowman726 3 месяца назад
7:30 Now I haven’t played SE5 but I have watched a good chunk of invasion content. And in them when a decoy is used it usually gives away the invaders location even if they don’t hit it. So while yes if you have invaders turned off it probably is useless, it is good with them turned on
@hrv-strijelac Год назад
Very great video, send you my best Wishes and wish you a beautiful day!!🌺🥰
@whitecrowg1 Год назад
Both great games wish people would support sniper elite more then cod and battlefield.
@thomasb7237 Год назад
do enemies spawn indefinitely in SE5? I was sure that I destroyed the alarm (maybe I missed some) but enemies kept spawning non-stop.
@Albatr0ss222 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for this, you are spot on. I really have tried to like 5, what were they thinking!?
@DT-yt2zh Год назад
I agree on a few points: 1.) being able to go anywhere and not finding parts of the mapped it looks like you should be able to go through but cannot. SE5 with those limitations isn't as fun. 2.) The map dynamics. SE4 just had better maps overall. A) I disagree on the quantity of enemy units. I want MORE units so it's more realistic in quantity (A Company protecting a highly prized location would have close to 200 men), and I almost NEVER pull out the machine gun and I play on everything on most difficult setting, except authentic. There should be a separate difficulty setting to increase/decrease the enemy units. B.) Maybe it's just me, but I found SE4's kill cam to be more brutal. I liked seeing everything blow apart, and SE5 with the muscle overlay is just less gruesome. Maybe you could argue it's more realistic, but I just enjoyed the ultra-satisfying nature of bones flying everywhere.
@connortollit6120 Год назад
Personally I think se5s level design is decent enough bar the first level, the problem I have is it’s enemy layout and amount of them. I never feel like I have to put a mine down to cover my back in most missions and in some missions like the second one it’s near impossible to take out a small group of enemies without alerting the whole château. I will say group detection is a lot better in se5 most the time you can take out an enemy who’s aware of you quickly and the enemies around won’t telepathically know their friend has just been shot at. Or a gunfight on one side of the map won’t alert every enemy even across the level. The enemy snipers AI is a bit weird, I shot an enemy once and the sniper saw the guy I killed fall over and shot about 30 bullets rapidly in that direction without ever reloading, when I got to him I grabbed his weapon and he had a bolt action rifle and nobody around him seemed to be phased by the fact he was shooting.
@yorkshirepud6676 Год назад
I said from the start it's Call of Duty Elite 5, all the good things missing from 4 = Trip Mines, Spring Mines in the main game, The Right size map's for a good game with a friend before bed time (not a load it, load it, load it again map) Trying to heal yearself over a dead body will have you placing a mine on the body, Massive map that get very boring, Very Quick, In battle trying to use the option wheel can get you killed and who ever you are with by having you drop a nad by mistake, The whole feel of 5 is wrong... and it's made us stop playing all the game's like going for a meal being sick after you just don't want to eat anything there again... did I Curse us all by getting the game day one and not waiting a year .... I feel punished for this with a bad game daft maps and benches I can no longer be bothered to find, well done Rebellion you sucked the very life out of a game I love, I could go on and on .... am so sad about the whole experience...Dame!
@Mrsir-yk9qy Год назад
I luckily didn't buy it on day one because the lessons I've learn from the past of triple a game's that were disappointing and felt like the same game but it has missing good features and less efforts from the 1st one not gonna lie I was tempting to buy it because people were saying it's a really good game even though it just came out..so the game's I learned were dying light 2 and call of duty game's
@raulguedes7247 2 месяца назад
AGREED. I´m forcing myself to finish Sniper Elite 5, while i could not stop playing Sniper elite 4. SE5 missions are extremely boring for the way they re design, you have one objective in the center of the map instead of several objectives all arount it.
@Guitarsamuraislayer Год назад
Now hear me out I like sniper elite 4 more than 5 because alot of 5's missions are imo very forgetable + the final mission in 5 is very bad and once again forgetable alagra fortress on the other hand was badass AF, the last missions in sniper elite are the most important to me they are always the hardest wich make them the most fun
@ninjaarcades7356 Год назад
Thought shoe mine was more of Vietnam thing 😆 I agree with everything your saying only started playing it other day and it's off from the series
@mace-1911 Год назад
Unfortunately I have been going back to elite 3 and 4, I just love the marina survival map. Also is it just me ore does elite 5 feel a bit clunky in the controls like their is a delay in button input
@douglasfaichnie6931 Год назад
For me, SE5 lacks the smoothness of 4. I could get into a rhythm with 4. But 5 feels….the controls lack a quality that exists in 4.
@hapjoy16 7 месяцев назад
I've played off and on over the years, lately I have been playing with the Winchester 1895 man oh man have I been getting my ONE SHOOT KILL🎯 on! I was playing with the Mosin-Nagant and decided to give the ole' Winchester a stab🤷🏾‍♂️ I'm really enjoying it!
@Camodeep7583 Год назад
Yeah sniper elite 5 only had me curious because of the pistol x-ray kills and whatnot but as I played it I remember playing four & with five I was like wow man I feel like four is better way better ,
@MasterOfDarkness42069 2 месяца назад
Does anyone else feel like the sound of the guns is better in SE4? Specifically the enemy gunfire sounds subdued compared to 4.
@SnugCheetah36 Год назад
I think you hit the nail on the head with your point about map deisgn. It shoul be fun first, second, and third. Only THEN should you try to make it realistic. Im only a few minutes in, so I don't know if you touched at this: The color pallete of SE5 is MUCH worse than it was in 4. 4 was vibrant, colorful, and there was always something...at least interesting to look at.SE5 is so, oppressivley grey it makes me want to turn the game off. I'd bet large amounts of money thats one of the reasons that Spy Academy is the best level in 5. It actually has COLOR.
@ronb7931 Год назад
Best comment so far! You nailed it!
@English_Speaking_Fox Год назад
It’s been quite the journey, SE5. Avid fan of the series, god alone knows how many hours… I could write reams about the issues but the bottom line is that SE5 Axis Invasion was fantastic until the game became available on GamePass. At first, SE5 was a buggy mess but it got resolved bit by bit with the patches. For several months from Q3 2022 to roughly Feb 2023 it was fantastic playing Axis Invasions 1v1 bit now its just flat out boring with all the noobs playing it like Fortnite. Offline campaign? SE5 is terrible, stupid headless chicken AI and awful replayability. Authentic difficulty is silly easy. So to test the SE5 vs SE4 debate I started a fresh profile on SE4 and was blown away by how much smarter the AI is, and how much better the maps are. End of the day, Axis Invasion brought a whole new level of interest to the series, but at the expense of single player campaign - SE5 is very poor compared to SE4. The hidden jewel in SE5 is Survival! It’s really hard and well worth playing.
@jessiegunther1079 Год назад
just saw this and your otheer did things better vioid, did I get this right? You actually can shoot the driver and gunner in sniper elite 5? The hatches always look closed to me, as if that is no longer possible. I really loved the vehicle kill cames, as such, I really hate how that's removed in sniper elite 5
@Dave062YT 4 месяца назад
When you're making a 5th installment of a series it has to be the same but different ,never easy but for me they pulled it off .I played 3 and never got into it but bought 5 and love it .then 4 and they're both great .Invasion is literally a game changer which gives it the edge for me but really enjoying 4 too
@WinchesterRoleplay-xv8oy 2 месяца назад
@T Wilson Spy Academy has a minefield by the town hall starting point
@edwardlees2992 4 месяца назад
In agreement with you. I have clocked well over 4000 hours on sniper elite 4. I have enjoyed 5 but 4 is and always will be my favourite. I’m hoping 6 will be more like 4 when it eventually gets released.
@matthewgraeff9684 Год назад
Why can't you shoot around a corner or above an wall in SE5? It's so frustrating forcing you to stand or move from a good position because Karl can't adjust. Also, when you're down and conveniently behind a door or table and can't see the enemy to shoot them. I like 5, but 4 definitely has better gameplay in certain aspects.
@maestrovon_r5108 Год назад
I must also say that Sniper Elite 4 had a far better villain. Abelard Möller was rather pathetic, with all of his answers being "The sniper has penetrated my defenses, killed all of my men and disrupted my plan? Put more guards where he hasn't been!" In Sniper Elite 4, we never knew Böhm's plan, hiding behind a façade, didn't have pathetic responses to Karl's escapades and even captured and killed the leader of the partisans, with a brilliant cold blooded kill in the final stage. He even had a monologue. Brilliant villain.
@siegfried_artificer 3 месяца назад
What is absurd about the wooden mines in SE5 is that they actually existed, sure, but they weren't mercyful, as they are portrayed in the game. They didn't just knock out the soldiers, they would actually blow off his leg. 7:32 Similar absurdity is the wooden non-lethal bullets. Honestly I would prefer if they implemented some kind bullets with low dose of neurotoxin, or other sh*t, similar to what veterinarians use. It would be far more logical from ballistic point of view. You can't just shoot someone to the head with wooden bullet and knock him down. First of all you would miss the enemy, as such bullets wouldn't have any decent accuracy at all, not even considering long range accuracy. Second of all getting hit with a small projectile in the head hard enough to know someone out, would probably also kill or wound you horribly in most instances. Paralysing or anestetic agent seems far more reasonable, as any hit of the needle-headed bullet to the torso or neck could send the soldier to sleep relatively safely and for even many hours. Of course I would suggest that such bulkets should not be used in main rifle, moreover they should be utilised with a special, dedicated gun, but I get it, that would probably affect the gameplay too much
@ifacecamp717 2 месяца назад
1. I really dont agree with the level design argument. I think the SE5 maps feel way more immersive and fun to navigate as I think SE4 maps are just too open. I also like how they are sectioned off because you can mess up in one area and set off an alarm or get in a huge gunfight without it ruining the whole mission as enemies in a separate location will stay white. I like how there are pathways that you have to take although I do wish some maps had 1 or 2 more little paths to navigate to give you more options or circumnavigate areas you don't like from previous playthroughs 2. I dont think handling armored vehicles was done too well in either game. I just think its too easy in both installments. If we look back at old school games like Soldier of Fortune and Doom, you felt terror when certain enemies showed up. In Soldier of Fortune, it was the machine gun tanks because they decimated you and were hard to take out. In Doom it was the Missile demons. I think this should be the approach with tanks in Sniper Elite. In my opinion Teller mines should destroy the tracks so that they are immobilized. I do really like the ability from SE4 to shoot through the view ports but I think once you take out either the gunner or the driver the other enemies in the vehicle should close the view ports, keeping you from killing the rest of them. I think that satchel charges should act as they do in SE5 by opening up the armor panel on the back of the tank but i dont think that you should be able to open it by shooting the red things and I also dont think a shot to the back after exposing it with a satchel should blow the tank. I think after using a satchel to open the back, you need to stick a nade or tnt to the exposed section. Other than this, you should only be able to destroy a tank with Panzerfausts, like 5 tnt, or airstrikes. Or sending a grenade accurately through the top hatch when the gunner is exposed. And I think a tank shot should kill you unless you are behind cover in which it should take all but a speck of health. 3. I do agree about the different types of mines. The non-lethal shit shouldnt have even made an appearance in this game, it is so stupid. However, I do think it helps when developers switch up the gear sets through each game to give some variety and new tactics with each installment. That is something we've seen with many other series and its always fun when fan favorite tools make an appearance again. Also, why would Kyle be walking around with big bottles? The rocks make way more sense and if a soldier heard a bottle break Im pretty sure theyd sound the alarm where as a rock is more subtle 4. Once again, I completely disagree with your take on the environments. French fields are prime time WW2 from the invasion of Normandy and onward. They are beautiful and diverse, from beach locations, to open fields, to rainy forests, to colorful flower filled hills.
@ifacecamp717 2 месяца назад
Just saw the outro. SE5 has better graphics idek how you could argue that SE4 does. And SE5 did have minefields that I guess you missed such as on the beach on mission 3, Spy Academy. SE5 ghillie suit is better, Enemy design in SE5 is more detailed and accurate such as uniforms and tools they carry. SE5 ghillie wrap is way better than a gold weapon skin
@DrRedrum 5 месяцев назад
I completely disagree with some of the points. I love how vehicles are more resilient, they pose an actual threat now. on higher difficulties they need planning, gathering resources to take them down, or avoiding them altogether. thank god stones were replaced with bottles, they were cheap remote control gadget. Reinforcements are awesome, they hold me accountable for breaking stealth. In SE4 being sloppy meant you have to deal with some enemies more directly and then move on. In SE5 allowing enemies to call reinforcements means you're better off reloading checkpoint. But here comes my biggest problem with the game - no permadeath mode! Authentic difficulty is not as exciting anymore.
@JosefRosam Год назад
There is a mine field in Spy Academy on the right side of the beach
@MrMcFish219 Месяц назад
It really is a shame. I was really looking forward to being able to fight in France. Despite enjoying 5 in it's own way, it just can't compare to how much I really enjoyed 4. 5 just felt way too arcadey and non-tactical, which to me defeats the purpose of being a sniper-commando in the first place. Sniper Elite 5 isn't a *bad* game, but it just isn't as good as 4.
@MrVitoriusBig Год назад
The only good thing se5 has is invasion mode
@jow2267 Год назад
I hope they bring s mine back to the game but i want also throwing knives it will be a good for the game. Over all se5 is good and love the series
@gypsygypsy7185 Год назад
They need open world game with weather and jumping and climbing
@the_yeegineer 7 месяцев назад
I’m 16 years old and I prefer playing tactically
@dukelombardi4565 2 дня назад
Yep Sniper Elite 5 had massive levels, but too much foliage in the way to have far sniping, and instead funneled you into hallway shooting.
@mtanve2319 11 месяцев назад
Just started SE5 and god its sucks so much compared to SE4. The grpahcis are terirble, there are two back to back missions where i have to get into a fortified castle/chateau. SE4 had a gaminess to it that made it charming and fun. SE5 is trying to take itself wayyy too seriously and ruins it.
@Nijo-nf4et 8 месяцев назад
Se5 had better non dlc weapon variety imo though. Everything else is spot on sir
bring back the trip mine and on survival give us a map with a more sniper feel rather than a call of duty mindless map
@the_yeegineer 7 месяцев назад
I started with 4 and then played 2 through 5 . Even the zombie army games
@SStealthbomb 7 месяцев назад
Yeah I loved duty rosters shame they removed them I also agree that the kill h..ler mission was so much better in se4
@squeaiker 7 месяцев назад
Now for the video 7 things Sniper Elite 5 Did Better Than Sniper Elite 4. 1... 2. Glitched out A.H. mission. (twice he has glitched into an other dimension for me making the mission un-finish-able). 3. Invisible walls... So.Many.Invisible.Walls. We love those, don't we? 4? Yes. That was the better game. 5...Anyone? Nah worse game. ...6.? 7 * crickets chirping*
@hcutter9802 5 месяцев назад
5 is just terrible, and it makes me cry. All they needed to do was fix some of 4's bugs, maybe add a few things, LEAVE THE CONTROLS ALONE, and gives us a new Campaign. It would have sold at full price instantly in the first week and created more DLC sales ongoing.
@sangriastudios Год назад
Yea I agree. I also find the survival maps in se5 really boring. All of them. 4 was much better. The weapon mods and work benches I find tideous and overkill. Just annoying.
@PROPHYZ 6 месяцев назад
4 is the best in the series, period - by a fkn huge margin.
@SGBusby 5 дней назад
I've played SE2 - 5 and while I believe SE5 is a decent sequal and not a terrible game, 4 is the best in the series in my opinion.
@theghostsniper4953 Год назад
You have not heard of Centerstrain01, he has done SE5 without killing many people
@4RR0W- Год назад
@adamfrazer5150 Год назад
Avoided this series due to a belief that it was a low-budget Cabella clone.......so glad I was wrong. SE5 was my first, so naturally I'm installing SE4 today 🎉 🍻🇨🇦
@Guitarsamuraislayer Год назад
What are your thoughts on SE4?
@jackburton3212 Месяц назад
I tried playing 5 but i just couldn't get into it. It had a different feeling and not in a good way. I didn't care for the work benches to customize weapons. Seems like they borrowed that from Fortnite (probably to appeal to their democratic). The mines are a huge disappointment for me as i love luring enemies to their boom... i mean doom 😂 which leads me to my next point. No stones is a deal breaker. Stones are on integral part of my gaming style in this game. Considering that most missions are outdoors seems dumb yo remove this mechanic since irl one could just grab a stole from the floor and use it. An the xray shots feel more restrictive. Sorta like when you see an xray kill from someone inside a vehicle, the view is limited bs the almost half/full body ones in SE4.
@volpe7436 Год назад
Thing i miss the most Being able to run while crouched you can't do that se5
@kitcarson7572 Год назад
Sniper Elite 4 is ten times the better game. I played 5 one time, uninstalled it and have no desire for further game play. They dropped the ball with 5. Not as fun, not a sniper game and it is more a forced mix up, the bottom line 5 was a huge disappointment. Cheers Kit
@blueteam4007 Год назад
Well it’s not that bad that you shouldn’t play it … wow
@connortollit6120 Год назад
I think you should give the first dlc a try, the level design feels a lot more like se4. Obviously if you’re not a fan of the Overall gameplay it’s probably not worth checking out but I did enjoy it more than some of the base game levels.
@itzJuztThomas Год назад
@@blueteam4007 no, it really is that bad. I bought the season pass and have no interest in what's in it any more.
@AbricotUltime 5 месяцев назад
I totally disagree with the vid and almost everyone in the comments lmao Sniper Elite 5 is so great and has some really good replay value with the Axis Invasion or the Survival game mod. I had so much fun grinding for the 100% on steam for SE5. And I played every SE games. My favorite one might be the 2 tho, the 1 has such an iconic music also. Well, SE4 is really really good but I found myself more involved in the story of the 5 than the one in 4.
@itacticlesnowman726 3 месяца назад
That’s the thing. Invasions carry SE5.
@jankerson1 Год назад
I agree with the overall opinions. SE5 does lean heavy towards the no talent, no effort, braindead BS run and gun game play style. The AI is a swarm type of AI and they will and do swarm you and fast once they know were you are. In Survival it is even worse, they just keep coming and a lot of them. And it seems like every other bad guy has a Panzerfaust in Survival and there are a lot more bad guys with FG-42's also. And the Tanks and cars AI is unrealistic to say the least. Pop your head up anywhere on the map and they see you right away and start firing at you anywhere on the map. And you can't disable the main gunner on the 222's nor the tanks, it's blow them up ending the wave or nothing.
@user-tk6mp9nq5t 2 месяца назад
SE 4 has better features and more firefights than SE 5 however SE has better maps there are shorter and less confusing than SE4 maps however tho I wish SE5 had the trip mine
@ronb7931 Год назад
The loss of the s-mine and trip mine in SE 5 was Huge to me! That aside I do love SE 5 but I agree that 4 is a better all around game…
@jmaynez2332 4 месяца назад
Im one of the few that really likes both. 4 is a little better in my opinion, though
@Particle_Ghost Год назад
Pre-ordered Sniper Elite 5, played it through one time and sold it. Sniper Elite 4 I still play on Series X. Sniper Elite 4 I would give a 10 out of 10, Sniper Elite 5 I would give a 7 out of 10. Sniper Elite 4 did seem to have more polish, the maps were funner, and not big for the sake of being big. The enemy AI seems sharper, it also has an Authentic Plus difficulty, so it's more challenging. The sniping also seemed better, there was far more wind, and skill is involved to land distant shots. Let's not forget the training grounds in Sniper Elite 4, while it may not be revolutionary, it's fun to practice your shots. The challenge maps are also better, and I can't picture the DLC maps in 5 ever being better than the 4 DLC maps we got in 4.
@lynxxj 10 месяцев назад
Ah yes, Sniper Elite 4 was very beginner-friendly than 5. But honestly, Playing Authentic in SE5 was much more easier than SE4 does.
@the_yeegineer 7 месяцев назад
Not run and gunning. I only do that in zombie army
@tonystrike6467 9 месяцев назад
4 was far better than 5 in regards emenies. 5 seemed empty in some locations which made it i bit too easy.
@jborrelli34 Год назад
Only thing I disagree with at all is the overpopulated statement, it makes stealth a challenge, being caught is not inevitable. Just need to practice at it. I’m not saying you arent a good the way ha ha but I prefer the much more challenging stealth, stealth, is too easy and too many games.
@the_yeegineer 7 месяцев назад
And I’m British
@Iris421989 Год назад
Yea, you nailed it. SE5 is straight up bad
@gamervet4760 Год назад
Anyone else think Sofia rocks? 😁
@RelativeBadger Год назад
Do the shatshul sharges have good eshploshuns?
@franzcick521 Год назад
Palese anyone comes in my lobby overwatch in sniper elite 4
@ClydeJacobs-bh3nx Месяц назад
SNIPER ELITE ITALIA, fantastic story &: characters want more SNIPER ELITE AFRIKA "WOW" SNIPER ELITE FRANCE, no thanks
@SuperDiablo101 Год назад
Is it JUST me or does whenever a new sniper elite get released it's always the previous game that looks better most recent?
@FlanMesh 10 месяцев назад
Why bother playing on anything about cadet difficulty if you're going to use empty lung for every single shot to tell you exactly where the bullet is going and removing all skill from the game? Might as well just use play cadet and shoot on the crosshairs, actually painful to watch.... 26 meters and you need empty lung?
@milsimmaniac711 11 месяцев назад
sniper elite 4 did everything better
@pognarchy Год назад
Yea I really didn’t know what it was, something felt really off about 5’s map design compared to 4 and I couldn’t even finish it for some reason. Couldn’t put my finger on it
@davidingham2216 Год назад
It's because it is bad
@joshthemigpro1733 Год назад
How is graphics better on se4 its night and day different on se5 !maybe on last venture but series x se5 is better graphically
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