
7dishes from COSTCO bulk ingredients | 14 must haves | Japanese Living alone VLOG 

Nami's life
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I went to Costco for the first time in a long time.
I bought meat for the first time and made 7 different meat and fish main dishes.
I sent them to my sister's family who has a leg injury and has difficulty standing in the kitchen.🎁
Costco's large fresh food portions come in handy when I want to make a big batch.😊
00:00 Checking stock
00:11 wheat flour
00:52 Rooibos tea
01:09 Oven paper
01:28 Press seal
01:55 Bite of Mozzarella Cheese
02:08 Frozen Macaroons
03:42 Dishwashing Detergent
04:09 Laundry detergent
04:28 Tissues
04:46 Yellowtail fillets
05:21 Sakura chicken breast
07:01 Pork loin
15:37 Additive-free bacon
16:52 Coffee beans
18:12 Organizing storage
23:13 Louvre Exhibition
About kitchen items 🍲
• 【キッチンツアー】食器コレクションと収納方法...
Day 1
Pants: coen
Gilet: Natural Beauty Basic
Outerwear: NOBLE
Loungewear: SHEIN
Apron: marimekko
2nd day
Striped knit: mila owen
Skirt: babylone
/ naminokurashi
Previous Costco shopping
• 【コストコルーティン】購入品のストック収納と...
Previous Costco Shopping
• コストコ購入品で楽しむ1人暮らしの週末|ロテ...
I'm Nami, living alone in Tokyo.
The Japanese pronunciation "Nami" has several meanings.
One Nami is a girl's name, and the other Nami means ordinary.
Naminokurashi(Nami's life) is a combination of these two meanings.
Kurashi means daily life.
I don't have any special skills. My life is ordinary days.
I hope you enjoy my ordinary days!
Please turn on Subtitle in the Settings.
I used an automatic translator, so I apologize if there are any mistakes.



7 июл 2024




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@naminokurashi Год назад
コメント欄までご覧くださりありがとうございます💗 動画内左上の価格は購入時のまま記載しております。 ご参考程度に見ていただけたら幸いです。 それでは、ごゆっくりと温かい週末になりますように🌙😊 Thank you for visiting the comment section. The price on the upper left in the video is stated as it was at the time of purchase. I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it for your reference. I hope you have a relaxing and warm weekend 🌙😊 Grazie per aver visitato la sezione commenti. Il prezzo in alto a sinistra nel video è quello indicato al momento dell'acquisto. Le sarei grato se potesse darci un'occhiata per avere un riferimento. Vi auguro un rilassante e caldo fine settimana 🌙😊 Terima kasih telah mengunjungi bagian komentar. Harga di kiri atas dalam video dinyatakan pada saat pembelian. Saya akan sangat menghargai jika Anda dapat melihatnya sebagai referensi. Saya harap Anda memiliki akhir pekan yang santai dan hangat 🌙😊 Дякуємо, що відвідали розділ коментарів. Ціна у верхньому лівому кутку відео вказана така, якою вона була на момент покупки. Буду вдячна, якщо ви подивитеся на неї для довідки. Сподіваюся, у вас будуть розслаблюючі і теплі вихідні 🌙😊. Bedankt voor uw bezoek aan de commentaarsectie. De prijs linksboven in de video is vermeld zoals het was op het moment van aankoop. Ik zou het op prijs stellen als u er even naar kijkt ter referentie. Ik hoop dat je een ontspannen en warm weekend hebt 🌙😊 Σας ευχαριστούμε που επισκεφθήκατε την ενότητα σχολίων. Η τιμή πάνω αριστερά στο βίντεο αναφέρεται όπως ήταν κατά τη στιγμή της αγοράς. Θα το εκτιμούσα αν μπορούσατε να ρίξετε μια ματιά σε αυτήν για την αναφορά σας. Ελπίζω να έχετε ένα χαλαρωτικό και ζεστό Σαββατοκύριακο 🌙😊 Tack för att du besöker kommentarsfältet. Priset uppe till vänster i videon är det pris som gällde vid tidpunkten för köpet. Jag skulle uppskatta om du kunde ta en titt på det för din referens. Jag hoppas att ni har en avkopplande och varm helg 🌙😊. Tak for dit besøg i kommentarfeltet. Prisen øverst til venstre i videoen er angivet som den var på købstidspunktet. Jeg ville sætte pris på, hvis du kunne tage et kig på det til reference. Jeg håber du får en afslappende og varm weekend 🌙😊. Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch im Kommentarbereich. Der Preis oben links im Video ist so angegeben, wie er zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs war. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du ihn dir als Referenz ansehen könntest. Ich wünsche Ihnen ein erholsames und warmes Wochenende 🌙😊 Takk for at du besøkte kommentarfeltet. Prisen øverst til venstre i videoen er oppgitt slik den var på kjøpstidspunktet. Jeg vil sette pris på det hvis du kan ta en titt på det som referanse. Jeg håper du har en avslappende og varm helg 🌙😊😊. Köszönjük, hogy meglátogatta a hozzászólási szekciót. A videóban a bal felső sarokban szereplő ár a vásárláskori árnak megfelelően van feltüntetve. Nagyra értékelném, ha megnézné a referenciaként. Kellemes, pihentető és meleg hétvégét kívánok 🌙😊 Kiitos, että vierailit kommenttiosastolla. Videon vasemmassa yläkulmassa oleva hinta on ilmoitettu sellaisena kuin se oli ostohetkellä. Olisin kiitollinen, jos voisit vilkaista sitä viitteeksi. Toivottavasti sinulla on rentouttava ja lämmin viikonloppu 🌙😊 Merci d'avoir visité la section des commentaires. Le prix indiqué en haut à gauche dans la vidéo est celui qui était en vigueur au moment de l'achat. J'apprécierais que vous puissiez y jeter un coup d'œil pour vous y référer. Je vous souhaite un week-end relaxant et chaleureux 🌙😊😊. Dziękujemy za odwiedzenie sekcji komentarzy. Cena w lewym górnym rogu w filmiku jest podana w takiej formie, w jakiej była w momencie zakupu. Byłabym wdzięczna, gdybyś mogła zerknąć na nią w celach poglądowych. Życzę Wam relaksującego i ciepłego weekendu 🌙😊 Obrigado por visitar a seção de comentários. O preço na parte superior esquerda do vídeo é indicado como estava no momento da compra. Agradecia que você pudesse dar uma olhada nele para sua referência. Espero que tenha um fim de semana relaxante e quente 🌙😊 Спасибо, что посетили раздел комментариев. Цена слева вверху в видео указана такой, какой она была на момент покупки. Буду благодарна, если вы посмотрите на нее для ознакомления. Надеюсь, у вас будут спокойные и теплые выходные 🌙😊. 댓글 섹션을 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다. 영상 왼쪽 상단의 가격은 구매 당시의 가격입니다. 참고해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 편안하고 따뜻한 주말 보내시길 바랍니다 🌙😊 谢谢你访问评论区。 视频中左上方的价格是按照购买时的价格写的。 如果您能看一看,供您参考,我将不胜感激。 我希望你有一个轻松和温暖的周末 镸😊
@avvocatellawhiterose4784 Год назад
Grazie x la traduzione in italiano ❤
@frytka01 Год назад
Dziękujemy Nami-san! 🩷
@ata_-hh9vi Год назад
You are amazing ❤
@TakuyaKimura-tp9pr Год назад
@mayalimon7318 Год назад
Thank you nami. I can see you work hard editing your videos. I really like the long ones. Did you take Uber to Costco ? I do. Anyway thank you for sharing your very extraordinary ordinary life. ~ your friend from California 😊
@lb6056 Год назад
I’m amazed that I don’t see comments on her organization. It’s brilliant how she stores all that product in cabinets and manages to keep a minimalistic, clean look to her apartment - pure genius!!!
@parsivulldyelectric585 Год назад
Trust me, it’s been said before several times I know I’ve mentioned it many many times. I’ve been a viewer of her videos for three years.❤😂😂
@valentinaapuzan3316 Год назад
​@@parsivulldyelectric585 salut,dar esti barbat,la ce iti trebue
@lilianasaba9846 Год назад
@@valentinaapuzan3316 ha ha ha does it matter?
@lilianasaba9846 Год назад
You are free to mention if you have observed it.
@Evasroses6543 Год назад
I'm sure you'll find more comments about her organization on her organization videos. 😊
@Kanan-pp4un 3 месяца назад
こんなに大容量でも扱えてしまうなんてすごい。初めてあんなに鍋をふるナミさんの暮らしを見た!内容もザ日本で美味しい家庭料理!ドラマ作品の、沢山作りたい女性のようです。或いはスーパー作り置きハウスキーパーさん!一回サービス受けてみたい。 でも、料理ってやっぱりまとめて沢山作ったほうが効率はいいなーと思いました。普段のナミさんの暮らしの料理量も一人で1〜2 日で食べれていいですよね。自分だけでもこんなに贅沢にしていいんだ、豊かにしていいんだ、外食みたいなのも作れるんだ、レシピどこで調べてるんだろう?とか、ナミさんの暮らしの才能が素晴らしい。一人でのレシピすごく広がりました。 正直に感想を伝えてくれるところも素敵ですね。お互い信頼があるからこそ、料理とかも頼めるのですよね。
@midori3196 Год назад
@madlibpoet Год назад
Having space is a time and money saver when you can buy in bulk, but space is a luxury I guess we pay for in other ways. Love watching you grow into this new home and making it your own!! ❤
@user-yo4bx3ji6b Год назад
私にとってなみさんは、2次元の存在というか尊いイメージがあって、そしたらまさかの牛乳パックが出てきてなみさんは同じ人間なんだなと実感出来て面白かったです😂(語彙力なくてすみません) はぁ~😆!私もなみさんみたいになりてぇっす!!
@Emily-ck9ji Год назад
I wish I had your talent for organization, but your videos definitely inspire me to look for new ways to improve. I'm also always interested in seeing your recipes. I hope your sister recovers soon.
@elleofaname1058 Год назад
The gentleness and calm in whatever you do is wonderful, and preparing and sending the meals for your sister just shows the beautiful, loving heart you have. I am so proud to be a subscriber and fan of yours Nami. I hope your sister is recovering and I hope you have an amazing weekend. Lots of love xx
@sooz9433 Год назад
Thank you Nami.. you were so sweet to help your sister and her family.. even if you did make them eat those veggies!!😊 I feel more secure when I am stocked up on things like tissues and laundry detergent too. Your videos just get better all the time and thank you for the kitty guest appearance!☺️
@user-kx2pl6jv4u Год назад
なみさんの動画は私にとって心の癒しで顔が穏やかになります💕☺️💕 突っ張り棒をリボン収納にするアイデアは私も早速やってみます🎀 手間を惜しまず丁寧な暮らしを体現されていて楽しみながら過ごしているのを見ると本当に素敵だなと思います❣️お料理もとても上手で毎回美味しそうなのでお腹がグーグーなります(笑)😋 妹さんのお怪我が早く良くなりますように🙏🏻😌なみさんのお料理を食べられるなんて羨ましいなぁ〜👍🏻🥰❤
@totochan2551 Год назад
Namiさんの充実した日々をみてルーブル展に行ってみたくなりました。妹さんのお料理を作ってあげたり、本当にマメなんだなぁと思い 私もNamiさんの親戚だったら良かったのになぁーと思いました😀
@user-px6bm2zy4h Год назад
Какая Вы молодец: не считаясь со временем и средствами помогли сестре!
@wolfc8755 Год назад
It was fun watching you cook larger quantities of food for a family - well done! Don't worry about still not being completely organized in your new home, you were in your old home for years and never stopped finding ways to improve on storage there too ☺ I hope your sister is feeling much better very soon!
@fanetteentzminger2421 Год назад
So kind of you to prepare meals for your sister and her family. I'm sure she appreciated your thoughtfulness!🎉
@sakihokoru Год назад
No hay nada mejor que despertar un Sábado y ver que ya subió video 🖤🖤🖤
@jesseniaesquivel3226 Год назад
Comparto lo que has dicho
@tynaedwards8452 Год назад
I really like your ideas for organizing your crafts and stationary items. I keep and clean some plastic containers from different things to reuse for storage and organization in drawers and cabinets. You put so much love and care into making the food for your sister's family. Thank you for making my morning coffee time so nice.
@luciebriere3254 Год назад
Bonjour Nami ! Tes vidéos sont toujours un plaisir à regarder ! Je les regarde chaque semaine depuis plus d’un an et elles m’apaisent toujours autant ! Je suis française et je te souhaite d’un jour venir ici c’est vraiment magnifique : il y a des millions de choses à visiter ! Bonne semaine ! Bisous de France ❤
@erina5887 Год назад
@marie34K Год назад
Hello Nami . I’m French and very glad you enjoyed the Louvre exhibition . If you ever visit the Louvre in Paris think a whole day because there are so many magnificent paintings that one gets frustrated with a short visit .😊
@yuim876 Год назад
@mariak9397 Год назад
It is very kind to help your sister and to support her family. They musst be very grateful to have you in their life. I am so grateful for this video.
@emmylou4444 Год назад
That's so nice that you care for your sister and her family, I'm sure your meals certainly helped her while she was getting better 😊
@user-fz5ji3jn4s Год назад
@teeteeiren9748 Год назад
It was very sweet of you to prepare and send those meals to your sister. It says a lot about your character!!!
@cindicopeland9731 Год назад
What a wonderful sister you are, Nami! I’m sure your hard work was very much appreciated by your sister & her family. No matter how long I watch you, I’m always amazed by your incredible organization of everything! I love your content!
@dheffernan9650 Год назад
You are such a wonderful sister. I have cancer and my sister hasn’t made me a cup of tea never mind sending food to help when I’m tired after treatment. You have a beautiful soul ❤
@lizethoviedoburgos4267 Год назад
Que lindo detalle con tu hermana!!!! Ella lo debe haber recibido con mucha alegría.
@sallymunley2824 Год назад
So kind and thoughtful to make the dishes for your sister ❤
@kimpossible3914 Год назад
That was very sweet of you to cook for your sister. Hope she feels better soon.
@Kanan-pp4un 3 месяца назад
@georgew8586 Год назад
In the US typically pork belly is not cured as bacon or ham is. Also cooking an egg in pork grease is essential to the taste 😊. Having worked for Costco Corp here in the US for many years, I can tell you they like to rotate products or similar vendors through the store, gives a variety and makes the vendors wanting to provide good pricing/value for the members who shop.
@user-yr5st5oj5n Год назад
1週間お疲れ様でした。 いつも姉妹仲良く助け合っていて微笑ましいです😊良いご家庭で育たれたんだなぁ〜って分かります。❤
@JeleenaVlog Год назад
And the dawn, with its colors, lights, and breezes, seems like a paradise floating in the air. In the beauty of the soul, you see beauty as a necessity of creation, and it is as if God commanded the world not to frown at the smiling heart.🌿🤍🦋
@vickinoeske1154 Год назад
How lovely it must be to have a sister, and such a thoughtful one.❤
@potipotiron Год назад
Bonjour Nami ! Je souhaite un bon rétablissement à ta soeur, c'était tellement gentil de lui envoyer de la nourriture 🥰
@me_fo Год назад
Using the old milk containers as dividers was so clever! You're very creative! And I suppose you could always use gift wrap to cover it if you didn't like the look.
@user-dr9zq8hv6k Год назад
牛乳パックの仕切りによるビフォーアフターが素晴らしかったです! まとめ買いの帰り道で体力使い切って帰宅後すぐ仕舞えないので、Namiさんの体力作り?元気作り?の方法も伺ってみたさがあります😌
@aialopes9943 Год назад
Que lindo a forma como você ajudou a sua irmã. E amei a sua organização de gavetas. ❤
@RenataVidaReal Год назад
Eu tbm❤
@judybanas7788 Год назад
I just love how innovative you are, using boxes to make separation in your storage bins! Nice museum visit and nice of you to cook for your sister. Thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful week Nami! ❤
@susanv7415 Год назад
Nami, I'm sure I'm not the only one who is organizing drawers and closets because of you. I had a linen closet overstuffed with things, many of which fell out when you opened the door, and I bought a pile of plastic bins at Aldi and reorganized. On my vacation! I also cleaned out my garage. I'm half a world away and much older (62) and I think all the time...what would Nami do? Next goal is to eat many many many more vegetables. 😊❤
@selmasouza1885 Год назад
Bom dia Nami ...vc tem o coração tão generoso e os cuidados em preparar alimentos para sua irmã encheu meu coração de ternura e encantamento. Deus abençoe seus gestos de amor..obrigada por compartilhar um vídeo tao maravilhoso e proporcionar conhecer lugares magníficos...espero em breve pelo próximo video😘❤
@glecisantos5231 Год назад
Olá🤝Tbm🤔Fã🇧🇷Aprendo Muito com Ela♡Até...Um Abraço.
@RenataVidaReal Год назад
Tbm achei 😊
@rockettetothestars Год назад
Lovely Nami I so look forward to your videos. You cook like a chef and how kind of you to provide all that food for your sister and her family.
@jeanneharrington4606 Год назад
Thank you for taking us along…such a delight ❤ Greetings from Italy 🇮🇹
@AlexisPellek Год назад
Hi Nami! Thank you for sharing your week. What a nice sister, to cook so many delicious dishes for her (and include so many vegetables😂)! I hope she feels better soon. The Louvre exhibition must have been lovely. I hope that you can visit France someday! It's wonderful.❤🇫🇷 I haven't been for 20 years but I hope to return someday. Have a great week!😊
@billiedaughtry7333 Год назад
I love how you are a good & thoughtful friend & sister & aunt. You are always thinking of others & giving the best gifts...nourishment.
@remi9373 Год назад
@user-hy9qc9pg3c Год назад
ルーブルのパンフレット?にそらじろーが居て癒されました😚笑 趣味の引き出しの仕切りがシンデレラフィットしていて1人で感動してました😂😆 妹さんのお怪我は大丈夫でしょうか?妹さんの為に。というnamiさんの優しさが伝わってきます☺️❤️
@TheBlackArrowTBTC Год назад
Thank you for sharing your week with us. Your sister is so lucky to have you. Great that you can use a courier to send cold food to her. I don’t think we can do that easily in Australia. Very diligent to do some tidying, when you had extra time before the exhibition! I would have laid on the sofa doing nothing 😅 You’re a good example to us all.
@user-ip1yn9ur5l Год назад
アイラップの開け方が斬新! 初めてみました😊
@catherinedubois8764 Год назад
Bonjour Nami, j'ai adoré ce vlog comme d'habitude. Tu es une sœur aimante et qui se préoccupe de sa famille. Le Louvre en France est un très beau et grand musée, je pense que tu aimerais le visiter. Bonne semaine Nami. Bisous de France 🥰😘
@Mekhinya Год назад
Enjoyed your video, Nami! Sending prayers for your sister's recovery. She's very blessed to have you in her life
@jiri2968 Год назад
Namiさんが料理をしているのを観ていると、時間があっという間に過ぎるの何故だろう…。 ブリ、美味しそうです😋
@mackattack701 Год назад
You are so thoughtful to prepare and send such delicious meals for your sister!
@cathyclark5791 Год назад
You are an awesome sister! I am sure your kindness to her family will relieve the stress she is under. It all looks delicious.😋
@ChezBebel Год назад
Muito bonito o gesto de cozinhar para sua irmã ❤
@RenataVidaReal Год назад
@user-wj8ec3rw6n Год назад
お怪我をされた妹さんに手料理を送ってあげて、優しいNamiさんですね😊💕 お大事になさってください😌 来週もNamiさんの動画を楽しみにしております😊✨
@marroosh9771 Год назад
How lovely of you to cook all this food for your sister's family! She is very lucky to have a sister like you :)
@Jo-Bea1414 Год назад
Dzień dobry Nami, miło cię widzieć, pozdrawiam z Polski 🇵🇱😘🌸💕🌸
@wtersign Год назад
Love watching a new Nami video at the end of the day! Hope you had a great week Nami!
@startswithabang Год назад
Did anyone notice the purple flying man figure when she was going up the escalator in her footage going to the exhibit? I am so confused by this! Great video as always. I always come back for more. Nami videos are inspiring and relaxing 😊
@Mekhinya Год назад
Yes, I saw it.. not sure how it appeared there 🤔
@MMAGM Год назад
Merci à toi belle Nami pour cette vidéo et pour le partage de tes idées ❤❤❤❤
@satyajitshinde1 Год назад
Thanks 🙏 for the lovely 🥰 Dear ❤ Nami San 💗 as always food preparation was amazing 😍 and delicious 😋 it's unfortunate that your sister 👭 got injured, get well soon. Take care and stay safe 🤗 lots of love 💕 see you soon 😇 Happy weekend 😊
@satyajitshinde1 Год назад
@crishana7788 Год назад
I love your organization skills! What a cool idea to use the empty cartons as dividers! You should cover them with nice wrapping paper to make them pretty! The Louvre visit must have been amazing, but those fancy deserts at the Ritz were the highlight of the video! Lol!!
@AwkwardBirb Год назад
I hope your sister heals quickly! It’s so kind of you to help her out with meal prep ❤
@karin_szm Год назад
@monikapromnik6745 Год назад
Dziękuję za piękne doznania estetyczne ,jak zwykle 👌❤️
@Milo7957 Год назад
I like to see different products and brands... in Italy we don't have this huge supermarket, so my curiosity will skyrocket😊😊🤣🤣🐶
@DIRUotaku Год назад
@florentinavoicu2960 Год назад
È incredibile quanta creatività hai per mettere tutto in ordine! E hai una energia invidiabile nel fare tutto. Bellissimo il gesto per aiutare tua sorella, veramente fantastico. Nami dovrebbe trovarti un Principe Azzurro, una moglie o compagna come te sarebbe un vero tesoro!!! Grazie dei video ❤❤❤❤
@user-kc1di8jc1i Год назад
@rosierad Год назад
Thank you for taking us to the exhibition ❤ The dessert looked magical 🥰
@jasper_____595 Год назад
I love Nami , but I love her old vlogs better , the one in that old apartment ,, but either way she is amazing as always
@marycalderon6918 Год назад
You are a woman with true value and must be a wonderful person to have as a sister and aunt. Hope that you are blessed in future life. Thank you for your welcomed and tranquil videos
@tammyroyal7547 Год назад
How nice that you cooked for your sister!! I'm sure she appreciated it ❤ I really enjoyed seeing you organize your things!.You did a great job!! And using what you have is awesome!! How cool that you got to go to the Louvre!! I love art. Not many art galleries in my little town lol I hope you have a fantastic week!! Take care sweet girl 😊
@lindanardone5645 Год назад
Thank you, Nami. Just lovely spending this morning with you. Watching your videos slows down my scattered thinking and reminds me to be present in the beauty of every day. Arigato ❤
@katarzynas.9800 Год назад
Miłe jest to ,że myślisz o rannej siostrze i bezinteresownie poświęcasz swój czas by ugotować dla niej posiłki.❤Podziwiam też twoją pomysłowość i pracowitość.
@zdenasabolova1263 Год назад
Nami děkuji moc za Vaše video a přeju Vám hezky den ❤🌞
@Kanan-pp4un 3 месяца назад
@Isognisondesideri Год назад
Grazie mille per la compagnia 🤗🤗
@riittaliisakuituniemi6986 Год назад
Thanks for the new ideas. I'm waiting for the moment when costoc opened in Finland.
@donnaplumridge9769 Год назад
You would love Paris, I got engaged there 31 years ago! I loved the cafes, bistros and the atmosphere!
@elle2271 Год назад
Спасибо за хорошую идею с разделителями из картонных коробочек! 😊❤
@mritzs5142 Год назад
Nami has such great organizational skills Her timing is exceptional. One thing I noticed Is that in all her videos, she does not let herself get distracted. This has been very inspirational for me . Cooking should be approached with care and reverence, and I am learning this from Nami .
@Sas_Kat Год назад
Not sure about reverence, but I do like the way she takes such care in preparing and presenting her food
@lorimicky3032 Год назад
Grazie di condividere dei bei momenti di vita, con noi ..Sei proprio brava ..un saluto da Venezia Italy
@pyo_mu00 Год назад
namiさんがコストコに買い物に行った動画は過去にも何度か見てましたけど、自分は行ったことがないので改めて行ってみたくなりました😂 妹さんへの配慮も素晴らしかったです😢 美術館も良い休日になって良かったですね♪
@SeattleSeaDragon Год назад
Fell in love with tth pink plate you have... Went ahead and bought one for myself... Can't wait for it to arrive.. have a great dayy
@charismorley8836 Год назад
Watching Nami's videos always brightens my day 💖 sending love from Shetland
@violingirl6647 Год назад
How thoughtfull of you to help your sister with all those lovely meals!
@lenagerman7684 Год назад
Благодарю за удовольствие!
@kashino5576 Год назад
@mosiy Год назад
Большое спасибо за прекрасное видео☺
@janawaw8293 Год назад
Děkuji za video, inspirující recepty a je vidět , že je výborné mít předem připravené potraviny. Stromeček mini bonzaj Sakura vypadá krásně. Posílám pozdrav také všem sledujícím z ČR - CZ 🙂
@elenahanni4240 Год назад
Привет вам из Финляндии . ❤❤❤ спасибо, что снимаете видео для нас❤❤❤❤
@loridavis5699 Год назад
What a sweet sister and aunt!🥰
@lucrezia909 Год назад
The removable compartment in your washing machine is simply GENIUS! We don't have that (I don't think) in the USA! 👏
@anewdayvlog Год назад
The food you cook for your sister is so delicious 🥰
@glory8530 Год назад
Finding happiness in little things is the best ❤😊
@littlemiss_76 Год назад
After watching your organisation videos I finally organised my walk in wardrobe. I still need to get some storage but it's looking better.
@chriskiefel7735 Год назад
Your sister is lucky to have such a wonderful chef!
@DavidCruickshank Год назад
Lots of respect for cooking for your injured sister as well as making sure they ate plenty of veggies😊
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